pg 3

Elizabeth fired with adrenalin runs to her room and smiles, but this smile was a case of insanity spelling out pure hatred for her parents. Hours she stayed in her room packing her longest jacket for cold nights, her knife, her journal, and other important needs such as a bottle of water and canned food. She waits, waits until her parents leave for their 'fun time' alone. Elizabeth smiling with insanity jumps out her window onto the street with her backpack and walks off in the darkness. Later, about an hour it starts raining, with her jacket and hood up she continues walking forward. She hears footsteps behind her, and turns to a glance toward that person. It was an older man about in his forties with rope for a belt. She turns quickly and walk slightly faster without making contact. The foosteps grow louder and faster and Elizabeth starts running as fast as she could. She then runs into an alleyway in hopes of loosing him, but instead he finds her and forcefully pins her against the wall. "Well well....." he said with a rough voice. "Your a fine looking thing arent you?.... I bet you'll be a good one for the night...."

Elizabeth, frightened and scared tries to break free from his grasp but only fails.

The man then undoes his belt and zip's off Elizabeth's jacket. Elizabeth, frightened and afraid of what will happend screams but only to be shut up by the mans belt in her mouth. The man then undoes his pants and takes off Elizabeth's skirt and panties and forcefully enters. Elizabeth cries in pain for it was hurting her and the man didnt care. The man thrusts over and over again until he un-buttons Elizabeth's shirt and bra. He then plays with her breasts and continues to painfully thrusting and slaming into her. Elizabeth then tries to hit the man but was then to weak to even move. Blood fills her and the pain worsens, tears falling. The man stops and falls to the ground with a man behind him with a bat. Elizabeth cries and the man who saves her holds her in his arms covering her with his jacket and taking out the rope in her mouth for it was still raining. "Its ok Liz.... Your safe now..." sounded a familiar voice so soothingly to hear. She looks up at the man and realizes it was her teacher Kizmich. "H-How did you f-find m-me?" Elizabeth says shivering cold from the rain. "I heard a scream and followed only to be shortly heard, but your safe now the police is on their way..." he says and takes what little rope there was and ties the mans hands behind him. Minutes after words the police shows up with an ambulance and takes the man who raped her in. Elizabeth still scared was then put in the ambulance with kizmich by her side. Kizmich with a sorrowed face runs his fingers through hair hoping to comfort her. "Liz?...." Kizmich asks. "Hmm?" she says being in to much pain to speak. "What were you doing outside in the rain in the first place?" he questions. Tears fill her eyes "I-I was running away...." she says starting to cry. "Why? Why would you run away?" he asks once more. "I-I wanted the pain to go away from my parents and the bullying!" she cries harder. She coveres her eyes with her arms and sobs quietly. "Oh Liz.... Im sorry this happends to you, i really do..." he says placing an arm around her shoulders. Once Elizabeth was placed in the hospital multiple people came in to check up on her every hour. Elizabeth told the police what haplend and she was then placed under suicide watch for seventy-two hours and did a test for a mental illness (the crazy bat shit kind) and was later tested as positive. "She's dangerous, much stronger than we think." one docter whispers to the other. "She could kill anything near her at any moment." another spoke. "We have to put her in the asylum outside of here just a couple of miles." a docter said to a nurse. "Which asylum is that docter?" the nurse asks. "Deathnight Heathenish." he said with a stern face. "They'll take her in tomorrow...."

The nurse nods her head and looks at Elizabeth sleeping with Kizmich at her side.

"Where is she?! Where the hell is Elizabeth?!!" a man called, it was her father with a woman right behind following which was her mother. Kizmich get up and blocks the door so he wouldnt go in and closes the blinds to protect Elizabeth. The docters and security both hold back the father and the mother from hurting Elizabeth even more. "Your daughter is fine she was raped. They say that your abusive and cannot see her!" the doctor calls. "I dont fucking care what they want! She needs to be punished for leaving the house!" her mother says. Elizabeth wakes and cries because she's scared, Kizmich goes to her and tries to comfort her. "Your scaring her! Stop it!" Kizmich yells. "She'll die before she will leave this hospital! And people will NOT tell me what to do with my own daughter!" her father yells. "Sur, you need to leave. Or else..." said the security guard. Elizabeth cries more and more until the security took her parents out and they left the hospital. After crying Elizabeth falls asleep and stays alseep knowing she is safe.

For know.....

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