It's you...
While squinting his eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the bright sunny day, Jungkook saw two Aspirins on his nightstand, a huge glass of water and a note.
Sleepyhead, drink those Aspirins and lots of water, you'll need it today. I had to go early to meet with Changbin and Felix for those new songs we're doing for them, and since we're meeting with you at 12 I didn't wanna wake you up so early. Don't be late!
I mean it.
P.S We don't have any more scent blockers, and I couldn't buy them this morning since I was late. Use the one that's left in the fridge and go buy us some before the meeting. I haven't drank any so I'll need one too. You'll need them more than I do so you better hurry up.
After rolling his eyes so hard at the note, that his sight turned white for a second, Jungkook got up and did exactly what Yoongi had told him to do.
I got time...
He drank those Aspirins, took a quick shower, ate some cereals he found in their shared kitchen cabinet and wore one of his tight ripped jeans with a black long sleeved shirt that was hugging his muscular body in all the right places and hiding a long sleeve of tattoos that were covering his right arm. One look at his messy, black hair was enough to figure that the situation with his hairstyle couldn't get any better, which he didn't even mind. Messy, longish, all over the place was his favorite hairstyle anyways.
For a second he thought about his options and a possibility of not going to the biggest city pharmacy where Yoongi would usually buy scent blockers and rut suppressants when they need them, but having only one scent blocker was bad enough already and knowing he has a filled working day, Jungkook knew he'll need at least one more to get through the day. At least one... more like two or three more.
Yoongi could sometimes go through the day without taking those at all since his scent was a pleasant sandal wood, which was pretty mild for an alpha and gentle to so many noses, but Jungkook on the other hand... He couldn't live without those scent blockers.
The thing is... His scent was really kind of unique and to some people it could be a bit too much to handle. Mostly, they love it or hate it, and pretty much everyone would feel the same way after smelling him for too long. They would feel dizzy, nauseous, and a slight headache could appear after a while and Jungkook was too observant and caring to let people feel that way around him. That's why he used those scent blockers all the time. He took the double dose in the morning, then he would use another one in the middle of the day, and one late at night especially if he was about to go out and have some fun.
People that he hooks up with usually don't even register his scent at first, they mostly get blinded by his good looks, and after getting aroused his scent somehow changes into something more potent and sweet, a pretty cardamom smell that always leaves his partners craving for more... that's until he gets off from his high and starts smelling the way he usually smells...
Like gasoline.
Jungkook has a specific scent that drives people around him insane cause no matter how much you don't want to sniff the addicting smell of gasoline you kind of need to and then it's too much and it's too hard to not feel dizzy or sick to your stomach.
He knew it all, so that's why his life couldn't be possible without those scent blockers that he was so badly craving for.
After putting his chunky sneakers on, he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the apartment that he called home for the past four years. His best friend and co- worker, Min Yoongi, was his roommate ever since they met at some rock concert they both liked and started working on some music for all kinds of acts and groups they both liked.
Usually this was Yoongi's job.
Buying them scent blockers and anything from the pharmacy, but once in the blue moon, Yoongi would forget to refill their supplies so Jungkook would have to do it instead of the older. He didn't mind it though, he just wasn't a fan of closed up places that have too many people in it, whether it's humans or some hybrids... he never liked a lot of company. His scent would get stronger and his anxiety would usually force him to leave the place cause of all the coughing and turning heads and nauseous looks he would get for smelling so strongly of gasoline.
At one point, he wished for modern medicine to become so invasive that he could remove his scent in general and not just hide it from the whole world like he was used to.
The only problem he had with that brilliant idea, was the fact that if he was able to do that, that meant that his perfect match, his dream mate wouldn't be able to recognize him cause his scent would be gone so Jungkook would be left with no chance in finding his true love, the kind that he had learned about in school, the mind stopping, heart shaking, goosebumps rising kind of love that happens only to one in a million pair since the world has somehow stopped believing in true love and in search for one.
After parking his car in the pharmacy parking lot, Jungkook grabbed his sunglasses cause even though it was early April, the Sun was high up in the sky and his eyes were still hurting from not sleeping enough and drinking too much last night. He finally dragged his tired body inside the white, big open space, and he got confused to see that there was no one inside the pharmacy.
He looked around, only to see the big open space filled with all kinds of meds and potions that he had never tried before.
Other alphas, omegas too, loved to try and consume some of the potions that the pharmacists had developed in years of trying to help hybrids and wolves, but Jungkook never really believed in those potions, nor medicament... so he usually took his inevitable scent blockers and rut suppressants and that was it. All the other stuff was just a voodoo sorcery bullshit that he wasn't fond of.
Just as he was about to turn around and leave the place, cause there was obviously no one inside, something happened to him.
Something unexpected and something he never dreamed could happen to him.
His nose got sensitive and his body started shaking from the desire that overflows his senses cause the scent that filled his nostrils was too much and too addicting to him...
While putting hands over his beating heart, Jungkook started taking deep breaths, closing his eyes, trying to calm his shaking hands cause the smell kept getting stronger and sweeter, and Jungkook's wolf started running around, spinning like crazy, howling on the inside, and Jungkook knew this is something that had never happened to him before.
His body reacted on instinct, so his legs started moving towards the alluring smell that Jungkook could feel better with every step cause it became so overpowering and sensual that his mouth started drooling uncontrollably.
Could it be?
Am I dreaming?
What is this?
Who is this?
Is this possible?
So many thoughts ran through his clouded mind, but one thing was for sure. Jungkook needed to see the person behind that perfect scent.
Is it a male or female?
Omega or beta?
No way this kind of sweet smell could be an alpha... No way...
His thoughts got even heavier with every step he took closer to the room which had 'ONLY FOR EMPLOYEES' written on the door, and even if he wasn't an employee, he had to go inside. Had to see this God given creature that has the most pleasant milky scent that made Jungkook feel like he had never before.
While reaching out for the door knob with shaky hands, Jungkook opened up the door slowly, and jumped up at the sight of a man mixing some potions, wearing some kind of astronaut suit that was obviously meant to protect the man if something goes wrong with the potions.
Turns out the man was lucky to wear that kind of suit cause the moment the shorter man's eyes landed on Jungkook he dropped some of the liquid that he was holding in his small hands into the bowl that was in front of him, and next thing he knows, there was explosion of all the ingredients all over the said man.
"FUCKING SHIT!" the man screamed so Jungkook came closer, trying to help with the little containers that were falling off the table.
Fuck, fuck, fuck....
"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to scare you... I just... I came to buy... I...sorry..." Jungkook mumbled while the obviously pissed off man was cleaning his ridiculous round looking goggles that had covered most of his small face. On the lower part of his face was a white face mask so literally Jungkook couldn't see anything from the man that smelled like heaven to Jungkook's nose.
"You scared me. We don't work today. We have inventure and I wasn't expecting anyone to come." the grumpy man said with a sharp voice, so Jungkook prayed to God that his scent detectors are sick or not working right cause this short, funny looking grumpy guy can not possibly be his perfect match, the person with the sweetest smell...
