🎄Merry Christmas!(Girls)🎄
❇️ Mina ❇️:
I rolled my eyes at Kaminaris excessive flirting and continued to carry the tray of hot chocolates into the main room. It was a long running joke between the blonde and I that flirting was allowed but if he ever tried to touch I'd call Mina.
Speaking of my beautiful pink skinned girlfriend, I sat down next to her and handed her the creamy drink which she gladly took to warm herself up. It was close to Christmas and the dorms kept getting cold at night.
Suddenly Sero and the rest of the supposed bakusquad started to laugh at us. "What? Do I have something on my shirt? Is my cup leaking?" I asked but all I got in response was Bakugo silently pointing above my head.
Sure enough when I looked up I saw a mistletoe hanging right over Mina and I. I gentle tapped her arm and I heard her give a light squeal before wrapping her arms around me.
I blushed a light pink and wondered if she was really going to kiss me under the mistletoe. It would be so cute but also super embarrassing considering everyone was now staring at us.
"Do it already." Bakugo said and I could tell from his voice that he just wanted to get it over with so the rest of the boys would stop cheering.
I bit my lip softly and felt a wave of courage wash over me so I pressed my lips to Mina's. Her candy lip gloss tasting sweet on my tongue and her gentle bite sending shivers down my spine. Pulling away always seemed much more difficult than starting.
🌈 Uraraka 🌈:
I tried my best to keep the red and green sprinkles in a pretty pattern. My cupcakes stood looking sad while Urarakas looked prim and perfect. I silently wondered if the food could feel jealousy or depression as I felt a small hand tap on my shoulder.
I turned to face my short girlfriend whos face had some frosting and flour on it making her look like a baker who had worked far to long. Just seeing her so happy put a smile on my face and made my heart skip a little beat. "So...my creations look awful" I said playfully.
She shook her head and handed me a bowl with a spoon hanging out of it. "They aren't horrible (y/n). You've never done this before so basically they are just tough drafts. Some say the rough draft is the most important part of a story."
I felt my face get a little warm at her logic and I suddenly felt proud of my monstrous decorating skills. She always knew how to make me feel better about myself. "Can I put on the tiny trees?"
"Of course (y/n)! Oh lets put lights on them by using sprinkles! It will look more like a Christmas tree!"
I kissed her forehead and realized just how lucky I was to have this beautiful genius as my own. "Love you."
"Awe love you too!"
🐸 Tsuyu 🐸:
I tied the bow neatly on the little present before glancing up at my frog like girlfriend. She had a red bow in her hair and a adorable Christmas dress decorating her body. She looked like the holiday had thrown up on her and it was perfect.
I couldn't focus on her to long though since in a hours or so her siblings would be up looking for gifts and these last few stocking stuffers had finally been found after being considered missing for two weeks.
After they were all wrapped up and given shiny bows we sat on the couch together. This was nothing new but it felt different like love was radiating through the air. It got strong when she snuggled into me and let her head rest on my shoulder.
"Merry Christmas (y/n)"
"Merry Christmas Tsu."
🎶 Jiro 🎶:
I clapped loudly as the music ended and I watched my amazing girlfriend climb down the stairs of the stage. It was so nice the coffee shop had given her a place to sing for Christmas. She was so good too that they had gotten a lot of business. I hoped that meant they would keep her even past the holiday.
When she walked up to me I threw my arms around her and happily gave her a peck on the cheek. "You did so good! I didn't even know frosty the snowman could be rocked out like that."
She smiled and hugged me back tightly before moving some of her deep purple hair out of her eyes. "Your my inspiration (y/n) and you being here for every show I can't help but do my best. Since tomorrow is Christmas I was wondering if I could ask you for something..."
I raised a eyebrow at the question and thought over a few things she could ask. Nothing came to mind so I quickly answered. "Of course you can. What's up?"
"Will you sing with me? I know you get shy up there but the next song is perfect for a duet and the only person I could ever sing a love song with...is you."
I tried to hide the fact that panic built up in me and a light blush spread across my face but I failed terribly...I could do this for her though. I knew I could, so I swallowed my fears. "Okay I'll sing with you."
"Yes thank you (y/n)!"
💸 Momo 💸:
I took a deep breath as I stepped out in front of the crowd, my angel costume dancing at my feet and the fake wings earning gasps from the crowd. Momo really did know how to draw attention to her family.
She followed after me looking even more gorgeous than usual with her black hair slightly curled on her shoulders. She never wore it down but for this... she had to and I loved the results. Her white dress making her almost glow with innocence and calm light.
