38: Everything Happens for a Reason (Lemon)
Warning! As a lemon there'll be sexual content within this oneshot.
Quirk: telekinesis
Requested by: FelixFelicis65
I sighed dramatically, feeling nothing but betrayal as I stormed into the bar and over to the table my friends were sat at. They had all agreed to go out for a Friday night drink, asking me if I wanted to go too but I refused, deciding to go see my boyfriend Gakushuu instead as it was our one month anniversary, however I regretted that as soon as I got to his flat.
The door was unlocked, confusing me slightly so I opened it and saw a pair of high heels by the door. I furrowed my eyebrows and headed further into his flat, then hearing distinct moans and knowing immediately what was happening. I pushed open his bedroom door forcefully, seeing him with another girl. Anger flooded my body as he tried to stand and claim 'it's not what you think!'. I felt betrayed and insulted but I oddly wasn't upset, and instead stormed out of the apartment shouting at him that we were over.
Now I approached my friends, them having been the ones to set us up. "Ugh!" I sighed dramatically, dropping on a seat next to Karma.
"What's wrong with you? I thought you were meant to be at your boyfriends getting it on," he teased nudging my shoulder but I glared at him.
"He didn't need me to 'get it on'," I scowled.
"What do you mean?" My close friend Rio asked.
"The damn idiot was with another girl! The damn bastard, how dare he do that to me!" I shouted.
"Well that's what you get for going out with an idiot," Karma laughed, him having never gotten on with Gakushuu.
"Whatever, look can someone hurry up and get me a drink?" I huffed and Karma laughed again, getting up and heading to the bar.
"I can't believe he'd actually cheat on you... that's so unmanly!" Eijirou said and I nodded in agreement. "How're you feeling?"
"Im not as upset as I thought I'd be... I'm just angry, a little humiliated too," I mumbled and Eijirou wrapped his arm around me comfortingly.
"He's an idiot for cheating on you," he said and I chuckled.
"Thanks Eijirou," I smiled up at the adorable boy. "Is Katsuki coming?"
"He should be, I think he's just got some hero work to do," Eijirou smiled at the thought of his boyfriend. All I wanted was an adorable, healthy relationship like the two of them had although right now I felt as though I just needed to blow off steam whether it'd be me alone in my apartment screaming into cushions or me at someone else's apartment screaming into their pillow.
I glanced down the table seeing Denki, Yuma, Hiroto and Hanta, but I was pretty sure they were all in relationships. 'Serves me right for waiting until I was twenty-seven,' I thought to myself. "Here, get these down you," Karma came back with eight shots, placing four in front of me and four in front of himself.
"Karma I'm not sure that's sensible," Eijirou tried to intervene but this was exactly what I needed. We both ignored the sensible Eijirou and clinked glasses, taking shot after shot. It was Friday night so I was able to let loose, buying more drinks and another round of shots. An hour later I realised I was definitely drunk, and that was when we were interrupted by a familiar face.
Shoto Todoroki had approached the table and sat himself in the seat directly opposite me. I didn't really know Shoto all that well, I only met him through Eijirou but had hung out with him plenty of times as a group. He always made me quite flustered what with his good looks - he definitely had the power to make any girl fall for him. "Todoroki, I didn't expect to see you tonight!" Eijirou said happily.
"You don't have to act so excited to see him," Katsuki growled, him having joined us half an hour ago.
"Why do you look so down?" Rio asked him, her sat in the seat next to him.
"I just caught my girlfriend cheating on me," he said simply and the table went quiet. My eyes widened in surprise at the coincidence, but not only that, I couldn't believe anyone would want to cheat on Shoto Todoroki.
"Your girlfriend cheated on you? Why?" I asked before I could stop myself.
"I don't know. We'd only been together three weeks but I thought it was going well," he said simply.
"I'll get you a drink," Denki said, patting his back before getting up to head to the bar.
