The rule...
The man spoke so the younger almost lost balance on his own two feet cause this can't be Jimin.
This goddess of a man standing in front of him with perfect silky pink hair and smooth skin with sexy eyes that were outlined with some dark shadow and the lips... The same lips he saw before but covered in shiny pink lip gloss that made them somehow even fuller...
"It's me. Jimin." The man, Jimin obviously, came a step closer, waving to those people that he was standing with goodbye, and the closer he got his scent became stronger and more fulfilling... Jungkook wanted to drown in it.
It's him...
"You do remember me? Right?" Jimin came in front of Jungkook and waved his hand in front of his face as if trying to break the trance the younger was in.
His hands are so cute... He's perfect!
"H-Hi..." Jungkook said weakly, his eyes still roaming down Jimin's features.
Without that silly outfit Jimin looked really handsome. His petite frame was covered with a silky black button up that had a few buttons unbuttoned, showing off the perfect milky skin underneath it. Jungkook wanted to nibble on it immediately and the tightest black jeans that showed his curvy ass and strong thighs...
Shit don't even look there...
"Those are some of the alphas that are using my potions. They're excited to try the new ones. I told them I still need some time to work on them, but they're absolutely thrilled about those 'arousal' ones." Jimin spoke with excitement and giggled at his own words and Jungkook still needed time to process the way he looked.
"Are you ok? You're a bit pale..." the older came closer so Jungkook's eyes widened, cause the last thing he needed was Jimin getting too close with that scent and those dangerously pretty lips....
"I am, I am... I'm just getting used to you not wearing those funny goggles and astronaut suit that's all."
Nice save.
Jimin finally got his point and smiled widely.
"That's right. You haven't seen me before. Wow I totally forgot that... It's ok. Take your time. I know I'm a nice sight to look at." The pink haired said cockily so Jungkook squinted his eyes at him.
"I can see you're not shy by nature, nor modest." Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his buff chest, trying to stay calm and cool, but suddenly there was a hint of honey all over the place and he knew that Jimin was enjoying all the teasing. He knew it cause of the way Jimin's honey scent got sweeter and sweeter by every passing second just how it would get every time they were goofing around in the pharmacy lab.
"There's nothing to be shy about. I'm a catch and I know it." Again, Jimin showed off his flashing smile and goddamn it, he was right. Not that Jungkook would give him the satisfaction of confirming his words.
"And then people say alphas are cocky... Obviously they haven't met you." Jungkook was actually proud of himself for not losing his shit by now and trying to keep up the teasing.
"There are all kinds of humans and I'm the one that's confident and self aware. I bet if I were to be a wolf that I would be some feisty alpha." Jimin said while putting both of his hands on his hips and Jungkook's eyes roamed down, looking at his incredibly small waist that he would so much like to grip hard until it bruised.
"You, alpha? Sorry but you totally look like a cute, short, little omega."
Jungkook loved the shocked expression on Jimin's face.
"I'm not short. I'm just... " Jimin had problems with finding the right words.
"Tiny?" Jungkook tried to help.
Jimin looked at him with fire in his eyes.
"Pocket sized." again, the younger tried to help while smiling devilishly.
"I'm seriously gonna kick your ass." Jimin threatened so Jungkook let go of the whole thing, smiling widely at how cute Jimin was when he was mad.
"Where are we going?" Jimin asked while slowly walking towards the main street, Jungkook followed.
Unfortunately Jungkook didn't think this through, he totally forgot about the place cause that was the most irrelevant thing at this date that wasn't an actual date.
Seemed like Jimin could see the fact that Jungkook came totally unprepared so he shook his head.
"You ask me out and now you have no idea where we're going? What kind of a date is this?"
Jungkook's head was spinning cause the locust honey that was so potent in Jimin's scent almost made him choke on the air around him.
Why is Jimin such a tease?
"Since this isn't a date I thought it didn't matter where we gonna drink coffee."
"You're right, and since I'm the one who's thanking you for all the effort you put in my experimental potions and meds, I'm gonna decide where we're going."
Jungkook couldn't agree more.
After a few minutes of walking they were outside a bar that looked like a bad decision in the making.
"What is this place?" Jungkook asked the moment they entered the foggy, dark place where a lot of people were dancing around, making out, doing drugs, drinking alcohol...
"This is the best place to get laid." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows so Jungkook's eyes widened.
"What?" he was literally shocked.
Why would Jimin bring him here?
He's not sure he could handle some other man or woman enjoying Jimin's scent except him.
The anger got the best of him and suddenly he could smell the gasoline evaporating from his pores so he hoped that other people around him were either too drunk to notice it, or wouldn't mind his drug-like scent.
"Why are we here then..." he just couldn't hide his annoyance and seemed like Jimin noticed.
"Relax alpha, my omega best friend is working here and he makes the best drinks. That's the only reason we're here. Come, follow me." Jimin walked outside the hall into the big space where everyone was dancing around, and the bar was splayed across the whole place, lightened with neon lights that did nothing to compliment the poor lighting in the place.
"So I'm meeting your omega best friend?" Jungkook asked cause he was kind of confused but happy that Jimin would introduce him to his best friend.
"Yeah, you ok with that?" Jimin turned around to check Jungkook's facial expression and luckily the younger pushed his head up fast enough for Jimin not to notice how he was staring at his fine ass.
"Yes of course."
"He's really handsome." Jimin added with a wink.
As if that matters to me...
They came in front of the high bar with purple lightning shining the space, and the moment a handsome man with black wavy hair turned around. Jungkook could definitely conclude that that was Jimin's best friend. He was indeed really handsome and an omega considering his lightly smelling scent.
"WOW! This is him then..." The man said while smirking and eyeing Jungkook up and down which made the younger one squirm in place.
"Yes. This is my alpha." Jimin said proudly while showing Jungkook to Tae.
He still calls me his alpha for god's sake...
"He's really handsome. Hi Jungkook. I'm Tae. I'm Jimin's best friend. It's nice to meet you."
Tae put his hand in front of him so Jungkook shook it with force.
"Strong too." Tae said after caressing his hand that was probably squeezed too tightly.
"Yes. He's amazing." Jimin said with a big grin so Jungkook felt shy again.
"Jiminah is that you..." Suddenly a group of people called after Jimin so he turned around, waving to them, and then he turned to Jungkook to see if it's ok to go and say hi to his friends.
"Sure, I'll wait for you here."
"Tae will make you some of his best drinks. I'll come in a minute."
Jungkook nodded and saw Jimin hopping off cutely towards the people that looked like humans his age.
"So... Care to explain why you are doing this potion experimental thing with my Jiminie?" Tae asked the moment Jimin was out of sight.
"Um... Cause I want to help..."
Tae squinted his eyes as if he's trying to call bullshit to what Jungkook had just said.
"Since when do alphas help anyone?"
Jungkook frowned.
"Why are you generalizing people? You should know better than that... not every alpha is a rude asshole just as every omega is not a nice and goody two shoes."
Tae smirked.
