Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie..)
(Credit to qwertuno for some ideas in the chapter..)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc.
2. the quality of being truthful.
(A/N: These ocs will play a big role in the story later..)
Ivy wasn't an honest person, she could admit that.
Unlike some people though, she did it for a good reason. She coukdn't say those reasons. Well, maybe she could, but she was too lazy to.
Those who were stared of her stood nearby.
"What's your name, doll?"
"Well~" She sung, while giving a client a lap dance. "My name is Ivianna (Iv-ee-anna). I'm a model/dancer (the irony of that statement). I do jobs like these~.."
Oh, how easy it was to lie. She did once have a job as a dancer though, but that was before she disappeared. And Ivy took her place in life.
She would explian later.
She sighed, and forced a smile on her lips. "What is your name, sir?"
She alrwdy knew who this piece of shit was, but she 'had to confirm' (Blaze's words, not hers). Now he woukd reveal his name.
"It's Curtis.." He replied silkily, and he groped her breast. "I'm a dog ugkydoll."
As if she didn't notice. His fur was brown, but he was pretty thin. Not like ugkydog who was blue.
At least Ugkydog respects personal space.. Ivy thought. I hate this one..
She was going to make Blaze for doing this. No, she was gling to make Louis pay the next time she saw either of them.
That's if you can find me...
I hate you...
Though hiw he had to power to communicate with someone else than Lou was beyond her. He was pretty powerful, she had to admit that.
"If you tell me what you do for a living.." She breathed in his ear. "I'll let you kiss me.."
She woukd never have sex with this guy, no matter what Absentia told her to do.
She even loathed to kiss him, That's how disgusted she was.
"Well.." this place had a policy that information was never shared outside. "I help make female dolls into mkre 'willing workers'.."
Ivy fekt her breath stop, this guy made female dolls into fucking sex slaves!
He was DEFINITELY going to die tonight.
Her rage was too mich for her to contain.
She grabbed her knife, and dug it into Curtis' jugular vein. His neck exploded blood, but she didn't bring herself to care.
The piece of shit didn't deserve to live..
She got of his lap. Oh well, at least she didn't have to kiss him.
When she apporached the door, she saw the security guard there.
She smiled, and whispered. "Take out the trash.."
She saw him nod, he had no choice. His pay was too good for him to disobey.
At the bar, things were different.
Blaze was knocked down when a drink was thrown at his head. He felt the blood dripped down his head, and rolled his eyes.
Absentia laughed. "Ha, she ain't in a fucking good mood! Your in for now, mate.."
He gulped. "Shit..."
Ivy approached the bartender who got scared shitless. "Get me a strong, now.."
He nodded. "Y-yes Ma'am.."
He got her fucking wine, she was grateful.
Taking a swig of it, she turned to her boyfriend. "You fucker, Curtis was a fucking sex worker. I killed him! Killed him! I never kill someone that quickly. He was an absolute piece of shit!.."
He hugged her, and she buried herself in his shirt. "I know, Ivy. But did tou get the proof?"
She nodded, and handed him the camera and mike.
"I can't wait until we get to our next targets.." Absentia put in. "I'm sure Curtis' friends will be glad to see us, isn't that right, Ivianna?.."
She flinched, and the other instantly felt bad.
"You fucking know how we felt about that.." She began. "You fucking forgot, you spaz! She is dead! Onky I, her other half remains! Her other personality. The one who is truly ugky. The sweet side, the light half, is gone.."
"How come she disappeared?" Blaze asked. "She wouldn't approve of this. Did she just stop talking.."
"She's dead mentally, and so am I" Ivy replied, folding her arms. "That's why J grew close to Lou. He is similar to me.."
"How did you get pretty boy's other half to trust you?"
She shurgged. "He just did. Louis is actually pretty chill. But he is creepy as hell. You don't want to harm Lou unless you have a death wish.."
"Is it also because your a prototype?" Absi asked. "You can't go into the big world, but we can. We just pretended to be lost to remain with you. Our kids were bratty.."
Ivy blinked a bit because of the amount she was drinking. "Y-yeah. Thanks for remaining here guys, it means a lot.."
