Chapter 2: Absolutely Atrocious!

Draco's POV:

I put my head in my hands as sat down. It was our seventh-year redo, and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to be there. 

I had been a douche in all my time at Hogwarts, and I'd been forced into the wrong side of the war. I could just imagine the stares I'd get.

I looked down at my arm. The Dark Mark was still there, a constant reminder of all the wrong choices I'd made.

"Mate, are you ok?" Blaise Zabini asked. I looked up. I shared a compartment with Blaize Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Astoria Greengrass. It had always been us five. Ever since we were little, we hung out together. We ran through the halls of the manor, howling with laughter after we pulled a prank. We learned how to be a "proper member of the Pureblood Society" together.  For as long as I could remember, it had been us. 

"Not really," I replied. "People are gonna hate us!"

"That's never bothered you before, what's different now?" Pansy questioned me. 

"I don't know, the war!" I snapped back. Astoria shot me a glare. "Sorry," I mumbled. 

A chime sounded in the distance, signaling that it was time to get into our robes. 

"I think we should try to have a truce...," Astoria started. She was always the peacekeeper. She helped us get through fights like it was nothing. "...with the Gryffindors. What do you think, Pansy? Good idea, no?"

Pansy gave a small smile. "It'd be nice to turn over a new leaf I suppose..."

Theo snorted. "Right, like they'll ever forgive us! We bullied them for years!" 

"Yeah," Blaise agreed. "They'd probably die before they became friends with us!"

"It's not worth it," I sulked. "They hate us! It'd be easier to just punch them!" 

Theo snorted, rather loudly, again, then whispered, "I call that Longbottom kid!" 

Blaise snickered. "As long as I get Weasley!"

"Just you watch, Draco!" Astoria sang, grabbing her robes. "Pansy and I will talk to the girls. We'll be honest and we'll explain everything."

Pansy giggled. "You boys should talk to the Boy-Who-Lived and co.!" She strutted out of the compartment muttering, "Chin up! Smile bright, and take a deep breath..."

I walked with Blaise and Theo down to the Golden Compartment-the compartment with Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, and their girls. I knocked on the door, noticing that their Golden Girls were not there. Potter looked up at me. He looked on guard, but slightly curious. Weasley glared at me as if he wanted me dead (he probably did), and Longbottom looked neutral. Potter whispered something to the other two and slid open the door.

"Look, I don't know why you're all here, but make it quick," Potter demanded. 

I gulped. "Well, we just wanted to say that we were sorry for the way we had treated you in previous years I me-"

Weasley stepped forward, and through gritted teeth said, "An apology won't clear up years of bullying you litt-"

"DON'T ACTUALLY PUNCH THEM!!!" I heard Pansy screech. Pansy, Astoria, Granger, Weaselette, and Looney came running. 

Longbottom looked confused. "What? I thought Malfoy was apologizing..." 

I cleared my throat. "Well I was trying to but-"

"Harry, Ron, Neville, the girls have apologized to us," Granger explained. "I think it's time to forgive-ish-and forget-again, ish." 

Weasley seethed. "'Mione! He called you the m-word! Since our second year!"

I frowned and looked down. "He's put that behind him," Theo retorted. "Let us apologize and explain before you make your decision, will you?" 

He looked like he was about to say something, but Granger got on the tops of her toes and kissed his cheek. He immediately relaxed but shot me a look before sitting down. "Look, we know that we've been brats, but we really want to turn over a new leaf. I know that what we did was unforgivable, but I hope we can move past that." 

"I mean," Blaise looked at his feet. "We were just raised that way. I'm not trying to make excuses, but it was planted into our minds. I know that we won't become your best friends or anything, but I hope we don't exchange insults every day." 

Theo continued, "In conclusion, we're sorry for being prats and we are working on being kinder humans beings. In Pansy's case, a kinder pug-"

Pansy playfully slapped him as Blaise, Astoria, Theo, and I laughed. Granger and Weaselette smiled a bit. Looney, Potter, and Longbottom snorted. Weasley blankly stared out the window. 

"I think I can speak for all of us," Potter commented, "That we can agree to forgive long as you don't revert back to your old ways." He offered us a small smile. Astoria and Pansy were about the burst into tears they were so happy, but I had dignity.

"Thanks...Potter," I held out my hand. He shook it. A loud horn blew and Granger jumped up.

"WE'RE HOME!" She shrieked. She levitated her trunks and zoomed out the door, pushing Theo and me out of the way and onto the floor as she did. 

"Damn, she's strong," Theo mumbled, rubbing his elbow. 

I groaned. "I know, she punched my face."

The Gryffindors and Looney laughed as they picked up their trunks and walked past us. "Just a warning," Luna giggled. "Never, and I mean never, get on her bad side." They walked off the train, leaving my fellow Slytherins and I to get our stuff and strut off, happy about the new truces we had made.

Ginny's POV:

I was a bit suspicious of the Slytherins, but I know that they were genuinely sorry. Besides, if they weren't sorry, I could just jinx them. Or punch them. Or strangle them. I could also push them down the stair-

Good Godric, I'm violent, aren't I?