"Ouch! I would actually act hurt if that wasn't true, but you're right. Some of us suck." Omega agreed.
"Yeah, well... most of us do so too..." Jungkook finally admitted so they both burst into laughter.
"So... Jimin's alpha." It was time for someone to address the way Jimin was calling Jungkook and Tae was obviously the one to do it.
"Yeah... he calls me that..." Jungkook pretended not to care about it too much.
"You do know he doesn't understand the meaning behind those words. He calls you that cause you're an alpha who is helping him around in the pharmacy not cause..."
"I know. I get it." Jungkook put his head down, feeling ashamed again cause maybe it was his job to tell Jimin how he should not call him his alpha cause that is too intimate, but he secretly loved it so he just let go of it.
"Do you like sweet cocktails or more sour ones?" Tae asked while leaning on the bar, trying to make eye contact with the younger so Jungkook looked around at the colorful bottles all around them.
"Um... I don't know... Sweet maybe... I can drink anything really."
Tae nodded and pinched Jungkook's arm playfully, smiling at how Jungkook jumped to the side, obviously startled by his silly move.
"Relax Jungkookah, the place is not that bad I promise... "
"Stop flirting with my alpha!" Tae's voice was cut off by Jimin's yelling, so after coming closer, the older smacked Tae's arm playfully, shaking his finger in front of his best friend's face.
"I'm not. Don't you worry, he's all yours." Tae said while cocking his eyebrows at Jungkook who blushed hot pink yet again.
Am I that transparent? Shit.
"Hey, I never asked you, are you dating someone?" Jimin asked casually while sipping on his hot pink drink, and Jungkook wanted to run away cause are they really talking about this?
"In love?" Jimin obviously wanted to know everything.
Jungkook needed a second too long to answer.
Am I? I'm not... Right? I can't be in love.... I mean he's hot. He's funny and amazing, but he's human, and no... I have known him for how long? A month? Maybe a bit more.. that's not...
"No?" He finally answered so both Tae and Jimin tilted their heads and looked at him confused.
"Who is it?" Tae asked while smirking so Jungkook snapped his gaze at him.
"I said no..."
"Yeah, the lamest no I ever heard in my life."
Jungkook shook his head, scratching his neck nervously.
"It's no one... just a silly crush..." He looked so uncomfortable to talk about this, his eyes couldn't go up and meet Jimin nor Tae's gaze.
"Fine, we won't bother you. It's ok if you want your private life to be private." Jimin said and downed the drink that he was drinking.
"How about you?" Jungkook finally found the courage to ask Jimin the same thing, Tae was long gone, serving another customer.
"Nope. I don't have time for dating. Just some booty calls from time to time..."
Jungkook choked on air.
Oh hell no...
He couldn't help but to feel this way... This was stronger than him... Jungkook got instantly jealous and he tried really hard to hide it.
"Well... I don't like those things... " he lied. Before, Jungkook would have plenty of booty calls and he loved it. Now, he hates it.
"Really? Mostly alphas enjoy sex a lot and they like to do it with more partners than one. That's why they mostly end up in porn industry." Jimin took another drink and drank it slowly with a straw.
"Wow, here goes you generalizing all alphas all over the world... That's not nice Jiminshi." Jungkook shook his head so Jimin pouted.
"I'm sorry. It's just... I never met any nice alpha... until you. You really are different from others. I don't know what to think... and you are kind of confusing me cause I try really hard to make those potions, but some that I want to make for alphas won't have any effect on you since you're not like others... You're different." There was a small blush covering Jimin's face while talking about this and Jungkook hated how good it looked on him.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"It is a compliment. Now come, let's dance, I love this song." Jimin took Jungkook's hand in his and moved them towards the center of the club and before Jungkook could protest or say anything, he felt Jimin's hands around his neck and he had to put his somewhere too.
Oh god what to do???
"Do you like dancing?" Jimin asked while moving his hips slowly, the younger tried to follow.
"I... do... I think..." There was not enough blood in Jungkook's system to make him able to dance and speak at the same time, so he focused on trying to respond to Jimin's dancing and finding a place for his unmoving hands.
Maybe I could put them on his waist... It's so damn small...
After a few encouraging words Jungkook moved his hands and put them slowly, like a whisper on Jimin's waist.
In the meantime Jimin was dancing his heart out, not imagining Jungkook's inner meltdown.
Suddenly the song changed and the one that started playing was a lot slower and sexier so Jimin came even closer and rested his head on top of Jungkook's chest, leaning his forehead on the younger's jaw.
"When can you come to the pharmacy again?" Jimin spoke and Jungkook feared that he would faint. The smell that radiated through Jimin's words and his hair, and his skin was too much for him to take.
Sweet honey and mild milk... heaven on Earth...
"Tomorrow... whenever... I can come every day... whenever you need me..."
Jimin moved his head to look at Jungkook's face, and suddenly Jungkook figured out what he had said.
I'm so fucking corny!
"That's so sweet of you. Thank you for taking this seriously. I really appreciate everything that you're doing for this experimental trial."
Suddenly Jungkook felt like a scam. He didn't take any of it seriously, he never trusted in any of those potions, he thought that humans that work in pharmacies are just lucky guessing and mixing those potions without knowing a thing, and everything he did was only so that he could be close to Jimin. He felt like the world's biggest ass.
"I just hope you'll stop making those that make my dick hard, double it's size and make me some sex addict or something. How about something different for a change." He decided to tease a bit, not wanting to go deeper into conversation, but Jimin only smiled softly at him, and then he put his hand on top of Jungkook's face and caressed his cheek softly.
"Next time I'm gonna make one that will make your dick fall off if you don't answer my calls and messages cause you still suck at giving me thorough reviews."
Jungkook frowned, but a small smile was on his face.
"You had to ruin everything."
Jimin smiled with his eyes closed and Jungkook's heart skipped a few beats cause how could someone be so charming and sexy and cute and sassy...
Then he saw Jimin coming even closer, his body flush against Jungkook's and once again, the younger felt hard to breathe...
What... fuck...
Jimin looked him in the eyes before leaning closer then tilting his head and kissing Jungkook's cheek softly.
"There, all better now." Jimin said while smiling cutely and Jungkook wanted to die.
He was so attracted to Jimin and everything that he was that he could barely stand there and take a simple kiss on the cheek.
"We should probably go now... um... I'm working early tomorrow..."
He just couldn't stand to be there anymore with Jimin draped on him, kissing him, smelling the way he did, cause Jungkook feared he could drop on one knee and propose, or even worse, that he could kidnap the poor man and take him as a hostage and smell him for the rest of his life... Now that would be a disaster.
"Sure, let's go."
After saying bye to Tae and some other friends, they were walking down the street, heading towards the pharmacy where both of them had parked their cars.
"I had fun tonight. Thank you." Jungkook broke the silence, so Jimin shoved his body onto the wall next to them.
"Pussy." Jimin teased.
"I'm not a pussy, you're just violent..." Jungkook caressed his side, exaggerating to be hurt badly.