The music started to play and I closed my eyes as my hand met hers. We intertwined them and I felt her give me a gentle squeeze of reassurance as our voices mixes together smoothly. The song we had rehearsed sounding like a perfect melody and the crowd gasping.
When I opened my eyes again I could tell her parents were impressed and we had successfully given them a Christmas present they couldn't top.
👻 Toru 👻:
I felt Torus warm body lay against mine as we silently watched the ballerina twirl. It was like watching a butterfly on a flower and I was so happy we chose this.
I gasped when the nutcracker showed up and his dance started to play. The music sounded sad and I felt bad for the poor guy. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt soft taps on my leg.
"Toru everything okay?" I asked and I felt a warm breath on my ear. Maybe she had fallen asleep and was doing that without knowing?
"(Y/n)...I love you...but I'm really bored."
I silently giggled at er bluntness and put my arm around her. "We only have a little bit longer, after it's over we can do whatever you want."
I heard her quietly cheer and after I assumed she turned her attention back to the play, I did the same.
🔧 Mei 🔧:
I threw a piece of the buttery popcorn into my mouth as the movie started to reach it's end. I had seen it a billion times but it never got old watching the Grinchs heart grow bigger when he finally felt love. I always smiled at that part no matter what.
"You know this movie reminds me of one of my babies I built forever ago. She was a beauty but didn't work the way I wanted her to."
I turned my attention to Mei and wondered what the machine could possibly have been. She was always coming up with weird ideas and it was one of my favorite things about her. I knew one day she would create something that would help the world.
"What was it?" I finally asked and I watched as her eyes lit up like she was reliving a fond memory. I suddenly worried about what she was gonna say.
"It was supposed to be able to cut a tree and decorate it so that way you could get it done with one go. I mean everyone wants really trees but the work is a pain. This way they would be pre-made... except that there was a few things that didn't work."
My eyes widened and I silently prayed that she hadn't been the cause of someone's death. A cutter would be very dangerous and I can only imagine what was wrong with it.
"(Y/n) I can see the face your making. Nobody died...at least not this time. Just kidding! Anyways the thing started acting up and eventually it bolted off. It started cutting down light pulls and random trees but the worst thing...was the twin Christmas tree."
I gasped as I remembered the night my mother and I had went to see the big tree in town square. It was only lit for a split second before it started to fall and with a loud crash the tall thing had been put to rest.
I watched as she nodded slightly and I tried to contain myself but laughter burst out of me. "Mei your such a trouble maker!"
"I know and it's not like I even try to be that way."
👊 Kendo 👊:
I snuggled closer to Kendo as the wind blew coldly against my face and the snow drifted close to us. It probably wasn't the smartest idea but we had decided to wrap ourselves up and sit on the small porch swing to what the beautiful flakes fall to the ground with dark night sky as their background.
The ground only a foot away from us was white with the frozen white snow and from then on the grass looked like it was frosted like a vanilla cake.
I felt Kendo pull the blankets higher and I wrapped my arms around her tightly before giving her a gentle kiss on the head. "If it's to cold we can go back inside. I don't want you to get sick."
She shook her head and from what I could see she had a smile on her face that added to the cuteness of her bright red cheeks. "No. This is to perfect being here with you and watching the snow. We can stay like this for a little longer."
I nodded and turned my attention back to the weather, watching as another wind blew making each snowflake dance on air. There's nothing like this.
💙 Nejire 💙:
I held up the hat that I had made and I sighed at its wonky nature. It was crooked and some parts of it were much bigger than others, but it looked warm. I tossed it into the box and gasped as I picked up one of the ones Nejire had made....it was flawless. Like she could have bought it at a store.
"Nejire I had no idea you were so good at this!" I said loudly and turned to face my girlfriend who I could see chuckled at my enthusiasm.
"Well I do this every year so I've gotten a lot better. Every time I see a child out on one of these hats and feel warm it gives me motivation to get it perfect. Just wait (y/n)"
I nodded and continued to make my messy creations until a bell rang. Nejire had said this would happen so I stood up with her and looked to the big doors. Behind them was families who needed clothes and hats to get through the winter. I couldn't help but feel a little excited to see the kids.
Suddenly the doors burst open and the room filled with life as tiny children ran in. Each little girl and boy getting a hat that fit snuggly on their cute heads. Even my lumpy misshapen ones got taken with joy filled squeals.
I looked to my girlfriend and we both shared the same thought. This was amazing and every year just like she had before...we would both come to help. Just to see the most beautiful sight of true Christmas spirit.