"What a strange coincidence, that you and (y/n)'s partners would cheat on you both on the same night, causing you both to break up," Karma said suggestively and I elbowed him in the ribs.
"Oh... sorry," Shoto mumbled but I shook my head.
"I'm okay, I just feel a little humiliated," I said and Shoto nodded in agreement.
"Here you go," Denki placed a stein in front of Shoto who took several chugs almost straight away.
"Wouldn't it be funny if they cheated on you both with each other," Rio said, her drinks making her more blunt than usual. Shoto and I glanced at each other, wondering if it was at all possible.
"What was your ex's name?" He asked.
"Gakushuu, Gakushuu Asano," I said and he scoffed.
"Well then it seems my ex cheated on me with your ex," Shoto said and my mouth dropped open.
"That's hilarious," Karma started laughing but I elbowed him in the ribs again. "Can you stop doing that?!"
"Yeah dude it's not funny," Eijirou interjected.
"No, it is pretty funny," Katsuki scoffed and Eijirou scowled at his boyfriend.
"Well I think it's time to have a couple more drinks," I said and Shoto nodded in agreement.
"I'll get them. Shots?" He asked and I nodded, definitely needing them. He went away to the bar and immediately everyones attention turned to me.
"What do you mean 'what'? Get with him! Have some rebound sex, you both need it," Rio said without any shame. My eyes widened and I shook my head rapidly.
"Come on (y/n), this might be exactly what the two of you need!" Denki was on Rio's side as usual. "It could just be a one night fling, it's almost like it's meant to be!"
"I don't know if that's such a good idea, to get with someone straight after a break-up I mean," Yuuma said, him always being sensible.
"Nah don't listen to him, I think it's a great idea. Now we just need to get you both drunk enough for you two to think it's a good idea too!" Hiroto said, raising his glass in the air.
"Here, here!" Rio, Karma, Denki and Hanta said in unison.
"Did I miss anything?" Shoto's deep voice sounded sending chills down my spine.
"No!" I said quickly before any of the troublesome members of the group said anything.
"Here," he said, placing the tray of multicoloured shots in front of us. Together we began, them not tasting as bad as I expected. It was then that I was really beginning to feel the alcohol, my mind going fuzzy and my thoughts not being as straight as I wanted them to be. As the night went on we all laughed about many things and despite not forgetting what had happened to me merely hours ago, I didn't feel sad.
I kept my eye on Shoto opposite me, and he too seemed to be in the same boat. Annoyingly we caught each others eyes, both looking away sharpish. I was beginning to feel incredibly hot, and the more I thought about what the group suggested earlier the more desperate I felt myself becoming. 'If it was just a one-night thing that'd be alright, wouldn't it? It'd just be a re-bound night for him and me, it wouldn't mean anything... but would I want it to mean something?'
"(y/n)! Come to the toilets with me!" Rio suddenly demanded and I was worried for a moment that she was going to be sick so we raced there together, however as soon as we were there she cornered me. "Why don't you just hurry up and go to his place to fuck like rabbits all night long?!"
"Excuse me?!" I squeaked, looking around the bathroom frantically in fear of being overheard.
"Oh come on, we've all noticed the looks you've been sending each other, the laughing and I even noticed you 'accidentally' brushed your foot against his leg!" Rio said folding her arms and my cheeks heated up.
"I-I didn't mean to do that!" I defended myself but she looked at me skeptically. "Look, even if I did want to go home with him I don't know whether it'd necessarily be the best idea... I mean yeah the thought of spending the night with him has made me a little excited and sure I'd love to see him in the sheets but it doesn't mean it's a good idea tonight of all nights!"
"Why not? You shouldn't be holding back because of your exes being idiots, if anything you should thank them for bringing you two together!" Rio said and I scoffed.
"You make it sound like you're trying to set us up," I jutted my hip out and Rio smirked. "Oh my god, you're trying to set us up aren't you?!"