"Are you sure you're an alpha?"
Jungkook stopped to look at Jimin.
"Why? Cause I'm not afraid to show my vulnerable side? Cause I'm not rude? Cause I'm trying to help when no one is caring about anyone these days?"
Jimin looked at him from his head down to his toes.
"No... cause you're not that tall and buff, and you seemed impressed with that dick enlargement potion so I thought how you might want more of those..." Jimin cocked his eyebrows, obviously trying to provoke the younger and it worked.
"For the nth time, I don't need that dick enlargement potion. Do you need proof or something?" Jungkook crossed his arms on top of his chest, acting to be annoyed. He was actually a bit annoyed.
"Wow, is that your way of asking someone to have sex with you?" Jimin asked with a frown, but a small smile was twitching on the corner of his mouth.
"No. I just wanted to show it to you since you're so stuck on it all the time."
Jimin came a step closer.
"I'm not stuck on it." he said it while exaggerating the word stuck.
"Do you wanna be stuck on it?" Jungkook just had to ask, it was funny yet teasing at the same time.
"You suck at this just so you know." Jimin said while pushing his chin up, meeting Jungkook's gaze.
"I suck at other things too, and I suck good."
Jimin's eyes widened, his cheeks turned red, and there was a visible gulp sliding the spit down his throat.
"I thought alphas only receive and don't give blowjobs. " he said while shrugging and continued walking towards the pharmacy and Jungkook just stood there confused...
"Nope... Don't know what kind of alphas you've been.."
"None! I never dated an alpha, or had sex with them... that's a big NO for me."
Jungkook's heart dropped down in his belly, a bitter aftertaste filling his mouth and he couldn't say a thing... He felt down, beaten up, anxious cause there were two things he figured by the end of this non-date, and that was that he had fallen badly for Jimin's charm, and that Jimin would never reciprocate his feelings.
"We're here." Jimin said happily, again missing the way Jungkook's world had been crushed into pieces just by one sentence, cause how the hell is he supposed to be close to the older and not try to do anything about his craving for him.
"Yeah.... Thank you again... I really enjoyed it tonight. Tae is really nice too." Jungkook said while putting his hands inside his pockets, Jimin mimicked his action.
"Me too. So... see you tomorrow?" the older tilted his head, expecting an answer, a small smile adorning his face.
What's the point...
"Um... I'll try... I have some work in the morning... I'll let you know... " Jungkook sounded unconvincing, and it looked like Jimin could see right through him.
"Okay... It's fine. Thank you anyways. Good night alpha."
Jungkook's heart broke down in half...
"Good night Jiminah."
After that, non-date that Jungkook loved so much, but ended up fearing that his feelings are useless and will never be reciprocated, there was only one thing Jungkook could do.
I need to end this whole thing...
He thought about his options, whether the best thing would be for him not to show up again, change his number, Seoul was a big city, maybe he would never even run into Jimin again, but still... That would be such a lame move...
He could end it by message, a quick and simple, sorry Jimin. I can't do this any more, I'm afraid my dick might actually fall off or something like that. The fear would be totally reasonable.
While laying on his bed, looking at the white ceiling, Jungkook figured out how the best thing is to sleep on it. Nothing good can come out of thinking too much when feeling slightly tipsy and drunk on Jimin's scent. Milk and honey were permanent in his whole system. He made sure to sniff and inhale as much as he could of that divine smell, making sure not to choke himself to death.
I'll figure something out tomorrow...
"Jungkookah... Wake up... You'll be late... Come on..."
There was a sudden nudge to the side of his body and a pair of hands shaking him to wake up, and only then Jungkook realized that he hadn't heard his alarm.
"Hyung... What are you talking about? We have a meeting at noon..." Jungkook remembered their meeting with another girl group that Yoongi had already booked for them.
"Yes, but you'll be late if you don't go now, you need to go to the pharmacy to smell Jimin and you're always late when you don't go earlier and..."
"I'm not going." Jungkook got up into a sitting position abruptly, going over his face with his hands.
Yoongi just stood there in shock, looking at the younger in disbelief.
"What? Why? Are you ok?"
Jungkook shook his head.
"What happened? You came home late last night..."
"Yeah... We went out and it was great. He's... He's the most beautiful human I ever saw in my life, hyung."
"Aren't you exaggerating a little bit..." Yoongi sat next to him, patting his hair affectionately.
"I wish I was..."
"What went wrong?"
"We had fun and I loved how he's open and amazing, and I love his personality so much, I liked him even without knowing how he's looking, and at the end, we kind of joked and he has this sassy and teasing comments so I joke with him too, and not to bore you too much but he said how he would never date an alpha, how that's a big no for him. I didn't even wanna ask why. I couldn't bear the truth. I like him so much, I think he's the one for me and yet, he's human and doesn't even date alphas. What kind of sick thing is this? "
Yoongi caressed his back soothingly.
"I'm so sorry Kookah. I know you really had a thing for him, but maybe you're wrong. Maybe he just has a pretty scent and looks good, but it's not your perfect mate. Maybe the best is yet to come... And I'm sorry for breaking it to you, but I agree with him on that one. Humans and us shouldn't mix. Sex sure, a bit of fun, I'm down with that, everything else is not a good idea. "
Jungkook got up and started changing his shirt.
"I know that... It's just... Nevermind... I'll be ready in half an hour. I need to grab a quick shower. "
"I'll be at the office. You know how diva-like Tzuyu and Jeongyong can be so I need to buy all the cakes and drinks they like. I'll meet you there."
"Sure. Thank you hyung. "
Half an hour later, Jungkook was sitting in his car, not moving, just sitting there, his mind blank, his hands moved on their own and next thing he knows, he's driving in totally opposite direction from his firm, minute by minute, closer to the pharmacy where he was every morning for the past month.
Maybe just to smell him once more...
So what if he needs a proper goodbye? Or a rather silent one but filled with Jimin's scent. He really, really didn't wanna do this but it was stronger than him. His need to smell Jimin's scent was overpowering his senses and he knew it was a lost cause even if he thought of not doing it ever again.
Without thinking too much about it, Jungkook entered the pharmacy and walked straight towards the desk where some pain killers that he usually uses were, but unlike his other visits, this time he could smell Jimin's scent right away. Usually he would smell him from a distance and then go towards the room he knew Jimin was working in, but this time the scent was too strong...
Suddenly he heard his name being called out from one of the registrars and he saw Jimin, wearing a pharmacist white robe and cute, oversized rectangle clear glasses on, his face still as pretty as he remembered, excitement written all over it.
"You came!" Jimin almost squealed and moved away from the register, leaving a few customers behind and started walking towards Jungkook.
The older's scent became sweeter with every new step he made towards Jungkook.
Chestnut honey...
"I did." Jungkook said a bit awkwardly, still learning how to breathe when Jimin's sweet, honey scent was filling every pore in his body.
Jimin came a step away from him, looking down on the floor, biting down on his bottom plump lip.
