Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie..)
(Credit to qwertuno for ideas in the chapter)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. a person who buys and sells shares, securities, or other financial assets as a principal (rather than as a broker or agent).
2. an individual who sells drugs, of any type or quantity, illegally.
Phoenix was heading to a place to see her dealer.
She was walking to a certain that not even the others knew about. It was a place where she coukd get her mediation.
The passage.
It might sound like a stupid name, but it provided good services. It made her who she was todsy.
She kelt her hands in her pockets, she occasionally shook her money to try and bring her into reality.
She coukdn't afford to get lost in her thoughts right now. She needed to keep her emotions at bay. Especially now.
Knocking on the door, she heard the familiar. "Password?"
"El bien esta muerto (good is dead).."
Please don't have changed the password already..
The latch was moved out of its place, and the door opened. "Phoenix.."
She said nothing to him.
When she did go inside, she was a bit surprised by how busy it was that night, but she wasn't here to see all the decor.
She was here to see Wade.
She sat at rhe bar, and ordered a whisky.
"The strongest you have..."
The bartendernodded, and prepared her drink. "5 bits, please"
She paid him, and he pissed off. He gave her a dirty look. He recognised her.
When Phoenix tasted the wine, she noticed it tasted funny. But if it was poison, then she gave the bartender points for not even trying to cover it up.
She could just get Ivy to kill him later.
At this point, she didn't give a damn if she (Phoenix, not Ivy) died or not.
Why did I visit Hayden in the first place?...
She knew the reason why, but Phoenix wouldn't admit it.
The guilt, her past, it haunted her all her life.
Surprisingly, she was the one to end things with Hayden after the...event. She didn't want her to be there anymkre, she didn't want to be hurt anymore.
Thst was why she chose the drugs, the crime, etc. It made her forget and feel empowered. Like she could rule over memories and make herself forget.
But it was the opposite. They ruled over her, they forced her to remember everyday what happened.
That was why the pills were handy, they made her numb and forgetful to the world around her. She could just go one with her life while enjoying others' suffering.
But she guess karma was finally getting her back. Though, she was surprised Ivy didn't go first. She was the worst out of all of them.
Phoenix considered herself so forgettable that she thought the universe would've saved her until last.
What fucking irony, the most innocent of their little group got the karma bash first.
Her mouth threatened to curl into a sneer, and she let it.
No one knew what went into her head daily. While Phoenix didn't like killing much physically, she had fantasies about it. She could play in her head without anyone judging her.
"Phoenix, baby girl~" A voice purred, Wade. "What're you doing here?"
She remained. "You know what I'm here for.."
"But what are you here for specifically, babygirl?" He sneered cruelly. "Why don't you just say it?"
Phoenix couldn't believe thst she had once been great friends with this prick, nkw he was nothing more than a nuisance. And he was friends with Hayden, which sucked for her.
"I'm here.." she replied tiredly. "For the pills. They help me become numb..."
He smiled tauntingly. "Well here you go, lassie! Free of charge as always since you threatened to out my best friend in the hospital.."
She just glared at him, why was he doing a french accent?
When she was about to grab them, he pulled them back just out of her reach.
This is getting ridiculous.. Her anger was acting up. I can't be like this...
"Please.." She begged. "Just give me them.."
He smirked. "What?"
"jUst giVe mE tHem!" She shouted, her voice just a little distorted. "nOw!"
He looked afraid of her. "Fine, geez.."
He handed them to her, and she instantly calmed down after taking one. She was addicted to this, it helped her calm down.
Wade appeared to be calm when he saw the familiar dead look in her eyes, he didn't like when her emotions came through.
They had been suppressed to much to be controlled.
"Before you go..." he whispered. "How is she?"
She smiled dauntingly. "She's fine, she's onky in a coma along with William. They have a 2% chance of waking up.."
She felt satisfaction at his wince, the bastard deserves it. He had helped Jacob escaped the day he raped her.
That was just one of the main reasons she lost her emotions.
She took a swig of her whisky again. "You know, if you want to poison me, you might want to cover it more.."
She took the cup, and threw it in his face.
"Fuck!" He screamed, and covered his eyes with a hand. "You bitch!"
She just smirked. "Bastard."
Phoenix was glad to not have emotions. It allowed her to enjoy moments like this.
She just chuckled sadistically. "Good luck with your blindness~"
She walked out happy with herself.
1. state with assurance that a report or fact is true.
2. establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).
Moxy needed to do this if she wanted to confirm her theory.
She walked down to a certain building with a doll that she knew was perfect for the job. She couldn't tell Ox yet, he might accuse of her of being paranoid.
That was why Moxy needed to get the evidence that she was currently after. Without it, nearly no one would believe her.
But why did she feel guilty about doing this? Why did she feel bad about exposing her attempted murderer?
Maybe because your being petty.. An angry voice answered. You did something bad in the past, and your guilt is onky coming now...
Moxy fekt like that was true. The onky guilt was onky settling now. Why did the voice make her feel like this?
But she had no time to sympathize with Lou, she needed to do this.
