Jungkook was on cloud nine the morning after his jerk off session with Jimin.
The birds were singing, the sky was blue, he was in love and Jimin was cute.
Until he went to the living room where Yoongi was already sitting on the couch, waiting for the younger to talk.
"Hey Yoongishi. You woke up early." Jungkook noticed the older's presence while going into the kitchen and pouring himself some already made coffee.
"I did. I was... kind of thinking about that whole Jimin and you thing."
Jungkook sat down next to the older, waiting excitedly and a bit nervously to hear what he had to say.
"Yeah... So, what do you think about us?"
Yoongi put both of his elbows on his knees, and crossed his fingers while thinking deeply.
"I think that there's something more there than just a silly crush and a quick fuck for both of you."
Jungkook's heart doubled its size.
He literally couldn't stop grinning.
"And that's why I think you should play your cards right now. You can't mess up the friendship you two have built and the trust you have between you only cause of one sexual night where you did whatever you did." Yoongi explained while waving his hands in the air.
"Oh... What do you mean?" Jungkook needed his friend to be more specific.
"I mean, you know that I've dated humans before?"
Jungkook nodded.
"Yeah, but you only wanted a quick fuck and nothing else."
Yoongi snapped his fingers at him.
"Exactly. I did. And that's what all humans think we want from them. That's why you can't act like a jerk now and throw yourself at Jimin like an animal, although you are one. Humans like the game, they like the chase and pull, and they most certainly don't like feeling used, and since I have seen a lot of things last night, I think maybe in some twisted universe, the two of you... maybe are... I don't know..."
"JUST FUCKING SAY IT!!!" Jungkook couldn't wait for his sceptical best friend to say he was wrong.
"Fine, boyfriends or something..." He went for the lighter version.
"FUCKING MATES! We're fucking mates and I know it. I know it hyung cause I don't want just sex from him. I want everything. I want to hold him and kiss him and sleep with him and wake up beside him. I want it all... and I know he wants it too, he's just too afraid to admit it and he has that stupid rule that he broke already so I think we're heading to the right direction."
Yoongi nodded while fondly looking at the young alpha.
"I'm so happy for you, you know. My little alpha is in love. Who would've thought..."
Jungkook came closer and put his head into Yoongi's lap. Something he loved to do when he was feeling emotional, but Yoongi always said how he hated physical contact even though he never pushed the younger away.
"So what exactly do I have to do not to freak Jimin out?"
"Well for starters, don't go to see him today. Give him some space."
Jungkook got up abruptly.
"I can't... I miss him already." He pouted while batting his lashes fast.
"That's not working on me."
Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Fine. What else?"
"Don't try to kiss him next time you see him, and definitely wait for him to call you first."
Jungkook almost cried.
"This is going to be awful... I can tell I'm gonna be so depressed the next few days."
"That's what overworking and alcohol are for."
Yoongi was a wise man.
Or not...
Jungkook listened to all Yoongi's advice and cause of that, he was four days crying himself to sleep cause Jimin still hasn't called or sent a message or anything and Jungkook was losing his goddamn mind.
"FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID RULES YOONGI ALPHA!" Jungkook yelled while hugging a bottle of soju alone in the living room, trying to lose some build up anger that he was feeling towards his roommate who was not even in the apartment.
While drinking another big sip of the drink straight from the bottle, Jungkook heard a message sound on his phone.
By now he had lost all hope about the message being from Jimin so while picking up his phone and looking at the display, his sight was blurry, but it was pretty clear that the name was the one he was craving for.
He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, trying to make his sight better before opening the message.
Jiminie hyungie
Just wanted to check if you're gonna come to the pharmacy tomorrow?
It's totally fine if you have other plans, but I need to know cause of my potions and meds.
Jungkook's heart was pounding inside his rib cage, hands sweating, legs shaking.
Before answering the older's message, Jungkook went to the bathroom and splashed some water onto his face.
I can do this...
I'll be thre
See you tomorrow Jimim hungi
And he clicked send before looking at the message again.
Nailed it.
Then he reread the message and frowned at the three mistakes he had made and cursed on the inside.
Jimin didn't answer anything, but it didn't matter. He's finally gonna see the older tomorrow and he felt alive again, euphoric and so happy.
While entering the pharmacy with the biggest grin on his face, Jungkook saw his reflection in the mirror, and he looked creepy.
A tall, good looking guy wearing all black smiling at nothing in particular.
I'm such an idiot.
He took a deep breath and shook his hands and feet a bit before entering further inside, greeting Namjoon and Jin before getting inside Jimin's office.
Milk and honey...
The familiar scent flew all over him and he couldn't control himself.
He just stood inside, and after closing his eyes Jungkook inhaled deeply, filling his nose with Jimin's perfect scent.
"Hey, you came." Jimin's voice made him open his eyes, so while coming further inside Jungkook finally took a glance at the older who was not wearing one of his usual astronaut suits, but he did have a mask on, covering his mouth. The older kind of looked pale and had dark circles under his eyes.
Is he ok?
"I did. I mean we agreed so last night."
Jungkook sat on the high stool next to Jimin's table, waiting for the older to tell him about what he was working on.
"Yeah, I know... I just thought, never mind..."
Jimin talked without looking at the younger directly so Jungkook felt like something was wrong.
"So... Today I want you to try this new potion I've been working on for days."
Jimin said while preparing a small bottle and putting it in front of the younger.
"Ok. What's the potion for?" Jungkook asked, confused, trying to sniff around Jimin closely, trying to distinguish what kind of honey he was smelling. It wasn't the usual sweet that Jimin was smelling like... This was a bit bitter... different.
"Oh so now you're asking? Before you would drink anything that I would prepare for you without second guessing..."
Jungkook took the bottle and drank it all bottoms up.
"There. Will you tell me now what the potion's for?"
Jimin blushed a bit, averting his gaze to the table, knocking down onto the table nervously...
"It's a potion for suppressing love feelings. The potion that's supposed to help you get over someone you love.... and of course you took too much of it like you usually do..."
Jungkook felt his heart tightening in his chest.
"Why would you make this kind of potion?"
Finally Jimin put his head up and looked at Jungkook with some kind of sadness and regret.
"Because not every love is worth pursuing. Sometimes people fall in love and it's not worth it. Sometimes we have to admit that love is not always the answer and that not everyone is worthy of our love..." Jimin explained so Jungkook felt some kind of acidic pain in the pit of his stomach.
Why is he doing this? Is he trying to make me fall out of love with him? Is that even possible?
"Ok. We'll see how the potion works." Jungkook said while getting up, still feeling confused and kind of hurt a bit.
"Can you please tell me if it works? I mean can you send me the report like you usually do, every few hours?"
"Of course I can. Why are you even asking that? Is everything ok?" Jungkook just had to ask. Something was off and he could feel it in every bone...
"I'm asking cause you didn't send me a message in four fucking days."
Jungkook's eyes widened, his pulse was getting faster.
"Well neither did you..." He said defensively, hating the sour smell of milk in Jimin's scent, the sweet honey was replaced with a sage one that was so bitter and unusual for Jimin.
"Yes, but usually you always send me a message in the morning. Always! And now, after you probably got what you wanted, now you don't even acknowledge me... You didn't call me, didn't send me a message, god forbid you came to see me like you usually did before..."
Fuck you you fucking Yoongi and your shitty advice.
Jungkook came closer and inhaled deeply before speaking.
"That's not true Jimin. I was just... giving you space I guess... I didn't wanna overwhelm you with being too straightforward and telling what I honestly want... I'm sorry you felt that way."
Finally Jimin's scent became sweeter, his expression softer.
"You're a fucking jerk."
Jungkook came closer, making Jimin look into his eyes.
"If I only wanted that from you, why would I come here today? Why would I bother with trying your silly potions?"
Jimin frowned while pouting.
"My potions are not silly."
"You're so fucking adorable hyung..."
Jimin smiled and even if he was wearing a mask, Jungkook knew his lips were stretched into a perfect grin cause his eyes were looking like small crescents which Jungkook loved the most.
With shaky hands Jungkook took Jimin's mask off, and after putting his hands on Jimin's cheeks, he leaned down and put a small peck onto Jimin's lips.
The older just stood there, confusion written all over his face, opening his eyes slowly right after.
"Sorry for not calling you sooner..." Jungkook whispered while trying to lean forward and put another sweet peck on Jimin's lips, but the older moved his head away.
"What is it?" Jungkook asked while trying to look into Jimin's eyes.
"Jungkookah... We can't do this." Jimin started with the same thing again, so Jungkook moved a step away and rolled his eyes as hard as he can.
"Why? What's stopping us? Lack of chemistry? Can't be that cause I can feel your scent going sweeter every time we're together. Lack of feelings? That's not true as well, cause I know you have feelings for me too, and you know damn well how I feel about you."
Jimin shook his head, his eyes filling with tears.
"Sorry Kookah, but... I really can't. I thought we could be friends and that we could keep doing this without going back to what happened between us... but I guess we can't."
Jungkook's hands started to shake.
"So this is it? We're ending everything we've built for the past few months just cause you have a stupid rule of not dating an alpha? That's so immature hyung."
Jimin frowned.