Oh GOD those lips...
"I thought you wouldn't come..." the older said almost shyly, slowly looking up at Jungkook's eyes.
Could he sense that something was wrong... That I felt... Sad and bitter about what he had said...
"Well I'm here aren't I?" Jungkook smiled at the shining stars in Jimin's eyes and then the older hugged him.
Jimin knocked out all the air inside his lungs with the force that he used to wrap his arms around Jungkook's neck and snuggled his face in the crook of his sensitive neck.
Jungkook took a deep breath instinctively wrapping his hands around Jimin's waist, making sure the older one wouldn't fall down.
I should move him away from me...
Jungkook really wanted to push Jimin's body away from his, to move a step aside or to hide... literally anything, but Jimin's scent was so addicting when he was standing so close, Jungkook could sense their bond deepening just from being in each other's space like this.
"I like your perfume..." Jimin caressed Jungkook's neck which sent shivers down his spine. Running over his scent glands was such an intimate thing to do.
Does Jimin know what he's doing?
"I d-don't wear perfume... Ever..."
Jimin moved away slightly, then came back into the crook of Jungkook's neck, and took a deep sniff right there, where Jungkook's pulse point was.
The younger's wolf howled proudly, happy that their mate liked their smell.
"What is this then? It's so Mmmm... Some sweet seasoning... Like... Kurkuma... No... Not that... " Jimin kept sniffing and guessing, and Jungkook's mind went blank.
This can't be... He can't smell me... He's human... They don't smell us... They don't...
"Cardamom... Yes... It's cardamom... "
Fucking shit!!!
"Maybe you've eaten something with it and it got stuck on you."
"Maybe..." Jungkook answered weakly, not being able to explain to Jimin how any of this wasn't normal.
"Do you like the way cardamom smells?" He had to ask... It was stronger than him.
"Do I like it? I LOVE it. I'm drinking milk tea with cardamom seeds every day. Can't live without it." Jimin explained with a smile so Jungkook's heart wanted to jump out of his chest.
We're fucking meant to be!
He smiled widely, proudly, buffing his chest in excitement.
"Come here... I wanna show you something." Jimin extended his right hand, so Jungkook looked down on it.
Is he? Does he want me to hold it?
Maybe Jimin was a mind reader cause it was like he figured Jungkook's struggle, he leaned closer and took the younger's hand softly then tugged him along inside his potion mixing station.
"Jimin, I'll need you here soon..." his coworker yelled after them so Jimin turned around shortly.
"Be right back!" Jimin said with a smile, giggling his way inside the room.
"Namjoonie hyung called in sick this morning so it's just me and Jin hyung so I don't have much time to work in my office. I have to fill in his place."
Jungkook nodded, looking at the room where he was so many times in, where he first saw Jimin, where he tried so many potions and other things... He loved it here.
"So what do you have for me today? Balls enlargement pills? "
Jimin stumbled over his desk.
Jungkook chuckled. He was obviously joking.
"That's actually an amazing idea. You're the best!" Jimin said excitedly.
"No. I was joking." Jungkook couldn't believe his ears.
"No, but seriously, do you know how many alphas have big dicks with small balls? It's embarrassing. Or, or... Some of them have different ball sizes... Or or..."
"Why do you know so much about alphas balls and dicks?"
Yes, Jungkook was jealous.
"Cause with every penis enlargement potion there's a side blow job as a gift."
Jimin had the most serious face in the world and Jungkook almost threw up. Possessiveness took a toll on him, his wolf was hurting just by the fact that Jimin might be with another alpha other than him.
Then the older burst out in laughter.
"You're joking. Thank god!"
Jimin almost fell off his chair, which wouldn't be the first time.
"You should see your face. Hilarious."
"Ha-ha funny." Jungkook said dead-panned.
"You already forgot I don't do that with alphas..." Jimin walked towards Jungkook with some small heart shaped meds in his hands.
"Oh I haven't. Don't you worry..."
Jimin took one pill in between his index finger and thumb and showed it proudly to Jungkook.
"Isn't it cute?"
He twirled the pill cutely, so Jungkook squeezed his eyes at him.
"Cut the crap, what's the pill for?" Some straight-forwardness never hurt anyone.
"If I tell you it's a secret would you still take it?" Jimin came closer and booped Jungkook's nose with the cute looking pill.
Jungkook knew damn well that he would.
"Are you acting all cute just so you can drug me with some crazy arousal pill and then leave me to die with a hard on?"
Jimin chuckled.
"What an imagination... I was acting sexy for you and you called me cute?" The older pouted and Jungkook had to bite down on his lip so that he wouldn't bite down on that pretty, plump, pink Jimin's lip.
"I thought you don't act sexy for alphas."
Jimin hollowed his cheeks, looking slightly annoyed, but more amused by Jungkook's remark.
Then he came into Jungkook's space, being only an inch away from the younger.
"But you're my alpha. That doesn't count."
My alpha...let me die please...
"Eat it." Jimin put the pill in front of Jungkook's mouth so the younger immediately obeyed. He took the pill and ate it in a heartbeat, not knowing what it is, not caring even a little bit.
"I have to go now." Jimin went towards the mirror and styled his hair with his hands shortly, making his hairstyle look more polished and nice.
So fucking handsome...
"Ok. I'll talk to you later then." Jungkook followed him outside, ready to go to his meeting with Yoongi.
"You're not gonna ask what's the pill for?" Jimin asked when Jungkook was leaving, but he just shook his head.
"No. I trust you." the younger said with a smile that Jimin mimicked after hearing those words.
While listening to one of the new songs from the girl group they've been working with, Jungkook felt emotional. He felt a turmoil of feelings all at once and couldn't do anything to stop himself.
The tears rolled down his face involuntarily, and even though Jungkook considered himself pretty in touch with his feelings, still, he couldn't explain this whole situation.
"Really oppa, you liked it so much?" Tzuyu, one of the girls asked, happiness visible on her face, so Jungkook wiped his tears away, feeling slightly embarrassed at his emotional outburst.
"It's really pretty." Jungkook sniffed the remains of his bodily fluids and shrugged shyly.
The girls were thrilled so their next single was easily chosen, cause if an alpha like Jungkook got so touched by it, the rest of the world would be too.
"Kookah, not to be mean or something but what the hell happened in there?" Yoongi asked with 'what the fuck' face, obviously being super confused about the younger'a softness.
"Didn't you think the song was beautiful and emotional?" Jungkook said while his chin wobbled, another wave of tears threatening to come out.
"Um... I guess, but the lyrics aren't that special... I mean, You're gonna say more, more, more, more, more and more..."
Jungkook listened to his friend carefully and shook his tears away.
"You're totally right. It's just... I don't know..."
The appointment with their next client interrupted their conversation so Jungkook went to grab his art supplies cause this time he needed to paint the cover for a new album.
While the aquarell pain was melting on the paper, Jungkook noticed that there was a bit more water on the paper than usual.
What the...
"Kookah... Are you alright?"