Blaze spoke up. "When are we going to reveal ourselves to Lou?"
Ivy smirked. "When Louis says so. After all, there's a risk of brain damage if a person receives too many memories at once.."
Phoenix spoke through the com, she was hacking a security camera. "Yeah, but when, Ivy?"
Arms gentky carresseed both of her friends' faces, and her voice was a whisper.
"Soon my loves, soon.."
"You've been hanging out with Absentia too much.."
"Shut the fuck up, Phoenix.."
Poor Absentia and Blaze knew that this was going to be a long night.
(A/N: These Ocs play an important part in the story later!)
1. a state of increased arousal response promoted by a stimulus high in uncertainty and lacking in information.
2. the state of being curious: inquisitive, wondering, ready to poke around and figure something out.
The curiosity would not go away. It just wouldn't.
Lou felt it eating him alive. It wanted him to find out what was going on, what was wrong with him, how this was happening to him.
It wouldn't let him rest until he did.
That was why he felt annoyance as well, as if something was disturbed and pissed off in him.
No, not in him. At him.
As if it wanted something from him and he didn't allow it to happen. But what?
What coukd help him with this?..
Dolls, the library, the-
Wait, the library! How did he not think of that sooner?!
He felt stupid now.
Then he felt a strange satisfaction, as if something was praising him for coming up with the idea.
He kinda liked it.
But why? Did he have a fucking praise kink?
He hoped not.
It can help.. A familiar voice whispered. Don't worry, someone will come to you and make a memory come...
The tone was forced, commanding. As if it was talking to someone else than Lou. Like it was in a conversation with two dolls.
He felt the need to obey. It would punish him if he didn't.
But who would help me?...
Dear friends of ours.. It replied, tone happy. As if it was talking about friends or family. They will come and help you. Well, at least more than anyone else did...
But what about his friends? What about Moxy? Nolan? Mandy? Ox?-
NO!.. It roared, rage replacing the happiness from earlier. That piece of shit does not deserve OUR time! He deserves fucking death for what he did! He isn't what he says he is..
It was now sad. Jesus, did the voice have bi-polar disorder or something? It switched from one emotion to another.
Fuck you!.. Lou replied. I will do whatever I want! I will talk to who I want if I think it'll will help!..
He felt anger from the other side. He didn't care though, he wasn't going to do what it said.
He wasn't going to meet who the voice wanted him to.
Then, black spots started filling his vision. Lou felt slightly dizzy, and he knew what was happening.
Pain started filling his mind, it was not gentle like last time. The anger overtook its pity.
But why was it punishing him for simply not listening?
You WILL go.. It replied. And you WILL meet them. I don't care if you want to or not, you have to if your want your memories back..
He froze.
He could practically feel the smirk on the voice's lips.
That's a good boy.. It cooed, and Lou actually felt it stroke his hair in appreciation. You need to to do this, don't you?..
Lou felt his mind start to fog, what was happening to him?
"Yeah.." He replied out loud. "I need to..need to.."
What the fuck was this thing doing to his mind? Did he have that much influence?
Lou felt the need to obey it, but he resisted the instruction.
"Please.." He begged. "Just let me try.."
It paused, and Lou felt the tension in the air. You could cut it with a knife.
It was as if the creature was actually next to him, and Lou swore that he could feel its breathing in his ear.
"Fine.." It breathed, and Lou felt fear. "But don't blame me if you can't find anything.."
He felt it disappear, and he booked it out of there.
Little did he know that something was watching him the whole time.
It smiled, no, Louis smiled.
Ivy, meet him later.. He spoke through an unknown link to somebody else. And bring the others with you..
He knew that she would say yes. She always did.
1. a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts.
2. someone who has done something wrong according to religious or moral law.
Absentia knew that she was a sinner.
If you asked anybody that she knew if she was innocent, they would tell you no.
She laughed at the irony of it. You had to ask anybody she trusted if she was one.
Anybody else would say yes. They would say that her, Ivy, and Phoenix were innocent. Everybody knew that Blaze wasn't, he was a fucking playboy who's heart belonged to Ivy.