"Are you alone here?" he needed to check.
"Yes. My colleagues are working the second shift. They're supposed to come here in a few hours." The man started collecting some stuff from the table, the frown on his eyebrows still permanent on his face.
"Oh... so it's just you in this whole place..." again, just to be clear...
"Yeah..." the man turned around to finally look at Jungkook, and his gaze tore a hole inside Jungkook's brain cause how can someone so small and funny looking also be so intimidating.
"What do you want?" the man came closer and stood right in front of Jungkook and he almost moaned at the smell that somehow got even more intense now and even deeper than before, and could it be that next to milk there was some sweet honey in it too?
God fucking shit! Try not to breathe...
Jungkook's mind was spinning, his heart beating so loud inside his ears that he didn't even find time to register one more very important thing. Enormously important thing.
"You're a human." he said with his eyes wide open so the man raised his eyebrows that looked enormous behind those too big goggles, obviously looking confused at Jungkook's sudden revelation which was actually clear from the very beginning.
"I mean... yeah..." the man nodded while pointing the obvious so Jungkook felt even more stupid then before, unable to speak anything else, to think about anything rather than him being here at this place next to the man who's scent drove him crazy and made him feel all the feels and it was a ridiculously looking human? What kind of twisted faith was this?
"Look, I can see you being a bit nervous and shy. Don't be." the man started talking again so Jungkook gulped cause what was he talking about? Does he feel the way Jungkook is feeling? Is the man's heart beating loudly inside his chest? Mouth feeling dry...
"If you need one of those penis enlargement potions I could mix you one in no time..."
"Excuse me?" Jungkook interrupted him abruptly so the man rolled his eyes.
"Penis enlargement potions... Come on... It's no big deal. Seems like alphas these days really want those big cocks and you're no exception..."
Jungkook's eyes doubled in size and they were big as it is.
"No. I don't need that!" he said kind of offensively and a bit too fast.
"Fine. Whatever you say alpha." The man moved over and started wiping the table clean, and Jungkook really didn't wanna think about how his heart skipped a beat after the said man had called him alpha...
"Are you gonna say what brings you here or are you gonna stand there the whole day?"
Jungkook needed to react fast. He needed to say something and not look like a dumb fool even if he felt like one.
Just as he was about to say how he just came to get some scent blockers, he saw a big paper ad on the right side of the double door and an interesting thing written on it.
*In need of alpha's that are willing to help and cooperate in finding new potions and medicaments. Contact us through pharmacy e-mail or directly at the pharmacy. Your effort will be rewarded.*
"Um... I'm here for that ad... I... want to help..." Jungkook said while pointing his finger at the ad on the door, so the man's eyes widened in shock, and he let go of the cloth with which he was cleaning the table and came closer to Jungkook again.
Jungkook felt sick to his stomach.
Being so close to someone that smelled so good was almost like drowning under the water... Holy water....
"Really? Are you serious?" The man's expression switched to excitement and thrill in no time and Jungkook hated how his wolf felt proud and happy to see his true mate, not his true mate, the man that smelled good being happy. He really needs to stop his thoughts from going wild...
He'll most definitely not think of that man as his true mate only cause his scent was so addicting and pleasant and Jungkook could drown in it and die happily ever after. No. That doesn't mean a thing. Or so he'll try to convince himself.
"Yeah... I'll help. Sure." he said while nodding, hating the way his voice became softer while looking at the pleased man in front of him.
"Great! You seriously made my day. I already have this one potion that I made two days ago. If you could try it out now, then we could follow your state through the day..." The man suddenly took out a small bottle of some kind of potion and put it on the table, so while he was looking for something else, Jungkook took the bottle and drank it all up in one go.
The potion actually tasted good. Minty with a bit of a citrusy touch.
"No. No. No. No... Did you drink it all?" the man asked while raising his eyebrows, looking at Jungkook with that empty bottle.
"Yeah... you said I should try it out..."
"Yes, but only one tea spoon... That's too much... Oh God..." the man took the bottle and looked inside as if to see if Jungkook really drank it all.
"What's the potion for? Am I in trouble?" Jungkook asked while not being too concerned since he actually didn't believe in those kinds of potions and stuff.
"It's for increasing arousal when you're smelling someone you're sexually attracted to."
"Oh..." Jungkook gulped.
"But hey, it's gonna be fine. First of all, we don't know if the potion will even work, and secondly, you didn't smell any sexually pleasing scents today. Right?"
If you only knew...
"N-No..." Of course Jungkook lied.
"Ok. Good. So just go home now and give me feedback every 2-3 hours just to let me know if something is happening. Ok?"
The man walked over to the jacket that was hanging on the door knob and after taking his phone out, he came closer to Jungkook again.
"Here. Give me your number so that I could contact you for our next appointment, and I'll text you mine so that you could tell me if the potion is working or not."
Jungkook nodded while typing his number and the moment he gave it to the men, he typed a short message and sent it to Jungkook right away.
Unknown number
Jimin the pharmacist
Jungkook peeked and quickly read the message, the name rang inside his ear.
Jimin... Milk and honey...
"Seriously, thank you so much for this. I really have so many new things that I need to test on alpha's but you guys are so hard to find and cooperate so this really means a lot to me."
Jungkook put the phone back in his pocket, nodding at Jimin's statement.
"No problem. I'll talk to you later then..." Jungkook noticed that he's already late so while trying to say goodbye he realized that his wolf was crying already, just at the thought of being away from that amazing, drug like scent.
"Please let me know how you feel after 2-3 hours. It's really important for my test trials." The pharmacist reminded Jungkook again of their agreement, but Jungkook's head was somewhere else... He was seeing white, feeling at peace, loving the sweet smell that fed his ego, his wolf, all of his senses and he knew he would need more of this, he knew he got addicted to it whether he liked it or not.
"I will. Bye Jiminshi."
After running like a marathon competitor for his meeting with Yoongi, Changbin and Felix, Jungkook noticed one important thing.
He forgot all about scent blockers and now it was too late to go and find those in some other pharmacy in town.
Fucking shit.
"Hey you... What happened to you?" Yoongi asked the moment Jungkook came inside their big, open office where the two singers were seated across the table on the yellow couch.
"The pharmacy wasn't working today... so no scent blockers..." Jungkook said while wiping the sweat from his forehead, looking at all of them apologetically. He knew how his scent was affecting the others and there was nothing he could do about it.
"I have one with me. I carry it all the time. Here. Take it. I have plenty at home." Felix, one of the guys said and the sense of relief washed over Jungkook's face cause finally he could function normally without being a threat to other's health.
"Thank you so much." He grabbed that white little bottle and drank it all up, finding peace right when the blockers started to work.
The meeting was successful and it was obvious why Yoongi and Jungkook were one of the best producers and art designers among the rest of the people who were making money by making music, and the moment the meeting was over, Jungkook needed a glass of water, or anything actually cause his mouth felt way too dry.
"Hey are you ok? " Yoongi came from behind so Jungkook looked at him confused.