Yoongi called after him so Jungkook looked up, only to find his eyes being super glossy and wet.
He's been crying while he was drawing without even noticing it.
"I... I am... I just... The picture is so pretty and I thought about the songs and I just poured my soul into this..." It was really hard to explain feelings that were out of control.
"Kookah, does this have something to do with Jimin and that whole situation? Maybe you've been feeling down cause you miss his scent."
Oh shit... He has no idea...
"No... It's not that... I'm ok..." Jungkook just couldn't tell him the truth. He was too damn embarrassed to admit that he went to smell him again.
"It's ok Kookah... You liked him. It's totally normal to feel more emotional now since you figured that the two of you are not gonna work..."
He's my fucking mate and nothing can change that...
"I guess..."
"Do you want me to cook you dinner later? Wanna have a movie night with your roommate?"
Jungkook's chin wobbled again. Why the fuck was he so sensitive today???
"Yes please." He could hardly speak so Yoongi patted his head, comforting him the best way he could.
"Let's go home..."
While watching a movie of Yoongi's choice, an old classic comedy that was supposed to cheer him up, Jungkook was using a second tissue box to collect all the tears pouring down his face.
"You gotta be kidding me..." Yoongi should be more surprised at yet another Jungkook's emotional outburst, but he kind of got used to it through the day.
"But the guy didn't know that the love of his life was hiding in a different body and he still figured out..."
"Kookah it's a fucking comedy, nothing to cry about... You're really acting strange today. Have you been taking some meds..."
And only then it clicked.
"Hand me my phone and caress my hair hyung."
Is there a reason why I've been crying over a comedy while my best friend caresses my hair and tries to comfort me the whole day?
Jimin - pharmacist
What if I told you I ran over a puppy a few days ago?
WHAT? Why would you say that?? That's so mean and cruel... I'm crying so hard.
Jimin the devil
Oh poor baby. That pill you took, it's for channeling your inner emotions, to deepen your true feelings. I guess you're a big softy.
I hate it. I'm never taking that again. I need hugs and cuddles now.
Jimin the devil
I've been told I give the best hugs...
I need proof.
Jimin the devil
If I was closer I would hug the life out of you.
I never told you this, but I think ur amazing. The things that u make are really working and are improving every day.
Jimin the devil
You should drink this on a daily basis.
No. I don't ever wanna feel this way.
Jimin the devil
Not even if I promise to cuddle you next time.
I'll take two tomorrow.
Jimin the devil
You're the cutest.
See you in a few days silly.
Sleep well Jiminshi.
Jimin the devil
U too.
"Wanna tell me why you're smiling at your phone like a creep." Yoongi asked, so Jungkook hid his phone away.
"It's nothing..."
Yoongi squinted his eyes at the younger, looking at him suspiciously.
"If I didn't know any better I would think that it has something to do with Jimin..."
Jungkook shook his head, looking not so convincing.
"I'm gonna go to bed now... I think I need to sleep..." Jungkook tried to walk away unnoticed, but his roommate knew him better than that.
"Jungkookah, don't say I didn't warn you..."
He was really not in the mood to argue right now. His emotions got the best of him and he kind of liked where him and Jimin were standing right now. They were becoming friends and he could handle being friends with Jimin for now. It was totally fine. Jungkook could help him with his potions and Jimin could just be there for him, smelling so nicely, evoking the best possible emotions within him. The only problem that Jungkook had was the fact that sooner or later Jimin would date someone and he had no idea how to handle that... Still... He'll enjoy what they have for now, and not think too much into the future. Being with Jimin as a friend sounded amazing and that's what he'll focus on.
Around a month had passed since Jimin and Jungkook had their first 'non-date' and their friendship only became stronger and deeper since then.
They were still working on Jimin's new alpha meds, potions, pills, powder medicaments and Jungkook was more than happy to try them all out and then give his full report to Jimin with whom he had been texting on a daily basis more times a day.
Sometimes the messages would be short and purposeful, 'the med isn't working' or 'I hate you for making me take this', but other times they would chat about what movies they were currently watching, or what K-dramas they enjoy the most, or what music is playing on their Spotify lists, what they had for breakfast, lunch or dinner, where they were, with whom they're hanging out, and Jungkook was finally starting to see himself enjoying this friendship with Jimin.
They would occasionally grab coffee after potion tasting, and sometimes they would even plan a night out, but would end up eating some fast food and walking around streets of Seoul without some final destination. Jungkook loved those kinds of nights the most.
Jimin and him were becoming really close, and there was no possible way for Jungkook to stop seeing him even though he knew the harsh truth of Jimin not wanting to have anything romantically to do with alphas. It still hurt, but Jungkook got over it.
Jimin was an amazing friend and that's all that it mattered.
"Hi Namjoonshi, is Jimin at his office?" Jungkook asked while entering the pharmacy that he knew now by heart, so Namjoon rolled his eyes in frustration.
"He is. He's been hiding in there cause there's this annoying alpha that comes here every week and asks for some of Jimin's potions."
Jungkook frowned, looking at the people walking around trying to figure out about whom Namjoon was talking about.
"Why doesn't Jimin hyung like him?"
"Cause the guy's really rude and treats Jimin without respect. He's always late and always makes a fuss if the potions are not there on time... Oh fuck Jimin just came out..." Namjoon started cracking his knuckles nervously, so Jungkook got more nervous too.
"Park Jimin, I've been waiting for you."
Finally Jungkook noticed a big, tall, buff alpha that was bold and had a body filled with tattoos that were shown in a tank top that he was wearing.
"Keep waiting darling, I have a job to do." Jimin said dismissively and came closer to the register where Seokjin was standing and then he whispered something to his friend.
"Park Jimin, I need my potions as you know, so how about we do this without too much drama so I can leave in peace." The man came closer to the register and finally Jimin turned around to look at the man who was looking quite intimidating.
Jimin showed no fear while standing tall and proud whatsoever.
"There are no potions left for you. I told you already that you can get those potions only early in the morning, but you never listen, and you always come too late when all the potions are gone and I don't have time nor will to make you another one." Jimin said with the softest tone and Jungkook noticed the fist on the guy's hands closing itself up like he was annoyed by what Jimin had said. He couldn't smell the alpha cause he was using scent blockers that Jimin had made recently.
"I need those potions, so how about you stop being annoying and start working. We pay you for it. We are the ones who bought your stuff in the first place, don't ever forget that." The man crossed his arms on top of his puffed chest and Jimin only smirked.
"Yeah... Well luckily you're not the one who pays me so how about you go and stand in that line right there, I'm sure you could use the thing that's selling there too." Jimin showed up to another register that had at least ten to fifteen alphas in the line so the man frowned.
"What? What's selling there?" The man asked with a confused face.
"Penis enlargement potions. You look like you need it." Jimin said while smiling wickedly, and just like that he turned on his heel and walked towards his office.
