2: Future Wife Part One

Warning! An angst, but I wouldn't say it's anything too serious, and also part one of two.

Quirk: Shadow Manipulation

- Todoroki's POV -

"So I went to visit mum yesterday," Fuyumi said in an odd teasing way as she entered the kitchen, seeing me standing alone.

"So?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the water I was boiling.

"She told me something about you," she teased. I shot my head up and turned towards my sister who wore a grin on her face. I gulped and knew immediately that she knew my secret. "You have a crush on one of your classmates!"

"I told mum that in confidence," I hissed, turning my back on her and pouring the water through the tea leaf strainer.

"And mum told me in confidence," she said. "So, who is she? He?"

"She's just a classmate," I mumbled, pouring Fuyumi a cup of tea also.

"What's her name?" She pestered and I sighed, knowing she wouldn't give up.


"What's she like?"

"Is this an interview?" I sighed, handing her her cup.

"C'mon, I wanna know!"

"Well... she's sweet, kind... I guess," I mumbled and she raised one eyebrow. "Pretty, too," I whispered but she heard.

"Aw, my little brother's all grown up!" She squealed and I rolled my eyes. Little did I know however that my father was on the other side of the kitchen door, listening intently.

- (y/n)'s POV -

Aizawa spent the morning lesson explaining the week long internships we were about to embark upon. He was repeatedly telling us the importance of these internships, and how we had to choose our agency wisely. Some of us received offers from agencies, me included, however most of the class didn't. They were handed out a list of lower ranked agencies just so they had experience in the field. The rest of us that did get offers however waited patiently for Aizawa to hand out our lists of agencies. When I looked down at my offers, I almost choked on my own saliva. Ranked first in my list was the 'Endeavour Hero Agency'.

I whirled around to see Todoroki also staring at his list, apparently deep in thought. Looking back at my own sheet of paper, I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I had managed to get to the one on one battles of the Sports Festival, but I definitely wasn't second-best-pro-hero material.

Once the lesson was over, everyone immediately began talking about the offers they'd received and which agency they wanted to sign with. Despite him being the father of my crush, I wanted to sign with Endeavour as I knew that if I received an offer from him, I managed to impress him somehow. I also felt as though Todoroki needed to know I had received an offer from him, so cautiously I left my desk to walk to his.

"H-hey Todoroki," I mumbled when in earshot of him. He looked up at me, his eyes widening a little when he saw me and I noticed he was staring at the listed agencies he'd received. "I don't suppose you know why your father sent me an offer, do you?"

"He did?" Todoroki seemed surprised.

"Y-yeah, see," I said, showing him my list of offers.

"He sent me an offer, too," Todoroki said.

"Are you going to take it?" I asked carefully, knowing of the unstable relationship he had with his father.

"I'm not sure... are you going to accept yours?" He asked, staring right into my eyes.

"W-well... he's the best offer I've received... I think for my future career it might be best, I mean, if I managed to impress the Number Two Hero then that's very surprising but something successful," I admitted, shrugging.

"You're right. I know my dad, he wouldn't of sent an offer if he wasn't keen on your potential. I think I'll pick him too," Todoroki said, standing up. "I'm glad there'll be one friendly face there," he added with a slight smile. I couldn't help but blush, and later that day we both handed in our agency forms to Aizawa. For the remainder of the week I tried desperately to calm my nerves, Todoroki assuring me he wouldn't let his 'old man' do anything to insult me. When it finally reached the day I couldn't stop shaking, Aizawa giving us one last pep talk at the train station before we all departed ways.

I was so busy worrying about being under the wing of the number two pro hero that it only just hit me on the train ride there, whilst sitting right next to him, that I'd be spending this week with my crush. We caught each others eyes a few times, smiling timidly at each other whilst trying to keep up casual conversation. I clutched onto the trunk containing my hero costume, tapping my leg nervously.

"You'll be alright, you've got a powerful quirk," Todoroki said.

"Thank you," I mumbled, trying hard not to blush. "Oh! You do too!"

"Thanks," he laughed a little. "This is our stop," he said, and we both stood up, exiting the train and walking down the street. I could tell we were in a higher-end of Tokyo due to the incredible sizes of the buildings, the smart cars that drove past on the roads and the fact that everyone seemed to be wearing designer clothing. When we finally reached Endeavours agency, I simply looked up at the building and shook my head.

"No way, no way," I mumbled, completely intimidated by the building.

