Chapter 35: New Dangers.

I know it's a little late, but the photo above is kinda what I picture Lola to look like. I'll post a pic of Tiff next chapter because sadly I can only post one at a time on chapters :(

Jordan's p.o.v.

When I got home, I found it extremely difficult to get inside the house. The door was bolted shut, the windows were boarded up, and there was a no trespassing sign on the front of the house. Did Tom do all of this in less than an hour? He's really determined about keeping her safe. That made me feel really warm inside, knowing he's deathly serious about all of this.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. A few seconds passed. A few minutes passed. And then it was ten minutes, and I knew something was up. I knocked again. I waited five minutes. No one answered.
Where is he?

"Tom? Are you in there?" I knocked really loudly this time.


"Jordan?" I heard someone call my name. I turned around, and I saw Lola's red head poking out from the door of Cherry Ridge.

"Hey Lola, do you know where Tom is?" I yelled back at her. She might have seen him leave.

"He's in here, come in!" She waved me towards the house. What? Did he tell them about Rosie? Oh god I hope not.
I ran down the hill to the huge house and up to the door. Lola opened it wider for me to come in, and I stepped inside.
The first thing I saw when I went inside was Tom and Tiff on the living room floor, trying to put diapers on two different babies. One of those babies were Rosie. Anddd he told them. This is just great.

Tom was smiling, until he saw me and his face changed to a guilty one. "Look, I didn't mean to-"

"Save it," I interrupted him. "I told Mot. We both broke the promise."

As sigh escaped both of our lips. We suck at keeping promises.

"You guys can trust us, really." Lola started. "We would never do anything to hurt her. We love babies."

"Yeah and we can watch her if you're ever busy. Nicky loves company!" Tiff pointed at Nicky, who was squealing happily at his new friend. Rosie was staring at him too, her blue and brown eyes glittering with happiness. Aw. Rosie's got a friend.

"Hey but why'd you tell Mot? Did he threaten you? Because if he did, I'll kill 'em." Tom stared at me with serious eyes.

"No...I lied to him at first, but then I felt guilty because Mots never lied to he has Alyssa and he knows what it's like to be worried for your daughter. Dianite ended up telling him. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. At least you didn't tell Tucker or Mianite or whatever..." He went back to changing Rosie's diaper.

"By the way, nice job boarding the entire house up. The no trespassing sign was a nice touch." I joked.

"I don't want anyone coming in at night when were asleep. Because that's what happened last time..." he sighed at the unhappy memory. "But Wags coming over one day this week with a spell to help protect the place. So I guess I can take that stuff down after. Hey come help me change a smelly diaper. You need to learn how, you sausage." He threw a diaper at me, but I ducked before it could hit me. Jerk.

"Fine. Show me Mr.Baby Expert Tom."

He flashed me a cute grin from across the room. I love this jerk that I call the love of my life.


Day 1

"I swear to god Sparklez, she looks different."

"You're crazy. She does not. She looks the same."

"No! Look at her hair and her face, they're different!"

I studied Rosie's face closer as she played with her toys on our bed. She doesn't look different to me. She looks just like she did yesterday. But then again...her hair does look a bit longer than it did yesterday. And her face less chubby. But that was because she was growing up, right? That's normal for a baby to change a little each day. Nicky's changed a lot in the last few months. He can walk now and he's lost a lot of his baby fat.

"She's growing, that's it. Nicky grows all the time. It's normal."

She reached for my glasses and I gave them to her. She giggled and put them on. That made me laugh. They were way too big for her head and they kept slipping off of her cute button nose.

"Yeah but...he doesn't grow this much in a day." Tom bit his lip, obviously puzzled. He shouldn't worry about it, he should be glad she's growing. I know I am.

"She's fine Tom. Now give her your tie, she obviously wants it," I laughed. She was reaching for his tie with her tiny fingers. He unclipped it and handed it to her with a small smile. She squealed happily and clipped the huge red tie to her baby bib. Tom and I both laughed at her little costume. Such cute omg.


Night 1

"Sparklez. Sparklez wake up." Something was shaking me and I groaned in annoyance. I don't wanna wake up. I'm tired.

"Sparklez please!" I heard someone whisper-yell. I cracked open an eye to see Tom sat up in bed with Rosie in his arms, looking absolutely terrified.