As she walked into the house of a doll she both liked and despised, she sighed.
Then the dreaded voice. "Hi, Moxy!"
She shivered at how haply he sounded to see her, why did he have to be one of few forensics doll in uglyville?
His eyes screamed hatred to her though, he absolutely despised her. She didn't even know why.
"What can I do for you?"
His tone was spiteful, dejected, and just tired. Like he had been forced to do something and was working himself to the ground.
Why though?..
Moxy knew it would be wise not to ask about it.
"I need a favor.."
His eyes narrowed. "What?"
Alexander had red straight hair, light skin, and green eyes. He was waring a green shirt with red pants, and white trainers.
"Why should I do you a favor?"
His eyes were filled with sick amusement, as if he was enjoying her suffering to know the truth.
"You know, I work flr someone dangerous.." He taunted her. "Someone who doesn't like you.."
Just then, his phone rang. "Hello? Mhmm, yes. She is here. Yes, the dna samples will be there. Your welcome, Ma'am.."
Moxy raised a brow in confusion. "Ma'am.."
"Just a client.." He smiles. "Pretty one, to-"
"Alex, baby?" A new voice reached out. "Why aren't you here yet?"
He covered his eyes. "Oh, shit.."
A new male approached them, he only had his pants on. "Who's this?"
There was a hint of possessiveness in that question.
"Blaze, baby. It's ok.." He replies to the blue-haired boy. "This is Moxy, and old.. acquaintance of mine."
"Oh..I heard of her.." He hissed. "I know her through a friend of mine. So, what do you want?"
"I need Alexander to confirm this hair.."
Blaze smiled. "Alex, do it. It'll let us get back to our 'current task'~"
Do I even wanna know what that means?...
"Fine.." He groaned. "But you owe me."
"I'm already letting you top, what else do you need?"
"Blaze!" He whacked his arm. "I have company.."
Damn his ADHD.. Alex thought. That's the only reason I put up with his jokes...
He sighed. "Give me it.."
Moxy did, and he ran the results on his computer.
He smirked. "It belongs to the infamous Lou.."
He handed it back to her.
"Now get out.."
She did, Moxy didn't want to piss him off anymore.
"So?" Alex turned to his fuck buddy. "Why were you so nice?"
Blaze smirked. "Oh, I wasn't. Ivy's gonna find out about this."
"Why are you afraid of her?"
Blaze blinked. "Have you fucking seen her when she's mad? She is a complete psychopath!"
"That part I know is true.."
His phone rang. "Hey, darling~"
"Did she come round yet?"
Blaze frowned, Ivy's tone was emotionless. Duck, she had a nightmare last night.
"Yeah.." He replied calmly. "Bad night..."
"...Shut up, thanks for the information.."
"He did it to you again, didn't he?"
"N-no.." Her voice trembled a bit. "I-I'm fine.."
"He's near you, isn't he?"
"No, Blaze.." She replied, but her tone changed to a sadistic one. "He's near you.."
I suggest you shut the fuck up, Blaze.. A voice cooed. Or do you want me to show you your past, again?..
"I'll see you later.." He whispered. "Meet me at the place in an hour.."
"Ok, bye.."
He hung up the phone.
Are you happy?..
Yes, I am. Now, go have sex with your little buddy. I've got business elsewhere~..
If Blaze hadn't been broken by Louis showing him his past before, he would have retaliated.
But he knew all your strengths and weaknesses, it was better not to fight. He was nice if your were on his side.
Suddenly, Alex was on top of him, stripping his clothes off.
Blaze kissed him. "Make me forget.."
And he did. Or at least, he tried to.
1. to do or say something over again: to repeat a question, an order.
2. occur again in the same way or form.
Everything was repeating as Nolan was trapped.
Splash, splash, splash.
Everything spun, spun, spun, spun.
He was being thrown around as if he was a rag doll. He didn't know why Lou had done this!
His vision was currently just seeing water all over his eyes. It hurt like hell. Nolan was feeling pain.
How did he gain that memory back from hearing a conversation?
Ox told him that Lou would have to be reminded in a visual way. But he had only heard a few words, not even the full story-
His back hit one of the many bumps of the device, and he felt sore pain.
I'm going to feel like that tomorrow...
It was true, he was going to feel it.
Water and soap was entering his mouth, and Nolan could barely breathe. He swore that he could feel it entering his lungs.
Was that supposed to happen?
He didn't know, but his vision was bubbling. Nolan knew that if he didn't get out soon, he'd be in a bit of danger.
But he felt like he was going to drown.
He could taste the soap coming into his mouth, and Nolan coughed. Big mistake, more water ended up in his mouth.
He tried to cough it out, but he felt even worse.
He felt the air coming out of his lungs...
Then the door was forced opened. "Nolan!"
He was suddenly pulled out by his arms, then he was on the ground.
He coughed as he felt someone's hand on his chest, then his sign was removed.
"Why do you still have the stupid sign thing on?" He heard someone murmur. "That thing will be the death of you.."
He felt the water returning from his lungs back to the surface, and he coughed it up. It tasted like vomit.