"C'mon, you'll do fine," Todoroki said, opening the door for me and gesturing me to go inside. I mumbled a thank you, the two of us walking into a large reception.

"Mr Todoroki," the receptionist said, standing up and bowing. "And you must me Miss (l/n). Its a pleasure to meet you. Endeavour's office is on floor five, he's expecting you."

I remained quiet, following Todoroki towards the lifts and letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding. He sent a smile towards me which comforted me a little as the lift rose and opened to an elegant room with large decorated doors at the end of it. Before the doors there was a young lady sat behind an oak desk, who looked up from her computer when she saw us approaching. Todoroki gave her our names and she immediately pressed a button on the phone next to her.

"What?" A gruff voice came from the speaker.

"Mr Todoroki and Miss (l/n) from UA High School are here, sir," the woman said politely.

"Send them in," the voice said before cutting out. Knowing that I was nervous, Todoroki went first, opening the doors to his father's oversized, grand office. "Ah, my two internees. Welcome," the flame hero Endeavour said, standing up from behind his large oak desk and walking across the room which was quite empty besides two leather sofas arranged in the centre, both opposite each other.

"It's a pleasure to be here Endeavour sir, thank you for the internship offer," I said as politely as I could, bowing. When I rose again I saw both Todoroki and Endeavour simply staring at each other. I noticed Todoroki had slightly gritted teeth, and his clutch on his hero costume trunk was getting tighter.

"Welcome, son," Endeavour said directly to him.

"Dad," Todoroki simply acknowledged. The awkwardness in the room was so thick it could've been cut with a knife.

"What are your hero names?" Endeavour demanded, his intimidating demeanour making me nervous.

"Night Witch, sir," I bowed my head, my gesture irritating Todoroki.

"And son?" Endeavour asked, as though daring him to say it.

"Shoto," Todoroki simply said and Endeavour nodded.

"Change into your hero suits, we'll start your training immediately," Endeavour stated, Todoroki and I doing as we were told then following him down to a large open space on the floor below, where who I assumed were his current proper interns were already sparring. "Stop," Endeavour demanded, the two ceasing their sparring immediately. "Shoto, Night Witch, take centre stage and show me what you've got. Night Witch, I sent you this offer to train here at my agency because you seem quite powerful, and because my son speaks highly of you," he said, my cheeks heating up as I glanced quickly at Todoroki who too seemed surprised at his father's words. "Don't make me regret it."

"O-of course, sir," I bowed my head, then readying myself to spar with my crush. The two of us stared at each other, and I imagined Todoroki would avoid using his flames, especially in front of his father. He opened with a large ice attack which I had already prepared for, and I quickly created a shadow that managed to slice it clean in half. He continued to send sharp icy spikes towards me, but I was dodging them easily thanks to the fact that my shadows were sharp enough to slice them into pieces, and that they were sturdy enough to I could practically surf on them, which lead me to easily escape his cold traps.

"Use your left side Shoto," Endeavour growled, but Todoroki ignored him. Instead he stopped and so did I, jumping onto the battlefield and feeling Endeavours criticising eyes upon me. I was surprised when Todoroki's attention turned to the wall of the sparring gym, and his ice shot out sideways rather than at me. One of his large spikes hit the light switch, destroying it completely and turning out the lights in the room. "SHOTO!" Endeavour shouted angrily.

"Her quirk need light to work," he scoffed and I smirked, knowing he was right. I had been plunged into a pit of darkness where there was no light for shadows to be formed in. Little did he know that because I was in my hero suit, I had a trick up my sleeve. It would make me an obvious target and would be a disadvantage if he stood far enough away for me to not be able to see him, but it allowed me to use my quirk. Not only that but Endeavours flames were still lit, so I ran towards him and used his as a light source.

I flicked on the switch which turned the lights on on my hero suit. There were a few gasps of surprise from the other interns as they saw me light up, and in front of me I could see Todoroki, his face showing clear shock. Immediately I attacked, quicker than he could recover from the shock meaning he was on the defensive. If I kept on running at him, attacking him ruthlessly then I could stay close enough to him that he'd stay within my radius of light. Not only that but I made sure to attack him in ways that kept him between Endeavour and me, using him as a light source as well.

"Fuck-," Todoroki growled as I managed to wrap one of my shadows around his legs, getting a tight grip on him. I knew his ice would probably shatter my shadows, so as quickly as I could I sent more his way, creating a field full of sharp shadowed spikes underneath him, so that if he attempted to break free he'd then land on them, but of course I wouldn't let him get hurt. I had managed to capture and restrain the strongest student in the class.

