001: white

여진 ꒱ 💌🎨 ↳ chapter one: vibrant beginnings.

❝ Every artist was first an amateur ❞
▸ Ralph Waldo Emerson
─ ✎⋅⋅⋅
↠ 桃とクリーム ↞

Staring at the deep space cold tablet in front of me. So many apps to create. So little inspiration fumbling in my mind. Maybe I'm not in the right place to pull the inspiration out. Maybe I need to dig deeper elsewhere.

"Taehyung!!" My roommate screams out, rolling my eyes I get out my study area chair, swinging the door open as our eyes connecting together. This is my roommate her name is: raven, she's very outgoing, party animal and not to mention sweet and caring as well. She's the definition of a yin and yang. I'm also the reason why she got a yin and yang tatted on her wrist. She claims I've changed her. But I'm oblivious to what I've changed about her.

"Let's go to a frat party" she proposes, sighing I lean my head back brushing my bangs from my face "Cmon on blueberry!!! We have to go, you've been so focused on creating art that has not been working out maybe you need fresh air!" She wraps her arms around my waist bouncing up and down with her puppy eyes

"I do get fresh air"
"Taking a walk to the coffee shop and staying there for hours isn't getting fresh air!" She smiles pointing her chin on my chest. Bare may I add. "Please? I promise I won't let anything happen to you okay? I just want you to go out and have fun, it stresses me seeing you stress" her cold dark nails rubbing against my burning back feeling on every lump in my spine.

"Ugh, fucking fine" I comment, her smile bigger than before, exposing those marshmallows teeth. Her lips come into contact with my cheek as she to tippy toe for it.

Am I going to regret this later? Probably...
Will I try to see the best outta this? Hopefully..

Raven skips over to my bed laying down while she fixes the gauges in her ear. "So mr.kim what's the outfit?" She smirks "you have great taste don't be ashamed by it!!" Popping her gum she places her platform boots on the bed frame in front of her. Raven looked like the type of woman to always be at parties and does drugs. But she doesn't.

She plays board games and sits on the carpet and solve crossword puzzles.

"My closet needs to be vamped up, I need to throw some things" I confess with my hands on my hips
"Maybe I should take you shopping and I pick out your outfits!! And you pick out mine" she picks at her hangnail
"I'd probably mess up your closet"
"Pft, no" she lays her forearm on her thighs "you'd  make it better"

╭──°. 🎨 º
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Raven turns her head to look at me while her hands are still on the steering wheel "taehyungie" she whines squishing my cheeks together "you're adorable, I promise I won't let anyone pressure you into doing anything okay blueberry" she speaks in a baby tone.

"Okay" I say through my cheeks rubbing against my lips
"Good, lets go mi amor"

We get out the car, as my eyes is fixated on the house in front of us. The front yard was full of people screaming and pushing each other as they pass out or fall onto the grass of laughter. Not to mention those sitting on the roof of the house with bright cherry solo cups.

"Starting to regret it sugar?" Raven jokes, for anyone who is confused she jokes at my hair. My hair is half blue and half purple. Lately I've been regretting doing it because I've gotten many stares from it. I may change from half blue and half black or something.

"I regret everything tangerine" I sigh, raven on the other hand has a cool hair color, her hair is black but the front pieces of her hair and roots are orange.

"Hey! I told you, I would not let anything happen to you!" Raven pokes my sad dead arms "woah I didn't know you were packing a little muscle under there" she eases me up and down "if it gets to hectic and you hate it, we can leave at least I knew you tried okay?" She holds my wrist pulling me towards her.

"I'm not drinking" I complain
"Perfectly fine baby boy" raven reminds me, walking into the house it just smelled of sweat,strains of mixed substances, and rank beer. Not a single candle scent in sight. Rubbing my forearm up and down raven stops to say hi to everyone who calls her name, until this one boy snatched her wrist with a red solo cup in his other hand.

"This ya boyfriend here?"the drunk young man slurs
"Maybe, that's for me to know and for you to guess or assume your choice, just know I don't wanna get with you" raven winks at him as she pulls me closer to her.

"So that's your way of not letting anyone mess with me?" I question looking down at her throw my hooded eyelashes
"No, it's was my way of curving a boy who all he wanted was me in his bed" raven smiles "but if you want to be my pretend boyfriend that can also be arranged"
"Stop scheming raven, and get this party over" I drag my sentence, raven walks the both of us to a couch with a group of people, raven smiling at the faces she knows.

"Woah! Raven is ready to be committed? I'm shocked" one guy expresses as the ash grey smoke flows through his pierced lips.
"Nah, this is raven's bestfriend and roommate" raven introduces me in baby tone "I wouldn't hurt him with my fear of commitment, he's a good guy" raven says patting my thigh softly , then pressing on her one to grab a cup and pouring herself some alcohol.