"What do you know about my rule? Do you even know why I hate alphas so badly? You have no idea how hard all of this is for me, and how lost I felt when I met you cause you're different and now that I know you... you're literally one of a kind, but still... I can't... I'm... I'm scared."
Jungkook took a step closer to Jimin, but the older took a step back.
"You're scared? Of me?"
"Of everyone... Every alpha... You have no idea what I'm going through... My heart and mind don't function together and I'm scared, I'm scared cause at the end of the day you're just an...."
Jimin stopped himself from telling more, but the look that Jungkook gave him reassured him that the younger knew what he was talking about.
"...What? An animal?"
Jimin sniffed at the words, not being able to tell them himself.
"Yes." He quietly admitted, looking at deep grief in Jungkook's eyes.
Jungkook was feeling hurt and betrayed cause he knew Jimin had an understanding for others like him, just not alphas...
"What about Tae and Hoseok? You never seem uncomfortable or scared of them..." Jungkook had to know. It was now or never.
"That's different." Jimin tried to explain weakly.
"How come?"
"I've grown up with them. Tae is my soulmate."
Jungkook put his hands into fists, feeling annoyance overpowering him.
"The fuck he is..." He whispered, but the older heard him clearly.
"What's wrong with you? Are you acting jealous again?" Jimin came closer and eyed the younger who was indeed pissed, annoyed and of course jealous on top of all that.
"I just can't believe you never even gave us a chance, and I... I feel so much for you..." It hurt saying all of these things, but Jungkook couldn't keep it in anymore. "I thought you're the one for me." he whispered the last words enough for the walls and apparently Jimin to hear him.
Jimin's eyes widened progressively.
"No. No. No... Of course not. What are you even saying?"
The amount of no's in Jimin's answer made Jungkook's blood boil.
"Nothing Jimin... It means nothing. Everything means nothing apparently... Everything we've had,everything we've worked for..." Jungkook could feel the gasoline spiking up in his scent.
"I knew that one day you'll regret helping me out with my potions. The real question is why you even did it in the first place. I can never tell with you..." Jimin came closer to the younger, trying to look him in the eyes.
Should I tell him?
"I could never regret helping you. It's so low of you to even think that. My first agenda is not even important now, I committed myself to you and your experimental trial and I did it without any regrets or hesitation." With every word Jungkook got angrier cause he knew he was telling the truth and if Jimin can't see how honest he was about all of this, well too bad.
"So you admit having some other agenda than just helping me out? I knew you alpha's never do anything just out of care for other people."
Now Jimin's scent became darker, the mild milk was overpowered by the bitter honey...
"Whatever Jimin... I'm done. I've helped you enough... I can't do this to myself anymore..." Jungkook moved a few steps back, but Jimin followed him, not dropping the whole conversation yet.
"So this is it? You're not gonna come to the pharmacy anymore?" Jimin asked with a sadness in his voice.
It hurt to see him like this.
"Sorry, you'll have to find another experimental alpha to help you out. You can't use me for your experiments anymore. I'm not some emotionless animal who can switch his feelings and do only what others want me to do..."
"I used you only cause I want to help your kind. You should be thanking me, not sulking like an immature kid." Jimin yelled so Jungkook stopped walking to look at Jimin once again.
"Immature kid you say? Who's the actual kid here Jimin? Who's the one that doesn't want to admit to himself that there was something between us? How can't you see it? "
Jimin pushed both of his hands through his hair, making it messy while his cheeks became redder.
"I don't feel anything. I can't feel anything for an alpha, I just can't. What we had was just a mistake and you know it. Stop even pretending that any of it could be real. You're a fucking alpha and I'm a human Jungkook, we could never work out and I never felt anything other than confusion and a fucking mess in my head..." Jimin couldn't stop rambling, and all Jungkook could feel was sadness evaporating from Jimin's scent.
He was lying.
Jimin was telling all of this to convince himself that that was the truth, but his scent was telling a totally different story.
While listening to Jimin's words, but focusing more on the scent that he was smelling from the older, Jungkook came closer to Jimin and without second guessing he kissed him firmly on the lips.
The older put his hands on top of Jungkook's chest, trying to push him away, but his lips were responding to kiss.
He kissed back.
Jungkook wrapped his hands around Jimin's back, gripping him into a bone breaking hug, enjoying every second of his scent mixing with Jimin's, making that perfection of smell that he could feel days after on himself.
After giving up on fighting, Jimin kissed Jungkook back and then he bit down on his lower lip harshly, causing the younger's lip to bleed on the side.
Jungkook moved away, wiping the little blood spot with his thumb, licking over the wound right after.
"That's for kissing me again." Jimin said while coming closer to look at the little cut on the left side of Jungkook's lip.
"It actually hurts pretty bad." Jungkook whined while looking at the older who got on his tippy toes, trying to see his lip better.
And that's when it happened.
Jimin moved closer, and after giving one look to the small cut on Jungkook's lip, he leaned forward and licked one stripe over Jungkook's bloody scar.
The younger's eyes opened widely, shock written all over it.
"Jimin! You can't do that." He said while going backwards, a hand positioned on his lower lip.
"I just wanted to help you out. I'm sorry..." Jimin said with regret washing over his face, obviously not knowing how intimate such a thing is for an alpha.
"Yeah well, that's something only a true mate would do so..." Jungkook explained so Jimin frowned.
"I'm not your mate and we're never doing this again. Stop torturing me with all of this! I just can't..."
Jungkook almost wanted to scream from how Jimin's words did not match his actions. At all. Ever. He was doing one thing while telling another and he really had enough of this torture.
Sometimes it's better to let go of something that's bringing you more harm than joy.
"Fine. Fucking perfect. I'm gonna go now cause I can't stand to hear your lame excuses anymore." Jungkook walked outside, not waiting for Jimin to say anything back cause all of this was too much for him. He felt like someone was playing with him... with his feelings, and he was never the one to get too sensitive about anything, but from the moment he sat in his car, all he wanted to do was cry. Cry those tears of disappointment, hurt, delusion and sadness cause he couldn't have the one person he wanted. The only one who's scent evokes so much joy and pleasure in him... He was doomed and he knew it.
While eating another one of the salty caramel candies, Jimin threw the paper in the air, trying to get it in the trash bin that was on the floor, he missed again so the crunched paper fell down next to dozens of others that he tried to fit in the bin unsuccessfully.
"Jiminaaaah, stop eating so much candy. You know they won't go up your ass and will end up as an unattractive, saggy meat all around your perfect abs." Tae scolded him while trying to take the box of candies from the bed where Jimin was lying on for the past few weeks, but the older just tugged the box away and gave his soulmate a death stare.
"Leave my candies alone."
Tae's eyes widened so after grimacing to the older he put both of his hands up in the air.
"I don't care. Eat all of it. Do you maybe want more?"
Jimin's facial expression finally softened and he figured that maybe not eating too many sweets was a better option for him after all.
"I just need to feel something... I need to... not think about Jungkook and how badly I miss him and his smell and everything about him..." Jimin pouted while hugging the pillow, positioning himself into a perfect cocoon on Tae's bed.
"Do you want another milk and cardamom tea sweetie?" The younger asked , so Jimin shook his head.
"No. I... I had three already. I think I could overdose myself with it if I continue to drink it this much."
Tae nodded, sympathy written all over his face.
"Ok baby. I have to go now. I got a job to do. Are you gonna go to the pharmacy today or are you still using your days off?"
Jimin shrugged.
"Don't know. I think I'll stay here today too. It's just... too painful to walk into my potion center and look at those unfinished potions which I probably won't finish ever cause Jungkook and I... well... there's no Jungkook anymore..." Jimin's eyes filled with tears again, so Tae came down on the bed and hugged his best friend again.
"Have you considered calling him? Maybe send him a message? Did you check your phone lately? Maybe he has sent you another message?"
Jimin shook his head while wiping his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie.
"No... I... I can't do that. You know I can't... We'll just go back to him wanting more and me not being able to give him more and I don't want to hurt him cause I care about him..."
Tae took Jimin's phone and unlocked his screen.
"No new messages. Fuck. I seriously thought he's gonna call you or at least answer something after that last message you've sent him."
Jimin took the phone from Tae's hand and glanced at the screen where their last messages were shared.
Sorry for bothering you, but you didn't give me the feedback after drinking that 'love suppressant' potion. I really need to know if it worked.
Jungkook - my alpha
It didn't work.
I still have feelings for you.
I'm so sorry Jungkookah.
Please forgive me for leading you on. It was never my intention...
I hope one day, we could talk this through and still be friends.
I miss u.
It was a cowardly move and a last attempt to keep Jungkook in his life even though Jimin knew they could never work as friends, not even as work colleagues... Still he was hooked. He was addicted to Jungkook's scent and to his attitude, his good nature, his sweet, but manly voice, his humor and his kind heart... the list could go on and on, and Jimin knew that, and knew that he needed to protect himself. He needed to protect his heart first cause dating an alpha was never an option for him for several reasons and one of them, the main one, was his painful history with them.
"God I hate to see you like that. I know you don't even want to consider this, but... Jiminah, he really is different. I know you've been taught how all of them are the same, and you promised to your mom long ago that you would never be with one of them, but damn it, I think they're not... If you could maybe call him... " Once again, Tae had his hopes about all of this, but Jimin was always strict when it came to his rules.
