I decided to start this one-shot differently but to understand it you need to read the chapter 'Family' if you haven't already.
May 18, 1989
Kelly was shocked when she got the invitation in the mail that day. When she first opened it she thought it was just another invitation to a family reunion at her sister, Karen Wheeler's, house. But boy was she wrong and what she read left her shocked.
It was an invitation to her nephew, Mike's, wedding. She was speechless because he was only nineteen. Nineteen! She certainly would not allow her son, Timothy, to get married at nineteen. Just a year out of high school! What about college? His future career? His life that he has to live? And he's wasting it all for some girl? A girl who revealed who she really was at one of the reunions when Mike was fourteen. Kelly didn't think that they'd still be together. That Mike would still be with this girl.
The girl, in Kelly's eyes, was dangerous. Her nephew would be marrying someone who had killed other human beings. No, Kelly did not approve of that Eleven girl, nor did she have a say on their relationship. Though that didn't stop her from voicing her opinions, one of being that they were simply far too young to be getting married.
That night while her and her husband, Rob, and their son, Tim, were eating dinner she brought up the invite to them. "I got something from one of the Wheeler's today."
"Which one?" Timothy curiously asked.
She stabbed a broccoli with her fork. "Mike."
Her husband looked at her. "What did he send?"
"An invitation." Kelly said.
"Oh, to what?" Timothy asked, now very excited.
"His wedding next month." Kelly said through gritted teeth.
Timothy's eyes widened. "To the same girl?"
"Yes." Kelly breathed in annoyance.
Timothy smiled wide. "She's a little odd but she's fun to be around. Eleven's her name, right?"
Rob nodded while chewing on some chicken. "Yes, but everyone calls her El." He swallowed. "I'm happy for them."
"He's nineteen, Rob!" Kelly gasped.
"So?" He raised an eyebrow at his wife. "That doesn't matter if they really love each other."
"He's marrying that girl!" She said, eyes wide.
Timothy glared at his mom. "That girl has a name."
She ignored him. "She's a lab rat!" Kelly said, exasperated. "She's killed!"
Ron pointed his fork at her. "Only because those people wanted to harm her. It's self defense, Honey."
"Still." Kelly stubbornly said, collecting their dishes and setting them in the sink.
"We're going." Rob said. "Besides we haven't seen our family in a long time."
Kelly sighed. "Fine."
June 21, 1989.
El sat in a chair with Joyce right next to her in, Julie's Hair, Makeup, and Nail salon, in Indianapolis. She was getting married today, to Michael Wheeler, and she was really nervous. She had already gotten her finger and toe nails done in a french style and was now getting her hair done.
While the woman curled her already curled hair, El found herself rambling to her mom. "-and what if he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" El's eyes widened. "Oh my God. What if he doesn't want to marry me and I'm just holding him back?"
"Honey." Joyce grabbed her daughter's hand and squeezed. "Stop saying that nonsense. He loves you and can't wait to marry you."
"Okay." El nodded and took a deep breath, relaxing into her chair. "Okay." The hair stylist pinned some of her hair back with diamond pins so half her hair was up and half was down.
She had decided to keep her hair shorter than most girls. It wasn't too long and it wasn't too short, just ending a few inches below her shoulders.
Once El's hair was done, a woman with blonde hair tied into a bun and green eyes came up to her and Joyce with a big smile. "Hello, girls." She looked at El and Joyce's hair as she rummaged through a drawer. "I love the hairstyles you two picked."
Joyce just had her hair straightened then curled into nice waves that cascaded down her shoulders. "Thank you." Joyce said with a smile.
"Thank you." El repeated, her cheeks flushing.
"So, I'll be doing your makeup because I heard your mom doesn't want any." The woman pointed at El, taking out some makeup and setting it down on the counter. "What's the occasion?"
"My wedding is this evening." El replied.
"Oh, congratulations! I've got the perfect thing for you, Dear." The woman said, eyes shining, and started to do her makeup.
