stuborn spirit. Tamaki x reader

You where Y/N L/N a 3rd year at UA. your quirk was called spirit tiger. Basickly you had a mist-like tiger inside of you that you choud control and comand to do tasks, (kinda like Tokoyami's dark shaddow)

Your boyfriend was Tamaki amajiki. He was a shy person, only hanging around you and his best friends Mirio and Nejire. cos of their powers they were called "the big three" the tiger inside you that you named Kasumi was a trouble maker. it was a stuborn and sometimes controling little pesk. It didn't like when you where giving attention to anyone else exept it. So when you confessed to Tamaki it launged at him without your consent, even tho you tought Tamaki whoud reject you after that. He actualy returned your feelings.

you and Tamaki had been dating for a couple of months now and you wanted Kasumi to understand that it choud not deside if you wanted to date Tamaki or not. So you desided that you choud get them both to go on a walk in the forest with you sence it was something they both liked. You got up from your bed and walked to the closet to pick out an outfit.
Something that goes well with nature.. you tought. In the end you picked out sneakers and a track suit. Then you brushed your H/C hair and looked over your outfit in the mirror. You noded and grabed your phone before sprinting downstares and filling a waterbottle just incase.

You walked towoards the forest while texting Tamaki on the way.

-Im headed to the forest.

-Alright, I will meet you there, sorry I'm a bit late.

-Naw its ok, im taking my sweet time.

-Are you sure this will work? I dont think Kasumi wants to get to know me..

-It will get used to you. Im not letting that stuborn creature stop us.

-If you say so. I'll get redy.

-Bye love chu.

-Love you too.

Smiling, You put your phone away and glanzed at your side. Kasumi was walking beside you like a well trained dog, puffs of mist were coming out of its pelt.

You lazily floped down on a bech and glanzed at Kasumi.

-Why did we stop? It asked siting down on its haunches and looking up at you with a frown.

-Cos we are waiting for Tamaki. You said bluntly. Kasumis lips curled in a hiss.

-But he is so boring and timid! It whined with a frown. You where starting to get irratated with the spirit so you comanded it to go back to your body.

-I can still complain you know? Kasumi said in an irratated tone.

-Oh hush misty. You said and looked at the thick forest starting ahead.

It had a gravel path that people used while exploring. Kasumi and you whoud go for a walk in this forest atleast twice a month and Tamaki had brought you here on one of your first dates.

You glanzed to the direction of the city. You choud see a shilouet coming closer to you. You smiled imidiadly once you realized it was Tamaki. The pointy eared boy stoped infront of you to catch his breath.

-Im s-so sorry im l-late.. he apologised between huffs and swalowing.

-Its ok, ki. you said and lifted his head with your right palm. He took a few more deep breaths before looking around.

-Wanna head out now? He asked.

You smiled and grabed his hand while making your way in to the thick cluster of trees and bushes. You mentaly prepeared yourself.

-Im going to let you free now, but ONE wrong move and you're out. You said to Kasumi in a stern voice.

-..... Fine, he leaves me alone and I leave him alone. It said, its voice echoed inside your head.

-I'll take it.. you mutterd as the tiger leaped out of you on to the grass.

-H-hi Kasumi..! Tamaki greeted the tiger trying to sound happy. Kasumi just glared at him and patted infront of the two humans. You shook your head and walked faster to catch up with Kasumi.

-So, I was thinking we choud go to the pond closeby and spend sometime there, you can practise on the trees like usual! You said. Kasumi smiled a little straightening its pawsture.
(Get it? Cos its a tiger-)

-Yea.. I gues, it said and looked away.

-Tamaki! I think you choud find butterflies there! You called to your boyfriend. He was looking down on his feet, he glanzed up with a shy smile.

-Maybe you whoud like to help him catch some. You said to Kasumi. It squented its eyes at you and scoffed.

-I dont care about lame buterflies.. it mutterd. You sighed and looked to the ground.

You all just walked in silens only hearing the birds around. Kasumi glared at Tamaki when he as much as looked at you.

