🌹 Mina: My Best Friend
You want to take Mina out as Spring Break starts.
Y/n's Quirk: Storm
(Your P.O.V)
I stretch with a sigh of relief as my best friend, Mina, and I walk off campus. As the school day ends, spring break has now finally started, and we couldn't be happier about it. Especially Mina.
As we walk to my place, she goes on about all the plans she has set to have fun with me and the others in our class, but I told her that if she wants to do all that, then we have to do what I want for just one day. Today.
Little known fact about me, I've had a crush on Mina since the day I met her, and tonight, I was gonna risk it all and confess to her.
She tried to ask me of the plans I had for us, but I told her it was a surprise, and after her begging and begging to get the answers out of me, we finally arrived at my apartment.
"You are very persistent, you know that?" I say as I unlock the door.
"Aw come one~ just give me a hint!" She pleads, and I roll my eyes.
"Fine, it's related to music-"
"Are we going to a concert?!" She squeals in excitement. I sigh with a sweat drop as we walk inside.
"So much for it being a surprise."
"So it is!? Oh this is gonna rock!" She laughs as we kick off our shoes before going up to my room. She comes over to my place so often, she has a drawer and section of the closet of her own, but that doesn't really matter since we wear each other's clothes anyways.
After we shower and dress in my room, with me staring at the ground intensely as if it was the most interesting thing I've ever seen, we head out. Not gonna lie, my cheeks were almost as pink as her skin when we were changing, and still I've acted like this since we were kids, we've known each other since we were 10.
Thankfully, she was distracted by a dog someone was walking, so I don't think she ever noticed, but then she held my hand as we walked and I nearly jumped out of my skin and passed out. I was just hoping that she doesn't notice my palms get sweaty from nervousness.
The sun was going down quickly and the sky was dark orange by the time we got to the concert. It had just started as we gave our tickets to the greeter and we made it to the front with the best seats. The concert had our favorite artists, and we never screamed so loud in our lives. It was nice to share this moment with her and see her so happy.
At one point, our favorite artist of all time came out and sang our favorite songs. During the performance, they wanted to pull 3 girls out of the crowd for the opportunity to dance on stage. I pulled Mina in front of me and she looked at me in confusion until I got down under her and lifted her onto my shoulders. She screamed out with a laugh as she stabilized herself and waved them down.
They noticed us immediately then pointed to us both and waved us over. I got Mina on stage first as security helped me up after, then lastly a random girl about our age was brought up. The big celebrity had their time dancing with each of us for a while and then got in front of us to continue singing again, letting us dance without them.
The loud music, the lights, and crowd roaring was overwhelming, euphoric even. I danced and swayed, and as I turned around, I slowly stopped when I saw the other girl and Mina dancing together rather close. Before I even knew what I was doing, I walked forward, and grabbed Mina's hand and spun her from the girl and into my arms. She looked at me in shock, which quickly changed to happiness as we danced together, but I couldn't help but stare at the girl, who was glaring at me from behind her.
The more Mina and I danced and swayed to the beat, we nearly forgot about the 3rd wheel, until Mina is pulled from me, and her and the girl are dancing again. This time, she was putting her hands on Mina's hips and was almost chest to chest with her. My vision almost went red as I gritted my teeth.
I go to pull Mina back, but the girl spins her to the other side of her, getting in between me and my crush. Saying, screw it, I grip the girl's shoulder and turn her around and spin her once more to the other side of me, so that I am in between her and Mina. We dance and she goes to walk around me and I take her by the wrist before twirling her into my arms and holding her from behind and getting close to her ear so that only she can hear.
"I don't know who you think you are, but stay away from her before I do something violent enough to put you in the ICU." I say maliciously and she just chuckles.
"Are you saying that for her sake, or yours? Cause she was having plenty fun with me." She teases as she rubs her ass against me. I growl and turn her back to get away from her, but she keeps a hold of my hand and brings me into her again, this time, her front is flush against mine.
"You don't know what trouble you're getting yourself into if you keep fucking with me. This is your last time." I warn, running my hand around her shoulders and up to the back of her neck with a rough grip, keeping her in place. She looks me up and down then from my lips to my eyes with a raised brow and a sly smirk.
"But what if I wanna fuck with you instead, and not your little friend?" She smiles, running her hands up my sides, arms, and around neck as we danced.
"I'm not interested-"
"That's enough!" I hear until I'm ripped away from the girl. I look back to see an angry Mina on my arm. As the song ended, I couldn't get any words out when I hear a crash in front of me, and look to see the girl had fallen on her ass with her elbow smashed into a stage light. She was crying out in pain as an increasing amount of blood started pouring down her arm. I glanced around in confusion at what made her fall, until I spot the tiniest puddle of acid below her shoe.
"Well, that's one way to wrap up a show. I need someone to call an ambulance for this girl." The singer called out on the microphone as security came up to help her and lead the artist away. We get lead off stage, and head back out the stadium with Mina and her titanium clutch on my arm as she leads me away through the crowd.
