
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie..)

(Credit to qwertuno for ideas in the chapter)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. exert force on (someone or something) so as to cause movement towards oneself.

2. to pull at with force, vigor, or effort. to move by pulling forcibly; drag; haul.

Louis kept trying to fall asleep in their mind, but he kept feeling this odd pull at the back of his chest.

It was damn annoying,

The one time.. He thought. The one time I TRY to fall asleep, this happens...

He groaned, and tried to close his eyes. He had just interrupted form a nightmare from the suddenly slight pain that had appeared out of nowhere.

He was fucking tired. But the pull refused to let him sleep.

Help, help, help.. It called. Please, help...

The voice was so...familiar, yet it was distant. Like their mind was refusing to let him know who it was.

Louis covered his ears to try and get rid of the sound. It just wouldn't shut up.

Help.. It repeated. HelpHelpHelpHelpHelp,please help,pleasehelp,pleasehelp....

"Shut up!" He yelled. "Not this again!"

He couldn't handle this, it was a repeated process that the demons would do to torture him. They would use the voices of people he cared about to make him feel worthless. It often worked.

But where were the insults?

Please, help.. It called again, and Louis felt his skin burning from the physical sensation the pull was causing him. Please, help. Someone, help...

He felt himself groan, the pull was trying to lead him somewhere, but where exactly?

He couldn't trust, he could never trust another foreign since her. His ex. The one before Ivy.

'It's ok, Little one..' It cooed in a softer way. 'You can trust me, someone needs your help~'

But why did he feel like he could trust it?

It was the voice of a female, and Louis found her trusting.

The pull seemed much stronger now, and it was affecting his mind. He felt it fog over, and he didn't know what was happening.

He knew that something was entrancing him, but he couldn't stop it or the voice repeating itself.

'It's ok~'


'Come, little one'

Please help me...

'Help her..'

Louis felt his mind slip away, and all he felt was the will to obey the instruction.

He got up, his red eyes half-lidded. He started walking towards a white light that had appeared suddenly in front of him.

When he touched it, the little thing exploded. He felt the sensation of another mind sleeping.


He was back in the institute, but why? He looked around the area, the surroundings to familiar to him?

But why was he here? All he remembered were voices, then this happened.

"Help!" A familiar voice screamed. "Please, please!"

Pipp?.. He thought. Why is she screaming in her own dream?...

The screams were coming from around the corner from Louis, and he travelled there. What he saw next shocked him.

Pipp was coming towards him, and she was being chased by two dolls who had blurry faces, you coukdn't tell what they looked like.

They were shouting things.




'Don't belong!'

Louis saw Pipp crying, and was frankly shocked at how cruel these dolls were being. This was why he hated anydoll that he didn't know, you never knew if they were like this.

He fekt something crash into him, and he looked down to see it was Pipp. She grabbed onto hkm, sobbing. Her eyes looked at him, she was broken.

"Make them stop!" She had the same that Lou did whenever he wanted to hurt himself in the past. "Please, make them. Please, protect me!"

Them words seem to trigger something in Louis as he saw Lou in Pipp's place. She had unconsciously given control of her dream to him. He took advantage of it.

He saw the darkness of her dream, znd twisted it. He knew how to handle personal demons in his favor.

Bloodlust was written on his face as he muttered. "Get them.."

He covered Pipp's ears as she sobbed into him, thinking it was Lou. That actually hurt a bit.

He watched as shadows appeared from bits of Pipp's mind, it proved she had darkness in her.

Turns out the kindest souls can hide a bit of dark in them.

Then, they lunged. The dolls screamed echoed as they were torn to pieces. The shadows fed from the fear, and it was draining them. Louis just watched, satisfied at how they were doing.

After they were finished, there was nothing but a little bit of blood there. The shadows turned to thie master, hoping for his approval. Louis nodded, and they disappeared again. He felt no remorse for making the shadows kill those dolls.

He placed Pipp on his lap, and started stroking her hair. "Hey, it's ok. Shh, it's ok."

Pipp froze, and her tear stained eyes looked into his eyes. "...You're not Lou."

He chuckled. "No, I'm not. My name is Louis, I'm Lou's...other half..."

She sniffed a little less. "Like Ivy and Ivianna?..."

They told her, That's surprising..