I laughed out loud and Harry put his hand around my waist. "What's so funny?" He asked me. 

"Nothing," I smiled. "Just...realizing how violent I am...and I don't know why there won't be a Headgirl or Headboy..."

"Well, last time that happened, or technically happened..." Harry looked into my eyes as we came to the same realization. 

"The Ministry" we both chorused. 

McGonagall stood up. "Could I please have all First through Sixth years return to their dorms? Seventh years and Seventh year-redo's, please stay seated." 

Hermione and I glanced at each other. We caught Luna's eye, but she too looked confused. We all looked towards Astoria and Pansy-jeez, it'll take a while to get used to that-but they all looked...scared?

"The War took about %41.7 of our population, so the Ministry has proposed a new law," McGonagall called Kinsgley Shakbolt up to the podium. 

He finished, "This new law was voted upon by the Wizengamot, and try as I might, I could not get them to overturn it. This law will place you with your soulmate. " I glanced worriedly at Harry. He grasped my hand lightly and kissed my cheek. "In three months, you must be engaged. Within aa year's time, you must be married. Within three years' time, women must be pregnant." 

I was furious. I just fought in a bloody war for freedom and to end blood supremacy, and they were going to marry me off and impregnate me!? I had a boyfriend!

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I screeched. "I JUST WON A BLOODY WAR, FOR THIS?" Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me down. Other's started screaming too.



I leaned on Harry's shoulder. He whispered, "We were meant for each other, love, have no doubt that we'll get through this." I kissed his cheek.

"I know that some are already in a relationship," Kingsley shouted over the noise. Instantly, everybody quieted. "You can file to be with your partner, but if you do not pass that test, you and your partner will be broken apart."

People started screaming again, but I asked, "How do we file?" 

"Good question, Miss Weasley, to file, you will go to the Ministry. You will first take a bit of Veritaserum so we can confirm that you are, indeed, in a relationship. Then, well, you'll find out. All are dismissed." 

I jumped out of my seat, pulling Harry behind me. I noticed Hermione doing the same with Ron. A dozen other couples crowded around Kingsley, demanded to be filed. He handed us a file.

Couple: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Reason for filing: We are already in a relationship and love each other very much

When are you available to go to the Ministry?: Literally, whenever! 

I handed the piece of paper to Kingsley. Hermione did too. He looked at us. "Headmistress, if you don't mind, may I take these four to the Ministry now? It will take about an hour."

I looked up hopefully at McGonagall. "I..suppose. Only an hour!" 

Hermione and I squealed in excitement. Ron kissed her cheek as I kissed Harry's. 

Kingsley held out his arm. "We'll apparate there."

Hermione looked confused. "Sir, you can't apparate within the grounds-" 

"Ah, but I'm the Minister, aren't I?" We all touched his arm. I glanced at Harry once more, but then I felt a familiar tugging sensation at my navel, and then, it was black. 

Hermione's POV:

We appeared in the Ministry. A tall woman in a blue suit told Ron and I to follow her. I was thinking about our relationship. I loved Ron, a lot, but this was making me nervous. 

I feared myself. I have a secret that nobody knows, and I wanted it to stay that way. Everybody thought I  was a normal muggle-born, but I wasn't. Somehow, after all these years, I had managed to keep my powers a secret. 

The woman brought me into a room and lead Ron into another. The room was all white. It had two black chairs, and I sat in the one further from the door. 

A man in an expensive-looking suit sat in front of me. "Please drink this," He asked, offering me a goblet. I swallowed it. "Please answer these questions, obviously, you will answer them truthfully. After that, I will give you a potion. You will do and think a couple of things, but you won't be able to remember it. Are you ready, Miss Granger?" 

I nodded. "Please proceed."

"What is your name?"

"Hermione Jean Granger."

"Are you actually in a relationship with Ronald Bilius Weasley?" 

"Yes, sir, I am." 

"Why did you file for this?"

"Because I love Ron and he loves me."

"What would you look for in your ideal man? This does not have to be a description of Mister Weasley, by the way."

"Somebody who is very kind, even if they have a tough exterior.  Somebody who can intellectually keep up with me. He should respect my privacy, but also know when to force me to stop being a baby-"

"That's enough, thank you. Tilt your head back, please?"

I tilted my head back. He pulled a vial full of purple liquid from his pocket. It tasted like strawberries, but the texture was that of the slugs Ron barfed up during our second year. 

I tried to remain conscious, but the potion soon took over. The last thing I remember was me standing up, screaming for Ginny, then falling.

I woke up at my bed into Hogwarts. Ginny was looming over me. "You ok, 'Mione?" She looked concerned. 

"Yes, I feel fine! Why?" I got a bit nervous. Why was she so scared? 

"You had a pretty bad fall at the Ministry..." She looked down. "You had some sort of weird...reaction to the potion. It was just supposed to knock you out and you were going to say some prophecy or whatever, but you started...shaking violently. The man who was with you called for me because you called for me or whatever."

I paled. This wasn't good. If my secrets spilled, I was definitely done for. 

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