
Title: Today

Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Drama

Quote: “Want to build a sandcastle today?”

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Five year old Park Yoochun notices the shade that came in the form of a curious, chubby classmate. He looks up and sees the new kid who he couldn’t keep his eyes off of this morning when Teacher Jung had introduced him.

Yoochun blinks and just stares. The new kid, Kim Junsu, blinks and just stares.

Yoochun holds up a bucket and a shovel, “Want to build a sandcastle today?”

Junsu’s awkward expression turns into a huge smile. He shouts, “Yes!” and jumps into the sand box.

That day, they built a sandcastle, which they later named, ‘Home.’


Ten year old Park Yoochun notices the way Junsu stares at the other kids playing soccer. The expression is both happy and sad.

Happy because he loves soccer. Sad because he can’t play.

The team captain thinks Junsu is too clumsy and geeky to be any good for the team.

Yoochun walks up to the team captain one day, “If you give him a chance, I’ll do your homework for a month.”

The team captain thinks about it for five seconds. He agrees.

In the next school year, when Junsu wins the team a Championship, the team captain throws a party and loudly thanks Yoochun.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Junsu asks later, when they’re sitting at their special place and under the stars.

Yoochun just shrugs. He picks up some sand and lets it run through his fingers. “Want to build a sandcastle today?”

Junsu smiles, “Yes!”


Fifteen year old Park Yoochun notices that Junsu has changed. He’s no longer that sweet, cheerful friend that Yoochun met ten years ago.

Junsu bathes in the popularity and hangs out with the cool kids. He flirts with girls and is only passing his classes because they want him to help the school win the next soccer championship.

They never talked to each other in those first two years of high school, only making short-lived eye contacts every morning when Junsu stood in his popular crowd and Yoochun walked pass with his new, not-popular friends.

Near the end of their sophomore year, Yoochun finds out that Junsu and his group had gotten in trouble for beating up Changmin. Yoochun visits Junsu’s house for the first time in two years to confront him.

“Yoochun! It’s been so long since you’ve been over!” Auntie Kim exclaims. “What happened between you and Junsu?”

“Sorry, Auntie. Is Junsu home?” Yoochun decides to avoid the question.

“He’s upstairs. Go ahead,” she lets Yoochun in as if it was his own home.

Yoochun bows politely before running up the stairs. He doesn’t bother to knock, just pushing the door open and being greeted by Junsu’s smug expression.

“Look who decided to visit,” Junsu mocks.

“Why did you guys do that to Changmin?” Yoochun gets to the point before he turns back into a coward.

“Who? That Stick?” Junsu insults.

“Look, Changmin is my friend. If you and your friends are going to bully someone then...no, you guys shouldn’t be bullying anyone at all!”

“That’s the problem!” Junsu exclaims. “He’s your friend! What happened to me? I’m your friend too! He laid a good one on me during the fight. I don’t see you caring about this bruise on my face!”

Yoochun rolls his eyes because the bruise was barely visible. Changmin, on the other hand, looked like a leopard with purple/blue spots.

“You’re not my friend,” Yoochun feels the ache as those words left his mouth. He couldn’t even look at Junsu. “My friend isn’t someone who would beat up an innocent person like that, isn’t someone who only knows how to smoke and drink, isn’t someone...like you...”

“I’m just growing up and living the life! Change, Yoochun! People need to change!” Junsu tries to convince.

“You’ve changed, but I haven’t. It just hurts that...you’ve changed for the worst,” Yoochun murmurs.

“It’s your fault!” Junsu suddenly shouts and Yoochun wonders if he imagined the crack in the other boy’s voice. He looks up to see Junsu’s moist, red eyes, “You were always so close to Changmin! I beat him up because I hate that he replaced me in your life!”

Yoochun stares in shock. He doesn’t know what to say. He automatically steps forward and pulls Junsu into an embrace.

“It’s your fault! You gave up on me! You let go of me and let me sink to this level!” Junsu continues to shout against Yoochun’s shirt.

“I’m sorry,” Yoochun whispers.

“Take me back. Take me back and I’ll change.”

Yoochun nods and Junsu can feel it without looking. They sit there silently until Junsu is down to small hiccups.

“Junsu?” Yoochun breaks the silence.


“Want to go build a sandcastle today?”

“Yes!” Junsu immediately answers, but snuggles closer against Yoochun. “After I wash my face so that I don’t look all red and swollen and gross.”

Yoochun laughs.


Twenty year old Park Yoochun notices the sunlight beaming through his window and opens his eyes to find Junsu sleeping next to him.

Changmin, Jaejoong, Yunho, and a couple of other friends were still sleeping; their limp bodies spread around the living room like a war scene in a bad movie production (especially when corpses aren’t supposed to be hugging each other like Jaejoong and Yunho were doing).

He sits up just enough so that he can see the empty beer bottles and junk food around his living room. He makes a note to never throw a party like this again. But yesterday was Junsu’s birthday so Yoochun knows there will always be exceptions to this ‘never’.


Yoochun turns to see Junsu smiling up at him.

“Yeah,” he replies lazily.

“You know what I really want to do for my birthday? Something that we haven’t done in awhile.”

“Your birthday was yesterday,” Yoochun reminds.


Yoochun laughs and lays back down on the floor. He tilts his head so that his hair is kind of touching Junsu’s hair. “What?”

“Build a sandcastle.”

Yoochun smiles, “Junsu, want to go build a sandcastle today?”

Junsu wakes the whole apartment with a loud, “Yes!”


They found a beach near the University to build a sandcastle. It’s not the same as the sand box, but it’s still Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu.

“Done!” Junsu grins happily and pats his hands together to get rid of excess sand.

“That was quick,” Yoochun murmurs, enjoying the view of Junsu’s cheerfulness. His eyes shift for a moment towards the water and then back at Junsu. “Um...Junsu, I have a question for you.”

Yoochun’s hangover was gone by this hour and he had started to recall memories from last night. It didn’t (or maybe it did) help that, before leaving, Changmin had whispered, “Do you remember making out with Junsu while you guys were both drunk last night?”

“You’re not going to ask me if I ‘want to build a sandcastle today,’ are you? We’ve already built one,” Junsu laughs.

Then Yoochun recalled what Jaejoong had said before Yunho pulled him out of the apartment, “Dude, we were playing ‘spin the bottle,’ not ‘French kiss your secret crush.’”

Does Junsu even remember what happened last night?

Should Yoochun even ask?

“Well? What’s the question?”

Yoochun plants his palms in the sand and leans back on his straightened arms, trying to look casual as he stares out at the waves. “Want to...fall in love with me today?”

Yoochun fights the urge to turn his head towards the man sitting next to him. A part of him wants to see Junsu’s reaction, but another part of him didn’t.

“No,” Junsu replies.

Yoochun’s heart smashes into tiny pieces and he leans forward, wrapping his arms around himself. He starts chuckling, “I was just...joking, you know? It’s not funny, huh?”

“I can’t fall in love with you today. I already fell in love with you the first time you asked me if I want to build that sandcastle with you, that one that we named ‘Home.’”

Title: Truths

Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae, OT5

Rating: PG

Genre: Fluff, Romance, Comedy

Summary: The truth behind those Twitter Updates

Credit: Twitter Translations from SharingYoochun.net

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@6002theMicky Yoochun

@mjjeje You’re right next to me right now, why do you say Yoochun…tsk!!!

Jaejoong read the reply on his cell phone. Then he reached behind Yunho to grab the pillow and chucked it at Yoochun.

His target easily caught the pillow and threw it at Changmin. Changmin turned around to glare at Yoochun while Junsu cheered for the flashing ‘Player 1 Wins’ on the television screen.

“Because I’m not allowed to tweet ‘Yunho,’ duh!”


@6002theMicky Yoochun…All the pictures I just took got deleted

Jaejoong’s lips curled inward sadly as he clicked the button to send the message on Twitter.

A strong arm wrapped around his shoulders for comfort. “It’s okay, BooJae. We can always take more pictures together.”

Jaejoong’s body relaxed and he leaned closer to hear Yunho’s soft whisper. It would have been a sweet, romantic moment if Yoochun wasn’t trying to make out with Junsu, who was trying to take food from Changmin, who was munching loudly on the popcorn and fried chicken.

The movie was incredibly boring, but that was expected, considering this was a rotting movie theatre that only aired boring, old movies. The seats were uncomfortable and the screen was of such bad quality that they might as well be sitting in a completely dark room.

But it’s okay.

“I’ll take that as a promise, Yunnie. We’ll need another brilliant plan for the five of us to meet up again so I can take loads and loads of pictures!”

Yunho smiled, “Changmin has a billion plans up his sleeves and none have failed thus far.”


(Junsu) The person who has enticed me to join Twitter, Yoochun…How could this be…I haven’t done something like this before…

@0101xiahtic Junsu, what do you mean ‘enticed’? I just guided you^^!!

@6002theMicky Um…I registered…but I don’t get what’s what at all…

Yoochun laughed after reading the reply. He exited the Twitter Apps on his cell phone and selected the option to send a private text message instead.

[I’ll teach you when I come over tonight. ;P ]

Junsu immediately replied to the text.

[Can’t we just meet at a café or something? If you come over, we’ll just end up doing other stuff. :/ ]

[Fine, we can meet at Jae’s house.]

[That doesn’t make a difference at all. Remember last time? After you sent him out to get orange juice?]



@mjjeje Hyung, you’re sitting next to me right now…say it in words - - hahaha

@0101xiahtic Junsu…That goes for you too, you’re sitting behind me…

Junsu leaned forward in his seat so that he could rest his chin on Yoochun’s shoulder. Jaejoong leaned onto the armrest that was between him and Yoochun.

“But Changmin follows our tweets,” Junsu reminded, whispering against Yoochun’s ear.

“Yunho wants to know what we’re thinking,” Jaejoong added.

“Oh, right. Fine, then reply with something that won’t make everyone else suspicious.”

@6002theMicky Because I’m using Twitter right now, because you’re sitting next to me, it makes me feel all the more unwilling to say all of this in words haha

@6002theMicky kekeke Oh oh!!!

Title: Together

Pairing: Yoosu, OT5

Rating: G

Genre: Angst, Fluff

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Yoochun opened the door and held it open until Jaejoong stepped into the house.

“The bathroom is over there,” Yoochun directed.

“I know. I’m his neighbor and our homes were built off the same design,” Jaejoong reminded.

“Well, telling you makes me feel like I live here too,” Yoochun shrugged.

“You practically do,” Jaejoong drawled, recalling how many nights Yoochun would climb through the window of his living room because it gave more coverage than if Yoochun were to climb directly into Junsu’s living room window.

“The public can’t know that,” the younger man hushed.

Both stopped bickering when they heard the loud sobs coming from the master bedroom. They read the curiosity in each other’s eyes.

Yoochun walked towards the bedroom first and Jaejoong followed close behind. At least if Junsu was naked in there, Jaejoong wouldn’t have to see it.

The bedroom door was slightly opened and the sound of crying was clearer. Along with the sound of crying came the sound of clapping and laughter.

“That’s weird. If he’s watching a tragic drama, there wouldn’t be laughter,” Jaejoong whispered as they peeked through the slit to see Junsu sitting in front of his laptop, the screen’s light illuminating his crying face.

“There shouldn’t be a clapping audience either,” Yoochun murmured, his heart twisting as he watched Junsu wipe away tears with tissues.

Then they heard, ‘We are…TVXQ!’ from the laptop’s speakers. Junsu cried harder.

Both barged into the room. Yoochun automatically stood by Junsu’s side to hug him tightly, allowing his shirt to soak up Junsu’s tears.

Jaejoong stood there, feeling numb as he watched the show on the laptop screen. It was an old show, from when they were promoting the T Concert. His own eyes began to moisten and he had to turn his eyes away.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it,” Junsu whimpered. “I’ve tried. I really tried to act like everything is okay, but…it’s so hard. I don’t like this Mask that we all have to wear.”

“I know, Baby. It’s okay,” Yoochun whispered, smoothing his fingers through Junsu’s hair. “It’s okay.”

But Jaejoong smiled.

“It connects us. It might seem like we’re separated, but at the same time, this Mask connects us. We’re all sharing the burden of it: wearing it every day, pretending every hour, hurting every minute, but sharing every second of it together. All five of us.”

Yoochun nodded in agreement, his eyes traveling back to the screen.

“Hey, look at this.”

The three gathered to watch Yoochun shrink the size of the video and scroll down to see a comment. It was a recent comment, made on a video that had been uploaded years ago.

[One day…]

Seeing the name of the user who’d posted the comment brought a smile to all of their hearts.

They knew who it was.