"Very good work, Night Witch," Endeavour said, igniting his flames even more. "Shoto, you have a lot to work on."

"Tsk," Shoto scoffed as I disintegrated my shadows and lowered him to the floor.

"That's a clever hero suit Night Witch, although it makes you an obvious target for any villains around you whose presence you may not be aware of," Endeavour stated the obvious and I nodded my head.

"That is true sir, but any quirk that requires light or produces light would be in the same predicament," I said bravely, hinting at his flame quirk and the light it emits. Before he could say anything, the lights turned back on and one of Endeavours workers came bursting in through the door.

"I'm so sorry Endeavour sir, I don't know what happened to the lights, we had to use the back up power supply-,"

"My son broke them," he turned to Todoroki who just looked away and crossed his arm, then coming to stand beside me. "Get them fixed."

"Y-yes sir!"

"I'm going to leave the pair of you here to train with my other interns. Improve your skills, the both of you," he said, then leaving the room, leaving us and his interns alone. Shoto had to melt the ice before we began as it took up most of the training gym, then we properly got down to business.

A day battling against Todoroki was surprisingly fun. I didn't get to face him in the Sports Festival, so finally being able to battle him was surprisingly thrilling. Seeing him work so hard against me was satisfying as it made me feel like a worthy opponent, but what I enjoyed most was getting to spend the day with my crush, and I even saw him smile a few times which warmed my heart. We ended up having a bit of a laugh together, and being one of the first people he properly opened up to made me feel good inside.

We were taking a breather, sitting on the edge of the gym when Todoroki praised my fighting style, and admitted to not thinking much of me before the Sports Festival. "It's okay, there's no need to apologise, I guess we hadn't had much of an opportunity to see each other fight," I said, rubbing the back of my head. "After all, during the USJ I was up by the entrance for most of it, but I still saw your ice," I added.

"Well getting to spar against you here has definitely been an eye-opener. I'll beat you next time," he laughed, referencing the fact that I had beaten him seven times out of the ten matches we had fought. It was the end of the day by the time Endeavour entered the room again, demanding to see us spar once more before we could get some rest for the evening.

The two of us began, and by this point it seemed as though Todoroki had pretty much gotten the hang of how I used my quirk. Because of this he thought more before attacking, knowing that his strikes needed to be better planned out due to my fighting style. His ice managed to hit me, knocking me off of my course and throwing me back. I quickly created a shadow shield, his ice smashing into it. Before he could break through I managed to get up and run to the side, using his ice against him and hiding behind him. "Use your flames Shoto," Endeavours voice said gruffly.

"She uses light," Todoroki said simply.

"Her shadows will likely disintegrate in fire," Endeavour said and I gulped. I felt slight pain when my shadows were hit, and fire was likely to hurt a lot. I peeked over the ice just in time to see his left side light up. I hid again, knowing his backstory and knowing that he'd feel unbelievably guilty if I showed any signs of pain. No matter what I had to make sure I avoided them, so I needed to win this and win it fast.

I ran out from behind the ice, trying to stay on his right side as he turned but he was quick and sent flames towards me. I lifted up a shadow shield and managed to hold in my whimper when his flames made contact with it. Seeing as I had used my quirk all day, I was having difficulty keeping up the strength I needed to make my shadows thick enough or powerful enough. Because of this I ended up stopping, my energy practically drained form my body as my stamina had decreased. I hunched over, panting heavily, but was still determined to win this.

Forming many thin arms of shadows around me I was able to use them as decoys as I ran towards Todoroki, his shooting his flames out towards each quickly. Because they were thin I barely felt any pain, but they disintegrated as soon as his flames hit them. I tried to run faster, approaching Todoroki and jumping at him, grabbing him by the waist and knocking him to the floor. I pinned down his arms and legs whilst raising a few of my shadows, and despite the fact they were thin they were still sharp. I however was panting and sweating heavily, completely drained of stamina after attempting to impress my crush all day. "Very good," Endeavour said, and I quickly clambered off Todoroki, feeling a little embarrassed.

Endeavour was smirking somewhat satisfyingly, both Todoroki and I slightly confused. We both would've thought he had something degrading to say about our fight, but that didn't seem to be the case. "Go home and rest. Night Witch, we have a room set up in our home for you," Endeavour said and my eyes widened.