👓 Melissa 👓:
I put a fake gift in the window before starting to decorate one of the many Christmas trees. I had to get this done for Melissa's father since he had really only taken me under his wing cause I was dating her. I didn't mind it though cause that meant if I worked hard and proved myself he'd be that much more impressed with me.
After the tree looked good I went to wrap lights around the railing of the staircase, but to my surprise Melissa stood in front of me with a wide smile. "Hello (y/n)! This place looks beautiful! Your doing a great job but I need to steal you away for a second."
I grinned and set the lights in a safe spot before following her to the lab she was constantly working in. I had been in there multiple times but the multicolored lights made it seem like a whole different room. "So what's up?"
She grabbed both of my hands in hers and silently pressed a kiss to my lips. I didn't know what was going on till I noticed a large wrapped gift on the table. "It's for you (y/n). Go on open it."
I gave her one last look of curiosity, then started to tare the paper off. Underneath was a box that I easily opened and when i finally got into it I gasped loudly. Inside was a tiny snowman plushy and a whole basket of adorably themed items.
"I figured we could put these in here so you could work with me." I turned to her and tried to make sure I had heard her right. She wanted me to work with her?!
"Melissa you don't have to-"
"I want to."
😂 Mrs.Joke 😂:
I watched out my snow covered window as we zipped bast trees and farms filled to the brim with animals. Once we got to the man houses we'd start leaving gifts on doors.
I turned to look at the large pile of presents in the back. There was one for children filled with candy and coloring items, there were ones with things for every day lives, and then there were the Christmas decorations for people to hang on the door.
When joke showed me this idea I was beyond excited to try it and give people some Christmas presents. My excitement grew even more though when I noticed we were stopping in front of the first house.
"Alright (y/n)! You ready?!"
"Yes ma'am!" I said with a laugh and hopped out of the car. We walked through the thin layer of snow up to the door where Joke knocked quietly.
A woman opened it and from inside I could see two twin girl peaking at us. I gave them a little wave while we explained what we were doing. After deciding that she did indeed want the gifts we carried them too her. I stayed just long enough to see the two little girls jump around happily. It warmed my heart.
I got into the car but before we could move I have Joke a kiss. "This was the perfect idea...I love you and I want to wish you a merry Christmas."
Her face blushed and her usual smile widened as she wrapped her arms around me. It was a bit hard to do cause of the cramped space but it was still a hug.
🌙 Midnight 🌙:
I heard Midnight sigh loudly as she put another candy cane on another locker like she had been doing for the past hour or so. It wasn't that she didn't want to give each student the month treat...it had just gotten boring.
"Midnight we will be done before you know it okay? Then we can do whatever you want."
I expected her to answer but when she stepped in front of me I knew something was up. I let out a gasp as she pushed me against a locker and lifted my hands above my head.
She leaned in close to my ear making a shiver run down my spine as she quietly whispered, "Whatever I want....mmm that sounds like fun. Lets make things more interesting hmm~"
I bit my lip and glanced at all the lockers that didn't have candy canes. "H-how about we make it a game? For every twenty candy canes...you can do something to me or I could do something to you."
She smirked and pressed her lips against mine in a gentle kiss. I appreciated the softness but I knew it wouldn't last. "Very well (y/n)...game on."
⛰️ Mt.Lady ⛰️:
I gentle ran my hand through Mt. Lady's hair and kissed her head. She was laying on my chest as people raced around us. I was so proud of her for getting so high in the ranks on Christmas.
We would be celebrating about now but I could tell she wasn't feeling good so instead I just held her close to my heart and quietly sang Christmas carols. She may have gotten a amazing spot on the board but because she stayed out in the snow she is sick.
"You want some hot coco?"
"No thank you (y/n). Im happy just laying here with you. I'm sick aren't I?"
"Yep. That means no party but extra snuggles."
"...you know what for once I don't mind not having a party. This is much better."
💚🐰 Fem! Izuku 🐰💚:
I bit my lip and tried to contain myself as my eyes scanned the girl in front of me. Her green hair falling perfectly on her face with a red bow tying some of it up and her sweet freckle covered face in a innocent smile. She had no idea what she was doing to me in that short gingerbread themed dress and yet it felt like she did.
"I-is it to much (y/n)?" She asked in that sing song voice of hers that could make me melt in my place if she wanted. Her fingers were fidgeting with the bottom hem of the dress and she had a dark blush covering her cheeks.
I finally snapped and pulled her close to me with no regrets as I kissed her. I heard her gasp and I took that opportunity to deepen our little make out scene by slipping my tongue in her mouth and exploring every inch of it.