El took in her appearance and gasped. "Pretty."
"Beautiful." Joyce corrected as they stood from their chairs and went to pay for their nails, hair, and El's makeup. Then they exited the salon and got into the car.
"Now what do we do?" She asked Joyce as they drove into Hawkins.
"Well, I left the door open for Karen, Holly, Max, and Nancy. So, we'll meet them there and get our dresses on then go to Hawkins Middle School for the wedding at 6:00." Joyce answered and El shook her head.
"Why Hawkins Middle?" El laughed. "Why'd we choose a school out of everything in Hawkins to get married at?"
Joyce chuckled and shrugged. "Maybe because that's where you guys danced together for the first time?"
This time, El shrugged. "Maybe. Even though we're getting married outside and everything else is inside?"
Joyce nodded and pulled into the driveway. "Yup." She shut off the car and the mom and daughter walked inside.
"El!" Max immediately ran over to her best friend. "You look beautiful."
"You do, too." El said.
"Thanks but it's your wedding. I'm supposed to say that to you and you're supposed to just say 'thank you' okay?" Max said, playing with her fiery red hair that was tied into a side braid.
"Yeah, which is about in two hours so where's my dress?" El asked, looking around.
"My mom is ironing it in your room."Holly said as she walked over to El and hugged her.
"Thanks, Holls." El said and walked to her room then opened the door.
Mrs. Wheeler looked up and set the iron down with a warm smile. "You look beautiful and you don't even have your dress on yet!"
El blushed, twirling a curl around her finger. "Do you like my hair? It's not too much?" She asked the woman who was wearing a beautiful light purple dress with her hair tumbling down her shoulders in blonde waves.
"I love it, Sweetie." Mrs. Wheeler hugged her soon to be daughter-in-law. "You're gorgeous."
"Thank you." El smiled and pulled away. "Where's Nancy? I need help with my dress and she helped me pick it out."
"She's on her way." Mrs. Wheeler said, heading to the door. "Just had to pick up a couple things."
"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler." El smiled cheekily.
"It's Karen. You'll also be Mrs. Wheeler in a couple hours." Karen said, opening the door. "I'll tell Nancy you're in here." She walked out and shut the door.
El sat down on her bed, they had separated the bunk beds when they were sixteen- Will being too tall for the bottom bunk-. She sighed happily. In a couple hours, she was going to be married to Michael Wheeler. God, he could have done so much better then her but she didn't dwell on it too much. She just thought about how lucky she was to have him.
"El?" Nancy opened the door. "Mom said you needed help?"
El stood. "Yes, I need you to zip up my dress and tie the waist band into a bow when I put it on."
Nancy nodded. "I'll wait in the hallway." She shut the door, giving El some privacy.
El quickly changed out of her shorts and T-shirt into her wedding dress. Her dress was white, obviously, and beautiful silk flowed down to her ankles. The top half was beaded with an a-line waist that tied into a boy in the back.
"Okay, Nancy. You can come in." El said and the door opened, Nancy walking in an standing behind El.
"The dress looks great on you!" Nancy exclaimed as she zipped up the dress.
"Thank you." El blushed and Nancy tied the ribbon into a bow. "So is yours."
El turned around and looked at Nancy's light blue dress and curled hair. Nancy pulled El in for a hug. "You're too sweet, El. The world doesn't deserve you.' She whispered. "Besides, I have the same dress on that Max is wearing."
"Well then, her dress is beautiful, too." El said with a big smile, showing her pearly white teeth.
Nancy released the brunette. "Everyone wants to see the dress."
"Okay." El took a deep breath and walked down the hallway, into the living room where everyone was wearing.
"Oh my God!" Max shouted and hugged El, again. "Mike is going to die!"
El suddenly pulled away with a look of pure fear. "What?"
Max's eyes widened. "No, no! Not literally! He's just going to think you're really beautiful!"
