A Public Announcement

For the past few hours, you've been searching the city for a good place to train, but as you turn the corner, you accidentally bump into someone and make them fall backwards.

???: "Ow! Watch it, will ya!"

Y/N: "Sorry, it was an accident.

You look down and see who it was that you bumped into.

Y/N: "Sorry about that, *helps him up* I was in a rush to find someplace to train that I didn't see you there."

???: *snaps* "Well, open your fucking eyes next time!"

Y/N: "Alright, sheesh. No need to be a dick about it."

???: *calms down, sighs* "Sorry. I'm just little on edge from the flight here, that's all."

Y/N: "You... flew here? Like, from overseas?"

???: "Yeah, from the United States. I plan to enroll at UA University."

Y/N: "Oh, I see. That's not a ba-- *rewinds a bit* Wait, UA University? Don't you mean UA Academy?"

???: "Uh, no, I said "UA University. The Hero Academia doesn't have a high school established."

Y/N: "Oh... I see." *thinks* "That can only mean one thing... this is an alternate reality from the canon show." *aloud* "Well, I plan on going there, too. I'm gonna work hard to become a hero among heroes. What about you?"

???: "Oh, I'm gonna be a hero, but mostly to put some baddies in their place, make them learn the hard way they have no say in who deserves to be born and who doesn't."

He says all this while cracking his knuckles.

Y/N: "Okay... uh, not exactly noble, but hey, it's a goal nonetheless."

???: "Mhmm, good. Now, I gotta get going. I'm supposed to meet up with my new landlord and settle into my new apartment."

The strange boy then walked past you and headed off. Shrugging it off, you decide to go about your own business.

[some time later]

You've been walking around the city for about an hour now and so far, you couldn't find a place to train your abilities.

Y/N: "Aww man. How am I supposed to get stronger now?"

???: *yelling* "WHAT?! You never mentioned that in the deal!"

???2: "Well, I'm sorry, but it's either that or find some other place."

???: "You sneaky, swindling, son of a--"

Y/N: "Yo, what's going on? Is there some kind of trouble?"

You walk up to the two people arguing with each other, come to find out one of them is the same guy you saw from before. The other is a middle-aged man, average build, short black hair, looks like an average joe.

???: *Sees you* "You've gotta be kidding me."

Y/N: "Tch, nice to see you again, too. So, what's going on here? What's gotten your boxers all up in a twist?"

???: *sighs* "This crook of a landlord here said he got a better offer from some other bastard and told me I'd either have to pay double or find some other place to live."

Y/N: "What? Sounds like a rip-off if you ask me."

Landlord: "Well, take it or leave it. Either way, someone is gonna pay me for a room here."

While this asshole was giving the two of you a tough time, You get the surprise of a lifetime when two more figures drop in. You and the other guy turn to find both the #1 hero... and familiar face that leaves you starstruck.

All Might: "What seems to be the trouble here?"

Spider-Man: "Hey, you two. What's up?"

Y/N: "SPIDER-MAN?! I thought you were in New York, what brings you here in Japan?" *thinks* "Hold on a second, how is he even here? Isn't this the My Hero Academia world?"

All Might: *laughs* "Our little web slinger was asked to come here by my recommendation. His heroic actions were needed here and as a mutually beneficial agreement, we helped him with a little favor."

Spider-Man: "It's a long story, but anyways, what's up?"

Y/N: "Oh, this guy here, *points at long-haired guy* was about to rent an apartment, but this guy here, the sleazy one, *points to landlord* said he got offered a better deal and won't let him rent unless he comes up with a better offer."

Sethaius: "I have a name, you know. My name's Sethaius. But yeah, this rotten dupe is choosing someone with fatter pockets."

Landlord: *sweating bullets* "WHAT?! Uh... D-D-Don't listen to them, I uh... hehe... I was just kidding, you know how it is."

Spider-Man: "Actually, no. Last I checked, last minute rent raises are illegal if a tenant hasn't moved in."

All Might: Quite so. But fear not, young ones! I know of a place that'll be just PERFECT for the two of you... if you're both looking for a home."

Y/N: "Actually, I am. Truth be told... I'm actually kinda homeless myself."

Spider-Man: "Well, we can fix that. All Might, you go ahead and take these two with you and I'll talk to our... "customer-friendly" landlord here."

The sleazy guy shrank when Spidey looked straight at him in the eye when he mentioned him.

All Might: "Of course, web-slinger. Come, boys! *carries you both in each arm* Your brand new home awaits!"

