13 | It's over.

Zak's thin body slammed against the cold floor, getting his clothes pierced by the broken glass that fell seconds before, sticking inside his flesh.

"You motherfucker!" yelled the tall fat man who hit him, kicking him in the stomach and chest, as the little boy wasn't able to get up in time.

Without air left in his lungs, Zak let out a choked sough, weakly curling on himself attempting desperately to protect his body and head with his arms and legs.
The father ducked down on his body, grasping roughly his hair and violently tugging it backwards, making his arms uncover his head.

"The police was here today," murmured at his hear tight-lipped, yanking his hair as he tried to cover himself back, grabbing his wrists with the other hand. "you're going to regret this bitterly, son of a bitch."

"I-I didn't do a-anything..." Zak whimpered, squeezing his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes at his reply and, without hesitation, violently smashed his face against the ground, blocking his head down right after the impact, pulling all his weight on it.
Zak let out a suffocated wail, blindly elbowing the father and wriggling trying to free himself, in vain.

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?!" yelled right in his hear, making him wince.

'You fucking are, you piece of shit. You're literally the genius who decided to punch me in the fucking face, what the fuck did you expect?!' shouted back in his head, too weak to say it out loud.

"Answer me!" shouted, grasping again Zak's hair and tugging his head close to him.

"G-gh... n-no..! Y-you aren't s-stupid..!" stuttered the short boy, squeezing his eyes as everything started to hurt.

"Exactly, you are the stupid here. Acting all smart and quirky..." his hand clenched on his hair, bringing his mouth closer to his hear. "and look at you... just a pathetic piece of shit who barely takes a D at school, sucks at baseball and most importantly..." he got even closer, with a disgusted grin on his face. "you're a fucking disgusting faggot."

'I'm not, God damnit!' yelled in his head, clenching his teeth.

A shard glass pressed against the little boy's bony cheekbone, digging into his flesh and making him whimper as the pain increased. Blood started streaming down his face, joining the trickle that was leaking from both his nostril.

"You're pathetic..." murmured the old man, cutting deeper and deeper. "Why are you even still her-"

Zak cutted him off after managing to free one of his arms from his tight grab, hitting the old man's face with his elbow and using the few energies left in his body for somehow getting up, pushing him off.
Staggering, the short boy runned towards his room, and as soon as he entered it, another bottle smashed against the wall beside the door.
In complete shock, Zak locked himself into his bedroom, going in the corner farther away from the entrance, and squeezing himself in it, completely unable to breathe properly nor stop shaking.
Painting heavily, he took out is phone and dialed a number as fast as he could, bringing it against his ear, while loud bangs and shouts started to came from the other side of the door.
He knew he was going to get killed if he didn't act quickly, his father was giving all the inputs of wanting to end him, and he saw them all.
Adrenaline and fear were trough the roof, taking over the pain and tiredness the short boy was supposed to feel.

'Please, please answer, please.'

Zak couldn't directly call the police.
It would happen once again.
No one answering.
No one there ready to help.
There was no time.

"Zak? Is ev-" tried to question the boy on the other side after picking up, cut off by the black haired boy almost immediately.

He didn't even realize he dialed Darryl's number until that moment.

"D-Darryl help me, p-please, c-call nin-" attempted to say, getting interrupted by the door that swung open, wincing badly because of it. "Shit!" squealed, standing up roughly and throwing the phone under the bed besides him.

As his dad stormed towards him yelling and handling another broken bottle in his hand, Zak squashed himself as much as possible against the wall.

He was trapped.
His was body shivering violently.
His heart exploding in his chest.
His lungs hurting at the smallest breathe.

"You're gonna regret what you just did, motherfucker." murmured the adult tight-lipped, laying the sharp broken bottle against his throat.

Zak wasn't able to talk nor move, he was paralyzed, overwhelmed by his emotions.

"So?" asked the adult, pressing the glass who started digging i his neck. "Have you nothing to say?"


The short boy tried to move.


The bottle was slowly cutting Zak's throat open.
His body still refused to follow his commands.

"You're a pussy." murmured the father, not stopping pressing the glass in his flesh.

'Please, please, please.'