Because the name was an inside joke among the five of them; something that had never been revealed to SM, fans, or even their own families.

“One day…” Junsu whispered.

“…we’ll be Five again,” Yoochun finished.

“We’ll never be TVXQ again, but we’ll be together.”

Title: Lose and Find

Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae, Minfood

Rating: G

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy

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Yoochun loses things. All the time.

That explains why everyone is afraid to give him anything that is meant to be kept.

“Changmin, babysit Yunnie for me while I’m gone for the weekend.”

“Why? He’s older than all of us, except you because you’re old,” Changmin questioned through a mouth full of food. He knew there was a reason Jaejoong had made him such a big bento for lunch, but hey, food is food.

“No, my guinea pig,” the older boy clarified, ignoring the insult.

Yoochun moved some strands of hair behind his ear and stared at his brother, “Didn’t Changmin kill the last pet that you made him babysit?”

“Hey, that fish was overfed all its life anyway so it’s normal that he died,” Changmin defended.

Yoochun shrugged and turned back to reading the school newspaper, “After you killed it, Jaejoong made a plan to overfeed you until you flipped over like his fish did.”

Changmin’s eyes rounded and he gasped dramatically. His eyes turned to the nervously smiling Jaejoong, who said, “The plan never went through though. You’re still alive.”

“I want to know why you didn’t go through with it. There’s no better way to die.”

Jaejoong stared at Changmin as if he’d grown a third head and maybe some antennas. Yoochun laughed.

“Hyung, I’ll take care of Yunnie,” Yoochun offered, folding the newspaper neatly into its original form.

Jaejoong and Changmin were now staring at Yoochun with a look that said ‘Seriously?’

“What?” Yoochun couldn’t understand.

“Changmin killed Mr. Elephant by overfeeding him, but at least I could still bury his corpse. I still haven’t found Jiji after leaving her with you last Christmas.”

“A fish and a cat? You’re really going to compare that?” Yoochun exclaimed.

“What about the Mr. Mouse he left with you the previous Christmas?” Changmin reminded.

“Bunnies run faster than cats. Fishes can’t run at all,” Yoochun defended.

“And the turtle I had you babysit for me last month?” Jaejoong inquired.

“Uh…” Yoochun couldn’t think of anymore excuses.

“Admit it, Yoochun. You always end up losing everything. It’s in your genes.”

Yoochun crossed both arms over his chest and jutted his bottom lips out for a pout. “I’m not going to talk to you two anymore. Now where did I put that newspaper?”


“Yoochun, this is Junsu. He’s the new transfer student from Tokyo, but he is Korean. He speaks perfect Japanese, Korean, and German. He’s in the school orchestra and recently recruited into the soccer team. Oh, and he kicked your butt for highest score on yesterday’s Math quiz.”

Yoochun raised an eyebrow at Yunho while Junsu was blushing shyly at the older boy’s introduction.

“I just got lucky,” Junsu bowed his head modestly.

“You’re so cute,” Yunho cooed. “Anyway, Junsu, this is Yoochun. He loses everything. End of introduction.”

“Ya!” Yoochun cried out, his face flushed in embarrassment. “You don’t have anything nice to say about me?”

Yunho was quiet for a second as his eyes rolled up, indicating that he was thinking. Then he looked back at Yoochun, “No, not really.”

Yoochun’s face looked liked one of those anime faces with a big, fat ‘X’ where his eyes should be.

Junsu was laughing. Laughing. And so cutely too.

So Yoochun forgave Yunho and told the older boy that Jaejoong was being harassed by Changmin (the rated R kind), so he better go find them. Yunho bid farewell to Junsu and ran off like an arrow, or Superman.

Yoochun silently giggled as he imaged Yunho beating Changmin up.

“So…are you familiar with the school yet?” he started to make conversation with the cutie.

“Not really. Would you mind showing me around?” the slightly shorter boy requested shyly.

“No!” Yoochun practically shouted in the cute face before slapping both hands over his own mouth. Regaining his composure, he cleared his throat and spoke maturely, “No, of course I wouldn’t mind.”

Junsu just laughed and Yoochun lost his own heart.


“Guys! Guys! Help!” Yoochun ran to the three who were gathered in the gym.

Changmin looked like he was going to jump up and attack Yoochun, but Jaejoong held him down by sitting on him.

“What is it, Yoochun?” Jaejoong smiled.

Ignoring the surfacing bruise on Changmin’s left eye and the way Yunho was peeling skin off of grapes, Yoochun shouted in Jaejoong’s face, “I lost Junsu!”

Yunho stopped peeling, “What?”

“Ahem!” Changmin glared at Yunho. Yunho sighed and continued to peel.

“And you want us to help you find him?” Changmin tried to talk over Jaejoong’s big head.


“After you lied about me harassing Jaejoong and made Yunho come attack me? Look at this bruise! It’s a good thing I’m handsome enough to still look good even with a black-eye!” Changmin tried to push Jaejoong off again so that he could get a shot at Yoochun.

“And now I’m peeling the skins off his grapes as punishment,” Yunho peeped in.

“Don’t mind them, Yoochunnie,” Jaejoong was still smiling and if Yoochun wasn’t so worried about Junsu, he’d be scared. “The school isn’t that big. We’ll find him.”

Changmin scoffed. “I’m not helping.”

“No lunch tomorrow.”

Changmin pushed Jaejoong off his lap and Yunho couldn’t figure out if he should continue to peel grapes or help his boyfriend stand up. Thankfully, Yoochun helped Jaejoong up so Yunho didn’t have to suffer the crime of dirtying his boyfriend’s clothes with slimy, grape juice/skin hands.

“I’m on it!” the tallest boy made a salute and started to run out of the gym. After three steps, he ran back to grab his food and commanded, “Have all those peeled grapes sent to my house after school.”

Then he disappeared.

Yunho sat there looking dumbfound. “Can I…can I cover these grapes with laxative without him knowing?”

Jaejoong played with his hair, “Right after we help Yoochun find Junsu.”


“You don’t have his cell phone number?”

“He transferred here a week ago, but I didn’t start talking to him until yesterday.”

“Oh, aww, okay, I understand,” Jaejoong made cooing noises and pulled Yunho down so that he could hug him (head against chest).

“Can you guys do this later?” Yoochun frowned, wishing he could hug Junsu like that.

"Okay, well, I have his number so I'll call him," Jaejoong whipped out his hot pink cell phone.

"You have his number? You know him? But you guys aren't even in the same class! Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"Yoochun, shut up," Jaejoong commanded. He found the number in his address book and clicked the 'Send' button.

Yoochun forced himself to wait patiently while Yunho tried to make sure he'd washed off all the grapes' residue on his hands.

"Hellooo? Hi, Junsu! It's Jaejoong. We met in the bathroom two days ago because I was trying to get a view of your cool belt buckle. Then I followed you to class and found out that you're in the same class as my boyfriend," he reminded.

Yoochun pictured the situation and shivered. He didn't even want to think about how Jaejoong convinced Junsu to give up his cell phone number.

Yunho was smiling proudly, proud to be in love with Kim Jaejoong.

"Yep, so Junsu, where are you right now?" Jaejoong asked and regained Yoochun's attention.

"Oh, yeah, Yoochun is a funny person. He loses everything and apparently, he loses people too. That's why you can't give him anything."

"Shh!" Yoochun quipped.

"Okay, we'll meet you in front of the gym then. Bye!"

Jaejoong hung up and reflected Yoochun's glare with a wide smile. "He was running around the school looking for you."

The glare disappeared and Yoochun tried not to grin like an idiot. "Really? He was looking for me?"

"Stop looking like a goof. He’s waiting for you in front of the gym."


"Sorry for losing you," Yoochun mumbled shyly.

Junsu started laughing. "It's okay. You did try to find me after losing me, right?"

Yoochun quickly nodded, "Yes, of course."

"Then that's what matters."

They continued to walk silently. Yoochun stood close to Junsu, telling himself that it's only because he didn't want to lose Junsu again. But that was a lie.

Something could be in Yoochun's pocket and he'd still manage to lose it. Distance wasn't a factor.

He just wanted to be close to Junsu.

"Here's my next class," Junsu declared, looking a little sad.

It sucked that they were in separate cohorts so all their classes were at opposite times of each other.

"I should go to my own class too," Yoochun said, although he didn't turn to walk away.

"My last class is Math with Mr. Cho. Can you come pick me up?"

Yoochun's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah, and...would you mind walking me home? I'm not too familiar with the town either."

"No!" Yoochun caught the attention of students and teachers around them. Then he cleared his throat, "I mean, no, of course I wouldn't mind. But...you're not afraid that I'll...lose you again?"

Junsu shook his head, "No, because I know you'll try to find me again. Oh, and here's my cell phone number."

Yoochun accepted the paper and wanted to coo at the pretty hand writing. He held it with both hands as if it was a sacred gift.

"I'll see you later then."

Junsu nodded. "See you later, Yoochun."


"You're walking him home?" Jaejoong nearly shouted over the phone.

"Stop yelling! Just tell Omma that I'm going to be home a little later than usual."

"A little? How about just staying overnight? I heard he lives in his own house because his parents are still in Japan."

Yoochun's face turned pink and he was glad that Jaejoong couldn't see it. "We're...we're just friends...right now."

"Uh-huh, sure, honey, say that you want," Jaejoong replied with sarcasm. "Yunnie! That tickles!"

From the way Jaejoong was giggling, Yoochun guessed that he wasn't talking to the guinea pig.

"I'm hanging up, Hyung. Bye!"

He turned around and saw Junsu walk out of the classroom.

"Sorry, Yoochun. I stayed after because I had to talk to Mr. Cho about a math problem."

"It's okay," Yoochun grinned. "I didn't wait long. Are you ready to go?"

Junsu nodded. They started to walk out of the school and Yoochun didn't realize that he had no idea where Junsu lived.

"Are you good at math, Yoochun?"

"A little," the taller boy replied, stepping over a pebble that was in his way.

"Yunho said that you're really good at it though. You're so modest."

Yoochun blushed and hoped his goofy smile wasn't stamped on his face, "I like math so...that helps."

Junsu nodded, kicking away a tiny rock that was on the sidewalk. "You'd have to be pretty determined, to go through all the processes and find the answer to a math problem. And it's not even something special, just a single numeral."

"Not really. That single numeral symbolizes all the hard work you go through just to find it. I enjoy it," Yoochun paused. Then he sheepishly added, "And numbers on the paper don't go anywhere so I don't lose them. It's all just on one piece of paper."

Junsu laughed. "I think it's cute that Yunho says you lose everything."

"Cute? You don't think it's stupid?"

"No, of course not," Junsu repeated Yoochun's earlier words. "But...I was wondering..."

"Hmm?" Yoochun saw that Junsu had stopped walking.

That was when he realized that he was supposed to be the one walking Junsu home since Junsu claimed that he wasn't familiar with this town. Yet Junsu never told Yoochun where the house was located and this whole time, Yoochun had just been following Junsu's footsteps.

"I really don't mind if you lose a lot of things, but...do you think you can try to not lose something that I'm about to give you?"

"What is it?" Yoochun inquired.

"My heart."

Title: Reality

Pairing: OT5, Yoosu, JaeChun!bff

Rating: G

Genre: Angst, Fluff


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“What are you up to?”

Jaejoong stopped checking his cell phone and looked up to meet Yoochun’s eyes, “Just waiting on a text.”

“Here,” Yoochun extended an arm to hand Jaejoong a beer.

Jaejoong accepted the cold, sweating bottle with a smile. No need for a ‘thank you’ because, well, they’re brothers.

“You’ve been texting a lot lately. Who’s it with?” Yoochun inquired as he settled comfortably on the black, leather couch.

But Jaejoong knew that Yoochun was never truly comfortable, not until the day all five of them could come back together and be a family again.


Yoochun stopped halfway with his cold beer, the top of the bottle barely touching his pink lips. “Yunho?” he repeated, needing to say the name because he was afraid of losing it.

Jaejoong nodded softly, circling the beer bottle with both hands as if to protect it. A cold droplet of sweat slipped from the top of the bottle to lose itself on Jaejoong’s skin, unable to reach the base of the glass container.

“I’ve been texting with him. I wanted to know how he’s doing. I wanted to know how Changmin is doing,” the older man murmured softly.

Yoochun cuddled the beer bottle in his own hands, no longer wanting to taste the bitter flavor of the alcohol. He remembered how devastated Jaejoong had been back then when he’d tried calling the two, only to get the message that those two cell phone numbers no longer existed.

“I miss them.”

“I do too.”

