0.4 steppenwolf
"How did your talk go?" The question left Serenna's lips the minute she laid eyes on Diana on the little airport in Gotham City, which was owned by Bruce Wayne. His Butler Alfred, was kind enough to drive the dark woman to her destination, knowing that Diana would wait for her so both women could welcome the new addition to the team. Apparently, Bruce had more luck than the princess did and the news were a surprise for the dark woman also.
"He was insecure, scared of what his actual powers are and using them," the Amazon princess replied and Serenna gave her a short nod. "So he probably won't come." The statement left a bitter taste on Diana's lips and as much she wanted to disagree, she couldn't. It would be a promise she could not hold.
Serenna tore her gaze away as a sound caught her attention. She spotted the plane that landed, knowing that Bruce was in there with the new recruit and she really hoped that they were enough to fight against Steppenwolf. Time was running through their fingers like sand, not being able to stop it no matter how much they wanted to. Both women walked towards the plane as they saw Bruce and a younger man, Barry Allen, standing next to him. The younger man watched Diana and Serenna with shyness and admiration in his eyes, struck by the beauty that both of them held within. A big plate like machines brought both men slowly to the ground with the car behind them.
"Did you find the cyborg?"
Serenna's eyes wandered to Diana, curious of what exactly she would say. "We spoke," she answered truthfully, arms crossing over her chest in a protective manner. "Give him time." Bruce and the younger man jumped from the last height, and before Bruce could ask more questions, Diana turned her attention to the new addition.
"You must be Barry; I'm Diana and this is Serenna." The Amazon Princess held out her hand for him to shake and with a nervous grin he shook it. "Hi Barry, I'm Diana," Barry spoke a little too fast, catching on with his mistake. "Wait, that's not right. Great."
Awkwardly he rubbed the back of his neck a bit ashamed and Diana only gave him a kind smile in return. Amused Serenna watched all three of them, wondering how this Bruce and this Barry could be any help against Steppenwolf. They would need an army to stop him, just like in the last battle. "So this is us?" The dark woman could hear the little uncertainty in Diana's voice, probably thinking the same thing like her, she just didn't show it.
"Yeah, this is us," Bruce replied, his eyes suddenly wandering towards the dark night sky above them. Barry seemed to catch up with the movement and his eyes widened. "Oh! Awesome!"
He sounded like a little child that got his candy after a long day and Serenna followed their gaze, seeing the big light that showed the outlines of a bat upon the sky like a beacon of hope.
"That's the Bat Signal," Barry carried on, his voice only getting louder than before. He turned his head towards Bruce, still grinning ear to ear. "That's your... Oh, sh..," He laid a finger on his lips like he should not have said that out loud. "Sorry, that's your Signal." Even when Barry whispered Serenna could hear every word and a little annoyed she spoke up.
"What a great welcome, but shouldn't we hurry up instead of standing here, gawking at the sky."
Her voice was stern, and she ignored the look that Diana gave her. They didn't have time for little chats, Steppenwolf already had one mother box and they need to find the other two before he can. Their time was running out more and more. A little scared, Barry blinked at the other woman, taking notes not to make her angry in the future. "So that means we have to go," Barry mumbled his words like a question and Bruce nodded along.
"Yes, that is what it means."
With a nod of his head, they followed him, Serenna a little behind keeping an eye out for any arm that could come. "Are we finally searching for Steppenwolf then?" Serenna asked, eyes roaming over everything she spotted. Bruce turned his head for just a moment towards her.
"Not really, we need to visit someone first."
"Do humans always act so late on a threat that is standing clear before them?" The dark haired woman asked Diana, as they made their way up a rooftop on a building she hasn't seen when Alfred even drove to the airport. The Amazon princess wore her warrior armor just like Serenna did and she was more than glad to feel it against her skin again. She was surprised to see Bruce Wayne dressed up as a Bat and it made her a little curious of what exactly he could do.
Easily Serenna landed on the rooftop that Bruce wanted to visit someone on, a detective he thought could help them and she squinted her eyes a little once she realized that the bright signal was standing on this very rooftop. Thunder was crashing in the background and the dark woman could feel some drops of water on her skin.
She loved this feeling.
Serenna followed Diana towards the man that stood beside the signal, even with his hat she could see his face clearly. He looked old but the aura around him told her that he was not a threat. Not even close.
The man furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes wandering over them like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "How many of you are there?" His deep but calm voice surprised Serenna a little, but she showed no emotion at that moment. "Not enough," Bruce answered him, voice sounding deeper and darker than usual. The man sighed, clearly tired.
