Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't watched uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some f the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
2. It is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, exhilaration, or upheaval.
3. A person or thing that excites; stimulation or thrill.
Lou tried to let himself feel like that, but there was something nagging at him.
His gut was teelling him that something wasn't right, that something was being kept from him.
But how could he ak without being seen as suspicious?
He was currently walking with...Moxy and her gang?
He could FEEL the hatred radiating off them.
It made him nervous.
"So, Lou?" Moxy asked him, her tone soft, yet so fake. "Do you remember anything?"
He shook his head, and he started to feel a little offended. "No, I don't..."
Suddenly, he was grabbed by wrist, and he turned around to see Wage.
She was glaring at him. "Okay, you van drop the act! What the hell do you want?!"
Lou felt fear, he fekt genuine fear. "Nothing! Ox came, and he said he coukd help me! It's the truth!"
Babo sooke up, but he had a more reserved tone. "Please Lou, if your here to try and harm us, please don't..."
He froze, and stopped sturggling. "I-I did what?..."
He couldn't find the right words to say. He had harmed these dolls before?
But they were harming him now.
What makes them any different?.. A familiar voice whispered. They claim that you hurt them, but they are doing the exact same to you right now~...
For a moment, Lou's eyes had turned red due to his anger.
"You hypocrites..." He growled, not realizing that thry had fearful faces. "Even if I did harm you, your doing the exact same thing right now, to me!"
Then they realized their mistake, the....hypocrisy.
Lou felt a familiar sensation, it was good. He liked these dolls suffering, and seeing that were wrong.
But still, he tried to maintain some control within himself. That was why his speech was a bit distorted, he was trying to keep his anger under control.
He tore his wrist away from Wage's grip. "I can see that I'm not wanted here! Maybe I'll just go! Tell Ox goodbye for me~..."
Then, he ran off without a second though, leaving the uglydolls standing where they were.
They all had guilty looks on their faces. They had royally screwed up.
"Guys?" They all turned to Moxy. "Ox is going to be mad at us..."
Oh God, they were all royally screwed now. Ox was absolutely terrifying when he was mad. And that was something you didn't want to experience.
1. Heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous.
2. Utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless
3. Something that is done foolishly, carelessly, or without thinking about the consequences.
What the hell was Lou thinking?
He honestly had no idead what he had done back there.
All he knew was that the dolls were hurting him, and he had reacted (a bit) rashly.
To be fair though, the dolls were accusing him of stuff he didn't even know about!
Even if he had hurt them in the past, they seemed to be just as violent.
What a bunch of hypocrites!....
Lou was absolutely pissed off.
And the bad news was that he didn't knkw where to go flr the rest of the day. No doubt Ox would yell at him for being reckless.
Why did he care so much abou the doll?
Maybe it was because they had jnown each other in the past. His memory had proved that, but that was all there was.
He looker around his surroundings, and silently cursed to himself.
What am I gonna do?..
Since he had lost his memories, he didn't know if he had even been on this street before.
He looked around, and saw no one.
He growled in frustration, he was getting annoyed at not finding anything.
"L-Lou?" A voices called.
He looked and saw the one called...Nolan and Tuesday?
(A/N: I don't know who to ship Lou with. Nolan or Tuesday? Or possibly Mandy? Can anyone comment on which one I should do? Very much appreciated if anyone does~..)
"Yes?" He replied, nervous. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Pleas help me, I'm kind of lost.."
Why did his heart beast faster at these two?
"Where are you trying to go?" Nolan asked.
"I was trying to get away from Moxy and the others.." Lou answered, still feeling irritated from that incident. "They claim that 'I'm just faking this'. I'm not fucking faking this, I don't remember them, or you!"
He realized that he had snapped, and had vented out his frustration.
Lou cleared his throat. "I'm sorry..."
"It's okay" Tuesday replied. "I would be like that If I was in your position, as well..."
Lou smiled. "Thanks, but I don't know what to do now...Ox is goihg to be mad that I ran off."