“Junsu woke me up in the middle of the night yesterday, almost kicked me off the bed. He wanted to tell me that he had a dream about us. All five of Us. Together. Singing.”

“I wish I could have that same dream.”

Yoochun’s lips curved into a small smile as he slipped off the leather couch and settled on the floor next to Jaejoong. He placed both of their beer bottles on the coffee table and pulled Jaejoong into his arms.

“I know my hugs aren’t as warm as Yunho hyung’s, but we’ll just have to settle on this for now,” the younger man whispered. “Only until the dream becomes reality again.”

Title: If You Want To Be Free

Pairing: Yoosu

Rating: G

Genre: Romance, Fluff


정말 자유롭고싶다면…날개는 잘라버리자…

[If you really want to be free... you have to cut off your wings...]

Credit: This is a quote from Yoochun's Twitter that I found on the famously awesome SharingYoochun.net

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It was an unpleasant first encounter.

“Oof! Ya! Get off me!”

Junsu roughly pushed Yoochun off and quickly got back on his own feet. He started to dust dirt and grass off his shirt, staring down at the dazed man who was still on the ground.

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you falling off tr…?” Junsu stopped talking because he recalled that they were on a soccer field. There weren’t trees around.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Yoochun finally stood up, a hand raised to fix his messy bowl cut.

“Where did you fall from?” Junsu took a step backwards, ready to perform a measly attempt at Tae Kwon Do.

“Heaven,” Yoochun replied. “I’m an Angel.”


“Where’s your halo?” Junsu inquired, finally believing that Yoochun’s truth when the angel sprouted a set of beautiful wings.

“They took it away because I did something wrong.”

“What did you do?”

“Played a prank on Jaejoong and Yunho while they were on a date. They’re Angels too.”

“I thought Angels weren’t allowed to date.”

Yoochun laughed. “Correction: Angels just aren’t allowed to fall in love outside of our own kind.”


“How long are you here for?”

“Just until I perform five good deeds. Then I can go back,” Yoochun answered, feeling uncomfortable in the clothes that Junsu had allowed him to borrow. His white button-up shirt and white pants were in the wash because of dirt and grass stains.

“Sorry, my clothes don’t fit too well.”

“The shirt is a little tight, but the pants are very loose…especially on the butt area,” Yoochun confessed.

Junsu’s eyes turned into slits, “What are you trying to say?”

Yoochun just smiled innocently, “You have a nice butt.”

Junsu clamped his lips together so that he wouldn’t smile like an idiot. “So what’s your first task?”

“Oh, I don’t have a list. I just take things as they come along,” Yoochun informed. “We’re Angels, but like Humans, the future is still unknown to us.”


On the first day of his mission, Yoochun had easily accomplished two good deeds before dinner time.

On the second day, Yoochun found a third good deed. Then he’d volunteered to follow Junsu to work and couldn’t find any deeds to do in the boring office.

On the third day, Changmin had invited Junsu to their second soccer match of the week, but Junsu politely rejected. That day, he went with Yoochun to accomplish a fourth deed.

Four deeds and four days later, Junsu was itching to trap Yoochun into a bad deed so that he’d have to perform more, and more, and more, good deeds before he can leave.

It’s a horrible thought, Junsu knows. But he’s only Human. And he’d fallen in love with an Angel.


“I have one more good deed to perform. I’ve decided that I’ll grant you a wish since you’ve helped me so much,” Yoochun offered, easily rolling up the sleeve of his borrowed shirt.

Junsu eyed the favorite shirt that Omma had bought him for his birthday and wondered if he’d ever see Yoochun wear this shirt again.

“That will count as a good deed?” Junsu needed to verify.

“Yep! Then I can go back! I’ll even make it back in time for Jaejoong and Yunho’s wedding! They made me promise not to pull anymore pranks,” Yoochun snickered.

Angels were so forgiving. Would Yoochun forgive Junsu for falling in love with him?

“I want to be free,” Junsu wished.

Yoochun stopped snickering, noticing the seriousness of Junsu’s tone. “What do you mean?”

Junsu wasn’t sure of the answer either. So he just said, “I want to have wings like you; to fly and be free.”

I want to be an Angel so that I can be with you.

“Oh, okay,” Yoochun started to think. “Well, I can’t give you wings, but I can take you flying.”

Junsu smiled weakly and nodded.


The sky was dark, the stars covered by clouds.

“Are you scared?” Yoochun said.

“What?” Junsu had trouble hearing him. His ears have been a bit clogged ever since they rose above normal altitude.

Yoochun tightened his hold around Junsu’s waist and pulled the businessman closer so that his lips were inches from Junsu’s ear, “Are you scared?”

Junsu swallowed and nodded. This time, it wasn’t the altitude that muffled Yoochun’s deep voice; it was the loud thumping of Junsu’s heart.

“Are you okay? Your face is pink,” Yoochun spoke against his ear again. He was close enough that Junsu would feel Yoochun’s breath on his ear if Yoochun was a human-being who breathed and slept and ate like Junsu.

But he wasn’t like Junsu.

“There…there aren’t that many visible stars tonight,” Junsu tried to change the subject.

“Yeah, it’s dark and foggy up here, but look down. All the lights from the houses are like stars shining in the dark. And those cool cars, with their lights, are like moving stars.”

Junsu nodded, his arm tightening around Yoochun’s waist. Not because he was afraid of falling, but because he didn’t want to let go.

He’d already fallen too deep to be afraid. Fallen in love.

“And even better than stars up in the sky, there are red and blue and green ‘stars’ down on Earth. It’s really cool being Human.”

Yoochun continued to ramble and Junsu wasn’t listening. He just wrapped his other arm around Yoochun and leaned in closer, no matter the uncomfortable position. He held on tightly, allowing the Angel to believe that he was just afraid of falling.


Junsu woke up the next morning with tears in his eyes. The events of last night had replayed in his dreams.

After Yoochun had flown them back down to Junsu’s house…


“There goes my fifth deed!” Yoochun grinned, clapping his hands together. “I feel accomplished!”

“Do you want coffee again? Tea?” Junsu offered, not wanting Yoochun to leave.

“Nah, it’s okay…”

“I can squeeze some fresh juice from oranges,” Junsu tried.

Yoochun’s eyes widened at the sorrow and desperation he saw in Junsu’s eye. “Junsu, is something wrong?”

Junsu opened his mouth; wanting so badly to shout, ‘Don’t leave!’

“I l…”

“Junsu?” Yoochun persuaded. He raised his hand to touch Junsu’s forward, checking for any illness.


“What is it?” Yoochun pushed.

“Leave,” Junsu breathed the word and couldn’t believe it was his own.

Yoochun blinked, his face confused and hurt. “Okay. Take care, Junsu.”

Junsu wasn’t looking at Yoochun. His head was lowered and his bangs covered his eyes.

Yoochun’s eyes were on Junsu as he walked towards the open window. His lips moved to say ‘Good-bye,’ but no words surfaced.

The snow-white wings reappeared, spreading to their full potentials and lifted Yoochun away.

Seconds after Yoochun’s disappearance, Junsu ran to the window. Moist eyes on the shrinking, white figure up in the sky, he shouted, “I love you!”

Junsu didn’t expect Yoochun to hear those words.



“Junsu? Are you okay?”

“Changmin, how long does it take to fall out of love?”

His co-worker quickly swallowed all the food in his mouth before guessing, “Never?”

Junsu sighed and poked at the slab of salmon on his plate. “Really?”

“Well, that’s what Omma said,” the grown man referenced.

Junsu sighed again, possibly the millionth time in the last two days. “Then there’s no hope.”

Changmin raised a finger to complement the light bulb that just went off in his head, “Actually, there is hope.”

Junsu’s face brightened for the first time since two days ago, “Really? What is it?”

“Well, the answer isn’t ‘never’ if that ‘love’ you’re talking about isn’t true. So if that love isn’t ‘true’ then that means you’ll fall out of love with that person when you fall in love with another person. Does that make sense?”

Junsu sighed again, and again. He rested his elbow on the table and his cheek on his fist. “Yeah, but just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it helps.”



“Five more minutes,” Junsu grumbled. He’d finally fallen asleep from fatigue after three restless nights.

“Junsu,” came that whisper of his name again.

Junsu’s body shivered because he felt the air of warm breath against his ear where the voice was closely invading.

“Yoochun?” he finally pinpointed a name to go with the familiar voice.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

Junsu’s sleepy eyes popped open and he raised his eyes to see Yoochun, kneeling right next to his bed with a huge, handsome grin!


“That’s my name!”

“What are you doing here? I thought…I thought you were back in Heaven and…”

“I’m free now,” Yoochun smiled, his eyes disappearing into slits.

“What? From what?”

“I’m free to fall in love with you. No more wings to trap me,” Yoochun explained, wiggling his shoulders to emphasize.

Junsu felt like his breath had been knocked out of him. “You mean…?”

“Yeah, I’m just a normal human being now. I had to climb in through your window and it was hard work. Will you take me in, to your home and your heart?”

Junsu blinked away tears that he wasn’t even aware of. He pulled Yoochun into a tight embrace, “But…but why?  How?”

Yoochun returned the embrace, “I wasn’t happy after I got back. I was crying at Jaejoong and Yunho’s wedding because I kept thinking about you. So I asked them to take away my wings and give me back my heart.”

Junsu pulled away just enough so that he could look into Yoochun’s eyes, “But is it…worth it?”

“You’re worth it,” Yoochun smiled, his eyes soft and lovingly. He pulled Junsu back into his arms, his chin resting on Junsu’s shoulder. In a low voice, he breathed against Junsu’s ear, “Because I love you too.”

Title: A Happy Halloween

Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae

Raiting: G

Genre: Romance

Summary: Yoochun's costume is extremely pointless this Halloween

( Collapse )

“What are you supposed to be?”



“No, I was correcting you. Your question should be ‘Who are you supposed to be?’”

Junsu scans Yoochun’s figure, from head to toe. His usual bowl cut was gone and replaced by a spiky, short cut. He definitely looks uncomfortable in the perfectly ironed dress-shirt and black vest. He was even wearing dress pants and loafers with socks (yes, with socks); so different from his signature styles.

And he most likely has some padding in his shoes because he looks slightly taller than usual.

“Oh,” Junsu murmurs. He stops staring at the socks peeping out from under the dress pants (caused by Yoochun’s fidgety tugs on them) and raises his head back up to meet Yoochun’s eyes, “Who are you supposed to be?”

“Your mom.”

Changmin’s hand connects with the back of Yoochun’s head.


“That wasn’t in the script!” the youngest of the three exclaims.

Yoochun glares at Changmin. Junsu blinks in confusion, rather than picking up the chance to insult Yoochun like he has always done ever since they first met in elementary school.

But then, Junsu hasn’t exactly been Junsu in the past week so that was probably why Yoochun was in this Halloween ‘costume’. He wasn’t used to Junsu not bickering with him five times a day and it has pushed him towards drastic actions.

“Aish! My job is done here. You finish. I still need to go pick up my own costume for tonight’s party!”

“Wait! Changmin...”

Junsu watches his younger brother escape through the door, leaving him alone with Yoochun and an eerie silence (a silence that would normally be drowned out by their bickering voices).

“If you’re not going to say anything then I’m going back to my room and pathetically search for a favorite Micky Mouse shirt that has been missing since yesterday. Lock up when you leave.”

“Wait!” Yoochun stops Junsu from walking away, without making any physical contact.

“What?” Junsu leers at him.

“Um...” Yoochun thinks hard. “You’re ugly.”

Junsu sighs, “Sorry, I’ll have a paper bag over my head the next time I leave my house.”

Yoochun bursts, “Dammit! What’s wrong with you?”

Junsu frowns, “I don’t know! I can’t help it if I look like this! Go ask my Mom why...!”

“No! Why are you being such a wimp? Why aren’t you getting angry and fighting with me like you’ve been doing since...since...forever!”

Junsu sighs again, “I’m not going to fight with you anymore.”

A sudden, quiet  gasp comes from Yoochun’s chest and he quickly covers his mouth. Beneath his hands, he mumbles, “That’s one way to scare me on Halloween Day.”

Junsu sighs for the 55th time this week (if Yoochun counted correctly). “Look, Yoochun, I...”

“It’s Yunho, isn’t it?” Yoochun accuses. Junsu blinks. “You’ve been upset all week because he called you and told you that he’ll still be in Japan for Halloween and won’t be able to make it back for you guys’ one year anniversary today...”


Yoochun wasn’t finished rambling, “...and I decided to dress up as him for Halloween and...”


Yoochun saw the look in Junsu’s widened eyes and felt a lump in his throat. He squeaks, “What?”

“What did you just say?” Junsu demands.


