Mei catch-up!
How you met:
I walked into the small building as memories filled my brain, for as long as I can remember I have always come here to play games. The one that stuck with me the most though was called fixer upper, it was a old timey game where you found a house and defeated multiple monsters made of house materials so you could rebuild it. My mother and Father used to play it with me when I was little.
The arcade had definitely aged with the brilliant blue wallpaper a now faded pale blue with tints of yellow and peeling edges. Half the games were replaced with new ones and the other half looked like they needed to be put to rest, but none of them mattered. I needed to find what I was looking for.
My eyes scanned the area around me eventually landing on my target, I started to walk over to it as a nostalgic feeling washed over me. I halted in my step though as I noticed the screen was pitch black and a girl was behind the machine with a wrench.
She had pink hair that looked light and soft, her eyes were a yellow green color with odd details in them and she had what almost looked like chimney soot on her in random places. She had a slight glisten of sweat and if i said I wasn't blushing I'd be a liar. She was gorgeous and possibly fixing my favorite game ever...was this true love at first sight?
How she asked you out:
I walked up to her, my heart already beating faster as I got close enough so I could see what she was doing. This was obviously a invasion of privacy but it was really the only way I knew how to get someone's attention.
Sure enough after a couple minutes she looked up at me with a slightly annoyed smile and a light blush. "Is there something I can help you with? If you want me to fix something my card is at the front desk."
I swallowed harshly already feeling embarrassed as I fidgeted with my fingers. "Oh no. Nothing like that....I was just wondering if'd to go out? You don't have to in fact it probably seems weird that I asked. We can pretend this never happened and I could just play the game when your done. I'm sorry. I'm so awkward oh my God..."
She stared at me blankly and for a second I wished I was a turtle so I could crawl into my shell, hiding away forever from everyone. Then her beautiful voice cut through the thick air and my worries turned into happy thoughts. "Your adorable. I think I will go out with you. Meet me at U.A.s chop shop tomorrow at four. We can build something together."
I blinked a couple times wondering what the heck all of that meant, before I could ask she had already closed up the machine and turned it on leaving me with my mouth slightly open. How was I even going to get into the school? The only ones who could get in were students!
First date outfit:
First date location:
My eyes widened as I looked around the huge school filled to the brim with soon to be heros, I was still unsure how she managed to let me in but I definitely wasn't going to complain.
It took me a couple wrong turns and awkward conversations to find the "chop shop" if you will. In reality it was a room where you would go if you needed a new addition to you hero costume or you needed your equipment fixed. It was still much cooler than anything I had ever seen before so you can imagine my excitement as I pulled the door open...just to find the room filled with smoke.
"Uhh hello???!" I called starting to cough already as I tried to see if anyone was inside. To my surprise I was tackled by someone making us both fall to the ground with whoever it was landing underneath me.
I squeezed my eyes shut as something in the room exploded making a loud noise and probably breaking multiple things. I silently prayed there wasn't a fire or death before asking myself why I was here.
"I know this is a thing couples do but we aren't there yet chump. How about you get off of me for a second and then we get my room empty? After words we can do this all you like~"
My face turned bright red as I looked down at the person beneath, of course it was none other than my date. The position we were in would have looked bad to any passerby's, with one of my legs between hers and my hands on either side of my head, not to mention the fact her chest was pressed against mine. Thank god I didn't get a nosebleed!
I quickly got up, making sure I didn't touch any of and brushed myself off. I held out my hand to help her up but she didn't take it, instead she raced forward back into the room.
While I stood there doing nothing, I heard multiple noises and saw different things being thrown out of the room. Then suddenly the air went clear and she popped out, her pink hair messy and her smile as big as ever.
"Now you can come on in! Sorry about all that. One of my babies seems to have a tummy ache!"
I raised a eyebrow wondering what the heck that meant as I walked in, her room was a mess with different parts everywhere and machines strewn about, some looking done while others still needed helped. "This place is-"
"A dumpster? I know, but I love it! Its like my home away from home. It feels so nice to do this." She smiled brightly while she said her words and I about melted on the spot, she was truly so passionate about her craft.
First kiss:
I sat there for a hour or so while she worked, we chatted off and on while some of my music played quietly in the background. I couldn't help thinking to myself how anyone else would find this boring, but I felt nothing like that. Watching her work I could see all the effort she put into things, it honestly made me fawn over her that much more..
"Okay I think this baby is ready for testing! I'll do that tomorrow though since the sun's starting to go down."
I hopped of the counter and took a peak at the machine, it looked like something you could buy in a store. She did amazing! "Mei this looks professional! You did so good!"
She laughed and it warmed my heart, not to mention my cheeks in a bright blush. I couldn't help but notice how when she smiles her whole aura changes from focused to light and airy. Incredible.