He didn't like it. No, they didn't like it.
Even though Nolan's vision was swimming, he could still see the iconic purple hair of the one and only Mandy.
As his vision came back, he heard her voice. "Are you okay?"
He clutched his head, Nolan has one hell of a headache. And rightfully so, he did almost just drown to death.
Wasn't that how Lou felt?.. A voice whispered. I mean, you just experienced the same thing he did. Hoped you learned your lesson~...
Nolan did feel the same thing Lou did.
Fear, hopelessness, sad, angered, betrayed.
"Yeah.." Nolan whispered. "I just can't believe that he did it.."
Who?.. Mandy thought. Who did this? And please don't be who I think...
She looked at Nolan, and felt sorry for him.
His clothes were torn off a bit, especially at the sleeves, and his hair was as messy as a hedgehog's fur in its back.
She had to laugh at that bit (internally, not loudly).
I guess my jokes are a little corny...
"Do you have any wounds?" She asked, concerned.
He nodded. "Some bruises on my arms, and I think on my back.."
"Who did this?"
Nolan froze. He knew that he was delaying the inevitable.
He sighed, and shuffled.
"It was Lou.."
Mandy felt her heart freeze. She had suspected this at some points. But to have it confirmed.
It felt like a whole new weight dropped on her shoulders. "No.."
"Mandy.." Nolan breathed. "He looked fucking posessed. His eyes were filled with hate, and they red mixed with them. As if someone else was in control.."
Her eyes widened, why did it sound so familiar?
"And If you think you'll take all this away from us.." He chuckled. "Your as empty-headed as the rest of them.."
Those words were a meaning. But what?
Never mind thst, she needed to help Nolan up!
She put one arms under his, and hoisted him up. It seemed like his legs were asleep as they stopped working for about a minute.
As they walked in silence, she thought something.
I need to read that book about psychology again.
1. persuade or cause (someone) to do something by talking.
2. speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words.
Moxy was currently standing in front of Ox waiting to talk to him. She was so damn nervous.
Why did she not want to reveal the information she had on Lou? Why did she feel bad?
Moxy sighed. "What is wrong with me?"
A lot of things... A voice replied. A lot of things, bitch...
That was harsh. Her own mind was against her. Guess she was her own worst enemy at the moment.
It might just be karma coming to bite her in the ass one more time.
Feck, how am I going to tell him?....
As she approached Ox's bedroom door, she heard him in the phone to someone.
"You got to be ducking kidding me?!" He sounded angry. "What do you mean that they're after him? Yeah, I'll see you later.."
He isn't in a good mood...
Moxy opened the door to a crack..
Ox sighed, and ended the call. "Little fucker. I actually want to kill him myself sometimes.."
He jumped, and appeared nervous instead of angry. "M-Moxy?"
"What are you doing here?" He asked sternly. "It's rude to enter someone's house without their permission.."
"I need to tell you something..."
He had a feeling of what she was to say. "Okay.."
"Umm.." She put the hair out to him. "I-I found these at William's house when we were investigating a couple of days ago.."
Ox recognises it, the hair, the blonde hair.
They spoke in unison.
The name felt so wrong to accuse off his tongue, but the evidence was right there before him.
Oh please, she is just a bitch...
Suddenly, Ox felt a chill go down his spine. The voice had purred that as if it was amusing.
Who the fuck are you?... He asked it. Where are you?..
I'm everywhere, Oxie.. It spat the nickname as if it was poison. I'm in your head, someone else's mind, outside, anywhere.
But right now.. It laughed mockingly. I'm lying on your bed~...
Ox spun around, and saw who it was. A demonic version of Lou.
He had darker blonde hair, skin, and had red eyes.
They made eye contact.
"Nice to see you again.." His voice sounded normal. "I guess that you don't remember me.."
"You're the monster.." He whispered. "The mistake, the fake-"
"What?" Moxy asked. "Ox, what's going on?"
"I am not a fake!" He shouted, eyes narrowing in anger. "If anything, you are. A real friend keeps their fucking promises.."
Ox bowed his head on shame for a moment, but then a question popped into his mind. "What or who are you?"
"My name doesn't matter.." He chuckled. "But I can tell you that I'm related to Lou. Oh, and your little bitch Moxy framed Lou by the way.."
Remember when you put that tablet in Lou's drink and he fell asleep? He smirked at the other's expression. She had a few precious seconds, and she took it. Now the opportunity to frame him has arrived. And coincidentally, she just happens to have evidence....
Ox's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but believe it to be true. Was this thing telling the truth?
I might be a monster, Ox. But I don't tell lies...much..
Ox couldn't help it, he turned around to Moxy. "I need to ask, where did you get the hair from?"
"I told you, William's house.."
Where she have could have her little evidence that YOU didn't even see when you went into that room before?.. It countered. Jesus, even Tuesday has more of a fucking brain to do something more smarter...
The last bit was said in a mocking way, as if it was honouring for her to be even mentioned as smart.
He's got a bit of a point on that bit...
