Halloween with them!(Girls)
(Just a small warning that some of these will contain adult themes! Midnight is one of the main characters now so just...yeah be warned also more than one will mention alcohol. There also will be some spooky stuff! I'm sorry this one's so late!)
❇️ Mina ❇️:
I blushed lightly as our drinks arrived. For Halloween Mina had taken me out for spooky alcoholic beverages.
The first one we got was the witches brew and rightfully so since Mina had dressed as one.
"Alright Mins let's taste it!"
She gave me a big smile as we each took a sip. The bitter taste followed by the burn and the unique taste of green apple.
We each made a noise before laughing. This is one of the best Halloweens ever!
🌈 Uraraka 🌈:
I laughed loudly as I bowed in front of my girlfriend. We decided to go as Jack and Sally from the nightmare before christmas.
A couples costume always shows off relationship goals. The best part was that she looked beautiful even as a monster.
"Alright (y/n)! Lets go trick or treating!!" Uraraka said jumping around as she handed me my bucket and grabbed my hand.
I hope we get lots of candy.
🐸 Tsuyu 🐸:
I looked at Tsuyus dad who resembled a frog. He was a nice man and his family was just the same.
This was the first time he had decided to tell me a story and since I am dating his daughter I take it as a good sign.
"Alright (y/n) I was around your age in the woods at night with a couple of my buds. The place was spooky but on a night like halloween that's a good thing."
"Dad don't scare (y/n) to bad. Kero" Tsuyu said making me look at her with a worried glance.
Her dad rolled his eyes and continued. "There was a watering hole in the woods so we started to walk down the path. We stopped when we saw a man though his eyes reflecting the flashlight."
I swallowed harshly thinking about the creepy feeling of a person just staring at you in the dark.
"I walked up to him asking if her was lost. Kero. His eyes met mine and he suddenly got a smile showing these massive teeth that looked like fangs out of a horror movie!"
"What did you do!"
"I ran as far as I could. My buds and I haven't went back to the forest since."
My mouth hung open and I hugged Tsuyu as I imagined all the possible deaths in woods that could be caused by monsters.
🎶 Jiro 🎶:
I hummed along to the song playing off Jiros phone. We were making the best halloween playlist someone could imagine for Momo's party.
I was kinda afraid to go since some kids had been pulling pranks on me lately and I didn't know if they would be there, but my girlfriend begged so I had to say yes.
Suddenly the music stopped and I looked at Jiro curiously. "Is that all that's gonna be on there?"
She raised a eyebrow and grabbed her phone. I noticed her face shifting through different levels of concern and confusion.
"You okay? What's wrong?" I asked as I stood up and put a arm around her to calm her down.
She showed me her phone and the camera was on pointing directly at us.
"The cameras on and it won't turn off. You think someone hacked my phone?"
"I don't know. No one here's smart enough for that except you." I said though I was getting flashing red lights in my brain telling me something was wrong.
Then the lights went out and we could hear foot steps getting closer to us.
My first instinct was to wrap my arms around Jiro and made sure she stayed safe.
When the lights flicked back on we were surrounded by... Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo.
"You assholes! You really scared (y/n) and I! Also how the hell did you hack my phone?!" Jiro yelled at the boys who all laughed.
Bakugo was the one to answer her though and it changed the whole mood.
"Your phone? We didn't do anything to your fucking phone. None of us can do that."
Jiro and I looked at each other wondering what all that meant... then the lights went out again.
💸 Momo 💸:
So the dark never really scared me. I mean sure when I was a kid but now? No.
That was until I was at my girlfriends fancy mansion with her family on a stormy night and the power went out.
I mean pitch black every where. That wasn't even the scariest part thought.
The really scary part was the fact that you could get lost and probably never found. Plus you know there's maids and butlers everywhere who could easily kill you.
"(Y/n) are you alright your breathing seems tense?"
I looked at Momo who I could just barely make out in the dark. We were traveling to find our phones and candles.
"Yeah I'm okay. I'm just a little spooked. Since it's halloween it's extra...creepy."
"There's nothing to be creeped out about...I promise."
I raised a eyebrow at the odd pause in her sentence and wondered if she was nervous too.