"Well" Nolan started. "You cou,r come to mine or Tuesday's house. And in the morning, we could get Ox, and tell him that you spent the night at one of ours?.."
The offer was generous, and Lou was thankful for it. But the decision was hard.
Shoukd he stay over at Nolan's, or Tuesday's?
Lou aighed, and made his decision. "I'd like to stay at...Tuesday's..."
She cheered, and Nolan hung his head a bit, as if hurt from Lou's decision.
Lou felt bad then, but he didn't change his decision.
But, the expression looked so...familiar....
(A/N: These lyrics are from the song. "The ugly truth"~..)
Lou then turned to Nolan, and smirked, he loved teasing these kinds of dolls.
"Your heads to small~.."
He shrugged at the other.
"Your neck's too Looong~..."
He put his hand on hid head, closed his eyes, and waved his hand.
An sigh appeared on Nolan's neck, it said "UGLY!".
Before Lou moved from him to the next doll, he saw the other's expression.
He had a sad face, the look lf humiliation and heartbreak in his eyes.
It was a pleasant sight to him. There, now the other knew his place.
It made Lou happy that someone other than him had suffered.
Though, there was a little but of doubt there.
He gasped, reality setting in.
Had somehow harmed Nolan in the past?
He hoped NOT.
Then, he felt a warm sensation as Tuesday took his hand, and he didn't try to take it off her.
He felt a small smile appear on his face.
Nolan watched the scene fold in front o him, rage in his heart.
Lou was clueless to the truth of how he was left behind. It was his punishment for trying to harm and fool the other dolls into believing that the uglydolls were the bad guys.
But Moxy had forbidden them to tell him that. Nolan was against it, but he had to follow orders.
"So, Lou?" Tuesday laughed, it was like music. "Wanna head over?"
Lou smirked. "I would love to..."
He had a fuzzy feeling when he was with Tuesday. He couldn't explain it, he felt like he had some sort of attachment to her. He would figure it out later.
Nolan just stared at them blankly.
Lou noticed it. "Dude, are you okay?"
He snapped out of his daze, and smiled weakly. "Yeah, sure. Just tired..."
Lou didn't believe it, but decided to keep quiet. It was probably non of his business, anyway.
He felt Tuesday grab his hand, and he waved to Nolan. "Good night!"
"Good night!" Nolan waved back, but his voice had a hint of sadness.
He stared as the other two went away, feeling a sting in his chest.
1. (of a feeling or reaction) resulting from anxiety or anticipation.
2. uneasy or apprehensive: to become nervous under stress- or of relating to the nerves.
Oh, how they were screwed.
Moxy and Mandy were absolutely terrified as they were in Ox's living room.
They prayed that he wasn't in a bad mood.
Mandy sighed. "Jesus, Moxy. I'm absolutely terrified...."
"I am as well..." She admitted. "But don't worry, Ox is a good person. He won't do anything rash..."
Mandy didn't answer , and this greatly worried her. Moxy didn't know what to do, she couldn't comfort her 'best friend'.
And that nearky brought tears to her face.
"Ladies.." Ox stepped into the room. "Is there anything you need?"
His voice contained a hint of anger, and Moxy knew straight away that he knew of the previous incident that occurred.
"O-Ox.." Mandy stuttered. "We're sorry, but Lou ran off. He had an argument with Moxy and the others, I wasn't there..."
Yep, Ox was pissed.
Mandy didn't know what to do, she fekt like this was her fault.
If she had been there, she could have the argument. She could have intervened.
She didn't know what to say.
Moxy did it for her. "We didn't know, sir. We really did think that he was faking..."
Even Mandy knew that what Moxy said was messed up.
And holy hell, Ox looked bloody terrifying. "Well, this is just great. He ran off in fear, and he probably won't trust me ever again! I told yim Ugkyville was an accepting place! And now he's lost his trust in me! Well fucking done you two!"
They both flinched at his swearing, they only ever did that of they were extremely mad.