"Where were you when I was meeting with Tuesday around four weeks ago?" He asked. "You were later by about 10 minutes, I remember.."
Louis smirked. Dolls were so easy to manipulate, it was hilarious.
"The true manipulator never has a reputation for manipulating.."
A voice of the past echoes in his head, and Louis feels guilty for suddenly doing this.
No, they deserve it.. He chanted. Hedeserves itHedeservesitHedeservesitHedeservesit...
He repeated it in his head, and he suddenly felt better. All it took was that to get rid of the unwanted emotions that threatened to well up in him.
Why couldn't he be a sociopath? Hell, Ivy was more capable of getting rid of her emotions more than him (Phoenix didn't count as she used drugs).
He was so deep in his thoughts, that he didn't hear what Moxy and Ox's argument came up to.
"He threw you out of institute on purpose, and you know it! He's a fake and monster!"
Fake and monster.
That was a slap to the face (not literally).
Louis could feel the emotions radiating off Ox.
Anger, fear, hatred. They were all similar but so very different. Unfortunately, Moxy has managed to piss him off to.
She had called him a fake. He wasn't a fake, he wasn't.
"P-please.." He begged. "I'm sorry, I'll be better!"
"Shut up, fake!" A doll sneered, looking at the beaten up body. "You don't deserve to be here!"
He wasn't a fake.
It wasn't good for her. No, it was bad.
Louis couldn't help but give into his anger.
He punched Moxy in the face, knocking her out instantly.
"I never liked her, anyway.."
Ox felt fear from this person, all it took was one punch from him for a doll to be in Moxy's position.
Is she okay?.. He checked her pulse. Thank God she's alive...
She was right about one thing.. Louis looked out the window. Lou did send you out of the institute, but it wasn't him at the same time...
"Then who?"
He smirked. "Me.."
He was using Lou's normal voice, it felt nice not to use that demonic one that he had been created with.
"How did you?.."
"Me and Lou are one in the same, you can say that we share a soul~.."
For some reason, Ox believed that.
"Then why do I remember Lou doing it?"
"Because I helped him.." He chuckled, though there was no humour. "Seriously, Lou wouldn't have done anything without my help. I question why he's apart of the body sometimes.."
"The body?"
His eyes widened. "Forget that. *ahem* so you wanted to know?"
He asked that with a purr. Ox felt himself nodding, as if he had no control over his actions.
"Excellent!" He exclaimed like a excited child. "Let's get on with it!"
He snapped his fingers, and Ox felt something entering his mind. It felt unfamiliar, foreign.
Don't fight it.. He purred. It's the truth....
Ox suddenly saw white in his eyes, and then he was somewhere else.
A doll who was beaten and broken was on the ground. He was full of scars, bruises, and cuts.
"I'm sorry!" He shouted, his red eyes glowing with fear. "I didn't mean to, please don't kill me.."
Ox couldn't help but stare, what was he seeing?
He was just getting used to this life, what had he done to deserve this? He wanted to die.
"I won't.." Tempest breathed. "But I will hurt you, useless piece of shit-!"
It suddenly went dark, and the memory around him disappeared.
The demon appeared, and the his eyes seemed to hold sadness in them, a broken look.
"Ignore that.." He ordered softly, and Ox actually saw vulnerability for a second. It snapped to insanity again. "Now, let's get on with the show!.."
He snapped his finger again, and the dark atmosphere disappeared.
A doll was pacing around outside, confused on what to do.
"Fuck.." He swore. "Ox is planning to kill himself if this carries on. Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Lou was totally helpless as to what to do. If he wasn't around him all the time, he knew what would happen.
"Lou.." Ox whispered, he knew what was going on. He was feeling suicidal at the same. "Jesus.."
Louis smiles.
His hand landed on Ox's door, but froze. He couldn't move for some reason.
You could...get rid of him?..
'Why would I do that, Louis?..'
He was planning on having a meeting and sorting this thing out. It was his responsibility to.
Oh please.. He purred. I know you've thought of it before. We're one, Lou. I know you..
Crap, he was right. Lou had thought of it due to his jealously. Ox could go to the big world and he couldn't. It made his chest contract just thinking of it.
He took a breath. "Shut up.."
I'm made up of your negative feelings and desires. I am your selfishness. I know you want Ox out, you just won't ADMIT it...
Lou sighed, and leant his head against the door. "Shut up.."
It was his only defence. His other half knew him too well.
Besides, I remember when Ox teamed up with that Adam to bully you that one time. You were too busy sleeping to know. He wanted to get back at your for a crime you didn't commit. Want me to show you?~..
He couldn't face that memory. It was only last month that it happened.
How about you take him to the pipes?.. He asked. I heard that there's an abandoned city there with other dolls. I bet he'd be happy there with all the other uglies..
'How do you know about?..'
...Even you know how boring it gets in our head. I can turn physical anyway. Why wouldn't I hear gossip here?..
He had a good point. Lou sighed again.
1. Don't do that again, it annoys me. And 2. So, are you up for it? Ox will get out of here, and you'll have your perfect little empire..