“You said that you decided to dress up as Yunho...to make me feel better.”

“I didn’t say that!” Yoochun protests.

“Fine, but you did say, ‘I decided to dress up like him for Halloween.’”

“Changmin made me do it!” Yoochun lies, his pout looking awfully like the same pout he was wearing the first time they had met in elementary school. Junsu, being clumsy, had tripped and fell butt-first onto the sand castle that Yoochun had spent the whole recess building.

“Really?” Junsu questions.

“Yeah, he said I’ve been mean to you so I should do something nice to make up for it.”

“But you’ve been mean to me since...forever,” Junsu reminds Yoochun of his earlier words.

“That’s why I’m making up for it now. Karma,” Yoochun tries to reason.

“Because Changmin made you?”

“And Jaejoong,” the older Korean adds.

“Really?” Junsu raises a suspicious eyebrow.


“Really, really?” Junsu’s tone changes a little.

“Yes,” Yoochun maintains a monotone.

Part 2

Title: A Happy Halloween

Pairing: Yoosu, Yunjae

Raiting: G

Genre: Romance

Summary: Yoochun's costume is extremely pointless this Halloween

( Collapse )“Really, really, really?” Junsu probes, stepping close to give Yoochun a better view of the suspicion in his chocolate, brown eyes.

Yoochun gulps and it feels like he’s painfully swallowing his big, fat, chunk of a Lie.

“Ye...yes,” he manages.

Junsu takes one step closer and, for once in his life, Yoochun actually likes the fact that Yunho was taller (the extra padding in the shoes provided a much needed, albeit rather small, distance between his and Junsu’s face.)

“Really, really, really, really?” Junsu interrogates with eyes that were now beady.

“Really, really, really, really, really!” Yoochun repeats five times. “Now stop it!”

Junsu suddenly moves away, taking two steps backwards and standing with both hands behind his back. Yoochun suddenly feels cold.

“Fine,” he simply says, looking indifferent. “Go ahead and lie to a heart-broken man.”

Yoochun groans. “Fine! I came up with the idea and paid Changmin five boxes of Chocopie to make him pretend that it was his idea! You happy? Now get it over with!”

Junsu smiles in victory, “Get what over with?”

“The mocking. The insulting.”

The rejecting.

“Why would I be mocking or insulting you?”

Yoochun gives Junsu a look that was a fusion of ‘incredulous’ and ‘confused.’ “Because...you’re supposed to?”

“Like how you’re supposed to be the Joker to my Batman? Yet you’re standing here, dressed up as Yunho to make me Happy on Halloween?”

Yoochun can’t understand Junsu’s expression. “Um...maybe?”

Junsu clicks his tongue and smirks, “That goes to show that just because you’re ‘supposed’ to do something, doesn’t mean you will do it.”

“Um...maybe?” Yoochun repeats because he doesn’t know what else to say and because Junsu was moving close again.

“You’re wearing colored contacts,” Junsu points out something he had suspected before, but was now certain of (because Yoochun’s eyes were meeting his own and were no longer shifting in random directions).

“Um...because...you said that...Yunho’s eyes are a lighter bro...”

Junsu kisses Yoochun for the first time. Just an awkward, soft peck that was barely there.  Yoochun doesn’t kiss back because he’s frozen in place.

Junsu moves two inches away and looks up into Yoochun’s widened eyes, “Do you hate me...like you’re supposed to?”

Are you imagining that you’re kissing Yunho...like you’re suppose to?

“No,” Yoochun breathes.

“Just like how I’m supposed to imagine that I just kissed Yunho,” Junsu murmurs. “But if you were Yunho, I wouldn’t have kissed you just now.”

Junsu wonders if Yoochun’s intelligence would kick in soon. Apparently not.

Yoochun gasps, “You’re going to cheat on him with me? So we’ll have to sneak around on dates? Will I have to wear disguises? Will I really need to dress up as your mom? Will I...?”

Junsu kisses Yoochun for the second time.

When he pulls away, he explains, “That phone call last week? Yunho didn’t call just to tell me that he can’t make it back for our anniversary. He called to break up with me, pointing out that I’m obviously in love with you...although ‘the idiot’ and I are oblivious to it.”

“‘The idiot’? Me?” Yoochun huffs.

Junsu rolls his eyes. “Yoochun, if you were anyone, but yourself, I wouldn’t have kissed you. Now can you say something to make this the best Halloween ever?”

Yoochun thinks about it. Then he pulls Junsu into a hug, “I love you, Kim Junsu.”


Meanwhile, in Japan...

Yunho pulled the door open, to be greeted by Jaejoong and his signature, wide grin. Except he was wearing a Micky Mouse shirt...along with everything else that would complete his costume.




Hope you are all doing well! Have lots of fun and be safe!


Resolution (One-shot)  

Two men stood on the balcony of the large home, waiting to welcome the New Year. Neither was ‘Xiah Junsu’ nor ‘Micky Yoochun’. At this peaceful moment, they were simply ‘Kim Junsu’ and ‘Park Yoochun’: band mates, best friends, and not lovers.

“Yoochun-ah,” Junsu’s soft voice ended the silence.

“Hmm?” Yoochun hummed, taking his eyes away from the sky to smile at Junsu.

Junsu stood nervously beside him. “There’s only ten minutes left before 2008 ends. What’s your New Year’s resolution?”

“For 2009, my resolution is to cut back on Yoosu Fan Service. Or better yet, end it completely.”

He spoke with determination and a proud smile. Junsu listened with disappointment and a sad frown.

Junsu wanted to ask questions, to demand for answers, to punch Yoochun for making such a resolution.

But all he said was, “Oh,” before looking up at the night sky, ignoring Yoochun’s curious eyes.

“That’s all you have to say?” Yoochun questioned.

“Yes,” Junsu simply answered, still not looking at Yoochun.

“You don’t like my resolution?”

“Resolutions aren’t meant to be liked,” Junsu retorted.

“Let me explain my resolution.”

“I don’t need to hear it. If I did something to make you want to…stop with the fan service, to…stop wanting to be close to me…then I’m sorry. There’s been enough of Yoosu and Yunjae going around in 2008 anyway. Maybe 2009 will be for Yoomin or Jaechun or Yunchun or whatever it is they call you and the others…”

Yoochun ignored Junsu’s words.

“I don’t want to hold your hands for screaming fans, I don’t want to whisper in your ears for camera angles, I don’t want to hug you to make fans question whether ‘Yoosu’ is real, I don’t want to tell you ‘I love you’ because it’s scripted for a radio show.”

“Yoochun…” he murmured, his head turned to look into Yoochun’s eyes. Emotions made his voice husky.

Yoochun smiled and tilted his head cutely. “I want to hold your hands because I want to know that you’re always by my side, I want to whisper in your ears because there are words that only we can say to each other, I want to hug you to prove to fans that ‘Yoosu’ is real because I don’t want to lie to them, I want to tell you ‘I love you’…because I really do love you.”


Yoochun stared lovingly into Junsu’s eyes. He captured the younger man’s hands in his own and closed the distance between their bodies. He wrapped his arms around Junsu and whispered softly into his angel’s ear, “That’s why I made the New Year’s resolution. I don’t want anything between us to be false or performed for the sake of fan service. I want ‘us’ to be real.”

Junsu tightened the hug and spoke in a voice that boasted eternal happiness, “I love you.”

“I love you.”

Two men stood, kissing on the balcony of the large home, waiting to welcome the New Year. Neither was ‘Xiah Junsu’ nor ‘Micky Yoochun’. At this peaceful moment, they were simply ‘Kim Junsu’ and ‘Park Yoochun’: band mates, best friends, and lovers.

Title: Thanks To

Length: Two-shot

Pairing: Yoosu

Rating: G

Best Friend.


Best Friend.



No, Best Friend.

‘Boyfriend’ was definitely not a word Yoochun could associate with ‘Junsu’. But ‘Jealousy’ seemed to be a word that he could associate with ‘Yoochun’ at the moment.

An image of Junsu kissing Yunho conjured in Yoochun’s mind and his grips on the pillow tightened.

This was pathetic. He wasn’t jealous of Yunho. Of course, not.

Junsu had had half a dozen boyfriends before and Yoochun was not jealous. But this feeling towards Yunho was definitely familiar. It was the same weird feeling that Yoochun had experienced before…when Junsu had first started dating…


“What’s wrong with you?” Changmin stabbed the patty on Yoochun’s plate to transfer it over to his own.

“Junsu’s going out on his first date tonight,” Yoochun randomly murmured.

“I thought we were talking about beef patty. When did we start talking about Junsu?”

“You’re not worried? You’re not feeling uneasy or frustrated? What kind of friend are you?”

“Is that what you’re feeling?” Changmin raised an eyebrow at him.

“I don’t know how else to describe what I’m feeling.”

“Have you tried ‘jealous’?” Changmin offered.

“What? No!”

“Well, I mean, you’ve been attached to him by the hips since you could remember. You’re probably jealous that his boyfriend will make him neglect his best friend…which is you.”

Yoochun sighed. “Yeah, that’s probably it. I should just stop thinking about it.”

Changmin mumbled an agreement through his filled mouth.

“Ya! That’s my patty, Thief!”


Back then, Yoochun had believed that his jealousy was spurned out of friendship. As time passed, he believed it even more.

Junsu’s first boyfriend lasted one month and one day. His second boyfriend lasted one month minus two days. This third boyfriend lasted exactly one month.

When, slowly, Yoochun saw that none of Junsu’s boyfriends lasted longer than a month and one day, the frustrating feeling that Changmin called ‘jealousy’ began to fade. He no longer felt that pang in his stomach when Junsu would announce that he had a new boyfriend.

Yunho was number seven.

By boyfriend number five, Yoochun had been indifferent to Junsu’s love life…except when he needed a shoulder to cry on. Heck, Yoochun even made friends with number five and six.

So what is it about number seven that pissed him off?

The kiss.

Maybe it was because Yunho is rich, smart, and good looking.

The kiss.

Maybe it was because Yunho treated Junsu so much better than all the previous boyfriends.

The kiss.

Maybe it was because Junsu spent more time with Yunho than Yoochun. With the previous six, Junsu had still spent more time with Yoochun than with his boyfriend.

The kiss.

Damn it, maybe it took a kiss for Yoochun to realize that he’d been in love with his best friend this whole time!


Yoochun tore up all the tissues in another box of Kleenex and was about to go hunt down a fifth box when Junsu returned home that night.

Yoochun noted that his head was low and his shoulders sulked. He felt like a villain, but Yoochun could not deny the sense of relief and…happiness he felt.


Junsu took off his shoes and dragged himself over to sit next to Yoochun. Like all the other times he’d been dumped, he wrapped his arms around Yoochun’s waist and leaned his head into the crook of Yoochun’s neck.

The routine was to get into a comfy position and then the tears would flow.

Yoochun sat there in silence and waited. He waited. The clock struck two minutes, three minutes, and now five.

No tears.

“Are you going to cry? If you can hold it in for this long then can you hold it in for a couple more seconds so I can go change into an old shirt?”

Junsu suddenly pulled away and shoved Yoochun off the couch. He looked like an angry kid who’d just had his candy bar taken away from him. “Why are you always like this? Can’t you say something sensitive or romantic when the mood calls for it?”

“What?” Yoochun blinked like an idiot as he picked himself up to stand in front of Junsu.

Junsu angrily stood up to meet Yoochun’s eyes. “Why can’t you be sensitive and romantic like Yunho? Why can’t you be stylish and diligent and loving like Yunho?”

Yoochun was shocked by the sudden outburst and the loud voice, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to throw a tantrum. “What the hell are you talking about? Comparing me to Yunho? Don’t you dare compare me to Yunho!”

“Of course! You can’t even compare! He’s hot, smart, and all the good things that you aren’t!” Junsu yelled back.

Yoochun felt the anger run to his brain. “Shut up already! So what if I’m not him? I wouldn’t want to be him!”

“But right now I wish you were Yunho!”

“So you can hide from the fact that he dumped you?” Yoochun shouted angrily. Jealousy glazed his eyes.

“So I can hide from the fact that I dumped him! If you were Yunho, then I wouldn’t be in love with you!” Junsu shouted, his clenched fists pounding air and his eyes tightly scrunched up.

Yoochun felt his anger evaporate faster than the speed of light. Did he hear that right?


“Damn you! I hate you! You took my first kiss! It was all I could think of throughout dinner! It was all I could think of when I kissed Yunho! I thought kissing was supposed to be good; I expected Yunho’s kiss to feel as good as yours and even better! But I was wrong! The kiss with Yunho was nothing compared to the kiss with…”

Yoochun pulled Junsu into a kiss to shut him up.