"What?" I grumbled. I rubbed my eyes from the sleep and tried to sit up. The room was completely dark, not even the moonlight was visible through the windows. That's weird.

"Someone's trying to get in." He whispered.

I heard rattling from outside and quite scrapping noises. Oh my god. Someone is trying to get in.

"What do we do?" I whispered back. He didn't answer. He just held Rosie closer to his chest.
The rattling got louder. If it really is someone trying to hurt us then I have to protect my family.

"Tom, go to the basement. Don't come out until I tell you to."

His eyes widened at my suggestion. "But what if-"

"No, go right now. Keep Rosie as quiet as possible. Go." I pushed him out if bed, and he complied. He quietly ran to the end of the hallway and pulled up the door in the floor that led to the basement. When he closed it, I rushed to move a huge rug over it so it wouldn't be noticeable.

I went back into our room and pulled out a bag from underneath the bed. It had a few swords stashed inside of it, including my bow that Ianite had given to me ages ago. I took one of the swords and loaded up my bow quickly. I just hope whatever's out there is killable.

I quietly walked to the kitchen with my bow drawn. Tom had locked the door and put a chair under the knob before we went to bed. I could see the chair move every time the door shook. I sucked in a breath and pulled away the chair from the door. I have to protect my family, no matter what.

I quickly pulled open the door and drew my bow back, ready to fight whatever awaited outside the door.

There was nothing. No one was outside. I stepped out to see of maybe they bolted when I opened the door, but there wasn't a soul anywhere near the tree. It was like nobody had even been here. But there had to have been someone here. What were those noises we just heard?

I sighed and went to close the door back, when I noticed something. There were scratch marks on the side door, like somebody had tried to wedge it open with a knife. And then I noticed something else.
The two words carved into the wood.



Day 2

"I'm not sure as to why Botan is targeting you specifically. He hasn't taken any interest in any of the other champions." Matt traced over the carving in the door with his finger. I wish I could just rip the door off and replace it. He was here. He wanted Rosie. It made me sick just looking at the evil letters he carved on the door.

"It's because he is the more powerful one. You overcame the memory loss, now he's targeting the ones around you to make you weak. He is certainly relentless, I'll tell you that." Tom shook his head.

"If he's so powerful and mighty and he's the father of the damn gods, why did he try to get in using a knife?" My Tom rolled his eyes. He's been trying to play off the whole incident by pretending to be angry, but I can tell in his eyes that he's terrified. He hasn't let go of Rosie since last night, and I haven't let go of his hand since the same night. I just didn't want to be alone.

"He gave a warning to scare you. He could have gotten in easily if he wanted to. But I still don't understand why he didn't choose to attack you sooner. You regained your memory a few days ago, did you not?" Phil asked me. I nodded. The whole losing my memory thing is still kinda fuzzy, and I barely remember anything I said or did during that. It's pretty ironic I lost my memory of losing my memory.

"He chose to attack him this soon because of the new addition to the family." Tom nodded to Rosie, who was sleeping soundly in my Toms arms. "That's the whole point of his visit. He wanted to warn you that if you choose to fight him, he will come after your daughter."

My heart sunk. So if I try to keep the world from ending, my daughter is gonna get targeted by an ancient evil? How is that even fair?

"Then...what do I do?" I felt so hopeless. I can't fight against the father of the gods. I can't protect my daughter.

"You fight," Tom stated. "And we will protect your family as much as we can. We know barrier spells that can protect your home until we can find Botan. Until we find him, you train as much as you can and learn to use your powers. We will need your help to keep the world from falling apart."

"You'll keep our daughter safe?" My Tom asked softly.

"She will be the safest baby in all the realm!" Phil declared with a large smile. I'm glad he's trying to lighten the mood, but I couldn't be happy at the moment. I just kept staring at the door. He was here and he could've killed Rosie. That was all that I could think about.

"Jordan, may I hold your daughter?" Matt asked politely. "I haven't seen a baby in centuries! And she's very cute. She looks just like you."

"I want to hold her next, if you don't mind?" Tom asked with a small smile.

"Yes me too! I miss playing with children, they are so lively and cute!" Phil exclaimed.

I shrugged. "I...I guess so. But you'll have to ask Tom too."

They all looked to Tom for an answer, and he shrugged too. "I don't mind. But if either of you hurt her, I'll kick your asses."