Fuck, why did that sound good? Lou was so selfish.
You deserve to be selfish after the crap we've been through. C'mon, just say YES...
Lou could feel the familiar sleepiness coming on, Louis was taking control. At least he wouldn't see what he had done. It would be a faded memory.
The least thing he heard was a door creaking before everything went blurry.
He was back in the void.
Ox was shaking, how could he do that?!
"You fucker!" He yelled, and went to attack.
But it went through.
You can't hurt me unless I allow it, dumbass. Pain is Pleasure, sometimes. Bye bye, Oxie. You won't remember seeing me, but I'll make sure you remember this...
Ox heard his chuckle as he felt himself disappear.
He felt his phone, the hospital. "Hello, yes. I'll be there.."
William was awake.
/haŋ/ /aʊt/
1. to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
2. a favorite place for spending time; also : a place frequented for entertainment or for socializing.
Lou was currently hanging out with Pipp. She was a cute doll. She was on his shoukders.
They were walking about 2 streets away from her house.
"So?" She asked, messing with his hair. "What is your occupation?"
Occupation?... He thought. Isn't that were they have jobs?...
"I don't have one.." He murmured. "I lost my memory..."
It grew silent, and he was uneasy. Lou thought he fucked it up.
Did she not know what amnesia was? Was she uncomfortable? Did she not like him anymore? Did she think he was freak?-
"...I'm sorry.." Pipp apologised. "Losing your memory must be hard..."
That, and the drama that's been going on...
He didn't say that out loud, he didn't want to disturb Pipp. He wasn't ready to tell her yet.
"Hey, Pipp~" A voice purred. "What are you doing here?"
She squeak, frightened. She got off Lou's shoulders, and hid behind him in fear.
Only then did he notice the bruises on her arms and legs.
He felt like an idiot for not noticing sooner, these fuckers were bullies.
"H-hey guys..." She replied, seeing Abraham and Zoro. "Is there anything you need?"
She didn't like these guys one bit, but they were still bigger then them. Hell, they were bigger than Lou.
"Shut the fuck up-!" He was cut off by Abraham.
"Zara wants to know why you didn't do her favor yesterday for saving your life?"
She didn't hesitate. "I am not going to sell drugs! It's illegal!"
"Well then.." Zoro purred mockingly. "Looks like we'll be forced to take you.."
As he continued to talk, Lou felt a grin spread in his mind.
They shouldn't have said that...
Becuase my bestest friend is here~...
A bullet ricocheted past their heads, and Pipp shrieked with fear.
"Get the hell away from them..."
As Abraham turned around, he suddenly laughed nervously. "H-hey boss, we were just-"
Ivy chuckled mockingly. "Targeting innocents, going against our code? Yeah, you were doin' that.."
"W-we.." Zoro couldn't speak, he had never seen the boss directly before. "I..."
"Shut up, Zoro. You forget who you work for.." She hissed dangerously. Her crimson eyes seemed to glow during the night. "If you ever take an order from Zara again, I'll make you watch as I cut your twin sister's head open. Understand?.."
He was suddenly kicked in the head by her trainer.
"Ring up Zara, and put her on the phone to me when you get back. Arielle will deal with you later. Go now.."
They nodded in fear, and ran off like scared little kids.
"T-thank you.." Pipp told her, her tail swishing with happiness. "Those guys are mean.."
"My men are always mean.."
You saved them?... Ivianna asked. Why?...
'Cause I just did...
It seems like you have a heart after all..
Shut up..
"My name is Ivy.." She smiles at Pipp and Lou. "I like you, your cute.."
"Where are you going, Ivy?"
"Just meeting my friends for a party.."
"Do you want to come with us to my house instead?!" Pipp asked enthusiastically.
Ivy hummed in amusement. "No, but I'll accompany you to your house. Then I have to go.."
Lou was silent through this ordeal, Ivy seemed happier.
That is strange.. The voice muttered. Looks like she'll be killing later...
She stared at Lou as if she knew what was going on. He was too busy in his own mind to notice.
Shut up, Louis.. She responded mentally. I'm allowed to be nice..
You don't get a joke, do you?...
Blame the guy that made the no fucking jokes rule..
Lou could feel his head buzzing as if something was going on. All he saw was a smile on Ivy's face as they walked.
As they made eye contact, she suddenly frowned in worry and the buzzing stopped.
Sorry, Louis..
She cut off the mental link. She was going to pay for that later.
Lou was glad that that the buzzing stopped.
As the streets came to a close, they appeared on front of Pipp's house and Ivy was going to head off when she suddenly grabbed her hand.
She froze. "What are you?-.."
She silently shrieked as Pipp hugged her. Jumped on her and hugged her.
It was deathly silent. Pipp was oblivious to what was going on in her head.
Hurt her or not? The thought was repetitive. Hurtherornot?HurtherornotHurther ornot?Hurtherornot?!..
The familiar panicking was coming in, Ivy didn't like physical stuff (sex was an exception). Her past made her like this.
Her hand silently rested against Pipp's throat, ready to strange her out of instinct.