"Well at first I thought it'd help the both of you if you just had one evening of passion together but the more I thought about it the more I thought you'd both make a pretty cute couple," she teased, poking me. "Just go for it (y/n)! We'll probably be leaving soon, just get in a taxi with him, go to hi and fuck all night long-,"
I was quick to cover her lewd mouth, stopping her from talking. "I'm just going to let whatever happens happen, alright? I don't want to force anything," I said and she nodded, mischief sparkling in her eyes. We walked back to the table where I had noticed the seating arrangement had changed so that Shoto was now sat in the seat Karma used to occupy next to me. I glared at Rio who laughed as she sat down, me taking my seat. Not only was I now sat next to him but there was another two shots in front of me. "I'm not sure my liver can take much more of this," I laughed.
"One each, then I think I'm done for the night," Shoto said with a smile, taking one of the glasses. I nodded and took the other, us clinking glasses before downing the burning beverage.
"That was the worst one yet!" I exclaimed, slamming the glass on the table upside down.
"Yeah that did pack a punch," Shoto laughed. I checked my phone seeing it was 23:50, meaning the bar would be closing in ten minutes. I admittedly didn't want this night to end as I was having an immense amount of fun despite what had happened earlier that evening, and I caught they eye of Rio who raised her eyebrow at me suggestively. I looked back at Shoto feeling my heart rate escalate, and decided that I was drunk enough to at least try.
"I think I'm going to head back home now, the bars closing soon anyway," I said, grabbing my bag.
"Yeah it's getting quite late, we should go babe," Eijirou said to Katsuki who nodded in agreement. The two of them said their goodbyes as we left but I purposefully delayed my exit, putting my jacket on slowly.
"I'll walk you home," Shoto said and my heart filled with joy but I decided to play it cool.
"Oh you don't have to, I don't want you to go out of your way," I said politely but he shook your head.
"It's no trouble, plus knowing you'll get home safe will make me feel relaxed," he said and my eyes widened.
"Have a great night you two," Rio said in her slurred drunk voice, Shoto and I waving at the group as we left.
"My flat isn't too far from here, just in the residential area," I pointed down the road and Shoto nodded.
"I'm sorry about what happened to you, with your boyfriend I mean," Shoto said and I laughed.
"I was never really upset, we'd only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. I guess I just felt a little humiliated, like we'd been together for such a short period of time yet he was already bored of me? Am I really that off-putting?" I chuckled to myself.
"No, you're the opposite, he's an idiot for cheating on you," Shoto said gruffly, taking me by surprise.
"What about you? How're you feeling?" I asked.
"I honestly feel the same as you. It pissed me off at first but tonights helped me relax. I just can't believe it was your boyfriend and my girlfriend who they were cheating on us with," Shoto laughed.
"Well she's definitely an idiot if she thinks Gakushuu is better than you, I mean you're the hottest hero around-," I stopped talking once I realised what I had said. "I-I mean-,"
"Thanks (y/n)," Shoto laughed again. "I also think... that you're... y'know - er -,"
"You do?" I asked and he nodded, blushing a little. I smiled in satisfaction but realised the night had come to an end as we'd reached my building. "H-here, this is me," I gestured the block of flats.
"I'll see you to your door," he offered quickly and I nodded, heat rising within me. We quickly went up the stairs to the fourth floor, speed-walking along the corridor to my door. When I stopped we spent a second looking at each other, apparently analysing the situation and trying to come to the conclusion as to whether this was a good idea or not.
We soon slammed our lips against each others, deciding that in this moment it was a good idea, and that if there were any complications we'd merely cross that bridge when it came. He pushed me against my door, his hands already roaming my body whilst our tongues connected. He pressed his body against mine and I felt everything. He was already rock hard which made me more eager, so I quickly pulled away and unlocked the door.