"Did you already forget what those alphas tried to do to me years ago?" Jimin said with a firm voice.
Tae bit his lips and shook his head.
"No? Well how can you say that then? If you weren't there the night when three of those awful animals tried to take advantage of me, maybe I wouldn't even be alive now. You could smell them. You could smell their arousal and what they wanted to do to me and there were three of them. Three fucking alphas and one harmless human that they had cornered in the end of the street and they fucking made me take of my clothes just so they could enjoy their little show. God knows what they would do to me if you didn't come and call the cops cause I swear I still have nightmares about that night Tae... I can still smell their disgusting smell and alcohol from their mouths and I still have scars from cigarettes that they decided to burn down on my body..." Jimin shivered at the mere memory of the fatal night that turned him into the ultimate alpha hater and then and there he made a promise to himself that he would live to get back to those emotionless animals that made his life a living hell.
After years of therapy and anxiety filled life cause every time Jimin would walk alone in some alley he would get panic attacks, severe anxiety, heart arrhythmia cause he could never forget the way he felt when those alphas started to rip his clothes off and drool all over him.
That was one of the main reasons he studied alphas so much. He wanted to make potions to make them weak... to make them smaller, make their dicks shrink, fuck it, even to fall off... He wanted to study everything about them cause he had never met any nice alpha in his entire life until the day when Jungkook had stormed into his office, looking like a lost puppy with those big Bambi eyes.
Jimin tried really hard not to fall for Jungkook and his charm, but it was so damn hard cause not only did Jungkook look good, and had a really cute personality, he even smelled like heaven.
Jungkook's scent would get stuck in Jimin's nose for days after the two of them would have one of their meetings and Jimin loved it.
The younger's scent was pleasant and calming and it made Jimin's heart giddy and warm. He didn't put too much thought into it, but it was a bit weird that he could smell Jungkook so strongly. For months Jimin thought that it's just a perfume the younger was using, but as time passed by, he realized that the thing he was addicted to was Jungkook's natural scent.
While once again staring at his phone and his last message sent to Jungkook, the older's phone started ringing so Jimin threw the phone away, being startled by the sudden sound, and then his eyes widened cause he realized that he had thrown his phone away while his boss was calling him.
"Fucking shit Tae! It's my boss!" Jimin yelled while jumping off the bed, trying to grab his phone, while calming his beating heart the best way he could.
"Answer it!" Tae yelled the moment Jimin took the phone in his hand.
"Hello Mr. Sujin." Jimin collected himself and answered politely.
"Hello Mr. Park. How are you? Feeling better?"
The man asked, so Jimin gulped, fearing his boss had called him cause he was using too many days off while trying to get over this whole Jungkook situation.
"I-I'm doing better Sir. I think I'll start working tomorrow."
Jimin lied cause he was not ready to lose his job.
"Oh that's amazing to hear. Well, I have good news for you."
Jimin's eyes widened. He was seriously surprised.
"You do?"
"Yes. Remember how we met that pharmacist that owns Korea's biggest pharmacy and the ones in America too?"
"Yes... The one that approves of my 'Arousal potion'..."
"Exactly, well now he's interested in making a new, revolutionary rut suppressant potion that could work on alphas when the time for their rut comes and he wants you to work on it."
Jimin frowned in confusion.
"But... there's already a lot of those potions."
"Not the ones he was thinking about. These ones would be enough to postpone alpha's rut in a month, and if you took a bigger amount, you could go without your rut in months. How amazing would that be?"
Jimin thought about it. It wasn't impossible, but he would definitely need to work on it hard.
"I could definitely try. I have some ideas already... I would need some financial support cause you know how expensive those supplies are."
"Of course. They would give you a generous budget and they would pay the alpha that is working with you very well too."
"Oh... That... Yeah..." Jimin stuttered.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Um.. I'm not sure if my alpha would be available now... He, um... he has some obligations at work these days... so maybe I could work alone on the potion." Jimin tried to explain without telling any details.
"Oh... Well that's a shame. He strictly said how he liked your approach to these new meds cause you had an alpha to test it all in advance and he doesn't want to put out in the market something that's not tested out, so that's actually a very important part."
Jimin took a deep breath.
"I could call him to see... maybe he could do it..."
"Tell him his payment would be better than any job that he had, and that he would be mentioned in Mr. Chan's speech when the potion first goes out in public."
"Oh, well that's nice. I'll definitely tell him."
"Ok. Well, good luck on making that potion, and I'll hear from you next week."
"Thank you Mr. Sujin for giving me this opportunity. Goodbye."
After the man hung up, Jimin jumped up and down and then he started hugging Tae as if he had won lotto.
"I'm so proud of you!" Tae hugged the older, hearing the whole conversation made his eyes water cause not in a million years would either of them imagine that Jimin would be so successful in such a young age and that he would earn the money that could be a life changing step in his future. They knew how well the American pharmacy market paid potion makers and how respectful the ones that got their potions authorised are all around the world.
Jimin was always craving validation for his hard work and finally it seemed that he started getting one.
The only problem was... How the hell is he supposed to find a willing alpha to help him out with this potion?
"Are you gonna call Jungkookah?" Tae asked him so Jimin shook his head.
"No. I can't. It's not ok towards him... I'm just gonna put another ad in our pharmacy like before and pray for some miracle.
Weeks had passed and a miracle never came.
Jimin was getting more desperate with every passing day and it showed in his cranky mood swings.
"Jiminah are you gonna come to eat with us?" Namjoon asked while peeking inside the pink haired's office, but Jimin only pouted at his question while pointing at his messy table.
"I can't. I haven't figured anything out... I'm stuck and I can't do anything about it..."
Namjoon looked at him with sympathy, hating to see his friend frustrated and hopeless.
"You could always call him Mimi." Namjoon reminded Jimin of the painful truth that there wasn't any alpha ready to help him out and probably his only option was Jungkook.
"I can't... That would be so wrong and... He never answered back to my messages so... No... I can't..." Jimin kept saying that to himself. He kept repeating that he can't be so selfish and call Jungkook when he needed him only to use him again. He couldn't do that to Jungkook and quite frankly to himself either.
Days had passed by and the urge to see Jungkook was only becoming stronger, but Jimin was a grown up man. He could control himself. He wouldn't back down... In the end, he was the one to call everything off between them. He was done with hurting himself, done with hurting Jungkook, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to both of them...
While sipping on his milk and cardamom tea, Jimin suddenly had an idea.
I need a change...
What to do...
I need something new in my life...
I need to bring my focus onto something exciting....
New hair color it is!
There was always something fun about changing hair colors for Jimin. He was red, blonde, blue, purple, black, brown, grayish, pink... and every time he had felt stressed and nervous, Jimin would do something that made him happy. Change his hair color.
After calling Tae to see if he's free to dye his hair, Jimin went to the grocery store and walked straight to the dye colors.
There were all kinds of natural, neon, darker, lighter colors, and Jimin knew exactly what he wanted.
Orange, orange, orange...where's orange?
While searching for the shade that he had chosen in his mind, he smelled it...
The inevitable sweet, but with a hint of spiciness cardamom that evokes every five of his senses.
Smells like Jungkookah...
Jimin followed the scent that became weaker in time, and tried his best not to look like some kind of creep walking alone in the middle of the store, though frankly he didn't give a shit...
After going through hair care products, Jimin felt the scent getting stronger so he started walking faster, going to another isle where gel-washes were nicely stored.
Maybe someone's buying my favorite tea or something smells like cardam-...
In the middle of his thought Jimin walked into the body care shelves pretty close to the register and immediately he saw him.
It's really him...
The younger had his back turned to him, but Jimin just knew... He could recognize the all black outfit, the longish black hair, and the smell...
Jungkook's natural scent that drove Jimin insane and that he was craving for like a maniac.
While looking at Jungkook's back, Jimin could notice the younger was nervous.
Does he know I'm here?
Jungkook kept breaking his knuckles and wobbled up and down while waiting in the line for register.
Should I say hi?
Jimin kept staring at Jungkook's back, not moving away even an inch.
The desire to talk to him was there, the need to hug him and smell him even more, but Jimin couldn't move. He just kept looking at Jungkook's back, unable to say anything.
Just when it was Jungkook's turn to go to the register, the younger turned around, as if he knew who was standing behind him. As if he knew all along...
He turned around slowly, his eyes glued to the floor, so while Jimin was looking at the alpha that evoked so many feelings in him, he had to fight tears that threatened to come cause how was it possible that weeks had passed by, but Jimin's feeling had only grown stronger.
Nothing has changed...
Jungkook was still the one person that could drive him nuts and crazy in a heartbeat. The one who made Jimin's heart beat insanely fast, the one who's smell the older could feel on himself for days, and he loved it...
The older's heart was beating fast, palms sweating, his head spinning from the closeness...
And then Jungkook looked at him.
Jimin literally gasped, unable to hide all the feelings he was feeling, and mostly, he was sad.
Jungkook tried to give him some sort of reassuring smile, but Jimin only felt weaker and more depressed so he turned around and walked wherever his legs were carrying him, unable to stay so close to the younger and not to burst into pathetic cry.