And he understandably was.
Then, the phone rang, and Ox answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Ox, it's Nolan"
"Oh hey, what can I do for you?!"
"I just wanted to tell you that Lou is at Tuesday's. We ran into him some time ago, he should be back in the morning, I'm getting him then.."
"Oh!" Ox had a smile of relief on his face. "Thank you for telling me, Nolan! I'll see you then, goodbye..."
Ox hung up, and he sighed.
"So?" Mandy rubbed the back of her neck. "Is Lou ok?"
"Yes, he is at Tuesday's" He replied. "Nolan is bringing him back in the morning..."
Moxy had a sad face on her. "I'm sorry, Ox. I should have stopped the others, then Lou wouldn't have ran off like that.."
"It's okay, Moxy.." He laughed. "And I'm sorry for exploding on you two like that, I'm worried.."
Mandy chuckled. "It's ok, Ox. We know what Lou is like, he can be a little crazy.."
What she said made them shiver a bit, it was true. Lou coukd be crazy.
Especially by what he had done in the past.
Ox aighed again. "Well, you two can stay here if you want, it's getting late. I have a spare room if you two don't mind sharing?..."
"Thanks, Ox..." Mandy answered. "We don't mind sharing, we appreciate the offer.."
As they both exited his living room, he couldn't help the hit of anger that stayed buried on him.
It had been Moxy's fault that Lou ran off. She hadn't stopped the fight, and that could have caused Lou to get hurt.
Ox sighed, and the went out too his room.
He was glad that his brother was safe.
1. (an act of) keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage.
2. the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
Lou didn't even know what the truth was.
Ever aince he had come to ugkyville, he had felt that everyone was hiding something from him.
But what was it?
He was surely never trusting the pink doll (wasn't her name Moxy?) and her group of friends fhat he didn't care to recall.
They had insulted and hurt his feelings, claiming that his memory loss was fake.
He didn't even know how he got it.
The last things that he could ever recall was something charging at him, and then it went black.
Then, a voice snapped of his thoughts. "Lou, are you alright?"
He looked up, and saw Tuesday standing a few feet in front of him.
She was wearing her clothes, and her eyes were shining...differently.
They were filled with lust, pure fecking lust.
And it freaked Lou out.
She came over to him, and sat a little too close to him. "You sure?~.."
He internally freaked out, but he forced himself to remain calm.
"Yes.." He told her, why was she so...flirty? "Is there anything wrong with you?"
"Oh, Lou" She chuckled, her breath ghosting his neck. Why had she gotten closer? "You really don't remember, do you? Our past~..."
(A/N: In this, Lou and Tuesday did have something in the past like 'friends or benefits' or whatever (but Lou ended it). In my opinion, it kind of explains why she's obsessed with him..)
"The fun we had..." She continued, and Lou felt kind of uncomfortable. "We use to have it every night. It used to be good, it was blissful. I was there for you, when no one else was...."
Lou tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, sweetie.." She sighed, her hand was on the area between his neck and his shoulder, fingers lightly tapping in a oddly familiar rhythm he couldn't immediately recall. "Those who you knew abandoned you. They left you when they had the chance to go to the big world. Me and a few others suck around, just to be with you. You suffered with others while others remained here, including Ox..."
Lou couldn't help the surge of anger that went through him, he could feel his eyes burning.
It explained why ne woke up in the institute alone, it explained why everyone lived there except him. It explained why Ox was hesitant with him.
It was because he didn't know how to react to himself abandoning the other.
He felt anger, he fekt rage-
Then, he moaned. Tuesday's lips travelled up his neck to his jaw. Her hand travelled just above his nipple, close enough to stir his feeling, but not enough to bring him there. She shifted her body to be on top of him.
He looked at her face, and felt his heart flutter.
What he didn't see, was how she seemed to be grinning.
Lou didn't know the deceitful game that Tuesday seemed to be playing.