She always found it baffling at how they didn't mind the other having sex with other dolls, it was amazing at how they made being dysfunctional look good.
That was why she had sex with both of them.
But today, she was doing with Ivy, and she was going to draw the first personality who was supposedly dead:
The first person who came into this body. Ivy cane second. It was just a test to see if she was really gone.
Ivy panted as Abesntia teased her. She was licking her thighs and teasing her pussy.
Blaze and Phoenix were just watching in the corner touching themselves. They lived to watch her bottom.
Her eyes widened, was that?...
Absi must have spotted it as well, as she cooed. "It's ok, Iv. Let her come out.."
As much as Ivianna was being pleasured, she refused to come out. Ivy was still in control.
"More.." She begged. "It'll make her..ughn..come out.."
Absentia nodded, and finally stopped teasing her.
Spreading her legs, she was able to feast her eyes on Ivy's dripping wet pussy, twitching desperately for any sort of physical attention.
Pressing her face against her, Absentia dragged her tongue from her entrance, up over her urethra, and arriving at the other's hard and trembling clitoris.
"Ahhh~.." Ivy true voice came out, she didn't have to pretend here. She trusted her partners. "Please, fuck me!"
They all stopped, Ivianna had just spoken
Ivianna had just spoken.
Absentia smirked. "As you wish.."
She put a gag on the other.
Hehe, slut~.. Someone chuckled. But your their slut..
They heard another laugh.
They all knew Louis was watching.
Absentia moved a little lower and pressed the tip of her tongue to Ivy's entrance. She squirmed under the attention. Her moans were muffled by the gag, but She could hear them well enough to know Ivy was enjoying herself.
She lapped up the heavenly slick that her partner offered up so generously. Sliding her tongue between the gorgeous folds of Ivy's pussy always brought a sense of calm over her.
Said Doll writhed in ecstasy above her. She had her head thrown back as Absentia worked her eager mouth over her.
When she flicked her tongue over Ivy's clit, she cried out around the gag again. Her thighs tensed around Absentia's head as her pleasure climbed higher and higher.
Ivy's moans grew louder, though still a bit muffled, and she squeezed her legs around Absentia's head. Her hip ground down against the skilled tongue taking her apart.
It wasn't long before Ivy's trembling thighs tensed up for the last time and she jerked her hips up. She gushed over Absentia's face.
She finally pulled away when her thighs went slack and she was coming down from her orgasm.
She pulled the gag out, and it allowed Ivy to breathe.
Ivianna then appeared to them.
"Thank you.." Ivianna spoke to them. "But I have to go back to the abyss, I don't want to be here.."
"No!" Ivy spoke up, and she grabbed her lighter half. She looked into those violet eyes. "You can't leave me again!"
Blaze and Phoenix watched the scene sadky, they knew what was going to happen.
Thry locked hands, their eyes watching what was about to happen.
"Sorry, Ivy.." Ivianna smiled softly. "But I don't belong here, I never did. That's why you were born, my body belongs to you now.."
Her ghost began to fade, she didn't want to use too much of Ivy's energy.
She didn't want her to black out permanently.
She held her hand, and kissed her cheek. "Lou is going to wait for you. I love you, sister. I'll see you in the abyss..."
She went, gone, disappeared.
Three pairs of arms surrounded Ivy as she silently sobbed. "Why does she keep leaving me?"
"She needed time.." Blaze spoke. "You know what happened.."
"She is too fragile for this world.." Phoenix continued. "You aren't. Her mind created you for a reason.."
"You might be her second personality.." Absentia finished. "But you live gor her, and now you have us, we love you. "
You even have me.. Louis grumbked, and his image appeared stoic. Your one of the few people who UNDERSTAND us. You KNOW what's It's like to suffer...
He then went. He couldn't stay very long.
"Not what I was gling for, Louis.." Blaze replied, but then kissed her head. "C'mon, where's our tough, sweary Ivy?"
"Here" She grinned, and got up. "Now, weren't we supposed to meet Lou, my loves?"
They all cringed, they might be in a relationship, but they didn't do pet names.
"I'm sorry I said that.."
Phoenix chuckled as Absentia lifted her up. "It's okay.."
