You haven't even seen my bad side yet

DAISY had her hand out-stretched in front of her as she walked forward. An agent went flying back, two more following behind him, then a car. She looked to her right to see a guy cowering behind a crate. "Hey." Mack, Hunter, and her walked towards him, Mack letting off a smoke grenade so that no one could see them. "What's your name?" When he didn't answer, she asked with more force, "Guy, what's your name?"

"Jo — Joey," he stuttered, his hands shaking as he took huge steps away from her, his eyes wide.

"Okay, my name's Daisy, I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D., and we're here for your protection," she told him, holding out a hand as she approached him slowly.

"There's more on the way," Mack informed them. "First unit's down or wetting themselves. That S.U.V. got the point across."

"Joey, Joey!" Daisy yelled, gaining the guys' attention. "Stay with me, okay?! I know you're scared and your world's being turned upside down. But believe it or not, I've been through this, okay? I can help. We'll get you out of here."

"It's you who made the car, the people, and the thing..."

"You're gonna want to stand well clear of that, mate," Hunter told Joey as their ride landed right behind them.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Daisy stated, pushing Joey into the box. "But right now, you have very few options and zero time, so, please, just go with it."

"We'll be right there with you," Hunter told him as Daisy punched in the code to the box. "It's not like this day can get any crazier, right?" The doors closed. "Right?" He was then flown upwards.

"WHO are you? W-what is this? What is S.H.I.E.L.D.? Did you do this to me?" Joey fired questiones at Daisy, one after another, giving her a migraine, but she didn't let it show.

"We try to protect people like you from the world or from yourself, unless we have to defend the world against you," she informed him.

"People like me? What is happening to me?"

"You've experienced what's called a bio-morphic event. Short version... your DNA changed."

"And the long version?"

"Is..." Daisy trailed off, trying to find the right word, "Long, but right now, you need to understand that you will survive this."

"Okay." Joey nodded. "Okay, s-so you guys can cure me."

"I'm sorry." She shook her head, frowning. "We just learn to live with it. It may feel like your life has ended, but it's just... got more interesting," she forced the words out of her mouth.

"More interesting? I'm not a freaking TED talk. Did you see the power line hit that tanker truck? I'm literally a catastrophic meltdown. Everything was..." He trailed off, his eyes widening in what seemed like shock. "Wait, wait, wait. Why... why isn't this box liquefying or this plane or whatever the hell this is?"

"It's poly-tectic adaptive materials. Each module can be customized. So, you're safe in there, and we're safe from you," Daisy informed him, pushing a strand of her hair out of her face.

Her brown hair was shorter now, it was just below her chin. It's weird seeing as she's mostly always had her hair long, but she needed a change seeing as she wasn't Skye anymore, she was Daisy. Daisy Johnson.

"I don't feel safe. I feel like my skin's crawling and my organs are shifting and—"

"Joey, just take a breath," Daisy told him softly, noticing a panic attack when she saw one. "First thing you need is rest, medically speaking. We'll be in the air for a couple more hours, and you will be in this box, so why don't you lie down? You'll feel better after some sleep."

He sighed and nodded. "Well...Thanks, whatever your name is."

"Daisy," she told him with a small smile.

"Well, thank you, Daisy, for not letting them shoot me in the head."

She nodded and went to walk away, but then she remembered something, "Uh, oh, one last thing... Do you take vitamins every day, Joey? Fish oil?"

"Not every day," He told her, his eyebrows furrowed.

"All right. Get some rest." Daisy sent him one last smile before walking towards Coulson who gave her a proud expression.

"How's he doing?"

"Okay. For now. Third incident already this month, but at least we were able to get our hands on this one," he said and she nodded in agreement.

"The rate of new cases is increasing," she stated, concerned.

"We knew it would after the initial reports."

"A new Inhuman could emerge anywhere without having any idea what's happened."

"Only in the continental U.S. so far. Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air much longer than the old plane. Days, really, so rapid response anywhere is—"

"You love your new toy, don't you?" Daisy grinned, looking at the giddy Coulson as he gazed around at the plane.

"I very much love my new toy, but even with the mind-boggling range on this puppy..."

"Inhumans are still disappearing. This is the first one in a while we've been able to secure," Daisy reminded him, pretty down about it. "And it's no mystery who's taking them. That black-ops group was there before us."

"I know."

"Again. Whoever they are. How many do you think they've taken?"

"We know of at least five sightings, five individuals who vanished before we could get to them. But the real mystery is, who's running that group?"

