Tetsutetsu catch up!!
How you met:
I began my normal work out routine at the gym. Listening to music getting sweaty the whole deal.
Then this guy (not to bad looking if I do say so myself) walks up to me and has the audacity to say I was lifting the weights wrong.
"Here let me show you." He took the weight from me and did a demonstration. I watched as his arm muscles flexed. He was really fit so he was obviously doing something right.
I smiled to myself the little minx in me coming out to play. I took the weight back and intentionally did it a little wrong.
Exactly as I planned he offered to help me again getting a little closer until he was eventually holding over my hand and instructing me at the same time.
"Since we are so up close and personal now my names (y/n)."
He stepped back a very light pink spreading across his face. "My names Tetsutetsu"
How he asked you out:
"Hey (y/n)! I was wondering if you would like to hang out after the gym. Maybe grab some lunch?"
It has been three weeks since we met and since then we have been working out at the gym together.
"Like...as a date..."
He nodded "Yeah...if that's what you would want..."
"I'd love too!"
First date outfit:
I looked cool, beautiful and I sent out a good message. He loved it.
Cool and sporty. I looked awesome.
First date location: (A sushi place)
"Yeah well at least I can do the splits right!" Tetsu laughed at my comment. It was true I can do the splits correctly!
"Yeah so? Lifting a weight the right way is important you should know that."
"I do now! Anyways where should we go for our lunch date hmm?"
"I was thinking sushi. Sound good?"
"Heck yeah!"
He laughed as we walked the rest of the way to a local sushi shop in comfortable silence.
"Should we order one to share?" I looked at him as he busted out laughing.
"The way we both eat? No that's not gonna work. I say we order two different ones and share."
"Ooo I like!"
We both ordered a sushi roll. One being spicy the other one being a normal California roll.
"Ah it's so spicy."
I started to laugh as Tetsu chugged some water to cool down his tongue being overly dramatic.
I reached over taking a piece of his spicy sushi and eating it despite his warnings.
"It's not that spicy."
I again busted out laughing as he ate another trying to prove he wasn't a baby about spice but failing miserably.
First kiss:
I twirled around acting silly. "Come on Tetsu this is our first park date!"
"I know. I'm just not as fast as you are. Having a iron themed quirk makes me slow."
"Slow in more ways then one?" I teased.
"Oh shut up." He laughed as he tackled me to the ground playfully.
"Never!" We rolled around in the grass playing like little kids. Then we stopped for a second. There was a slight breeze brushing against my skin.
I looked to the person I'm dating who was still laughing. He had such a nice smile.
Before he could stand up I sat on top of him. "Huh? (Y/n) what are you doing?"
I didn't answer instead I leaned down and gave him a soft simple kiss filled with emotion. It was the only way to share how I was feeling.
Afterwards he looked up at me and smiled pulling me down into a tight hug.
That one matching thing:
(If your a boy please change the bow to another weight.)
I giggled as I unwrapped the gift Tetsu had gotten me. Opening it I saw two shirts. "Train mates! We have to wear these every time we work out now!"
He laughed in response before saying "Yeah! I figured this way we could show off the fact we are a couple. You really like it?"
"Are you kidding I love it! Thank you!" I tackled him in a hug laughing as we fell over onto the floor.
The first I love you:
I shivered. The rain was pouring and I had forgotten my umbrella again. I was freezing.
"Hey (y/n) come here." I looked up seeing my boyfriend standing under a over hang. I ran up to him.
"I'm completely soaked." I looked down as drops of rain from my coat hit the ground.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around me pulling me into his warmth.
I looked up at him blushing a little. He had a smile on his face and was watching the rain.
I snuggled up to him feeling warmer. "I love you." I felt him tense up slightly. Was it to soon?
"I love you too."
Phone names:
His in mine: ❤️Ironman❤️
Mine in his: ❤️MyPepper❤️
When he gets jealous:(Usually he will just tug you away or interrupt the conversation to be involved.)
"Whatever." I laughed at Tetsus response bending over in the next yoga pose.
"How do you do that?" He tried to do the same but ended up falling over it made you giggle. He really was terrible at yoga.
"I have better balance." I smiled and winked at him as he rolled his eyes. I love teasing him.
"Hello miss. Your doing really well."
I stood up seeing a man in front of me. "Oh um thanks. I don't normally do much yoga but I figured I should."
"Well keep it up. Not many people can keep balanced." I watched as he shot a glare to Tetsutetsu.
"Sure thing. Ill finish as soon as your gone." I had a little spite in my voice that you couldn't really help. I had a bad feeling bout this guy.
"Of course."
"Yeah sorry you gotta go. We have a time limit." Tetsu stood up and I couldn't help but feel proud of how cool he was acting.
"Right. Good bye miss." The guy winked at me before walking away making me feel a little uncomfortable.
"I really hated that dude." I laughed at what Tetsus said before giving him a hug.
"Yeah well you handled it amazingly. You definitely don't gotta worry about anyone like him stealing me away. What a perv."
He laughed this time hugging me tight before giving me a kiss to show everyone else I was in fact taken.
His favorite thing: (When you two work out together. Especially jogging.)
"Come on Tetsu! Catch up with me!" I laughed as I jogged ahead of him.
"What? But we had such a good pace. Hey wait up!" He chased after me.
I turned a corner before hiding behind a tree. I giggled watching for him my heart beating fast in anticipation.
"Aha! Got you!" He lifted me up laughing as I let out a surprised squeak.
"What where the heck did you come from??"
"Oh please I knew you would hide. Now back on the track missy."
"Yes sir!" Both of us laughed as we continued. No matter where we were he was always making me laugh.
His for me: kid,dude, beauty
Mine for him: iron boy/man, Tetsu, sir (rarely)
Thier opinion on PDA: (Public displays of affection) (Loves it)
I gasped slightly as Tetsu pulled me close giving me a kiss in front of everyone. We were at the mall so a lot of people were looking.
"What was that for?"
"Just wanted to show your my (bf/gf)"
I laughed as I jumped into his arms and he started to carry me around. I am pretty light so it was easy.
I smiled as he kissed my head. He really was the most adorable boyfriend ever.
Does he want kids:(Yes)
"Look at that. Another pro hero just had a baby. They are popping them out quick."
Tetsu laughed at my comment before saying "Yeah....would you ever want to have a kid? You know like in the future. We never really talked about it."
"Personally yes. I'd love to have a baby. I mean they are so cute."
"Good. I want to have one too. We could put it in a tiny little jogging uniform!"
"Oh my goodness. I think I'll dress the baby okay."
"What what's wrong with my idea?"
I laughed as I snuggled up to him. When we have a kid a fear it will only ever wears sports themed clothes.
How he proposed:
My face went red as I watched my boyfriend get on one knee. We were in the mall again and at first I thought he was kidding till he opened a box and it contained the most perfect ring.
"I know this isn't what you were expecting but I couldn't wait anymore. Will you be mine forever (y/n)?"
I nodded happily. "Yes." He breathed a breath of relief before sliding the ring on to my finger and standing up.
He dipped me giving me a love filled kiss. "I was really nervous."
I laughed kissing him. "I know. I'm glad you did it though. I can't wait to be married."
Woohoo! All the boys who are students are done! Next will be the male teachers so stay tuned for that!!
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