Nearly a minute later, they pulled away in a minimal distance, enough for them to breathe.

“Like that?” Yoochun murmured.

“Well, no, that was the ‘forceful, fast, fireworks kiss.’ I was talking about the ‘soft, slow, sweet kiss.’”

“We can do that too.”

And they did. Their third kiss.

When they pulled away, Junsu managed to gasp, “If I die from lack of oxygen, I want it to be because of a kiss.”

Yoochun chuckled as he brushed a strand of hair from Junsu’s forehead. “With me?”

“With you.”

“Good. This basically explains why you’re always getting dumped and why I always dump my girlfriends after a week.”

Junsu blinked and looked into Yoochun’s eyes. He smiled and leaned his head on Yoochun’s shoulder to enjoy the embrace.

“You’re not going to ask me to confess my love for you?” Yoochun had to ask as he unconsciously rocked Junsu in his arms.

“You already confessed everything in that kiss.”

Yoochun smiled. “Kisses are amazing aren’t they?”

“Yep, I can’t believe I waited this long for my first kiss.”

“I’m glad you waited. If you weren’t so naïve about kissing, we wouldn’t have figured out that we’re actually in love with each other.”

“That means…we’re…a pair now…right?” Junsu murmured.

“It means we’re still best friends like we’ve always been…” Yoochun said. He wanted to laugh when Junsu pulled away from the embrace and gave him a hurt expression. “Let me finish. We’re still best friends like we’ve always been…and more. We’re best friends, boyfriends, and lovers…thanks to that first kiss.”

Junsu roughly pulled Yoochun back into an embrace, as if Yoochun was a big teddy bear. With laughter in his voice, he decided, “I think it’s all thanks to me. I begged you to teach me.”

“No, it’s thanks to the kiss. Don’t take credit,” Yoochun replied.

“I initiated it! It’s all thanks to me! That means you should be thankful to me and treat me like a king!”

“I’ll treat you like a queen if I can be king.”

Junsu made a pouting expression. “Admit it! It’s all thanks to me!”

“It’s all thanks to the kiss,” Yoochun refused.


“The kiss!”


“The kiss!”

“No! It’s all thanks to…”

Yoochun shut Junsu up with ‘the kiss.’

Title: My Girlfriend (Part 2)

Length: Two-shot

Pairing: Yoosu

Rating: G

Summary: An explanation of how Park Yoochun's solo, "My Girlfriend," was supposed to be "My Boyfriend."

A/N: Inspired by Julili, who left me a comment saying, 'My explanation is that Jae baked gingerbread cookies the week Yoochun wrote the song.' and gvfsq, who left me a comment saying, 'Actually i'm the one who think My Girlfriend is My boyfriend.'

Thanks for Reading!

And for those of you who celebrate it too, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARS!

Yoochun was shocked to consciousness by the loud voices. His eyes opened to realize that he’d fallen asleep while watching T.V. Changmin and Junsu’s voices had woken him.

Yoochun tried to sit up and realized that a jacket had been placed on his upper body. It was Changmin’s jacket; too lazy to go retrieve a blanket, but too caring to let Yoochun sleep in the cold.

He smiled, thanking the Heavens for allowing him to be a part of TVXQ. He did this often, but still felt like he didn’t do it often enough.

Yoochun snapped out of his thoughts when the shouting became clear to his ears.

“I get the first taste!” Changmin claimed.

“You always get the first taste!” Junsu retorted.

“Will you two stop acting like kids?” Yunho demanded.

“Will you start acting like the Appa that our fans want you to be and control Changmin?” Jaejoong’s voice came next.

Yoochun walked towards the kitchen and leaned against the entrance with crossed arms. Jaejoong and Yunho were shaking their heads tiredly while Junsu and Changmin fought.


“No, mine!”

“I’m not giving up! I’m getting the first taste!”

Changmin tried to put a cookie into his mouth first, but Junsu pulled his arm away and towards his own mouth.

Yoochun watched with amusement.

“Let go!” Changmin exclaimed.

“I’m fighting till the end!” Junsu announced.

“I always win!”

“I’m putting an end to that! I. Will. Not. Be. Defeated,” Junsu struggled to speak each word as he wrestled the taller boy.

Then Yoochun felt as if a light bulb had lit up in his mind. Possible lyrics began to form in his mind.

“I get the first taste!”

“No, me!”

Jaejoong eventually got tired of the fighting. He grabbed a cookie from the plate that Junsu and Changmin had ignored and fed it to Yunho.

“Yunho got first taste!” he announced.

Changmin and Junsu froze in their struggle to watch Yunho enjoy the bite of cookie with an all-too-happy grin.

They turned their heads to look at each other.

Just when they thought that the fight had ended, Changmin and Junsu chorused, “I get to taste it before you!”

The struggle continued. Jaejoong’s head dropped and he sighed.

Yunho grabbed his wrist and moved it up so that he could take another bite from the cookie in Jaejoong’s hand. Jaejoong blinked at Yunho’s hand on his wrist, and then turned to look at Yunho’s grin.

Jaejoong smiled. They decided to ignore the two fighters and moved on to decorating cookies.

Meanwhile, Yoochun left the kitchen to return to his bubble chair. He settled inside and filled his ears with the up-beat melody in the Mp3 player. He began to write.

[Maybe my love is bigger than Gingerbread man’s vitality.

Baby~ Good Morning everyday I wake up with you with the lovely call.

I didn’t know how to (cook but I can make you a song).]


Yoochun reread his piece of work and smiled with satisfaction. Now all he needed was a title.

He thought of the person that had inspired the lyrics and decided on a title. He scribbled [My Boyfriend] on the top of the page.


Yoochun looked up to see Changmin leaning on the door and glancing at his notepad.

“Is the battle over?” Yoochun inquired.


“Who won?”

“Me,” Changmin smirked.

“Of course,” Yoochun rolled his eyes.

“About your title…”

“What about it?”

“Too obvious.”


“Too obvious. You shouldn’t be throwing that song out to the world until after you’ve confessed to the inspiration of it.”

Yoochun’s eyes widened. “You can tell? That’s what you meant when you said ‘go tell him that you want him to spend time with you instead’?”

“I’m the smart one, remember?”

“You said that you’re the ‘normal’ one.”

“Tell me when I can start calling Junsu the ‘Yoochun’s’ one.”

“Soon, but not now,” Yoochun sighed.

“Well, do it quick. The sooner he has you to distract him, the sooner I won’t have to fight for my food.”

“Pig,” Yoochun insulted.

“‘Deer’,” Changmin corrected.

“‘Rudolph’,” Yoochun reworded.

“‘Gone’,” Changmin walked away.

Yoochun looked down at his handwritten lyrics. Now he had to go through and change all the ‘boy’s’ to ‘girl’s’ and ‘boyfriend’s’ to ‘girlfriend’s’.

Title: Merry

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: One-shot (534 words)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Summary: Junsu learns that people who smiled in their old Yearbook photos are more likely to succeed in marriage.

Yoochun walked into the room to see Junsu lying on the bed, on his stomach. Taking a longer-than-usual glance, Yoochun wondered if Junsu’s butt looked slightly bigger today than it did yesterday.

“Why are you Googling my name?”

Yoochun concluded that Junsu had not heard his footsteps because the younger man turned around with first a shocked expression and then an angry glare.

“Ya! Don’t you know that peeking over people’s shoulders when they’re on the internet is stalkerish?”

“Is that a word?”

“It is in the Chungrish dictionary.”

Yoochun rolled his eyes at the retort and sat down on the edge of the bed. “And Googling my name isn’t stalkerish?”


“What are you looking for anyway?”

“Pictures,” Junsu replied as he returned to his comfortable position and kept his eyes on the laptop.

Every once in a while, Yoochun’s eyes would glance at the up-turned butt (still wondering if it’d grown in the last 24 hours), but he still managed to hold a normal conversation.

“Why would you need pictures when you can see me in person?”

“Because all your Yearbooks are over at Yoochun Goong.”

“Yearbooks?” Yoochun raised a confused eyebrow.

“I just read an article about a study. Psychologists found that when they looked at people’s yearbook photos, they found that people who were frowning in their pictures are five times more likely to get a divorce than people who were smiling.”

“What?” Yoochun wondered if he was hearing this right.

“They researched a bunch of people and 11% of the smilers had been divorced while 31% of the frowners had experienced a broken marriage,” Junsu explained in a serious tone as if this topic was really important.

“And what does that have to do with you wanting to see my Yearbook pictures?” Yoochun looked more amused than confused now.

He knew he’d like the answer to his question.

“To decide whether I should marry you or not,” Junsu replied bluntly. Not exactly romantic, but good enough.

Yoochun smiled that greasy smile of his. “Kim Junsu, are you proposing?”

Junsu rolled his eyes. The website finished loading in that same second.

“I found it! This site has three of your Yearbook pictures from when you were in Birginia!”

Yoochun tried not to laugh at Junsu’s pronunciation.

He climbed onto the bed and settled next to Junsu, lying on his stomach and resting his head on Junsu’s shoulder. “I look hot at any age.”

Junsu ignored that statement, too engrossed in analyzing the pictures. “You’re smiling in two of them, but you’re frowning in one. That’s not good. Maybe it’s not a good idea to marry you.”

“What? You’re going to sentence me to death because of one picture?” Yoochun exclaimed. “It was my first year attending school in Virginia! I…”

“I’d rather stay your boyfriend forever than end up being your ex-husband.”

Yoochun was speechless. “Oh.”

Junsu gave him a quick peck on the lips before continuing to surf the web.

Yoochun eventually shifted so that he could rest his head on Junsu’s back and drape his arm over the duck butt. He was soon peacefully asleep, dreaming of marrying the man who was merrily engaged in an arcade game.

A/N: The article that Junsu talks about is real. You can read it here if you're interested. I'm sure we all understand that it's not difficult to connect Yoosu to everything that we encounter in our every day lives. ;D

Title: Confessions

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: One-shot (993)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Summary: Yoosu's methods of confessing.

It had been another busy day of functions and recording. They were finally home with Jaejoong and Yunho rushing to claim the two bathrooms and Changmin stampeding through the kitchen.

Junsu glanced at Yoochun’s vehicle that was parked in the driveway. Manager-hyung had insisted that Yoochun drive to this house early this morning so that all five of them could reach the conference in one van.

“I guess I should get going,” Yoochun rubbed his tense shoulder.

Junsu would have felt the urge to give Yoochun a massage…if he wasn’t so caught up in being disappointed that Yoochun was leaving. This was the bad thing about being back in Korea: Yoochun didn’t live in the same home.

“Okay, good night,” Junsu smiled, hiding his disappointment.

“By the way, I’ve been picking up on learning some new languages lately.”

“Really?” Junsu showed interest, because a conversation would make Yoochun stay longer.

“Want to hear a phrase I recently learned?”


“‘Anh yêu em’,” Yoochun pronounced carefully.

“What does it mean?” Junsu inquired.

Yoochun only showed off that mindboggling smile of his and said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Without another word, he turned to leave. So much for ‘stay longer’.


It was Jaejoong’s turn for individual photos. Yunho sat in a corner with his PSP and Changmin sat next to him with two bags of snacks. Every once in a while, Changmin would feed a piece of chip to Leader-sshi, who was concentrating on his video game, but was able to chew at the same time.

Junsu casually walked over to sit with Yoochun, finally getting some alone time.

“So what language was your phrase?” Junsu started.

Yoochun looked up from the magazine in his hand. “A new language,” he simply answered.

It wasn’t much of an answer.

“What does the phrase mean?” Junsu tried again.

“It means…‘Mahal kita’ in another language,” Yoochun pronounced.


“Yoochun, it’s your turn!” Jaejoong shouted.

“Coming!” Yoochun shouted back.

“Wait, Chunnie, what does that mean?” Junsu tugged at his sleeve.

“I’ll tell you later,” Yoochun smiled innocently before rushing away.


“Now let’s allow our ears to enjoy a preview of the latest DBSK production!” DJ hyung announced before pressing a button in front of him. The ‘on-air’ light turned off.

Jaejoong and Yunho removed their headphones to stand up and stretch by practicing the dance to their newest song. Changmin took the opportunity to fill his stomach while listening to DJ hyung talk.

Junsu wheeled his chair towards Yoochun, who was stretching in his seat.

“So what does that phrase you said yesterday at the photo shoot mean?” Junsu whispered.

Yoochun smiled lazily, “It means…‘Te amo’ in another language.”


“The preview is almost over. Headphones back on, boys!” DJ hyung announced.