El released a breath. "Oh." She laughed and strapped her white sandals on to her feet- she refused to even try on heels. "We should probably get going. It's 5:00."
"Right." Joyce nodded and opened the door, letting everyone outside before shutting it.
Nancy got into her car. Karen and Holly got into their car. Then Max, El, and Joyce got into Joyce's car- Karen had picked up Max and brought her to the Byer's.
Ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot and walked in to the school from the back, so none of the guests or Mike would see El.
Ten minutes from the wedding started, El found herself rambling again behind the doors that led outside.
"What if he changes his mind and decides we're too young and stops the wedding? That would be so embarrassing!" El exclaimed. "What if he realizes he doesn't want to be with me anymore and finds someone else that he's happier with?"
Max placed her hands on El's shoulders and looked into her watery eyes. "El, Mike loves you. More than anyone could love anything and honestly, it's not healthy how much he loves you. Trust me, he wants to marry you. And no one, and I mean no one, could make him happier than you." She shook El gently. "Don't cry. You'll ruin your makeup."
El smiled. "It's all waterproof. The makeup was made for weddings."
"Well, that's good!" Max's hands went back to her side. "Now, the wedding's starting."
"Everyone get in line!" Dustin exclaimed.
El took a deep breath and smiled at her mom nervously. "You look beautiful, Honey." Joyce placed a kiss on her forehead. "Love you and good luck." Then Joyce walked outside and took her seat in the front row.
The music started playing and Lucas and Max- best man and maid of honor- walked out first.
Then Nancy and Jonathan.
Then Will and Dustin because there weren't anymore bridesmaids.
Then Hopper linked his arm through El's as Holly stood in front of them, ready to throw some blue flower petals.
"You look beautiful." Hopper told his daughter.
El laughed. "So I've been told."
The music changed and Holly looked back at her with a smile. "Ellie! You're going to be my sister pretty soon!" The eight year old exclaimed. El just nodded with a smile.
"You ready, Sweetheart?" Hopper said and El took a shaky breath then nodded.
Holly pushed open the door and all the people in the chairs stood up. El looked around at all the guests with wide eyes as she walked down the isle- more like between the chairs because they were in the courtyard- with her father as Holly threw the petals.
El's eyes fell on Mike's and all the fear faded from her eyes and was replaced with love.
The door opened and Mike watched as Holly walked out and then his bride walked out with Hopper. His breath caught in his throat and tears welled in his eyes. She was breathtakingly beautiful with her curled hair half pinned up and her white dress flowing down to her ankles. She was so beautiful.
El met his eyes and he saw all the fear fade away and a loving smile spread across her face. Mike smiled back, much like he did on the night she returned back to him after those antagonizing 353 days.
Hopper kissed El's cheek and placed her hand into Mike's, taking the bouquet of flowers out of her other hand. He looked at Mike seriously before saying,
"Take care of her, Wheeler."
Mike nodded. "I will, sir."
Hopper nodded back at him and turned back to his daughter. "I love you, El." Then he took his spot next to Joyce.
El took Mike's other hand and intertwined both their hands together. She smiled up at him, him being six foot two and her being stuck and five foot five. He looked down at her and smiled.
The priest started speaking but neither of them were listening. Instead, they were just smiling like crazy and getting lost in each other's brown eyes- even though it sounds crazy.
"Michael." He heard the priest say. "Your vows."
Mike spent a whole month practicing his vows so they would be memorized, so he had no problem saying them.
"Eleven, ever since I met you in the rain on that chilly November night, I knew we had some kind of connection. I didn't realize what it meant or what it was until you went missing. I never gave up on you when everyone else did or whenever someone told me you were dead and weren't coming back. I called you every night for 353 days. 353! During those antagonizing days, I was depressed and angry at the world and almost everyone in it. I wasn't myself, cursing at teachers or graffiti-ing the bathroom stall. A part of me was missing. On Halloween of 1984, I sensed you in there and that's when I realized that I had fallen in love with you. And I was only fourteen and it scared me because I-I didn't know if you were coming back or not! But when you did come back, that missing piece returned and I was myself again. I don't know what I would do without you, El. I can't live without you. I love you, so, so, much. I want to be with you forever and I know I will be. I am willing to make the biggest promise I could ever make for you, El." He finished with a deep breath.
