First kiss! (Boys)

🥦 Izuku 🥦:

I looked away shyly as our hands touched. It was really nice of Izuku to walk me home. In truth I was always kinda nervous when I was alone.

"That's my house right there. Thank you again Izuku-kun. It means a lot to me."

"Of course (y/n). I wouldn't want you walking alone. It's spooky out here at night."

I nodded and stepped onto my porch. I turned around to face him and our eyes met.

We stayed silently staring for a few seconds before he leaned in. I blushed redder than Kirishimas hair knowing what was coming next.

His soft lips met mine gently. I put my arms around his neck. It only lasted for a second before he pulled away.

"S-sorry I didn't asked first (y/n) your just really pretty and I couldn't help it."

I giggled my blush still very evident and kissed his cheek. "It's okay Izuku-kun. It was a amazing kiss...we should do it again sometime."

"Y-yeah we should. Goodnight (y/n)"

"Goodnight Izu. Be safe okay?"

"I will"

💙 Todoroki ❤️:

I looked out at the ocean. The moon reflecting beautifully on its surface. Paradise this must be paradise.

The wind blew softly. The cold air making me shiver. I didn't want to leave though.

"(Y/n) are you cold?"

"Just a little but it's alright. Everything is so pretty here I don't want to leave yet ya know?"

"Here come to me."

I looked at Todoroki curiously as he opened his arms. A slight blush crawled into my face as I went towards him.

I gasped as he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me. I warmed up a lot quicker than I would have thought.

Then I figured it out. "Awe Shoto you don't have to use your quirk. I'll be okay. I know it's hard for you to control."

He smiled softly at me making my heart flutter as he responded "It's alright (y/n) this isnt that difficult plus I don't want you catching a cold."

I looked up at his multi colored eyes that seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. "Thank you."

"Of course." He looked back at me and my heart started to race. Was he getting closer?

Our lips touched gently and everything faded away. It was only us in this perfect moment.

I pulled away looking at him in awe. "That was a perfect time to kiss me."

"Good. I hope there will be more perfect times."

"There will be. I know it."

💣 Bakugo 💣:

"Shut up Bakughoe!" I screamed in anger at my bone head of a boyfriend. Seriously who does he think he is!

"No you! Why the fuck do you gotta scream so loud!"

"Cause we are fighting! Duh!"

"Ugh shut up!"

"No you! Your a stupid arrogant pomeranian who needs to be put in a puppy jail!"

"What the fuck does that mean!"

"You know what it means asshole!"

"Ugh why are you so loud! Just be quiet! Ugh!"

Before I had the chance to yell back I was suddenly in Bakugos arms unable to protest.

His lips smashed against mine harshly making me squeak in surprise.

I kissed back in the heat of the moment forgetting our argument entirely.

He pulled away smirking at me making my face turn red. "Your lucky your a good kisser."

"Yeah I know"

😺 Shinso 😺:

I looked up at the cherry blossom tree with a bright smile. It's so beautiful when it's blossoming.

"(Y/n) are you even paying attention?"

I turned around slightly. I was sitting in his lap and we had been reading but I get so easily distracted. "Yes sorry. The trees just really pretty."

He stared at me a second before responding "Yes it really is." Even though it was about the tree it sounded more like it was a about me.

I turned alittle red as I faced the book again. I was surprised when it suddenly closed.

"Whats wrong. I swear I'll pay attention." I turned to face him again and gasped as his lips pressed against mine.

He was so gentle with me and when he pulled away all I could do was stare at him.

He laughed and pulled me into a tight hug. "Sorry if that was a bit soon I couldn't help it. Your so beautiful."

"You just have to make me blush don't you?"


🖤 Tokoyami 🖤:

I picked up another box handing it to Tokoyami. Ever since we had been moved to the dorms he'd been dreading gathering his things.

"Thank you again (y/n) this activity is rather frustrating when its just dark shadow and I. He gets bored and starts to throw things around."

"No problem." I smiled as he set the packed box with the others. I turned to get another box when I tripped over dark shadow.

I gasped and I swear the shadowy bird shoved me cause I fell...directly on top of Tokoyami.

I looked at him worried when he didn't say anything "Are you okay? I didn't like break something right? I know I'm not like super skinny but-"

I paused noticing the blush on his cheeks. I smiled and shyly leaned in closer. "Your kinda red Tokoyami."

Again he didn't answer. I leaned in even closer and touched our lips together softly.

When I pulled away I couldn't stop laughing. He was so red. Even dark shadow (the little sneak) was hysterical.