Junsu rushed to ask another question, but Yoochun stopped him with that same innocent, mindboggling smile. “I’ll tell you later.”


“Dinner!” Jaejoong announced. They had been lucky to have their workload end around eight today. With this rare opportunity, came a big dinner from the talented Jaejoong.

Yunho and Changmin were the first to rush to the dining table. Yoochun wanted to follow, but Junsu held him back.

“Aren’t you hungry? If we don’t hurry, Changmin will eat it all!”

“Tell me what your phrase means first,” Junsu insisted.

“It means ‘Saya cinta pada mu’ in…”

“…another language! I know! But what does it mean in a language that I understand?”

Yoochun raised an eyebrow at his younger band-mate. “Are you getting frustrated?”

“What do you think?” Junsu retorted.

Yoochun’s eyes darted towards the kitchen. “I think Changmin has wiped out half of the table! Let’s eat first! I’ll tell you later.”

He jumped up from the sofa and ran into the kitchen.

After filling his stomach, Yoochun ran out of the door to rush home before Junsu could interrogate him any further.


“What does your phrase mean?” Junsu demanded, having Yoochun cornered in the workroom. Yunho and Jaejoong were on some kind of show and Changmin was most likely in the kitchen eating again.

“Wow, you’re getting aggressive.”

“Park Yoochun!” Junsu exclaimed. It was obvious he didn’t get much sleep last night, having been up thinking about the phrase. Unfortunately, he didn’t know the proper spelling of the words to look them up online, nor could he recall the exact pronunciations since Yoochun only spoke the phrase in each new language once.

“Okay, chill. The phrase means…”

“If you throw another language at me, I’m going to tell Changmin that you’re the one who ate his…”

“‘Wo ai ni,’” Yoochun spoke each word carefully.

Junsu stopped talking. The phrase sounded familiar. “Wh…what?”

“‘Wo ai ni’,” Yoochun repeated. “Which means ‘Aishiteru’ in Japanese. Now can you tell me what it means in Korean?”

Junsu blinked in confusion. “‘Aishiteru’ means…’Saranghaeyo’…”

Yoochun smiled. “It’s nice to have you say it to me and understand what you’re saying. Sarangehaeyo, Junsu.”

Junsu blinked again, making confusion seem ever so adorkable. “You mean…”

“That’s my phrase. I’ve been confessing to you all this time. Don’t stand there blinking like an idiot.”

“Confessing…you…to me…all this time…I…um…huh?”

“You’re kinda slow. Yunho hyung was right. One of us needs to confess first and that person ought to be me. If we waited on you to confess, ‘Yoosu’ would never become ‘real’,” Yoochun tilted his head cutely as he continued to enjoy Junsu’s confused expression.

The insult registered just fine. Junsu’s expression turned into a pout. “Not true!”

“It’s true that I confessed first.”

“No! I confessed to you long ago!”

“When?” Yoochun questioned. It was his turn to look confused.

Junsu smirked. “In another language on October 27th of 2008.”

“No way, I’m pretty sure I’ve memorized how to say ‘Saranghaeyo’ in every language possible!”

“Not Kenyan.”


Junsu grinned as he stepped forward to embrace Yoochun. Yoochun could feel the movement of soft lips on his collar bone as Junsu murmured, “Bambaya, Yoochunnie.”


According to the International Unofficial Yoosu/Micah Dictionary:

Bambaya: (phrase) Yoosu is Forever


A/N: Decided to post this because jing brought up 'Bambaya'. Everyone interprets 'Bambaya' differently. What do you guys think it means? I'll stick to 'Yoosu is Forever'. ^____^

Title: Reply

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: One-shot (491)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Summary: DBSK begins to get UFO messages about the expensive ring that Junsu gave Yoochun.

A/N: Thank you to all you lovelies who provided the community with pictures/info about the rings!

“What are you doing?”

Yoochun walked into the room, one hand holding a can of soda while the other hand was hidden in the pocket of his grey sweats.

“UFO,” Junsu answered without looking away from the laptop. “Yunho says I don’t reply enough.”

“He should understand why,” Yoochun drawled as he leaned a hip against the edge of the table.

“Shut up,” Junsu mumbled as his brows furrowed and he continued to poke at the keyboard with two index fingers.

“How many have you replied to?” the older man inquired as he sipped from the can of soda.

“Three,” Junsu whispered, deciding to not mention that he had started half an hour ago.

But he didn’t have to say it. Yoochun knew and was already laughing at him.

Choosing to ignore the tease, Junsu reached behind the laptop to pick up his juice box. He took a sip from the thin straw.

Instead of placing the healthy drink back on the desk, he took a hold of Yoochun’s soda can and easily placed the juice box into Yoochun’s hand. Then he returned to typing poking.

Acting like the replacement had not happened (because he was so accustomed to it), Yoochun took a sip from the juice box as his eyes continue to read the messages on the computer screen.

“Why are most of the messages asking the same thing?” the standing man observed.

“I know, right? They’re all asking about whether you and I are engaged. Some even sent me ‘picture evidence’ of the ring I got you and the ring I own.”

Yoochun laughed. “What's your reply?”

“I’m just telling them that you and I aren’t engaged.”

“I thought so,” Yoochun smiled before taking a sip from the thin straw, eyes admiring the expensive ring on his finger.


“What are you doing?”

“UFO,” Changmin answered without looking away from the laptop.

“Snarky replies again?” Jaejoong said as he threw himself onto Changmin’s neatly made bed. Yunho quickly moved to save the folded blanket from being scrambled, in fear that Changmin would use ‘one-touch’ on Jaejoong for messing up his bed.

Changmin rolled his eyes and continued to type, fingers moving swiftly and easily on the keyboard.

Jaejoong climbed off the bed to look over Changmin’s shoulder while Yunho worked on fixing any wrinkles on the cradle.

“Why are you answering questions that are directed to Junsu and Yoochun?”

“Because all the recent messages are directed to or are asking about them.”

“What do you mean?” Yunho inquired as he fluffed the magnae’s pillow.

“All the recent messages are asking about whether or not they’re engaged. Blame the ring Yoochun flaunted to the whole world,” Changmin informed.

“Interesting,” Jaejoong hummed. “What's your reply?”

“I’m telling the fans that they aren’t engaged.”

“You’re lying to the fans who love us so much?” Yunho was slightly pouting. Jaejoong patted his back.

“Technically, I’m not lying. They really aren’t engaged. They’re married, remember?”


Title: Trail Mix

Pairings: Yoosu, Yunjae, Minfood

Length: One-shot (533)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Summary: It was just another interview with Yunho leading and trying to keep the others out of trouble, Jaejoong whispering (not just for fanservice), Yoochun staring at Junsu, Junsu talking without thinking, and Changmin attackingdefending.

A/N: The bag of inspiration I was eating had exactly five ingredients (almond, chocolate, raisin, cashew, & peanut).

The host asked another question and Leader-sshi was prepared to answer first, while making sure to give the other members screen time as well.

“Jaejoong has been obsessed with buying Trail Mixes lately, but none of us are complaining. A bag of Trail Mix can express how ideal our group’s relationship is. We fit perfectly with each other,” Yunho introduced the answer.

“Junsu’s favorite is almonds,” Yoochun revealed.

“Yoochun’s favorite is chocolates,” Jaejoong informed.

“Jaejoong hyung’s favorite is raisins,” Junsu reported.

“Yunho hyung’s favorite is cashews,” Changmin disclosed.

“Then Changmin’s favorite must be the peanuts?” the host guessed.

“It is, but our dear magnae will still fight with other members for their favorites,” Yunho chuckled.

“It’s true! It’s true!” Jaejoong and Junsu chorused like children high on sugar. Yoochun noticed the camera was on him so he turned his head to look at the host instead.

“There would not be any fights if they would willingly share with me,” Changmin defended calmly.

“Fans should not think that ‘poor’ and ‘innocent’ Changmin gets picked on by his hyungs. The four of us do not pick on him; he picks on all four of us!” Junsu blurted out.

Yoochun turned his eyes back on Junsu and his expression read, ‘Uh-oh.’

Changmin crossed his arms and suavely leaned back into the chair, a calm expression on his face.

Jaejoong leaned over so that his lips were close to Yunho’s ear and whispered, “Poor Junsu. Changmin looks like one of those movie villains. All he’s missing is a Mini-Me…or a Mini-Min.”

Yunho tried not to laugh and returned to sitting straight. Jaejoong clasped his pretty hands together and anticipated Changmin’s attack.

“I do not bully my adorable hyungs. I see it more as, ‘defending myself’. I fight to survive in this group. For example, Junsu hyung’s second favorite is chocolates. Yoochun hyung is always happy to give his share of chocolates to Junsu hyung, but when I ask, he refuses.”

Jaejoong upper body fell forward as he held onto his stomach and laughed. Junsu clapped and released his famous ‘eu-kyang-kyang’. Yoochun’s eyes disappeared as he covered his mouth with his ring-decorated hand. Yunho still sat straight while laughing nervously, eyes shifting to the PD, wondering if this question will be cut out from the interview.

His thing about the Trail Mix was so good too…

“So desu ne!” the host giggled. “THSK’s relationship is perfect indeed, and very amusing.”

“Yes,” Leader-sshi quickly responded. “We have a strong friendship in which we all love each other. There are also fights that make us love each other even more.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and the host continued with another question.


That night, several UFO messages were answered:

[Fan]: Changmin Oppa Hwaiting! Keep defending yourself!

[Changmin]: Thank you. ^___^

[Jaejoong]: Do you want to die?

[Yunho]: Do you want us to die?

[Fan]: Magnae Changmin will rule the world!

[Changmin]: I’d rather eat.

[Fan]: Minnie Oppa, reveal more Yoosu secrets and I will give you lots of Trail Mixes!

[Changmin]: Yoochun already does it for free.

[Junsu]: Who are you?

[Yoochun]: I already do it for free.

Title: August 2nd of 2009

Pairing: Yoosu, OT5

Rating: G

Genre: Angst

Disclaimer: This is completely fictional and may be very inaccurate. I know very little about the rumors about DBSK being disband and the only article I've read is this one from AsianFanatic. This one-shot is based on what I read in that one article ONLY so forgive me for errors.

A/N: This one-shot takes place on August 2nd, the day before the article (above) was released.

Yoochun stepped into the bathroom and saw the man lying on the counter. He walked over to lay a hand on Junsu’s arm.

Yoochun saw his own reflection in the mirror. When other people looked at him, they saw the bags under his eyes and the dullness in his eyes. When Yoochun looked at himself, he saw more fatigue and sadness than what other people saw.

“Junsu,” he shook the other man lightly.

“Leave me alone,” the angelic voice was muffled by his own hands.

“You can’t just lay in here forever.”

“No, but I can lay in here for now.”


Junsu stopped burying his face in his hands and craned his neck to look at Yoochun. His eyes were sad and so much more.

Yoochun helped him move so that he sat up-right on the counter. His legs hung loosely and he swung them like pendulums, like a little kid kicking water in a pool. Junsu was wishing that he was a little kid again; no troubles, no worries, no sadness.

“Remember that video we filmed? I can’t even remember what month or what year anymore. We were introducing our dorm to our fans. It was in that video that they saw Jaejoong eating cereal, found out about Yunho’s coin collection, and learned that Changmin was forced to sleep in the worst of our five beds.”

Yoochun smiled lightly (too light). “And in that video, we told our fans that you like to lay in the bathroom counter when you’re unhappy or feel like you’ve done something wrong.”

“Have I done something wrong?” Junsu’s sad eyes were equal to Yoochun’s sad eyes.

“If you’ve done wrong, then I’ve done worse. Do you…regret it?”

“I’m regretting. I feel like I should have stopped you and Jaejoong. But now, look at us! It’s not just us! Everything we do, it involves so many people! Our family, our fans, us. Jaejoong and Yunho are fighting. Changmin hasn’t spoken a word. You…”

“I don’t regret it,” Yoochun assured.

Junsu looked down at his own hands. Then he saw Yoochun’s hands cover his own.

Sighing, Yoochun stepped between his (no longer swinging) legs and protected him in an embrace. “We have to believe that we’ll get through this. We’ve met many challenges before and we’ve learned from it, grown from it. This is just another one.”

“What if we don’t get through this?”


“You don’t understand! If you stand out and say it then it’ll all be over!”

“We have the right…”

“Do we? Would we be here if it weren’t for him? Would we have met each other? Would we have conquered so much and gained so much more?”