We stumbled inside, my dropping my keys and bag to the floor, switching on the hall light. We slipped off our shoes, me taking his hand and dragging hi through the flat to my bedroom, where I laid upon my bed, Shoto's eyes watching me like a hawk. Seconds later he pounced on me, the tent in his trousers looking big. I bit my lip as he began sucking at my neck, his hands cupping my breasts making me feel hotter.
He pulled my shirt and bra up, my breasts bouncing free. He immediately pinched my nipple, moans emitting from my mouth uncontrollably. I moved him so that his lips were back on mine, kissing him longingly. We moaned into each others mouth, him rubbing his knee against my clothes womanhood. I tugged at the edge of his top, desperately wanting it off and he got the hint as he knelt up, pulled it from his body.
My eyes widened as I stared at his incredible body, feeling immediately self-conscious. "You're beautiful (y/n)," he whispered seductively, cupping my cheek.
"I-I am?" I asked, unsure if I'd heard him correctly. He nodded before planting his lips back onto mine in what felt like quite a loving kiss. Lust soon took over as he tugged my top and bra off, throwing them to the floor to join his shirt.
The attention of his lips landed on my torso, him teasing me by kissing my stomach and slowly making his way down. I whimpered under his touch, completely bewitched by him. I breathed out his name lowly as he pulled down my jeans leaving me in just my underwear. I felt embarrassed and covered my face, not wanting to see his expression but he pulled my hands away and leant in for a kiss, taking me by surprise.
"Don't hide yourself," he whispered and I felt my heart melt. I had no idea how any girl could ever cheat on such a handsome and charming man, I was already weak to his touch. Our lips pressed against each others as his hand wormed its way into my underwear, his fingertips brushing against my womanhood. I let out a squeak in surprise, it feeling good as he touched me gently. "You're so wet down here," he growled.
"W-well you're so hard," I retorted, reaching out and pressing my hand against his clothed erection. "I want to feel you too," I whispered, looking at him pleadingly. He nodded and stripped himself of his trousers and boxers, my eyes widening when I saw it.
Pre-cum was leaking from the tip and I was surprised he'd managed to hold back for this long already. I wrapped my hand around it and began pumping, him pushing a finger into me and thrusting. We panted against each others lips, touching each other passionately and adoring each others bodies. Sweat was beginning to form on my brow as he pushed another finger into me, my whole body feeling weak. "(y/n), can we... you know... do more?" He whispered and my heart melted.
"Yes Shoto, please," I didn't care that I was practically begging, I needed to feel him. He pulled my underwear down and discarded it, then reached for his trousers and pulled out his wallet. I furrowed my eyebrows but sighed in relief when I saw him retrieve a condom from it. He slipped it on and crawled back on the bed, hovering over me.
Desperation was taking ahold of me as he lifted one of my legs up by hooking his hand under my knee, then aligning his member with my core. I watched, chewing on my lip as finally I felt him pushing into me, filling me to the brim. I couldn't stop the loud moan from escaping my mouth, and the sexy grunts emitting from him made me close to cumming already. "You feel so good," he growled in my ear before he started thrusting, making me whine even louder.
He was knocking the breath out of me with each thrust, the headboard hitting the wall repeatedly and probably leaving a mark but I didn't care - already it was the best I had ever felt and we were only just getting started.
He pounded into me roughly, the tip of his seven inch dick hitting the depths of my womanhood and driving me crazy. "Ngh- Shoto, Shoto!" I cried out, throwing my head back on the soft pillows. He was staring at me with determination, biting his lip and clutching my thigh tightly. Sweat made his muscles glisten, and the fierce look in his heterochromatic eyes was unbelievably sexy. "I-I feel like- I feel like I'm about to- Shoto!"