What's wrong with me? Keep it together...
While entering the cake supplies aisle, Jimin found a bag of vanilla sticks and after bringing it closer to his face he started smelling the smell that usually gave him a lot of comfort and calmness.
Without noticing it, Jimin felt his cheeks getting wet, so while wiping those tears away from his face with the sleeve of his shirt, the older heard the footsteps coming closer to him.
He heard the familiar voice and prayed to god that he was hallucinating cause this was not the state he wanted Jungkook to see him in.
"Jimin huyng..."
Then he felt a hand, softly positioned on top of his shoulder, caressing the spot there nicely.
"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked, so finally Jimin found some courage to turn around and face the younger.
Jungkook was standing there, his eyes big as the last time Jimin saw him, but there was worry in them...some unexplainable sadness that made Jimin even weaker than before.
"I... I'm... Not really." There was no point in lying cause Jimin knew the younger could always see right through him.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked while taking both of Jimin's hands inside his, and that simple act made Jimin's eyes water again.
Fuck... I can't tell that I miss him so much...
"It's... It's work... and just... things... I'm too busy... and I have some problems with this new potion that I'm supposed to make..." Jimin started talking about anything just to hide the real reason he was feeling so sad, and Jungkook listened to him carefully.
"What problems?" The younger asked while still holding Jimin's hands, his fingers lightly caressing the palm of Jimin's hands.
"Just... I got this amazing offer from the biggest pharmacists and I'm stuck cause I can't make the potion... It's too difficult and I just took a way too big bite I guess..."
Jungkook scoffed at the older's words.
"There's no such thing that you can't make hyung. Come on... Those people who asked for you to make them potions knew exactly what they were doing. You're so dedicated and amazing and I think you can do whatever you set your mind to."
Jimin squinted his eyes at the younger and moved his hands from Jungkook's hold only to put them on his hips suspectedly.
"Are you taking those heart shaped kindness pills that I gave you?"
Jungkook acted as if he was deeply hurt, putting his hand on top of his chest, deep frown on his face, lips stretched into perfect O shape.
"Are you asking if I'm being nice cause of the pills cause usually I'm not?"
Jimin burst out in laughter, loving the drama in Jungkook's voice.
"I'm just teasing you. You know what I think about you..." Jimin said kind of shyly, so Jungkook scratched his neck nervously.
How come they went from being sad to dramatic to flirty in no time?
"Yeah... So... what's the potion about? Where's the big problem?"
Jungkook changed the subject and Jimin was actually grateful that he did.
"I have to develop this rut suppressant for alphas, but it has to be really strong and powerful, literally to be able to prevent alpha's rut for a month or two even... and I have to test it before I give my end results to Mr. Sujinshi and I have no alphas to work with cause... well... you know how alphas usually are..."
"I'll do it."
Jimin's eyes widened. One little sentence, too many emotions, a roller coaster of everything Jimin was feeling for so long...
"No. No... It's fine. You don't have to... It's ok... I actually have one month to do it so... I don't know when you're supposed to go into rut, and I need an alpha in rut so... no... no... it's fine..." Jimin stuttered cause how is it possible for Jungkook to do it all over again. To be this kind, this special, this considerate, and he's only an alpha...
"My rut's next week..." Jungkook said while being dead serious so Jimin took a deep breath.
Could he?
"Oh..." Jimin knew it was a bad idea... Him having all of these feelings for Jungkook that were unexplainable even to him, and doing such an important job while the younger would willingly help him felt too much.
Not to mention the fact that Jungkook would have to be with him during his rut and he would have to do all kinds of experiments on him while watching him in that state...
That's such a bad idea...
"When and where do you need me?"
Jungkook stopped Jimin's thoughts with a hand on his shoulder so the older looked at his eyes, trying to find any sort of doubt in them, but all he saw was determination and fondness.
"I don't think that's a good idea Jungkookah... We... You know... Did some things and could be a bit tricky for us to be together when you're... You know..." Jimin tried to explain his fears, but Jungkook only chuckled at his words which made Jimin even more confused.
"I don't have problems with that. I can control myself perfectly. Can you?"
Jimin's blood was boiling cause what? Is he serious?
"Can I? Please... Of course I can... I'm not the one who's body will be in animalistic sexual cravings and, and... sperm producing mechanism and, and..."
Jimin was obviously rambling and Jungkook seems to be amused by it.
He was smirking, head nodding slightly...
"But I'll have you to help me."
The younger said Jimin's eyes widened, cause what the hell???
"With the meds and that potion... Right?"
That's what he meant...
"Oh... Yeah... Yeah... Um... How do you usually handle your ruts? I mean... Lots of alphas have their um...helpers...or they go to one of those facilities where you can have proper care..."
Jimin was nosey.
"I don't do any of it."
"Oh... You... So... How..."
This is definitely one of the weirdest conversations that Jimin had in his life.
"I just take my meds and I stay home alone. When those days come, Yoongi hyung goes to his family or some of our friends and I just take care of myself."
Jimin nodded.
"What do you mean alone?"
Jungkook looked at him while pushing his eyebrows up, looking a bit surprised at the question.
"Well... Since those rut suppressants really do work, I don't have that much of a need for sex and a partner, so I just jerk off sometimes..." Jimin blushed "... Sometimes I hump my pillow... just to spice things up..." Jimin died a bit on the inside, "...then when I take a shower... "
Jimin put his hand on Jungkook's mouth, stopping the younger one from talking further.
"That's enough... I got it... I understand... That's ok... Cool..."
Nothing was cool and Jimin's dick was reacting to Jungkook's words involuntarily.
Jimin didn't need those mental images stuck in his head... At all...
"I only have one concern about this whole thing..." Jungkook said while biting on the inside of his cheek, so Jimin came a step closer, wanting to know what that concern was.
"Would I have some privacy while you do all the testing, cause at some point, you do understand I'll have to lose some tension... So... Would I have some room for myself or would you watch?"
Oh God! Don't think about it... Don't think about it....
"You'd have a room... We have a room... There's a test room at the pharmacy, where we have everything that our experimental patients need and there's covers that you can put down to make the room not visible and I am always on the other side of the glass if you need something, and we can talk through speakers that are positioned inside and outside the room. I don't know if they added something new to that testing room cause it was made a long time ago when we did scent blocking meds and some hybrid potions. All the patient said that they felt comfortable and good while staying there."
Jungkook nodded.
"Ok. That's fine. So when do I come?"
Jimin blinked... Once, twice... Several times...
Are they seriously doing that?
"Jungkookah..." For the sake of his goddamn mind, Jimin tried to speak once more.
"No. I don't wanna hear it hyung. Seriously. It's fine. I want to help and I believe in you. I believe that this could work just fine. I would be a few days in that special room, you would be outside monitoring me, helping me out when I needed it, and at the end, we might get an amazing potion that would help so many alphas. Literally, nothing can't go wrong."
Jimin nodded.
Yeah... Sounds right... Nothing can go wrong... This could work just fine...
" Let's do this."
Turns out, everything can go wrong...
After the easy details were made, Jimin found himself in a control room, stuck for four days straight, looking at sweaty, horny and masculine Jungkook through a one sided mirror and he was pissed.
Maybe pissed isn't the right word cause Jimin was more depressed and horny at the moment cause one thing was for sure. He was craving Jungkook like a starving man.
In the very beginning, everything was perfectly fine. They met in front of the emergency entrance of the pharmacy where no one except workers had an access and the moment Jimin's eyes landed on the younger, he knew he would have a hard time focusing on anything other than that spicy cardamom scent that somehow became even hotter.
First day was probably the easiest cause Jungkook was mostly sleeping, since Jimin gave him meds for calming down and suppressing erections through the little window on the glass wall, but still, when the younger put the window covers down, for the third time that day, Jimin couldn't stop imagining what was happening behind that glass wall.
He was picturing Jungkook touching himself, tugging on his dick firmly, then playing with himself softly...
He was imagining the younger using the shower cabin to get himself off while trying to keep the room clean, so he dreamed of cleaning the mess Jungkook had left behind himself. Probably with his tongue.
Day two was similar to day one, only that this time around Jungkook decided to work out more, to spend that body the best way he could so that he could be tired more and hopefully sleep more as well.
He had put the windows covers down four times and every time he did that, Jimin had to go outside and grab coffee, or hide in the hallway, or call someone to cry on the phone, or to jerk himself off cause sometimes Jungkook's scent was too much. And even if the glass window was supposed to reject all the scents too, he could still smell the younger the moment he would open that little opening that's made for meds and food only, and that would be enough for Jimin to go crazy and horny and just out of his mind.
Day three was what Jimin considered the toughest cause the younger didn't feel really good and he had to take off all of his clothes cause he was sweating too much, and his muscles were sore from all the workout he had done a day before. And for some reason Jungkook obviously believes in quote 'You gotta fight fire with fire' cause why else would he work out shirtless in an oversized sweatpants that were soaked as well and above all that Jimin could obviously see the bulge that was permanent the whole day and Jungkook did nothing to take care of it.
Why isn't he jerking off? Is he insane? How can he hold it for so long....
