Chapter 6: Suit of Armour Around the World
I wait patiently for Tony to leave Bruce's lab. When he finally does, Dr. Banner is under his arm heading towards me.
"What's the ruckus?" Banner asks as Tony and him get closer to me.
"Well, the sceptre. See we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive? So I got Dals here to analyze the jewel and she found something particularly interesting." Tony says.
I walk around the two, until I'm behind the two hologram projectors, "So Bruce, you know Jarvis?" I say, tapping my tablet and a 3D model of Jarvis appears.
"Jarvis" Bruce says.
"Doctor" Jarvis responds.
"Jarvis was originally a language UI that Tony created, then he kept getting modified and modified, until he became who is is presently." I say.
Tony takes over and continues talking, "Jarvis runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper"
Bruce nods.
"He's top of the line" I say.
Bruce nods again.
"I suspect not for long" Jarvis responds.
"Meet Jarvis' better half" I say tapping my tablet and causing a hologram to appear of the software within the jewel.
Bruce's eyes go wide with amazement, causing me to smile as well at the marvel within the sceptre.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask stepping closer to it.
Tony speaks, "If you had to guess what it's doing-"
Bruce cuts Tony off as he circles the blue glow of technological wonder, "Like its thinking. I mean, this could be...It's not a human mind. I mean look at this, it's like neutrons firing!"
I smile again at the blue ball of wonder, still entranced by its intricacy.
"Down in Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics. They deep-sixed the data but I gotta guess that he was knocking on a very particular door. " Tony says.
Bruce and I chime in together, "Artificial Intelligence!"
"This could be the key to creating Ultron!" Tony exclaims.
"I thought Ultron was a fantasy the two of you dreamt up?" Bruce asks, glancing between Tony and I.
"Bruce that was before we had the sceptre. Now that we have it, Ultron is within our grasp" I say, "If we can apply this to the Iron Legion program, we can have Ultron up and running in no time!"
Bruce shakes his head, shocked and unsure, "That's a mad sized if Dahlia. You two are geniuses but do you really think this is possible?"
"30 years ago I was thought to have been impossible, but I was born and I broke that barrier of impossibility" I begin, "Seeing my powers make me doubt the idea of something being impossible Bruce."
"Bruce I believe in Ultron, if you're worried about ifs, our job is if!" Tony adds.
Tony then walks up to Bruce and places a hand on his shoulder, then grabs my arm and interlocks it with his. He then guides us away from the centre of the lab and off to the side. I can tell that this is a subtle way for Tony to say 'this is a secret'.
"What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun drenched beach turning brown instead of green. Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica." Tony says, trying to convince Bruce to get on board.
"Hey don't hate, I helped design Veroncia!" Bruce says.
"But as a worst case measure Bruce! Think about it, with Ultron you would have no worries, no more code greens, no more Hydra raids, no more fighting. The world would be safe!" I exclaim in a whisper.
Bruce bites his lip as Tony continues, "What if next time Aline's pull up to the club, and they will, they couldn't get past the bouncer?"
Bruce finally has a look that makes me think he's agreeing with us, "The only people threatening the planet would be people"
"I want to apply this to my Ultron program but Jarvis can't download a data schematic this dense. We can only do it while the sceptre is here, that's three days. Give us three days." Tony pleads.
"Wait we're not telling the team?" I ask. After Steve's speech about our friendship, after fighting with him, I don't particularly want to lie to him, about Artificial Intelligence no less.
"Right, that's right. I know you and Steve are attached at the hip, but you know that he'll turn this into a city hall debate and we don't have time to here 'The Man was Not Meant to Meddle' medley! I see a suit of armour around the world, and I know that's what you see too Dals" Tony says.
"Sounds like a cold world Tony" Bruce says. Why does he have to sound so right and wise?
"I've seen colder. This one, this vulnerable blue one, needs Ultron." Tony says, walking away from us, "Peace in our time, imagine that?" Tony asks.
I glance over at Bruce, he is visibly contemplating helping Tony and I. I on the other hand am contemplating going behind Tony's back. It feels wrong to keep such a revolutionary idea to ourselves, especially since it would impact the team. But if I tell Steve, I just know he'll tell everyone else and turn this into a debate and Ultron will never get finished. I believe in Ultron, I truly do. He can do so much good, he can help so many people. With Ultron there would be no more need for the Avengers. We would just have Ultron after Ultron fighting the earths battles. I see what Tony sees, a suit of armour around the world, and I want to a part of creating that.
Ultron is the future, the future where indestructible robots will protect us throughout the ages. It sounds apocalyptic and sounds like something will go wrong, I mean AI always ends up killing people in the movies. But is isn't the movies and Ultron won't turn into some homicidal maniac.
Dahlia helping Tony create Ultron? Whaaaaaat? That's going to put a kink in her friendship with Cap. I know there was a lot of dialogue with this one, promise to have a little less. Tony is just too talkative and every word that comes out of his mouth is priceless! Vote, COMMENT and share! Thanks Lovelies.
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