Chapter 8 - Under The Night Sky
Merlin's POV
I walked down the corridors of the castle. I had just finished delivering a potion to one of the Knights and was heading back to Gaius's chambers. That's when I ran into Gwaine.
"Merlin!" He called happily, "wanna head to the tavern with me? You've seen down lately."
I sighed. "No thanks."
I attempted to rush past him but he managed to grab my arm and pull me back. "Merlin. What's going on? You and Arthur have both been acting strangely for the past week. You don't smile anymore, Arthur doesn't leave his room. Merlin, what happened between you two."
"Nothing. Nothing happened at all. Now leave me alone please." I yanked my arm from his grip and dashed down the hall.
I burst into Gaius's chambers. The old man looked at me with worry before I stormed into my room and shut the door.
I slumped down on my bed, crying into my pillow. Why couldn't Arthur understand? Why couldn't he accept magic? I love him and he loves me. It would have been perfect. Now...I'm not even sure he likes me.
Gwaine's POV
I hated seeing Merlin all depressed. I'm so accustomed to seeing him cheerful that I almost forgot that he had troubles in his life as well. I watched him run off down the corridor. I could see him wiping his face with his sleeve. He was crying.
What happened to him? He was fine when we found him in that cell. As a matter of fact he looked even happier then usual then. So did Arthur. Finally, the pieces clicked into place. Arthur loves Merlin. Perhaps he had finally confessed to Merlin and it didn't turn out well. Yes. That must be it. That would explain why they were avoiding each other as well.
I storm off towards Arthur's chambers. I WILL get those two together even if it's the last thing I do.
I burst through Arthur's chamber doors. He looked towards me when he heard the sudden noise. He was clearly irritated that I entered without asking. He walked towards me angrily. "Get out." He said, pointing to the door.
"Not until you tell me what is going on." I answer without my usual joking tone.
"No. Now leave. Kings orders."
"I don't care that you are King Of Camelot. I want to talk to you as a friend, an equal."
He sighed and slumped into the dining room chair. I locked the door and pulled a chair up for myself to sit. I turned and looked him in the eye. I saw a jumble of emotions within him. Heartbreak, fear, anger, sadness, guilt, and a dozen more. He was a mess.
"So what happened between you and Merlin?" I asked.
He looked at me, meeting my gaze. "Nothing."
"Stop with the lies Arthur. You confessed to Merlin didn't you?"
He nodded.
"Did he reject you?"
He shook his head.
"Then why are you so depressed? That means he loves you too right? I thought you would be jumping for joy!"
"There's more to it."
"What more is there?"
"...It's not my place to say."
"Arthur, do you want this to be fixed or not? Do you never want to speak to Merlin ever again? Do you never want to see him smile or laugh?"
"Then tell me. I can help."
Arthur took a deep breath, "Merlin said he has magic."
"That's it?"
"What do you mean 'that's it'?! He has MAGIC Gwaine! MAGIC! Sorcerers are evil, they're-...they're twisted people who only care about themselves!"
I stood abruptly, knocking my chair to the floor in the process. I stalked towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his tunic. He seemed surprised at my sudden act of aggression but I didn't care. I was furious. How could he think of Merlin like that? I didn't care that he had magic. If Merlin had magic then it was most certainly NOT evil.
" the most selfless person I have ever known. He never thinks of himself. His first thoughts are always for the safety of others. I think we both know what Merlin would do if you, or any of the other Knights for that matter, were about to die. He would gladly give his life for us, for Camelot. If that makes Merlin selfish then what does that make the rest of us?"
"But my father says-"
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS ABOUT WHAT YOUR FATHER SAYS? Arthur, you need to make your own decisions. The kingdom is yours. Do what YOU think is right. Now I want you to answer me honestly from the bottom of your heart. Do you think that Merlin is evil? Do you believe that he would rain terror and distruction on this kingdom for his own gain? Could you see Merlin acting as Morgana had?"
"No...Merlin would never do such a thing."
"Then you have your answer." I smiled, letting go of his tunic. Arthur smiled back. "Now go, before he decides that you're to stupid for him." I joked as I slapped him on the back and shoved him through the door. I could see him sprint off towards Gaius's chambers. A look of determination plastered to his face. Things should be back to normal soon. I stretched my arms and headed to the tavern. I'll ask him how it went tomorrow.
Arthur's POV
I arrived outside Gaius's chambers. I stood outside the door to catch my breath before I walked in. I saw Gaius at his desk, making a potion. He turned to look at me. Clearly he was not happy to see me.
"What did you do to Merlin!" He yelled, getting up from his chair and storming towards me, "he doesn't eat. He doesn't sleep, and he keeps mumbling about you!"
"I'm sorry Gaius," I said. I was ashamed, Merlin's hurting so much because of me. "I'm going to fix things, please tell me where he is."
Gaius continued to glare at me. I knew Merlin was like a son to him. He must be angry that I hurt him. "He ran off into the forest."
"Thank you Gaius."
I quickly ran to the stables. I grabbed a horse and headed into the shadows of the trees.
I felt as though I had been tracking him for hours. I still found no sign of him. He has to be here somewhere. I'm not stopping until I find him.
I didn't find him until dusk. He was sitting at the edge of a lake. It was large with water that sparkled all different colours. It reminded me of Merlin's eyes. Beautiful and mesmerizing.
I slowly sat down beside him. Merlin jumped when I suddenly appeared at his side and he backed away. He was about to leave when I grabbed his arm.
"Please, stay." I whisper softly.
He stopped struggling against my arm and sit back down beside me. "What is it?" Merlin asked. He didn't look at me.
"I...I'm sorry Merlin. You were right. Magic should not be feared. It shouldn't be hated because of what it has done by the hands of a few. Merlin I promise you, that I will remove the ban on magic within the week."
He finally looked at me. I could see his eyes start to sparkle again. "Do you mean that?" He asks hesitantly.
"Of course I do. I want this kingdom to be a place where everyone is treated equally. I want to make this kingdom a place you can call home." I smiled. He beamed back with his usual grin. I brought him into a hug. He hugged me back. Out hearts beating together in unison.
"What made you change your mind?"
"Believe it or not, Gwaine."
"So you listen to him more then me?" He jokes. I was glad to see him as his old self again.
"Well he is a knight, and you are just a manservant."
I heard him chuckle. "Though I do a better job at protecting the king then he does."
"And when have you ever protected me Merlin?"
"Oh I've saved you more times then I can count."
"Oh yeah? Name one time."
"How about all the times your enemy's weapons would burn in their hand whenever they were about to land a blow?"
"That was you?"
"No, it was the sun that managed to burn a sword."
I laughed and pulled his chin up so he would look at me.
"I love you Merlin."
"I love you too Arthur."
I brought my lips down onto his. We kissed for what seemed like forever. I didn't want the moment to end. We continued until we had to catch our breath. As we parted we began to laugh again. Our voices echoing across the lake.
We lay there until the stars appeared, dotting the sky in its array of beauty. Sadly, we had to leave, it was late and the Knights and Gaius would be worried about us by now. We began our ride back to Camelot. Merlin sat behind me on my horse. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, his head resting on the back of my shoulder as we talked about the future of Camelot, and about our own.
A/N - And this story is now officially FINISHED! Hope you guys like the ending! I'm planning on writing a one-shot (not a sequel to this if that's what you thought) next so look forward to that! 😆
Thanks for all the support!!!
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