Merry Christmas Darling

Lindsey finished up in the studio knowing his wife, Stevie, would have wanted his work wrapped up for the day at least an hour ago. He had finally convinced her to work on a new album with the band, but she would only lay down her vocals at home. He would then do whatever he wanted with them and she would say yes or no. He had been good about it so far, no arguments, so she was more than happy to work with him again. The last time, it nearly cost them their marriage.

Lindsey walked through the house, looking for Stevie. She's probably getting ready, he thought. Their annual Christmas party took place on Christmas Eve since 1976. It had changed locations many times with where they had chosen to live. They had moved many times during their marriage and now Lindsey was used to it when Stevie would suggest they look at a new house in a new city but the first couple of years were jarring. He smoothed his wild hair as he passed the mirror in the hall. He doubled back to pick up the small vase of flowers from the table as he was probably in trouble for not coming in when she had asked. He had yet to get ready as well. He walked up the stairs to their bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Come in" came the husky reply. Lindsey pushed the door open and found Stevie curled up on the bed in a sparkly black dress that exposed quite a bit more cleavage than normal. Her makeup was done, and her hair was curled and hanging loose down her back. A necklace he had given her many years ago lay just between her breasts and he suppressed an aroused groan. "Hi, baby." She had a big book in her lap, and as soon as she finished speaking, her eyes went back to its pages.

"Hey. What's that?" he asked and she hummed, her focus not being completely on the man in front of her. "What are you looking at?"

"Christmas album." He sat down on the edge of the bed and she instinctively attempted to scoot over to give him room. She smiled softly, looking at him. "Why do you have my vase in your hand?"

"Uh, peace offering?" he said, scratching the back of his neck nervously and she giggled.

"You're so cute."

"You're not mad?" he asked, setting the vase down.

"No, baby, I'm not mad. Take your time getting ready, I'll cover for you. Lord knows you've covered for me."

He chuckled, kissing her cheek. "You look beautiful."

"Okay now, Buckingham, I said it's alright. You don't have to butter me up."

"I'm not. Can't a man appreciate his wife's appearance?"

"I guess" she said and he smiled, looking at the album with her. She was about to turn the page when he stopped her.

"Do you remember this one?" he asked, pointing to a very old picture of them standing together in front of a cheesy gold backdrop.

"Christmas party, 1979." Stevie recalled. "That gold lamé thing was supposed to be black, I ordered it myself. I was going to put a little tree there and decorate it for pictures. God, it's still as ugly as it was all those years ago."

"You were livid! You called the company personally and I thought you were going to tear them a new one but you ended up crying."

"And the man felt so bad about it that he gave me a beautiful black velvet one for our New Year's Eve party free of charge. He even sent us a Christmas card the following year."

Lindsey rubbed her arm. "I think that might have been your craziest one."

"It wasn't that crazy."

"You cried for three hours before the party and anytime anyone would mention photos you would burst into tears."

Stevie giggled. "Hey, I blame you. I was pregnant with your son."

"Oh, my son?"

"Yes, your son." Stevie confirmed with a smirk and Lindsey kissed her hair.

"Now what about this one?"

"Christmas 1982. I was as big as a house!"

"You were not."

"I swear, through all of the 80s, I was pregnant in almost every one of these pictures."

"We only have three children, and there are ten years in a decade. Do your math, honey."

"Well, it sure feels like I was pregnant every living second!"

"This, this is why I love you." Lindsey said.

"Because you looked really skinny this year compared to me?"

"No, because you're absolutely mad, my dear, and I wouldn't have you any other way."

"If you weren't so cute, I don't think that would feel very much like a compliment."

"Mrs Buckingham, you've called me cute twice. Are you trying to butter me up?"

"Only for later, when everyone leaves." Stevie kissed him and he moaned. As she pulled back, she giggled. "Easy tiger."

"You can't say stuff like that to me. I still need to get ready and every year, there is at least one person who doesn't leave."

"It won't happen this year" Stevie said.

"You say that every year." Lindsey rolled his eyes dramatically and Stevie swatted at him. "Okay, so look, not pregnant." He pointed to a picture and Stevie bit her lip.


"Yes, Steph?"

"That's you. 1985, I made you act out The Christmas Carol with me. You're wearing a gown and stocking cap."

