Magne: so, here's a story I heard about myself from my husband, shota, this one happened in high school. Uh, so, my husband had this teacher in high school who's kid went to his high school, we didn't go to the same high school but my sister did and was dating him at the time it's a long story but anyways he had a teacher who's kid went to his high school. His name was Mr Todoroki and his son Toya Todoroki went to his highschool,
Dabi: *nervous sweating*
Magne: and he was a freshman when I was a senior so he would have been four years behind me. (I'm British, not American, so idk if I did that math right. Sorry.)
Magne: and Mr Todoroki, was...an asshole. I had the displeasure of meeting him at a parent teacher conference. And one weekend, he and his wife, decided to leave town. Something you should never do, if you're an asshole. And Toya Todoroki, decided to throw a party at the teachers house. Hooraayyy... and everyone around town heard about it and we all got up individually and thought "ok. Let's go over there and /destroy the place/" and I got invited by Shota because why not, we were good friends and I am capable of carnage
Most of the league: *laughing*
Magne: I walked into this party and everyone I had ever met was there and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. People were drinking like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off.
Spinner: oh god
Magne: it was totally unsupervised, we were like dogs without horses, we were running wild. I walked down to the basement, they had a pool table in the basement, one kid, I believe his name was Hari, we were in the same science class, took a running start and threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half. Another kid who I knew on a more personal level cos he's my husband's friend/annoyer, hizashi, found out which room was Mr Todoroki's and went upstairs and took a shit on his computer.
The entire league: *in stitches laughing*
Magne: so the party was going great. So I'm standing in the basement, and I'm holding a red cup, you've seen the movies, and I'm standing there and I'm holding a red cup and I'm starting to black out and I guess someone said like... "something something Police" and in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled "Fuck da police!"
Dabi: oh my god!
Magne: "Fuck da police!" And everyone else joined in. 100, drunk, Japanese children, a lot of which who were training to be pros, I should mention, yelling "fuck da police" with the confidence of guys who have, like, already been to jail and aren't afraid of it anymore, ya know that, like "I served my nickel! You come take me!" Confidence, which some of them had the right to, shota had been arrested twice at this point, but Japanese children. But anyway, the reason someone had said "something something police"...was because the police were there. So a Tokyo police officer walks down the stairs and got to the bottom in the basement and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling "Fuck the police" ...In his face!
Everyone: *dying laughing*
Magne: and he was almost impressed! He was like "wooooow..." and then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went "get the paddy wagon!" And my sister Shika, who later became a mother, this woman had a baby, who I now take care of, Grabbed a 40, smashed it on the ground and yelled "SCATTER!!" And everyone ran in different directions! We all ran in different directions! It was like that scene in ratatouille when the humans come in the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways, we all ran in different directions! I ran into the laundry room and I climbed up onto a washing machine and I crawled out through a window into the back yard and now I'm running through the back yard and there's this big chain link fence and i though "I've never climbed a fence that high before!" ...and then I woke up at home. On Monday, I went to school, because that's what we did back then, and I meet with Shota, and I walk to UA with him cos...I did, and we get to the gate and who do we see but Toya Todoroki, and he says to us "hey. Were you two at my party on Saturday?" and I say "No." Ya know, like a liar. And Toya says "things got really outta hand...Someone broke the pool table...someone took a shit on my dad's computer...but the worst thing is this, the worst thing is that someone stole these old Antique photos of my grandmother and my parents are freaking out about it." And I had that thought, that only black out drunks...and Steve Urkel can have. "Did-...Did I do that?" And I could tell shota was thinking the exact same thing, because he had the same horrified and confused look that I had, but i figured..no..neither of us would have done that...but I was never sure. Until two years later.
Shigaraki: fuckin hell,
Magne: Relax. So I'm playing video games with this girl named Emi, that Shota also went to high school with, it's two years later, we've graduated by now. We're playing video games for a couple of hours and then Emi says to me "hey. Come here. I wanna show you something." And she takes me into her bedroom and then she takes me into a side room off of her bedroom. Never a good thing to have. And she shows me, *small laugh* she shows me tiny room, that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from different people's parties from over the years. And I said "whyyyyy...? Why do you do this....?" And Emi said "Because it's the one thing you can't replace"
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