He still answered. "Yes, like them. Lou doesn't knkw about me though, it's kind of like a game fo see if he'll remember me. You got it?"

He booped her nose, and she giggled. "Yep.."

Your not going to remember this, anyway... He thought sadly. Nobody ever does...

"Well.." He started, seeing Pipp cheered up. He smiled. "It happened when.."

What they didn't know was thst they were being watched by another figure.

Ivianna was standing to the side, observing the two as they talked, and Louis even laughed. She never thought thst she would see him genuinely do it. She couldn't believe he had made the shadows eat those two dolls though.

She felt bad for hypnotizing him, but it needed to be done. Pipp needed help, and he needed a friend. She was surprised that coukd do it, it had been a long time since she did.

She had been right though, Pipp was different. Something in her made their lives just a little better.

As she felt Pipp's mind waking up, she smiled again. Maybe some things were fixable after all.

Maybe something so broken could be mended with time.





1. talk or write about (a topic) in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas.

2. talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions.

Mandy and Ox were discussing their options while the spy girls, Nolan, Moxy, and Michael were here. They met becuase of how he was hurt, he had done something very, very stupid.

"So, let me get this straight?" Kitty asked. "You broke into the four's house, and stole a few of their things?"

He nodded. "Yep.."

"You deserved that beating." Moxy added. "That was so stupid, Michael. What were you thinking?"

"I wanted to find and see if I coukd get any proof for their crimes."

"Crimes?" Mandy questioned. "What crimes?"

All the dolls in the room froze, how did Mandy not know?!

"Mandy?" Ox spoke slowly. "You do know who they are, right?"

She shook her head, should she know who they are?
Had Ox been keeping this a secret from her?

"They're.." Lydia sighed, and Tuesday put a comforting hand on her arm. "Girl, they're like, dangerous, they're criminals. They were the original us!"

"Original you?"

"She means that we're the original spy girls." Michael answered. "They worked for Lou some years ago, but he fired them for unknown reasons. We never worked out why he did. He just.."

"He banished them.." Tuesday continued. "They hung out with a male as well. I think his name was Blaze, I don't really know.."

"What were the other dolls' names?"

"Ivy, Absentia, and Phoenix.."

Phoenix... She thought. Why is that so familiar?..

The name was so close, yet so far. Like it was on the edge of her mind, but she couldn't find why it felt so familiar. It irritated the hell out of her.

"So, they're criminals?" She turned to Ox. "How do you know them?"

His ears bowed a bit. "They came to Uglyville around a couple of years after I did. It was already so populated by then, but they decided to stay here. They made a...name for themselves. In a bad way, anyway."

"So, how did nobody find out they were criminals?" She asked again.

Nolan answers this time. "They didn't make a name for themselves until around a year later when rumours slowly began spreading about them, but mainly about Ivy. The most feared of the four."

"How is she the most feared?"

Kitty sighed. "She...She is psycho, Mandy. And not the good kind. She loves blood, she takes delight in your pain. Hell, she nearly got Lou into it. But she definitely got him into it."


Ox sighed as well, and spoke in a quiet tone. "Louis.."

"You mean?" Mandy realized. "The one from the therapy session I told you about?"

Nolan perked up. "What?"

Kitty bowed her head. "We believe Lou has another...entity...living in him, but it's not a ghost. It's something else. Another..personality. One bred out of trauma or something.."

"Mandy told us that he came out during that time.." Michael sighed. "He is the opposite of Lou, he isn't afraid to hit anything, and he is more..violent. He seems to care for Ivy though, he said that 'my girl is texting me, shit'.."

"...He let it slip" Tuesday deadpanned. "The fake is capable of caring after all.."


They all jumped at Kitty's phone ringing. "Oh, Zara's texted me. I have Absentia's phone nimber now, Ox."

His eyes shined with appreciation. "Thanks, Kitty.."

They all waited in a deadly silence as Kitty rang the phone and put it on speaker.

1 rings, 2 rings, 3 rings, then a fourth.


It was her voice, it was Absentia's voice.

"I mean, hello! If you need us to do a job, we'll help you with whatever you want!-"

Then it went silent.

"...Screw it, who do you want us to kill?"

Kill? Their eyes widened, they didn't want anyone killed!