"PARK JIMIN! You better get back here! I see there's one of those potions that I need right on this shelf. I want it. You have to give it to me." Jimin walked straight to the shelf that had one bottle of some kind of potion on it and without blinking he took the bottle and after opening it up, he downed the potion in one go. The alpha's eyes doubled its size, but seemed like Jimin didn't care.
"I forgot to tell you that that one's for me. I need it. Sorry. As I said, come again next week and don't be late as you always are."
Jungkook was standing there, biting down on his lip, trying to process what just happened in front of his face, but only one thing kept popping out.
My mate is so sassy I love it!
Yep, he was still referring to Jimin as his mate in the deepest of his thoughts.
"See what I was talking about. Always the same thing. He knows there would be no potions left but he still comes every Saturday to complain how it's Jimin's fault for not making more or leaving some for him... It's insane. I just hope the guy won't get too angry cause you know how alphas get...." Namjoon tried to speak, but suddenly he stopped cause he obviously figured that he was talking with another alpha too.
"I know it very well. It's ok. I know what you mean." Jungkook could see the pink blush on Namjoon's cheeks and he kind of felt bad for him.
"I'm gonna go and talk to Jimin hyung. Bye Namjoonshi. It was nice seeing you." Jungkook said before coming inside Jimin's office where the older was putting on his astronaut suit, looking as funny as always in it.
"Jungkookah you're here!" Jimin said excitedly and came closer to give Jungkook a firm hug. The one he always gives him when they don't see each other for a few days, well Jungkook was at the pharmacy every morning, just to sniff at Jimin's scent but the older one had no idea about it. He would still mask himself perfectly, bucket hat and a black mask over his face, bingo.
"I am... and I saw you with that alpha in there..." Jungkook said with a firm voice so Jimin squirmed in place.
"Well... he deserved it!" he blurted out loudly, trying to look confident about it.
"I don't care if he deserved it or not, you need to be more careful. You know how alphas are..."
Jimin scoffed.
"Said alpha himself..."
Jungkook took a step back.
Jimin blushed and bit down on his lips, obviously feeling sorry for what he had blurted out.
"I didn't mean it that way..."
Jungkook took a deep breath.
"It's ok. I know who I am, but you obviously think that you know everything about everyone and you don't. Those people can be hurtful and disrespectful towards you, and I don't think that you should go around insulting people just cause you don't like one specific part of the population. It sucks for you, but still, that won't change the fact that alphas exist whether you like it or not, and that won't change if you keep being an ass towards every alpha you meet."
Jungkook's alpha was raging and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt hurt and even though he knew how Jimin was feeling about alphas, he couldn't stand to hear that again.
"I'm not being an ass towards you..." Jimin said shyly, unable to look at Jungkook, busying himself with something on the floor.
"You're not. Thank you. I appreciate your effort." Jungkook said without too much emotion in his voice and he could see clearly how affected Jimin was by the lack of expressions.
"Sometimes... I found it hard to even believe that you're one of them..." Jimin admitted weakly and the words hurt even more than Jungkook was ready to accept.
"I am. And you should accept the fact that alphas like me exist and maybe you would..." The younger almost said what's on his mind, but his phone rang and he had to take it cause it was Yoongi, and Yoongi never calls unless it's urgent.
"You do know we have a meeting with PSY this morning right?"
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
"You didn't fucking forg-" Jungkook hang up the phone cause he knew exactly what Yoongi would say and he knew he didn't have time for a lecture since he was late for one of the most important meetings they had probably since the day they started working together.
"I have to go." While walking fast towards the door, Jimin ran after him.
"You will come back, right?" He asked while looking like a lost puppy.
"I don't know..."
"Jungkookah... I didn't mean it..." Jimin's eyes became glossy and it broke Jungkook's heart.
"I have a really important meeting. I'll see if I can come later. When do you finish?" It was never Jungkook's intention to hurt the older's feelings or to end their experimental trial like this, but damn it, he had feelings too and he felt hurt right now.
"At 8... I'm the one closing up tonight."
"Ok. I'll see if I can make it tonight. If not, I'll come tomorrow. Ok?" He tried to make things up cause seeing sad Jimin was never an easy sight.
"Promise." The older put up his silly little pinky finger and even though Jungkook was late, he would always find time to do all Jimin's silly things.
"I promise." He whispered while entwining their pinkies together, hating the way Jimin had squeezed his hand tightly, afraid to let go.
"I have to go now."
Jimin let go of the alpha's finger with a nod.
"See you soon." He waved as Jungkook was leaving, waving back at him with his heart beating inside his chest like crazy.
Jungkook tried to be focused on his meeting with the famous PSY, but his mind kept wandering towards Jimin and the things that the older had said.
It shouldn't really bother him that much that Jimin once again spoke his mind openly and admitted not liking alphas not even a little bit, but then why did they fit together so well... Why did Jungkook feel so much around him? How could it be that all of this was one-sided.
Jungkook kept reminding himself that he can't expect too much from all of this with Jimin, and that he was there for their friendship, but his heart always told a different story...
"So... where are you heading so fast?" Yoongi asked Jungkook while he was putting on his favorite leather jacket.
"Is that a new nickname for Jimin?" Yoongi teased.
"I would choose another nickname for him."
"The love of my life? My precious human? The drug that I can't live without..."
Seemed like Yoongi was in the mood to goof around.
"All of the above." Jungkook teased back so Yoongi smacked his back.
"Just, be careful. Ok? I've never seen you like this and it scares me." Under all that cold facade, Yoongi was a softy for his dongsaeng .
"I'll try... Can't promise you anything unfortunately." It was the only truth and Jungkook knew it. All he could do was try.
It was 19:30, so almost the time of closing when Jungkook had arrived at the pharmacy.
Through the day, he kept telling himself that he would not go to see Jimin tonight, that they possibly need a time off, but his actions spoke a different story.
While getting inside the pharmacy, Jungkook noticed that it was oddly empty, not a sound audible in the big space.
He must be in his office...
The last words that Jungkook thought before opening the door to Jimin's office, and getting hit by an unbelievably sexist, potent, wildly sweet scent like he never smelled in his whole life.
"Oh shit! Jungkook you came..." Jimin jumped off from the high chair that he was sitting on, only to hide his lower body behind the desk that was in the middle of the office.
"I need to leave... now..." Jungkook felt hard to breath, all of his senses drifted into the oblivion, and he couldn't hide the fact that Jimin was standing there, smelling so sweetly, looking totally fucked up, sweat falling down on his face, a literal wet dream.
What the fuck is going on???
Jungkook couldn't understand what was happening at the moment cause he was sure that he could smell Jimin's arousal, he could feel the heat coming from his way, he could sense the new fresh smell of Tiger lilies that he had never smelled on the older, and as much as he didn't wanna know how Jimin's arousal scent smelled, he couldn't stop himself from walking further inside, closer to Jimin, breathing him deeper like an starving man.
"Don't come closer... I... I did something stupid and now I'm... I... please..." Jimin put both of his hands on his face and suddenly his shoulders started shaking, his body fell forward onto the table, unable to stay up.