El wiped her eyes and squeezed his hands tighter.
"Eleven." The priest said. "Your vows."
She took a deep breath and began. "I never thought that I'd know what a friend was. What an Eggo was. What colors were. What stars were. What a promise was. And I especially never thought I'd ever get to experience the feeling of love or even get to know what it was. That is, until I met you. The dark haired boy with freckles splashed across his nose and cheeks who was the first person to treat me like a normal human being and not a freak. Someone who didn't push me into doing something I didn't want to do. Someone who didn't poke or prod me. And at first, the only person I had ever fully trusted and felt comfortable around. The first person I wasn't scared of. Mike, you taught me how to love and how it felt like to be loved felt like. You taught me what was right and wrong. What privacy was. What a dinosaur was. Mike, you tutored me everyday so I could go to school with you and I will be forever eternally thankful. I am so lucky to have you in my life and even though you could probably do better, I am so happy that you chose me. Eleven. Subject 011. El Hopper. Jane Ives. A girl of so many identities. You chose me and I could cry because of how you could do better but I am so, so, happy you decided to stay with me forever. God, I don't deserve you. I love you, so much. So much, Mike. More than anything." She reached up and wiped a tear that had fallen down Mike's cheek with her thumb.
Mike retracted one of his hands from hers to wipe his eyes as another tear fell. He sniffled and tangled his fingers with hers again.
"Do you, Michael Wheeler, take, Eleven Hopper, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you apart, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.
Mike smiled. "I do." Eleven slipped the ring on to his finger.
"Do you, Eleven Hopper, take Micheal Wheeler, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you apart, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.
Eleven shakily breathed. "I do." Mike slid her wedding band on her finger then her engagement ring on with a smile.
"Then by the power vested in my by the state of Indiana, I pronounce you husband and wife. Micheal, you may now kiss the bride."
Mike instantly placed his hands on El's hips, pulling her against him. El wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and with a smile, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd, their friends cheering the loudest. Dustin was wolf-whistling and clapping. Lucas was clapping and shouting, "You did it, Man!"
Max was clapping very loudly and teasing El from her seat, "I can't believe you married Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler!"
And Will cheered for his sister and best friend. "Great job, Mike!" He shouted. "Way to go, Sis!"
Mike and El smiled into the kiss before pulling away and turning to the crowd, fingers laced between them.
Dustin stood on his chair and shouted, "Everyone to the cafeteria!"
The newly wedded couple stood before their wedding cake, after eating dinner, and smiled at each other.
With one hand on El's waist, Mike grabbed the knife and held it above the cake. El placed her hand on top of his and together, they cut the first piece of their cake.
After cutting the rest of the cake and passing it around, Mike and El sat down at a table with their cake. Mike swiped his finger through his frosting and put it on El's nose. His wife's nose scrunched and she quickly grabbed a napkin and cleaned it up.
"Open your mouth." She instructed and he did so. She grabbed a small piece of the vanilla cake and plopped it into Mike's mouth.
"That's good cake." He swallowed. "Now, you open your mouth." He did the same thing that she did to him.
"That is good." El agreed once she had swallowed.
Mike smiled. "You've got a little something on your lip."
El raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Can you help me clean it off?"
Mike leaned in. "Gladly." He closed the gap between them.
After the cake, everyone went to the gymnasium to dance. The Party was in the middle, all standing in a circle, and was dancing stupidly to 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey.