"Yeah... I'm just.... a bit tired I guess..."
"Mhm... have you met anyone on your way here?" Yoongi asked and again Jungkook felt a bit caught up in the lie but he really didn't wanna talk about what had just happened to him cause he himself didn't know what the hell was all of that.
"I... Not really... Why?"
"You smell different... You smell like cardamom and you know when you smell like that..." Yoongi teased with a smirk so Jungkook felt his cheeks getting hotter.
"I... No... Sorry... I just remembered someone I hooked up with last night so... could be that..." he really didn't wanna tell the truth cause what was the truth?
He met the man whose scent smelled like God's gift from heaven and the strongest kind of addicting drug???
Of course he will not say that cause how ridiculous does that sound? And on top of all of that, the man is a human. A human being that couldn't possibly be his true mate, the one and only for him, but why did his scent evoke so many feelings in Jungkook? So much attraction, addiction, sexuality, admiration, possessiveness.... He had no idea.
"Could be... You should probably go home since we're done with this meeting and later on you can work from apartment. I know how much you hate to work when you don't have scent blockers." Yoongi knew him the best and was an amazing friend. Also, he didn't wanna get a headache from smelling his gasoline best friend for too long.
"I will... Sure. Thank you. I'll see you tonight. I'll make us some dinner." Jungkook took his stuff and decided to leave cause all the artwork that he had planned to do that day, he could really do from home, and he really really wanted to buy those scent blockers asap.
While entering another, smaller pharmacy near his workplace, Jungkook looked at his phone and saw a few messages from Jimin.
Jimin - pharmacist
How are you feeling? Is everything ok?
You're not answering, please just answer when you read this. You took too much of that potion so I'm a bit worried.
Jungkook are you alive?
Oh shit!
Jungkook totally forgot about checking in with Jimin cause for the past hour he has been feeling a bit off, and he also noticed that his temperature was a bit higher, but he didn't wanna make a big deal out of it... Could be anything...
Sorry for not answering sooner. I was at work.
Everything's totally fine.
Not even a minute after a new message arrived.
Jimin - pharmacist
So you're not aroused? Don't feel anything different?
No. Everything's fine.
He quickly pressed send cause it was his turn on the register to get his much needed scent blockers and he couldn't not notice the girl's sexy stare and suggestive lip bite.
"Hi, how can we help you?" she said in the most alluring voice, so Jungkook frowned, cause wtf is going on?
"Um... I need twenty scent blockers please." he answered while looking around and only then he noticed that too many people were looking at him with some kind of questionable look on their faces. He couldn't quite pin-point what those looks were all about.
"Why would you want to hide that sexy smell alpha? You smell so good." the lady said shamelessly so Jungkook blushed. Even if his ego was fed nicely, he only then realized that his usual scent, gasoline, was overpowered by his cardamom, sexual, manly and alluring scent that he usually had when he was aroused or in the middle of sex.
What's happening to me?
"Thank you. Can I get those blockers please?" he tried not to pay too much attention to all the stares that he was feeling on his back, and after the lady put all the blockers in a bag, she casually put her phone number inside too.
"Just in case you want to lose the tension down there..." she said with a wink, so Jungkook glanced down, and to his utmost horror, he saw a fucking bulge inside his tight pants, and now he felt so embarrassed cause he had no idea he was hard in the first place.
"Oh God! Um... Thank you... Bye.." he managed to reply something to her suggestive words, and after putting the bag over his erected crotch area, Jungkook went back home to figure what the fuck was happening to him.
Oh my God... Oh my God... WHAT?
The moment he came inside the apartment, and started taking off his clothes, his very hard and leaking cock sprung free, looking all worked up, needy and ready for action.
Maybe I should call that girl to help me out with this....
His thoughts were cut off by his wolf who growled loudly, obviously displeased by the idea.
Oh come on... Shut up! What do you want? What is this all about?
While tugging all his clothes off of his body, Jungkook decided to take a very needed shower cause his now painful erection could only be fixed one way.
Hot water was running down his body, leaving a wet trail over his needy muscles, all the way down to his hard cock that was seeking attention.
What should I think about?
Some porn?
Old hook up?
Who was my best hook up lately?
Jungkook was a simple man, he could close his eyes and think about his latest sex partners and if the sex was good, he could jerk off just by thinking about the hot time he had with his partners.
Only that this time, his subconsciousness had other plans for him.
While stroking his cock slowly, from base up to his head, the only thing that kept popping up inside his head was, Milk and Honey... Milk... Milky scent... Honey...
Oh hell no!
He couldn't believe that his body was reacting this way only to a thought about the man he met today and the scent he still could feel deeply inside his nose.
His mind wanted one thing, his subconsciousness wanted another, and his hand had a plan of it's own, so while pumping his dick with persistent pace, trying not to think too much about the man he met this morning, his alluring scent and everything that was evoking inside of him, Jungkook came hard all over the shower cabin, while the exact same words kept repeating themselves inside his head.
"Fucking shit!"
Being the clean freak that he was, Jungkook rubbed off all the evidence of him mastrubating like a horny teen in the shower cabin, and went to the kitchen like nothing had happened to prepare some dinner for him and Yoongi.
He really tried not to think about Jimin and his scent while preparing some kimchi fried rice, but when he turned his body to clean some of the dirty plates that were piled up in the sink, the kitchen cabinet poked him down, right onto his crotch area, and only then he noticed, he was fully hard again.
The frustration got the best of him, so while looking down at the obvious bulge inside his sweats Jungkook moved the cotton material slightly away from his body, just to peek if what he was feeling was really true.
Yep! Fully hard.
"Fuck my life."
Obviously the dirty dishes were his last concern, so after leaving everything as it was before, Jungkook went to his bedroom to take care of yet another unexplainable erection he was sporting today.
After finishing with yet another quick orgasm, Jungkook cleaned himself up and went to prepare the rest of the dinner for him and his roommate cause Yoongi was supposed to be home any time now.
Luckily for him, his dick was being nice and polite during the dinner, but right before going to bed, the same thing happened again. His dick was fully hard and he honestly hadn't thought about anything sexual or appealing the whole day, well, except that milk and honey smell that drove him insane.
After jerking off the third time, Jungkook felt tired and spent, so he cleaned himself the best way he could before laying down and trying to get some sleep.
The whole night he dreamed about milk and honey and enjoyed every second of it.
Jungkook's mornings were usually always the same. Him and Yoongi would wake up and after grabbing something to eat, they would go to work together and usually have lunch together and then depending on how was their work day they would go to grab some drinks at the nearby Pub, or they would go clubbing, trying to satisfy their sexual appetite, both being Alphas, that could be a bit tricky.
This morning however, when Jungkook looked at his phone, he saw another messages from Jimin and for one second all of the yesterday's events started making sense to him.
Arousal potion...
Hard dick...
Must be that...
Jimin - pharmacist
How are you feeling?
Is anything new happening?
I guess the potion is not working...
Have a good night.