"So.." Blaze grinned, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "Shall we go? He told us that we had to cure someone's memory or some shit? Isn't he a friend of yours, Lou? Or something?"
It stung Ivy that. No, Ivianna was his friend. She just came along.
Still, she lied:
1. feeling that one would like to have or do something or to see something happen; a desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing.
2. feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that cannot or probably will not happen.
Lou wished that there was somedoll useful out here.
As he walked arouhd to get information, people had either told him to fuck of, or they had gotten too nervous to even respond.
What did he do to them?
He knew receiving was receiving glares from dolls, bu they were even mire harsher than usual.
That's because of the attack..
Lou rolled his eyes, he chkse to ignore what the voice said.
After all, last night was onky a dream.
He didn't the difference between reality and fantasy right now. Why him?
And where the hell was Ox? He hadn't seen him go out this morning.
"Hey Lou.." mandy greeted, and he turned to her and Nolan. "Nice to see you, where's Ox?"
He shrugged. "Don't know, my guess is that he went to bang Moxy though. He got drunk last night, and said thst he wanted to go and 'visit' her. Yeah, right.."
Mandy seemed visibly shocked, Moxy had promised.
She had promised that she woukd stop seeing Ox, she thought that they were going to manage their issues with a therapist.
Nolan winced at how Lou talked. The old him woukd never phrase words like that.
"It's been a while, Lou" They shook hands. "Do you want to hang out tonight?"
"Sure.." He nodded. "I've got nothing better to do.."
Mandy felt irritation, she was going to ask Lou if he wanted hang out! Nolan had done that on purpose.
Probably becuase he likes him, idiot.. A voice told her. Looks like he might by bisexual..
She knew that the inner voice was right. But still, she coukdn't help but feel jealousy at the scene in front of her.
Nolan's hand stayed with Lou's just a second too late and the other realized it as he took it off before it got awkward.
"So.." Mandy stuttered slightly, and smiled when she saw Lou blush a bit. "Where is it your going to?"
"Just the library.." He muttered. "Do you know where it is? I kinda need help going there.."
"Yeah!" Mandy answered before Nolan could. "It's to the right, thrn you go a couple of lefts, then your straight there.."
He smiled a oh-so-perfect-smile. "Thanks, Mandy! I'll be sure to remember it.."
She smiled as he left, then turnee to glare at Nolan.
Littke did they know that someone was watching the scene that just unfolded.
"Ugh.." Phoenix scrunched her nose slightly over com. "How does he not realize their feelings?! Also, he's heading to the place now.."
"Men are just thick heads.."
"You know it's true Blaze, It took you years to ask me out.."
"Oh please, Ivy! It took about 3 years for the four of us to get together!"
"Guys, can we focus on ths target before it gets lost?"
"And you wonder why we call you a buzzkil, Blaze?"
"Ivy's got a point"
"Blaze has also got a point, Absentia.." Phoenix interrupted. "Can you stop the arguing, or there will be no foursome tonight!.."
"Fine, bitch.."
"What crawled her ass?.."
"Blaze's dick~..."
She blushed massively. Unfortunately for her, it was true.
She pushed her blue hair out of her face, and her silver eyes shone slightly. Her tanned skin was red at this point.
"I hate you all" she hung up the com.
Oh no.. she thought. How did they get here so fast..
Phoenix blushed from head fo toe, why was she the kid of the group?!
"Can we just go?.."
"Fine.." Ivy pouted, and she grabbed Blaze's hand. "Let's go, babe.."
When Pheonix was about to go, Absentia grabbed ahold of her.
"You denied me sex last night.." she stated. "Your making it up to me, right now.."
Phoenix whimpered at the other's dominance. Why was she so submissive?!
"Y-yes.." It always pleased when she called her it. "Mistress.."
The other smiled. "Good.."
Phoenix didn't bother to deny the lips that came onto hers.
Let's just say that they had a good time then.
1. making no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound.
2. (of a place, period of time, or situation) without much activity, disturbance, or excitement.
The library was certainky quiet. In fact, it was deathly silent.
Lou wondered who the librarian was here, and how they were running it. Was it peaceful, or were they threatening the dolls into silence?
