8: Nightmares
"H-Hey Bill... I-I-Is it j-just me or i-i-is (Y/n) d-d-different than n-normal humans?" Will asked quietly, glancing at his brother. Bill looked at his brother before glancing around the room, making sure (Y/n) wasn't near.
"Yeah. I can't get into her mind, she doesn't loose her temper often... (Y/n) also has this weird aura always around her..." Bill replied. Will nodded.
"What cha talkin' 'bout?" Jill asked as she appeared on the couch, her feet in the air and her head by the ground. Will jumped back, startled and Bill looked at her boredly.
"We are talkin' 'bout stuff. What's it to you?" Bill asked. Jill started crying uncontrollably.
"You don't need to be do mean to meeee!!!" Jill whined. Bill scoffed and rolled his eye.
"Whatever." Will awkward patted Jill's back as she cried.
"You don't have to be do meeeeeeeeeeean Bill!" Jill whined again. Bill sighed.
"Shut up Jill." Jill stopped crying and laughed.
"NEVER!!!!!!" Will jumped slightly before laughing quietly.
"H-H-Hey guys.... W-W-Where is (Y-Y-Y/n) anyways?"
"Dunno. I just got here." Jill replied. Bill thought for a moment.
"Uhh.... I think she went to go sleep... Soooo.... In her room?"
(Y/n) was sleeping in her room. Her breathing was fast and she was drenched in sweat. The female tossed around, a frown sketched onto her face.
A small girl with long (h/c) hair lied on a soft bed. She had a dream catcher tattoo in between her shoulder blades and bright (e/c) eyes. Two adults stood over her, magic in hand. The girl nodded at the adults before bracing herself. The adults threw the magic at the tattoo, making tears spring to the girl's eyes. The girl's face twisted up in pain as her mouth opened, as if to scream. The tattoo turned red for a second before disappearing.
A small girl stood happily with some parents at a park. They played happily as the girl ran around the park, (f/c) magic sparks coming off her body. Three triplets ran over to the girl. One had messy blonde hair, one had messy blue hair and the third had long galaxy hair. The four started talking before playing together.
The girl was standing in a large burning building. A woman's body lied limp I front of her, devoured by the flames. The girl was frozen in fear as the flames crept closer, wanting to grab her life as well. A man with messy pink hair grabbed her and quickly dragged the girl out of the building before the flames could get her. Something sharp pierced the man's stomach and he fell to the ground, lifeless. Tears ran down the girl's face as she watched the flames stray from the house and devised the man as well.
(Y/n) sat up, breathing heavily. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and sweat stuck her hair to her face.
"What the heck happened???" (Y/n) asked herself as she took a couple deep breaths, calming down. "Whatever happened, it's over now. I'm fine, no one died. They're are no f-f-flames and no tattoos. Everything is fine..." She mumbled before getting out of bed. (Y/n) grabbed some comfy clothes and walked into the bathroom. She locked the door and started the shower up. (Y/n) stripped down from her sweaty clothes and entered the warm water, letting it massage her back. As (Y/n) took her shower, she started humming a tune. But humming soon turned into singing.
"Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me? Bought a hundred dollar bottle of Champagne like me, just to pour that ############ down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me...? You don't hear me when I say, 'Mom, please wake up... Dad's with a #####... And your son is smoking cannabis.' No one ever listens... This wall paper glistens... Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen~ And all the people say, 'You can't wake up. This is not a dream. You are part of a Machine, you are not a human being."
Bill and Will perked up as they heard (Y/n) singing upstairs. Jill winked at her brother's before disappearing. Bill stood up and walked upstairs to the bathroom door, leaning agented it to be able to hear better. Will followed close behind and mimicked his brother nervously. Once (Y/n) was done in her shower, she quickly got dressed into the (f/c), long, baggy sweater and black leggings. She dried her hair and brushed it out quickly before opening the door, making Bill and Will fall forward. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"Can I help you two?"
"I-I-It's not w-what it l-l-looks like!!!" Will exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet, panicking slightly.
"We heard your singing and decided to come listen." Bill said casually as he stood up and brushed off his clothes.
"I was singing? Oh... I didn't realize... What song?"
"A m-mix of G-Gasoline and D-D-Dollhouse." Will answered. (Y/n) nodded.
"Ok... Anyways, who wants food? I'm hungry!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily, jumping down the stairs two by two. Will walked behind while Bill floated along.
"I'm bored (Y/n)." Bill complained.
"Than do something Bill."
"But I don't know what to do."
"Than find something to do Bill. I'm not your mom, you can do things by yourself."
"But (Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn)!"
"No butts Bill. Now leave me alone. I'm trying to draw with Will."
"Drawing is stupid. Pay attention to me." (Y/n) groaned and stopped drawing. She turned around and starred at Bill.
"Fine." Bill smirked victoriously. After a couple minuets of (Y/n) starring at Bill, not blinking, Bill began to feel creeped out.
"Ok! Ok! You win! Stop starring at me! Blink or something. It's not normal for humans to keep there eyes open for that long!" Bill exclaimed, pushing (Y/n)'s face, making her fall onto Will. Will flinched and (Y/n) quickly got off Will.
"I'm sorry Will!" She exclaimed.
"I-I-It's fine. L-L-Let's watch a m-m-movie now..."
"Good idea Will! You two go sit down! I'll pick the movie and make some popcorn!" (Y/n) said happily, running towards the kitchen. Bill sat on the right side of the couch while Will say on the left.
Once the popcorn was done, (Y/n) ran into the living room with two large bowls. She gave one to each boy than ran over to her collections of movies.
"What movie are you picking out (Y/n)?"
"Muppets Treasure Island!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily, sitting in between the two boys.
After the movie, all three of them. (Y/n)'s head was on Bill's lap, Bill and Will were leaning against each other. They both we're holding (Y/n) protectively and (Y/n) had a faint smile on her face. Jill stood in front of the three, taking pictures happily.
"They are all so cute!" She gushed before leaving a picture in each room and disappearing.
owi énä äi^it tizizïit.
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