Chapter 2
A/N: Contains self harm, panic attack and anorexic moments/struggles.
Lance made his way towards the cafeteria where he had a pretty good guess where Hunk would be at and he was correct. He smiled when he saw his only friend in this mental hospital.
"Hunk!" called out Lance and Hunk turned around quickly and shot him a huge smile.
"Hey Lance!" yelled Hunk who came rushing over towards him and gave him a big hug. "I heard your morning was exciting.''
"Is that so? And how did you hear that?" asked Lance.
Hunk shrugged his shoulders then pointed over towards Pidge who had their head in their book once more.
"Ohhh'' said Lance who nodded his head and walked with Hunk over towards the counter and glanced at all of the food, making his stomach turn into knots. Hunk laid a supportive hand on his shoulder and looked down at his, telling him it was alright. He grabbed a small salad and some jello and glanced over at some of the orderlies and nurses standing by, he could feel their eyes on him, watching his every move and action.
The two of them walked over towards a table and sat down. Hunk began to talk about his time in therapy but Lance tuned him out and allowed his eyes to scan the cafeteria, possibly looking for someone. He could hear Hunk's voice in the background as he looked for him, for Keith but he wasn't around. Lance sighed and then looked over at the orderlies, whose eyes where heavy on him. So he turned back towards his food and 'ate'.
But it was more of him putting some of it in his mouth, chewing for a bit then bringing up his napkin to his mouth and spitting it all out, and then repeat. It gave the illusion of him actually eating without really doing it because he just couldn't. Hunk chuckled and shook his head.
"You know that they aren't really going to buy that right? They been down this road so many times. But I do find it interesting'' Hunk said and took a bite out of his sandwich.
"What's interesting?" asked Lance as he reached over and took a sip of Hunk's drink, who just laughed some more.
"Everything! Eating disorders, depression, just mental health all over. Like us, we're on like opposite sides of the world. You can't eat and I can't stop'' said Hunk and Lance just shook his head but allowed Hunk's words to flow over him. Hunk did have a point though, mental illness was and very interesting, but also very scary. To have no control over your own mind and thoughts were awful. Lance looked around the room again and lowered his head when he didn't see Keith. There were so many others in there but where was he?
"If you're looking for Keith, good luck finding him in here'' said Hunk.
"Why?" asked Lance who looked over at his friend for answers that he truly didn't understand why he was searching for them in the first place.
"For one, the crowd. Two the food'' said Hunk and snatched his drink from Lance's hands.
"The food?" questioned Lance.
"Yeah, he's with us. He has an eating disorder'' said Hunk.
"But I thought that they made everyone come here and those with eating disorders had to eat, they lock the bathrooms 30 minutes after lunch is over so-" said Lance.
"No, you're right but with him it's different. We actually talked about it today in therapy, well not Keith but about me and possibly getting out. I don't see it happening though and I like it better here than the outside world.'' Hunk said.
"You won't be here forever" said Lance.
"Yeah, not like Keith'' Hunk said and reached over and took Lance's tray, placing his empty one before Lance.
"Keith?" asked Lance, the desire to learn more about this guy growing with each passing second.
"Oh Yeah Keith! He's been here forever...since he was 11 or 12 I believe''said Hunk
"11 or 12?'' asked Lance and Hunk nodded his head.
"Yeah, Pidge gave me a little of a run down on Keith when I got here. Pidge looks after him'' said Hunk.
"Looks after him? More likes hates him and tries to get others away from him'' said Lance.
"! It's actually the opposite really. Pidge is very protective of Keith, he is like her lost, sad kitten that she loves. She only tries to push others away from him to protect him'' Hunk said and looked over at Pidge.
"Protect him?" Lance asked and looked over at Pidge too.
"Yeah, from what I've heard and been told, he has had a very rough life. No one has really been there for him, well except now for Pidge, Shiro and Matt. We haven't really had the chance to get close yet but, I know he struggles more than most. Hell, he's like the definition of mental health'' Hunk said.
Lunch was just about over so they got up and walked down the hall. Lance wanted more answers but felt like that maybe it wasn't his place to be asking these question or maybe he should be hearing all of this from Keith.
"I can see your mind turning so I'll spare you the stress of overthinking. Keith has more mental illnesses than anyone else here'' said Hunk who then stopped walking. "His room is right there. I see the look in your eyes buddy, you're determined to find answers, you're curious about him, it's cool. I'll be in the Lounge Center if you want to met up later." Hunk said and patted Lance on the back before walking away. Lance sighed and knocked upon Keith's closed bedroom door. He waited and then he heard something inside, so he reached for the handle and pushed the door open, revealing Keith sitting on the ground, bloody.
"Oh my gosh!" yelled Lance who raced in and snatched the blade from Keith's hand. He yank the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around Keith's wrist. As soon as Keith's eyes landed on Lance, tears began to pour out of his violet eyes and his breathing picked up.
"Shh...shhh it's okay. It's alright, just breathe with me'' said Lance and tried to show Keith how to breathe in deeply, hoping that it would calm Keith's attack down cause he knew what Keith was going through, panic/anxiety attacks were never fun. After a few moments, Keith's breathing evened out and he had stopped sobbing.
" 'm sorry! I-I...I'm sorry!'' cried out Keith and Lance hushed him again.
"He...he c-came out and I...I couldn't st-stop it!'' Keith cried and then buried his head in Lance's chest. After a moment pause Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and pulled him closer towards his chest. After awhile, Lance looked down to see Keith's peaceful face, he was fast asleep.
"What Happened!?!?!" yelled Pidge as they rushed into the room. They closed the door behind them and rushed forward.
"I-I...I came to see him and he..." said Lance and glanced down at Keith's wrist.
"Shit! Not again'' called out Pidge who raced towards the bathroom and soon came back with a first aid kit. Pidge quickly removed the blanket and began to clean and wrap up Keith's arm. "He hasn't done this in awhile, something had to trigger it'' said Pidge more to themselves than to Lance.
"He was h-having a panic attack. He said that someone came o-out and that he couldn't stop it. Is he okay?" Lance said.
At the moment Lance said 'he came out', Pidge looked up at him in alarm. Pidge then got up quickly and rushed out into the hall. There was a small panic button on the wall in the hall for emergencies. Pidge pressed it and the emergency lights in the hallway began to flash with a small alarm. After a few minutes a doctor and two nurses rushed in. They began to ask a lot of questions and Lance was pushed to the side, lucky for him Pidge took over answering. After the doctors took Keith away, did Pidge collapse to the ground and brought their hands to their eyes and cried. Lance walked forward but paused at laying his hand on their shoulder.
Pidge then turned around and looked up at Lance with tears held in their eyes.
"Could you go to the lounge center and get Matt and Shiro, they are-" began Pidge.
"I know who they are and I'll get them for ya'' said Lance and watched Pidge nod their head before dashing down the hallway.
He had no idea what really just happened but deep down Lance knew that it was something huge and he wanted to be there for Keith, to be someone he could trust and lean on, be a friend to him.
To be that someone that he never had before getting here.
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