Lou fekt something snort in amusement in his mind, as if the idea was ridiculous. He had to admit thst it kinda was.
Nearky no doll was capable of that.
He currently had a load of books out, and none were helping.
1. Schizophrenia- no.
2. Borderline personality disorder- Definitely not.
3. Bi-polar disorder- no/maybe.
There were loads of things likw that, but they didn't match up with what Lou had.
For fucks sake!.. He thought, frustrated. Not even this can help me..
He sighed. "This is useless.."
He heard footsteps come towards him. "Need help?"
He looked up in shock, and Lou saw that there were four beautiful dolls in front of him.
The first one had green hair in rebel half shaved style with red and purple streaks in. Her eyes were red. She was wearing a baggie black hoody, black leggings, and red shoes. (Ivy).
The second one had blue spiked up hair. He had brown eyes, and light skin. He was wearing a white shirt, black pants, and brown trainers. (Blaze).
The third had blue hair in high-ponytail. She were glasses, and she had silver eyes that were nearly white so that you didn't know if she was blind or not. She had a beige skin, and had a black green jacket on. A white top was visible underneath, and she was wearing blue pumps on her feet. (Phoenix).
The final one had white hair in a hair flip. Her black eyes stared into your soul. She was wearing a black blue hoodie, and baggy pants. She had black trainers and light skin. (Absentia).
"You look like you need help. My names Ivy.." She smiled. "And this is Blaze, Phoenix, and Absentia. My pain in the ass lovers..."
Lou's eyes widened, four of them?
"Yes, four of us.." Blaze replied, and Lou realized that he must have said that out loud. "And if you have a problem with polyamory, then keep it to yourself.."
Meet the dumbass foursome...
Ivy's eyes turned violet. "I-it's nice to meet you, Lou. We're the friends that your.. other half mentioned. We here to help you, you can trust us.."
They all appeared shocked, but she didn't appered fazed. Her eyes turned crimson again.
"Ahem, y-yes you can.." She stuttered ever so slightly, and Phoenix grabbed her hand, which instantky calmed her down. "Yes, you can.."
Lou got near Ivy's face. "How do I know I can?"
Absentia stepped up. "Listen up, Lou. Don't you put your face in our Ivy's presence you are beneath us. We are your only help for the truth-"
"Absi!" Phoenix interrupted her meekly. "Sorry Lou, they're just protective.."
"It's fine.." He replied. "But why are you whispering? "
Ivy grinned. "Because this place is not trustworthy, and we're being watched. Look in the mirror.."
Lou kbeyed, and saw Nolan's reflection. His eyes widened, what was he doing here?
The said doll was watching what was happening. Everything seemed normal.
"Its fine, Ox.." He replied to the other. "He's just reading some bokks and chatting to some dolls.."
"Wel, that's good.." There was a pause. "Wait, which dolls?"
"Blaze, Ivy, Absentia, and Phoenix.." Nolan had talked to them a couple of times. "Why?"
Ox's breath hicthed. "Nolan, those dolls are extremely dangerous and Manipulative. You need to yet Lou, now!"
"Okay.." He rolled his eyes. "I will.."
"Eh, there's one problem.."
"They're gone.."
Ox cursed, and hung up the phone.
Lou was in danger.
1. the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.
2. a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people.
All of them had gone somewhere where they could get some privacy. It was rare that you could here.
Lou and that walking to a location that was hidden outside. It was a building, and it was their home.
Blaze smirked, and gripped his hand over Ivy's. "To easy.."
Phoenix and Absentia were the same, Lou really had no idea who they were. Only a few dolls knew their real reputation, but they knew to stay clear of them.
Said doll was currently wondering next to her, a lost look on his face.
Almost too easy.. Ivy thought, smiling. Has he really no stranger danger sense?...
It seemed that he didn't. If he did, he would have known not to trust them.
Absentia stole a glance at Lou, he really was naive to trust them. But she couldn't blame him, he was desperate. She felt angered that he was lied to.
Heh.. She thought. The irony, the dangerous people helping him instead of his 'friends'..
She felt someone's breath next to her.