"Jungkookah, it's your lunch time soon, um...do you have something you would like to eat today?" Jimin asked through the speakers like he always does, and usually Jungkook would answer with 'anything's fine' but this time he didn't say a word.
"Jungkookah, are you ok? Are you asleep?" Jimin asked again worriedly cause the younger was laying on the bed, his head buried in the pillows, his back heaving up and down deeply as if he was running a marathon, and this is the first time Jungkook looked tired and spent to even talk.
"I'm...ok... just close that opening please and leave."
Jungkook mumbled more into the pillow, but Jimin could hear the words perfectly.
"You need to eat. You're taking all those meds that are really strong and you're gonna get sick if you don't drink enough water, so I'm asking you once again, what do you want to eat?"
Jimin knew how important it was for the younger to get hydrated so he would put in a new water bottle as soon as Jungkook would drink the ones he had in the room. And for the food, Jimin would always order everything the younger would ask for and even add more veggies and fruits just in case he needs it later or in the middle of the night...
"I'm not telling you so back off!" Jungkook said with a bit darker tone, and unfortunately, it only made Jimin squirm in his seat, the cardamom scent filling his nose through that opening felt like heaven.
"If you don't tell me I'll give you porridge." Jimin teased so Jungkook turned around, now lying on his back, and that was really a bad angle cause the older could see that big bulge perfectly, a proud tent just standing there, making his mouth salivate.
"I won't eat then." Jungkook said while smirking, the sweat on his neck started sliding down, so he got up, and after taking a small black rubber, he made a man bun which made Jimin's heart beat like crazy in his chest.
"Stop fucking around and tell me what you want to eat for god's sake! Why are you so difficult all of a sudden!" Jimin yelled through that opening while throwing a water bottle inside with force so Jungkook flinched at the sight of a bottle flying inside the room.
"I'm difficult!?" The younger came straight to the window where he assumed Jimin was standing, and looked at his own reflection which was, well, fucked out pretty much and then he punched that glass window in front of himself, without too much force.
"You have no idea what I'm going through Jimin! I'm trying my best here and there you are somewhere behind that glass wall giving me meds and orders and you think you can yell at me for not answering your every fucking question!?"
Jimin looked at the younger who was right in front of him, breathing deeply, looking sweaty, his hair falling off from that man bun, the little droplets of sweat rolling down his neck, all over his buff chest and tattooed arms, going down, down, soaking the grey sweatpants where that bulging cock was hidden and Jimin felt pissed once again.
He punched the glass in front of him, not enough to break it, but enough to shake it violently and for Jungkook to notice.
"You're such a dick you know! I'm here trying to help you and you're gonna take your frustration out at me? No you won't! Just cause I don't know what you're going through doesn't mean I'm fine over here looking at you suffering like that and being all sweaty and hot and a fucking moron! I just asked one simple question and you're making a whole fuss over this, and for god's sake just jerk off already your dick is gonna fall off!"
Once again, Jimin yelled cause this was the longest he could smell that intoxicating Jungkook-Sex-Scent and his hands were shaking, palms sweating, his own dick swelling inside the jeans he was wearing.
"You're lucky I'm locked in here right now... that's all I'm gonna say." Jungkook said while smirking, making Jimin's dick to reach full erection, his legs felt like jello, so he had to sit down in order not to fall right down on the floor.
"Can you at least take these meds?" Jimin pushed his hand through the opening instead of putting the meds on the little steel shelf, like he usually does. He extended his hand and waited for Jungkook to take the meds out of his hand instead.
He knew he shouldn't touch the younger in the state he was in, he shouldn't even talk to him this much, he should just help him out, satisfy his primal needs for food and water and give him the meds to see how he'll react to them, but this felt like so much more for him.
Jungkook looked down at the opening and saw Jimin's hand with the three white pills, and after taking the pills off of the elder's hand, he grabbed his hand firmly in his, making Jimin to shudder under his touch, unable to do anything.
Jungkook held Jimin's hand, and then he caressed the palm of the older's hand with his thumb, and went up with his fingers, over Jimin's pulse point.
Jimin did nothing. He just stood there, looking down at their hands touching, his heart beating stronger and faster.
Then Jungkook pulled his fingers back, but while he did it, he scratched the skin all over Jimin's delicate hand, and instead of feeling pain, Jimin felt aroused he almost moaned.
"I'll take these and then I'll jerk off." Jungkook informed the older while going back to bed, opening the water bottle, a smug, small smirk was still on his face.
"You should do it too hyung."
Jimin gulped, swallowing the saliva down his throat never felt harder in his life.
"I can smell you all the way here... You're hard and so aroused..." Jungkook talked while palming his clothed dick and Jimin wanted to choke on the sex smell that engulfed the whole room. Fuck it, he thinks the whole pharmacy smells like them now.
With the one little sane brain cell that Jimin had left in his body, he closed the small opening and ran out of the control room straight into the bathroom where he jerked off without thinking about anything, the smell in his nose and Jungkook's words were enough to spill cum all over his hand and tiles.
One more day, one more day... You can do this Jimin... You got this... You're strong and capable... You're... fucked...
Jimin tried mentally to prepare himself for the last day of this torture, but in the back of his head he knew... something will go wrong.
While entering the control room, Jimin was happy to see the younger eating some fruits while being fully dressed and looking better than yesterday.
He looked at the room which was pretty tidy. The bed was nicely done, all the food containers were put in the trash bin, the table on the right where Jungkook would usually eat was clean nicely and for one minute Jimin thought how maybe Jungkook's rut was over.
It was the beginning of day four, Jungkook looked good, and this whole situation looked promising.
"Good morning Jungkookah. What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Jimin asked while taking off a knitted yellow sweater he was wearing over the simple white shirt, and sitting on his desk to go through some papers for the final meds that he had prepared for the younger.
"Maybe you?" Jungkook answered easily so Jimin choked on the little air that was left in the small room.
"What?" He asked rhetorically cause no, this is not how his day should start. This is not something Jimin should be thinking about after the intense day he had yesterday...
"I can't stop thinking about that sex scent of yours... I bet you would taste sweet as honey hyung... You'd be so good for me... I could-"
Jimin jumped up and started yelling again.
"What's wrong with you?! Shut up! You can't say those things! Take these meds and just... shut the fuck up!" Jimin literally threw two pills inside Jungkook's room, hoping the younger wouldn't get mad at him, but it was too much... Jungkook was too much and there's only so much he could take...
Jungkook took the meds that were on the floor and ate them like candies without a sip of water and got back on bed, obviously trying to get some sleep or to meditate.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered so quietly that Jimin almost missed it, but he didn't.
He felt guilty, sad that the younger had to go through all of this... alone... in pain... so he ordered everything that was on the menu, trying to comfort him at least through food.
His method seemed to work cause the alpha ate generously, wiping the plates clean, probably feeling too hungry after missing his dinner last night.
Jungkook ate in peace and after he was finished, the younger cleaned all the containers and put them nicely in the trash bin, making the place look clean and nice again.
What an A+ boyfriend material...
Jimin's thoughts got the best of him so once again he imagined Jungkook as his, as someone permanent in his life, as someone he could sleep next to and wake up in the morning... He imagined that so many times even though he knew he couldn't... Jungkook was an alpha, and he was only human... That's not how things are supposed to be... It's not what's biologically right... That's not what he should be looking for in a partner... Jungkook was an alpha and Jimin hated all alphas... He should hate him too, but he couldn't, he couldn't and it bothered him so much, but there was nothing he could do about it.
While feeling a bit tired and sleepy, Jimin looked at Jungkook who was watching some K drama on the laptop so he felt like that was the perfect time for him to take a short nap, and to clear his mind a bit.
His short nap was interrupted by a weird sound that came from Jungkook's room, so while getting up abruptly, the older saw how alpha was having some kind of nightmare...
He was laying on his stomach, his back contracting, weird sounds were coming from his mouth and for a second Jimin wanted to wake him up, maybe knock on the glass window, or open the small opening and just call after him, but he didn't do any of it.
He didn't have time to do anything cause Jungkook turned on his back, his hair falling over his handsome face, chest heaving fast and deeply, and the thing that made Jimin to die a little on the inside, Jungkook's dick that was visibly leaking inside his blue sweatpants making a wet spot right on the front side of his sweats.
Oh fucking hell!
Jimin started jumping up and down, feeling his own dick throbbing instantly, hating every second of how aroused the younger can make him without even trying.
What the actual fuck!
Just when he thought how Jungkook would get up and put those damn covers down, to hide himself inside that room he was in, the younger did no such a thing.
Instead, he brought his hand slowly inside the blue sweatpants and started stroking his hard cock slowly.
No, no, no, no, no, no , no... I should get out... I should... I will... in a minute...
Jimin stayed and watched as the younger started touching himself on that bed that he had spent four days on, his eyes were shut, eyebrows furrowed slightly, lips bitten in pleasure.
He looks so good... so fucking hot... so...
And Jimin's thoughts were cut off by a pink, veiny hot piece of muscle that Jungkook took out and started jerking faster and faster.
Jimin was lost. He saw a dick that screamed perfection to him and he knew he was screwed. He never wanted a dick so much in his life and it showed.
