#100 (Whoo!)

Half way through the book! Wow! I gotta be honest I never thought I'd get this far in the book, so, to celebrate that and this:

Imma type up a chapter with a ton of stuff in it, like, multiple different things, you get what I mean, so yeah. Also there'll be some Headcannons (edit: and a Yo-Kai Watch Crack) thrown in here and there, so, enjoy!


Tsu: I dream to be human..and have a job..

Tsu: *somehow magically on a unicycle* RibBiT rIbBIt MoTHeR FuCKeR iM a GoDdAnm FrOg


Tamaki: I hate everything.

Tamaki: I woke up 40 minutes ago and texted my boyfriend cos he'd messaged me.

Tamaki: the texts were so incoherent.

Tamaki: they made no sense. It looked like I was drunk.

Tamaki: the worst part is I know exactly what I was trying to say. *sigh*

Nejire: *pats his back*

Mirio in the distance: I still love you!

Based on a true story.


Denki: If concrete and glass are both made of sand then skyscrapers are just giant sandcastles.

Sero: that's not how that works...but...Ok.


Kinoko: Mushroom dance~ mushroom dance~

Monoma: What ever could it mean??

Ibara: it means you've lived a life of SIN!


Denki: Remembering that one time I ate an entire loaf of pumpkin bread and my mom got so enraged she called me a 'Little loaf eating freak'

Sero: ...I'd question it but i know I'll need therapy afterwards.


Mic: Today one of the 1-A students emailed over a draft of his essay on 1984 and had clearly used a thesaurus on every single word, and how I know this is because the party slogan 'Big Brother is watching you' had become 'enourmous sibling is viewing you' and I laughed so hard I cried.

I refuse to say which student. Y'all can decide on that.


On the villain group chat:

Stain Fanboy:



Ok this one is Yo-Kai watch characters but it was too good for me not to include, skip past it if you don't know what Yo-Kai watch is or don't like it

Toadal Dude: any noun can be a verb if you don't care enough

Arachnia: This point is invalid unless you use an example in your sentence

Toadal Dude: i can sentence how i want thank

Arachnia: BEAUTIFUL.

Shadow Venoct: I like to velociraptor around my house at 2 in the morning in the dark...

Arachnia: GOOD.

Kyubi: Y'all Give Me A Headache That Makes Me Want To Clothesline Into A Wall.

Arachnus: Why do these all make some semblance of sense??

Shadow V.: Because brains don't brain logically...

Toadal Dude: brains do brain logically! but when english doesn't logic englishly brain brains by itself to logic that english!

Venoct: I hate that this all makes sense.


Magne: Come on we've got to go!

Spinner: if I cut off my feet do we still have to do this?


3 y/o Kota: *watching his mum *British intensifies* make some tea, looking at the tea bag*

Kota: Mama what does that say? *points to the label on the tea bag*

Mrs. Waterhose (I don't think they have canonical names): It says 300 years of experience, it means the people who made it have been making tea for 300 years.

Kota: *dramatic gasp* They haven't even died?!

Mrs. Waterhose: *whispering* Tea vampires...


Ok ok, introducing a new thing: Tiger's Tumblr™️. His username shall be Soft_Tea_Tiger since that's what his name means. (Also most of this shit will be taken from The Gaudiest Patronus unless stated otherwise) if this is well received I'll do a book on it.

Soft_Tea_Tiger: Ok that has been enough historical events for the rest of the decade me thinks

*insert username here*: It's only 2021 tho...

Soft_Tea_Tiger: I am painfully aware of this.


If the villains + 1-A+B had a group therapy session w/ Aizawa as the therapist (I know it's specific as fuck, shut up)

Aizawa: Ok. Now what do we do when something doesn't go our way?

Mina: Add to cart!

Kendo + Magne: Binge.

Deku: Cry.

Denki: Mood.

Monoma + Sero: F in the Chat.

Uraraka + Twice: Lol Xd

Toga + Jirou: Text my ex

Dabi + Kirishima: Dye my hair.

Twice + Bakugo: Shots!

Momo: thank you.

Ibara: Pray.

Mineta: Hoes mad.

Mr. Compress: it's my horoscope

Todoroki: Bottle it up.

Shigaraki: leave the country and try again elsewhere

Tokoyami: Reverly in the darkness

Spinner, Stain and Pony: FISTFIGHT GOD!!

Aizawa: NO!! Especially Not That! *points to Spinner, stain and pony* what the fuck is wrong with you all!?

Magne: oh ya know, the usual, abandoned outcasts, been in so many fights we're surprised we're still alive, most of us have seen murder,

Todoroki: don't forget the child hood trauma

Magne: oh yeah that too.

Aizawa: I don't think anything can save y'all at this point... Ok. What do we do when our anxiety is bad?

Monoma, Twice, Kirishima and Sero: It isss what it isss

Toga, Mina and Denki: my anxiety is chronic but this ass is iconic.

Aizawa: nO- ok. What do we say when we have impulses to throw ourselves off a cliff?

Mustard, Twice, Mina, Denki, Sero, Kirishima and Shigaraki: Y E E T

Aizawa: No! You don't jump off a cliff!

Stain: Jump off a building instead then.

Aizawa: Ok. I excuse them but you're an adult! You should know better!

Stain: Me and Twice are the same age! Well I'm older by like..a month and a day but still! (That's their actual age difference)

Pony: why do you know the difference down to the day..?

Stain: I had a lot of spare time in Tartarus.

Aizawa: *facepalms*


Headcannon: Despite being an innocent smol bean, Pony severely overestimates her strength and WILL try and take on All For One alone if you let her.