Lindsey blushed and Stevie kissed his cheek. "This, this is why I love you"

"Don't steal my lines, woman."

"I should have stolen them that year because you couldn't remember a single one. You had been drinking the spiked egg nog all evening and I didn't realize that you were completely sauced by the time we started."

"I had a script"

"You did, but you put it down on the bar and said you were a real actor. You ad-libbed the last three-quarters of it."

"Thank god for the baby sitter." Lindsey said.

"See, I'm pregnant here too." Stevie flipped the page. "I told you, every living second."

"The picture says 88, Steves. The running total is three: 79, 82, and 88."

"I keep forgetting how close together our first two were. They look like twins here." The kids were sitting on "Santa's" lap and Stevie stood beside them.

"He's staring down your blouse! Who does St Nick think he is?"

"You! Jesus, were you drunk at all of our parties?"

"We had an open bar, Stevie. It would be a sacrilege if I didn't take advantage of it."

Stevie shook her head. "I don't think you know what sacrilege means."


"Besides, it's not really an open bar if we have to pay for the booze." Stevie turned the page once more. "Oh, she was so little! My miracle."

"Amber has always been tiny, just like her mother."

"And Aaron has always been just like you. Tall, strong, stubborn..."


"Yes, he's very handsome. And our middle daughter, Ella." Stevie smiled lovingly, smoothing her hand over the photo.

"Who has yet to forgive you for not having an A name like her siblings..."

"That is not my fault. Those names came to me in a dream every time."

"You are still such a hippie."

"You don't believe me? I can tell you the exact date."

Lindsey smirked. "Go ahead."

"Fine, Aaron came to me before he was even conceived. My grandfather told me I would have a musical little boy who would carry his name and I did, didn't I?"

"But what was the date?"

"It was August 13th, 1979. I was only four months pregnant at our Christmas party."

"And Isabella, or Ella as she still prefers to be called?"

"The day before she was born, New Year's Eve. I was up all night with these annoying aches and pains, waiting for the damn ball to drop so I could get some sleep. You thought it was so weird that I wanted to go to bed so early."

"Early for you."

"Yes, early for me. I finally got to sleep and I had the tiniest little dream imaginable. When I woke up in excruciating pain, might I add, I had her name. I even said her name in the car when we were going to the hospital."

"Middle name was unusable because it was an expletive."

"That was not her middle name."

"Isabella, fuck, son of a bitch" Lindsey remembered and Stevie suppressed a laugh.

"I was in pain! You shove a watermelon through a straw and see how much you like it!"

"Touché. Aaron seemed easy though."

"Yeah, sure. So easy, Lindsey." she replied sardonically.

"You barely made a peep the entire time."

"You were obviously not there then."

"And Amber was a dream!"

"I don't think I complained very much because I was running around after two other children, working on a record and about a million other things. I also didn't realize I was in labor until she was almost here."

"You did say you wanted a homebirth."

"I did, you're right, and I got one. You called my midwives and thankfully, they came to us rather than telling us to meet them at the birth center."

"We wouldn't have made it. I would have had to pull over and deliver her myself."

"Had I not been the one giving birth, I would have paid to see that." Stevie said with a laugh.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." Lindsey looked at the clock on the nightstand. "I have something like 30 minutes to get ready." He got up and went to the closet to grab his suit.

"Dressing up for me?"

"I might be. Keeping telling me how cute and handsome you think I am and I might let you take advantage of me tonight, little lady." He winked at her.

"Oh really?"

"Mmhmm." He got dressed right there in the bedroom, pulling his tee shirt over his head. She studied his toned back muscles, his tan skin, biting her lip as he unbuttoned his jeans. The pop of his zipper made her moan softly. He eased the thick, durable denim down his thighs and as he bent lower to remove them completely, Stevie's eyes followed.

"Jesus!" she said under her breath.

"What?" he asked, turning around.


"Oh, I thought you said something to me." She shook her head and he began to get dressed again. Stevie trailed her fingers down her cleavage, smoothing her hand down over her breast. She groped herself, her lips parting as she sighed. The album was discarded, shoved to the other side of the bed. She swung her legs over the side and stared at Lindsey's reflection in the mirror in front of them. He was almost fully dressed, tucking his shirt into his dress pants.

