CHAPTER 30 : The awkward lunch!
Mrs.AHN : (-recognizing her-) Are you Jae ra? Kim Jang Min-ssi's niece?
JAE RA : Ye, ajumoni. (-smiles sweetly-) It's so nice to meet you again.
Mrs.AHN : (-embracing her-) Thank god the heavens! I thought you passed away in an accident.
JAE RA : Ye? (-flustered-)
Mrs.AHN : (-nodding-) Onh. I was so sad to hear that. Your Uncle told that you had passed away and so, he is moving abroad. Within 3 days, he completely emptied the house and left in a rush. Although, I felt it being weird, there were no words on the funeral scene. Now, I get it. You were alive.
Jae Ra was promoted to Seo In's words, saying that their neighborhood believed she expired in the accident.
No matter how much, she tried to deduce an explication, nothing came to her. No instance resonated the reason, her Uncle might've spread around that malicious lie for. Mrs.Ahn soon distracted her with her words.
Mrs.AHN : I am so happy to see you again. Are you doing well? Where have you been all these time?
JAE RA : I was in New York, receiving treatment. The accident did occur. (-smiles-) And yes, I am absolutely fine now. Were you?
Mrs.AHN : Yeah, yeah. Everything is going alright. You are dressed up, are you going somewhere?
JAE RA : Ah, ye. (-very politely-) I'll see you again when I am back. I might be late.
Mrs.AHN : (-nods-) Onh, onh, right. Don't mind me. Go ahead, but make sure to visit me once. (-smiles-) Be careful.
Jae Ra respectfully replied into an accordance and bowed to take her leave. Mrs.Ahn, watching her walk away from her, wondered about His plans for her.
Although, she was only basing on a rumor that went around the neighborhood. Mrs.Ahn was concerned about her safety with her Uncle.
The supposed lie he plotted about her death, just added more to her worries.
Meanwhile, Jae Ra matched the number plate she had received through a text message to identify the car. Once she located it, Jae Ra advanced towards the man standing beside the carriage.
DRIVER : Are you Ms. Jae Ra?
JAE RA : (-nods-) Yes, it's me.
DRIVER : Please, come this way.
He, with a mannerly attitude, opened the back door for her. And as Jae Ra got in soundly, the man shut the door with a gentle force.
Within the next few moments, the car was running on its highest road speed, smoothly advancing towards their destination.
Instead of realizing the weirdness of Taehyung's words, who said his house was close by and the ride was taking forever. Jae Ra was rather engaged around Mrs.Ahn's words.
She repeatedly tried to convince herself, that there might've been a miscommunication that led to believing her death.
With a sharp and steep right turn, Jae Ra was alarmed towards the road, the car was climbing up.
The house came to her view on the left while they moved in. The scene appeared to her like a deja vu, as if she had been here before.
Luckily to her head, no flashbacks lit in her yet.
And within minutes, the car took a sharp left turn to the big frontyard, leading to the main house.
Meanwhile, a few moments ago, inside the house, Mrs.Kim received the shock of her life.
Slipping her mind to involve Taehyung's father into the matter before, Mrs.Kim disclosed the news to him, about a ten minutes prior to Jae Ra's arrival.
Mr.Kim finally got his answers to what happened that night and how Taehyung managed to rescue his grandson. But, was exceedingly furious at his wife for inviting Jae Ra to their house before informing him on it.
Mr.KIM : How could you do that, without talking to me first?
Mrs.KIM : Well, it's home, I take the decisions here. And moreover, she has done such a big thing for us-
Mr.KIM : (-cutting her off-) She is not the one you think she is. Seeing your reactions, I believe Taehyung didn't tell you everything.
Mrs.KIM : (-flustered-) What are you talking about? What did he not tell me?
Mr.KIM : Honey, your guest today is, Kim Jae Ra.
Mrs.KIM : Oh, she is a Kim too? But, I know she is Jae Ra though.
Mr.KIM : (-sighs-) I guess I have to spell it out for you. She is Taehyung's ex-wife, Kim Jae Ra.
Mrs.KIM : (-looking at him blankly-) What do you mean?
Mr.KIM : (-nods-) The truth is, Jae Ra did not die back then. But, due to the head injury, she has lost her memory. I will explain it to you later. So, wrap it all up as quick as possible. It's not good for her to be here.
Leaving her totally flummoxed, Mr.Kim marched back to their bedroom very casually. Taehyung's mother couldn't comprehend what she just heard from her husband.
