Mirio catch up!

How you met:

I looked around the park. Little kids played on swing sets and other playground toys happily. I smiled seeing all the excitement around me.

I noticed a guy near the swing sets. He was pushing a little girl with white hair. She had scars up and down her arms but her smile seemed the brightest out of all the others.

His matched hers. I walked up to him feeling a slight blush creep up my face as I tapped his shoulder gently.

"Excuse me. I just wanted to say you and your daughter are very adorable."

I watched his face go red and he shook. His hands in front of him. "She's not my daughter. Thank you though."

"Oh geeze! I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume!" My face grew redder with embarrassment.

"It's okay. My names Mirio."


How he asked you out:

It had been around two months since we met at the park. The more I got to talk with Mirio and Eri the happier I was. Mirio was a student at a very amazing super hero highschool and Eri was one of the people he had saved.

I giggled as Eri made a "pony" noise. We were playing my little pony though it seemed more like a child rated soap opera to me.

Mirio smiled at us both before clearing his throat drawing both of our attention.

"H-hey (y/n)...would you like to go out sometime? Like just me and you?" His face was bright red but I imagined mine was much worse. Where did that question come from?

"Say yes already!" Eri shouted excitedly a huge smile on her face.

"Y-yes I'd love too."

First date outfit:

Sweet and innocent.


Still sweet and innocent.

First date location:

I licked my ice cream cone. It tasted amazing. For our first date Mirio had taken me to the best ice cream place in town.

"Thank you I really mean it."

"Of course (y/n)! I'm glad you like it. I was kinda nervous since I've never been on a date before but I figured ice cream makes everyone happy so let's do that." He chuckled nervously.

"I agree. Ice cream is the best medicine....hey Mirio?"

"Yeah?" He smiled at me as he licked his cone.

"Would you maybe want to be a couple? I mean this is our first date but...I really like you and this seems so natural."

"Yes! I thought you'd never ask. Let's finish our ice creams and then head to the park?"

I nodded happily a slight blush on my face. "Yes let's."

My smile grew bigger as he slid his hand into mine swinging it lightly as we two walked and ate our cones. We are holding hands!

First kiss:

About a week after agreeing to be a couple we were on another date. This one a little more romantic than the first.

I snuggled up to him feeling cold but happy. We are on the roof looking at the beautiful stars.

"Hey (/)?"


"Could I well um.."

I sat up and looked at him waiting for him to finish but he didn't. Instead his eyes looked into mine and his face blushed.

"Be brave." He seemed to whisper to himself before he gently pulled me forward and gave me a quick kiss.

I sat for a second I'm shock. Then smiled with blushed cheeks and snuggled back up to him. We had just kissed! Wow!

"We will practice that soon okay?"

He nodded and wrapped his arms around me making me feel warm and safe.

That one matching thing:

"Aww Mirio! I love them!!" I happily jumped up hugging him. It was the first matching thing we had.

"Eri helped me pick them out." He chuckled nervously as he helped me put mine on and I helped him.

"Well she did wonderful and so did you." I gave him a kiss on the cheek making him blush more. So cute.

First I love you:

I held Eri close to me feeling scared and panicked. A villain inched closer and closer. "P-please let Eri go. She's just a little girl. She's already been through so much."

He shook his head cackling as he took another step forward. "I don't care."

M-mirio w-where are you? Please hurry. I don't know how much longer we have. I said to myself.

The villain gave another laugh before he bolted forward a knife centimeters from my face making me go pale.

I screamed but it didn't matter the villain...he was laying down? What?

"Mirio!" I watched Eri hurry to the man who had a smile on his face as he picked her up and hugged her before coming over to me.

"Are you okay (y/n)?! I'm sorry I took so long!"

My lip quivered as tears started to fall from my face. That was the scariest moment of my life. His eyes widened as he hugged me.

"Hey hey it's okay. Your safe now." He rubbed my back making me feel alot better.

After I calmed down I smiled at him before pulling him down into a quick kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said as he picked me up bridal style and started to carry me he always made me a blushing mess.

Phone names:

His in mine: Big Mac...(it's a long story)

Mine in his: ❤️Pooky❤️

When he gets jealous: (He usually hugs you or snuggles you from behind)

"Hi Tamaki!!" I ran up to the black haired boy giving him a hug though he didn't ever give one back.

"Hi Nejire!!" I hugged her too. She actually did give me a big hug back.

"How have you and Mirio been?" She teased giving me a slight nudge.

"Amazing as always hehe. Hey Tamaki did you get the gift I left in your locker?"

"Yes I d-did thank you (y/n)"

I smiled at him happily till a pair of strong arms wrapped around me lifting me off my feet.

"Ah Mirio! What are you doing?" I giggled as he snuggled and tickled me.

"I just wanted a hug that's all." He smiled at me happily as I hugged him back.

Little did I know he was just a little jealous all my attention was on his friends not him.

His favorite thing: (When you hang out with Eri)

"Tickles!!!" I yelled as I tickled Eri. She was crying she was laughing so hard. I loved when she is so happy.

We both were at UA waiting for Mirio to be done getting his stuff. Let's just say we were both bored and I decided being the tickle monster would solve everything.

"Hehehe ahh (y/n) stop!! Hahaha" Eri squealed as she wiggled around from the tickles.

"Hey you guys."

I looked up a big smile on my face and Eri still giggling next to me. "Hey Mirio! Ready to go?"

He had the biggest smile and looked so happy. Wonder why. "Yes. Let's go."


His for me: Honey,cutie

Mine for him: Blondey,sweetie, boy,hero

His opinion on PDA: (Public displays of affection)
(He loves it!)

I smiled as Mirio swung our intertwined hands while we walked. No matter where we were he was always hugging me or kissing my cheek or holding my hand.

"Love you (y/n)"

"Love you too!"

Does he want kids?: (Absolutely)

"Hey (y/n)?"

I looked up from my book to see Mirio nervously looking back at me. Was he okay?

"When we are older. After I become a hero...would you want to have kids? It's just I see you with Eri and it's so nice and I just was wondering-"

"I'd love to have a baby in the future."

"Only one?" He looked at me with a funny look on his face which made me giggle.

"We can decide that later okay?"

He nodded before leaning over and giving me a kiss on the head. He really is the sweetest boyfriend ever.

How he proposed:

"Mirio hurry up!!" Eri jumped up and down excitedly though I had no idea why.

We were in a park. It was beautiful flowers and lights everywhere. Why though? Was it a anniversary I forgot about?

Mirio nodded at Eri before getting down on one knee making my heart race. Is he- Was this really happening?


"(Y/n) I love you. So much...when I see my future now your always in it. So I figured the best way to make that a reality is to well...do this...so (y/n)...will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

I covered my mouth as warm  tears started to well in my eyes. I nodded happily. "Yes!" Before I  hugged him so hard that he fell over.

Eri laughed happily and cheered. "Yay!!!"

We both smiled as he put a ring on your finger. I gave him another hug. This time Eri joined us. We are like a family now. It's perfect.

First one done!! As you can see this is much more story than the chapters before! I will be going back and making the others like this too! Over time though. Right now I have a lot to catch up on so bare with me k!

Love you all!!!

Sorry I realized that the name of the thing I was explaining didn't stand out so I wanted to correct that by using underline and a different font.

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