Jungkook grabbed his stuff and after drinking his morning coffee, he knew he had to go to see Jimin again.
"Hyung... I need to buy some new art supplies... so I'll see you at work a bit later. We have our first meeting at 12 anyways. Is that ok?" he hated lying, but still, it was too early to say anything about what was happening to him since he, himself, had no idea what was going on.
"Sure Kookah, see you later."
Within a few minutes, he was just like yesterday, in front of the biggest pharmacy in the city, inhaling deeply.
Maybe there was something wrong with me yesterday and maybe I won't feel anything today...
He walked inside the pharmacy with all the optimism in the world, but the moment his nose went past the door, all of his senses got shaken and awake by the same alluring and addicting scent he felt right away.
Fucking hell...
Milk and Honey...
Even if he didn't want to, his body reacted on it's own, so after taking a deep breath, so deep that he could smell Jimin's scent in all of his pores, in every nerve ending, in his fingertips and all over his skin, Jungkook walked right towards the direction of the addicting smell.
"Sorry sir, you can't go in there." A firm voice stopped him from entering the room where he met Jimin yesterday, and only then he realized how he was walking straight to the 'EMPLOYEE ONLY' room which was a bit odd to do.
"Oh, I'm so sorry... I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jeon Jungkook. I work with Jiminshi Alpha's potions, meds... something like that..." Jungkook said to a man whose face finally changed into something more pleasant, like a recognition hit him all of a sudden.
"Oh! You're Jimin's alpha!" The man had the cutest dimples and a kind face expression, but Jungkook's brain could only register his words.
Jimin's alpha?
"Oh... um... I guess..." he knew that the man didn't mean it like that, but his heart skipped a beat. His wolf was howling loudly, proud to be named Jimin's alpha.
"Here, Jimin's actually working on something new the whole morning. You can come in." The man opened the door for Jungkook so he politely bowed before entering.
"I'm Kim Namjoon. Jimin's colleague and friend. It's really nice to meet you. Thank you for your effort with our experimental trial." the man said politely before closing the door, so Jungkook nodded while trying to show him the same modest and kind smile.
"Jungkookah, what are you doing here?" the voice that Jungkook almost forgot, suddenly spoke, but the smell that was radiating all over Jimin became even more present and fulfilling. Jungkook's mind was again dazed and he felt like he was drugged or poisoned or sent to heaven.
"I jerked off." That's all that he could come up with cause his mind had no connection to his mouth at this point and only when he saw the shock written all over Jimin's face, he knew he had screwed up.
"Oh..." Jimin spoke, trying to avert his gaze to something else in the room.
"I mean... last night... yesterday... I think it was cause of the potion... That's why I said it... not... Oh God...." Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose, not believing his own words.
"Oh... Really? That's amazing! Tell me all about it." Jimin came closer, after leaving all kinds of leaves on the table, his eyes big and filled with anticipation.
"To t-tell you all about it?" Suddenly Jungkook felt weird.
"Oh God. Not about... You know... Just... Why you did it? Why do you think the potion has something to do with it? This is really important for me. Please, just be honest about it." Even if his eyes were hidden behind those funny round goggles, Jungkook could see all the sincerity in Jimin's facial expression.
"Well, it's cause I had no sexual thoughts and I wasn't with anyone with whom I could have any sexual contact, but still, I I guess aroused." it felt so weird to talk about this so openly, but Jungkook had no choice.
"That's a good sign, being able to feel aroused even without thinking about someone or looking at something, or being with someone. It means the potion is fulfilling its purpose."
Jungkook nodded, thinking how all of this conversation should be taken to a minimum.
"So how many times did you do it?" Jimin obviously needed to know more.
"Khm... It was three times." Again, Jungkook couldn't lie cause that would ruin the whole trial.
"Wow. Three times. That's amazing. I'm very impressed." Jimin mumbled so Jungkook got flustered, his cheeks all red from all this talking.
"Yeah... I think that potion really had something to do with that. I usually wouldn't do it. I mean, not like I don't ever do it, I do it...but not that get the point." Again, Jungkook felt embarrassed on another level. He was a confident good looking guy, where was all of this nonsense coming from?
Jimin giggled.
He fucking giggled cause all of this was obviously amusing to him and for some dumb reason Jungkook found himself smiling too.
This is ridiculous...
"You did drink the whole bottle. I guess if you had one teaspoon or maybe two, you wouldn't feel that aroused." Jimin took out a black notebook and started writing all the things they just talked about.
"I guess..." Jungkook played with his fingers.
"So if I ask you to drink only one teaspoon so that we could see if the potion would really work, would you do it?" Jimin took out the small bottle exactly the same as the one Jungkook had drunk, and looked at him with those big pleading eyes.
I'm so fucked.
"Sure. After drinking the whole bottle, what could a teaspoon do to me? " Jungkook shrugged, not feeling good about trying this out, but Jimin asked him so nicely...
After removing his white gloves, cause Jimin was again having his astronaut big, white suit, he took a teaspoon and filled it with the yellow potion which he put closely in front of Jungkook's mouth.
"Open up."
Jungkook downed the potion easily and started fearing for his sanity and dick right away.
"Thank you for doing this with me and please let me know how things are going. Yesterday you had barely sent me a message. We agreed every 2-3 hours you'll send a short report." Jimin reminded him of their deal, so Jungkook nodded.
He'll try his best this time.
"I will. Talk to you soon." Jungkook promised before heading back to work, not wanting to miss his morning coffee with Yoongi.
After grabbing their favorite coffee's from the store across their office, Jungkook felt good and relaxed and he actually loved the fact that he could go every day to the pharmacy to see Jimin and to be with him, smelling his perfect scent, helping him out, trying to get to know him better and to somehow realize what was happening to him. His nose was filled with Jimin's scent and he loved how it made him calm, his wolf happy and sedated, dancing on cloud nine...
"So we're gonna take two more offers for doing this girl group's new album even though I would prefer to do a different genre, but the money's good." Yoongi talked about job like they usually do, so Jungkook looked at the picture of five girls that he's about to collaborate with.
" We'll do it cause we need the money. I had no idea those scent blockers were that expensive."
Yoongi nodded while sipping on his coffee.
"That's cause I always buy them for us you brat." he hit the younger playfully on the forehead, acting to be annoyed by his lack of reality.
"Well I'll start buying them now too. I promise." he winked at his friend and only then he remembered that he didn't send any feedback to Jimin about the potion.
"Our break is over. Let's get down to business." Yoongi announced while getting up, stretching his limbs shortly.
Jungkook followed his movement, only when he got up, an interesting sight caught his eyes.
It was his crotch.
He was hard again.
Luckily Yoongi was long gone before he got up so no one was there to witness the rather unpleasant event in his pants, so after making sure that Yoongi was in his cubicle desk at their shared office, Jungkook sneaked out and went to the company bathroom.
What to do now???
He started panicking cause how could this happen to him? He was normally chatting with his best friend, minding his own business, he did though about Jimin maybe once, or twice, but his scent was still inside his nose, his pores... Everywhere.
