How you met! (Boys)

🥦 Izuku 🥦:

I breathed in excitedly giving a tiny hop into the air. I was at the biggest convention in town! All Might could even show up in a place like this!

I looked around my eyes wide and ready to see all the amazing sights this place had to offer.

I hurried to the first spot I wanted to see. It was a giant statue of the number one hero. "Wow! He's so cool!!"

"Yeah he is! His suit looks so good even in stone!" I looked over at the person who had responded to me. He had messy green hair and he seemed happier about the statue than anyone else.

"Hi! I'm guessing you are a big fan of All Mights too right?" I felt my cheeks get warm with blush. Normally I would never try to talk to people but this boy seemed nice so maybe just once was okay.

"I'm his biggest fan! I have every poster ever made of him to prove it!"

"Even the super limited edition young might in a mid landing pose!" I squealed.

"Yeah! Here I have a picture want to see!"

I  nodded quickly looking at his phone. "Wow it's so cool! It must have been a hard find!"

"Yeah but it was totally worth it. My names Izuku Midoriya." He held his hand out which I shook with a smile.

"My names (y/n)! It's super nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too! Want to visit the other All Might attractions with me?" He blushed a deep red after he realized what he asked.

"I-i would love too."

💙  Todoroki ❤️:

I held my knees close to my chest as warm rain mixed tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't mean to get so mad at my parents but they just didn't understand!

The rain continued to pour down. It didn't help my mood. It was night time and here I am all alone on a park bench sobbing.

"I must look pathetic" I muttered quietly to myself. I didn't really expect anyone to answer so when a male voice suddenly responded I jumped.

"Not as pathetic as you think."

"God you scared me. How can I not be pathetic? ...hey what's up with your face?" Usually I  wouldn't be so forward but this guy had a huge burn over one eye. I mean I had to ask.

"Let's just say I have issues with my parents."

"You too? wanna come sit and wallow with me in the rain? Believe it or not it helps."

He shrugged and sat next to me a slight blush spreading on my face. Now that he was closer me I  could see he was pretty handsome. He also had heterochromatic eyes.

"I like your eyes."


I talked with him for the rest of the night about parents, life, and death. It just came so easily. I had never connected so well with someone before.

As the sun started to rise I realized I  should probably head home. My clothes were soaked.

"Hey before I go what's your name?"

"Todoroki. Shoto Todoroki. Yours?"


He gave a small nod and with that i walked away. We had agreed to meet up at the same bench tomorrow- well tonight.

💣 Bakugo 💣:

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" I ran up to the ash blonde microphone in my hand. All I wanted was just a word or two from the famous Katsuki Bakugo who had one the sports festival.

"Oi bug off." Was all he said to me though which in all honesty pissed me off. I mean who does he think he is.

"Come on just say at least why you were tied up like a wild animal. Do you have anger issues? Are you more of a threat to society then a help?"

Before I could get out one more word the blonde turned to me  hitting the camera that was behind me and giving me a glare with blood red eyes.

I felt intimidated but I wasnt about to let this jerk get the best of me. "You better replace that camera mister."

"In your wildest dreams." He had the audacity to walk away! He's gonna get me a new camera. I will make his life a living hell till he does!

😺  Shinsou 😺 :

I turned down the alley. It was dark and dreary. Garbage was every where and it smelled horrid.

I sat down on a step to one of the buildings back doors and shook bag bag.

I smiled as 5 kittens and 1 mama cat ran towards me. "Hey kitties. Let's see Hanna, Charlie, Mickey, Lily, and...where's...ah there you are Cookies. And of course mama milk."

I smiled bigger as I petted the kittens and the mom. I took out a bowl I always brought with me and filled it with the milk I  bought.

Reaching into my bag I pulled out cans of cat food. While they were sipping the milk I filled the other bowl with the food.

"Do you do that often?" The sudden voice made me jump and I was about to try and hide the kittens. I didn't want then getting kicked out of the alley way.

I stopped though. The person who had talked had purple hair that stood up tall and deep purple eyes. My mouth hung open when you noticed one of the kittens rubbing against his leg.

They never did that unless they knew the person. Did he come here to take care of them too?

Realizing I  still hadn't answered I quickly responded "Yes I do. I love them. I have given them all names too so don't try and change them."

"I would never." I watched as he leaned down and picked up the kitten scratching under it's neck. It purred and rubbed it's head on him.

"Do you come here often?"

"Only after school. What exactly did you name the cats?"

"Well I named the mother Mama Milk cause she loves milk more than all of them. And the tiniest one I named Cookies cause he looks just like his mom and they go together."

I paused feeling slightly embarrassed as the purple haired boy sat next to where I was standing still petting the cat. "Continue."

"Hanna is the name of my friend from school and I named one of the kittens after her cause she acts just like her. Lily is named that cause she has a flower in her coat."

"You really thought hard about it didn't you?"

"Well yeah. I'm not allowed to have a cat in my dorm so these are basically my pets. I'm so worried one day I'll come here and they will be gone."

"I don't think that will happen. No one comes around here. My names Shinsou by the way."

"(Y/n). So you gonna come visit the kittens often?"

"I'm planning to."

"Maybe we will meet up again then."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

🖤  Tokoyami 🖤:

"Yeah!!" I shouted loudly as I jumped up and down on time to the music.

Best rock band in history! I held up the rock sign with one of my hands. The other held the doughnut I was just about to take a bite out of when I was gone.