Dustin was dancing the craziest, jumping, kicking, and waving his hands in the air. Max and El were holding each other's hands, jumping around and belting out the lyrics. Lucas was trying to copy what Dustin was doing with some difficulty. Then there was Mike and Will who danced weirdly similar, jumping in circles and long legs kicking out. (You know, how Finn dances?)
El caught someone's eye in the crowd and excused herself from her friends. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she saw the person talking to one of Mike's cousin. She walked over to the person and placed a hand on Mike's cousin's shoulder who turned out to be Timothy.
"Tim, could you give us a moment?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the person.
"Oh, of course." Tim backed away but before he walked away he said, "Congratulations!"
El turned back to the person who was wearing jeans, a blue T-shirt, and a leather jacket. El glared. "What are you doing here? I don't remember sending you an invitation?" She hissed.
"I came to my sister's wedding." Kali also crossed her arms. "Didn't want to miss the big day."
El clenched her fists. "I didn't send you an invitation ."
"I know." Kali raised an eyebrow. "Not very nice of you not to invite your own sister, Jane."
El shook her head. "How did you even find out about this?"
"I saw." Kali simply said.
"With your powers?"
"Yes." Kali nodded.
El rolled her eyes. "Quit stalking me."
"I don't stalk on you, Jane." Kali uncrossed her arms. "I check in on you."
"Uh-huh." El looked around and saw Mike looking at her with concerned eyes. She sent him a reassuring smile and he went back to dancing once he saw it.
Kali looked over at Mike. "Seems like I was wrong about him." She said. "He really does love you for you. Powers and all."
El nodded. "Yeah. He does."
"I'm happy for you, Jane." Kali smiled.
"Thank you." El smiled back. "And, it's El. No one calls me Jane. Just El or Eleven."
Kali shrugged. "I refuse to call you the name the Lab gave you. But I still do not understand to call yourself Eleven."
"Because when I told Mike my name was Eleven he suggested that my nickname could be El short for Eleven. You know, like how Mike is short for Eleven." El smiled at the memory.
"Makes sense." Kali said as the music changed to a slow dance and the DJ- who actually was Mike's uncle. He had a big family- spoke up.
"It's now time for Eleven and Michael Wheeler to have their first dance as husband and wife." He said.
"I've got to go." El slowly walked over to Mike and looked up at him. "H-how do we do this?"
"Um, I think like this..." Mike placed his right hand on her waist and clasped her right hand in his left hand. "The put your other hand on my shoulder or around my neck."
"Like this?" El put her left arm around his neck so her hand got lost in his hair near his neck, loving the feeling of his soft hair between her fingers.
Mike nodded. "That works." Then he started to sway to the music.
El smiled and though it sounds cheesy, got lost in his warm brow eyes. Suddenly she was brought back down to memory lane. Some memories happy and some upsetting.
"Maybe we can call you El? Short for Eleven."
"No, El, you're not the monster. You saved me. Do you understand? You saved me."
"Are you deaf? I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth and definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think that Will was okay; that he was still out there but he wasn't. He wasn't. Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't. You hurt me, do you understand? You hurt me."
"Yeah, pretty. Really pretty!"
"Uh, El, I'm happy you're home."
"What is wrong with you!? Why would you do that!? What is wrong with you!?"
"Maybe we can go to the snowball."
"I never gave up on you. I called you every night."
"You look beautiful."
"You're the most important thing to me in the world."
"So can we please come up with a new plan because I love her and I can't lose her again!"
Mike's voice snapped her back to reality. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. "Your eyes are all watery."
El blinked her tears away and rested her head on his chest. "I'm okay."
"What were you thinking about?" He rested his head on top of hers.
"Just about how far we've come." She smiled against his chest as other people started to dance around them.
A throat being cleared sounded from beside them. El lifted her head off Mike's chest to look at her dad. "Can I cut in?"
Mike nodded. "Of course." He then went to find his mom to dance with.
Hopper smiled down at his daughter as they began to dance. "I'm so proud of you, El."
"Thanks, Hop." She smiled.