When we finally made it to the closet that had our phones and coats, I opened it with a relieved sigh.
I handed Momo her phone but she took mine too...I figured maybe she didn't notice but the whole air around us had changed.
She made a odd sort of giggling sound that sent a scared shiver up my spine.
Before I could make even a quiet yell for help she shoved me into the closet and locked the door.
I could still hear her laughing as she walked away. Was that actually Momo? Would she really have done that?
👻 Toru 👻:
Toru and I laughed loudly as I put the sheet over her head and walked her to the car.
This was payback for all the time Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero had pranked us.
I knocked on the window making sure Toru wasn't in sight. Soon it rolled down and I saw Kaminaris cheerful face.
"Hey (y/n) whatcha need?"
"My friend and I wanted you guys to trick or treat with us. We know a great spot." I explained trying to sound as innocent as I could.
They all got out of the car one by one and stood next to me. The boys noticed faster than I thought they would, that she had no feet.
"What do you mean? Claire you have feet right?" I asked the sheet and when I got no answer, I decided it was time for the reveal.
I acted kinda scared as I walked up to her and pulled the sheet off, letting out a very realistic scream if I do say so myself.
Though I immediately broke out into laughter as all the boys ran for the hills. "Great job Toru."
"It was you idea (y/n)! That was so funny!"
🔧 Mei 🔧:
I looked around the school my heart racing as we tried to find it. The thing that could bring so much destruction.
Meis creation...the automatic pumpkin carver! Or the apc for short has gone rouge and keeps taring stuff up!
I ran back to her workshop to see if she found it and to my surprise she's on the table looking like a wild animal.
"(Y/n) you might want to get on the table it's in here."
👊 Kendo 👊:
I held Kendos hand tightly as we walked through the spooky forest. I swear I kept hearing noises in the bushes.
"(Y/n) stay calm. This place is fine and even if it's not I'll keep you safe okay?"
I took a deep breath calming myself and nodded with a small smile. She's right I shouldn't be so worried.
That was my thought until a rustling bush made both of us stop dead in our tracks. This time we could both see and hear it.
"K-kendo you think it might be a bear? O-or a villain like last time?"
"I don't know. Stay behind me."
I bit my lip and stood behind my girlfriend feeling completely useless till a blonde fell out of the bush, flat on his face, right in front of us.
💙 Nejire 💙:
I held the pumpkin in my lap carefully so it wouldn't fall and break while I tried to paint it. This was Nejires idea and I really wanted it to go perfectly.
I glanced up at the two others in the room, Mirio and Tamaki. Her best friends and the people who got us together.
"Alright now let's paint! (Y/n) you wanna paint one together? Like a couples thing!"
I smiled at Nejire and nodded happily as she sat down next to me and we started to paint.
I couldn't help but wink at the two others in the big three as they smiled widely. I love my girlfriend.
👓 Melissa 👓:
This was honestly the most insane idea she's ever had and yet here I am helping her attempt to bring back a dead dog.
"Melissa your positive this is gonna work like it's supposed to? We aren't gonna make a zombie right?"
She looked at me with her soft smile and I knew exactly what she was gonna say before she said it.
"(Y/n) there's no need to worry. It probably won't do anything and if that happens that's what the emergency button is for."
I nodded feeling a little bit better as I started to turn on the large machine and she gently set the dog on the table.
We both looked at each other as the count down from three started. As soon as it hit the last number we pulled the triggers.
The brightest light I have ever seen filled the room and I could hear all types of noises.
My heart raced until I could finally see what happened. Melissa and I both gasped as we looked at the machine.
The dog was gone?!
😂 Mrs. Joke 😂:
I laughed loudly as I flung the gloppy pumpkin seeds at my girlfriend her hair already having tons in it.
When she said carving pumpkins I didn't know this is what she meant but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Her smile makes me want to smile and her laugh is like music to my ears. The mess though... that's not as much fun...
🌙 Midnight 🌙:
I blushed madly as my girlfriend walked out of the bedroom with a cat costume on that revealed so much.
We had agreed that she wouldn't be wearing something to revealing out so I wondered if this was for me.