But she wasn't going to hurt me...
She sighed, might as well endure this. A few minutes, she was released.
Thank God... She heard Louis mutter. Thank God..
I'm not going to hurt an innocent...
Pipp pulled away. "Thank you, your a nice doll!"
She made a face.
Oh kid, I don't know what to say..
She cleared her throat, and realised Pipp had put her number into her phone. "So, I'm going? Bye!"
She ran off the doorstep to avoid anymore awkwardness (for her).
Pipp stared. "...She's an oddball."
Lou snorted to hold some laughter in.
As they entered the living room, Lou stared at the nice decor.
She had a stand they held the black, big tv in. She had a brown carpet. The walls were a mix of pink and yellow. And the furniture was yellow.
Colourful.. The only word that came up. Colourful..
He sat down on a couch, it was comfortable. "Thanks, Pipp.."
"For what?!" She shouted, she had gone to the kitchen. "I'm making pasta! It'll be ready in a few minutes.."
While she continued taking, Lou couldn't help but admire and be a bit disgusted at the house.
Whoever designed this could have been a bit more considerate of her size..
He noticed chairs and cushions stashed across cupboards. Yeah, he hated whoever designed this house (except if it was Pipp herself, but it was unlikely).
In her kitchen, Pipp was humming a song when her phone rang. It was Mandy. She wonder what she wanted.
"Hey, Mand!"
"Is Lou with you?"
"Yeah, he is! You want him?"
"No, Pipp. I need a favour. Can you tell him to come to my house in the mornin?"
"Sure! I'll send him-"
The phone hung up. She huffed, that was rude.
Why do I have a feeling it's code for sex time?..
Never mind that.
"Here!" She skipped out, hot trey bouncing in her hands. She placed a bowl of it on Lou's hands and gave him a spoon. "My special pasta!"
She did her best of an Italian doll accent, but she failed. Nobody could do it though.
"How are you?" She asked, slurping a spaghetti. For some reason, Lou wanted to correct her manners. "I came here about 2-3 weeks ago. I've made a few friends, but the other dolls don't really like me.."
"So, those dolls we saw earlier were bullies.."
"More like gang members.." She replied. "They saved my life on my first day, but they demanded a favour in return. But I am not going to sell drugs!.."
As time passes, Lou found it easier to talk to her. It was as if it was natural.
They talked about life, their pasts (Lou explained his amnesia!), and just general things.
She looked at the clock, it was 11:30 pm. Wow, it had gone quick!
"Hey, I'm going to bed." She told him. "Your welcome to stay if you want, I have a spare room."
"Thanks.." He replied, getting up. "I'll be out by the morning.."
"And Lou!" Pipp shouted. "Mandy phoned me! She wasn't you the meet her at her house in the morning!"
He didn't know.
Pipp smiles, and skipped off. "See ya tomorrow, Lou!"
Huh, guess the dishes will wait tomorrow then?..
The plates were still on the counter. He has a feeling that they were going to stink in the morning.
As he collapsed on the spare room bed, he thought back to the day's events, he closed his eyes with a smile.
For once, it had been a good one.
1. the roof of a building, especially the outer surface.
2. is the outside part of the roof of a building.
Ivy and the others were currently on a rooftop for their latest mission. But there was something different about this one.
They didn't know who their target was, the client has only given them vague answers.
Bloody shit head.. Ivy thought, taking another puff of her cigarette. Motherfucking fucker...
She hated when they only had vague details, it always messed up everything. They had never messed up a job, but there was always a chance.
She took another puff, and checked her phone again.
Blue hair, brown eyes, light skin, surgeon.
Why did that sound so familiar? Just why did it sound familiar?
When she went inside, she found Blaze near the bar.
"Hey babe!" He was drunk on the job, surprisingly he was still good with a gun. "I was just chatting with Alex about the tests.."
And he was correct, Alex was stood there and holding a piece of paper that held important things.
"About the DNA test you asked for the other day." He told her. "It was him who snuck into your house."
She chuckled, and opened it to reveal Michael's name in the paper. "I fucking knew it, he went through my draws. Looks like we finally have blackmail for trespassing on him. Too bad that he had to have it on the knife.."
"What?" Phoenix came over. "It was the fucking lawyer."
Absentia stood next to her. "Someone tell me why I'm surprised. And Ivy, have you found the target yet?"
"Yes, his name is Taz.." She smirked. "He's William's surgeon for his throat that refuses to work.."
Smirks were shared in their group, William wouldn't have the chance to speak again for a while. It was in their favour that they did this.
"He should be by the balcony on the second floor.." Ivy looked at Phoenix. "Go knock out the security guarding with Absentia, then report back when you do.."
She nodded at the other, and received a kiss for it. "Go got 'em girl.."
Phoenix walked up and left, she was smiling. Absentia may have been a bit of an obstacle, but she was pretty easy to avoid.
"Hey." They passed a bathroom. "I'm gonna just go in here, I need a piss real bad. Is that okay?"
Absentia eyed her suspiciously, but still nodded. The security guard needed knocking out. "Sure.."
