Overhaul catch up!!
(Warning: NSFW themes in parts 4 and 6)
1) How you met:
I breathed in heavily as I walked towards the dangerous masked man from the opposing gang.
I didn't know his quirk and I honestly I didn't want to find out. Hopefully this would just go they way it was supposed to.
"Alright I'm here. Overhaul right?" I stared at him harshly asserting dominance.
"Correct. The reason I've called you here is cause I need money to fund a project. I'm hoping you will participate in the donations since we share the same ideal."
"Ideal...what do you mean?"
"Quirks have knocked gangs down to lower ranks. We no longer strike fear in our enemies or rule the streets. Instead lowlifes with flimsy quirks get the glory. I want to make a change. Get rid of quirks...for good."
My eyes widened. This man must be crazy. Quirks affected the whole world how could he possibly get rid of every one of them.
"Look Overhaul your right I want my gang to be up top again but I can't see this big of a idea working. Money is tight right now and my gang needs it so unless I'm reassured that this will work I have to go."
I turned to walk away closing the conversation but he called out to me catching my attention.
"I can show you."
I paused looking back at him. "None of my people will be harmed by this?"
"No. I already have a test subject. He is from UA a school for future heros."
I nodded and followed him keeping my guard up. I didn't want any mistakes.
I looked around the building. Its a giant warehouse...with cages lining the walls. It was dark and dreary and honestly it just read villain base.
I gasped quietly as we passed a room holding a little girl with pale blue/grey hair. She was tied to a chair and there was no life in her eyes.
"I suggest you not try anything to help her. She's the life line of my plan."
I looked at overhaul. He was really keeping a girl hostage? For a plan that might not even work.
"Alright here we are."
We stopped in front of another room like the one the girl was in. This one contained a boy with red spiky hair.
"Alright use your quirk!" Overhaul shouted to the boy who glared at him before complying.
The boys quirk was impressive to say the least. His skin, no whole body seemed to harden like a rock.
I stared in shock as a large needle stabbed into the rocky skin. With in seconds the boy was back to normal.
"Can you still use your quirk boy?"
I watched as the boy tried. The saddest look I have ever seen took place on his face as he tried over and over.
"See I've successfully made a way to dispose of quirks for good. Get the earth back to the way it was."
I stared at the boy as he cried. "At what cost though? I'm sorry but I want to regain a spot in the top again but this is not how I want to. I want to do this with honor and commitment. Not with children and tests. I'm sorry but my gang will not contribute to your cause. We will be going now."
I gestured to my men to leave as I glanced at the boy one last time. He looked back at me hopefully but I just shook my head and left without another word.
I can't risk the lives of my crew for a student no matter how bad I feel for him.
2) How he asked you out:
I smiled sipping my drink as I chatted with my target. Honestly he has no idea who he's dealing with.
I laughed at his dumb joke like he was the funniest thing ever. Then my world turned upside down as I saw a man from across the room staring back at me.
I had never see him without his mask before. He was actually handsome. Wow.
"Pardon me. A friend of mine is here. I'll be right back" I set down my drink and walked over to him.
"So overhaul what are you doing here hm? Following me?"
"No it's a coincidence. While I'm here call me Chisaki. The thing is I'm here for your mark."
"Ha sorry but I was here first. He's mine. Now I suggest you go back to your nest of masked figures and let me do my job"
"No can do."
I rolled my eyes and turned back and to my disappointment the man I had been sharing drinks with was gone.
"You know that was a really dick move." I said angrily. I mean who did he think he was! At least play fair.
"Here let me buy you a drink as a peace offering?"
"If your trying to poison me I'm immune to pretty much every poison on earth except two but they have a weak affect on me anyway."
"Not poisoning you though I must say that's impressive. A quirk maybe?"
I laughed quietly. "Like I'd reveal my quirk to you like that. Oh boy that's funny. I want a whiskey dry."
"That's a bold choice (y/n)."