“Look at the way he’s treated us! I know you don’t care about yourself, but I care! It hurts me to see you forcing yourself to practice even when your old injuries haven’t even completely healed! It hurts me to see Changmin being forced to diet when he should be eating like any healthy teenager! It hurts me to see Yoochun forcing himself to be awake when he hasn’t slept more than three hours every single day! It hurts me to see Junsu…Junsu forcing himself to stay happy, to cheer us all up even when he was so tired that he wants to give up!”

“Jaejoong, you don’t understand!”

“What do I not understand? I understand that we deserve better! We’re singers, not robots used to make profit!”

“We owe him!”

“But haven’t we done enough to repay him?”

That was a matter of perspective. Have they done enough? Would they forever be indebted to him?

Where and what would these five boys…these five men be if it were not for SM Entertainment?

They wouldn’t be DBSK.

“Think of all the people your decision will hurt! The fans are already going crazy because the three of you went to court about the contracts! They think we’re breaking up!”

“But we won’t break up! They’ll fight for us…with us! We have to believe that they’ll continue to support us!”

“Why put them through all this?”

“Why put ourselves through all this?”

“Jaejoong…” Yunho tried to reach for the older man’s hand, reach out to him.

Jaejoong pulled away. “No, we’re going to get out of the slave contract and nothing is going to stand in our way! We tried doing this under the table, but they ignored us! If we don’t take drastic action and cut ties with SM then we’re never going to be free!”

Yunho closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “I can’t argue with you anymore. We can’t continue to debate this because neither of us is wrong.”


Changmin sat in the work room. It was a bigger room, bigger than what they used to have when they first debuted.

Who was wrong?

Who was right?

They say that if you want to become a celebrity, you have to be willing to handle everything else that comes with it. You can’t complain about too much work, you can’t complain about maintaining an image that isn’t your own, you can’t complain about crazy fans, you can’t complain about not having privacy, and so much more.

But you get the fame. You get to create history, conquer a whole continent, accomplish so much that so many never would or could.

You get to meet and become close friends (family) with four people that you may never have met if you were not a part of DBSK, of SM Entertainment.

Who was wrong?

Who was right?

Changmin’s eyes settled on the clock hanging on the wall. It had been a gift from a fan, back from when they first debuted, when they didn’t have many fans.

When they didn’t have many fans, when they didn’t have so much work, when they had more sleep, more laughs, less accomplishments, less awards…

The clock indicated a time and a date.

August 2nd of 2009.

Changmin made several clicks on the computer and saw the flood of UFO messages; asking, hurting.

His three hyungs planned an announcing their stands to the media tomorrow, demand to be freed from the slave contracts. Tomorrow.

“Changmin?” Jaejoong’s voice sliced through the silent room. Would this beautiful voice ever make it to the top of the music charts anymore?

What would happen to DBSK? What would happen to Hero, Uknow, Micky, Xiah, and Max? What would happen to Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu, and Shim Changmin?

“We’re worried about you,” Junsu said, laying a hand on the magnae’s shoulder. Changmin could so easily recognize it.

“Changmin, you haven’t said anything, but you support us, don’t you?” Yoochun asked, although his voice didn’t seem so sure.

“Changmin, please speak,” Yunho sighed. Leadersshi was tired. He had tried and he failed, but at least he’d tried.

Changmin didn’t do anything.

“Don’t think too much into it, Changmin,” Yoochun placed a hand on his other shoulder.

“That’s your problem!” Changmin shot up from the chair and stared down his four brothers. “You don’t think too much, but I can’t help it! I have to think! I think about everything we owe him for! I think about all the ‘what if’s’. Would I still be a regular student if I were not a part of DBSK? I can’t imagine where else I would be because the truth is: I was, am, and forever will be a part of DBSK! I’m not even 25, yet look at how much I’ve done, where I’ve traveled to, and so much more! We’ve all worked hard, but we couldn’t have done it without him!”

“Changmin,” Yunho held his hand, hating the way the magnae looked so lost and confused.

“I may never have met you four if it were not for SM. I may never be able to pierce my ears or whatever weird stuff Jaejoong has talked me into doing. I may never have had all those long, thoughtful talks with Yunho. I may never have eaten all those late night meals with Yoochun. I may never have had all those bickering moments with Junsu. I have the four of you today, to laugh and cry with, and I owe it to him!”

Changmin head was lowered and his voice was cracking. Yunho pulled him into an embrace while the other three stood frozen, paralyzed by doubt.

“I love you all. I love the four of you like I’d love my own family, but that’s what scares me the most! He’s so powerful! We’re not just fighting one man, we’re fighting an empire! What if…what if he hurts you, any one of you? He’s capable. He is. I just know it. What if we never stand on stage again, perform another song, release another single together? He’s capable.”

And that was it. Changmin shared Yunho’s thoughts about owing their success to SM, but at the same time, he feared for more.

“It’s a risk we’ll have to take,” Yoochun finally spoke. He’d thought about this matter as well, long and hard, but he had to force himself not to think about it. Thinking about it would make him coward away from this fight.

Junsu stepped in to join the hug between Yunho and Changmin. “It’s okay, Changmin. I’ll still bicker with you whether we’re still DBSK or not.”

“I’ll still call you out in the middle of the night for ramen,” Yoochun wrapped his arms around the three.

“And I’ll still try to make you do weird stuff with me,” Jaejoong cuddled himself between Yunho and Changmin.

“We still have our fans and family to support us, Changmin. And there is still a way to settle this matter peacefully,” Yunho spoke. All four members turned to their leader.

“You’re still trying to resolve this,” Jaejoong looked into his eyes. The hug began to loosen and they stood in a small circle.

“I know that the three of you will be making your stands tomorrow to the media. You intend on breaking away from the contract with SM completely…”

“Yes,” Yoochun said and Jaejoong nodded in agreement (determination in their eyes).

“In the end, we still owe SM Entertainment for everything we have today. Can you, for Changmin and for me, change your criteria? Don’t cut away from SM completely. Be willing to settle for reasonable wages and schedules. Don’t take this feud to the point where we can’t turn back. Remember the phrase: don’t burn one’s bridges.”

‘Don’t burn one’s bridges,’ because you never know when you’ll need it again.

“What if they decide to disband us? They’ll be able to do that if we’re still under their wings,” Junsu voiced.

“One criterion that we won’t step away from is that they cannot disband us,” Yunho reminded. “Besides, our fans would not allow it.”

“Hyung…” Changmin murmured.

“And if we’re still working for him, he won’t be able to hurt us. We’d still be making money for him,” Yunho tried to allay the magnae’s fears.

“How can you make it sound so simple?” Jaejoong murmured.

“It’s not simple. There’s still a long way to go from here, but we want to stay away from the point of no return. Don’t push SM too hard, don’t take it to the edge or we’ll all fall together.”

“We’ll call our reps and have them rewrite the announcements then,” Yoochun said. His eyes shifted to Junsu and saw the sense of relief.

“So we’re okay for now? No more fights between us?” Junsu eyed each of them.

Jaejoong and Yunho exchanged eye contact before chorusing, “No more fights.”

“And DBSK is still together.”

“If, one day, SM finds a way to break us up, then the worst that can happen is that we’ll no longer be ‘DBSK’. We may not be ‘DBSK’, but we’ll still be together.”

“We’ll always be One.”

“The five of us will always be One.”

“Because five minus one is Zero.”

A/N: I kept waffling back and forth between both sides because I can't make myself believe that any of them are wrong in their stand on the situation. I may rewrite this if I eventually figure it out, but please leave comments and criticisms on how I could make this NOT so confusing (I was writing it with confidence for the first part, but then started confusing myself when I wrote Changmin's part).

Try to convince me on which side I should pick, please.

Title: Purple

Pairings: Yoosu, Yunjae, Minfood

Length: One-shot

Genre: Fluff

Rating: PG-13?

Summary: Junsu wonders why Yoochun chose to wear purple for Xiahtic.

Junsu closed his eyes and enjoyed the chance to finally lie back-flat on the cool dance floor. The air conditioner was on in the dance studio, but all that practicing had caused a lot of sweating.

Yoochun turned to lie on his side and angled his arm so that he could rest his head on his fist, but still be able to look down at Junsu’s closed opened eyes.

“What are you thinking?” Junsu murmured.

Yoochun showed off his greasy smile and answered, “Just thinking about what Yunho told me before they left.”

“Really? I was thinking about what Jaejoong told me before they left.”


“We’re going to stay to practice for Xiahtic,” Junsu informed the staff. Everyone nodded and prepared to leave.

Jaejoong dumped his bag and pig/pink neck pillow into Changmin’s arms and pulled Junsu to a corner. Seeing this, Yunho also left his bag to the magnae’s guard and tugged Yoochun to another corner of the room.

“What is it?” Junsu and Yoochun asked their individual whisperers.

Jaejoong told Junsu, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He winked and flashed a mischievous smile.

Meanwhile, Yunho pointed out Jaejoong’s creepy smile (from the other corner) to Yoochun and whispered, “Don’t do anything Jaejoong would do.”

Changmin stood at the door with half of his face covered by a stack of Jaejoong and Yunho’s belongings.

“Are you done whispering? I have something to say to the both of them too!” he exclaimed. “And I don’t need to whisper. All I need to say is that you two should go buy something to eat before you two head home tonight. There’s no such thing as leftovers in the Dong Bang Goong.”

“Stop being snarky,” Jaejoong smacked the back of his head and they started to follow their manager out to the van. Jaejoong continued to lecture, Changmin continued to roll his eyes, Yunho just shook his head and sighed.

Junsu and Yoochun were left to stand at opposite corners of the studio, wondering what Jaejoong/Yunho had whispered to the other.


“Interesting,” Junsu giggled.

“I don’t think Changmin would ever ‘stop being snarky’,” Yoochun pointed out, showering in the sound of Junsu’s laugh.

Starting to feel the sore in his arm, Yoochun turned so that he, too, lied flat on his back next to Junsu in the dance studio.

“So…” Junsu sang.

“Can we just sleep here?” Yoochun sighed relaxingly as he closed his eyes.

“Is ‘sleeping’ one of the things that Jaejoong would or wouldn’t do?”

Yoochun chuckled, eyes still closed. “Good question.”

“I have another good question,” Junsu turned his head to look at Yoochun.

“No, a pig cannot fly, Junsu,” Yoochun teased in a lazy tone.

“A pig can fly if Changmin becomes strong enough to throw you across a room. You know he wants to. And that’s not my question!”

Yoochun laughed. Then he asked, “What’s your other good question?”

“Why purple?”

Yoochun’s eyes opened and he stared up at the ceiling. When he didn’t answer, Junsu pressured, “Come on, tell me.”

“I could tell you,” Yoochun paused, turning his head to smile at Junsu. “Or I could show you.”


Yoochun pushed himself off the floor and was soon running out of the dance studio. Junsu shifted so that he sat cross-legged in the middle of the room.

Moments later, Yoochun ran back wearing the outfit he was supposed to wear for tomorrow’s concert. Junsu noted that Yoochun was the only one who could pull off that style…and many other styles.

“Stand up,” Yoochun pulled Junsu up. “Let’s practice Xiahtic one more time before we head out to buy our late, late dinner.”

Still confused, Junsu did as told. His white T-shirt and sweats didn’t exactly match Yoochun’s outfit, but that didn’t really matter. What mattered was the dance moves…and Yoochun.

When they reached the segment in which they were to dance together, Yoochun spoke in a low voice, “Ask me again.”

“Why purple?” Junsu barely found his voice, realizing how sensual the dance had become.

Yoochun moved closer as they danced. He wrapped an arm around Junsu’s swaying waist and whispered sang into the younger man’s ear.

“Because…” during Xiahtic, “…I really wanna touch myself.”


3. I don't know if Yoochun picked the outfit.

2. Hope you guys get the reference.

1. Thanks for reading! ^___^

Title: Of Clouds and Kites

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: One-shot (798)

Genre: Fluff, Angst

Rating: G

“Look at that one right there! It’s in the shape of a bunny!” Park Yoochun pointed at the pink kite floating in the sky. “And look, there’s a duck flying next to it! Do you see it?”

He turned his head to look at the younger man who stood next to him. Kim Junsu was not looking up at the kites that his boyfriend was pointing at. Instead, his eyes were on Yoochun the whole time.

“Junsu, what’s wrong?” Yoochun inquired.

“Nothing, I just prefer to look at you,” Junsu replied with a small smile.

Yoochun chuckled. “I prefer to look at you too. You’ve got a better butt than the duck up there next to the bunny.”

A sudden breeze caused rustling of leaves and the dozens of children who were flying their kites in the park on this Sunday morning were shouting in excitement.

The breeze messed up Yoochun’s hair and Junsu automatically ran his hands through the black locks. Yoochun smiled at the gesture. He turned his head to look up at the sky so that Junsu’s hand would slowly slide down to tickle his nape.