"They're fucking liars.." Phoenix whispered, fists clenching. "His friends are cunts, no wonder Louis doesn't care if they die.."
"Here!.." Ivy cheered, and Blaze lightly pushed Lou down to sit on one of the sofas. "This is our home, make yourself comfortable! Phoenix and Blaze will keep you entertained while I talk to Absentia!.."
Lou coukdn't help but stare into her eyes, why were they so familiar?
Lou (present) found himself near the white mansion just before he went with Ox.
He watched his copy, who was shivering and nearky cryring. He decided to access his thoughts.
Panic was spreading through him, why was his life?!
Lou leant against the wall, pain spreading through him.
I don't get why you don't let me kill them.. A voice whispered. It's easier to make them pay. It'll save you the suffering and aginy you have to go through daily..
'It's only gotten worse since Ox showed up...'
Now we're thnking the same!...
Lou (present) was shocked, what kind of pain were they taking about?!
Now, give me control-
"A-Are you okay?" A voice stuttered, and both the Lou's were surprised. "You look like shit..."
He was surprised by their language, and Lou took their offered hand to get up.
He recognized her immediately, who wouldn't?
Violet/red eyes, beige skin, green hair with red and purple streaks.
It was Ivianna.
You were known by reputation in the institute. Hers was that she was shy one minute. But if you bullied her, she turned into an absolute fucking psychopath.
"Bullshit.." She replied, though meekly. "It's him, isn't it?"
"Who?" How did she know? "What are you talking about?"
"Oh please, I know the signs of another personality" She smiled. "I have one to.."
If she's not lying, I'll like her.. Louis whispered. She understands..
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure you do.."
He had talked to her a couple of times, and Ivianna seemed nice. Lou had never seen any of her 'rage modes'.
"Hello, Lou.." Her eyes were suddenly crimsom, not red, fucking crimson. "See something you like, name's Ivy. I was created after all the abuse, as was yours.."
She did understand, and Lou felt care and concern from Louis. That was fucking rare.
He cleared his throat. "It seems that you do, I apologize.."
She chuckled. "No need to be frightened, Lou. I won't hurt you, that's reserved for those who harm Ivianna. You seem cool and trustworthy.."
"Iv!" Someone called, it was Blaze, Phoenix, and Absentia. "You coming!"
Red eyes changed to violet. "Coming! And hey guys! May Lou come with us?.."
The three pairs hesitated. "Iv.."
"He will come.." Her voice changed slightly, and they immediately changed thie stances. "Okay?"
They nodded, not daring to disobey.
She smiled, and turned to him. "You coming?"
Lou fekt his heart swell out of happiness. "Yeah.."
He grabbed her hand, and she let him. He didn't see the jealous glares of the other three.
He became friends with the four after that, but Ivy was the one who became a sister to him.
Even Louis approved, and sometimes didn't come out to be violent. It looked like he could be tamed.
That's how he knew her, they had been friends since he had been at the institute of imperfection!
Hr was about about to call her Ivianna, when he stopped.
Her eyes gleamed, but her mouth was a frown. "I see that you remember me, but do not call me Ivianna. She is dead, onky I remain.."
There was grief in her eyes.
She onky left when Absentia dragged her by the arm into the kitchen.
Lou was confused. "What?"
"Mentally.." Phoenix whispered sadly, and even Blaze didn't interrupt. "We were friends and we lived both of them, but Ivianna couldn't take her demons and the abuse anymore, so she..just went, disappeared. Whatever you want to call it. Ivy considered her a sister, and now she's emotionally unstable. Do not bring it up, it seems to set her off..."
Basically don't let her even think about it, or you will piss her off.. Louis seemed to shiver at that. You DON'T want to make her angry, you will regret it...
Even he sounded like he was afraid.
Blaze spoke. "So, what do you want to talk about?"
1. mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated : anxiety.
2. feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.
Ivy was genuinely worried, Absentia usually never talked in private. At least, never 'talked' (if you got what she met).
"What do you want?" She hissed at her, voice low. "Why do we need to talk?"
"Louis spoke to me.." Absentia replied. "He said that he needed to speak to us.."
Ivy was shocked.
When did he appear?..