He followed me back to the bar as I responded "I'm a bold person."
He smiled at me as he ordered our drinks. I don't know what he has planned.
"So Chisaki...your a pretty handsome man when I can actually see your face."
"Ah thank you. Your pretty good looking too when your all dressed up."
"I take offense to that comment. Why are you really here huh? I know it isn't to have a drink with me."
"Already to the investigation? Maybe I just want to take a break. Get to know a fellow hang leader."
I couldn't help but laugh at that. Like we were normal people. Like this was a normal conversation.
"I didn't think that was gonna work...I just have a idea in mind."
"And what would that idea be mask boy?"
"Maybe we could join our gangs together? We both have powerful advantages and I'd like to share them. Get noticed in a more commendable way?"
My face turned serious as I thought over his offer carefully. It's true he had advantages I didn't. Was it worth giving him the same edge though.
"How exactly would you want to join our gangs?" I looked at him curiously. We couldn't just come together like two groups of kids.
"Maybe with a courtship between the two leaders?" He said before taking a drink from his cup.
"Did...did you just find a fancy way to ask me out?"
"What if I am? Is it working?"
"...you know what...okay we can go on one date mister. See how we work. We ain't joining gangs till I'm positive I can work with you. Till then no information sharing."
"Alright I can agree to that. I'll send a message to your base with a day, location, and time. I will be expecting you then (y/n). As for now I must be going."
I watched as he finished his drink. He gave me a smile before leaving.
How do I handle this?
3) Where he likes to kiss you: (your hand or the normal way on the lips)
I felt my face get warmer as I watched Chisaki lean down and kiss my hand.
"Shh" He put a finger to my lips making me go quiet before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my close giving me a deep kiss.
I can never get over the way he taste and as he bit my lip I knew he must feel the same.
"Your drive me wild (y/n)."
"Pay back for what you do to me. Now shut up and kiss me again."
"Mmm fine by me."
4) His turn ons: (When you hold a weapon or tease him.)
I laughed as a pointed a gun at my boyfriend who laid on the ground catching his breath. It was training and honestly I was kicking his ass.
"Man pretty boy your slipping up big time. Maybe I should shoot ya show you I'm not someone to go easy on."
"I know you aren't someone to go easy on." He pulled me down so I was now straddling him.
I smirked holding the gun to his head. To my surprise I felt him get hard.
"Well pretty boy that was unexpected. You like danger don't you?"
"Shut up" He grabbed the gun out of my hand and tossed it aside. I simply smiled and started to kiss him.
5) Does he want kids: (Yes to pass down the business)
"Chisaki? Why do you have kids toys in here?" I looked into the closet surprised by all of the shiny colorful toys.
"Some of them were for Eri... others are for whenever we have a kid. I want to spoil it rotten."
"A kid? I'm surprised you want one." I closed the closet door after retrieving my desired item and sat down next to him.
"Well I hadn't before you. Then I realized we would need someone to pass the business to. Your the only one id have a kid with."
"Awe I'm flattered. Don't worry we will have one soon." I gave him a short kiss and crawled into his lap.
6) Top or bottom: (Top)
I moaned loudly as I bounced on Chisaki. Gosh he feels so good. "Kai!"
He grunted in response thrusting himself upwards which made me want to scream.
I could feel myself getting closer to my climax as he flipped us around and started to shove into me faster then my bouncing could have managed.
I gripped his shoulders panting. "Kai! I-im a-at the end o-of my rope!"
"Mmm (y/n) do it when I fill you." He groaned going faster. I attempted to tighten myself around him and from the noise he made I could tell it worked.
I moaned loudly scratching his back as I felt his warm liquid enter me, filling me up and allowing me to release.
"D-dear God Kai."
"I a-agree"
I looked at him as he breathed heavily and I couldn't help it. I pulled him down into a sloppy kiss.
Okay so surprise update! I actually really like this one. The character I have made (y/n) as well as the relationship between them and Overhaul. I hope you like it too!
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