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Shinso's POV~

I walked down to Dad's office with Eri, she wanted to go play outside on the football field and I wanted to get permission first so he knows where we are. . .
I entered his office,"Dad?", he looked up,"Ah, Shinso and Eri. Is something wrong? Sorry, I'm swamped in a few cases at the moment.", Eri smiled,"Can me and Shinso go play outside on the Football Field??", Mic smiled as he came in,"I don't see a problem.", Aizawa sighed,"Alright. I'll let Vlad know that you and Eri are on the field.", I nod,"Thanks Dads.", they gave us a smile and a wave as we headed outside. . .


I kicked the ball and Eri ran after it, it was very nice to have another sibling, at least I'm in good company after a hard day of school and Monoma being the jerk he is.. .

Eri then kicked the ball hard and it ended up by the hole in the fence,"Opps. Sorry, Big Brother!", I smile,"It's fine. I'll get it.", I jogged over to the fence to get the ball back before it rolled away. . .


I stopped and turned around. . .
Two men in suits were trying to grab Eri, I dropped the ball and ran back over as fast as I could, as I did I scooped up Eri in my arms,"Who are you?!", one of them spoke,"Sir. We don't want trouble, we just need the girl.", I back away from them as Eri hid her face in my blazer,"No. You can't borrow my sister, I don't even know you.", the second guy spoke,"Kid. Your sister is in no harm. Your parents have authorised us to collect you.", that's a lie. . . Dad would have told us that someone wanted us, I back away from the men,"I'm sorry. But our fathers would have told us if someone wanted us.", then it was obvious that these men were not good, one had a lazer eye quirk and the other actived their shield quirk,"Kid. Either you hand us the girl or we take you both us with us.", I gripped the scarf with my free hand and slipped my voice changer on. . .

"You'll Have To Kill Me First."

I ran, and they followed, one shooting later eyes at me, I quickly put Eri in a tree and turned to the men,"I won't let you take her!", I ran at them with my scarf and voice changer, ready to fight them. . .


I held my arm in pain, blood was sweaping out of my right arm, the men chuckled,"You put up a good fight. But brainwashing is nothing more but a Villians Quirk.", I shook in anger as they walked towards Eri. . .
I immediately pushed myself into a sitting position, I took my scarf and wrapped it around the tree branches above them, Eri was crying as they tried to reach her. . .


With that strength I had left, I brought down the heavy branches down on them, hearing them yell and struggling. . .
I let go of my scarf and fell on my back,". . .","Big Brother?!", I could hear Eri jump down and run towards me,"Shinso!!", I could barely see her, everything was going blurry. . .

"Eri. . . Please. . . Go. . . Get. . . Help. . .", she nods, I could feel her tears fall on my face as she ran back towards the building. . .


Vlad's POV~

After getting Kendo to stop Monoma from talking trash about Class A, I continued the History Lesson. . .

'Oh my, kid are you OK!?"

I turn to see Eri running towards me with tears streaming down her face and crying, I immediately knelt down and cuffed her face in my hands,"Hey, hey. . . What's wrong, are you hurt?", she sniffles and pointed,"Shinso hurt!!!", I felt my blood go cold. . .
Kendo then stood up,"What?!", Eri started to wave her hands a bit,"Two scary men tried to grab me and-and big brother. . .", she started to cry. . .

I looked at the class,"Look after Eri. Monoma find Aizawa and get him to the field and Kendo come with me.", with that I took off out of the classroom with Kendo following me. . .


I ran out to the field and I felt my heart stop. . .
Kendo screamed and ran towards the field,"SHINSO!", I followed and rushed to Shinso. . .
I quickly got him in a sitting position in my arms,"Shinso! Shinso, can hear you me?!", his eyes were barely open, I quickly took off his mask to let him breath more easily. . .
Kendo pointed,"Look!", I turned and saw two men stuck under many branches from the trees above them. Kendo started to gather up his scarf while I gently moved his arm to his lap,"Ow, ow, ow. . .","I know, it hurts. . . I'm sorry. . . What did this?", he breathed heavily as I let his arm go,"Agh. . . Lazer. . . Eye. . . Quirk. . .", Kendo came back with his scarf, I quickly took it,"Shinso, this is going to hurt I'm sorry, this will stop the bleeding. . .", I slowly and as gently as I could, wrapped his scarf around his arm, he screamed in pain and tried to bite his lip to stop from from screaming. . .
Soon, Aizawa and Mic were here,"SHINSO!!", they rushed to me and Mic felt his forehead,"He's overheating, what happened?!?", Kendo pointed,"According to Eri. Two men tried to take her and Shinso fought to keep Eri safe.", they saw the two men unconscious under the branches. . .
I picked up Shinso in my arms,"What do we do. . .", Aizawa's aura had changed to fear to blood rage,"Get the men inside. We've got questions to be asked and I'm killing the both if them for trying to hurt, take and kill my children!", hopefully Shinso will be aright. . .


iida's POV~

As we waited for Aizawa to come back, Vlad came in,"Sorry, Class 1A. I have to leave one of my students here with you while the teachers sort something out.", Denki nods,"Sure who?", Vlad then nods and leaves. . .


He was in different clothing and had his arm in a sling. . .


"Really?!", he nods,"Yeah. . . I don't even know why those men wanted Eri.", "Wait.", Todoroki then came over,"They wore blacks suits. . . Did they have white sewing on their front pocket of the suit that has 'HC' on it?", Shinso then frowned,"Yes. . . They did.", Momo looked at Todoroki,"How did you know that?", Todoroki's face went pale in seconds, Midoriya immediately stood up,"Todoroki. . .", Todoroki then kicked a desk, I was shocked as well as the others, some even flinched,"THE FUCKING HERO COMMISSION!!!", I frown,"Todoroki.--", "Icey-Hot, calm down!", Bakugo immediately sat Todoroki down, having him take deep breaths,"Eri is fine. . . They didn't succeed.", I was confused, Uraraka then stood up,"OK. What are you hiding. You know something we don't.", Kirishima looked at us,"Maybe. But, we're not sure if we can even say--","We have to tell them.", we all look at Todoroki, he had sweat running down his face, breathing heavily from anger and looked up at Bakugo and Kirishima,"If we don't. . . They'll come back and take anyone they can. . . We can't let them fall to the same fate. . . As. . .", I was concerned. . . Midoriya then took a deep breath,"OK. . .", they look at us. . .

"You can not repeat what we say to anyone. Do not tell Endeavor, do not tell parents or anyone in other classes. This stays in this class and the teachers will also be told when they get back."

. . .

"It. . . It began a couple of weeks ago. . ."

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