There was only one thing that could be done at this moment, and that's to release that tension growing down in his pants.
This isn't funny anymore...
Jungkook took out his hard and leaking cock, and luckily for him, he didn't need too much effort to come as quietly as he could inside the bathroom cabin, Jimin and his scent played on his mind.
After coming back to his desk, he felt energetic and filled with life so he started working on some neglected projects that were piling up on his desk for days.
Again, his mind got preoccupied and he forgot to send a message to Jimin.
Then his phone rang.
Oh shit!
He quickly went out, not wanting to talk about this new thing going on in his life in front of anyone, so he finally answered the call.
"Do you not know what every 2-3 hours mean?"
Jimin was pissed. Or so he sounded.
"I'm sorry. I'm at work. I...forgot..."
"Oh, so you forgot again. That's not nice Jungkook. For what I might know, you could be dead or in coma, or having your dick cut off cause the circulation got all messed up and shit and you're not telling me anything!"
Wow, what a 1. class movie scenarios.
"None of that happened. I'm perfectly fine... Well... except... Um... " he felt embarrassed to talk about it again.
"What? Except what? "
"I got hard again."
"Good... That's good..."
Jungkook felt his dick twitching again.
Oh God please no...
"Were you able to handle it... Or?"
"What is this? A hot line?" Jungkook teased so Jimin giggled.
"No. I need to know it cause of the test trial for the potion."
"I took care of it. I had to." he rolled his eyes at the way he was casually talking about jerking off.
"Hm... So you couldn't hold it in. Wait for it till you come home?"
"No. I don't think so..."
"Do you think it was because of the potion again?"
"I do."
"Ok. Great. Well enjoy your day and let me know how the rest of the day goes. I'm curious to know."
"I will. Bye Jiminshi."
The rest of the day went splendidly.
Right before finishing his call with Jimin, Jungkook was semi hard again, so while fearing for his and Yoongi's well being, Jungkook decided to go home and finish some of the sketches he had to do for this week, and since he had all the material at home it was really the best decision not to be around other people at this moment.
By the end of the day he had jerked off another 2 times, so three times in total again just like the other day.
He decided to share his experience with Jimin cause the older asked him to do so politely.
I jerked off 3 times.
Jimin - pharmacist
Really? Again?
Yes. I think your potion might be a bit strong.
Jimin - pharmacist
I guess. Or, could be that you're really horny. I'm gonna work the whole week on it. If you're free on the weekend, come to the pharmacy to test the new potion.
What??? Too horny??? He's joking... Right? He is...
Sure. I'll come.
Jimin - pharmacist
You'll come?
To the pharmacy.
Jimin - pharmacist
Right. I thought you're up for another round.
Is he? What?
Why is the guy in an astronaut suit and goggles suddenly so hot?
I need to smell him badly...
I'm done with that for today.
Jimin - pharmacist
Hm... So three is a maximum I guess.
Maximum? What is he talking about?
Maximum? Yes when it comes to that potion.
Jimin - pharmacist
So usually you could go for more rounds?
Is this really necessary for the trial?
Jimin - pharmacist
Of course. Why else would I ask?
This cheeky little...
I could go way more than that.
Jimin - pharmacist
Nice to know. Bye Jungkookah.
Nice to know?
Bye Jiminshi.
He jerked off once more before going to bed. This time it had nothing to do with the potion. He was just worked up and all hot and bothered from that suggestive conversation.
Jimin was showing his fun and charming side and if you add that to his intoxicating scent, Jungkook was not sure he could handle that at this moment.
Few days without seeing Jimin shouldn't be a big deal.
Why would that be an issue for Jungkook?
He had just discovered that sweet smelling sexually potent scent that drove him crazy and there is no reason for him to be at the pharmacy in the next morning, but there he was again. Lying to his best friend that he once again had to buy some art supplies, he went to the pharmacy just to inhale couple of times, that alluring perfect scent, and this time around he didn't even bother to say hi to Jimin, to come behind that 'ONLY FOR EMPLOYEES' door. Instead he just took some painkillers and allergy plasters cause those items were the closest to Jimin's office just so he could get enough of his scent, his aura, the sweet and attractive notes that complimented every bit of Jimin's existence.
After paying for those few things, Jungkook kept coming back to the pharmacy every morning just like before, and he was being careful to wear mask on his face and to go to the register where this third, very handsome looking cashier was working, trying to avoid being recognized by Namjoon who he met the other day.
It was Friday night when Jimin had finally sent him a message.
Jimin - pharmacist
How are you?
I've been working on two new potions for you, and I think I managed to fix the first one you tried. I'm so excited for you to try these out.
Jungkook found himself smiling at the excitement he knew Jimin was feeling cause of these potions.
Thank god u fixed that one. I'll come tomorrow to try the others. Is 9 ok?
Jimin - pharmacist
Yeah. We don't want you walking around being hard all the time.
9 s perfect.
The fucking tease.
I'll be there. Good night Jiminshi.
Jimin - pharmacist
Can't wait. Good night.
Did Jungkook count those minutes before seeing Jimin?
He was.
It was weird really how exhausted yet alive he felt the moment he entered the pharmacy.
Unfortunately, the sleep didn't come to him easily, cause he was maybe a bit too excited to smell the scent he was craving for days now,and it seemed that no matter how hard he tried not to feel so attached to it, his desire only grew bigger.
"Good morning Jungkookah... Come here." Jimin said cheerfully while pointing at the chair close to him. He was once again wearing that ridiculous astronaut outfit with round goggles and a mask.
Mmmm honey...
This morning Jimin smelled good as he usually would, but there was that spike of honey that made his scent even sweeter than usual.
Is he feeling happy about something?
The more Jimin talked, the sweetness of acacia honey was going inside Jungkook's pores and he felt his palms sweating cause the scent was so pretty and delicate.
How can someone smell so good???
"... so I thought this one could be in the form of a candy, cause it's easier to eat the chilly seeds and pepper when they're mixed with dark chocolate..."
Every now and then Jungkook would listen to what Jimin was saying, but his subconsciousness was counting all the acacia flowers that were dancing around him, making the sweetest scent he ever smelled in his life. He was literally daydreaming...
" it'll be amazing to try this one today, and maybe some pheromones blocker next time if you agree..." Jungkook just nodded while instinctively taking the chocolate bar and eating it in two big bites while Jimin was preparing what looked like a glass of water for him.
"Where's the chocolate bar?" Jimin looked around while bringing a glass of water in his hand, and the moment his eyes saw an empty chocolate bar paper he looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.
"Jungkookaaah..." he whined and he looked so cute while doing so, Jungkook nearly cut his lip in half from how hard he was biting down onto it, trying to suppress a smile.
"Did you eat it all?"
Jungkook nodded.
Jungkook made the 'I'm sorry face'.
"Do you even listen to me? You saw that the bar was divided in four portions...."