"Linds" she said, her voice filled with lust. His eyes finally settled on her reflection and he turned around. "Is thirty minutes all the time you actually had or is that just the time you tell me to make sure I'm on time?"

He smirked. "You got me. I set all the clocks forward an hour this morning."

A low, throaty laugh pushed past her ruby red lips. "So we have...?"

"45 minutes." He told her and her eyes lit up. "Why?"

She tugged at her dress. "Take it off."

"What?" he asked, suddenly even more aroused than he was when he first saw her. "You mean?" She nodded, beckoning to him with a slender finger and a come hither look in her eyes. She immediately stripped him of his clothes and undressed herself, tossing her dress to the floor. He watched, mouth agape, as her breasts bounced in the barely there cups of her bra when she took down her stockings. She bent over and nearly spilled out, causing Lindsey to bite his fist. "You look delicious!"

"You think?" She smoldered, her voice growing deeper and more sensual each time she spoke.

He nodded dumbly, only one thing on his mind now. She pulled him by his hips on top of her, biting her lip as they crashed to the bed. He pushed her hair back, letting it fan out on the bed as he spread her thighs. He tugged her strap off her shoulder and nibbled her soft, delicate skin, immediately pressing apologetic kisses to every supposed injury. His hands explored her curves, squeezing her soft hips, backside and thighs. She could feel his arousal building against her and she bucked her hips against his, grinding slowly. She watched his expression, knowing he enjoyed the slight torture of her action. "I love you" he whispered, attacking her waiting mouth with his tongue. At first rough, he slowed down to a savor every moment of their connection. He broke momentarily to reach back to the nightstand and lay the clock on its face before continuing to trail kisses down her neck and chest.

"I love you" she slurred, intoxicated by arousal. She felt him brush over her and her body twitched at the contact. He sat up and pulled her panties off, kissing down her stomach, nuzzling his nose into the soft triangular patch of brown hair the panties once covered. Her breath hitched in her throat, allowing him to return to her lips.

"Christmas, 1975. I proposed." Lindsey reminded her and she nodded. He pressed inside of her and she moaned loudly, grasping the bed sheets. "You didn't say yes until New Year's."

"I had my...reasons" she gasped as he found a rhythm.

"Worth the wait. The sex that night was..."

"Mind blowing" Stevie remembered.

"You feel so good" he groaned. "Fuck" His memories mixed with their current lovemaking and he couldn't take his eyes off her. He stroked her face, kissing her lips tenderly as he picked up speed. He slid a hand between them and rubbed her sensitive bud, just above where they were joined, with his thumb. She gasped again, holding her breath then exhaling heavily. Her chest heaved and temptation took over. He pulled her breasts from the cups of her bra and groped one, taking the nipple of the other into his mouth.

"Linds!" she moaned loudly, her body overloaded with pleasure. His strokes deepened and her sounds grew higher in pitch. She was close. He moved from her breast to her neck again, knowing that was her special spot, the one that always drove her wild. Lindsey was close too, but he was trying to hold out. Sweat dripped from his body, falling onto her skin like a soft rain. She lifted her hips to meet him stroke for stroke and he groaned, spilling inside of her not much longer. She came as well, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. "I love you"

"I love you" He withdrew from her, falling beside her, still touching and kissing each other. "How long has it been?" he asked.

"Since we last did this? This morning, or do you not remember, old man?"

"Oh, I remember" he said with a devilish smile. "But I mean, how long have we been together, married?"

"76 to 86, 96, 2006, 2016..." she counted on her fingers. "41 years?"

"That can't be right."

"I think it is."

"No, that's impossible"

"And why is that?"

"We still fuck like newlyweds" Lindsey said and she swatted at him, blushing wildly. He kissed her hair. "Merry Christmas, angel."

"Merry Christmas, darling." Stevie kissed his lips one final time before getting up and fixing her hair for a second time. They exchanged glances as they pulled their clothes back on. The only thing stopping them from going back to bed was the doorbell, announcing that their children had arrived to help finish setting up for the party.

A/N: this story was requested by BNFOREVER1973 and I was so excited to write it! As promised, it is up before Christmas. Sorry it's so long! I am also thinking about doing a second part to this for New Year's if you're interested. ;) I really really hope you like this. Thank you all so much for sticking by me. After the holidays, I will try to update everything. ❤️ Happy Holidays!

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