π²ππππππ 44: π·πππ π°πππππππ.
Dabi turned to the Heroes, especially his dad,"Yep. Hello dear old dad. Did ya forget about your forth child??", the people were shocked, the news person on the screen of a building took off his glasses to even see it.
And yeah.
Now seeing Dabi, they could see a resemblance to them.
Endeavour was in shock, Rei held her coat close,"YOU WERE ALIVE THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!", Dabi nods,"Yeah! No thanks to you!", the crowd of people were now filming this and and were whispering; the oldest son of Endeavour was the most wanted Villain: Dabi.
Shoto stepped forward, All For One chuckled,"Can't believe you let this boy go, Enji. Very talented, very smart and determined. Taught him everything I needed him to know.", Aizawa couldn't deny it, he's taught Dabi or Touya probably everything he needed to know.
Dabi smiled, though Rei could feel like Dabi was holding back pain because if there was one thing that Touya wasn't good with; It was emotions.
Dabi then realised Endeavour coming at him,"Of fuck-!", Touya dodged Endeavour, jumping off the car and caught himself by another car,"DABI!", "TOUYA!", Shigaraki and Shoto looked at one another,"Ah-", "TOUYA!", Dabi shoot a rage of fire at Endeavour, though Endeavour knew his flames were hotter and stronger, he knew he couldn't use it forever.
As Dabi felt himself burning, growing weaker and as he felt Endeavour's flames get closer.
Endeavour yelled as he felt extreme pain in his chest, then seeing a blade.
The crowd was in shock, including the pros to see HAWKS stab him through the chest with his blade, Dabi fell to the ground and regained his breath and Hawks went to help him as Endeavour tried to full the blade out,"Hawks. . . You traitor. . .!", Hawks turned to him, and obviously wasn't taking anyone's bullshit anymore,"O h? I'm a traitor, you betrayed us all from the start of your Hero Career!", the crowd was confused, still filming as Hawks took his safety glasses off and moved his hair out of his eye, "Remember me now, asshole.", Endeavour froze, the crowd gasped; Hawks revealed he was half blind and had a scar, he smiled sarcastically at Endeavour,"So, remember that conversation about how no one can be a Hero if they're half blind or better yet, remember me; Fake Hero?", Endeavour couldn't reply.
Everyone was now confused to hear Endeavour yelling,"What the. . .?", "LOOK!", then Endeavour felt time stop.
Screens had CCTV footage from his house, seeing the fights, abuse and even Hawks and Touya being friends and calling him Keigo.
"Soo~. So much for the perfect Hero, huh~~??"
Endeavour glared at him, then looked at his family and seeing Fuyumi smirking as Shoto held his phone in his hand,"You know, you never bothered to delete the footage. Probably because you never thought you'd get caught.", Touya was shocked, Keigo turned to him and held his hand out,"Trust us now? I know you and your friends don't have a right to trust us Heroes, but can you trust me?", Touya looked at him, slowly taking his hand and letting Keigo pull him up,"You. . . You aren't mad?", Keigo chuckled,"Touya; My parents were Villains, I was abused, blinded by the Hero Commission and I worked for Endeavour, your anger and the others is understandable. But Theapry is needed.", Touya rubbed the back of his neck,"But, All For One-?", "He's literally in a wheelchair, he's not in control of your life.", "TOUYA! KEIGO!!", they turned and saw Shoto, Natsuo, Fuyumi and Rei rush to them and hug them both,"WE MISSED YOU!", Touya hugged back,"I would cry. . . But tear glads are burned.", Natsuo smiled,"D-Don't matter, we m-missed you. . . And happy your a-alive.", Touya smiled, resting his eyes.
"Endeavour, you are under arrest for abuse, covering up missing reports, attempt of murder and conspiracy to murder."
Endeavour yelled as he was forced into cuffs and in a car.
People cheered, Touya sighed and relief,"Finally. . . Justice.", of course, people were still in shock but they were extremely surprised to see Hawks's real personality come out more.
Keigo was laid back, but a side of him had a lot of sass and sarcasm.
"So. All you, the LOV and Todoroki Fsmily, minus Rei; Theapry."
Well Fawk-
"News Flash: Pro Hero Endeavour has been founded guilty for abusing his family and played a part in Oboro's disappearance, his sentencing could be to life or even the death row and all that to pass All Might."
"It is also said that from now, Heroes and teachers will be more mindful of what training kids go through and family background, more charges will be on Endeavour and Hero Commission, it is also said that the Lov will be going through rehabilitation to rejoin a new society, Pro Hero Hawks has came out and admitted he was a son of a Villain but where he stands today is evidence that there is hope."
Touya smiled at the TV, but it's been 1 years since then.
And it is safe to say; He and the LOV, have been slowly making progress.
Shigaraki has been staying with Aizawa and Oboro, it was pretty sad once he learned Oboro was actually Kurogiri so that reunion was sad but sweet.
Compress has been talking with Best Jeanist, mostly about his legacy so Jeanist is grateful that Compress had his heart in the right place in a way but Compress has been getting back into doing magic shows slowly and Eri loved it.
Toga has been with the girls and at first, they were scared and Midoriya practically barricaded himself in his room for a long time until they were able to come to a compromise about the blood and the whole Yandere thing; though they were supportive of their sexuality.
Spinner went off to get a job a game beta tester, heard he was having a blast and it was hard to not say anything that contains spoilers.
Some were coming Heroes and some weren't, Touya, Compress and Spinner decided not to be Heroes and get normal job, Touya was writing a book or might get into detective work as a Private Investigator.
Shigaraki and Toga? Their training to be Heroes along side Oboro, who is still salty that he's still 16 and Aizawa and Mic are now older than him.
Shoto watched Touya cooking, Keigo finished a report,"You two ever think of adopting a kid?", Keigo looked up surprised, Touya didn't hear it,"Uhh. Sometimes, we talk about it but I'm not too good with kids.", "I call falsehood.", Touya laughed, Keigo sighed and rubbed his forehead,"Uh, I-. . . We'll think about it.", Shoto smiled,"Good, cause I want you both to have a kid and for myself to be a uncle.", Keigo sighed and Touya faceplamed.
"So, what do you think of the idea of having a kid?", Touya looked up,"Well, we're both financially stable, we're both going to therapy and we have a good house; I would like a kid.", Keigo smiled, then he leaned forward,"I think I know who we can adopt.", Touya looked up surprised.
As Keigo went over the paperwork, Touya spoke to the kid.
The kid was part Fox, dark skinned, magenta eye and was blind in her eye,"You and Pro Hero Hawks really going to adopt me?", Touya smiled,"Of course.", the girl smiled and her tail began to wag and she hugged Touya,"Thank you!", Touya smiled and hugged her back.
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