Tiger: I've never met a white supremacist who wasn't cognitively below me, and I am an entire dipshit with less IQ then chromosomes


On the hero group chat for once in my life:

Sleeping Bag: What's the one time someone has done something they shouldn't have but you were too impressed to get mad.

Thomas O Malley (Tiger):  Two years ago, I was sitting on the sofa, watching the TV and drinking a beer because it was New Years and I'm allowed. Fuck off. Kota who was 3 at the time came down stairs with a handful of dinner, making eye contact the entire time. He stands there for a bit, looking at me. He then proceeds, while keeping eye contact to purposely throw the handful of food onto the carpet. I tell him "no no!" And put my drink down on the end of the table and start cleaning the mess. He immediately bolted towards the beer bottle, grabbed it and ran off with it. The only person to pull off a Beer Bandit on me was a literal toddler.

Thomas O Malley: And before Mandalay kills me yes I managed to get it off him before he drank any.

Duchess: You know i can see right through that, right?

Thomas O Malley: Worth a try.

Berlioz: I also have a Kota story. So, this happened recently, I was cooking dinner and he was getting in the way, trying to 'help' aka, make messes, so I told him to go play cos I wanted to be done by the time the others got back from patrol.
Anyway, it got eerily quiet in the house, if you have children you know the lack of noise, so, I went to go find him, he was sitting with some paper and crayons, drawing. Fine. I go back to dinner. The others get home, we have dinner. After dinner, we go do whatever, me and Pixie in our bedroom, Tiger outside messing around near the river put back, Mandalay in her office. Kota was with Tiger. Anyway, Mandalay comes find us, saying her computer mouse won't work. Tiger also comes to find us, saying his gameboy wouldn't turn on. Pixie tries our TV and the remote won't work. Kota had gone around and found everything in the house with batteries and flipped them upside down because he was mad at me for not letting him 'help'. He had recently learned batteries had a right and wrong way cos of a toy. Couldn't be mad cos that crap was genius. He would have gotten away with it too but he came clean cos he wanted credit. Plus he couldn't stop laughing.


Pony: We drink Boba Tea to satisfy our ancient and innate urge to slurp up tadpoles from a puddle through a Reed.

Kendo and Ibara: No we absolutely do not.

Monoma: ... *slurps his boba*


On the 1-A+B group chat

Eraser Head: Im only sharing this with you guys cos my cat is at the vets so i have no one  to talk to right now but I was at my part time at a Starbucks and this girl gave me her order. I repeated it to her and told her "That comes to $6.66" she said "Oh no, I don't like that total, can I also get a latte" and her friend just said "Dramatic Christian" in...terrible Japanese so I'm assuming she's a foreigner, but, surely these women are inspirations, the first girl was out there fighting off the powers of satan with a latte as her weapon of choice and the second girl just called a link to god dramatic.

Plant Angel: Was the first girl wearing a plain white dress and sandals..? And did she have vines for hair..?

The Innocent One 1-B edition: and was the second girl short with horns about a foot tall..? And did she have hooves and a short blonde tail..?

Eraser Head: THAT WAS YOU TWO!! Seriously Pony, work on your Japanese

The Innocent One 1-B edition: I'm trying but I have the attention span lower than Monoma's Future partners's standards.

Bitchy Bitch: Oi!


Ojirou: *goes to Aizawa* uh...Mr. Aizawa? I just saw Kaminari running through the halls with Tokoyami's sword yelling 'for the glory of Rome' as Mineta ran for his life.

Aizawa: it is was it is. And it's Mineta so I don't care.

Ojirou: He'S mY bOyFRiEnD

Sorry not sorry


Stain: Ya know what we should do? We should have mistletoe but you have to fight who ever's under it.

Magne: We are NOT doing that!

Spinner: Mistelfoe!

Magne: nO-


Mina: Hey Bakugo! How much chan could a Kacchan catch if a Kacchan could catch chan?

Bakugo: what the fuck?

Mina: How much chan could a Kacchan catch if a Kacchan could catch chan?

Bakugo: I heard you the first time dumbass. That doesn't make any fucking sense.

Sero: Bakugo what part don't you understand? I think I understand How much chan could a Kacchan catch if a Kacchan could catch chan.

Denki: you're outnumbered two to one, I think that makes you dumb.


Mineta: y'all ever just wanna take a nap but the nap doesn't wanna take you?

Aizawa: We'RE iN a ViLLaIn AtTaCK yOuR'E nOt TaKiNG a NaP RiGHt NoW

Spinner: ok but relatable.

Mineta and Spinner: *finger gun at each other*

Aizawa + Magne: *face palm*


Dabi: look. I don't know what that thing is *points at spinner who was stood on the ceiling* but I don't think it's safe to feed it after midnight.

Magne: Dabi thats our teammate.

Spinner: Also jokes on you cos I only need to eat once a month anyways.


Headcannon: Spinner does lizardy things like shedding his skin, going into hibernation if he gets too cold, potentially dying if he gets too hot, needing a heat lamp and a cooling pad in his room and only needing to eat once in a long period of time. (I know the last one is more snakes but I don't care)


I think that's all I have for now and sorry this took so long to get out, I've been wrapped up in making animation memes (+I got dragged down to Wales for a few days) so I haven't had as much time as i would have liked. Anyhow, i hope y'all enjoyed the random shit in my brain and I'll see you...at some point. So long and good night! -Akuma♥️

Also i made a book and it has brief time lines of my OCs in it to check it out ok I'm done now bye


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