Phil wasn't sure where was sensical to look. Dan had been taken by the authorities and under the pretence that he was alive, that meant one of a few things. The most viable option was that he had been moved to the zoo but then again, the chances that he had ended up in a local one was slim. Nekos were often moved to exhibits in much larger cities where customers can more easily be drawn in and there is enough staff that can care for the Nekos. Well, care was a vague term. That most included training, punishments and feeding times. Training was the key as to why the smaller zoos fail to keep Neko exhibits, having few to no trainers with the ability to work with a Neko.
The next option was that he was sold. Even if the authorities had taken him, it wasn't impossible that he would fall into the black market and be sold. Although, it wasn't common. It did happen, just as much as human trafficking despite their fewer numbers.
The final option was that had been detained by the police. If he was deemed dangerous, which seemed unlikely, the police could keep him in a solitary confinement for as long as they pleased. No court case needed.
Phil growled silently at the thought, tensing and releasing his fists in an attempt to calm himself. It had all been unfair before but now he knew Dan, it seemed even worse. Seeing the kindness that Nekos could present only made his will stronger. He would love to meet more, he would love to see more kindness because no doubt, even with the oppression, they would be kind creatures. Even if it wasn't in their nature to be. He knew they wanted to prove themselves and if that meant being kind to the oppressors, then they would continue.
Phil remained on the sofa until his rationality returned. He needed his head in a good place. He wasn't about to go on a frantic search looking like a lunatic. He would have to be calm about this if he had any hope of finding this. His only chance at getting Dan was pretending. He would act as well as he could. He would hide his own kindness, his smiles and even his anger if it meant finding Dan. He would become nonchalant- a cheap trick to fit in with the crowd.
It would work; he knew it would.
Phil stood up, raking his fingers through his hair before fixing it back in place. The inky hair was growing long, he would have to cut it soon, it was beginning to disturb his vision.
Phil ambled into the kitchen and found the phone, picking it up trepidly. This was just another thing he needed to do, he told himself. He had come too far to turn back now. Even if he knew that this was all too much just to find his friend. This had gone beyond finding his friend, this was something more now. This was vengeance. What for? He wouldn't admit that just yet.
He punched in the numbers viciously and brought the phone to his ear, waiting patiently as the shrill whistles reverberated around the room. Soon, the ringing died down and was replaced by an almost oppressively bored voice. Phil understood, though, he sounded just like that too. 'This is Phil Lester, I wanted to inform you that I'm leaving the company.' Silence.
'Is there an explanation?' The woman asked, sighing, reciting the words that had been drilled into her.
'That is private.' The woman hummed in response and scribbled down his name before thanking him and hanging up, leaving Phil in the deafening silence of his room. He sighed again, already beginning to block out what he had just done.
Was leaving his job really necessary? No. But, he had been wishing to leave for a while and with the sudden need to find Dan, he didn't have time to work. Or so he told himself.
As this went on, he became more and more selfish. Allowing himself to do what he hadn't been willing to do for months just because of a man that had gone missing. Yes, he was doing this for Dan.
He was doing it more for himself.
He was proving a point to himself. Proving to himself that he wasn't useless. He had never been depressed by that thought but there was no doubt that it had crossed his mind a few times. He hadn't done much with his life and with his dead end job gone, he really was nothing. Except, he was a man with a purpose which was more than he had ever been before. It was more than what many people were. At least, now, he had some sort of aspiration, even if it was short term. Even if it was useless. Even if it would get him in more trouble than it was worth.
He was still a man with a purpose.
Maybe he didn't have a job. Maybe he didn't have money. But, he did have purpose and with that, he was ready to at least try and search. He knew it probably wouldn't be easy and finding Dan at all would be beating the odds but he was sure he could. It wasn't impossible and that was the only thing that drove him on.
Slamming the phone down, he stormed to the door, not bothering to bring a bag, only stopping to throw some shoes on. He ignored the sting in his shoulder as he did so. He avoided thinking about the topic at all. Broaching that would only cause him more pain. He didn't need more pain. He had been given enough already.
He left the building quickly, glad to see it was still light. He wasn't about to be stopped by a man with a knife. He quickly shut the thought away, shuddering. But, he knew at some point, he was going to act his revenge on that man too. He was why Dan was gone. He was why he couldn't move his arm without wincing. He was why he had no money. He was the root of the problem. But, to get to the root, he had to go through the products.
Phil didn't have a car but the zoo was less than a 40-minute walk, he could do it fine. He had enough time on his hands, now. So, with his hands stuffed in his pockets to protect himself from the biting cold- he had been stupid enough to leave his coat behind- he made his way to the cities rather small, hoping that- even if did mean that he was locked in a cage- that Dan would be there and he had a chance at freeing him.
He reached the zoo just before closing time. He had half an hour to; one, find the enclosure, two, find Dan and three, find a way to get him out of there. That was if Dan was there at all. His chances weren't impressive but it didn't sour his mood. He knew there was no point in giving up until he had a reason to. For now, there was a chance- even if slim- that Dan was here. He would find him. He would.
He bought an overpriced ticket from a suspicious looking lady at the front desk and began to rush through the crowds in search for the exhibit. The maps were useless, only indicating the 'cats' enclosure, which consisted of large cats, small cats and Nekos alike. Despite this, it gave a general indication of where Phil had to go and soon enough, he was in front of the Neko exhibit. The empty Neko exhibit. Well, not empty. But, it might as well have been. In there were two sleeping Nekos- sleep deprived and thin, starved. Both were women with long hair, one blonde and the other red-haired. Both overtly and definitely not Dan.
Phil didn't let the disappointment seep in. He knew his chances were slim. Then again, it hadn't been long, had it? Dan might not have arrived anywhere yet. Phil sighed at his own pitiful thoughts. Of course, Dan wasn't here. He was never going to be here.
Phil was alone. Like always.
word count: 1370
published: 04.08.17
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