eraserjoke. jealous Aizawa

Don't like this ship? Then skip this cos this is my 2nd OTP

It was a normal morning. Well exept that miss Joke was at UA with her class for a team up with Aizawas class. Aizawa wasn't thrilled atall about it sense he has always tought Joke was anoying and lately he has been feeling weird around her. Sweating, stumbeling over his words, his hearbeat increasing when she did.. anything really. He also notisted that the familiar joke "date me/mary me" now made him flusterd. He choudun't be falling for her.. right? He didn't like showing emotions and he wasn't good at it so he felt confiused all the time.

Aizawa's POV

What is wrong with me?! I mentaly shouted to myself when Joke smiled after telling a joke to the students. I slaped my cheeks and cleared up my troath trying to recover from the slight blush that had made its way to my cheeks.

-Today we will be doing douple sparing. We will pick partners and then two pairs will spar with eachoter using their quirks together. I said looking over the students with a blank expression.

After alot of hard training we desided to give the kids a 25 minute break as they seemed like they where dying. I sighed and started walking to the breakroom to get some coffee with Joke in tow telling jokes and puns. When we arived we saw that only Mic was there.

-HEYYYY eraserhead And miss Joke! He said pointing fingerguns at us. I groaned while Joke giggled and winked at him. I felt some anger at what she did. Why tho? They are friends and she literaly won't stop anoying me, so why do i feel like someone punched me in the gut? I ignored it and went to make coffee.

-You shoud really stop drinking so much coffee and drink water instead, it's not healthy to consume so much cafine. Joke said with a hint of consern in her voice.

-Ugh.. it hasn't killed me yet, besides im more awake after coffee.. I said yawning.

-Thats one reason, you shoud sleep more and go easy on the coffee dude! Mic said. I grited my teeth and turned to face him.

-Thank you for your consern Mic. I groweld with vissible anoyance. Hizashi seemed taken aback by my tone. Even I flinched. Joke looked from me to Mic to me again.

-Aizawa is everything ok? Joke asked taking a sip from her waterbottle.

-Im fine just feeling a bit.. off right now. I said pouring myself a cup of black coffee. no milk, no sugar, no nothing.

We sat in akward silens for a couple of minutes drinking and cheking our phones. It started raining outside and then Joke started to speak.

-You know, everything was going swimingly until coffee showed up. I looked up and raised a brow.

-But we will sea if things clam down before things get out of sand. Mic started to chukle and then roar with laughter at her puns. I just grunted.

-What, You don't like my puns? Aizawa you beach. Mic started laughing like he never laughed before, he grabed Jokes shoulders and shook her. I choud feel anger boil in me and a growl rised up in my troath.

-Back off. I said strickly my hair starting to move and my eyes glow. Mic stoped laughing and let go of Joke.

-Aizawa? Joke asked. I groweld in frustration and got up storming out of the room. It was too much, these feelings where too much.

Joke's POV

I wached as Aizawa got up from his chair and left the room. Both me and Mic where in shock.

-You shoud talk to him. Mic said nudging my side.

-Are you sure? You are his best friend. I asked geting up, he noded and pracktikly pushed me out the door. I looked around and turned to the left. I walked down the halls searching for him.

-Aizawa! I yealed out his name, no response. I kept walking for a good while until something pushed me against a wall.

-What the- I cut myself of as I saw Aizawa. He was so close to me i choud feel his breath on my face. My face turned red as I looked in to his eyes. They wern't emotionles like before they held a hint of sadnes.

-Aizawa- Emi, I was cut of by him using my first name. I was confiused sense he never used it.

-Yes..? I asked shivering.

-Do you.. like Mic? He asked his eyes staring in to my soul.

-Wha- what? No ofcorse not! I said, I was caught off guard. I was about to say more when Aizawa crashed his lips on mine. My eyes widend and my face turned as red as a tomato. He held me against the wall closing his eyes and I started to relax kissing him back. After awhile he pulled away and looked away with his face just as red as mine.

-Why *huf* did you kiss me? I asked catching my breath.

-I... I gues you finaly won, I gues I finaly have feelings for you. He said pushing his scarf to his face trying to hide his blush. I grined ear to ear and huged him.

-I knew you whoud give in sooner or later. I cheared, then it hit me.

-Where you jealous of Mic? I asked looking up at him. He looked away and noded slightly.

-Maybe a little.. he mutterd. I pecked his cheek and let go.

We shoud get back to our students. I said grabing his hand and leading him away. Soon we where walking side By side with him not leting go of my hand.

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