Dave catch up!
How you met:
I look up at the huge machine. It was so cool! It was a submarine that doubled as a flying vehicle.
The creator...only the best inventor of all time... David Shield!
I sighed knowing I'd never get to meet him. I have lived on this island for most of my life and not even seen him.
I am a teacher at the technology manipulation college. It's a wonderful place with wonderful students who invent amazing things everyday.
"You seem to really like that machine. Are you interested in it?"
I turned around seeing a man around the same age as me. It couldn't be....
"Oh gosh no. I'm not into hero work. It's a amazing invention though. The creator is a absolute genius."
"Well thank you. My names David Shield. If you would like I'll give you a tour of my research lab."
It is him! Oh my gosh! Stay calm stay calm. "I-its a pleaser to meet you. My name is (y/n) (L/n). Are you sure you want to show me the lab. If it's to much trouble-"
"No trouble at all for a fellow invention enthusiast. Here follow me."
My heart pounded out of my chest as I followed the man of my dreams to a place I could never even imagine.
How he asked you out:
"Okay class as you can see changing the altitude can cause a shift in electrical diaphragm which in turn can cause di-"
I paused hearing a knock on my class room door. "Excuse me for a moment students. Please read sections A and B in your technology advancement books"
I gave a nod before walking over to the door and opening it. To my surprise it was David.
"Oh hello again. May I ask what's the matter?"
"Oh. Im sorry to interrupt your class. When they said you were teaching I tried to tell them it could wait but they rushed me up here. The truth is I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner together on Saturday."
"Are you, David Shield, asking me out on a date?"
"Yes it would seem so. I like your personality and you have a incredible mind as well as ideas. I'd like to work together at one point and maybe...become closer romantically."
"O-oh my. Well I can't say no to something that incredible. I would love to go on a date with you. I'll be at your place around 7?"
"I'll see you then."
I nodded returning to my place in front of the class room. My students started to cheer for me.
"Thank you. Now back to your school work" I smiled as I wrote something on the board.
I have a date!
First date outfit:
Smart, sophisticated and classy. I also needed a coffee so.
Intelligent and handsome.
First date location:
I looked up at the big house feeling intimidated. Exactly on time but completely unprepared. I am about to embark on a date with the David Shield. One of the greatest inventors of all time.
When the door opened I put on a warm smile despite my nerves. "Good evening David."
"Good evening (y/n). Come on in dinners almost done"
I nodded walking into his house. He hurried to a room in the back which I assumed was the kitchen.
I looked around assessing my new surroundings. Pictures of David and his daughter were every where. How cute. They really are a sweet family.
"Is your daughter going to make a appearance today? Id love to meet her." I slightly shouted so he could hear me in the kitchen.
"Not today. She's studying for a big exam she has coming up. Don't worry your bound to meet her soon."
I nodded. The smell of whatever he was cooking wafted into the living room filling my nose making me hungry.
"Alright it's done. The tables in here."
I gave one last glance at the cute pictures before turning into the kitchen. It had modern appliances and was a bigger than any kitchen I had ever seen.
In the middle of the room was a table that now had two plates of food with candles in the center. It looked amazing.
"Wow it is beautiful. You didn't have to do all this for me."
"Of course I did. Your my date. In all honesty I haven't had one in a long time and I really wanted to give it another go."
"Well I'm glad I was the one you choose." I smiled at him before taking a seat.
First kiss/First I love you:
I walked into my classroom with a bright smile. Which is unusual for me. I couldn't help it though. I had officially gone on three dates with the most amazing man.
My smile grew bigger seeing a vase full of (favorite flowers). I smelled them the sweet scent filling me with joy.
I quickly read the little note hiding within them. Of course. Dave had sent them to me. They are beautiful.
*Time skip*
I ran up to Dave giving him a hug. "I loved the flowers thank you so much."
I felt him wrap his arms around me hugging me back. "Of course. Your deserve all the flowers in the world."
I felt my face get warm as I looked at him. "Not really."
"Yes really. Your perfect."
Before I could reply I felt his lips on mine. My whole body seemed to turn to jelly in his arms and my eyes closed.
The second he pulled away I felt I might fall to the ground. We had kissed. And it was perfect.
"I love you."
My heart skipped a beat hearing those words escape his mouth. I wanted to cry in happiness but instead I smiled.
"I love you too."