By the time we get outside, she lets me go and crosses her arms as she looks away from me with a frown. I reach out to her, "Mina-"
"Is there anything else you wanted to do before we call it a night?" She said with a bit of venom in her voice, making me wince back and lean away from her. Sure we had our fights before, but she never once sounded like this.
"Y-yeah...Just one more place, but it's gonna be a journey. I'll hale a cab, so...bear with me." I say in a sort of weak and defeated tone. I walk a ways off and wave down a cab, and for once, it quickly stops for us and we get in. Handing the driver the address, we sit there in awkward silence for over 20 minutes. When we exited the city limits, all there was to see was fields of flowers, but they weren't the best to admire in the dark, but there was a large mountain with a weather tower on top of it. By the time we got to the base of the mountain to a gate, a security officer waves to us in his post, and we get out after I pay the driver. And he rides off.
"If you're gonna kill me y/n, at least make it to where my body will be discovered." Mina grumbles, still scowling with her arms crossed. I huff and nod in the direction of the officer as we walk.
"Even with an attitude, she has jokes." I retort as she mumbles angrily, and walk up to the window to the smiling officer.
"Ah, L/n! It's so lovely to see you! We don't usually expect you during this time, and with a friend! Tell me, how have you been?" He asks warmly.
"Hey Sato, it's good to see you again too. It's been so long, I've been busy with tests and all, but I've been doing as well as I can be." I say awkwardly with a fuming Mina behind me.
He laughs out and types away on his computer. "I'm so glad to see you again. Well, head on up, I'll see you later!" He then opens the gate and waves us in. Walking through, I lead us to the lot of golf carts to the property, and I pull out my keys as we get in one.
"You know, for driving me out in the middle of butt-fuck no-where, I deserve an explanation about what's going on." Mina says looking around wearily. I nod in agreement, trying to ignore the uncomfortable tension we've had since the concert.
"You have questions, lay 'em on me then." I mumble, putting the key in the ignition and slowly getting settled to the familiar hum of the engine as I turn on the headlights.
"Where are we?" She asks while I reverse and pull out of the lot.
"We are at a weather station. The actual building is on the top, blocked of by some trees, so you aren't really able to see it. Any news channel you see gets their weather information from mountains like this, and other places in the city too. But that's not where we're going. We're going to my hang out spot." We drive a bit until I get to the correct trail, and begin the long drive up.
"Okay. But why are you pals with the security guard, and are just able to roam private property freely? With your own key to a golf cart at that."
I inhale deeply before explaining. "It's a long story, but this is gonna be a long drive so, I'll tell you. My parents were pro heros with element-like abilities...well, until they died when I was 7." She dropped her arms and looked at me with confused eyes.
"What? No...didn't you say they were working overseas last week?"
I shook my head with a sad laugh. "No, come on Mina," I glance to her for a moment. "every time you come over, I'd say they're both working working overseas or visiting family out of town. That was never true. I was taken in by my father's friend when they died. My mother was murdered by a villain during a city wide attack, and when my father saw, he lost it, and killed that monster himself. After that, the other pros found my father holding her body in the streets, mourning over her for who knows how long, bleeding out to death, from his knife that he drove into his own body." I gulped as tears began to prick the corners of my eyes. "He couldn't bear to live without the love of his life, so he killed himself. Leaving me here alone..." I clenched my jaw and gripped the wheel, trying to calm down, and taking a few deep breaths.
"...I-I'm so sorry. I never knew...why didn't you tell me until now?" She wondered in a cautious voice, and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"It's not something people would like to just tell anyone, y'know? I honestly didn't think I would ever tell anyone."
".....Thank you, for trusting me enough to tell me that." I suddenly feel a warmth on my shoulder and side, and notice her holding me from the side with her head on my shoulder, bringing me in closer ever so slightly. As it was getting a bit cold from the cool spring night breeze during the drive, her body warmth was very much needed. I relaxed more as the bits of tears quickly dried away, and continued my story.
"My father's old friend took me in, and helped train me with my quirk. His name is Jenji. When I got more powerful with it, and word spread that I had a weather type quirk, I was paid to alter the weather. It started with special days for families, like graduations, birthdays, weddings, ect. Then it was businesses for big events. As years passed, it reached up to celebrities paying me to help with their music videos and concerts, and sports events wanting me for their games. That's how I got us those great seats at the concert today. It was suppose to rain today, and the concert people paid me to stop it."
"And we got up on stage" She recalls, and I could just feel her smile without having to look.
"Yeah." After a while, we were already almost there as she scooted closer till our legs touched, and wrapped her arm around me, nuzzling closer. "After a while I started working for this weather station, thanks to Jenji of course. He is now the head of this place. Oh, and his son is the security guard, that's why we're friends. I still take on those other jobs here and there, but when I made enough with a steady income, I got myself my own place in the city, the apartment, though the old man was against it when I said I was going to U.A. He said I could just work here making big money and living out on a mountain with a glorious view of the fields."
"Why was he against it?"
"He didn't want me to end up like my parents." She paused for a moment before looking up to me.
"You know, I never asked. Why did you decide to go to U.A?"