In a single bound, All Might was gone, leaving behind a cloud of dust, leaving Spidey to "talk" with the sleaze bag landlord.


A few minutes went by and All Might had arrived at this nice apartment complex, much bigger and more cleaner than the previous one.

You instantly knew who lived in this complex and were excited to be moving into this place. All Might set the two of you down by the entrance for the time being.

All Might: "You two stand here while I have a little talk with the landlord of this complex."

As the big guy does his thing, you're left with Sethaius, but he doesn't seem to be the kind to wanna just... chat. He's just... leaning against the wall, hands in his jacket pockets, eyes looking up... then towards you with irritation.

Sethaius: "What?"

Y/N: "Nothing, sheesh. You need to lighten up."

Sethaius: "No one said for you to but into my business."

Y/N: "Well excuuuuuuse me, Princess."

Sethaius: *up close, glaring "Don't... ever... call me "Princess."

Y/N: "Well, you're not exactly acting like a future hero, that's for sure."

Sethaius: "And you don't know how to stop butting into my business!"

Y/N: "Hey, I'm just pointing out the facts. I get that you've had a long day coming from the states and I'd be frustrated, too. But you don't have to be an ass about it and lash out at everyone."

Sethaius: *glares at you, then sighs* "Look. Sorry, okay? I'm just going through a rough time. A lot of crap was going on in the states. Crap that I'd rather not talk about right now. But... if I ever feel the need to tell you about my problems, I'll let you know. "

Y/N: "Well... okay then."

Sethaius: "So, what's your story?"

Y/N: "Oh, me? Well, I wanna become a hero. A true hero. And I made a vow that I would work extra hard to become one."

Sethaius: "...Good for you."

Y/N: "Oh, that reminds me... what's your quirk?"

Sethaius: "I don't have a quirk."

Y/N: "You don't? So then, how are you gonna enroll into UA University if you don't have a quirk?"

Sethaius: "I may not have a quirk, but I do have powers."

Y/N: "Uh... now I'm confused."

Sethaius: "To make a long story short... I'm a mutant."

Y/N: "Mutant? *realizes, thinks* "No way, even mutants exist here, too? Hmm... maybe this is an alternate universe of MHA where other comic superheroes and villains exist in this world." *aloud* "Oh, you mean you possess an X gene within your DNA that grants you special powers."

Sethaius: "That's right. But you'll have to wait until next time if you want to see what they are."

Y/N: "Aww man, but okay."

And soon, All Might came back, looking as confident as ever.

All Might: "Good news, boys! The landlord has a place for the both of you to share a 2 bedroom apartment as long as you can split the rent 50-50, is that alright?"

Sethaius: "...*sighs* Yeah, okay."

Y/N: "Sure, I'm cool with it."

So, after settling everything and thanking the Symbol of Peace for all his help, the two of you settle into your new apartment and it was as even better than you imagined. For the next few hours, you and Sethaius spent your time unpacking and settling in. 

This takes care of one of your priorities. Now... for the job searching.

[2 years later]

After settling into your new home, you and Sethaius have been keeping yourselves busy. For one thing, you both had to get jobs for the time being and come up with some kind of training regiment in order to ready yourselves for the hero course.

Sethaius was able to work at a supermarket, pushing carts, sweeping up the place and keeping it clean while you worked delivering newspapers to people around the city. And on top of the jobs, you and Sethaius would either train alone or spar with each other to get stronger and better at using your powers.

During this time, both of you also applied to UA University. All that was left was to wait for the prep exams. Luckily, you had plenty of time to kill until then.

However, as of right now, things were going nuts in town when you notice people gathering in one part of the city. You look and find three familiar faces, two of them being Bakugo and the slime monster trying to take over the guy. And of course, the future One For All bearer... Izuku Midoriya, but... you noticed something... different about Midoriya, specifically... what he... or "she" now looks like.

[Yes, she's gonna be in the harem.]

Y/N: *thinks* "So... Izuku's a girl in this alternate reality. I shouldn't be surprised, but what I am surprised at... is how cute she looks. Ooh, I could just scoop her up and hug her endlessly!" *shakes off urges* "Focus, Y/N, now's not the time to let cuteness overload get the better of you, this is serious."

And indeed it was serious. As Midoriya was trying her hardest to get Bakugo out of the slime villain's grasp and all the other heroes could do was stand there and yell at her, trying to make her stop. 

Y/N: "There's only one thing I can do."