Jungkook's heart started beating faster, all the lust he was feeling turned into worry so he came closer with fast steps cause there was nothing more important than Jimin's well being.
"Hyung... Jimin, hey... what is going on?" Jungkook came and grabbed Jimin by his shoulders, making sure he was stable enough not to fall.
"That stupid potion... The one I drank this morning... To mess with that rude alpha..."
"Yeah..." Jungkook encouraged him to talk, even though the closer he was standing next to the older, the harder it was for him to breathe cause Jimin's scent became even sweeter and sexier and Jungkook was slowly but surely losing his mind.
"It... It worked... On me... and, and I made it to help alphas to get more aroused once they smell something they like... and I don't know why it worked on me... I'm human and, and I haven't smelled anything I liked... well... I haven't smelled any sexy perfume or something like that...but it worked on me and... and... now I have this problem..." Jimin talked through quiet sobs, but Jungkook could only focus on the sweat that was leaking down his neck, the way Jimin's back was moving while he was leaning himself onto that table, so vulnerable, so hot, his body was radiating heat that Jungkook could feel even without touching his bare skin.
"I was here the whole day ... and... and I can't... I'm in pain... Nothing helps, I think I might die..." Jimin started crying again, so Jungkook turned him around, afraid the older might seriously be injured or something, but what he saw made his life a living hell, cause there was the obvious bulge inside Jimin's slacks, and a leaking spot on the dark gray material, and the smell of it made Jungkook to cough loudly, thinking he might pass out before Jimin if he continues to smell all the flowers dancing around in Jimin's honey scent.
"Oh god!" Jungkook pinched his nose, trying not to inhale too much cause seeing Jimin like this made his dick swell instantly and he can't have that. Not when Jimin was feeling like this...
"I'm so sorry Jungkookah... I must stink and... I'm all sweaty and fuck! This is so embarrassing..." Jimin covered the bulge in his pants with his tiny hands and looked down onto the floor, his cheeks were red, eyes puffed, lips swollen, and Jungkook started praying to god in which he didn't even believe in, to give him some sanity to endure what was happening to him.
"Hyung it's ok... That' normal...khm....I know how aroused I was after trying your potions... and you most definitely don't smell bad... on the contrary..." He really didn't want Jimin to think that he was holding his breath and holding onto his nose because the older smelled bad cause that was definitely not the case.
Jimin's eyes finally widened and he made eye contact with the younger after he had said those words, the tears stopped falling down his cheeks, so he used his hands to wipe the wetness off of his face, making his hard dick visible again.
"What-what do you mean?" Jimin asked with a soft voice, leaning his back on the desk behind him, trying to even his breathing by taking a few deep breaths.
"I think I need to leave now hyung..."
Jungkook couldn't stop eyeing Jimin's body while feeling himself getting harder and harder inside his jeans, craving for more, needing to smell even more than he had already.
He wanted to get lost in Jimin's scent, to nuzzle his nose into his neck, to lick and bite right there and eat every drop of that honey-like smell eagerly....
"There's that smell again...God what is that... fuck I can't handle that..." Jimin pushed his light pink hair with both of his hands, closing his eyes after taking a deep breath.
"What smell?" Jungkook asked, confused.
Jimin opened his eyes, and his gaze was heavy, eyes hooded, almost predatory...
The older came a step closer so Jungkook froze. He stood there like a candle in the dark, not moving an inch, holding his breath, fearing his dick might pop out of his jeans and leak all over the place.
He closed his eyes, unable to watch what the older was about to do and then he felt Jimin's breath close next to his neck.
The older took a deep breath right there, under Jungkook's ear, right over his scent glades. Jungkook bit down on his lips afraid he might leave a hopeless whine if he so much as took a single breath so close to Jimin's body.
"It's you. You're smelling so...strong..."
Jungkook let a silent little "fuck" leave his mouth, unable to control himself any longer.
"So manly..." Jimin got even closer, his chest now touching Jungkook's buff ones.
"So...mmmmm.... sexy...."
And there was only so much Jungkook could take.
With those words, he grabbed Jimin's shoulders and moved him an inch away from his aching body.
"Jimin... you need to go home... and...and...I need to go too...cause...your smell is different and... intense... and you need to take care of yourself..."
Jungkook spoke while glancing down on Jimin's crotch, but Jimin just pouted at his words, jutting his lower lip in front, whining cutely.
"I can't go home like this... I need to take care of it now or I might seriously die... I wanted to call one of my friends that I used to hook up with, but I just couldn't and..."
"WHAT? Why would you do that?!"
Jungkook felt all the blood boiling inside his body, his temperature rising from the jealousy, but then he felt Jimin's hands playing with the hem of his shirt, looking hopeless and lost.
"Cause I'm hard if you haven't noticed... I'm in pain... I-I can't control this..."
Jimin finally addressed his problem so Jungkook scoffed.
"Oh really? You couldn't jerk off like all normal people? Like I did after having that potion. Three times Jimin! I had to jerk off three times!"
Now Jungkook was fully yelling cause the 'I wanted to call someone to help me with my hard dick' comment was still ringing inside his ear and he was pissed.
"I couldn't cause guess what, this is my work place and there were people around, my colleagues too! What kind of a jerk would I be if I did that!" Now Jimin looked furious too and his scent became even spicier, making Jungkook's dick to twitch in excitement.
"Well guess what, that's exactly what I had to do to be able to survive the whole day without popping a boner anywhere and anytime."
"That's cause you're a jerk!" Jimin insulted the younger while getting into Jungkook's face, frowning in annoyance.
"Don't come so close you fucking walking arousal!" Jungkook fought back, but all of his tough guard fell down the moment Jimin started sniffing again, coming even closer, nuzzling his head into the crook of Jungkook's neck.
"I'm sorry. You're not a jerk... You're the nicest alpha I've ever met, and you smell so nice, and you help me so much, and you're always good to me... and oh fuck you smell so good... different... what is this now?" Jimin started rubbing his nose all over Jungkook's neck so his eyes widened progressively, while figuring out why his scent had changed, and how he was smelling now...
This should be something that 'll throw Jimin away from him. Make his head dizzy and leave him with sickness in his stomach. That's what his scent usually does to people... Well, other wolves... But Jimin kept smelling him, taking deep breaths... caressing his nose all over Jungkook's neck... and then Jungkook felt Jimin's lips.
"Hyung... Stop... You can't do that...." he said weakly, grabbing Jimin's waist, trying to push him away, but he only pushed him closer, now feeling the older's erection rubbing down on his thigh.
"Ah...more...please...Jungkookah... please...." Jimin kept kissing Jungkook's neck, smelling him deeply, leaving hot breath all over the wet spots that he had left, and the alpha couldn't hide the goosebumps rising up his spine.
"I'm gonna come if you just touch me... please touch me..."
"I...I don't want to do it while you're in this state. This isn't you hyung. This is the potion and, and I don't want to use you..." Jungkook's hands started sliding down Jimin's waist, getting extremely close to the older's ass.