There were so many questions and no answers to them. The why's and how's were crippling her inside as she took a seat, imbalanced. A few maids rushed to her seeing that, but before they spoke, she raised her hand up to stop them.
She needed some silence, to absorb everything.
Within the next few seconds, two other maids that she sent out to receive Jae Ra outside, came in with her as she finally reached.
It was dreadful to lift up her head, but Mrs.Kim staying strong slowly turned her sight to the face that walked in.
Jae Ra smiled and greeted her respectfully with a bow.
Mrs.Kim exhaled deep, not realizing she was holding her breath until then.
However, having a stunned and petrified mien on Taehyung's mother, Jae Ra's smile faded out and she softly tried to stir her up.
JAE RA : Is everything okay? Should I not have come now?
Not aware of the tears that formed in her eyes, Mrs.Kim quickly wiped them away gathering herself. She took in a deep breath to calm herself and present to her guest.
Mrs.KIM : Oh no no, not at all! (-smiles-) I was waiting for you. Welcome home, Jae Ra-ssi.
She walked towards her guest with a bitter in her heart, seeing no signs of familiarity in Jae Ra's eyes for her.
Mrs.Kim wondered, 'does she really not recognize me at all? Oh, my poor child!' And realized how painful it must've been for her son to deal with the same.
Mrs.KIM : You look very radiant and beautiful today.
Jae Ra smiled and could sense a certain kind of warmth, a certain affinity and penchant towards her. While, on the contrary, Mrs.Kim was trying her best to feign her foreignness.
JAE RA : Thank you, but you surely defeat me.
Mrs.KIM : (-a sweet laugh-) Oh my, you are flattering me. Aren't you a smooth talker? Please come and have a seat.
Jae Ra smiled to her gesture as the latter turned around, leading the way to the couch.
Mrs.KIM : I couldn't do much, I hope the house looks fine.
JAE RA : Oh, it's errorless.
For the first time in the day, Jae Ra's view finally ran around the spacious interior as she followed Mrs.Kim's steps.
But, the moment she rested on the couch with her eyes, roaming all over the corners of the house, a sudden pain sparked in her head.
There were no warnings whatsoever and caused Jae Ra to bent down, pressing her head with her eyes squeezed shut. She heavily breathed through the initial numbing stages of the headache.
Mrs.Kim, alarmed towards her suddenly declining health, called in a worker to get a glass of water.
Mrs.KIM : Omo! Jae Ra-ssi, are you alright?
Not to further freak her out, Jae Ra faintly nodded trying to open her bag. She took out the bottle of her pills and with shaky hands dumped one in her mouth. Jae Ra gulped it before the water came in and drank some later to aid the friction of her throat.
Even though, the medication would take a little while to act on her, Jae Ra tried to retain herself as quickly as possible.
Mrs.KIM : (-extremely worried-) Are you okay now? Shall I call in our family doctor?
JAE RA : Oh, absolutely not. (-smiles-) I am perfectly fine once I take my medicines. Please excuse me, to have shown this side.
Mrs.KIM : Oh, come on, don't be formal. Your health is priority.
Taehyung's mother couldn't help her worry surface and wrinkle her face in pure concern. Jae Ra then felt the urge to ease her out a little.
JAE RA : Ye, I actually had a big road accident few years ago. So, I get these headaches frequently, but I have my aid with me all the time. Hence, I am absolutely fine right now.
She was so absorbed watching Jae Ra move and talk. It was so surreal and unbelievable to her eyes, that it made her replies lag for a few moments.
Mrs.KIM : Ah, is it? It must hurt a lot.
JAE RA : No matter how many times I get it, it just doesn't seem to assimilate. (-chuckles-) But, it's really fine. (-tries to change the topic-) Where is Jae hyung though? Not seeing him around.
Mrs.KIM : He has a holiday and was throwing a fit to go with his dad and meet his Uncles. I actually didn't tell him, you were coming.
JAE RA : Ah, he seems really close with them.
Mrs.KIM : He is. They used to spend so much more time with him when he was younger. You can say they raised him with his father.
JAE RA : (-smiles-) I see, he is really adorable. I haven't been with him that long, yet I feel very attached.
Mrs.KIM : Right, he got the captive charms. All this is a very small gesture compared to what you have done for us. I don't have the right words to thank you honestly. If anything happened to Jaehyung, I would've lost my son too. And just the thought of it is horrifying.
