Chapter 12: Old Enemies

Warning: chapter contains violent and mature content.

Song: Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey

"Do you have to go back?" I asked Tom, who was packing up the rest of his things to leave. He was going back to find crypts with Mianite and the others. Even though I was still a little mad at him from yesterday's comments, I still didn't want him to go. I don't trust Mianite. I never will.

"Told 'em I'd come back after one day, so I should go back. We only needed to find a couple more things before we were done. Don't worry, I'll be home in a week. Try not to get yourself killed while I'm gone." He smiled teasingly. I rolled my eyes. I can take care of myself now. I don't need his help.

"Get out you jerk." I shoved him towards the door and he laughed at me.

"Bye Sparkley pants. I love you." He kissed my forehead and walked out the tree house door. I watched from the small window as he flew off towards the forest. I had such a bad feeling in my gut. If he saw my nightmares and my visions, then maybe he'd see why I didn't trust the guy. I still had nightmares. I still had visions and I'm terrified that one day they might come true. If Ianite was here, I'd ask her if they were real. But she wasn't. She'll never be here again.

"Speriols?" I heard a little voice ask. I smiled because I already knew who it belonged to.
Ianita tugged at my pant leg, her blue eyes twinkling with sadness. "Why are you sad Speriols?"

She was just like Ianite. So worried about everyone and everything. "You ask that question too much, you know that?" I roughed her purple hair and she giggled lightly. "Sowy."

It was late. I needed to tuck her in and go to bed myself. I had even more training to do tomorrow, and Mot did not tolerant to lateness.

"Let's get you to bed. It's too late for you to be up." I picked her up and began to head towards the door.

"I wanna stay here. I wike the twee." She said through her sleepy state.

I guess she could sleep in Toms bed...

I walked to the bedroom Tom and I once shared and opened the door. The sheets were made. That's odd. Tom never makes his bed. And then I remembered that Lola was still living here.

Lola. Oh my god. Where is she? I hadn't seen her since the day Tom left.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a note on the night stand next to the bed. She left a note. That's not good.

I quickly peeled back the sheets and sat Ianita down so I could get the note. "Ill tuck you in in a second. I have to read this first."
She only nodded and yawned quietly. I picked up the note from the night stand and began to read through Lola's note.

Jordan, I just want to let you know I left back to Urulu. I can't stand being alone without Tiff. Sorry I didn't tell you, but lately you've been acting kinda distant. I didn't want to add to your problems. I'll call you when I get back to the city.
- L

I felt bad. I didn't hang out with her like I should've. I shouldn't blame her though. I'd wanna go home too if I were in her place. I looked at the date she signed at the top. I nearly had a heart attack.

She left this four days ago. It only takes a day to get to Urulu. Why hadn't she called me? Why did she go alone? She was all by herself with a baby. Something's happened to her. I have to go find her.

"What's wrong Speriols?" Ianita asked from her bed.

I'll have to leave her here. There's no one to watch her. Martha and Mot were staying overnight at Decs place and Champs too busy with them to take care of her. She'll be fine. I'll lock all the doors and make sure no one can get in.

"I gotta go sweetie, but I'll be back in the morning. Think you'll be alright by yourself?"

"I be alright. I be strong like mommy." She yawned again and laid down on the pillows. I pulled the covers over her and made sure she was comfortable. She closed her eyes slowly and let out one last yawn before she slipped off into sleep. She was such an angel.

I kissed her forehead and turned out the light. I felt horrible for leaving her like this, but I needed to find Lola and make sure she was okay. My angel would be fine. I began to leave the room when I heard her little voice one last time.

"I wuv you daddy."

Daddy. She called me...she called me daddy. Oh my god. I almost broke down in sobs right in that doorway. I was her daddy. I don't know how or why I was, but I didn't care. I meant something to her. I was her daddy.

"I love you too, my little angel." I said back to her in a choked voice. I closed the door before she could see me cry happy tears. I made a promise right there in the hallway to whatever god or higher deity in the sky that was listening.

I will never let anyone or anything hurt my daughter.
"Lola?!" I yelled into the trees. Nothing. Just the sound of crickets and owls hooting. I sighed. I'd been looking for hours through the thick forest that divided Urulu and Dagrun. I couldn't find her anywhere. If something happened to Nicky or her I would never forgive myself.

"Lola?! Are you out there?!" Silence again. Maybe I should just head home. There's a chance that maybe she just forgot to call me or maybe she just didn't want to. I overreacted. I left poor Ianita all alone so I could search for someone who was perfectly safe. I'm an idiot.

I decided just to walk back. It was nice out anyway and I hadn't given my wings a break for awhile now. I couldn't see the stars tonight. They were covered by a thick spread of clouds across the sky. It felt nice to just relax for awhile.

