Sero catch up!

How you met:

The roller dome. My favorite place to go since I was little. I already had on my skates and was itching to start.

I had to wait though since my friend wasn't ready yet. "Come on hurry up!" I chuckled as I gave her a gentle push.

"I am. I am. Hey...who are those noobs?"

I followed her finger. She was pointing to a group of people. One had short pink hair that stick out in every direction. She also had pink skin and black eyes.

Then there was a blonde who seemed angry at the world and everyone in it.

Then there was a yellow haired one who seemed to not be so bright. He was dancing and laughing with a red head who had the sharpest teeth you had ever seen.

Then there was...woah...a blush creeped up my face as my eyes met with the last person's. He is really handsome.

He had jet black hair and his elbows seemed to be bigger than any you had ever seen. He had a nice smile too.

He smiled and winked at you making my face turn even redder than it already was.

"Um hello? (Y/n)?? ...omg you two are face flirting!"

I looked at friend raising a eyebrow. What the heck does that mean. "What?"

"You and that guy were flirting with your faces! You two are into each other! I'm totally gonna bump him into you."

"W-what no don't do that!"

"To late come on!" She pulled me up out of my seat and into the skating rink. Even though I attempted to stay away from the black haired boy she eventually managed to bump him my way.

"Oh geeze sorry." He chuckled as he clumsily tried to stay on his feet.

"Here let me help you." I steadied him as he held onto me for dear life. I didn't know if he was acting or honestly didn't know how to skate.

"My names Sero."


How he asked you out:

Sero smiled kindly at me. "Thanks then (y/n). If it weren't for you I'd probably be road kill on the skating rink floor."

I giggled at his goofiness as we slowly went around the rink. "Your welcome."

"So uh...wanna go out sometime?"

"Bit blunt aren't you?"

He blushed a little. "I can't help it. What do you say hmm? Burgers on me?"

"I don't know why you would want a burger on you and what that has to do with a date but okay I'm in."

He laughed in response not noticing my friend giving you a thumbs up and me sticking my tongue out at her.

First date outfit:

I showed just enough skin to make him glance.


He wanted to steal my clothes!

First date location:

I sat across from Sero at one of the tables. The place smelled like burgers and fries and it was making me hungry.

"So (y/n) what type of stuff you into?"

"At the moment getting food. I also like writing and roller skating as you already know."

He laughed. "Yeah I figured it was a hobby for you. It's not for me. I totally suck."

"Your not the worst. " I smiled trying to sound the littlest bit sincere.

"Yeah sure. What kinda stuff do you write?"

"Everything. Whatever pops into my head. Sometimes songs but I never sing them. What about you huh? Do you ever write?"

"Hahaha oh please. The only time I write is when it's on homework and i don't even want to do that."

I smiled as the waitress stopped in front of our table and took our order.

I love the burgers here they are so tasty. I stop by this place often on my way to the roller rink.

"Hey (y/n)?"


"Wanna come here again next time? This food is amazing."

I chuckled "I would love too."

First kiss:

I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. "S-sero stop tickling me!!!"

"Nope not till I get a kiss."

I continued to laugh before I pulled his head down and pressed my lips against his catching him off guard.

I closed my eyes as he deepened the kiss. Then he pulled away and looked at me for a second looking shocked.

"That was good."

"Yeah it was. I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"I'm not a wuss."

That one matching thing:

"Omg Sero look at this! It's so cute!!" I held up the phone case so he could see.

"Wait one second." I raised a eyebrow as he hurried down another isle.

"Look they are matching. Wanna do the normal couple thing?"

I laughed as I put the phone case in the basket and motioned for him to do the same. "Yes! Let's do it."

The first i love you:

I hung my feet over the edge of the pier. The waters reflection showing every star in the sky.

"Sero this is beautiful. I had no idea it looked like this at night." The moon being the only light as I watched him sit next to me.

"Yeah. I don't think we are supposed to be here at night but I can't help it."

I smiled at the water feeling calm and happy. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sero staring at me.

"Hey (y/n)?"


"I think...I'm falling in love with you."

My eyes widened as I looked at him. The cold breeze and my heart beat being the only sound.


"I love you."

I looked at him shocked for a second before it faded into a smile. "I love you too."

He breathed a sigh of relief before wrapping his coat around me to keep me warm.