"That's fair I suppose," Matt agreed. Tom handed off Rosie to him, and his face immediately lit up when he held her. I could tell he loved kids. "Oh she's so light! Like feather almost!" he laughed excitedly. Rosie's eyes fluttered open sleepily and focused on the face in front of her. I expected her to cry because Matts mask was pretty scary, but instead she giggled and reached for his mask.
And she pulled it off.

Matts face is the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Tony and Josh always wore masks because of their faces, and I've seen their faces before and they aren't really that scary. Matt is a different story. Matts face looks like something you would see in a nightmare. His whole face is an odd grey color that looks almost white. Huge black circles surround both his eyes, his eyes were the most terrifying part of his face. They were dark red, and his irises were pitch black. His black lips twisted into a smile when Rosie laughed at his face. "Well at least someone thinks I'm pretty! You may just be my new favorite person, little Rosie."

"Matty we love you, but your face is absolutely horrifying. No offense." Phil said in all seriousness.

Matt rolled his eyes. "I apologize for burdening you with my face, Philly. But do remember I wear a mask everyday of my life to cover my hideousness."

"Dude. Why is your face so messed up. Really, you look creepier than Wag when he takes his hood off. And Wag is terrifying." Tom was staring at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not quite sure. Perhaps they can tell you one day, but I'm sure it is a horrific story that my mind has willingly forgotten. I must say your daughter is braver than any human I've ever seen. Most humans run away screaming when they see my face. She seems to think its funny." He smiled at the giggling Rosie.

"She isn't human, Matt. That's why she isn't scared of you." Tom stated bluntly.

A long silence hung in the air after his statement.

"...yes she is. She's human." I know she is. She looks human and she acts just like a baby. She is human. He's lying.

"No she isn't. She's a demon. You did know that, didn't you? Wizards can't magically whip up a human baby. Your friend Wag created a demon with your characteristics and formed her as a human child."

"But...she's...what? Shes a demon?!" My Tom yelled.

"Wag told us he accidentally made a baby. He didn't say anything about making a demon. You're not telling the truth." I know I'm crazy for calling a wizard a liar, but I know it's not true. She can't be a demon. She's a sweet little girl. A human girl.

"You can't accidentally make one of these children. It says specifically in our books that it creates a demon which can formed as a human or any other worldly creature. Your friend purposely made this child. He must really like you if he made a child for you. A demon takes a very long time to make. I've tried it before, but I had to stop the project due to lack of materials. Where in the world would you find that much human blood anyway?"

"Tucker." Tom gasped. "Oh my god it was Tucker."

"What? What about Tucker?" I asked him.

"He's the one who gave Wag the blood to make Rosie! Because Sonja called me the other day when you went off to train and said Tucker passed out from too much blood loss! She said Wag kept coming over everyday and collecting it but Tucker wouldn't tell her why! He was helping Wag make Rosie! Oh my god I'm so stupid I didn't even realize it..." He dragged a hand down his face and groaned.

"'re friend that killed your first daughter helped your other friend make a second one? Well that was certainly nice of him. He must have felt very bad for what he did to donate that much blood." Matt handed Rosie back to me and slipped his mask back on.

"I need to talk to him...we haven't even talked to each other since...ugh..." Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Then go talk to him. I'll watch Rosie." They need to sort things out. If Tucker really did do all of that just for us...then we really need to thank him. I can't believe I was actually scared he would try to kill Rosie.

"I will. Uh, bye guys. Thanks for coming." He gave a quick wave before running off towards Tucker's place.
I heard a small little sniffle from the bundle in my arms. Rosie was reaching towards Tom with her outstretched hand, but he was too far away for her to reach. Oh no, she was about to cry. I don't do well with crying children.
"Hey, it's okay!" I tried to cheer her up. "Daddy's coming back soon! Don't cry."

"Daddy?" She asked tearfully. Oh my god. She just said her first word.

"Hey! She talked!" Phil exclaimed.

"And Tom missed it..." I said sadly. He had been right. She was growing up a lot faster than normal.

I hope that doesn't become a problem later.

Okay so like right now I have Troye Sivans album on full blast and it's been that way for two solid days please help me I am addicted to this baby faced angel. I also want to have conversations with people about it so I can release my inner Fangirl. So who wants to talk about Troye Sivan? LET ME KNOW YOUR FAVORITE SONG ON HIS WHOLE ALBUM IN THE COMMENTS SO I CAN FANGIRL WITH YOU :3


- Lee

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