"This isn't you using me, it's me using you, and please, for the love of god, let me use you... please, I'm begging you, just help me..."
Jungkook's hands moved on their own so he grabbed the flesh of Jimin's round cheeks and pushed his body firmer onto his thigh, hiding his own erection while trying to provide some friction for the older.
"OH GOD! Yes... but...but... stop touching my ass...that's not...not allowed..." Jimin said while leaning his head on Jungkook's right shoulder, moving his hips up and down the alpha's thick thigh.
"Not allowed? What do you mean? What's allowed?" Jungkook was curious to know cause he never wanted for Jimin to feel uncomfortable with him.
"Well, no kissing, no ass grabbing, no sex of course, no sucking..."
Jungkook scoffed.
"You know that I can't make you come just by looking at you. I'm good, but I'm not God."
Jimin chuckled.
"Just touch me you ass."
In a split of second Jungkook turned Jimin around, realizing how not having Jimin's lips so close to his scent glands is a better option for his sanity, and with one fast move he tugged Jimin's slacks and his underwear down, just under his ass, and while leaning the older's back onto his muscly chest, he grabbed Jimin's leaking cock and started pumping it firmly.
"OH FUCK! OH DEAR GOD! WASN'T EXPECTING THAT BUT DON'T FUCKING STOP!" Jimin literally cried out, bucking his hips forward to feel more friction, fucking into Jungkook's fist while lolling his head onto alpha's shoulder.
The moans that came out of his mouth were sinful and too much so instinctively, Jungkook's hips bucked up, craving some friction for his own hard member.
"Oh god... Jungkookah... Faster..." Jimin instructed so the younger tugged on his cock faster while bucking his hips more onto the older ass.
Seemed like Jimin felt what was happening behind him, and instead of moving away, or stopping Jungkook from doing what he was shamelessly doing, he started rubbing his naked ass on top of Jungkook's clothed crotch.
Alpha almost roared into Jimin's ear, but he controlled himself and instead his lips found Jimin's ear which he started to suck on.
"Ah...yes...that's....mmmmm so good..."
Jimin was definitely vocal during sex and Jungkook loved it.
"Don't stop Kookah...I'm close...I'm close... Gonna come..."
His voice was high, filled with hot whimpers, pure sex to Jungkook's ear, and only few tugs more, Jungkook felt a hot liquid covering his right hand, spurts and spurts of cum shooting from the tip of Jimin's throbbing cock.
Jungkook tried real hard not to pass out cause Jimin's cum smelled so good, and all he wanted to do was taste it, but he didn't wanna look like a total creep while doing such a perverted thing.
After coming undone, under Jungkook's touch, Jimin's body falls back onto the younger's heaving chest, breathing deeply while releasing happy pheromones that Jungkook was drinking in...
Is this heaven?
Jungkook felt amazing even though he was still painfully hard, but none of it mattered right now...
Jimin was satisfied, happy, his scent was all over him, the sweetest honey mixed with mild milk that filled every pore of Jungkook's body.
"Thank you. You're taking this potion tomorrow to test it out too." Jimin moved forward while pushing his pants up, so Jungkook turned around, trying to hide his ongoing erection. Luckily for him he had that leather jacket that was covering his crotch area, but still he felt ashamed about it.
"No way. Na-a. No more arousal potions for me. I already tried two or three of them. I don't need that... No..."
Jungkook really couldn't imagine going through that agony again.
"Oh come on alpha, I need it for my tests, and hey, how about this, I'll help you if it works cause it's only fair considering what you just did for me." Jimin cocked his eyebrows playfully at the younger, making Jungkook to die on the inside.
"I'll take two first thing in the morning." he said it in a heartbeat, loving the chuckle that escaped Jimin's mouth.
For a second they just stayed there and looked at each other, smiles slowly fading away from their faces, turning into blush and shyness.
"I need to go home now... My roommate and I are having a movie night so..." Jungkook spoke first, so Jimin nodded.
"Yes, of course. Me too. I mean not a movie night, and I don't have a roommate, but I need to go home and grab a shower badly."
Jungkook nodded.
They went outside silently, and then they looked at each other again.
"Luckily I haven't drunk that potion before my movie night..." Jungkook spoke just to cut the awkward silence.
Jimin smirked while glancing down onto the younger's crotch, making him squirm in place.
"I don't see the difference. You're just as hard."
Of course he would notice... How could he not notice?!
" about that... It's just this whole thing..."
Jimin smiled again.
"It's ok. Totally understandable. Have no worries."
Jungkook scratched his neck awkwardly.
"I'm gonna go now..." he trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed and still a lot horny.
"Yeah, me too..." Jimin walked one step away, towards his car and then he stopped and looked at Jungkook again. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but closed it again.
"What?" Jungkook would die out of curiosity if Jimin doesn't say something.
"'s just... I'm not gonna tease you about taking those penis enlargement pills anymore." The older said while biting down on his lower lip, glancing down on Jungkook's cock suggestively making it leak rivers of precum inside those unfortunate pants.
Fuck my alpha life!
"Oh... Is that so?" Jungkook smirked cockily, waiting for some sarcastic remark or teasing comment from the older, but he just nodded while looking smugly.
"Yeah... You're definitely big enough... Thank god you didn't pull it out cause I'm sure I wouldn't resist jumping on it in the state that I was in, to be honest... Felt too good..."
With every new word Jungkook was a step closer to his car, far away from Jimin.
"Yeah.... Good to know... Thanks for sharing that information with me... Now I can die, I mean sleep peacefully... Yeah... "
Jimin chuckled while waving off, obviously aware of the state that Jungkook was in.
He jerked off the second he came inside his room, only a couple of pumps were enough to shoot his impressive load all over himself while remembering Jimin's moans, his sexy words, hard cock and firm ass in front of him...
Then he took a nice and long shower, thinking about all the things that just happened, and he couldn't help but to worry about whether this will affect his and Jimin's friendship and work together.
Luckily Yoongi's comfort food made his stomach filled with all the love and compassion he needed to fall asleep easily, and right before doing so, Jungkook glanced at his phone to see what time it was.
He saw one new message from Jimin.
With his heart beet fastening up, he opened it up.
Jimin the devil
I jerked off again.
You don't need to tell me that.
But thank you for sharing
That's amazing
Means ur potion is working
Jimin the devil
Wow, you sound just like me.
Is that even a good thing?
Jimin the devil
Shut up.
Just wanted to show you how it is when u send me that all the time.
Loved it.
I'll keep informing u then
Jimin the devil
Don't forget the details
Sorry... U didn't write any so no details for u.
Jimin the devil
I had this specific cock on my mind while doing so...
Forget the details.
Bye Jimin
I need to jerk off again now
Have a good night
Jimin the devil
Good boy
Jungkook didn't freak out.
He was a second away from having a stroke, but it was fine cause Jimin was flirting with him and he let an alpha touch him, and everything in the world felt right now...
Just splendid... or so he'll keep deceiving himself.
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