

"mike?" said max who stared at the boy.

"hey buddy, i know you're going to miss her and that's alright. but it's for her safety. and if you truly love her, you're going to have to say goodbye" said lucas who was holding hands with his girlfriend.

"it's just hard ok? saying goodbye to someone you love. we are only going to see her for holidays. will starts high school soon! what's el going to do? i need to be with her!" mike said as he turned around and faced the group.

"mike, it's too dangerous for el to go to school, i bet joyce is going to take really good care of el. plus you can always call her when you feel bored. it's not like she died." lucas said.

the party didn't know what had gotten into mike but he grabbed his bike and peddled off leaving the whole party just standing there. they didn't know where he was going or if he was coming back, but they just watched him go.

for 2 weeks, they never heard anything about mike or heard of him. he never answered his supercomm or his phone. they decided he needed some alone time knowing his girlfriend moved.

till this one day...


"mike it's 3am. what's the big deal?" max responded.


"mike, maybe that was apart of your dream. she's living with joyce byers. the one who literally destroyed her home to try and find will. i doubt she could've been taken or... holy shit" max said.

"max what's going on?" mike said worried.

"the bad men..."

"no... no... there's no way... right?" mike said even more worried now.

"max wake everyone up since i doubt their awake right now and tell them to meet at my house right now!" mike ordered.

"ok" max said while cutting off the supercomm.

mike ran out of his room to nancy's room to wake her up.

"nancy! wake up it's a emergency!" mike said as he shook her bed.

"mike there better be a fire or tornado or else i'm not getting up" nancy said.

"el's missing" mike only said.

"huh" responded nancy who opened her eyes and sat up.

"will called me. they can't find el. she's been missing since 6pm. i'm worried about her. we need you to drive us to their house" mike said.


"the party..." said mike.

"fine. but i'm only doing this because i'm worried about el too, but also-

"you want to see jonathon i know" mike cut her off.

nancy rolled her eyes and changed clothes. so did mike.

once they heard a knock on the door, nancy left a note saying they had an emergency and needed to leave.

the party and nancy got into the car and started their 2 hour drive to el's house.

the entire drive mike kept his eyes facing forward and never once turned back to talk to the party. he was worried about his girlfriend.

"mike everything's going to be ok. i'm sure we will find her" said max.

"you should be worried more. you gave me the idea of the bad men taking her" mike responded.

"calm down mike. the bad men haven't been able to track her down since '83. i doubt now that they have moved, the bed men can track her." lucas responded.

"yo guys, i think i just farted and silently burped at the same time" dustin said.

"dustin, not the time" lucas said while hitting his arm.

"sorry" dustin said.

once they got closer to the byers house, they noticed how the scenery changed. the sky got darker, and the plants around the house just didn't seem... real.

once they pulled into the drive way, they all exited the car and ran up to the door.

after knocking for like 3 minutes, will answered the door with worry in his face.

"oh my god you guys came!" will said as he pulled them all into a hug.

"will, when was the last time you saw el? what was she doing?" mike said cutting the hugging short.

"she was in her room. i believe she was painting her nails" will said.

"who taught her how to paint her nails?" max said.

"me" said joyce while she walked from the kitchen to the family room.

"that's not important right now. el could be in danger. we need to find her" mike said as she walked into the house and into el's room.

her room was nice size, and had all the same decorations as it did in hoppers cabin. even the mike dice and the notes.

mike went around looking for any clue that could show where el went. but found nothing

"nothing in her bedroom!" he shouted from the room.

"nada from the kitchen!" shouted dustin.

"not in here either!" shouted max from the family room.

"lucas?" shouted mike.

"i think i found something..." shouted lucas from the porch.

the party plus joyce ran outside to look at what he found. it looked like a blood stain.

"could it be from her nose?" max said as she bent down to look more closely at it.

mike just got filled with worry. she could be really hurt right now. he hates seeing el hurt. he just wants to hold her right now and tell her she's ok. but first he needs to find her and bring her back safely.

"guys look. it looks like a trail of blood. and it goes into the forest over there!" lucas said as he followed the blood.

"ya going into the forest at night. i thought we learned our lesson from last time!" dustin shouted at lucas.

"ah calm down dustin. we need to find el. she could be hurt" mike said as he stepped down from the porch and into the forest.

"ok but if we see anything that moves i'm leaving all of you behind" dustin said as he followed mike.

"dorks" max said to will.