"Well (y/n)...what do you think? Am I tempting you? If yes that means it's working~"
I gulped and backed myself into a corner against my better judgement.
She laughed sadistically and walked over to me pinning my hands above my head.
"I may be a kitten but I'll scratch and bite like a lion~"
"O-oh g-god."
⛰️ Mt. Lady ⛰️:
Patrolling with your girlfriend is a odd experience on Halloween but sometimes that's just what you have to do.
The most odd experience was meeting a old lady who sold me a flower saying it would be the greatest gift of all.
I didn't want it for myself, I got it for Mt lady. When I gave it to her though...
"(Y/n) why are there people everywhere?!"
"I-i don't know. They are all shouting your name though."
"Is this the fame and celebrity status I have always wanted?! How?!"
...what have I done.
💚🐰 Fem! Izuku 🐰💚:
I giggled as I unwrapped my candy. Izuku and I were sitting by the fireplace eating halloween candy.
It's nice to just chat with her like this and not be constantly teased by our friends. Not saying anything bad against them. We are all like family.
"(Y/n)-kun c-c-can we kiss?"
My eyes widened as I snapped my attention to the green haired girl next to me. We had been dating for a while and she almost never asked to kiss me.
I didn't waste a second as I pushed my lips against hers smiling at the surprised squeak she made.
🌹 Fem! Todoroki 🌹:
I watched Todoroki as she poured the pumpkin pie filling into the crust with ease.
It's hard to believe she had never made one till today since she was so good at it.
"Todoroki why have you never made one? Your so good at it."
"No reason really (y/n). It's just never been something to seek out with in my family or myself...I was wondering though if you wanted to make it a tradition between us."
I blushed lightly at the thought of us having our own tradition. "I-i like that idea. Lets do it."
I watched as she smiled and her eyes seemed to shine with happiness as she out the pie in the oven. I'm pretty sure I could marry this woman.
💥 Fem! Bakugo 💥:
I looked at my girlfriend who blushed a bright red in her werewolf costume.
Not going to lie the skirt was short and the rest of it was kind of revealing but I didn't mind.
"(Y/n) quit checking me out you perv! I can't believe I let you get this! I'm changing fuck halloween."
"No! Come on baby I like it."
"...fine then why don't we just stay here and you can help me take the damn thing off."
My eyes widened as she suddenly smirked. Damn she turned the tables so fast. "Alright I'm cool with that~"
🌻 Fem! Kaminari 🌻:
I started at my girlfriend who stumbled around and slurred her words. Why did I let Mina get her drunk?
"Okay Kam let's get you to bed."
"Nuuuu! (Y/n) let's do som-ething fun! We can do dirty things or eat candy or or or we can watch a movieee!"
I shook my head and put my hands on her shoulders. "No your drunk and your gonna be all flirty. Not happening."
"Are you just w-worried you won't be able to handle me at my flirttest."
I raised a eyebrow wondering what that even meant and picked her up carrying her to our bed.
"Heheh cooome on (y/n) move movie movie movie"
I shook my head again and tucked her into the bed. She fell asleep soon after and I honestly am thankful for it. Who knows how long I could go with out giving in.
❤️ Fem! Kirishima ❤️:
I licked my lips as my girlfriend twirled in her red riding hood costume. Honestly she looked tastier than the candy and I couldn't wait to get home.
Yet here we are with all her friends, in public, trick or treating!, where I can't be flirty like I want to be.
At least if we ever get home I can see what she's hiding underneath the outfit better.
"(Y/n) are you having a dirty thoughts?"
💜💮 Fem! Shinso 💮💜:
I snuggled my girlfriend trying to make her feel better. Those jerks in her class making her feel like a villain in her vampire outfit.
How dare they insult her. "Shinso I promise you don't look evil. Even if you do that's the point of halloween and your nailing it. Your beautiful."
She sat up her tired eyes still having some tears in them. "Do you actually think I look beautiful (y/n)"
"I wouldn't lie. Come on let's go get candy and watch some spooky movies."
She sniffled and nodded a small smile appearing on her face as she went to the bathroom to clean herself up.
I'm gonna beat those peoples butts when I get the chance and they will never hurt her again.
Done this one is so late! I hope you still like it though!
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