"You know, I keep telling Mike to take good care of you but, El, take good care of him too." Hopper said. "Everyone knows how he doubts himself at times and lets his insecurities get the better of him. Keep him in line, Kid."
"I will." El said. "Promise."
Hopper looked down at her seriously. "And no children until you're in your twenties. You guys are still teenagers."
"Okay." El laughed.
Hopper kissed her forehead before passing her to the next person who wanted to dance with the bride. El smiled up at her big brother who smiled back down.
"I can't believe you're actually married." Jonathan said, bewildered. "It feels like it was just yesterday when you became my sister."
El smiled. "Now we just have to wait for Will to get married." She said, looking at Will who was standing to the side, looking bored.
Jonathan chuckled quietly. "He still tells me that he's not going to fall in love."
"Oh, he will." El nodded with pursed lips.
They danced silently before Jonathan spoke up again. "El?"
"Yes?" She looked up.
"I just wanted to let you know that even if I don't act like a big brother to you or if I don't act as if you're my sister, that I do consider you my little sister. Just as much as Will is my brother. I may have known Will longer, obviously, but I love you guys the same, okay? I never want you to think that you can't come to me if you need help with something. You are my sister, El. That will never change." He smiled at her as he saw tears in her eyes. "I love you just as much as I love Will."
El wiped at her eyes before hugging him tightly. "I love you, too, Jonathan. You're my big brother and will always be."
Jonathan pulled away. "Now, go ask Will to dance." He kissed her forehead and walked over to Nancy who was dancing with Mike.
El smiled and walked over to Will, pulling him to the "dance floor".
"El, I don't think I can-"
"Shut up and dance, Will." She said.
Mike walked away from Hopper and El to find his mom. He found her talking to his Aunt Kelly and he debated on going and finding Nancy first but decided against it. He stood beside the two woman patiently as they talked until he couldn't handle it anymore and interrupted.
"Mom?" He asked and she turned to him.
"Yes, Mike?" She answered with a raised eyebrow.
"I was wondering if-" His aunt rudely interrupted him.
"Aren't you a bit too young to be married?" Kelly asked.
Mike's eyebrows furrowed and he scratched the back of his neck. "No."
"No?" Kelly raised an eyebrow. "You're nineteen, Michael."
Mike shrugged. "Yeah, so?"
"What about college? Your future? You're throwing it away because of some girl!" Kelly exclaimed and ignored Karen's protests.
"El and I are attending a college only thirty minutes away from Hawkins and we already live in an apartment." Mike told his aunt.
"Okay, but why did you choose to marry her?" She pointed at El who laughed at something Hopper had said.
"Because, I love her." Mike said in confusion. "Why are you asking all these questions?"
She ignored his question. "She has powers."
"Yes, I know." Mike said with a blank expression.
"She's killed." Kelly pointed out.
"I know." Mike nodded. "Only because she was abused her whole life and they were going to lock her in a small room with no light or windows. They were also going to tase her just because she refused to kill a cat and because they were pointing guns at her and her friends."
"No, Aunt Kelly, stop right there." Mike glared. "Don't talk about El to me like that unless you know her back story or what she's gone through. All she's done is defend herself and others. She was going to kill a man who seemed innocent."
"See, I told you-"
"Stop." Mike glared even more. "She was going to kill him. Key word being was. Her reason of wanting so was because he harmed her mother that she was taken away from after being born. She's was only a couple seconds old. Her mom was told she had a miscarriage. She found out she didn't and snuck into the lab and that guy harmed her."
"How bad? Like hit her or something?" Kelly asked with an eye roll.
"She's now brain dead." Mike deadpanned.
Kelly blinked. "What?"
"She's brain dead because of that man. And even though he did that to El's mom, she still didn't kill him because he had two kids of his own and she wasn't going to take a parent away just like he took hers. So, if you look passed her story and her powers and all that, you'd find that she has a huge heart." He said. "Now, excuse me, I'd like to dance with my mom."
