A waffle date with Todoroki

Key words
O/N: owners name
F/T: favourite topping
W/T: Waffle type
F/D: favourite drink

Todoroki had asked you out a few days ago, it suprised you, after all, you thought no one noticed you. You where always doodling in class and staying back in fights, you wanted to focuse on being a rescue hero. Who whoud have taught the "hair of the #1 hero" whoud take interest in you? You said yes, of course, you had had a crush on him sense forever.

You where walking trough the park on an evening, the sky was a yeallow hue, you had convinced Todoroki to let you choose the date place, you decided to bring him to a waffle shop. It was the one you grew up around and the thing you wanted to eat.

-So, what do you like to do In your free time? I asked.

-I gues I just like to listen to musick in my room or hang out with Midoriya. He said with a faint smile.

-Have you ever gone to a place called Waffle way? I asked.

-I'm afraid not, why? He asked. I smiled at him.

-Cos we are going there for our date, you will love the waffles, I sure do. I beamed. He chuckled slightly.

-If you like it, I'm sure I will too. He grabed your hand and you blushed, you walked out of the park, now heading to the waffle place.

You stepped in and imediadly felt all of your early childhood come back to you, the sweet scent of sugar, some pretty Asters on each of the tables and, of course, the friendly face of the owner. She was a old-ish lady. You made your way to the counter, her eyes lit up a little when she saw you.

-Y/N, it has been way too long. The lady said with a warm smile.

-I know, I know, I've just been so busy with school and all. You laughed a little, Todoroki sent the owner a small smile.

-Oh! Right, O/N meet Todoroki, my boyfriend. You said cheerfully lifting your hand, witch Todoroki was still holding.

-This is wonderfull news, I assume you are here on a date? O/N said smiling.

-Yes, we will order in a moment. You said. You sat down on a table and looked over the menu.

-So, what kind do you want? Todoroki asked.

-I'll take W/T with F/T.

-Sounds good, I'll take chocolate with strawberries and whippedcream. Todoroki said and put down his menu.

-You know, this place has been around for over 70 years, it was passed down to miss O/N by her mother. You looked around and breathed in the smell of old wood.

-It looks lovely, I think, if I never came to UA I whoud have become a caffee shop owner. Todoroki said leaning down and resting his head in his palm.

-Really? I can actually see that. Ha! You smiled brightly and chuckled.

-So, what can I get you? O/N asked coming over to you.

-W/T with F/T, and F/D.

-Chockolate with whipped cream and strawberries and just water. Todoroki and you orderd.

-Coming right up! O/N smiled and hurried off to the kitchen.

-So you have been coming here sense you where a kid, right? Todoroki asked, you noded.

-Yeah, I whoud come here every Friday and eat some waffles. You smiled looking back on it.

-Must have been nice, I was always too busy with Enji.. but I'm glad I got to go now. Todoroki said. You sighed.

-You where robbed of your childhood ya'know?

-I gues, but maybe we can do the things I didn't get to, together.

-That whoud be nice, you said.

In a few moments O/N came back with the waffles. You looked ready to wolf down on it but you kept yourself contained and ate slowly. Todoroki had a small smile on his lips as he ate his order. You enjoyed the waffles and made small talk. You finished up, halfed the bill and bid farewell to O/N, you thought Todoroki whoud walk you home but he started leading you somewhere. By now it was dark, you walked on a small forest path. You arrived on an old bridge that goes over a lake, you can see the lake in all its glory

-This is beatifull.. you breathed. You two enjoyed the moonlit night.

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