I heard something. I could barely hear it over the crickets and the owls, but I heard it. A whimper.

My eyes went to the trees. I couldn't see anything, but I knew for sure someone was here. I didn't imagine that. I heard it. "Lola?!" I yelled. No answer. "Lola, make some kind of noise if you can hear me!"

"JORD-" her voice went silent.

Something's horribly wrong.

I ran in the direction of the half scream. I had no clue where I was going. The trees blocked everything.
I stopped in a clearing and took in a breath. She could be anywhere in this place. How am I supposed to find her?

"You just can't mind your own business, can ya kid?" I heard a gruff voice ask.

I knew that voice. It was the same voice that challenged me at the bar. The same voice that laughed at Tiff while she cried. The same voice that nearly killed me.

I saw Lola before I saw them. The bastard had his hand clapped over her mouth and the other pinning her arms at her sides. She had tears in her eyes.

"Couldn't find the other bitch, but this one'll do nicely. If yer smart at all kid, yer gonna keep walkin' and go back home to yer little boyfriend." He smiled, showing his rotting teeth in the process. The guy beside him looked just as ugly, but skinnier with a muckier looking face. He was holding a baby carriage. Nicky. I couldn't hear him crying. What had they done to Nicky?

"If you're smart at all, you'll let them go and go back to prison where you belong." I said through gritted teeth.

He only laughed. His entourage laughed too, all ten of them. "You got guts, kid. I'll give ye that. Good luck surviving what the fellas here are about to do to ya. I'll be busy takin care of this sweetheart." He ran a thumb down Lola's cheek, and she sobbed in response.

I don't remember anything after that. Just flashes of purple lightening and the smell of burnt flesh. When it was over, I felt numb. I remember looking down at my hands and seeing blood splattered across the black tattooed flames on my arms. It scared me. I had no control over myself as I killed eleven people. I had no control when I got angry. What would happen one day if I got angry like that at Tom? Would I hurt him, kill him even?

"J-Jordan? Jordan can you hear me?" Lola put a hand on my cheek and tried to get me to look at her. I couldn't. I felt ashamed at what'd I'd done. I killed eleven people. I could have killed Lola and Nicky. I'm a danger to everyone.

"Jordan please. I don't know where we are and I-I can't walk...Please be okay. We need to go. Nicky needs help."

I looked down at her feet. Her knees were shaking. She couldn't walk. She's needs my help. Nicky needs my help too.

I felt water hitting my face. I thought it was tears at first, but then I realized it was just rain. I watched the water run down Lola's cheeks as she stared at me. She sobbed and hugged my neck. "Please...I need you."

She had blood in her hair. Whose blood? Hers or one of the guys I murdered?

"Boyo, help the girl. You're gonna be alright. You saved her and you need to save her again. You're a hero. That's what you do."

Save her. Save Lola and Nicky. I can do that.

"Where's Nicky?" I didn't see the baby cradle anywhere.

Lola sniffed and tried to stable herself. "I-I have him...I just can't...he's heavy..."

"Give him to me."

She handed me the cradle. With my free hand, I wrapped it around her waist and pulled her close to me so she could balance her weight on me. "Tell me if I need to slow down. Balance everything on me."

She nodded and shifted her weight onto me.

Together, we walked away from the carnage. I couldn't wait to get home.

I needed all the sleeping pills I could take.
Nicky had a large cut across his cheek, and he was sick from being in the cold. Lola was worse. So much worse. I don't know what they did to her before I got to her. It must have been bad, because Champ didn't even respond when I asked what injuries she had. He just shook his head. That was the worst possible response I could have received.

Mot said I did what I had to do and that's all I could have done. Martha said I did the right thing and that it wasn't my fault. Dianite keeps telling me it's going to be okay and that Lola will be okay again too someday.

It's hard to believe them.

Lola hasn't spoken a word since the night it happened. She lays in her hospital bed and cries. She cuddles with Nicky sometimes, but only cries harder when she sees the small cut on his face. Martha takes care of Nicky a lot. Mot takes care of Ianita when I'm too numb to function.

I miss Tom.

Champ asks me a lot if I want antidepressants, but I turn him down each time. The last thing I need is an addiction to pills. I keep asking him what injuries Lola has. He never answers.
But finally one day, I could see exhaustion in his eyes and how tired he was, so I asked again. He finally snapped and told me.

"They raped her, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He yelled in my face. He left the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

If I had spent time with Lola instead of moping about Ianite, she wouldn't have been raped.

I hate my life.
Sorry the chapter was sort of morbid...I think I was in a bad mood when I wrote this xD or maybe I was just watching criminal minds...that show is extremely violent xD

Please leave me a comment or a favorite telling me what you think! I read all comments and I really appreciate the support from the favorites :3 Goodbye now!

- Lee

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