I paused as she looked up at me, her eyes laser pointed at mine making me feel nervous as I started to get closer. Was this to soon? I mean the remark she had made earlier was kinda soon so maybe this was okay.
I didn't have much time to think it over as our lips touched softly and my hand went to her waist while hers went into my hair. It didn't last long or get deep but it was perfect and when we pulled away I could tell she liked it too.
That one matching thing:
I smiled widely as I held up the two keychains, I had found ones with our initials and I had to get them! "What do you think Mei? I think it's that time in our relationship to get something that okay?"
She chuckled and took the keychain with my initial, clicking it on her bag with no issues. "Of course that's okay. Plus avocados are yummy just like you."
First I love you:
I hummed a happy tune while my legs dangled off the edge of my girlfriend's desk, she was still working on her project and ever so often she'd need a tool so I'd hand it to her. I didn't even know the real names for them or what they did I just knew what she wanted somehow and it seemed to make her smile every time.
Suddenly she appeared in front of me, her hands on either side of the table caging me in and making me blush. That all changed so quickly, had I done something wrong? "Mei I thought you were still working?"
"I was but... we've been doing this for two hours and you haven't complained a single time, or tried to get out of it. You just keep helping me while you sing and I have to say...that's the type of person I'd like to marry one day. I'm not proposing now but...I just wanted to say...I love you."
"I-i love you too!"
Phone name's:
Hers in mine: 🔧Handsy Lady🔧
Mine in hers: 🔧Fixer upper🔧
When she gets jealous: (She usually just wraps her arms around you and kisses your cheek)
I laughed quietly at Iidas joke, he had come down to visit Mei and get some new parts for his hero suit. "Well I'm glad he got it all sorted out. How has hero training been going hm? I hear Aizawa is brutal but the best there is."
"You've heard correctly (y/n). I've become class president and my grades are steadily getting better. Sensei is a amazing man who I have incredible respect for as both a hero and a teacher."
"I'd like to meet him. I talked to Izuku, he was down here for something too, and he said that Aizawa is scary when you first meet him. I don't get scared easily so I'd like to know if that's true or just him talking." I said just to jump as my girlfriend wrapped her arms around my waist, her face in the crook of my neck making the air between Iida and I suddenly turn awkward.
"Yes. I hope you meet him soon. I should be going. My father has a lunch planned. Goodbye!"
"Bye!" I waved and as soon as he was gone I turned around to face my pink haired girlfriend with a grumpy look. "You didn't have to do that. We were just talking and you know I only love you."
"I'm protective. What can I say?"
Her favorite thing: (When you help her at the "chop shop")
I hummed slightly to the music I had playing while I mopped around Meis work space, I think if it weren't for my constant cleaning this place would be looking like a tornado flew through it.
I crouched down to pick up some papers and stacked them neatly on a counter so she could go through them. Just from my quick glance at the writing I knew they were random ideas she had scrawled down while in class, not to mention the fact they were on notebook paper.
"(Y/n) I love you."
"What?" My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to my girlfriend who had apparently been standing there watching me. "How long have you been there creep?"
"Not long! I came in to grab something and heard you humming. I couldn't help but stare. Your truly my favorite thing. You know that right?"
"Of course I do cause your mine too."
Hers for me: Baby, chump, chief, and babe
Mine for her: Handy lady, foxy lady, baby
Her opinion on PDA: (Public Displays of Affection, she loves them.)
I gasped happily as Meis lips pounced onto mine and she pulled me close making me blush bright red as passerby's gave us looks. "Mei we are in public hehe!"
"And? If I want to kiss you I'm gonna!"
Does she want kids: (Yes and many)
"Hey you ever want to have kids?" I asked shyly, twiddling my fingers as I thought about a cute little baby girl or boy. It would be a long time before we had one if she even wanted to, but I couldn't get baby off the brain.
"Yes! Many many many kids! It's like inventing. If I have tons then I'll have a whole crew of helpers so we can all build together. If your asking let's get this going!"
How she proposed:
You never realize how much you love someone until they build a replica robot from your favorite movie so it can give a ring to you and that's exactly what was happening to me as a little version of WALL-E made its way up to me with a little pillow in its mechanical arms. On the little pillow was a ring with a heart filled with gears.
I started to cry as Mei walked out, in a suit that fit her perfectly, was this really happening? Was she proposing to me or was I thinking to fast?
"(Y/n) machines have always been my passion, gears and wrenches making more sense to me than people, but you...your better than all of that. Just like a build needs all it's parts to work, I need you to keep going and I want to make sure that your stick with me forever. So...will you marry me? Make me the happiest woman in the world? And...make sure my mechanical heart never stops working?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!!"
The end!
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