I looked around to see if I dropped it but then shrieked when you came face to face with a shadowy bird with white eyes.

"Please don't freak out! He's not bad I swear! His name's dark shadow and I think all the noise is making him act worse than usual."

I barely heard any of what the guy said since the crowd was yelling so loud. I could see the person talking though, well at least part of them.

It was a boy with a bird mask on his face and the shadowy bird coming from his abdomen. I noticed his shadowy bird friend had just finished the last of my doughnut.

"He stole my treat!"

"Oh gosh. I'm really sorry. Here I'll buy you another one!" I rolled my eyes following the strange guy I just met to the food stand. I should probably be more careful.

I could actually hear myself think at the food stand so I turned to talk to the guy. He beat me to it.

"I truly am sorry. Dark shadow doesn't really know how to act around people."

"Dark shadow? Is he like part of your quirk?"

"Yes. Here you go. Now apologize dark shadow."

"Iiii sorrrry."

I smiled and petted the shadow bird surprised that he actually felt kinda soft. He was honestly cute now that you had gotten used to him.

"It's okay. You seem nice enough so I'll let you off the hook. Want a apple? I have one in my purse."

"Ye-!" The shadow bird looked at Tokoyami with the most sorrowful look I have ever seen.

"Go ahead."


I smiled and tossed the apple into the air the shadowy figure easily catching and eating.

"My names (y/n) and I must say you have the cutest quirk I have ever seen."

"Tokoyami. Thank you. He can be a real handful though so don't let how he's acting now fool you."

"Too late!" I rubbed my forehead with the shadow birds laughing at how cute his little face is.

🏃 Iida 🏃:

"How exactly did you break your glasses?" I looked at the lady in front of me not really wanting to answer her question.

She stared at me lazily waiting for a answer. "Well um I thought I had put them away for the night but I left them on my bed and when I laid down...I broke them.."

She rolled her eyes as she typed something in to the computer. "Please wait over there." She pointed with her pen to a chair.

On the chair next to it was a guy who I guessed was around the same age as me. He had dark blue hair and glasses.

Blushing slightly I sat down next to him. "Excuse me but I couldn't help but over hear the incident with your glasses and I'd like to give my input on the situation."

I looked at the boy next to me with a raised eyebrow. Did he really say that? "uh what do you mean?"

"You should have a schedule to maintain your glasses. Every night before you brush your teeth clean them and but them in a protective case preferably on a high area if you have younger siblings or pets."

"Uhh okay..." He was actually telling me how to take care of my glasses that's so weird. He kept making hand gestures too.

"Sorry it's just you need to know that glasses are important and are not free so they should be respectfully taken care of."

"Of course." I already knew that. It's not my fault my brains never remembers if I put them away right!

"My names Tenya Iida. I'm a student of UA."

"UA??? We are going to school together?" Is this good? I mean he's kinda bossy.

"If that is the school you are going to then yes it seems we go to the same school. Maybe sometime we could spend time together. I could show you how to properly clean your glasses. A lot of people don't know."

"You know what I think I'm good at how I clean my glasses. Maybe I will see you around though k?"

"Yes of course. May I ask your name though so i don't confuse you with someone else?"


⚡  Kaminari ⚡:

I took a bite of my cotton candy the sweet flavor filling my mouth as I waited in line for the next ride.

My friend and I had finally made it to the fair today! It had already been so amazing. Being here always made me feel like I was a little kid again.

All fun and games...till someone bumped right into me almost knocking me off my feet.

"Hey watch it."

"Ah geeze sorry..." I turned to see a laughing blonde boy. I glared at him angrily.

"Wow. Baby if you words on a page you'd be fine print!" Did he really just use that pickup line?

I smiled playfully and quickly shot back "Thanks beautiful. My doctor said I was missing Vitamin U think you could help me out?"

His mouth hung open for a second before he bent over laughing. "I have never had someone respond like that before! My names Kaminari."

"(Y/n) and don't use a pick up line on me ever again you dork."

"Nah I'm gonna. Seems we are in line for the same ride too so maybe we will spend a little time together. Get to know each other." He winked at me making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah sure."

💪  Kirishima 💪:

I took a deep breath trying to even out my heart rate. I beaten my record on treadmill and was out of breath. Can't give up though. Now it was time to lift some weights.

Usually my friend would help me but he couldn't make it today so I figured I would ask one of the workers.

"Excus-" every time I asked though they would walk away and pretend I wasn't there. That's so rude!

"Hey do you need help with something? The workers seem to be ignoring you so is there something I can help with?"

I turned to see a red headed boy with sharp teeth giving me a sweet smile.

"Well I need someone to help me with the weight table but you don't have to I'm sure you have other things you have to do."

"Nope I'm all done. It would be unmanly of me to leave you hanging here. Come on. My names Kirishima."

I followed him back to the weight table noticing how his smile seemed to be contagious to those around him. "(Y/n). That's my name in case you wanted to know."

"Well (y/n) I'm here pretty often so if you ever need help you can come ask me okay?"

"Yes of course thank you."

"Yep." He gave me another one of those warm smiles. A slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. How have I never spoken to him before?
Okay so this chapter is all updated! I know it's completely changed except for the initial idea but I think it's much better now! I love Shinsous so far. Kitties!! Yes I am changing Tokoyamis emojis from the dark moon to a black heart. I hope you like the new and hopefully improved chapter!!

If your wondering what's going on and why I'm re doing the chapters go to the chapter on here marked Mama Mia!

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