Phone names:

His in mine: ❤️ Mr.flextape❤️

Mine in his: ❤️Babe❤️

When he gets jealous: (Usually he will come up and hold your hand. If that doesn't work he will start to kiss your neck.)

"Hey Kiri! Hey Kami!" I ran up to the boys giving them a big joint hug.

"Heyyy. How you doin (y/n)?" Kami asked as he hugged me back.

"I'm doing great! How bout you guys huh? You better be training hard to be hero's."

"Heck yeah!" Both boys cheered. I laughed at their silliness. "Hey is Sero with you (y/n)?" Kirishima asked looking around.

"Yeah he just had to use the bathroom. He should be back soon. What have you guys been learning with grumpzawa?"

"Oh oh here let me show you. We have been learning how to carry hostages!" Before I could ask Kaminari what that meant exactly he had picked me up and was carrying me around

"Ah Kaminari put me down!" I laughed as he walked around pretending to almost "drop" me though I he never would.

"Uh what's going on?" I lifted my head up seeing Sero staring intently at me and Kaminari.

"Oh hey Sero bro!" Kaminari smiled brightly as he set me down on my feet.

"Hey. So what was that all about huh?" I noticed Sero had a bit of spite in his voice and a grumpy look on his face.

"Oh I was just messing with (y/n). I was showing her how to carry hostages."

"Uh huh cool." Sero walked up to me. From behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him.

"Sero we were just playing."

"I know." He hid his face in my hair making me giggle. He was obviously jealous.

"Well anyways me and Kiri are gonna go. You two have fun." Kaminari quickly rushed over to the red head pulling him away.

"Sero that wasn't very nice. You know I only like you. You don't have to worry about anyone stealing me away."

"I know still I like showing your mine." He turned me around lifting my chin and giving me a kiss.

His favorite thing: (When your laughing really hard)

I was doubled over laughing. Kaminari was in a banana outfit dancing around as he sang happy birthday to me.

Sero was a cowboy who seemed to be planning to shoot the cake which made you laugh harder. What the heck is happening?

"Excuse me miss but you seem to be laughing very hard? Is it a case of the giggles??" Sero asked in a terrible country accent that just made me laugh harder.

"Omg I love you. This is the best birthday ever." I tackled my cowboy who broke character to hug me back. My sides hurting from all the laughing that had happened.

"I love you too."


His for me: babe,baby, girly, lady, weirdo

Mine for him: dork,perv, babe, The Taper Caper

His opinion on PDA: (Public displays of affection) (Loves it)

"Sero your squishing me!" I giggled as he hugged me tight. I snuggled him as people glanced at us. Didn't bother me at all though.

"To bad. I want to give you hugs. And kisses." He tilted my head up giving me a sweet kiss.

"I love your kisses." I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back feeling happy.

Does he want kids: (Yes)

"Awe look at all the baby clothes they are so cute!" I picked up one of the little shirts. It had a baby duck on it.

"We should have one."

My eyes widened as I turned around to face Sero "What?"

"Not right now. I mean like in the future ya know. We could...if you want."

I smiled happily running up to him and giving him a hug. "I would love to have one in the future!"

How he proposed:

My mouth hung open as I looked around. Sero had brought me to a clearing in the forest. Everywhere were these tape flowers.

Blue lights casted a soft glow from the trees and onto the flowers making them look magical.

"Do you like it?"

I turned to my boyfriend tears in my eyes. "Yes! It's so beautiful Sero. Thank you."

He smiled and stepped forward holding his hand out. I raised a eyebrow at him before taking it.

He pulled me close and started to slow dance with me. I looked into his eyes amazed. He didn't know how to dance but he was doing amazing!

"I learned just for you." He said before he dipped me gracefully giving me a kiss.

As he pulled me gently back up he stopped dancing and got on one knee.

"There's one more thing I have to show you."

I looked at him wide eyed. My heart was racing. Was he actually going to? "S-sero-"

"(Y/n) will you marry me?"

"Yes. Yes!" I started to cry as he put the ring on my finger and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Your not supposed to cry." He laughed making me laugh too.

"I can't help it. I'm so happy."

"Me too. So happy. I love you."

"I love you so much!"
For those of you questioning why tape flowers...because he wanted to do something never done and so every anniversary he could give a tape flower bouquet. Hope you like it!

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