"Eight people abducted from or near STAR labs," the man started giving Bruce a piece of paper with a drawing on it. Serenna's frown deepened, recognizing the monster in it immediately. "Here's the potential perp."
Diana turned to Serenna, warm brown eyes meeting cold ones. The Amazon knew what it meant, Steppenwolf already had his own army, much more to come and their own team was only four of them. "Parademons," Diana told them, her eyes wandering towards the drawing one last time. Barry's eyes showed clear fear in them and not so sure about his agreement anymore he looked at the drawing.
"The Demons must have caught the scent of one of the mother boxes, they are attracted to fear."
The Amazon princess nodded towards Serenna, confirming her words. "They carried people away to find out what they know," Diana stated turning her head to look at the detective. "So the eight may still be alive." Serenna crossed her arms, hoping that he was right. "At the moment probably, but not for long," she told them knowing how cruel Steppenwolf and his Parademons could become.
"Nine and they are alive for now."
Everyone turned towards the new voice that came from the shadows behind them. Serenna's fingertips swept over her bottle full of water at her side, ready to use it against the stranger if necessary. She could feel how Diana laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder and the darker woman let her hand fall to the side.
"The head of STAR labs was taken as well," the stranger carried on, walking towards them and Serenna recognized him from the video that Bruce showed them.His body parts gave an almost dangerous reflection.
The cyborg.
"You made it." The smile from the princess was genuine towards him but the dark-haired woman still eyed him with caution. Barry held the same look on his face. "Then a nest is nearby," Serenna murmured trying to think where it could be. It had to be somewhere, where they wouldn't cast any attention, a quiet place where no one could hear the screams of the victims.
"I plotted all the sightings in Metropolis, Gotham," Gordon started, getting a little book out of his jacket. He showed it to them. "No pattern I can see."
Serenna's eyes traveled over the drawn lines, not really seeing a pattern either. Cyborg titled his head to the side, eyes not leaving the map before him. "The lines on the map don't converge," Gordon added slowly, letting his news settle in. "On land." The deep voice of the cyborg caught her attention again, curious about what he saw. "These lead back to Braxton island between the two cities," the cyborg carried on, no feelings could be heard in his voice and the dark-haired woman remembered the painful video that Bruce had shown her.
"Gotham Harbor. These are air vents, they all lead down to the tunnel for metropolis project that was abandoned in twenty-nine."
Gordon turned towards the location that Bruce was pointing out with his words and Serenna did the same. Even with the slight fog, she could make out the forms of the harbor not far away from their position. "Do you really think that-," Gordon started his question while he turned around again, but stopped mid-sentence, seeing that only one hero was standing before him.
Barry looked around quickly, realizing the same thing. "Oh, wow. They just," he started turning towards Gordon with an unsure emotion. "They really just vanished." He made a motion with his thump, not even certain if he was pointing in the right direction.
"Huh? Oh, that's rude."
And with that Barry used his speed to get away, leaving Gordon alone on the rooftop. It was nothing new to him, Batman did it all the time with him, leaving in mid-sentence not even bothering to say goodbye. He just raised his eyebrows, turning towards the door to get inside quickly.
He was already done for the day.
A little unsure Serenna watched as they landed in the tunnel, not trusting the machine that Bruce named Nightcrawler and brought with him, so they could go down and land with ease. If she was honest, she would have rather jumped down there, but Diana assured her that it was safe. She was more than glad as they landed and the door opened for them to get out. Serenna was right behind Diana as she jumped, eyes watching the dark tunnel, making sure that no threat was nearby.
"Where are we, Alfred?"
"Braxton Island."
The dark woman could hear the voice that belonged to the butler clear as day. "You should be directly under the venting tower of the tunnel," he added. "How wonderful," Serenna muttered under her breath not liking this place one bit. It made her skin crawl just at the thought of Steppenwolf being here.
"Now look to your left, you should see a staircase. It'll give you access to the machine room."
Everyone looked up, and Serenna placed her hands on her hips. "Well then, I think we should get started." Her head turned towards Diana as she did the same. "Shall we?"
Thankfully it didn't take that long for everyone to climb, but just as they were so close, Serenna stared at the broken bridge that should have led them safely to the other side. "Define "access"," she could hear the cyborg ask, agreeing with him. "One at a time. The bridge may not hold." She threw Bruce a short glance and right after he finished, Barry stood on the other side, awkwardly waiting for the others.
The dark woman watched as Diana jumped easily over the gap, followed by Serenna. Both had landed gracefully on the metal and she turned to the other two. But there was something else that caught her attention.
A voice.
A voice she heard before, a voice that made her hair stand up just at the thought at what he did on Themyscira. He was close and Serenna followed the direction it was coming from, she knew that the princess was close behind her because she must have heard it too.