"Am I in trouble now?" Jungkook asked apologetically so Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Well I don't know. It's a test med, but I'm sure you'd be ok with having your dick doubled its size." Jimin said while chuckling and only then Jungkook's eyes grew bigger in panic.
"What!? No. Take it back. I don't need that. How the hell am I supposed to walk then?" Jungkook jumped up from the chair, glancing down at his crotch area that seemed to be just fine.
"Aren't you being a bit braggy?" Jimin teased while cocking his eyebrows that looked really weird inside those big goggles.
"No I'm not." Jungkook said while pouting childishly so Jimin shook his head.
"Oh come on, stop whining. It's just a big dick. Who doesn't like it?" Jimin pushed his hand with the glass of water towards the alpha so Jungkook's brain started overthinking cause of the thing he had just heard.
"Do you like big dicks?" For the nth time, Jungkook's mouth was faster than his brain, so he asked the first thing that came to his mind.
For a second there, Jimin looked a bit perplexed and caught in the moment so Jungkook tried to apologize.
"As a matter of fact I do." Jimin said without too much hesitation so alpha's brain went overboard again.
Do you like them big in a partner or you would like yours to be bigger...
"I just hope it won't work since I have a meeting in an hour." Jungkook glanced at his unmoving crotch, feeling happy cause for now, he was safe and well.
"Aren't you supposed to have a massive dick like all alphas?"
"What? Why?" Jungkook got confused by a sudden question, not knowing the meaning behind it.
"Well mostly alphas are in porn industry and they're well known for their big dicks and amazing stamina... Aren't you doing the same thing?"
Jungkook laughed so hard.
"You think I work in porn industry?"
"You're not?" Jimin looked shocked by the revelation.
"No. I'm working with my friend at Hybe... We work in the music industry. You seem to know a lot about porn industry though." Maybe it was Jungkook's time to tease Jimin. Even though they didn't know each other that well, some things were pretty clear to alpha. Jimin was a weird looking guy with an incredible scent and a sassy attitude.
"Pfff, please, you're not the only one who jerks off. Well... You do it too much that's for sure, but everyone watches porn... I mean, I'm only..."
"Human... I know." Jungkook finished Jimin's sentence, reminding himself that he is talking to a human and not some hybrid or wolf... Just a human.
"And who's fault is it that I had to do it so many times?" Jungkook asked while faking annoyance so Jimin giggled again.
That's so fucking cute.
"Hey! I'm just improving your sex life and this is how you repay me?"
"I repay you by trying out your stuff. For what I know there could be poison in some of those potions one day and you're here being ungrateful, making fun of me..."
"That's why you need to send me a message every 2-3 hours so that I can find you if you're dead."
Jungkook shook his head.
"Ccccc he's already planning my death. Why do you even do this in the first place?"
Jimin smiled again. Seemed like he was really relaxed and enjoying the conversation.
"Why do I do what? Try to find new potions and meds for alphas?"
"Yeah... I mean why that? I know a lot of pharmacists that are not human and they try to help cause they know, they understand our pain..."
Jungkook was genuinely curious. He wanted to know more and he was craving some answers.
"My best friend is an omega. He is the most precious person in my life and I always wanted to help him cause we spent our lives together so I do know your pain and your problems. I have another great friend, he's a beta, and I watched him having his struggles so I developed some Beta specified potions and now he's feeling a lot better. "
Jungkook listened to him carefully, immersed in every word that he had heard, wanting to hear more.
"But why alphas? You never mentioned knowing any alpha... You said your friends are omega and beta."
The curiosity won over.
" I d-don't know... Ever since I started Pharmacist Uni years ago I knew I wanted to learn more about alphas... I had my knowledge about omegas and betas, and alphas were kind of always intriguing to me. So self centered, so possessive, territorial, easy to hurt their ego... I just wanted to know more... I don't know... It was just a gut feeling I guess. So after finishing Uni, I did my Master degree on 'How to help alphas become more vulnerable and soft...'. "
" That's a nice theme. So where's the catch? Share your knowledge with me."
" I'll tell you when I find out. " Jimin winked cutely and the next thing that happened froze the boiled blood inside Jungkook's brain, cause next thing he knows, Jimin took off his mask and finally there was a glimpse of him, visible to Jungkook's eyes and the thing he saw, made him horny and dizzy....
Jimin's lips.
He saw Jimin's lips and he freaked out on the inside, not knowing what to do with himself.
His lips were pink, plump and pouty. A perfect mixture of silky skin and a wetness on top of them.
" how old are you?" Jimin was talking while trying out some seaweed that he needed for one of his potions.
"Me... Um I'm 26..." Jungkook found the strength to answer the question.
"Oh... I'm older than you. I'm 28."
Jungkook was a bit perplexed to hear that the pharmacist was older since he looked pretty young and small, but again, how could he even guess when he didn't see any part of his face clearly... Until now.
"So I'm your hyung. You can call me that if you want to." Jimin talked and licked some leftovers of seaweed from his fingers, and there was only so much Jungkook could take.
"I need to leave." he got up abruptly, figuring for both of them it's better if he leaves.
"Really? Already? Isn't your meeting in an hour?" Jimin pouted and oh God his lips look so cute and full when he pouts. The cutest view ever.
"It is but it's um... far... so I have to go..." Jungkook literally stormed out cause the unpleasant feeling that started spreading all over his crotch area was a simple indicator of how hard the younger was getting with every passing second.
"Ok. Don't forget to give me feedback!" Jimin yelled behind him, and Jungkook barely heard him over the loud ticking sounds inside his ear, indicating the fast beating of his heart.
He tried to walk fast, he really did, but having his dick reaching its full erection was a tricky obstacle in being both productive and not trying to break his dick in half.
While entering Yoongi's and his shared office, the last thing Jungkook expected to see is their clients already being there, drinking some coffee with confused looking Yoongi.
"Oh.. you're here... um... I..." Jungkook mumbled and tried to cover up his crotch, but it seemed too late and he could feel all eyes on him, especially his crotch area so he blushed hot pink from the embarrassment he felt.
"Jungkookah, how about you grab us some water and then come to see what we've been working on." Always professional, Yoongi spoke, so Jungkook felt relieved, wanting to get away as fast as he could.
Few moments later, there was a thud on the bathroom door, and Jungkook knew exactly what was going on.
"Jungkookah, for the love of god, what's happening? And don't tell me that bullshit answer, how nothing's wrong and you don't even smell the same, there's always some cardamom around you and you know damn well when you smell like that." Yoongi was always so calm and polite, until he felt that there's something wrong with his roommate and his behavior.
"I... hyung... I think I might have found someone that um...could be my mate but it can't be, but the way he smells and the way he makes me feel when I'm around him... But it's too early to say anything cause... Um... He"
"What? Another alpha? Those things happen Kookah, it's rare but it's ok..." Yoongi was impatient to find out.
"No... He's not..."
"Some weird hybrid?"
"No... Not a hybrid..."
"Beta? Betas are cool. I know you always wanted an omega to be your mate but if you felt his scent and liked it so much it hurts then the decision is made for yourself..."
"He's human."