"Not if you did your part," she reminded Coulson. "How did it feel to join the paparazzi, Phil?"

"I think I might have missed my calling. I have every body, every piece of software tasked with identifying that woman so we can figure out where she's taking Inhumans and what exactly she plans to do with them." They looked at the screen to see the face of their culprit.

"HEY, Joey. May we come in?" Daisy asked when though Mack and she was already in the room. "This is my partner, Mack." She gestured to Mack, "We're just gonna talk."

"So, she's the greeting party, and you're the muscle, huh?"

Mack chuckled. "Believe me, she is the muscle."

Daisy grinned, hitting Mack in the stomach. "He looks big and intimidating. But inside, he's just a soft, little, fluffy little teddy bear."

"Yay," Joey sarcastically said, looking between them with furrowed brows, and pursed lips.

"How are you feeling?"

He sighed."Like a stranger in my own body who I hate. Nice of you to ask."

"So, as I said, this phenomenon is mostly—"

"You know what?" He interrupted Daisy, "Lay it on me. You don't have to soften the blows anymore. Thanks."

"All right." She cleared her throat, "Um... There exists a small percentage of the population with a dormant alien gene mixed into their DNA. There's a chemical compound that activates this gene, giving them unnatural abilities."


"This chemical compound, called Terrigen, was recently released into our ecosystem. And you." Daisy stepped towards Joey who took a step back, "Joey, are one of the first people with this gene to come into contact with it."

"So... I'm an alien?"

"Part alien," se corrected him, "Welcome to the club. We call ourselves Inhumans."

He chuckled. "Okay." He started laughing which turned into a nervous cackle. "All right. At least it's, uh... it's a good drinking story. I can't wait to tell my friends."

"Unfortunately, you're gonna have to wait," Mack informed him.

"What does that mean?"

"We can't let you leave before we know you have your abilities under control," Daisy told him sadly.

"And even then." Mack decided to speak up, "Only if we decide you're stable enough not to use them unless absolutely necessary. And even then, we..."

"We can't let you go back to your old life, Joey," Daisy finished for Mack, giving him a look before placing her attention on Joey.

"What?" He asked in shock, looking at her with wide eyed.

"I'm so sorry," she told him, frowning, "It's just the reality."

"Wait, wait." Joey approached her with wide eyes. "You're not saying I can't go and have a beer anytime soon. You're saying I can't go back to my life, ever?"

"Not in the foreseeable future. The first step is control, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. will set you up with a new identity—"

"But I like my life!" Joey shouted before sighing. "It has taken me a long time to get here, to build a life where I'm actually comfortable, much less happy. I'm not about to toss it. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, I'd like to get back to it right now."

Daisy clicked on the screen on the tablet she was holding, what she clicked was then displayed on the wall.

"Are unsure what to call this, whether it was a calculated alien attack or an experiment gone wrong. Get too close, but, uh, he was a Latino guy. Normal. Uh, he had this crazy look in his eyes. Manhunt is under way. Authorities are asking witnesses to come forward with any information that could lead to the capture..."

"The world's been a little twitchy since Sokovia fell out of the sky," Daisy informed him. "Right now, your apartment is being torn apart, and your relatives are being questioned."

"So I need to get to them before—"

Mack interrupted him, "Your best-case scenario out there is that black-ops group kills you quick before you bring a building down on someone."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is your best option," Daisy informed Joey, holding her hand out as he tried to pass her.

"Let me the hell out of here!" Joey shouted in rage, his body shaking in anger, and his eyes were narrowed.

"Calm down."

"Let me out!"

"Joey, you will lose control if you don't calm down."

"Let me out! Let me out!"

"Now, Joey!" He gripped her arms. "Stop!" She threw his hands off of her, and pushed him into the wall with her powers. "You think I want these powers!?" She shouted at Joey. "News flash, asshole, I don't. These powers have turned my crazy life into a even more crazy life. I don't like it, I don't think I ever will, but at least I have my family here at SHIELD. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't know what to do." She huffed before storming out of the room.

"HE'S going nuts," she announced as she walked towards Coulson and Mack. "Joey's having a tough time. The change is hard enough physically. But emotionally, it's a whole other thing. I tried talking him down, but I blew it in there. And Mack is not exactly coming off as a teddy bear." She slapped Mack in the side.

"You just told the guy I'm a teddy bear," Mack defended himself, frowning.

"And then you told him the best-case scenario was his head blown off," Daisy fired at him, leaning on the table between them. "I need help, and there's one person who's better at that than anyone."

"Lincoln? You really want to go there again?"