"I-it's okay sir! I can go to a hotel!" I spoke quickly, embarrassed at the idea of staying over at my crushes house. I lived a trains ride away from my home after all, so finding a hotel would be the best option.

"No, you will stay at our house," Endeavour said gruffly before leaving the room. "I have business to attend to. You two go home." And with that he left.

"Sorry (y/n), if that made you uncomfortable," Todoroki said. "Even though we interned with him, he's still a bastard."

"D-don't worry Todoroki, I'm sure your house is lovely," I said quietly, trying not to make eye contact with him. He just smiled and nodded, the two of us getting changed as we didn't have permission from Endeavour to wear our hero suits in public just yet. A driver was waiting out the front of the building for Todoroki, even opening the door for him but he rolled his eyes.

"I feel like walking," he said simply, pulling me away from the car.

"Er, Todoroki what was that?" I asked, glancing back at the man in a suit who clambered back into the car.

"One of dads drivers, he thinks he's all high and mighty and has to have drivers take him everywhere," Todoroki said gruffly, anger in his eyes. "Sorry (y/n), it's been a strange day for me."

"No it's okay, I understand," I assured him with a smile, one which he sent back sweetly, flustering me slightly. We began talking about the day, about our fighting styles and Todoroki complimenting me on how apparently amazing I had been. It felt amazing, being able to spend time like this with the person I had feelings for. I had wondered whether this was my chance to try and get him to return my feelings. Maybe I could try flirting with him, and showing off the skills in my arsenal.

I was shocked when we reached his home, the exterior being incredibly Japanese. It was very traditional and looked absolutely gorgeous, something I said out loud without realising making Todoroki chuckle. "S-sorry, I've just never seen a house like this in the flesh, let alone being able to go inside of it," I said, rubbing the back of my head but he brushed it off.

"Don't apologise, I'm glad you like it," he said sweetly, and I could barely contain myself when he smiled ever so slightly, it being so adorable. He slid the door open and kicked off his shoes, slipping on his slippers before handing me a pair.

"Shoto?" A girls voice sounded and I looked up to see an older looking girl walk through the hall in front of us. She had white hair with red streaks running through it, and she wore glasses; I assumed this was Todoroki's older sister. "You must be (y/n)! I've heard so much about you!" She said happily and I felt my face heat up.

"R-really?" I stuttered, glancing at Todoroki and knowing he could've been the only person that would've told her about me. He had a slight pink tint to his cheek but tried to ignore it. "It's a pleasure to meet you," I bowed politely.

"I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's sister," she smiled. She pulled me ahead of Todoroki, him taking our bags in the opposite direction to where Fuyumi was taking me. "You know, I've heard so much about you from Shoto, he speaks very highly of you," she said, nudging my arm and winking.

"R-really?" I stuttered again, unsure on what else to say.

"Of course! Now then, you must be hungry, do you like soba? Shoto will probably want some," she said, pulling out the necessary ingredient from the kitchen cabinets.

"Oh, please don't worry yourself on my account-,"

"Don't be silly, you're our guest! Plus making an extra portion won't be too difficult," she winked at me again just as Todoroki came in. "Soba?"


"As always," she chuckled, Todoroki taking a seat next to me at the dining table. Endeavour didn't come home that evening which gave me time to relax in their home, and understand their family dynamic. It was sweet and fun, and I adored every second, Todoroki sitting surprisingly close to me not that I minded. After such a long day of sparring, I grew immensely tired and Todoroki showed me to my room which was conveniently right next to his. The futon was already laid out, and the room looked amazingly traditional with bonsai trees and dark wooden cabinets. Even the floors were made from traditional padding.

"Well, goodnight (y/n)," he said, his eyes becoming distracted by something that was apparently on the floor.

"Goodnight Todoroki, and thank you again for letting me stay over," I said, bowing my head in gratitude.

"Don't worry about it... and you can call me Shoto, (y/n)," he said, flustering me.

"Okay... goodnight, Shoto," I tried it out, it sounding perfect.

"Goodnight," he said, stepping out of the room and with one last glance, he slid the door closed. As soon as he had I collapsed on the futon, my heart rate going a million miles per hour as I thought about the day and how close Shoto and I had gotten. My crush on him only heightened, and I wondered how I could get him to fall for me as the week went on. I desperately wanted him, to call him mine, and I was going to make sure that happened.

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