"Humans," his voice got louder and finally she could see him. Down a little below where she was standing, a few of his Parademon soldiers at his side and the humans he captured.
"The stench of your fear is making my soldiers hungry," Steppenwolf added, walking towards a man. "Shall I feed them?"
He picked him up with ease and Serenna kneeled down just a little so that the shadows of this place kept them hidden. "You've been near the mother box, her scent is on you." Fear was shining in the man's eyes, almost pleading. "Please, we have families."
Serenna slowly opened the bottle full of water at the side, her eyes not leaving the scene before her.
"Why does everyone keep telling me that?"
She could see that Barry backed away slowly, while the man begged and his please only got louder. Serenna turned her head a little, watching the interaction between Barry and Bruce for a moment. The panic was also very clear on Barry's face.
Her attention was again on Steppenwolf as he threw the poor man to the side, picking up another. "Where is my mother box?"
Her fingers swept over the bottle, but the cyborg beat her to it. His hand transformed into a weapon and before he even could stop himself, he shot it at Steppenwolf. And then he threw himself towards the man, saving him, protecting him against any harm. "Dad," she could hear the worry in his tone and her features softened. "Victor," the man replied with relief before the cyborg turned around.
Steppenwolf was quick on his feet again. "Ah, you were born from her." An ugly smile was on his face, almost in a mocking manner.
"A creature of chaos."
"Not how I see it."
The smile from Steppenwolf only got bigger and it was starting to really annoy Serenna. "Give it time," he spoke and the only answer that Victor gave him, was another shot from his weapon. Steppenwolf stumbled backwards and without thinking, both Serenna and Diana threw themselves into the battle. With ease Diana killed one Parademon with her sword, ramming it against the wall. Serenna let her powers take over, feeling her eyes turn into the color of a wild raging storm on the ocean. The water wrapped itself around the head of one Parademon, before she beheaded him.
She took her own sword now, joining Diana as both jumped towards Steppenwolf. They threw him through the wall and he landed with a loud thud against the metal.
Serenna landed on one of the bridges, Diana standing beside her. Even in training both of them were lethal but together they were an uncontrollable force if they wanted. She had missed those battles and the training with Diana by her side. "Amazons," Steppenwolf growled getting of the wall and jumping towards both of them. Easily they dodge his axe and a few Parademons joined the fight. They tried to shoot both of them, with no luck.
"Those two are mine."
Immediately the Parademons flew away, making room for the fight between the two Amazons and their leader. A slight scoff escaped Serenna and Diana watched him with fierce eyes. "You overestimate yourself," she spoke firmly, waiting for the attack.
"Child," Steppenwolf started, lifting his weapon up a little. "My axe is still slick with the blood of your sisters."
And with that both charged at him, dodging his blows, trying to do as much harm as they could. The Amazons were swift, fast with their skills, no hesitation of killing him if needed and Serenna would gladly be the one to volunteer. The grip on her sword got tighter and she could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest. They were too focused on Steppenwolf, they didn't see the blast from one of the Parademons.
The princess took the blast with her shield, landing on her back before Steppenwolf grabbed her and threw the Amazon against the wall.
There was a little panic in Serenna's voice, even when she knew that Diana could handle it. Serenna's hand moved forwards as Steppenwolf jumped up to attack Diana again. She raised the water towards him, letting the liquid from the bottle wrap itself around his leg, pulling him back, so the princess could jump to the side on time.
A blast hit the dark-haired woman in the back as she fell to the floor. Her sword flew out of her grasp and she turned around as the Parademon tried to attack her. Anger clouded her vision and she could feel her eyes turn blue again before she let the water turn into ice.
With a swift movement of her hand, the icicles flew towards the demon piercing its body, killing it instantly.
Quickly Serenna got up, grabbing her sword in the process. Suddenly she saw how Steppenwolf kicked Diana, letting her fall on one of the bridges. "Finish her!" A growl escaped Serenna and without thinking she jumped down towards Diana, the sword piercing through one of the demons and she was ready to kill all of them, but the sounds of bullets shooting surprised her. All the Parademons around them fell down and the dark woman turned around. "Sorry I'm late," Bruce said as he was now sitting in his Nightcrawler.
The princess gave him a little smile, grateful for his help but Serenna's mouth didn't twitch an inch. She was still a little unsure about Bruce Wayne and his personality. She just gave him a short nod.
"The fight is not even close to being over."
(gif made by antigalactic 💞)
And guys please look at those amazing manips that antigalactic did💞🙌🏻
I love my babies sm.
Thanks again hun for those beyond amazing manips I'm still crying ❤️❤️
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