I smiled as we pulled up to the small building, and put the cart in park before taking out the keys and looking back to her. "Because I met someone a few years ago, and fell in love with them instantly. The more time I spent with them, the more I realized, I could use my quirk to protect them, and the people of the world, to give them a chance to find love, like I have." I could see her ball her fists with a calm face, and I realized, she only did this when she was really angry at something. Why would she be mad at me?....Unless...
She hummed and got off the cart, looking everywhere but me. My eyes grew wide. 'It couldn't be.'
"Wow, they must be really special." She says in a flat tone, not once looking back at me, but I just smile as I eye her carefully, and get up.
"Yeah, they're the best. You might know them actually." I grin, trying out a little game. We head for the door.
"Yeah?" She asks intrigued. "Who is it?"
"Well, I don't want to just give it away now. You've actually been good with accurately figuring things out, so I'll give you a hint. They go to U.A." Unlocking the door, I go in turn on the lights, and let her in. She adores the decorations of the little home I had made before I close the door and go the the fridge in the corner for food. "This is my home away from home by the way. I stay here 1 or 2 days a week, 3 at most, and more so over break. I make sure the food stays fresh, and you are free to make yourself at home as I prepare us dinner." Everything is pretty much in the same room, other than the bathroom and closet of course.
Mina thanks me before taking off her shoes and hops on my bed as she watches me turn on the radio to some soft music as I get ready. While gathering the ingredients, she hums in thought. "I need another clue."
"They're in our class." I start cooking/heating up food.
"You said you met them years ago, who else have you known?"
"I have many secrets, you don't know who else I could've known for years. So here's a bigger clue, it's a girl." She sits up cross legged and brings a pillow into her arms as she hugs it close.
"Another one."
"They don't know I like them, no matter how many hints I've dropped these past few years, so they're a bit dumb."
"Alright, so that leaves Ochaco, Hagakure, or Jiro."
I pause my cooking and look back at her with a laugh. "You think Jiro is stupid? I mean," I shrug and nod a bit. "with this Kaminari situation, I can agree."
She pouts and looks away with a blush. "Alright good, so it's not Jiro." I chuckle and continue cooking. "So it has to be Ochaco. I mean, with Hagakure, no offence, but it sounds a bit hard to love what you can't see."
I laugh out loud and nearly drop the utensils out of my hands before regaining my composure. "Ah! That's good, don't let any believers of literally any religion hear you say that. Ah~ that was good. But no, it's not Ochaco, or Hagakure." Finishing up our food, I get our plates ready and set them on the table to cool off, then sit next to Mina on the bed. "You give up?" She hides her face behind the pillow and gives out a muffled sigh. "Alright, I'll tell you..." I take in one deep breath as my legs start to shake from nervousness, and open my mouth. "It's-"
"Wait!" In a flash, she jumps up, tossing the pillow aside, before pushing me back into the bed and climbing over me with her hands on my mouth. Her legs straddled my sides as I stared up at her in shock. I could see tears forming in her black eyes quickly as she watched me with such sadness. Her yellow irises glistened. "I-I can't....I can't hear it. Cause if I do...I w-won't be able to handle the heartbreak...so I have to tell you-before it's too late..." She takes in a quiet, yet sharp, shaky breath.
(Anime: Inu x boku ss) It's one of my favorites, get some. But if you've seen this before, you know. 😉
"I love you." She cried through a whisper. It was almost inaudible, and even though I had my suspicions, I wasn't sure if I actually heard her right. Then, she closed her eyes, and her tears began to fall.
(Mina's P.O.V)
Everything in my body hurt, and was shaking in fear as I closed my eyes. But I forced myself to say it again a bit louder this time. "I love you...m-more than a friend. I've been in love with you for so long.....so please......tell me you love me back....please....tell me it's me..." I sobbed as I pulled my hands away from her mouth, and refused to open my eyes as I felt her sit up with me still in her lap. I could feel her slowly wrap her arms around me and pull me into her for a hug. I've never felt so safe, secure, and protected, as well as scared, vulnerable, and terrified at the same time.
"I love you too...The person I was talking about, was you...I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you. It's always been you." She said happily, holding me tighter. I laughed weakly as I wrapped my arms around her neck. A relief was ripped off my shoulders, making me release a large breath as it felt like fireworks were going off all over my body with butterflies in my stomach.
"Thank goodness...." I slowly pulled back as we kept our hold on each other, and she brushed away my tears. "And here I thought that girl from the concert was gonna steal you from me." She giggled and shook her head.
"I thought she was gonna steal you from me. And you know, I saw your acid on the ground. You purposely made her slip, didn't you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, and I just laughed awkwardly.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm kind of the jealous type I guess." I admitted.
"Well this is bad, cause so am I." She says before looking from my eyes to my lips and back with a slight blush, and I blushed harder too before pulling her to me.
"Kiss me..." and without a second thought, she brought her hand up to my cheek, leaned forward, and pressed her warm soft lips against mine. My heart soared, and it felt like my body was singing as I kissed her back, resting my hands on her arms, not wanting this moment to ever end as I kiss my best friend.
To Be Continued
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