That one matching thing:
"Hi Dave!" I smiled brightly as I walked up to him. We were in his lab and he already had on his lab coat.
"Hello (y/n) your right on time. Melissa helped me pick out a gift for you."
"You didn't have to get me anything. I'm perfectly happy just having you."
"Yes but I wanted to. And I must admit I'm terrible at picking out gifts."
I smiled as his happy blonde daughter bounced into the room holding a little box.
"Hello Melissa." I gave her a warm smile before hugging her.
"Hi (y/n) here open it! I must know if you like it!" She handed me the box which I took and carefully opened.
It was a half a heart in silver with little jewels on it. It said I love you. "Oh my gosh it's beautiful."
"That's not even the best part. Dad show her yours!"
I smiled as Dave reached into his shirt and pulled out a matching necklace. I re looked at mine and saw it has a magnet.
I blushed as I clicked mine with his. They fit together perfectly. Just like us.
"Awe its perfect thank you both!" I gave Melissa another hug. Then I hugged Dave and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Phone names:
His in mine: TheHotterBillNye
Mine in his: TheFunTeacher
When he gets jealous: (He simply walks up to you and holds your hand. If it gets more serious he will pull you away)
I smiled talking to one of the other inventors at the party. They have some really interesting opinions I silently thought to myself.
I glanced to my right seeing Dave alittle away. He seemed to be staring at me. Maybe he needed to chat?
"So sorry to interrupt. But I think-"
"And then if you were to add more fire power it would be a invincible machine...also I'd like to thank you for listening to me. No one ever really talks to young scientist here."
I light pink blush crossed my face as they leaned down and kissed my hand. "I'm sorry but I don't think-"
"You know your a really pretty person."
Suddenly I felt a hand slip into mine. I looked up seeing Dave with a expression on his face that I had never seen before.
"Sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to (y/n) bye now." Before they could say anything Dave pulled me out of the party and into the hallway.
"Thank you. They were nice just a little to nice. You alright? You looked angry."
"I suppose I was suffering from a bit of jealousy sorry about that (y/n) ."
"No worries at all." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a sweet kiss.
He kissed me back and then we returned to the party. This time though he stayed by me the whole time. I have never felt more loved.
His favorite thing: (When you two work together in the lab)
I stared intently at the blue bubbling liquid. If my calculations are correct it should turn green then red then it will be what we need for the newest form of gas.
My eyes lit up as it turned into a light teal then green. That's one step down. Just need red now. Come on.
Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me in. I giggled. "Dave you startled me. I thought you weren't gonna be able to make it today."
"I worked a few things out. What are you watching for?"
"It should turn red soon. If not I messed something up."
We both watched and just when I was about to give up the green turned darker and swirled into a red.
"Yes! It worked!!" I hoped on to Dave smiling happily as he gave me a kiss.
He seemed just as happy as me. I wonder why.
His for me: beautiful, my only
Mine for him: Dave, Love
His opinion on PDA: (public displays of affection) (Totally fine with it)
I hummed quietly as Dave and I walked along the sidewalk our hands intertwined. Today Melissa was getting another award. We are both so proud of her.
"Dave she really is amazing."
"I know every time I think there's no way she could improve more she does. It's hard to see her growing up so fast though."
"I can imagine. Will you be okay?"
"Yes. I'll be happy for her. And I have you. And that's what will get me through it."
I blushed lightly as he kissed my cheek. He is the most romantic man I have ever met.
Does he want kids: (no he already has one)
"Dave did you ever plan on having more kids than just Melissa?"
"Not particularly. I didn't even want kids. But when I got her she became my world. She's the only one I need. Besides I was pretty nervous about being a dad. The last thing on my mind was more kids."
"Would you ever want more?"
"No. I'm happy with what I got. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
How he proposed:
My mouth hung open as I watched the fire works explode and my eyes widened when I robot brought me a bouquet of (favorite flowers).
"What's going on?"
Just when I thought I couldn't get any more surprised Dave walked up to me and got on one knee.
"D-Dave what's happening? Are you-"
"Will you marry me (y/n)? Every time I'm around you I know your the one. Your smile makes me smile. I want you by my side forever."
"Yes!" I hugged him with all my force laughing as we fell over. My dream had come true!
All done with the male heros! Next chapters will be villains. And they have a lot less to be written so I should have them out more often. Also the villains will have mature themes so if you don't like that I don't recommend reading those ones.
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