"tell me about it" will said as she also followed them with max next to him.

joyce also came, but she brought protection and fighting materials. cause like you never know.

for walking for what feels like 3 hours, mike started getting scared. nancy wasn't with him. she was back in the byers house with jonathan. so the only older person with him was joyce.

till he turned a corner with a bunch a trees and heard sniffling.

"el?!" he shouted.

"argh" he heard back.

"el!" he shouted again and ran towards the sound.

once he heard the sound get closer he started to  walk slower and slower. till he looked around a tree and saw el tied up to the tree, with blood all over her face and two men standing near her.

"for the last time eleven, WHERE ARE YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS?" one of the men shouted.

"i'm never going to tell you!" el shouted.

but the men have had enough and hit her super hard in her face.

"ARGH" el yelled as she had more blood dripping from her face.

mike had to do something, but he couldn't. it was just him alone right then. till he heard the bad men leave for a couple of seconds. that was his opportunity.

right before he was going to go save her, he heard el yelling.



she kept yelling.
she knew he lived 2 hours away. but she still called out for the one she loved.

mike ran back to the others and told them what he had seen. so the party and joyce ran back to the area in which he saw el and got ready to fight.

"you guys ready?" mike said to the group.

"if anything happens to any of you, how am i going to tell your parents..." joyce said.

"nothing is going to happen to us. we have battled many things in the past" lucas said.

max went over and kissed lucas's cheek.

"what was that for?" lucas said as he started to blush.

"good luck or whatever" max said while she smiled.

"alright. ready. aim. FIRE!" mike yelled as they all ran to el.

the men heard them running closer and got ready to fight.

as everyone ran to the bad men, mike ran to el.

"EL!" he yelled as he got closer.

"mike what are you going here?" she yelled.

"saving you of course!" mike said as he started to untie her.

he was almost done getting her down when he heard someone behind him. he grabbed his gun that jonathon let him use and fired at the bad men behind him.

"impressive" el said under her breath.

"thanks el!" mike said.

"you heard me?" el said while she smiled.

"ya you kinda suck at whispering" mike said while laughing.

he couldn't get the last knot out so he called over his friends to help.

dustin had a punch wound on his face, while max had a black eye, lucas was fine because he went from far away with his sling shot, joyce was beaten up but she was fine, and will was limping. but no one died or got seriously injured so it was fine.

joyce finally got the final knot undone and el fell from her spot on the tree. which was pretty high up.

"AH" she yelled as she fell from the tree.

she closed her eyes and braced for impact on the floor when she fell on something soft and cozy.

she opened her eyes to see herself in mikes arms.

she placed her arms around his neck and hugged him super tight.

"are you ok el?" mike asked.

"good now that you're here" she said while still hugging him.

soon that smile on el's face wore off and she started crying in mikes arms.

"el don't cry!" mike said.

el could barley talk but managed to get out one word.


mike set her down on the floor and looked at her leg.
the scar that was there from the battle earlier in the year was visible but also there was a gun shot wound.

"el! el are you ok!" mike kept yelling.

"we have to get her to a hospital now!" joyce yelled.

mike picked el up and ran with her to the car.
the party and joyce got into the car and drove off to the hospital.

el leaned on mike the entire way over and mike never let go of el's hand.

"this is weird. she didn't feel any pain when she was in your arms the first time. how did she just feel the pain?" will asked.

"i'm confused too. did someone shoot her right then?" said max.

"couldn't have. we would've heard a gun shot" mike said.

"el please just answer me. did someone just shoot you?" mike asked el.

"i-i do-don't kn-know" el said in between breaths.

mike just squeezed her hand tighter the entire car ride over.

once they were there they got a wheelchair and wheeled el in.

the lady at the desk got a room for her and they quickly got her changed and into the room.

mike never let go of her hand during the part where they got the bullet out of her leg, or when they put stitches on her wound.

later that night when everyone was asleep other than mike and el they had a conversation.

"how did you know to come?" el asked.

"will phoned me. saying you're missing. so i grabbed the party and nancy and drove over as fast as we could" mike answered.

"you really woke up early to see me?" el said with a smile on her face.

"anything for you. i would take a bullet for you for goodness sakes!" mike said in return.

mike stood up and leaned in and el did the same.

they soon had each their lips on each other.

it was a quick kiss because the doctor came in, but that was the first kiss in weeks.

el fell asleep knowing her love of her life was sitting next to her. and so did mike.

"i love you" mike said before falling asleep.
"i love you too" el said.
first one shot of this series and i'm feeling great! sorry it's so long, i just had this idea in my head for a long time haha. get to know me will be soon. face reveal won't be for a long time.

but also, my name is taylor.

so boom. you know that haha

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