When I pulled away she was panting and I wanted to kiss her all over again, but I knew she needed to catch her breath. "Izuku your way to good looking. I swear I'll never be able to keep my hands to myself."
"I-is that really a b-bad thing?"
🌹 Fem! Todoroki 🌹:
I slowly rolled the thin cake to make the Yule log and was happy to see that Todoroki was watching me. Since she didn't have any Christmas traditions I figured we could start one and whats better than making a desert together!
"Alright you turn." I said in a cheerful voice and waited for her to step in front of me. I have her a hug and showed her how to roll it before letting her try it herself. To my surprise she did it perfectly. Looks like I had made the right choice.
💥 Fem! Bakugo 💥:
I gasped at the sheer adorableness on my kitchen table and looked to my short, usually angry girlfriend. She had made marshmallows with little faces and reindeer horns. I didn't even know she wanted to do that!
"Bakubabe these are so cute! Why didn't you tell me you were gonna make something like this! I could have gotten more supplies for you!"
She made a noise almost like a pout and walked over to me, her eyes digging into my soul. "Look okay I only did it cause stupid Deku was making treats and I wanted to make better ones. I am not cute!"
I chuckled and pulled her into my chest, kissing the top of her ash blonde head softly. "You are cute weather you like it or not. There's no need for competition when it comes to those mallows anyway. You already know you've won."
She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck before giving me a peck on the lips. "(y/n) your damn right. I'm the winner no matter what...merry... Christmas.."
I smiled delighted that she was being kind for once and held her tighter. "Merry Christmas!"
🌻 Fem! Kaminari 🌻:
My eyes widened when the present I was wrapping fell to the ground and my blonde girlfriend climbed into my lap, her hands firmly on my shoulders. Her dress was red and tight fitting with decorations that made her look like one of Santas workers. It was short and the thigh high white socks she was wearing only added to the hotness.
"Kami what are you up too? You look good but we are supposed to be wrapping and your gonna distract me fro-"
I didn't get to finish my train of thought as she pressed her lips against mine and cut me off. My hands landing on her waist while she rocked her hips.
When she pulled away she was panting and had a devious look on her face that made me swoon. "(Y/n) lets take a break from all the boring bows and decorated paper. I have something much more fun I want to do and I need you for it."
I bit my lip and looked at the pile of gifts that still needed to be wrapped...I had one more day. I glanced back up at her and the wink she gave me made up my mind. "Lets play baby."
❤️ Fem! Kirishima ❤️:
I couldn't help but giggle when I walked in on my red headed girlfriend covered head to toe in paint. It almost looked like she had intentionally showered in it, though I couldn't imagine why she would do that the thought still planted itself in my head.
"Kiri what happened? I have to say I love the rainbow but this is a bit much."
I blushed a little at her sweet laugh and walked over to her. On the table to her left was a banner she had painted for the Christmas party and a bunch of paint tubes.
"Hiya (y/n)! I know I made a huge mess but look at all these decorations! Some are for the school but most are for the party! I think they are pretty. Do you?"
I kissed the one spot on her forehead that had no paint and looked at the other decorations. Snow flakes with glitter, tiny trees table toppers, and even little stuffed Santa's.
"They are perfect. You did a wonderful job. I really like all the glitter...wait how did you get paint everywhere but not a single flake of glitter?"
She shrugged and handed me a paint brush signalling that she wanted me to help. I gladly accepted of course and got my phone out so we could listen to some holiday cheer while we worked. This Christmas is going to be perfect.
💜🌸 Fem! Shinso 🌸💜:
I rubbed my girlfriends back as she cried into my shoulder and tried to not think about the events that had went down earlier.
Girls had thrown mistletoes at her saying she was a slut and so many other horrible terms. They would never accept her cause she had a scary quirk and odd appearance even though she is beautiful to me I know that it would be hard to hear.
When she pulled away to look at me I noticed her eye bags were bigger than usual meaning she hadn't been sleeping...how long had this been going on? Had I only heard a clip of what was happening? I swallowed my boiling anger and planted a soft kiss on her cheek before wiping her tears.
"Hey Toshi it will be okay. Christmas is coming up and you know what, we will spend it together. Just you and I."
"(Y/n) that won't be fun for yo-"
"Yes it will be. I love you and what those girls did makes me really mad. I want to share Christmas with people who make me happy...that's you."
I watched as a small smile played on her lips and she hugged me tight. "Thank you for being so amazing (y/n)...without you is actually believe I was a villain."
"Well I'm glad you don't."
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