"Want a drink?" The guy asks me with a smirk
"No I'm good thanks" I reply as I fidget with the button on my denim jacket
"Your hair is so cool! Did you dye it yourself?" The girl next to him asks

I nod my head with a tiny smile, maybe an awkward smile, but good enough "yeah, I um... always dye my own hair"
"He dyed my too" raven smiles "now I never have to go to a salon" the whole time we've been talking, the guy from earlier has been eyeing me and raven. I guess trying to see if we're really a thing or not.

I like raven. But as a bestfriend. And she agrees, she wouldn't want me to be collateral damage.

"You feeling better bubs?" Raven nudges me
"Hm a little, just very thirsty is all" I reply
"Want me to get water for you out the fridge?" She asks very concerned
"Oh um.. only if you want too" I ponder, raven rolls her eyes and clicks her teeth, standing up she frizzes up my hair with her black chipped nails then walks off to the kitchen. I smile knowing what is the next phrase coming out her mouth.

'When it comes to you I don't mind doing anything, because when I thought I was nothing, you've showed me I was something'

Raven came into my dorm broken and bruised at least mentally. Many reasons why she barely talks to anyone unless it's for classes or her co-workers. It's hard to trust someone. Especially from a broken home she's came from. To my best abilities, I've helped her. I'm glad I did help her.

I could've lost someone very dearly.

"So trix's yogurt" à voice grumbles, I just know they're talking to me because of my hair. Rolling my eyes I look directly at the guy. The same guy from earlier.

"So devil lettuce" I shoot back at him, the amount of blunts he has around him is ridiculous. 8 blunts in a couple of hours? That's an addiction.

"You hurting raven?" He speaks almost threatening, to honestly speak I've been tired of his constant stares and side eyes, might as well feed into his paradigm to make his manipulative vision come true.

"Yeah, I mean she does love pain" I smugly reply "play fighting gets a little rough sometimes but such as life right? But we don't mean it" I add nonchalantly. The blood in his veins begins to boil at my sudden calm comment. Slamming his bottle on the table he stands up grinding in his teeth while looking upon me.

"Stop fucking around with her like that"
"I guess you're the sex Ed teacher, teach me to do better than, cause you seem to think you know everything, fix your internal locus of control buddy" leaning against the couch I stare right into his eyes seeing the fire blazing in them.

He reaches over and grabs my shirt ready to punch me as I smile sarcastically, raven pushes his hands off my shirt ready to throw some hands his direction. "What the fuck us wrong with you Wyatt?!" She yells at him, I can see the vein popping out her neck, standing up slowly I grab her forearm, raven takes deep breaths like me normally do.

Raven has admitted to me, she has a little temperament, but it's only due to her manic depression. Opening that up to me made me look at her in a bigger way, it made me want to become her friend even more. She also admitted to me she has a bit of anger management problems due to how many toxic arguments and physical fights her and her parents have been through.

"Why were you trying to hurt him?" Raven asks more calmly. I nod my head at her smiling, raven never fails to impress me everyday.

"he's fucking using you raven, he doesn't love you" he grits through his teeth
"And you do? Mister I'm sorry I put my dick in a professor, or mister I ate your bestfriend in our apartment. Oh did you forget mister leave my main standing in the rain for date too hook up? You can't talk about someone else when you're not fucking perfect" raven grabs the beer bottle throwing it close to him scattering the pieces. "Piece of fucking garbage you're lucky I don't wanna Uma Thurman your ass, lets leave tae, I'm nog feeling up to this anymore. I'm tired now"

Raven grabs my hands as we walk through the house of sweaty bodies and couples being horny.

"I'm sorry to drag you here" raven's voice cracks, Raven is a tough girl, who builds walls around her heart, so it's preserved for someone just right.

"Hey.." I stop in a halt on the grass, pulling her in front of me "do not apologize, it was an opener for the both of us"

"Never date men?!" Raven bounces up and down
"Oh my god raven" I throw my head back trying not to smile "no! I mean maybe but moral of the story is that frat parties aren't for us"

"I think you're right fun-dip" raven wraps her arms around my waist, as we walk to her car.

In a way it did give me some inspiration. Because believe it or not, have of the people in frat parties are broken and dying to be under someone new. Or they're trying to forget.

While I'm living and trying to live the past. The past that was precious to me, but it will never come back to me.

❏❜ 🧑🏾‍🎨⋮[Author's Note] ⌒⌒

First chapter!! I hope it's good and I hope you enjoyed it because this story is so fluffy. But Taehyung with two toned spilt hair?? Imagine the power he would have if that was irl? I would like to see it... lol anyways thank you for the support and I will see you in the next chapter bye.

.˚ ₍🎨₎ paint the perfect image, but will it actually be reality? Or imagination?

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