You then rush through the crowd and leap over the safety line and land in front of the slime villain, staring him down.


Kamui Woods: "IT'S TOO DANGEROUS, KID!!!"

Slime Villain: "Beat it right now, kid! Unless you and your little girlfriend want to die a slow and horrible death!"

Y/N: "How about you let go of spikey here and I won't have to rough you up unlike these wannabe heroes behind me!"

Slime: "HAH! Tough talk, but what can you do about it, kid?"

Y/N: "Allow me to show you. GUM GUM..."

You pull your right arm back, stretching it super far and then...

Y/N: "PISTOL!!!"

You throw your punch at the villain, making him skid backwards, but his grip on Bakugo remained tight and he only skid back a little bit, unfazed and unharmed.

Slime Villain: *laughs, mockingly* "Is that the best you got, kid? You're even more hopeless than I thought."

Y/N: "Fine... let me up the anty. *kneels down, punches ground* 2nd GEAR!!!"

Your body now had a distinct glow to it and steam emitted from every part of your body. As you rose up, you now readied another attack, one more powerful than your first one. First you grabbed Bakugo and then readied yourself.


You reeled back your arm and with great power and speed, you lunged it at the slime villain while also pulling Bakugo out simultaneously. This time, the results were Bakugo being freed and the slime villain being blasted all over the place, losing his form and yelling out loud from the harsh impact.

WIth the foe defealed, you settled down and turned off your 2nd Gear and raised your fist up in victory, wowing the crowd.


When those words rang out, people began cheering for you like crazy while some remained awestruck and dumbfounded.

Moments later, the slime villain was detained and then came the lecturing from the heroes while Bakugo was being praised for staying strong, despite Midoriya and you helping out.

Kamui Woods: *to you and Midoriya* "You morons, do you have death wishes?"

Death Arms: "There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourselves in danger like that!"

Midoriya: *timidly* "I'm... sorry."

Y/N: *shields her* "Hey, I didn't see any of you assholes lifting a finger to help save them from that slime dirtbag! At least she had the fucking balls to act like a hero and try to save the guy, so you guys have no right to tell her what a hero should or shouldn't do. You have one fucking job to try to save them and you failed!"

Midoriya: "Please, don't do this. They're right. I mean, I'm quirkless, so I had no right to interfere like that."

Y/N: *turns to Midoriya* "Uh-uh, quirkless or not, you were courageous enough to run out there and try to save him. That's a heroic feat in itself, so there's no reason you should be beating yourself up about it."

Death Arms: "Hey, don't encourage her! She's still a--"

Y/N: *in his face* "A kid? Yeah and like I said before, she has more BALLS than you and "firewood boy" here put together and yet you two have the nerve to critisize her? Real heroes risk their lives to save people, no matter how strong the opponents might be! Here's a piece of friendly advise, grow some real hero balls and start pulling your own weight around. Now, if you'll excuse us, we're gonna take our leave."

And neither of the two "heroes" could say anything back. Kamui Woods and Death Arms were both in shock about what you said, dissing them like that. So, you took Midoriya, your arm wrapped around her shoulder and escorted her away from them. But then, you stopped for a moment and whispered to her.

Y/N: *in her ear* "Don't ever let them diss you like that. You were born to be a hero, quirkless or not, you got that?"

She looks up at you with her big, beautiful, star-twinkling eyes as if she was given a brand new hope in her life.

Midoriya: "T-Thanks. I, uh... I'm gonna go now. And uh... if we ever meet again, my name is Izumi. Izumi Midoriya."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N L/N. I hope to see you again, too."

With a big, sweet smile, she lets out a giggle and runs off. But you... you turned around and noticed the heroes still looking at you, still looking pretty peeved. To make your point across one last time, you let out another proclaimation.

Y/N: *loudly* "And for the record, I don't care that I used my quirk. I want to save people and I will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety and make sure they see another tomorrow!"

And with that, everyone, both citizens and heroes alike watched in awe as you turned and walked away from the scene. It wouldn't be long before the legendary heroes watching this would actually respond to this in the most surprising way.

But in any case, the flames of the next generation of heroes has been lit and it's only a matter of time before that flame grows stronger and larger as the story continues.

[A/N: And here you go. Another chapter is up and ready for you to read and there will be more amazing chapters like this. And for the record, Y/N is as strong as Luffy after his 2 year timeskip training, so you can use Supreme King/Conqueror Haki as well as the gears to help aid you in your journey as a hero. There will be more surprises left in store for you guys, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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