His hands were shaking, his legs were squeezed, rubbing against his own erection, trying to provide some kind of friction, and he felt hopeless, horny, uneasy...
While tugging on his cock firmly, Jungkook used his left hand to take off his shirt, and Jimin knew the younger was close to orgasm.
He should really get out and not watch this, but his body wasn't moving. It was like his own private show, like his new porn site made just for him... a perfect alpha getting off while playing with himself... Jimin just kept watching while focusing on the way Jungkook's cock got even thicker, the mushroom head became red from all the touching, the veins were permanent through all length and he was just waiting, waiting for that perfect moment when the younger would feel release, joy, ecstasy... He wanted to see him come undone even if it's only from his own hand.... even if Jimin had nothing to do with it...
Only a short minute later, Jungkook's head fell backwards, his abs started contracting under the intense feeling of orgasm he was having, and then he left a low, hot moan that made Jimin's cock to leak rivers inside his jeans.
Fuck my life...
The younger came all over his stomach, and Jimin couldn't stop watching, and watching, and watching... cause how in hell was Jungkook coming so much?
There was cum literally running down his stomach, leaking on the floor, and Jimin felt hard to breathe.
When Jungkook came down from his high, he used his shirt to clean up the mess he made, and then he looked at the glass window in front of himself.
That's when a true horror appeared on his face.
The younger looked shocked and embarrassed and it was pretty clear that he didn't do any of this on purpose, rather he had forgotten to put the covers down since he was sleeping and having a boner in the middle of his nap.
His eyes widened and then he put both of his hands on top of his mouth, and after putting his dick inside in his dirty sweatpants, he jumped up,put some shirt on to cover his body, and started walking around the room, looking lost and ashamed, and kind of cute.
Jimin was just standing there, behind the glass, knowing that the younger couldn't see him, the mirror was one sided and Jungkook could only see himself, but he feared the younger knew he was there... He could feel it...
Jimin just didn't know what to do now... To go? To pretend like he wasn't there? To say he saw it, but didn't get affected by it? That would be the bullshit of the year.
Instead of all of those options, Jimin decided to simply open the small opening and give Jungkook the meds that he was supposed to take.
The only thing he didn't expect was the strong scent that came through the opening, that almost choked him to death cause Jimin's nose got filled with the sexiest smell he ever felt in his life.
Some kind of mix of gasoline and cardamom and he couldn't stop inhaling deeply, bringing his face closer to the opening. Could it be that he was licking the window too? Maniac...
Oh god what is this? I need this... I need more of this...
He pushed his face away from the opening and made a step back since Jungkook was standing close to the window, his cheeks red, lips bitten and swollen...
Jimin answered weakly, unable to move from the spot he was standing on.
"Did you...um...were you here?... um... I'm sorry...oh god you smell like that again... please can you close that opening Jimin... please can you just go home... I'll be ok tomorrow, just... go..."
Jungkook leaned his forehead on the window in front of him and moved his dick to the side, obviously getting aroused again, and Jimin's mouth drooled at the smell and the sight in front of him.
He literally drooled, feeling the need to touch Jungkook's body, to take care of his erected cock, to caress his hair and push it behind his ear, to kiss his sweet lips and feel his weight on top of him...
Suddenly, Jimin moved. He went outside the room and walked straight towards the locked door where Jungkook was hidden.
He didn't think about this... Didn't wanna think twice about what he was doing... He let his heart lead him and in one swift move, he opened the door and came inside the room that felt like hell from how hot it was inside. The scent that was coming through the small opening now was all around the older and he had to close his eyes while leaning his back on the door, inhaling deeply, moaning at the sexiest scent he had smelled in his entire life.
"Jimin no... Go away... I mean it.. Leave, NOW!" Jungkook walked to the back of the room and leaned his back to the wall, trying to make distance from Jimin as much as he could, but Jimin couldn't listen to him, he couldn't hear one word that was coming from the younger's mouth... He felt possessed by Jungkook's scent and the need to be with him, to make him feel good, to make himself feel good...
His actions were driven by pure desire and the need to be one with Jungkook and he was done torturing himself by rejecting his feelings for so long.
"I need you." Jimin whispered while coming closer to the younger who literally tried to go through the wall from the force he was using to push his body back.
"Jimin, we can't... I can't... You don't want this... You hate alphas... You're gonna regret this and you're gonna hate me afterwards and I can't have that..."
Jimin only walked closer.
"I... I... might hurt you. Alphas are pretty violent when they're in rut... and you're a human... you..."
Jimin came flush against Jungkook's chest, feeling his heart beating like crazy.
"You would never hurt me. I trust you completely."
Jimin moved his hands up and positioned them on the younger's chest.
Jungkook's body was impossible to ignore. Constantly displaying its finesse, rippling with the beauty of sheer manly excess. Every part of his body was bulging with round firm muscles and Jimin couldn't stand only to watch it, and not to touch him anymore.
Just like Jimin, Jungkook was wearing a white t-shirt, but while the fabric was loose on the older's body, it was stretched tightly over the alpha, looking so erotic over the expanse of his shoulders, then falling down around his surprisingly trim waist.
Jimin moved his hands over Jungkook's chest, trying to fully appreciate the definition of his muscles, tipped by his hard nipples, the deep grooves of his abs, but the thin fabric of the younger's shirt was getting in his way.
With shaky hands, Jimin grabbed the hem of the younger's shirt and started moving it up, towards Jungkook's head, but then the alpha stopped him.
"Jimin..." He whispered softly, closing his eyes while holding the older's hands in his, enabling him to do anything.
"I want you... I missed you so badly..." Jimin kissed the younger's chest and went on his tippy toes, trying to come closer to his face.
"Jimin..." Seemed like Jungkook really didn't want any of this to happen at least under these circumstances, but Jimin's actions made his judgement cloudy.
"Missed the way you smell..." The older kissed Jungkook's neck softly, coming closer to his scent glands and inhaling there deeply.
"I love your scent. Nothing smells like you..."
It was now or never. Jimin's gonna admit everything he was feeling for the past months cause sometimes hiding and suppressing your true emotions isn't a good thing.
Jungkook let go of Jimin's hands and put them on the older's waist, and started caressing his back slowly.
"You're gonna regret this... I know you... I can't lose you again..."
The Alpha hugged the older tighter, bringing his nose to Jimin's hair, smelling his scent there, on top of his head.
"You never lost me in the first place. I was here all along... I was just waiting for you... I never stopped thinking about you. I miss you every single day."
Jimin admitted in all honesty and moved his head to look into Jungkook's eyes, his hands wrapping around the younger's neck, caressing it there slowly.
"I missed you like crazy Jimin... You mean so much to me... I...I'm ok with having you as a friend if that's all that we can be, but you can't do this to me... You can't say such a thing and then tell me we can't do this again or how we're not meant for each other... I can't have that... It's better for us to stay friends and just enjoy each other's company while we date other people if..."
Jimin's eyes widened.
"You wanna date other people? Are you already seeing someone?" The older fisted his hand into Jungkook's shirt, making it all wrinkly. The blood in his veins was boiling.
"No. Of course not." Jungkook frowned, shaking his head after his words.
"Why would you say we should date someone else then?" Jimin didn't even know where this jealousy came from, but he was feeling pain and possessiveness taking over him.
"Cause I don't want to lose you! I know I'm not what you want so I won't force you to do something you don't want to..."
Jimin smirked.
"No. You can't date anyone else, and I can do whatever I want." Jimin went with his hands through Jungkook's hair and then he tugged the loose strands on his neck roughly.
"Do you understand? You're my alpha and no one else can have you."
Even if Jimin wasn't aware of the importance of his words, he felt that way. He felt needy and jealous around the younger so he needed for him to know.
"I want to be yours hyung...so badly... I have wanted that for so long Jimin... make me yours..."
And the thing Jimin waited to hear, the younger surrendering himself to him, wanting him just as much as he was craving the alpha, so with one tug onto Jungkook's hand, Jimin moved the younger to bed and straddled his hips expertly.
"My alpha..." Jimin pushed his body down, arching his back while pushing his ass on top of Jungkook's clothed cock and started kissing the younger's lips softly.
Their scents started mixing together making the new pretty smell that existed only in their wildest fantasies and Jimin couldn't get enough of it.
He kissed the younger deeply, savoring the sweetest taste and the most addictive smell he ever felt.
Jungkook's lips were wet and they fitted perfectly with his hungry ones, and Jimin couldn't control himself. He started moving his hips up and down the younger's crotch, driven by the sex scents all around them, and kissing sounds that echoed in the room.
Jimin licked Jungkook's lips, then bit his lower lip while moaning at the tasties sweet sensation.
"Love the way you kiss me... You're perfect hyung... No one has kissed me like you..."
Jungkook talked while closing his eyes, enjoying the magic Jimin's lips were doing down on his collarbones.
Even if Jungkook was praising the older by telling him how perfect he was kissing him, the words 'no one had kissed me like you' kept ringing inside Jimin's ears cause that sentence implied that someone else had done this before. Someone else had Jungkook in this state... Jimin felt sick to his stomach...
Only I can have him like this.
The jealousy was getting stronger the more he thought about it, and it was weird that Jimin was feeling this way considering he was never some overly protective boyfriend in relationships. He never cared about anyone like this before... Never felt so addicted to someone either...