“Those kids better be careful or the strings are going to snap and their kites will fly away,” Yoochun chuckled. “Do you want to fly a kite? I’ll go buy one for you. Dolphin shaped, ok?”

Yoochun started to walk off, but Junsu’s hand on his arm stopped him. The older man could sense that something wasn’t right.

“Junsu? What’s wrong?”

Junsu’s lips parted slightly to speak, but then closed again in silence.

“Junsu, I’ve noticed that you’ve been different lately. You’re…not your cheerful self. Please tell me, I’m really worried. I don’t even like kites, but I’ve even woken up early on a Sunday morning to take you here. I want to see you happy. Come on, you can tell me anything. I’m your boyfriend,” Yoochun urged, taking Junsu’s hands in his own.

Junsu slowly raised his head to look into Yoochun’s eyes. The emotions in his eyes created a tumor of fear in Yoochun’s throat.

“That’s the problem. You’re my boyfriend,” Junsu murmured.

“I don’t understand. What are you trying to say?”

Junsu pulled his hands away from Yoochun’s hold, taking a step back to create distance between them. “I like kites.”

Yoochun was taken aback by the random statement. “I know; that’s why I brought you here to see these children fly their kites. But you’re not smiling. You’re not happy. Why?”

“You don’t like kites,” Junsu spoke in the same monotone.

“That’s not news to either of us. What do kites have to do with me being your boyfriend?” Yoochun demanded. He tried to reach for Junsu’s hands again, but the younger man pulled away.

“We’ve been dating for eight years. I’m not getting any younger, Yoochun. I want to settle down. I want to get married. I want to adopt a batch of children and create a family.”

Yoochun was silent. He didn’t tell Junsu that he’ll settle down with Junsu, that he’ll marry Junsu, that he’ll adopt a batch of children and create a family with Junsu. He didn’t.

He wouldn’t.

“Junsu, we’ve talked about this...”

“I know,” Junsu cut him off. “And it caused our first fight. We’ve ignored it since then, but it can’t be ignored forever, Yoochun.”

Yoochun ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “What are you trying to say?”

Junsu looked up at Yoochun’s tresses and automatically felt the need to fix it again, but he restrained this time.

“I like kites, Yoochun. But you don’t. You don’t like kites because you don’t like that kites are attached to strings; you don’t like that kites can never truly fly free in the sky.”

“Junsu…” Yoochun frowned.

“You’re like a cloud; no strings attached. You don’t want to be tied down. You just want to live life without responsibility and attachments, without having to settle down.”

“What are you trying to say?” Yoochun repeated, with more frustration in his voice. He knew perfectly well what Junsu was saying, but he didn’t want to admit it.

“You’re not one to settle down with a family. I’ve always wanted to settle down with a family. I was hoping you’d change with time…”

“I was hoping you would change with time,” Yoochun countered.

Junsu shook his head and sighed. “But it’s been eight years and neither of us has changed. I’m a kite. You’re a cloud. We can meet on a windy day, but it’ll only be a short encounter. There is no forever.”

“There can be a forever if we continue to date like we’ve been doing for the last eight years,” Yoochun retorted.

“No,” Junsu whispered, looking down so that he would not meet Yoochun’s eyes. “Forever ends here.”

Title: Wall

Genre: Romance

Rating: G

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: Drabble (249 words)

There is always a wall around you; a wall that you built with your own smooth hands. It is a wall built with fear as its bricks, pain as its cement, and secrets as its foundation.

No one has been able to break down the wall: that is the fact that remains true to everyone.

No one will ever be able to break down the wall: that is the promise that you made to yourself.





“Why did you build the invisible wall around yourself? What are you trying to protect yourself from? What are you afraid of?”

“If it’s invisible, how can you see it?”

“I feel it.”

“Then you should be able to feel it crumbling. Maybe I didn’t build it to protect myself, maybe I built it to see who will care enough to come knock it down.”



There used to always be a wall around you; a wall that you built with your own smooth hands. It was a wall built with fear as its bricks, pain as its cement, and secrets as its foundation.

No one has been able to break down the wall: that is the fact that is no longer true.

No one will ever be able to break down the wall: that is a promise you broke when you fell in love with Kim Junsu.

Prompt – Quote:

‘Sometimes we put up walls. Not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down.’


(I really don't know who wrote this, tell me if you know. Meanwhile, take care and thanks for reading!)

Title: Sixty

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Pairing: Chibi Yoosu

Length: Drabble (468 words)

Junsu stared down at the paper and started to chew angrily on his pencil. All the kids were playing on the playground while Junsu sat in detention because he didn’t do homework last night.

Don’t they understand? Junsu is too COOL for homework!

And he hates math. Numbers just didn’t work in his brain.

So on his homework, he answered:

[1+1=Some small number]

[4+2=Maybe a bigger number]

Junsu heard footsteps and raised his head. He saw the skinny boy with the huge glasses standing at the door. This kid, Park Yoochun, was his enemy. This kid was so good at math (and everything else) that the teachers loved him and he, somehow, always ended up making poor Junsu look bad.

Park Yoochun walked over to Junsu and Junsu ignored him, continuing with the punishment.



Junsu frowned and raised his head to glare at the boy that was standing right next to his desk. “Go away.”

“Five minus one is four.”

“Five, take away one, is nothing!” Junsu rebelled, even though he knew that he was most likely wrong.

Park Yoochun ignored his rude attitude and continued to scan the paper. “One plus one is two.”

“Two is a small number,” Junsu defended his own answer. “Go away.”

The boy just blinked and sat down on the desk next to Junsu’s desk. Junsu ignored him and continued to frown at the paper, scribbling flying dolphins on the corner.

Time passed and Junsu wrote down a few more smart-aleck answers.

Then he heard the other boy move and turned to see Park Yoochun staring at his blue Dolphin-print watch. “Sixty seconds,” the boy said.

“What?” Junsu stared at the watch.

“Did you know that every sixty seconds you spend frowning is a minute of happiness that you’ll never get back?”

Junsu tried to understand what that meant. But he couldn’t figure it out so he knew that he would have to ask nicely, “What?”

“Sixty seconds equals one minute.”

Okay, Junsu didn’t know that. He knew that five minus one is nothing. He knew that two is a small number. But he didn’t know that sixty seconds equals one minute. And he didn’t know that sixty seconds of frowning meant one minute of happiness that he’d never get back.

Junsu stared at Park Yoochun.

Suddenly, the kid didn’t look so annoying and ugly anymore. He didn’t look like he was challenging Junsu or purposely making Junsu look stupid. He actually looked shy and sincere, like he truly wanted to help Junsu.

So Junsu decided to ask, “What’s one plus one again?”

The other boy smiled happily, happy for the acceptance. And Junsu knew he was right: Yoochun wasn’t here to show off or to make Junsu look stupid.

Park Yoochun was in Kim Junsu’s life for another reason.


Title: Look

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: Drabble (66 words)

“It hurts to look back.”

“Then don’t look back.”

He scoffed bitterly, “Are you going to tell me to look ahead?”

The other man traced the scar on his cheek, knowing he wouldn’t erase this scar even if he could. He smiled lightly, “No, I won’t because I know you’re afraid to look ahead.”

“Then where can I look?”

“Look beside you. You’ll always see me.”

Title: Options

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Pairing: Yoosu

Length: Drabble (246 words)

“What are you doing?”

“Changmin taught me how to flip a coin correctly. Ask a question and designate an option for ‘head’ and ‘tail’.”

Yoochun settled on the sofa next to Junsu and tried to think of a question. Junsu was still practicing the newly acquired skill, adjusting his thumb in the correct position.

“Hmm…I don’t know,” Yoochun shrugged. From the corner of his eye, he could see the other three members eavesdropping from the kitchen.

Jaejoong was pointing towards Junsu. Yunho made a ‘swooshing’ motion with his hand. Changmin was tapping at his invisible watch.

“It’s easy,” Junsu caught Yoochun’s attention again. “Like…what are we eating for dinner? ‘Head’ is pizza and ‘tail’ will be steak.”

Yoochun watched him flip the coin and barely caught it on the back of his hand. They’ll be eating pizza tonight.

“Changmin will be happy to know,” Yoochun commented on the result.

“Okay, Chunnie, now you ask a question!” Junsu grinned.

Yoochun stared at the coin, peeked at the three (nosy) urging band mates, and then settled his eyes on Junsu. He cleared his throat.

“Um…will Junsu be Yoochun’s boyfriend?” Yoochun held his breath as he waited for the reaction.

Junsu blinked, looking ever so cute. But instead of grinning and throwing himself into Yoochun’s waiting arms, he forced himself to remain calm, “What are the options?”

Yoochun wasn’t sure what to think of this reaction. “Um…if it’s ‘head’ then that’s a ‘yes’. If it’s ‘tail’ then…we flip again.”


Title: Always There

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Pairing: Yoosu

Other Character: Jaejoong

Length: Drabble (314 words)

Junsu was lying on the bathroom counter when Jaejoong walked in.

“Uh…Junsu, I need to shower,” the beautiful blond pointed out.

“Go ahead,” Junsu murmured, his sigh causing a fog on the mirror that was only centimeters away from his troubled expression.

Jaejoong’s eyes shifted to the shower-stand surrounded by the see-through glass, then shifted back to the unmoving Junsu. “Junsu, what’s wrong?”


“Look, I really need this shower and it doesn’t look like Yunho will be getting out of the other bathroom anytime soon. I heard him singing and dancing in there. He just started on ‘Hug’.”

“I don’t mind, Hyung,” the younger man sighed again.

“I mind. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

Junsu heaved a third sigh as he pushed himself up so that he sat on the counter, facing Jaejoong. “I don’t know. I can’t get a certain person off my mind. What does it mean?”

“Certain person?” Jaejoong raised an amused eyebrow.

“I’ve tried everything, but the person is always…there,” Junsu sighed again, eyes roaming the tiles of the bathroom floor.

“You don’t want that person to be…‘there’?”

“Well, no, but to ALWAYS be ‘there’ is just…not normal.”

“Maybe that person isn’t just always on your mind. Maybe the person is in your heart.”

Junsu raised his head to meet Jaejoong’s eyes, as if reading the older man’s eyes would allow him to better understand what Jaejoong was trying to say.

“Then…how do I get him off my mind…er…out of my heart?”

Hearing Junsu say ‘him’ seemed to put a proud smile on Jaejoong’s lips. The blond man refrained from stampeding into the other bathroom and shouting, ‘I told you so!’ at (a most likely naked) Yunho.

But being the Best Hyung that he is, Jaejoong said, “Junsu, if you can’t get Yoochun off your mind or out of your heart, then maybe that’s where he’s supposed to be.”


Title: Laugh

Genre: Angst

Rating: G

Pairing: OT5, Yoosu (if you squint)

Length: Drabble (379 words)


The tension was thick and it was hard to breathe. The stress was suffocating and it was impossible to smile.

It was so difficult to smile these days. Because no one wanted to smile.

They sat in the living room again. Changmin on one end of the couch, trying to concentrate on reading his thick book. Yunho on the other end, trying to memorize lyrics. Jaejoong sitting on the ground, in between the two, trying to conjure musical notes. Junsu lying on his side in front of the television, trying to find distraction.

Yoochun standing there, trying to figure out why they were all ‘trying’ to do so much…yet no one would ‘try’ to smile.

No one wanted to smile.

Were they really once the best of friends, the inseparable group of five? What happened to those nights of choosing to sit together and talk about nothing, rather than gathering just because they were a band created by SM?

Junsu flipped another channel and stopped pressing on the button. Changmin stopped trying to read, Yunho stopped trying to memorize, Jaejoong stopped trying to write. Yoochun joined them in staring at the television.

It was a rerun of their first live performance. Yoochun had to wonder if the others remembered all the details that he would never forget: the date, the time, the song, the reason, the love…

Junsu pushed himself up into a sitting position and had his legs curled up to his chest. He was hugging his legs and his head was lowered.

Yoochun saw the other three staring at Junsu’s back. He made the move to walk over to his love and hug the trembling younger man. Jaejoong joined next, followed by the leader and the magnae.

The performance on the television ended and Yoochun commented, “We all looked like dorks.”

Junsu laughed through the tears and the others joined. The sound of their laughter, five different resonances, blended into a melody. The sound was better than any song they’ve ever sung.

Yoochun leaned his head against Junsu’s forehead, enjoying the feeling of being stuck in the middle of the group hug. He remembered why they used to be one, the inseparable group of five.

They could make each other laugh even when no one wanted to smile.


...the best you can do is Laugh through it.

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