Mike grabbed his mom's arm and pulled her to the dance floor that was really just the gym floor and started dancing with her. "I'm sorry about her, Mike."
"It's okay, Mom." Mike sighed. "I don't like her though."
"Well, you have a reason not to." Karen shrugged. "Good job defending your wife though."
"Yeah." Mike laughed. "It's still sinking in that El and me are married."
"I know." Karen pouted. "My baby boy is married."
"Mom, I'm nineteen." Mike said with a smile. "I'm not a baby."
"Well, you're still my little boy." She teasingly said and kissed his cheek.
"Mom." He complained even though he was laughing.
She suddenly turned serious. "Michael, I'm always here if you need to talk about anything. Anything at all, okay? If you make a mistake I don't want you to be afraid to tell me. I want you to want to tell me, okay? And I know you will, but treat her well."
"Of course I will." Mike said. "And thank you."
"I'm your mom. It's my job to be there for you." She smiled.
"Mom?" Nancy said, walking over to them. "Can I dance with Mike?"
"Of course, Honey." Karen smiled and walked away leaving the siblings to dance.
"You're married." Nancy said.
"Yup." Mike replied.
"Wow." She shook her head. "It feels like just yesterday that we were at my wedding."
Mike laughed. "I keep forgetting that you're Nancy Byers now and that El is now El Wheeler."
"I know." Nancy laughed. "It's crazy."
"Nancy, I'm sorry for being a jerk to you all my life." Mike said, turning solemn.
Nancy frowned. "Mike, it's okay. We were jerks to each other." She smiled. "Well, I'm here for you if you need any advice or help at all. I'll even babysit for when you two pop out a baby. But only if you and El will babysit for Jonathan and me when we have kids."
"Of course we will!" Mike quickly said then blushed. "I love kids."
"I know you do." Nancy smirked.
"Hey, look at that!" Mike said. "Your husband is coming over here! Bye!"
As he walked away Nancy heard him yell out, "Holly! Want to dance!"
Mike let Holly step on his feet as they danced so he moved her around. She giggled as she stepped off his feet and he twirled her. Mike laughed as Holly slipped and almost fell but he caught her.
"You're okay, Holls." He said and hugged her. "I got you."
"Thanks, Mike." She said and kissed her big brother's cheek.
"No problem." Mike said. "Maybe you, El, and me can have a sleepover sometime at our place."
Holly clapped her hands. "Yes! And me and El can do makeup on you and we can have a dance party and - oh! Then build a fort and watch a movie."
Mike picked her up and twirled around. "Oh, no! What have I gotten myself into?"
Holly laughed as he set her back down. "You got yourself into some real fun for once!"
"Oof." Mike placed a hand on his chest. "That hurt."
"Good. I'm going to get a snack." She then skipped away and Mike looked over at El who was dancing with Will.
Will looked over El's shoulder. "Your husband is staring at you so I'm going to go find Dustin or Holly."
El laughed. "Holly?"
"Yes, Holly." Will said as it was obvious. "I'll dance with her."
"Um, okay." She said as he started walking away. "Love you!"
"Love you, too!" He called over his shoulder.
El smiled and turned around only to bump into Mike. "Hi!"
"Hi." Mike laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist and hers went around his neck. They began to sway to the music, enjoying the company of one another.
"How long were you staring at me for?" She asked.
"A couple minutes." He answered, cheeks flushing.
"You're cute." El said with a smile. "I love you."
Mike kissed her cheek, keeping his lips there for a couple seconds instead of it just being a quick peck. "And I love you, too." Then he pressed his lips to hers.
El pulled away and rested her forehead against his. "I love you more."
"Not possible." Mike said back. "I love you more."
Silence between the two. ....."Mike?" He hummed in response. "Don't fight with me."
"Yes, Ma'am." He said as he twirled her away from him then pulled her back against him, connecting there lips once again.
The End.
That was long.
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