Finaly, you came to a small pond with a few benches and a place to set a campfire nearby. Cherry and maple trees where around giving the nice place an even nicer frame. You set your waterbottle down on a bench and went over to the pond. It was somewhat clear water and it's bottom was full of pebbles.

You looked at your company, Kasumi was clawing a maple tree and Tamaki was scaning the wild flowers that grew nearby. You took a small flat rock from the shore and threw it to the water so that it bounced a few times before sinking. You all spent about 20 minutes by yourself before an exited squeq came from Tamaki. You turned around and smiled, a B/C (butterfly colour) butterfly was on Tamakis arm.

-Its pretty, you said as you slowly made your way to him.

-It is my favorite butterfly. He whisperd not wanting to scare it away.

-Why? You asked genuenly curious. He blusshed.

-It-its stupid.. He mumbeld sinking a bit.

-C'mon, you said softly as you gave him a grin, now you wanted to know.

-Its cos.. its cos it is the same color as your eyes. He said his whole cute face glowing red. You giggled with a hint of pink on your cheeks.

-l know its stupid.. he coverd his face with his hands not caring the butterflie flew away. You opened your mouth to reasure him it was sweet and not stupid. But someone or more like something got to it before you.

-You choud say that again. Kasumi snorted standing beside you. It pissed you off when Kasumi taunted Tamaki.

-Hush grumpy stripes. You snaped, Kasumi snickerd but didn't say enything else.

-Its fine.. Tamaki said glanching up at you with sad eyes.

-You dont need to take it Tamaki! You said irratated. You glared at Kasumi and orderd it back in your body.

-I warned you. You said outloud. Tamaki sighed and turned his attention back to the flowers. You gave him an asking look. He smiled.

-What are your favorite flowers? He asked. You didn't know why he asked but you awnserd without asking.

-Its F/F 1 and F/F 2.
(favorite flower 1 and 2)

-Ok. He said scaning the plants till he found those particular flowers. He gatherd them and then started tying them togheter in a circle. You where puzzled as you wached him complite his work. It was a flower crown with your favorite flowers.

-Nice work. You said crouching down beside him. He gave you a smile and gently placed it on your head.

-Aww, thank you. You gave him a peck on the cheek and put the crown on so that it was comfy.

-No- no proplem.. He said looking down once again.

-Hey.. what flowers does Kasumi like? He asked, you raised a brow.

-Daysies and buttercups.. why? You asked. Tamaki grinned a little and started to gather those flowers.

-Are you sure..? You whisperd. He nodded and started to work on it. It was a lot larger then yours sence it choud wear it around its neck.

-Alright, let-let it out. He swallowed. You hesitated but obeyed.

The tigger glared at Tamaki and scoffed when it saw your flower crown.

-I... made this.. f-for you. Tamaki stuterd holding up the flower necklase. Kasumi looked dumfounded and it looked at Tamaki with a gase that sent shivers down your spine.

-Whats the catch..?

-N-no catch, just something I wanted to give you so that we can get to k-know eachoter. He smiled shyly.

-I dont By your mister nice guy ackt! It roared. I was about to snap at it when Tamaki took control.

-I swear on my life. Nothing about my feelings towoards Y/N is an ackt. I love and cheris them more then anything. I wanted to get to know you cos Y/N made you sound so awesome. Even if you have a temper and you do things that anoy them. They still ranted to me about how good friend you where. But if you cant acept me, I cant acept being their boyfriend, cos if I want you to like me before I can consider myself worthy of them. He said, he had poured out everything. Kasumi was shocked to say the least. It flattened its ears and crouched down. Tamaki hadn't studerd. Not once during his speeche.

-Wow. Was all you choud say.

-S-sorry.. He said swiching back to his shy self.

-No... im sorry, I didn't give you a chance.. Kasumi said lowering its head. You smiled.

-Its Ok.. do you want the necklase? Tamaki asked. Kasumis eyes twikled and it nodded, Tamaki placed it carefully around the tigers neck.

-You look great. You said giving a thumbs up to the two.

Alrighty, I was in the mood for some Tamaki so here ya go.

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