"When Lou was experiencing his memories.." She replied solemnly. "He requested the both of us. I don't know what he's planning. I just know that it won't be pretty.."
"He has influence in Lou's mind.." Ivy confessed. "He makes him enjoy the violent acts that he commits. Even unconscious, it's like a good dream. I kesn, we are cruel, but not that cruel! He needs to tone it down a bit. We can't exactly stop him without hurting Lou.."
The two fekt something in the room shift, and they knew what was happening.
He was here. Louis was here.
Hey girls.. He greeted mentally, and his image appeared. Nice to see you again..
They fekt happiness in them, but remained neutral. "Nice to see you as well.."
His arms were folded, and he was leant against the kitchen counter.
Ivy asked him. "So, what did you want?"
I need a favor.. He grinned, and got a cup out the cupboard. Get Blaze and Phoenix to keep Lou busy and give him a sleeping pill. Lou is going to find out about me soon, so I think he is going to fight. I can't have that..
They nodded.
"It has to be tonight.." Absentia inquired. "Me and Ivy have a job. We'll take him outside, then you can take control. We'll just tell him that he was tired and that we helped him home.."
Red eyes shined in appreciation.
Good idea, Asbi.. They both shivered at his sinister tone. Hayden means a lot to Ox, she is like a sister to him, it'll hurt him to the ckre when he finds out. It's her faukt thst her and William hurt Lou. I don't take assaults lightly~..
"So, you don't want him to remember?" Ivy asked. "The irony that you want us to help him regain his memories.."
Not yet.. He replied. I can onky appear to you when he is near right now. I'm weak, and can only take control for up to half an hour..
Absentia understood. "Okay, we'll do it, boss!"
He smirked, and then frowned.
I'm currently using Lou's energy, but it's running out for me to stay. So, bye! dO tHe jOb...
He went, gone.
Absentia turned to Ivy. "We're still doing it right?"
Said doll got a a pill from the cupboard. "Of course..."
The door closed.
"We never dissapoint a friend..."
Absentia didn't dare say that this was what Ivianna wouldn't want them to do.
1. rest from work or engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious.
2. to spend time resting or doing something enjoyable especially after you have been doing work.
Lou found the night pretty relaxing as he, Ivy, and Absentia walked together.
But he could sense something in the air, like an unsaid sadness.
"Thanks for walking me home, guys.." He tried to lift the nood. "So, what do you work as?"
They froze, but Ivy spoke. "We work a variety of different jobs, kinda lile undercover..."
Lou was glad that he got her to smile just a littke bit.
Then, he fekt a little busy. Was it something in his drink earkier?
"What do you do, Lou?" Absi asked.
"Oh, I lots my memory.." He replied, yawning slightly. "I'm desperate to get it back.."
"Are you okay, Lou?" Ivy asked in concern. "What's wrong?"
"Just a little tired.." He answered. "I swear that I had some coffee this morning.."
Ivy smiled. "Peaceful nights make me kinda lazy as well, it's normal..."
Lou's eyes were drooping more, why was he so tired?
"Glad the sleeping pill worked.."
Wait, sleeping pill?!
He was fucking drugged.
The voices of them both were fading iut, but Lou fought to stay awake.
Don't worry.. It crooned, and Lou arms hugging him tightly, safely, securely. You'll be safe, I'll make them pay. Just let go, Lou..
Lou could see their faces go down solemly, but he couldn't fight back.
"I'll protect you..."
It was like trigger phrase, Lou fekt his mind surrendering to the other.
It was the pill and his voice guiding him to sleep.
He fekt himself being put aside again, and Lou succumbed to the feeling of tiredness that he fekt.
Louis' presence faded, and then to redish blue eyes opened in the presence of once blue ones.
Ivy and Absentia smirked. "Nice to see you, Louis. Go get your payback"
"Oh, don't worry.." He smirked back. "I iNtEnD to mAke tHen rEciVe hEll~.."
A not so bad ran down Ivy's back from Louis' demonic tone.
Whoever had hurt Lou was certainky going to receive hell.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter ~😁)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(If you have any jdeas for the next chapter, comment down!~..)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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