🏃 Iida 🏃:

I smiled looking around at the beautiful trees in the park. I'm so glad Iida knows all the paths here. Every day we walk a new one.

I breathed in the fresh air and a bench caught my eye. "Hey Iida wanna take a break?"

"Sure (y/n). I actually have something I've been meaning to ask you about."

"Okay." I skipped over to the bench and sat down grateful to rest my legs. Compared to Iida my legs are noodles so this happens often.

"Alright...(y/n) would it be okay if um...well.." he laughed nervously and readjusted his glasses before speaking again. "I don't know why I'm so nervous this should be a easy question."

"It's okay take your time. You got this." I smiled at him waiting patiently.

He took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "(Y/n) could I give you my first kiss please?"

I felt my face heat up as he stared at me looking for a answer. I shyly nodded.

"O-of course Iida."

He smiled and leaned in close. I could feel him shaking, probably from nerves so I decided to help. I closed the gap between us and kissed him.

I could hear birds tweeting and I'm pretty sure it was a magical kiss cause the second we pulled away we both had a smile.

He held his hand out to me like a gentlemen and I took it. We held hands as we continued to walk the path.

Kaminari ⚡:

It had only been two days since Kaminari and I started dating and I knew he was itching to kiss me.

Which is exactly why I haven't been letting him. I know it could be considered mean but teasing is normal in relationships.

One day I'll let him kiss me and that will be the end of that. Today's not that day though. Or so I thought.

Kaminari and I are in the common room with almost all of class 1-a. Most of them were playing truth or dare. I on the other hand was just lazily resting my head on Kaminaris shoulder.

I laughed as Mina danced around like a chicken. A dare from Sero. I'd have to remember to watch out for him the next time I played.

"Alright who's next? Izu the human broccoli or bakubro the human death trap?"

I rolled my eyes at Kaminaris descriptions and stood up while they continued to play.

Momo had made these things called italian sodas and I couldn't wait to try one.

I only got one step in before someone grabbed my arm and stopped me dead in my tracks.

I turned around ready to throw a punch at the person keeping from my drink when I paused.

"Kaminari what are you- agh!"

I gasped as I was suddenly dipped almost to the ground and kissed.

It lasted a maybe four seconds before I was pulled back up. I was completely surprised and unable to say a word.

I stared at Kaminari who smiled at me before saying "This is why you don't tease me." He winked at me making me blush redder than I already was.

Then you know what he did? He left me! In front of everyone! They were all staring at me.

That's it pikachu. I'm getting you back!

💪 Kirishima 💪:

I think something's wrong with Kirishima. Every time we are alone he gets super close to me then pulls away and starts acting dumber than Kaminari.

I really don't know what's going on. This is why I choose to talk to the only girl who's constantly around guys who act dumb.

"Mina what do you think? Maybe he's sick? What if he has some type of like tumor or something making his brain bad!"

"(Y/n) calm down. To answer this I gotta ask you a serious question."

"Uh okay...." I looked at her curiously as she cleared her throat. Just how serious was this question?

"Have you and Kirishima...kissed.  Not on the cheek. Not on the head. A real kiss on the lips."

I blushed a bright red as I shook my head. "No we haven't. What does that have to do with anything?"

"I think he wants to kiss you. He's trying but he's a freaking chicken and flakes out each time. Next time your alone give him a kiss that will make him want more kisses!"


"You literally face off against him using quirks and weapons but your afraid to touch lips?"

"Training is different from relationship stuff."

"Don't be nervous. Just do it!"

I nodded biting my lip nervously. I'm gonna kiss Kirishima. When though? I'm training with him tomorrow...

Alright it's settled tomorrow I'm going to kiss that boy like never before!

*Time skip*

We were at the end of our training time and I still hadn't kissed him! Gosh now I know why he has such a issue with it!

What do I do! Up close and personal that's what I need! That's it!

I smiled and intentionally flug myself into a direction that he was going making us crash into each other.

There was probably a better way to do this that didn't end with me hurting my elbow but whatever.

"(Y/n) why did you do that? That was-"

I didn't waste a second. I quickly pressed my lips against his. We started to melt into it.

I pulled away before it heated up to much. I mean I was literally sitting in his lap with no one else around and extremely sweaty.

It would probably look bad to anyone else. "Thank gosh (y/n) I have been wanting to do that for so long. You have no idea."

"Well I kinda do. I'm glad it finally happened though." I packed his lips now able to freely kiss him when I want.

I started to giggle as he picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he started to carry me to the common room.

"Let's eat!"
This chapter is done! I might go in every now and then for spelling errors but story wise it's complete! I hope you like it better now just as much as I do!

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