Phoenix smiles at her, and entered the bathroom.
After checking that no one was there, she turned her phone on.
Ring, ring, ring...
The phone rang. Phoenix waited impatiently.
Ring, ring..
Five times. She looked into the mirror, and calmed down a bit.
Ring, ring...
"C'mon, Mandy.." She muttered. "I only have a few seconds.."
"Oh duck this.." She whispered. "Mandy, when you answer this, search up about split Personalities, mainly the symptoms. Please, Please answer this, from Phoenix.."
She sent the voicemail, and pressed end call. Now she had to go back.
As she turned around, she was shocked to see Absentia there covered in blood. "The security guard was a pain in the ass. So, why were you telling Mandy about Louis?"
That was code for 'give me a good reason not to tell anyone?'. Phoenix couldn't have that.
"Please.." she begged. "Even you know he's gone too far, do you really want to betray me, Absentia?.."
She knew that she was stopping low, but the other's eyes softened. She glared at Phoenix with a distasteful look. "Fine, it's none of my business anyway, but don't blame me if you get punished.."
She hugged her, and buried her head into her neck. "Thank you, just thank you. If it works correctly, I shouldn't be caught at all.."
Absentia just shrugged. "I don't really care."
Phoenix just smiled, she hoped everything would work out.
But even she knew that trouble was coming later.
1. an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.
2. a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment.
Ox walked the hospital for the second time that week, it was unsettling to be back here. It just didn't feel right.
The nurses and doctors were all doing their usual stuff, but he heard a conversation between two of them. It was disturbing.
"Did you hear about William?" A nurse (Juliet) whispered. "He is having trouble even breathing.."
"But he is awake.." Romeo (head doctor) whispered back. "That's a good sign, but he doesn't speak. He just stares at your when his dead eyes. They haunt you, they scare you.."
Ox felt himself getting irritated by the comments, how did they William to be?!
He was nearly stabbed to death. He would have died if Hayden hadn't rung the police! Ox felt a bit of hatred towards them two.
He was going to report this to Julianna (the head of the hospital). She was a dear friend of his for around a couple of years. She would suspend them for making fun of patient.
As he walked into William's room, he caught sight of the other. It was shocking.
His hair was still covered in red spots of blood, his upper body had been bandages, the skin near his eye was to, and it just looked cracking. He was cranked up to an I.V which seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive.
He sat up in his hospital bed, and just stared at Ox. His eyes were dead like the nurse had said.
"H—hey William.." He greeted. "I just came here to see how your were doing? And could you give any information?.."
His eyes met his, and he craned his throat to show him the scars.
He threw her head back, and let out odd, strangled gurgle-like laugh that sounded so incredibly painful he could only wince. It shook Ox to the core.
When she looked back, William had gone quiet. His lips were in a blank again.
His eyes screamed in agony and humiliation and in rebellion against this horrible fate that had consumed him over the last week.
"You can't speak?" Ox asked, his voice a whisper. "I can't....shit...."
William looked at him again, and his eyes said it all.
I want to die.
The scars covered his face and chest. He looked disfigured.
But he remembered the words that the monster had said when it happened.
"Don't say anything.."
He couldn't even write it.
William didn't answer any of Ox's questions, and the other assumed because he was traumatised.
The nurse came in, it had been around half an hour. "Visiting hours are over, you have to come back later.."
He sighed. "See ya, William.."
He asked the nurse before he went something.
"How is Hayden?"
"She is expected to wake up fully in the next few days."
He nodded. "Thanks.."
Ox sighed.
Back to square one...
He hoped that they healed well later.
(Therapy) Session
1. a period devoted to a particular activity.
2. a scientifically-validated process that changes how your brain works.
Lou and Pipp had arrived at Mandy's house after she had called her to ask if they could come over for the session.
Pipp had said yes, and they had walked around 30 minutes to her house. Lou was nervous, he felt like something was going to happen.
But what?...
He kept having a bad stomach pain due to it.
They were sitting in her living room, waiting for her to come out from her garden.
It was silent between Lou and Pipp, and it felt like it was needed. Thoughts were what they were diving in through the moment.
Mandy came back into the living room, smiling like her heart was content.
"Lou, can we talk?" She asked, then turned to Pipp. "Do you mind?.."
"No!" She replied cheerily. "I'll just my friend, she's been wanting to talk anyway!"
Mandy nodded. "Thanks, Pipp.."
At least she's nice...
Lou agreed with that, Pipp was one of the nicest dolls he had met (and he had only known her for a couple of days). It was a bit sad actually.
When they arrived at her office, she shut rhe door so no one would hear them.
"So?.." She started shyky, she had never done this before. "Just sit on the couch, Lou. I have some questions.."
He did without protest. "So, what do you want?"
"Well," She sat on a chair opposite him. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"
Too much.. He thought. Too much...
"Yeah, I have.." He replied with uncertainty, something was telling him to not let any information out.
"D-do you.." She forgot her question, shit. "Wait here, I'm going to get a couple of things. Just relax until I come back.."