While grinding his hips down onto the alpha's crotch, Jimin could feel how hard the younger was. He needed to see it, to look at the naked perfection that Jungkook is.
With expert hands, Jimin tugged Jungkook's shirt off, and then he moved a bit down on the bed, and started taking the younger's sweatpants off, together with his underwear.
"Hyung..." Jungkook moaned at the closeness he felt, but didn't say anything to stop the older from removing his clothes. Instead, he lifted his hips up, helping Jimin to get him completely naked.
After taking a second to savor the ripped body that was laying in front of him, Jimin started caressing and massaging Jungkook's inner thighs, trying so hard not to stare at the hard dick splayed on the younger's stomach.
He failed.
All he could focus on was alpha's fully erect cock that looked awe-inspiring. Jungkook's shaft was thick and veiny, the mushroom head purple and fully expanded, the entire organ was just the way Jimin liked it. Thick and long with a big head that the older knew he would feel deep within him.
The more Jimin stared at the younger's impressive member, the more he could see a translucent sap trickling from his tip.
I need to taste it...
As Jimin was getting closer to the younger's sensitive cock, he could see it twitching uncontrollably while a fresh pearl started seeping out, dangling off the tip in mid-air. The smell of cardamom was thick and heavy, almost warm like the sunny summer day.
Jungkook's cock looked so eager to come, filled with manly essence, that his member couldn't contain.
Jimin had to taste it...
Slowly, with a smooth move over Jungkook's thigh up towards his shaft, Jimin caressed the whole length of the alphas cock, and then he scooped the pre-cum onto his index finger and brought it straight onto his greedy tongue.
Jungkook gasped at the said action, inhaling deeply, his dick twitching once again, seeking attention, and when Jimin started humming at the sweet, cardamom tasting precum that he had tried, the younger lost it.
He let his back fall down, face covered with his hands, giving up on everything he was fearing off, being able only to take what Jimin was offering to him.
"So good baby... You taste so sweet..." Jimin praised the liquid he had licked from the soft pad of his fingers, and the moment he licked his finger clean, he wanted more.
It was like everything about Jungkook was driving him insane, making him crave more...
While the younger was still recovering from the shock he was in, Jimin sank down onto his knees and started licking the honey like nectar straight from the source, the smooth fleshy feel of Jungkook's shaft gliding over his tongue...
"Oh my fucking shit!!!! Jimin... Ah fuck...your lips... Oh shit..." Jungkook got into a sitting position abruptly as if he didn't wanna miss a single thing the older was doing to him.
And if anything, Jimin was a sight down there. Flushed cheeks, plump, stretched, red lips that knew how to get the job done. Pure perfection.
The older licked, sucked, smelled and caressed the alpha's impressive length, then explored the ridge at the base of his cockhead, worked his way down the bulging veins of his shaft as the younger groaned and arched his back, his abs contracting above him...
"Jimin... Stop or I'll come..."
The older sucked on the slit a few times more and then kissed the tip of Jungkook's cock before getting up and taking his shirt off.
"As much as I would love to taste you fully, I'm not done with you yet..." Jimin said while unbuttoning his jeans slowly, then pushing them down while watching the way Jungkook's eyes became heavier, darker, roaming all over the older's body.
Just when Jimin was done with taking his clothes off, Jungkook grabbed his hips and tugged him down onto the bed, positioning the older to lay on his back, and hovering above him.
He looked at the older for a second, admiring his beauty and then he moved a few strands of orange, silk hair that was covering Jimin's forehead.
"You look so pretty Jimin. The prettiest human I've ever seen in my life. I can never get enough of you... What am I supposed to do now?" Jungkook almost whined, looking at Jimin's full lips lustfully, wanting to know how this isn't a one time thing, how all of this isn't a mistake, how Jimin will not block him out of his life again, ignore him like he did before...
"How about you kiss me. Show me how much you want me."
Jungkook leaned down without thinking twice about it and started kissing Jimin passionately.
Their bodies were flush one against another and Jimin loved to feel the younger's weight on top of him, their hot skin connecting, both of their hard dicks leaking in between their heated bodies.
Jungkook's kisses were like a dream. Soft and moist, hot and breathy, just two souls bonding together while mixing their unique scents together.
The heat rose in Jimin's cheeks as Jungkook's tongue touched his own, electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined...
Their kisses felt like coming home after a long absence.... like the first soft rain after a drought...
Jungkook's kisses tasted sweet and wet, but felt spicy and Jimin couldn't get enough of him.
He felt shivers from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet...
Jungkook's lips made his toes curl, his whole body unsteady, and once one kiss was over, all Jimin wanted was more...
Even though Jimin would love nothing more than to spend the night kissing and enjoying the way Jungkook tasted, his dick became painfully hard so while kissing the alpha hungrily, Jimin started pushing his hips up, making delicious friction for both of their cocks.
Jungkook started panting faster, the sweat covered his forehead as he begin to rock his hips in the same rhythm as the older.
"Jimin..." Jungkook growled while grabbing Jimin's hands in his and pushing them up above the older's head.
"Yes..." Jimin arched his back sexily, teasingly moving his ass up to meet Jungkook's erected cock.
"What are you doing to me?" Jungkook nuzzled Jimin's neck and inhaled there deeply, making the older's eyes close while enjoying the younger's hot breath all over him.
"I'm making you feel good... Am I being good to you? I wanna make you feel so good, alpha..." Jimin talked in daze, lost in the feeling of the younger's scent that engulfed every pore on his body.
"Yes. You're so good to me Jiminah. You're all I ever wanted... Wanna taste you badly... Can I?" Jungkook said while leaving nibbling and rough kisses down Jimin's neck and all over his torso, leaving faint marks on his way down.
Jimin looked at him in awe cause how come Jungkook was always asking before doing anything. Jimin in the other hand did whatever the fuck he wanted and here was Jungkook, being the alpha that he is, asking permission to do something that Jimin knew will drive him insane... Something he was craving for... Thinking about while touching himself in the intimacy of his own room.
Not wanting to use his words, instead, Jimin decided to give the younger answer with his actions, he moved up on the bed and turned his back around, getting on all fours, presenting that luscious ass for the alpha to drool over.
Jimin's ass was a piece of art and every poet could easily write a song about it since it was so round and firm...just perfect.
"Fucking shit!" Seemed that Jungkook figured that out just by one look.
Jimin smirked while moving his hips from side to side, putting his hands on top of his cheeks, showing that perfect tight hole to Jungkook to get him even hornier if that was even possible.
"Come on alpha... You said you wanted it. Come and get it."
Jimin teased while moving one finger over his hole, playing with himself and after a low growl, he finally felt the bed shifting and then the younger's hands on both of his cheeks, spreading him wider.
Jungkook dived down aggressively, not waiting for the older to get used to the wet sensation of his tongue, rather surprising him with hard sucking and rough nibbles all over Jimin's cheeks that soon became red and on some parts even indigo blue from how hard Jungkook was sucking on the flesh, marking his territory.
"Oh god.... Jungkookah.... fuck... that's... ah.... yes...." Jimin had no idea what he was mumbling cause his focus was switching from Jungkook's long tongue prodding inside his hole, then his big hands caressing his back, coming all the way till his neck, then down to his ass cheeks where he would squeeze roughly while impaling Jimin's hole down on his pointed tongue.
"You're so tight baby..." Jungkook stared at Jimin's spit slicked hole, admiring the view and then he caressed the entrance with his index finger, not pushing inside.
Jimin moved his hips down, trying to feel the younger's fingers again, needing to feel the fullness inside him.
"Please..." Jimin mewled so Jungkook leaned his front on Jimin's back, licking his neck while coming up till his ear.
"What do you want hyung? You need to tell me. I'm not gonna do anything that you don't want me to."
Jimin's heart jumped up and down cause how was it possible for an alpha to be considerate and kind like this?
"Want your fingers and then want you to fuck me good. Make me come on that thick cock of yours." Jimin was never shy about his wishes and needs so this wasn't an exception.
"Fuck Jimin... Ok... I can do that... "
The younger grabbed lube and a condom from the stash that was prepared for him before coming here so that he could feel more comfortable while staying in this place during his rut.
After lubing his fingers generously, Jungkook pushed two fingers inside, surprised by how easy it was once the initial resistance broke, and Jimin seemed to enjoy every second of it.
"Ah yes...more...more...please alpha..." Jungkook scissored the older open and fucked his fingers inside slower, then faster every now and then brushing the sweet spot inside Jimin who moaned loudly.
"AH, AH, AH,AH.... right there... right there..." but just as Jimin was about to shout how he's close to coming, Jungkook removed his fingers from the older's stretched hole, coming down to bite onto the porcelain skin on Jimin's ass cheeks marking them with purple bruises again.
"You can't come yet hyung..." Now was Jungkook's time to tease.
"But whyyyy?" Jimin spread his legs even further apart, making his hole even more presentable, his ass cheeks jiggling in frustration.
"Cause I want to fill you up with my cock. Wanna fuck you like no one before..."
Jungkook talked while trailing a way of hot kisses up Jimin's spine, right where his moon tattoos were positioned, all the way up till his neck.