Zak squeezed his eyes concentrating, regaining control over his body a few seconds full of pain later.
Widening his eyes, he hit the bottle away with his arm, letting out a small whimper as he got cut by it.
The old man tuned his head in the same direction where his weapon flew, caught off guard, looking back at Zak right after, eyes full of rage. He wrapped his hands around his bloody neck without notice, lifting his thin body up from the floor and slamming him against the wall.

"You really want to die, don't you?" murmured narrowing his eyes and tightening the grip.

Zak weakly agitated his body, kicking blindly his father and digging his nails in his hands, getting desperate as breathing became impossible.

'Ah... I can't breathe...'

He tried with all his forces to remove his father's hands from his throat, in vain.


Desperately looking around his room in search of anything, he noticed only then there was his bat leaned against the side of his bed, not too far for him.
Stretching his arm towards it while with the other he still tried to get rid of the old man's hands, the panic raised as his oxygen started lacking.
His fingers were only one inch away from the bat, struggling to get any closer.


The grip on Zak's throat increased accompanied by some insult, that sounded muffled to his hears.


His index finger barely touched the bat.
Tears started streaming down his face.


His vision started to get blurry, his forces began lacking.
The finger slipped away from the handle of the bat, and both his arms fell on his sides.

'I'm so sorry...'

Pitch black.

'I knew it! Agh, I'm so stupid! Why did I let him leave!' scolded himself, hitting the steering wheel as the green traffic light became red, stopping his run.

Darryl was driving as fast as possible to Zak's house, shivering under his fear of losing Zak.
He called the police as soon as the little boy words cut off from the phone after all the screaming from who he thought was his father.
But he knew they wouldn't get there in time.

"Zak, please, don't give up, I'm coming for you..." whispered, tightening his hands on the steering wheel.

In less than two minutes, Darryl's car roughly stopped in the tight alleyway outside Zak's small house, he jumped out grabbing his roommate bat's and ran toward the entrance, not closing the auto's door in hurry.
Without hesitation Darryl entered, surprisingly finding the front door was open, anxiously looking and walking around in search of Zak.
He wanted to call his name so badly, but too many things could go wrong if he did, so he bit his lower lip trying to resist.

'Gosh, where are you Zak?!'

As he heard a voice from the room right in the room at the end of what could be called a hallway, he tightened the grab on the bat, and ran in towards the room.
Darryl freezed on the threshold, watching horrified the scene before his eyes: Zak lifted up the ground against the wall with his father's hands wrapped around his neck. His eyes were closed.

"No! Zak!" yelled the blonde boy, anger taking control over his body, he threw himself against the old man, hitting him first throwing himself against him, then punching him in the stomach, and once he shifted down, right in the head with the bat, using all the force he had in his body.

The father passed out, falling on the ground.

Darryl didn't lose a second and kneed down beside Zak's unconscious body who fell on the floor, panicking at the sight of all the blood dripping down his throat and face, totally losing it realizing he wasn't breathing.

"Oh my god, Zak, oh my god, please." begged, cupping his cheeks and caressing the tears away with his thumbs. "Please, please, please..." murmured, his voice breaking, softly shaking his body.

Zak arched his back seconds after, widening his eyes as he restarted to breathe with a sharp painful inhale.
He grabbed Darryl's arm, looking at him with terror in his eyes, unable to breathe normally.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed, carefully hugging the short boy. "It's okay, Zak, it's over."

He felt his arms desperately wrapping around his torso, tears started flowing down his face, soaking his shirt. Zak was breathing sharply and coughing between the sobbing, and shivering violently.

"It's okay..." whispered reassuringly blonde boy, caressing his back and giving him a small kiss on his head. "It's over..."

"It's finally over, my little muffin..."

Just wanted to ask some questions to the few of you who actually interact, since this book is flopping pretty badly.

What do you like about my book?

What do you dislike?

In what should I improve?

Is there something wrong in the plot?

Am I rushing too much?

I really need your advices to understand what's wrong and what can i fix.

I also lost all my ranks and votes, so that's fine! I'm fine! Never been better!! :))))

Thank you if you'll help.
Have a nice night.

[unedited, 1710 words.]

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