JAE RA : (-empathizing-) I have had a taste of losing a child, so I can understand what you feel. Therefore, you don't have to thank me anymore. I totally feel the relief of your heart.
Mrs.Kim smiled to her and was promoted to those days when Jae Ra was pregnant. How happy her family was then, she wondered and couldn't help a silent long sigh.
Mrs.KIM : I am so sorry for your loss.
JAE RA : (-smiles-) It's alright. I was unconscious and couldn't get to see his face at all. So, I guess it was easier for me to let go.
Jae Ra strangely felt so comfortable around her that she was naturally letting her guards down. All the things she was sharing with her as a stranger, went out in a smooth spontaneous flow.
Mrs.Kim now hunched the mood, getting glum and thus she tried to divert it elsewhere. Only for the head chef to interrupt and inform her of the table all set.
Mrs.KIM : Oh, you must be hungry. We should proceed to the lunch, if it's alright with you.
JAE RA : Ye, sure as it suits you.
As Mrs.Kim led her way towards the dining, Taehyung arrived just then. She had called him in for lunch to fully cater the 'special guest' she has invited.
Taehyung had no idea about that being Jae Ra and was speechless for a moment to see her. She greeted him with a smile, stirring his freeze. He instantly returned the gesture politely and looked at his mother.
TH : Eomma~
As if they talked in a sight language, Mrs.Kim smiled to him meaning she understands why Taehyung must've hidden the truth.
Mrs.KIM : It's alright. I am fine. Where's Jae Hyung?
TH : He had lunch with the boys and fell asleep, so I let him be there.
Mrs.KIM : Alright. Freshen up and come quick. The lunch is ready.
TH : (-nods and looks at Jae Ra-) Please, dine first.
Jae Ra responded in a respectful way as she slightly bowed to him while he left. Mrs.Kim smiled at her and gestured her to walk again.
In the meantime, Taehyung's father and Ji Hae joined the table and Jae Ra, maintaining her respectful attitude, greeted them as well.
While Mr.Kim was silent and didn't indulge into any small talk, Ji Hae came up to her with her characteristic smile.
JI HAE : It is so good to see you again, Jae Ra-ssi.
JAE RA : (-smiles-) Good to see you too.
And as they further conversed, the feeling of dejavu flickered in her once again. The view of the dinning area, opening straight to the hall, the little chaos of everyone dinning around.
Just as the image of a male was about to form distinct, Taehyung came in her view— dinning right across to her.
Unconsciously, Jae Ra kept staring at him settle down. Taehyung busy, taking his fill, wasn't aware of her eyes. There was only Ji Hae, who noticed her, but didn't try to act on it. The little remains of her discreet and decorous demeanor, thwarted her from poking in.
Taehyung's mother soon gestured Jae Ra to start, finally distracting her. The guest subtly inhaled as she politely responded and began. It has never been so quiet at a dine, the clicks of chopsticks and forks being the only sounds heard.
Due to her nerved up anxiety and the constant and weird flips of her memory pages, that has never happened before—was getting to her furthermore.
JAE RA : (-attempts to distract herself-) It's really delicious.
Mrs.KIM : Eat well. (-smiles-)
More into the awkward lunch, Jae Ra's breathing rate was growing uneven with the suffocating silence. Additionally, the blinding scenes seemingly familiar to the interiors of the house, blanked her sight every other second. She was gradually having a faint heachache as if the medication was slowly giving up to suppress her pain receptors.
Not long after, she choked on a bite.
Taehyung was the first to get alarmed as he was observing her since quiet a while now. He immediately poured her a glass of water in panic.
TH : You are making her nervous! (-speaks to her softly-) It's okay, you can feel at home here.
Jae Ra couldn't care less of anything at that moment and gulped down the pour, coughing a little.
TH : (-concerned-) Are you alright?
JAE RA : Yes, (-coughs slightly-)...thank you for the water.
Everyone else simply watched the actions occur silently. Jae Ra wondered how Taehyung seemed to catch right on her difficulty without the need of words. And would aid her discomfort, most effectively— every time. As if he has dealt with similar situations before and have known her for a long time.
Day by day, with each passing incident, her questions for him only had an increment.
Taehyung's mother spoke once again, snapping her out from her thoughts.
Mrs.KIM : Jae Ra-ssi . . .
Long time! ;)
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