"Fuck, cum baby," he growled, somehow slamming even harder. Suddenly I felt his tip hit my g-spot, and I was immediately sent into overdrive. My back arched as I screamed out his name, clinging onto him desperately and digging my nails into his back. "You're so tight, it feels too good," he growled, gripping onto me tighter. He started thrusting sporadically, sending my over-stimulated womanhood into overdrive. "I'm gonna cum- NGH!" He threw his head back and I felt the condom filling up as he came. "Fuck I've not felt that good in ages," he whispered and my cheeks heated up feeling embarrassed but oddly proud. "Please tell me you have some condoms."
"Yeah I do," I nodded, feeling the fact he was still hard. "Top drawer," I pointed to my bedside table and he nodded, pulling out of me and discarding the used condom, putting a fresh one on. He turned me over and straddled my legs, pushing his hard member between my thighs to my entrance and pushing in. "S-Shoto!"
"I like it tight," he growled, thrusting his hips forward. The sound of skin-slapping filled the room with every thrust and I had to grip the pillow tightly in an effort to alleviate some of the intense pleasure I was feeling. I was moaning uncontrollably and tried to hide my voice in the pillow but Shoto grabbed my hair and pulled my head backwards. "I want to hear you moan for me," he growled, his deep voice being incredibly sexy.
"Shoto it's so good- too good- I can't control myself!" I cried out, tears forming in my eyes. I was a panting mess, utterly addicted to his member already.
"You're so sexy," he growled, leaning forward and slamming his pelvis against my bum even faster. Being a hero meant he had to have good stamina and be physically fit, but in this situation it was good for other things. His powerful thrusting was sending me into overdrive, as was the dirty things he was whispering in my ear between biting and licking my neck.
"I can't take it- I'm c-cumming- again! Shoto!" I screamed before he grabbed my chin and turned my head, slamming my lips against his as we both came violently, our sweaty bodies twitching. We both collapsed, his member still inside of me as the two of us regained our breath, however after a few minutes I felt it again. "A-are you still hard?!" I exclaimed and he nodded.
"I need you (y/n)," he growled and I knew I was in for one hell of a night.
- Timeskip -
Light flooded through my curtains in my bedroom, waking me up from the deep sleep I was in. My mind was fogged by the hangover I was feeling, but as I came round I realised I was naked and that there was something warm pressed against my back.
I quickly turned to see Shoto awake, resting on his elbow and apparently watching me calmly. "Good morning," he whispered, his voice hoarse from all the moaning we ended up doing last night. Everything that happened last night came back to me in an instant - our partners cheating on us, getting drunk at the bar with our friends and most importantly, us sleeping together.
"M-morning," I whispered, unsure on how to react.
"Listen, (y/n), I... well I wondered where that leaves us now," he whispered, suddenly seeming self-conscious.
"I don't know," I admitted.
"I understand if it was just a one night fling for you... if it didn't mean anything and if you were just trying to blow off steam after what happened with Gakushuu yesterday," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact with me as a blush appeared on his face. His grip around my waist tightened as he spoke, him apparently being somewhat protective over me. "But I want you to know that I quite like you... I've always been interested in you since Eijirou introduced us and I guess I just got with Hinano because I thought she'd be able to distract me from you..." he mumbled, catching me by complete surprise.
I had difficulty finding words, simply staring at him in shock of his confession. "S-Shoto, I- I-,"
"It's okay if you don't feel the same... it makes sense that this was just a re-bound for you-,"
"That's not true!" I quickly said and he looked shocked. "Last night when we were... doing it I felt a connection I'd never felt with anyone before," I mumbled, suddenly feeling very timid.
"Really?" He asked nervously and I nodded.
"S-so if you'll have me, I'd like... to be your g-girlfriend," I mumbled nervously and a smile crept onto his face, relieving me. He leant in and pressed his lips against mine, us kissing lovingly which made my heart melt.
"Lets take a shower, then I'll take you out for breakfast," he whispered, holding me tightly. I nodded, feeling hypnotised by him. In the end we were thankful for Gakushuu and Hinano, after all if it wasn't for them we would have never spent the night together, and wouldn't of ended up married.
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