Yoongi's mouth flew open.
"Kookah... You can't. That's not how things work... I mean, I know there are a lot of wolves, even hybrids dating humans, but somehow all of those relationships are doomed and they never last. They just don't get us. They can't feel the way we feel. They can't smell us Kookah. Can't get addicted to our scent... They're just... Off limits. "
And somehow Yoongi was right. Humans did date wolves and hybrids, but it was more out of curiosity, rebelliousness, but they would mostly end up with one of their own. They used alphas for sex, loved the attention they get from omegas, and made good friends with betas too. But somehow there was still that undeniable difference between humans, hybrids and wolves, and even if they lived in this world together for so long now, and wolves couldn't even transform into their animal state, there were still millions of other things that made them different and away from each other.
"I know what you're saying but his scent... Hyung... It's like he's supposed to be with me, like his scent is perfect for me, like I need to smell him and be with him all the time. I can't bear another scent around me anymore and I'm constantly aroused and losing my mind... And, and... I don't even know how he looks..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well he has this weird suit on and I haven't seen his whole face yet... He works at the pharmacy and he's always mixing potions and he has to wear this funny suit and goggles to protect himself and he's kind of clumsy..." Jungkook thought about how many times he saw the older spill something on himself and smiled on the inside.
" Oh god this is serious... Shit. We'll talk about this later... I need to finish our meeting and you go home. "
" I'll come to the meeting too... "
"No, no, no, no, no... Please don't... We don't need another reminder of how hard and aroused you are. Please go home and take care of that alone."
Jungkook blushed, feeling shy cause of this inevitable state that he was in.
"Thank you hyung."
After doing exactly what Yoongi had said to him to do, Jungkook thought about how it's time to inform Jimin about today's potion progress. Or chocolate bar, whatever it was that he took.
I jerked off again.
Jimin - pharmacist
You should really stop sending me these messages.
It's cause of the potion
The bar
The chocolate
Jimin - pharmacist
That chocolate bar couldn't have anything to do with that. Could you admit for once that you were just horny?
No. I wasn't sexually aroused by anything.
Jimin - pharmacisr
You're so weird.
And always horny.
A true catch, I'm telling you.
Did I just flirt?
Jimin - pharmacist
Yeah, it's so hard to resist your charm and always hard big cock. I need a bath in holy water to lose these dirty thoughts I'm having.
What the fuck did he say?
Jungkook thought about what to answer when another text came.
Jimin - pharmacist
I'm just kidding.
Stop panicking.
How big is your dick anyways?
Jimin - pharmacist
I mean is it bigger than before? Did the chocolate bar work?
Oh that's the thing he was thinking about.
I didn't measure it, but it felt the same under my grip.
There was a minute of silence from Jimin. Then he wrote back.
Jimin - pharmacist
Too bad. We'll try something else next time. I'll work on it. See you again on Saturday?
Oh, Jungkook knew damn well that he'll be in the pharmacy every day as always, getting his daily dose of Jimin's scent, trying to savor it for the rest of his day cause he was doomed. He was too deep in this and there was nothing he could do about it.
A week had passed quickly... Quickly? More like painfully slow for Jungkook, but he came to the pharmacy every day just to get his daily dose of Jimin and he was happy about it. He would come to the pharmacy with a mask high on his face and he would always buy the things that were on the shelf closest to Jimin's office so that he could smell him better. It was a well trained event for him, and he loved how no one knew about this little routine of his. Well, except Yoongi.
Jungkook didn't want to lie to him anymore about his early mornings disappearances so instead he started telling the truth.
"Hyung I'm leaving earlier to drug myself in Jimin's scent. See you later..."
"Hyung I had a bad dream, I need to smell Jimin badly before coming to work."
"Hyungie, I'm just gonn..."
"I know, I know... You're gonna go and sniff Jimin cause you miss him so much. See you later Kookah."
Yoongi was fast to learn Jungkook's new routine even though he wasn't too encouraging towards this whole Jimin is my mate shit.
While fixing the collar of his black button up shirt, once again, Jungkook felt eager and excited to see Jimin again.
He had no idea why he put so much effort into looking this good, but he did. He ironed one of his favorites black button ups and tucked it in his nicely fitted jeans that showed off his muscly thighs, so while checking himself once again on the bathroom mirror he heard a whistling sound.
"Come on Kookah you look like you're going out on a date. Why are you looking so good?" Yoongi teased him while entering the bathroom, trying to take his toothbrush and some paste.
"I'm meeting Jimin hyung..."
"Oh... Silly me for even asking. Are you gonna ask him out?" Yoongi started brushing his teeth, eyeing the younger up and down.
"No. I can't... It's too early. Why would I ask him out? I'm just helping him out with those potions and shit..."
"Sure. And getting drunk on his scent. Maniac."
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his roommate.
"That he doesn't know about... So..."
"I could only imagine the way you're looking at him. I bet you look like you're constipated all the time."
Yoongi burst out in laughter, mocking Jungkook's daily routine, so the younger figured it's better for him to leave before they start another cat fight.
"Smartass..." he mumbled while getting outside, not letting anything ruin his good mood cause he's finally meeting with Jimin again.
"Come in!" He heard Jimin yelling from the well known office where he was once again working from, so he entered inside with a smile on his face."
Once he entered Jimin's office, his smile faded away cause he literally couldn't see shit inside from all the fog that was dancing around the room.
" Hyung? "
" I'm here, I'm here... I got a little overboard with this fogging potion. I actually might need some help with it. I'm happy you came." Jungkook followed the direction of Jimin's voice and his scent, but all those different herbs and scent suppressants made his milky smell weaker.
He hated it.
" What are you making? " Jungkook asked while coming closer to the stove where some minty smelling herbs were cooking in boiling water.
"First of all, take these..." Jimin came right in front of Jungkook's face and handed him the same goggles that he's been wearing and one of those masks that covered his mouth and nose.
"You'll need these today."
"Do we really need these silly things?" Jungkook made the mistake of asking that question and next thing he knew Jimin's eyes doubled in size and he came closer.
"This silly outfit has saved my life more times than I can count. So yes. We'll wear this silly outfits cause I don't want that pretty face of yours to get fired up."
Pretty face of mine... Has anyone ever called me pretty... Handsome yes, sexy yes, masculine yes... But pretty?...
"Earth to Jungkook..."
His thoughts got cut off by Jimin's hands adjusting the silly goggles over his forehead so Jungkook took the matter in his own hands and started covering his face properly.
When he finished he looked at Jimin who was obviously suppressing a smile.
" What?"
Jimin burst out in laughter.
"You were right. You look absolutely hilarious."
Jungkook pouted, his hands crossed over his broad chest, mimicking his annoyance.
"I can totally pull this off. I'm so fucking hot in this." Jungkook pushed his hair with his hand, trying to look attractive, but the moment he saw his reflection in a window he started laughing out loud.
"Your eyes are usually so big, but with these goggles you look like one of these ty pet stuffed animals."
Is this a compliment?
"Thank you... I think..."