"Fuck me now... Please alpha, I'm ready..."
Jimin's words were soaked with lust, his eyes closed, mouth parted, he was in some weird, hazy space where his body responded on its own, and his mind was filled with Jungkook and his addicting scent.
Jungkook leaned his whole front to Jimin's back and after turning the older's head to the side, Jungkook kissed his lips passionately.
"Can't wait to feel you around my cock Jimin... I've been imagining this every time I had to jerk off here... You and your perfect body, pretty face, your erotic scent..."
Jimin pushed his ass back, and started rubbing it up and down Jungkook's shaft so the older moaned in pleasure which made him bite onto Jimin's shoulder, suppressing his own moans.
"Fuck me... " Jimin repeated, so the alpha finally moved a step back and after putting a condom on and lubing his dick nicely, he pressed his cock head to the older's wet hole. Jimin inhaled deeply at the delirious moment when their bodies met, when his hole resisted a little and then he felt the younger's head sliding right in, Jungkook's hot, soft flesh fitting there like a glove.
Jimin moaned in appreciation and coaxed "Keep going...give me more..."
Jungkook kept pushing and Jimin pushed back onto the alphas length as well, while caressing his own leaking cock.
"Mmmmm yes baby, deeper... Wanna feel you all the way in... Wanna feel you for days... Don't wanna forget this ever..."
There was heat and tightness all around Jungkook's length, his cockhead explored deep inside Jimin, till the hard pads of his ass cheeks were pressed against the alphas pelvis, till they both groaned in satisfaction.
"So full alpha... Feels so big inside me..." Jimin's voice was ragged with desire. He roars "Now fuck me... Wanna feel you more..."
Jungkook kept squeezing Jimin's waist, trying to control himself, trying not to wake the animal inside him cause the last thing he wanted was to hurt the older while being too aggressive.
Jungkook obeyed the older's demands. He began the slow, delicious process of withdrawing himself, seeing his wet, rock hard cock emerging from Jimin's tight ass till just the head's inside, feeling the need to bury himself, ramming into the warmest place inside the older deeper, harder...faster...
While feeling the warmth of Jimin's hole sliding over his aching cock, gripping it tight, Jungkook could enjoy the sight of the older's firm ass jiggling every time his hips pound into it. When Jimin arched his back, showing off that perfect curve of his body covered in pretty moon tattoos, Jungkook groaned, his fingers scratching over the older's back, the sounds and sight of lube squished out around the alpha's cock, started dripping all over his aching, full balls.
And the scent...
It was too much for both of them...
Too alluring, too sexual... Just a perfect representation of lust and desire...
Jimin had sex before, and it was kind of more to fulfill the natural needs that every human has. This... This was something else...
And he wanted it to last...
While feeling Jungkook's legs quivering behind him, feeling his own blood pounding in his ears, Jimin knew the younger was close to come.
The older's ass was slapping loudly against his cock, Jimin's hole squelching around it, so they moan and pant together until Jimin moves off of the alphas cock abruptly, loving the shocked expression the Jungkook had on his face.
"What? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough? I'm trying my best, I really didn't want to..."
Jimin kissed his lips softly, stopping all the rambling and nonsense the younger was saying, and looked him deeply in the eyes.
"No. You're perfect. I just didn't want you to come yet... "
Jungkook exhaled loudly, obviously feeling relieved that he didn't hurt the older, but then he frowned at him and looked at him in surprise.
"Then why?"
"I wanna ride you." Jimin put his palms on top of Jungkook's chest, pushing him flat on his back on the bed, covering his body with his petite frame, the entire surface of Jungkook's skin was compressed by the older's heat and his hardness as he moans into the alpha's ear.
"You've fucked me so good Kookah, now I wanna please you, take care of you..." While talking Jimin nibbled on the sensitive skin on Jungkook's neck, loving the faint marks that were left behind his greedy lips.
Then Jimin reared up, towered over the alpha's knees in all his gleaming glory, those firm thighs on either side of Jungkook's pelvis and Jimin's cock jutting towards his face, the wobbling strands of his precum landing on the alphas chest.
"Guide yourself back in and enjoy the ride." Jimin spread his own ass cheeks and waited for Jungkook to get back inside his warm hole.
The younger grabbed his painfully hard cock and positioned it up, closer to Jimin's hole, so he managed to find that sweet, moist spot after rubbing his tender tip back and forth against the hard swoop of muscle and finally Jimin sank back down on it.
"Oh my god!" Jungkook closed his eyes, lolling his head backwards, unable to move, or look, or breathe at this point.
And this time Jimin's in control, lowering himself onto alpha's rod with the force in those immense thighs till he's fully sitting on him.
The older's powerful ass cheeks flexed as he lifted himself back up, the moist pads contracting thickly against Jungkook's pelvis as Jimin lifted himself off.
There was no air left in the room... only milk and honey dancing around with cardamom and gasoline that made Jimin insane...
He started riding the younger like a wild beast in a mind-numbing display of athletic prowess, the way he was jumping up and down that cock making the sweat pour off him, making him look even sexier than before.
"Jimin... oh god... you look so good... you're amazing baby..." Jungkook praised the older's riding skills, but suddenly through Jimin's mind flew a thought about someone else being in his place, riding Jungkook just like he was, getting praises by the alpha, enjoying the way Jungkook's masterpiece of a body was looking underneath him, all muscled and tattooed, and Jimin got jealous...
Seemed like that was something inevitable these days and every time Jimin would think about the younger with someone else he would feel empty, angry, jealous, anxious even...
He really tried not to think about that at the moment, but his subconsciousness was getting the best of him.
"Am I the best you ever had?" Jimin asked while leaning his body down, not getting off the younger's cock, licking his collarbones and nibbling at the skin softly.
"Yes." Jungkook answered immediately, without any second thought, cause he knew no one could make him feel this way. He knew what all of this meant for him, and he had no doubts about what Jimin meant to him.
The older kissed him passionately, licking over Jungkook's tongue, trying to taste the sweet cardamom and that other thing that Jimin couldn't distinguish yet, but he felt addicted to it.
Everything was squelching, swelling, groaning. Jimin kept using all his muscles to thrust his body up and down. He kept crushing the alpha with the thickness of his round ass.
The air was too heavy, too hot...
While jumping up and down the younger's hard length, Jimin kept kissing Jungkook's lips, his jaw, coming down onto his neck.
Jungkook knew how sensitive he was right there, where his scent glands were, but Jimin's lips felt too good and he wanted to feel more.
While smelling the sweetness of his own honey, Jimin finally felt the gasoline, that sweet benzine evaporating from Jungkook's neck every time he would nibble on it, and he couldn't stop himself. He needed to feel more, to smell more, to imprint that scent deep within himself.
He licked, then bit down right under Jungkook's ear, trying to mix those scents together cause the feeling was just divine.
The older's dick was so hard, leaking all over Jungkook's stomach, and Jimin felt it... Something had to blow, had to explode...
The pressure kept building, making him desperate for relief, desperate to finally let go and dive in that perfectly mixed scent that he was feeling while sucking down Jungkook's neck.
"Jiminah... Don't stop, I'm gonna come..."
Even though Jungkook announced that he would come, Jimin was the one who let out a roar first, whose cock squeezed hard between his and Jungkook's stomachs, and a fat gooey splat striked down all over the alphas abs and chest.
Something washed all over Jimin, an orgasmic feeling like he never felt before, from the top of his head, down to the tip of his fingers, but something was missing... The scent that he was feeling seconds ago while he was nibbling down on Jungkook's neck was gone and he needed more.
While moaning loudly, Jimin kept riding Jungkook just as hard as before, his entire body contracting as he keeps coming, spraying his cum all over .Jungkook's body, and then this incredible feeling came over him. He felt the alphas cock pulsating inside of him, felt the unexplainable desire to mark Jungkook as his, to make all the others to back off from him, to have him all for himself... It was impulsive and unstoppable, but Jimin felt the need to bite down onto Jungkook's neck, hard, as hard as he would never imagine to bite anyone, but he needed to, he was craving the scent he felt before, he was craving closeness, he felt the need to mark his alpha.
The force of his bite drew blood onto the surface of Jungkook's soft skin, but neither of them could think about that since they were both coming, waves of orgasms splashing through their entire bodies.
They were both high on adrenaline, driven by the force of their orgasm... driven by lust...
The pressure suddenly exploded and Jungkook kept coming with the strength of animal, drowning in his own manly force as his cock erupted in Jimin's hole with body shaking jerks, filling the condom so full of sperm that he was sure it'll ooze out all over their bodies, spurting and spraying in what seemed like an endless torrent of pleasure as Jimin squeezed his needy ass, forcing Jungkook to come till he's drained of every drop in his body.
The moment the most powerful orgasm of both of their lives was over, Jimin felt sleepy and spent.
Without a word he let his body fall over Jungkook's not minding the cum all over them, nor the warm bloody taste left in his mouth and even less the soft cock that slipped out of him messily.
Nothing mattered. He was happy, at peace, he felt different, exposed in a good way... He felt like he was one with someone else in an unexplainable way he couldn't understand yet, but soon he was about to find out the consequences of his impulsive, raw, animal-like actions.
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