He nodded as she went.
Lou sat up on the couch, and our his chin on his hand. His thoughts drifted back to the past events.
The voice, the four dolls, the backouts-
Hey, Lou.. The voice purred. Can you do us a favor?...
What?... He responded. I'm not going asleep, I'm with Mandy at the moment...
A pause, but it was as if the voice was shocked. Like it hadn't expected him to answer like that.
Shit.. It heard the voice think, it could think? Fuck....
He heard silence for a couple of seconds. Lou closed his momentarily, enjoying the silence. It was the best peace he had recieved in a long time.
"Do you really not want to relax?" A voice purred in his ear, amd he jumped. Where was it coming from? "Mandy would be a bit disappointed that you didn't listen to her, she wouldn't want you to be worrying over things you could be talking about to her.."
That made Lou blush, and his eyes became glazed a little. "No.."
"Then relax.."
Lou felt his body do it.
Then he felt the gentle pressure on his mind again, and he was back in the abyss again
His eyes opened, and familiar blue shone though them. But they weren't light, they were dark.
Finally.. Louis thought, stretching a little. It's been weeks since I've been out...
He wasn't lying, it had been a long time. He finally felt to the surface again.
He smirked.
The Mandy came back, seeing Lou sit up on her couch and sitting cross-legged. "Hey, Mandy!"
He found it cute how she blushed around him (or Lou). He knew about her little crush.
"So, Lou? Do you have any blackouts?" She started.
He just smirked. "Maybe, but I don't really remember most of the time.."
"Do you hear a voice?"
Multiple.. He thought solemnly. Little demons..
"Not, just my own. Sometimes.."
"Finally, do you feel like someone else is in your mind?"
She was doing something, but what?
A pause, what the fuck did she say? Oh, now Louis got it.
She fucking knew.
He answered. "Yes. In fact, I'm here right now.."
Mandy watched in shock as he changed appearance. His skin became more tanned, his hair was darker, and his eyes became red. "Boo."
Mandy gasped and turned to run, but an arm caught her instead. She was pinned against the wall by the neck.
"You think you can get away from us?" He purred. "So scared, little Mandy? Where's the girl who stood up to us in the recycler?"
She stayed silent, fear coursing through her. "I-I... Fuck you, fake bastard!"
He growled, and the hand around her neck squeezed just a bit, but it made her wheeze.
He growled again, then laughed. "Guess my name, Little Mandy, and I might let you go.."
He was mocking her, and she knew it. But she still guessed. "Lucas?"
He snorted in disgust. "Fuck no. Any name is better than his.."
His... Mandy thought. Who is he?...
He sucker in a breath, and then chuckled. "Nope, but it is something similar to Lou's, maybe a full name. But I guess Moxy will want a visit if you guess wrong.."
"Louis!" She shouted, something told her to.
His eyes widened, but then smiled. "Good girl, you got it right.."
As he cranes his head at her, she got to stare into his eyes. Those dead, broken eyes.
They shined with sadness, anger, and just basic depression. What had happened to this doll?
He said that he was a part of Lou, but was he?...
"I can help you.." She told him softly. "I can h-help.."
A pause on the laughter. "What?"
His eyes were wide, but they showed a slight bit of hope. "Y-You can?"
He sounded like a hopeful child.
'Are you joking?'
'Seriously, Louis? You are weak!'
'You don't need her!'
"I can.."
His eyes snapped back to the insane. "Nice try, doll your not the first to try that tactic. She tried that before she tried to kill me.."
He unconsciously squeezed her neck again, then let go.
"Heh, nice try, dall. You might want to not mess with me, I have killed before.."
Her eyes widened.
Lou's phone went off, and Louis picked it up. "Well, shit. She's mad at me. She wants to meet up.."
He looked at Mandy, his eyes seemed to be making a decision.
"If you ever tell anyone about this meeting, I'll Moxy and Ox while you watch me slit their throats. Now, when Lou wakes up, tell him that his friend wants to meet with him and Pipp again. She'll know who this is, understand?"
Mandy nodded, she didn't want to make him mad. He let her neck go, and she grabbed it to make sure it was alright.
He sat back against the couch, and closed his eyes. "Come out now.."
His eyes blinked open to reveal blue ones, Mandy was ashamed to admit that she was slightly curious by that. "You feel asleep during our session, so I stayed in my phone to text Moxy. You got a text on your phone that a friend wanted you and Pipp to go round.
Lou's eyes became clear, and he seemed to understand. "Oh yeah, I know her. Thank Mandy!"
He got up, and hugged her. She froze. He was confused, but didn't say anything.
When he got out the door to the living room, he heard Pipp shriek. "We're going to see Ivy? Yay!"
She jumped down like a little girl.
She couldn't wait to see the girl who saved her again.
But Pipp had the feeling something was off when she saw Mandy's worried expression.
She ignored it though, it wasn't her business.
She was just excited to see her new friend again. Maybe they would grow close like real one did.
Pipp could only hope it would happen.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)
(Pipp belongs to @quertuno)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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