"He could help with intake." She followed Coulson as he walked away. "Plus, he understands the physical change. He's a doctor, whereas we don't even know what medical treatments to give."

"Last time you tried to sell him on it, he wasn't exactly buying."

"I'd like to try again."

"Mack, what's your take?"

They turned to Mack who said, "I voiced my feelings about letting Lincoln roam free. I'd gladly drag him in here where he can't hurt anyone, but if Daisy can talk him in... He might actually do some good." Daisy sent Mack a grateful smile.

"Both of you go," Coulson told them, "Requisition a flight team and a Quinjet."

THE curtain that was hiding Daisy was removed by Lincoln who looked down at her in shock. Mack closed the door, locking it.

"What are you doing here?" Lincoln sighed, looking down at her with vulnerable blue eyes.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important," she stated, standing up. "We need your help."

"I told you, I don't know anything about that damn rock. I'm sorry, what happened to your friend, but all I heard was that it's lethal."

Daisy sucked in a breath, thinking about Simmons. "It's not the monolith. We found a new Inhuman. And he's not the first, and you know there will be more. No one is better at helping these people transition than you. You taught me that it's a gift."

"I was wrong. I was regurgitating a lie they shoved down my throat. It's a curse. You of all people should know that," Lincoln told her, frowning.

"Look, I get that you're trying to build a life here—"

"Yes, a normal life, so stay out of it, please," Lincoln begged her, frowning.

"But our heritage—"

"Let it die." Lincoln went to walk away, but Mack grabbed his arm.

"You're not walking out of here till my partner has said her piece." Daisy let a small smile come to her face as she saw Mack being protective. He was like an older brother to her.

"I think I made it pretty clear. I'm not taking orders from anyone anymore." Lincoln glared at Mack. "Get your hand off me!" Lincoln shoved Mack off of him.

"You better watch your tone," Mack sneered. "You're lucky we haven't dragged you in for that crap you pulled on the aircraft carrier."

"Mack..." Daisy trailed off upon seeing Lincoln's face.

"I saw the men you took down. They barely recovered," Mack spat, his brown eyes narrowed.

"Then you know what I'm capable of."

"I'm not scared of you."

"You should be," Lincoln threatened before electricity crackled, the lights flickering on and off.

"Whoa! Lincoln, cool down," Daisy told the blonde boy, her eyes widening.

"This isn't me." He looked back at her as a scream was heard out in the halls. They all three ran out of the room to see what was going on.

"Stop right there!" They watched as a security guard was picked up, a blue light surrounding the hand that grabbed him.

"Now tell me where to find the Inhuman!" A manipulated voice sneered in disgust.

"I don't know!" A popping found was emitted before the guy fell to the floor, dead. A body came around around the corner, it was tall, thick in muscles, blue, spikes coming out of it's head like hair, and it wad blue.

"Never mind," It stated as it stared at Lincoln and Daisy.

Lincoln ran forward, shooting electric beams at the alien through his hands. The alien pulled Lincoln down to his knees, the blue light emitting form it's hand. Daisy threw out her hand, sending it flying backwards. When it got back up, and was making it's way towards her, Mack came out from behind her, and started shooting at it. But it wasn't doing any good.

It circled it's hand on the wall, the wall lit up with the blue glow before there was a hole made, and the alien jumped through it.

Daisy turned to Lincoln, and helped him up. "We'll have to hit this thing with everything we've got."

"And I need a bigger gun, I guess." She turned to Mack who was cocking his gun. "Or my ax. Or maybe a shotgun-ax combination of some sort." Daisy continued to hear him talking to himself as she walked through the hole in the wall. "Oh, we going in here? Yeah, that makes sense."

She quickly turned around to see the alien thing punch Mack in the chest roughly. She threw out her hands at the same time as Lincoln did, and they both used their powers against him. The monster went sliding back on his feet but he soon gained some strength, and started walking towards them.

As Daisy heard Lincoln struggling, she lowered her hands to the place under it's legs; the floor fell apart, and the monster fell through, and a loud thud was hers.

"He's gone," Mack announced as they reached where it should've been.

"Contain the alien threats at all costs. Use lethal force if necessary."

Daisy turned to Lincoln with pleading eyes, "Come with us. We'll keep you safe. Your life is in danger."

"My life is in ruins!" Lincoln shouted at her before running away.

"Lincoln!" She shouted and was about to run after him when Mack grabbed her hand, shaking his head.

"Daisy, Daisy! He's on his own. We got to get you out of here. They're hunting you, too. Come on. Let's go."

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