"I can tell that your pent up, Lou~..." she chuckked. "How about we have a bit of fun? It'll give us something to do tonight..."
Lou couldn't help, but want to do ot.
The memory loss, the arguments, the confusion, the confliction-..
He needed a distraction tonight.
He found himself in her bedroom, stripped of his shirt. She was kneeling on top of him, tracing her tongue up and down his torso. He acknowledged the instinctual pleasure, but his mind was blank.
The only thing remained was the faint whisper, telling him to submit, to let them vent out, to accept their frustration in a way that could please both of them.
1. come or go back to a place or person.
2. to go back or come back to a place where you were before.
Nolan was currently uncomfortable.
As he was walking with Lou through the town, he couldn't help but feel something was off with the other doll.
They were receiving galres from the other dolls (which was kind of understandable).
Lou was glaring back at them, and Jesus, he scared the crap out of them. He looked liked he was about to pounce at them any second.
He was haking with rage, and Nolan grabbed his hand.
He then realized what he did, as Lou stopped his glaring, and looked at him qith wide eyes.
Confused, he raised a brow. "Why are you grabbing my hand?"
Nolan flinched, he noticed the aggressive tone in the voice.
But then he noiticed how Lou wasn't letting go of his hand. Instead, he pulled it close to his chest, pulling him a little closer to him.
"What's wrong?" Nolan dared to ask.
"Was I abandoned?" Lou asked back. "D-did everyone leave me just like that?"
What would cause Lou to think such a thing?
Wait, now Nolan knew it!
"N-no?.." He cursed his stutter. "W-we didn't?.."
Lou obviously caught it. He snorted, and just turned his head away from him.
Nolan reacted. He gentky pulled Lou's face to him, and stroked it.
"Lou, I promise" He told him. "I didn't abandon you..."
He saw the blush that appeared on the other's face, and smiled. Lou looked cute.
As they turned to walk again, Nolan didn't see the dark that crossed Lou's face.
He still didn't believe him, not one bit.
Ox heard the door being knocked on.
He answered it, and it was Nolan and Lou.
But he could tell something wasn't right.
"Hey Nolan.." He greeted, a smile on his face. "Hey, Lou-"
He gasped as the other shoved past him, and just went into his home.
What's up with him?...
"Nolan?" He asks. "Explanation?.."
He nodded, and they went to talk in the living room. Good thing that Lou wasn't there.
"I think it started when he was at Tuesday's.." He started. "When I was with them two yesterday, everything was fine. But when I went there this morning, Lou just seemed....angry. Like he just wanted to kill everything in sight. And then, he asked me if we all abandoned him, something happened that made him think that. But i don't know what, sorry Ox..."
The other smiled, but it wasn't a proper one. "It's fine, Nolan. But can you please go, I need to do something..."
Nolan nodded, and then went to the door. "Bye..."
"You two shoukd learn to keep it down, someone could hear you.."
Ox flinched, and then looked at Lou. "We were just talking.."
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, how something was off with me? Hmm, I believe nothing is off with me.."
His eyes turned red, and Ox was afraid. He had hated when Lou got like this.
"It's not our fault.."
Lou scoffed, and bent down to Ox's level. "You know what you did, you just refuse to show it.."
His anger had taken over completely, and Ox was helpless.
However, it seemed like Lou was retraining himself.
He took a deep breath, and frowned. "I'll be in my room..."
Ox heard him leave, and then a door slammed Shut.
Lou collapsed on the bed.
He sighed, why had he exploded at Ox like that?
And why didn't he feel regret at doing it?
All he was feeling was anger, sadness, and confusion.
He was feeling anger at the dolls for abandoning him.
He was feeling sadness at them for doing it to him.
And finally, he was feeling confusion for something else entirely.
Who was telling him the truth, and who was lying?
Who could I even trust?..
Lou closed his eyes, and just continued to be deep in his thoughts until he fell asleep from the tiredness of it.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter~😁)
(Sorry for the late update, my wifi has been crappy lately. And then there is school.)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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