"Come here now and help me out." Jimin called for help while opening up a pot with all those herbs and then he asked Jungkook to smell the potion once, before saying his honest opinion.
"Is there too many rose petals? Is the scent too sweet?"
Jungkook sniffed the light pink liquid and got overwhelmed with the smell. It was definitely too much.
"Ugh... Yeah... Too sweet for me."
Jimin nodded, and then started chopping some other herb, lemon grass.
"Ok, if I add this into it... What do you say?"
Jungkook came closer again and smelled the potion which this time had a lot better smell.
"Maybe add a bit more of that..." The younger said while taking some of the citrusy smelling herbs and putting it into the pan to cook nicely.
"Look who's getting bolder in my potion center. Just don't go all crazy, you might mix some things that don't get along." Jimin didn't even finish the sentence, Jungkook was already touching and smelling everything that was splayed out on the counter.
"What is this Jimin hyung?"
"How about this green one?"
"Are these mushrooms poisonous?"
"Can we add this too?"
Jimin kept hitting his hand playfully, trying to knock the herbs that Jungkook was choosing on its own, explaining to him why he can't do whatever he wants too.
"Ok, so just a pinch more of these chilly seeds and that tiger lily's petals and we're all done..."
Once again, Jimin hit his hand shaking his index finger in front of Jungkook's face.
"Na-a. Do you really want your dick to triple its size?"
Jungkook's eyes widened.
"No, no, no, no, no..."
"Stop adding those seeds then."
"Oh come on, it's silly..." Jungkook didn't even finish his thought before Jimin started teasing him again.
"Silly? You think my job is silly? The things I've been studying for 6 years are silly to you?" he came closer and looked into Jungkook's eyes.
"Am I a joke to you?"
Jungkook would feel uncomfortable or guilty if it wasn't for a smirk in Jimin's face that indicated how the older was just having fun and being a little tease that Jungkook knew by now.
"I didn't mean it that way and you know it..." Jungkook cleared the air just to be sure that Jimin understood him well.
"Let's shrink that dick to size 0..." Jimin put a tablespoon of some purple liquid, smiling devilishly while stirring the potion.
"Nooooooo, not my precious cock..." Jungkook played along. Loving how fun and responsive Jimin gets with him.
"Drink it up cocky alpha, obey the rules." Jimin came with a table spoon filled with the potion so Jungkook started running away, walking all around the place, and Jimin followed him around.
It was fun.
Everything with Jimin was pure blast and Jungkook could feel himself letting go of all the chains holding him to do what he was craving to do for so long. He could feel his wolf getting excited, happy, enamored by Jimin's side. He could feel all the feels he knew he never felt before and as much as it scared him, he couldn't fight this forever.
After drinking one spoon of that new potion that Jimin had mixed, ( he literally cornered him onto the wall and made him do it. Not like Jungkook wouldn't do it if Jimin only asked him politely, but it was more fun like this) Jungkook felt his heart beating too fast inside his chest and he knew that all the running around the place had nothing to do with it.
"Go out with me."
Jungkook blurted out cause Jimin was standing too close to him, and their proximity made him dizzy and Jimin's smell became more like honey the more time they had spent together and he just couldn't take it.
The honey scent this time was sweeter than the last time and Jungkook could clearly smell all the different forest flowers that were mixed within the thick liquid.
He was in heaven.
Until he realized that Jimin was staring at him without blinking, not saying anything.
"I mean... Um... Not like a date... Just... So that we could talk about your plan for the next potions or meds or something..." he tried to correct himself and it seemed to work instantly cause Jimin's face became more relaxed and his eyes finally softened.
" Oh... But we talk about those things here..." still Jimin had his doubts.
"Yes, but we don't have coffee here and I really like to drink coffee when I'm working on something..."
Jimin nodded.
"I guess we could... I love coffee too. And I owe you at least that much."
" You do. I hope I can make it alive cause god knows what I had drank minutes ago." Jungkook put both of his hands on top of his stomach, acting as if he was fearing for his life.
"Ah shush whiny baby, it's just some new scent blockers with lemongrass and peppermint scent. Nothing my strong alpha couldn't handle." Jimin winked at him, acting all cute, but the words my strong alpha kept echoing inside Jungkook's head.
Does Jimin know what calling someone 'my alpha' means?
Those words were usually shared between two mates, people in relationships, definitely not some work friends or whatever the two of them were.
"So um... How about tomorrow at... Let's say 8 o clock, here in front of the pharmacy."
Jimin glanced at the younger briefly before nodding.
"Sure. I'll be here."
Jungkook's heart filled with some kind of hope and excitement cause finally he'll be able to have Jimin for himself, not only here in the pharmacy while trying on some potions and all kinds of weird stuff.
He was looking forward to this so much that in time when he had to dress up to meet with Jimin, he freaked out.
Fuck, what to wear...
Where are we even going?
Maybe something casual...
He wore the tightest black turtleneck shirt that he had with some ripped jeans. Jungkook knew what kind of chest muscles he had, and encentuating those was always giving him a boost of confidence.
After drinking two scent blockers, cause he could never trust himself around Jimin too much, he drove and parked his car in front of the pharmacy.
Ok... I can do this...
For some unexplainable reason Jungkook's heart was beating strongly inside his chest and he didn't even smell or see Jimin yet...
The moment he went out of his car a mild scent of milk filled his nostrils so Jungkook closed his eyes and after inhaling Jimin's scent deeply, which made his wolf to lay down and roll over in excitement, Jungkook could feel himself relaxing too.
He's here...
One thing that Jungkook was sure of, was that Jimin was there, and another thing he figured out while turning to the pharmacy where at least ten people were talking to each other, passing by, standing, waiting for someone, is that he had no idea what Jimin was looking like.
He never saw his face clearly, not even his body, cause Jimin was always wearing those ridiculous goggles and what Jungkook would call an astronaut outfit that Jimin once explained helped him from getting hurt.
So now, while coming closer to the pharmacy entrance, Jungkook could only rely on his smelling skills to find Jimin.
The fact that it was pretty dark outside unlabeled Jungkook to look at the faces clearly from the distance, not that it would matter too much, but at least he knew how Jimin's lips were looking. He saw his lips and the image got imprinted inside his head, stored somewhere inside some 'to admire' or 'jerking off material' folder in his brain, and Jungkook knew if he saw those lips again, he wouldn't have doubts about who the person in front of him was.
While coming closer Jungkook's nose got a bit confused cause all of the scents he was smelling, roses, no, chocolate, no, rain, no... Cat piss... What in the world?...milk...milk... He finally smelled Jimin and saw a group of men talking in a corner, and he could see a few alphas in there, one omega, some hybrids, and two humans...
Is Jimin one of them? Am I finally gonna see him?
They were talking about potions and scent blockers and just as Jungkook was about to say hi and ask for Jimin, the pink haired man turned as if he knew Jungkook was there and gave the younger an excited, alluring smile.
"Hi alpha."
At that moment Jungkook knew he was deeply fucked.
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