Kaden swings forward, with a swift horizontal cut starting at his enemy's right and crossing to the left. She ducks, raising her sword in an upward motion to knock Kaden's from his hands. He retains a tight grip on the sword, keeping a steady stance. "Houndoom, Sucker Punch!" His partner, a Houndoom infused with the power of Mega Evolution, claws at the Garchomp, tearing through the dragon's fin. It lets out a roar, causing the trainer behind it to cringe back.
"Come on, Garchomp. You're better than that." She glances over the Pokemon, glints of disappointment in her visible green eye before facing Kaden. "You know that rebellion against Axiom and its people is not tolerated under any circumstances. I'll give you one more chance. Drop. Your. Weapon." She near growls, pointing the short, dagger-like sword to Kaden's neck.
"Shoulda known that the Patrons would be stiff-necked as ever. Just didn't expect them to let such a young girl join and throw her at me." Kaden smirks, the girl letting out an agitated look. She steps forward, grabbing his hand with ease and tearing the slender black sword from it. It's tossed aside as she presses the smooth part of her blade firmly against his neck.
"You Mercenaries of Yveltal have terrorized us far too long. You know, I was itching for a real fight, but I guess that won't happen. You clearly aren't serious enough for this." The girl nods to the right, where Houndoom is laying on the ground limply.
"Slick move." Kaden comments, getting a groan from the girl.
"Really? After I just yelled at you for being so informal? Whatever. Go, take your sword and fight." She lifts her sword, pointing it at the black one on the ground. "Garchomp, take it easy. You've done well."
"Patrons being kind, pfft. How on earth did you become one of them?" Kaden mumbles, moving slowly with hands in the air as he grabs his sword. "Now, I've been taught custom to learn the name of my opponent in a duel and grant them mine as well before we start. Would you care to tell me yours?" The girl glares at him with her uncovered eye before he finally shrugs. "Fine, I'll go first. I am Kaden, Admiral to the Mercenaries of Yveltal."
"Admiral?" Ayana raises her eye, but shakes her head. "Very well. I am Ayana, highest patroness to the Patrons of Zygarde and the personal guardian of the Empress Valencia. I trust you will make this a duel of honest behavior?"
"No need to act so stiff, but yeah, I'll play fair. Ready?"
"Let's begin."
Kaden makes the first move, reaching out to attack Ayana. The Patroness makes a single swift motion, knocking the impact of his attack back at him. "You sure don't look like the type of girl to be fighting like this. Shouldn't you be off in a temple somewhere serving Xerneas or something?"
"And you sure don't look the part of an admiral. Shouldn't you be off at home playing with other kids?" She swoops at Kaden's right arm, making a hit and earning a small groan from him.
"I'm short, not young." Kaden grips his shoulder with his free arm, making an uppercut with the sword. Ayana backs away, making another motion to nearly send Kaden toppling.
"You're seriously their admiral. It's almost amusing how terrible you are."
"But in your words, that means I'm still good enough to not be just an entertainer," Kaden sighs, glaring at Ayana,"Sorry about the whole playing fair thing. I kinda lied. You should have made me swear on something."
Kaden holds his sword pointing to the air, continuing to stare at Ayana. "Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy, come onto me and grant me power."
The sword grows into a much deeper black than before, eventually flashing in pulses of a bright, ominous red. "I should have known you wouldn't play fair." Ayana races ahead, aiming a piercing blow at his sword hand. As soon as she makes contact, magic bursts from the sword, knocking Ayana down.
"You really trusted the word of Yveltal's Admiral? How Valencia picked you as the highest patron over anyone else is quite the mystery." A low growl underlies the Admiral's words. He swings, Yveltal's magic following every movement he makes. It's very quick, reaching out to hit Ayana. Her scream echoes the room, but there's a blinding burst and she's no where to be seen.
Instead of Ayana, Valencia stands in front of Kaden, holding her hand out as if to calm the magic."So not only was this boy the Admiral to the Mercenaries of Yveltal, but he was also Yveltal's vessel. How wonderful."
"Valencia?" Kaden steps back a moment, watching before shaking his head and pointing the blade straight at her. "Whatever. Today, Axiom's ruler will fall!" He moves instantly, making a quick cut aimed across the neck. Valencia continues to stand, a deep gray bubble showing itself around her for a moment.
"You really think I would come here defenseless? Ayana, go. You need to recover." Valencia commands.
"Never! I'll stay by your side until my dying breath!" The Patroness looks up at her, using her sword in a vain attempt to stand.
"Ayana, that's an order." Valencia reaches a hand behind her, snapping. Ayana's stunned for only a moment before scrambling up, stumbling away.
"Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy, come onto me and grant me power!" Kaden's voice shakes as he yells. More trembles come from the sword, letting out more of Yveltal's magic to attack Valencia. None makes contact.
"Since I don't think you'll be leaving this situation with your life, maybe you should know. I am protected by Darkrai, Pokemon of Nightmares. No matter how much you try to attack me, one Pokemon of darkness can never harm another."
"Lies... LIES!" Kaden screams, reaching out and grabbing hold of Valencia by her sleeve. "Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy, COME ONTO ME AND GRANT ME POWER!" He thrusts the sword at Valencia, shoving her back and pulling away. Dark magic explodes from the sword, letting off such an impact that throws Kaden to the ground. Valencia is untouched, examining the sword in her hand. "What are you doing? Give that back!"
"I am the bringer of destruction, and you are my vessel. Yet you have forsaken me."
It 's not the first time Kaden hears Yveltal's voice in his mind, but never before with the morbid tone that it has now. The thought that he'll never hear that voice again is confirmed as a great feeling of power rips itself from him. He lets out a cry, earning a small laugh from Valencia.
"What a foolish boy. First you think you could defeat me, and then calling upon the power of the Destruction Pokemon three times? How are you not dead yet?" Valencia shakes her head, towering over Kaden with the sword gripped in her right hand. It pulses red, but not the bright red Kaden knows. It's more grayed, as if bitter. "It doesn't matter now. Goodbye."
As he looks up in fear, she strikes down at Kaden.
Everything goes dark.
Kaden immediately woke up, taking a quick look around. It was just the room that he had gone to sleep in the night before, causing him to let out a sigh.
It wasn't the first night he had dreamed and not remembered, nor would it probably be the last. But this was the first dream that Kaden could remember parts of.
Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy.
Out of curiosity, Kaden held a hand in front of him, muttering the chant. "Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy, come onto me and grant me power?" To his slight shock, a few wisps of black and red danced from his hands before sputtering out. "Hmmm..."
Besides the strange chant, there was only one other thing he could remember.
The girl he had fought was Ayana, the highest patroness.
Didn't Isa say his friend had the same name?
Kaden shook his head. "It's just a coincidence." He mumbled, laying back down. There was a nagging feeling floating in his head as he fell back asleep.
There had to be more to the story. It couldn't just end there.
And somehow, this Ayana person was the center of it all.
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