"Hey, Absentia.." Kitty spoke. "Long time no speaking"

"...What the fuck do you want? Gloating? You've already done enough."

"No, we want to know where Lou and Pipp are."

"1. Have you got this on speaker? 2. Who is with you? Phoenix can hear other people breathing in your little silence. I dunno how she does it."

"Just a couple of others..."

"Touché, and you better watch out. Ivy is pissed about Michael stealing that photo from earlier. It's precious to all of us, she's threatening to kill that son of a bitch. Hehehehe, I can imagine his blood. Blaze will probably use the power tools, they are his favourite toys. Phoenix will probably join in as well, just becuase she doesn't like killing, doesn't mean she doesn't like a bit of fun~.."

Michael paled at that, Nolan put a hand on his shoukder to calm him down.

"Listen here, freak!" Kitty insulted her. "Tell us where Lou is, now!"

Those were a poor choice of words.

"No, you listen here slut!-"

Mandy suddenly felt the world go quiet, and another voice entered her mind.

You know your in the wrong, right? You should give the photo back.

No.. she thought back. She knew who this was. I can't..

Be nice, Ivy said. She'll give it.. He replied. Screw it, sorry Mandy. No one is in the mood to be nice right now..

She suddenly felt her head swim, and it hurt ever so slightly.

'Let me take ahold..'

'I won't hurt you..'

'Just give in, tAke tHe pHotO...'

She felt her mind surrendering, and she couldn't hold on anymkre.

I'm sorry, Ox.

Her eyes glazed ever so slightly.

"So~" Absentia sang. "The park at 3.00pm, don't be late"

Kitty got off the phone. "Well, you all heard. We need to get ready. We have 10 mins to get there."

As they did get ready, they all had a bad feeling.

Was this going to work or not?


On time

/ɒn/ /tʌɪm/


1. indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.

2. as the duration in which all things happen, or a precise instant that something happens.

Mandy, the spy girls, and Ox arrived on time at the park. It was in the middle of ugkyville, it was always crowded there. But there was one question.

Why were the four late?

Ox was irritated by this.


Were they testing their patience? Did they have to stop somewhere? Why weren't they here?-

A crunching sound broke his thoughts. He and the others turned to see them.

The feared four.

Ivy was stood there with her arms crossed and a oissed off face, she was wearing a short white top that revealed a but too much. She was wearing blue shorts, and red trainers. What was up with the red all time?

Absentia had her hair in a bun, a short blue dress with a grey jacket and blue pumps. Blaze had hid hair greased a bit, he was wearing a black leather jacket with black trainers.

Phoenix had her hair doen, and it just reached over the middle of her back. She had a black and red mixed hoodie on, blue pants,and green trainers. She had that deat look in her eyes, but they lit up with surprise at seeing thrm.

"That-that's the dolls I saw in that hospital.." She stutters slightly.

Ivy smirked at the spy girls. "So this is the slut, the pussy, and the stupid one? I'm disappointed, I assumed our replacements woukd have been more smarter.."

Absentia and Blaze 'ohh-ed'. They smirked as well.

"Yep.." Absi replied. "These are our counterparts.."

Ivy's eyes suddenly turned to Mandy. "Give it, now. You know what to do.."

Ox was shocked, Ivy's voice sounded almost similar to his. What was she hiding?

He saw her walk towards the four, and he was shocked. What was she doing?!

That when he saw the red tint in her eyes, she wasn't herself. He tried to stop her, but he grabbed a little too late as he missed her while she was walking.

Shr smiled when she approached her, and Ivy snatched the photo. She used her other hand to cup Mandy's cheek. She pressed a kiss against her lips. "Thank you, she can be let go off now.."

She looked into the eyes of someone else. Then, mandy blinked. "What?"

"Your friends fucked up." Blaze out in. "And now, my girls are going to have a sing-off with yours. Now, fuck off!"

"B-Blaze.." Phoenix whispered. "Don-Don't be rude.."

"Fine.." He plopped onto the ground like a little child.

"Excuse thrm.." Absentia rolled her eyes. "Blaze has autusm and ADHD, and Phoenix has social anciety and Alexithymia. We're all fucked up in the head.."

Ivy laughed at that. "And to think, we were once normal. Our past does define us.."

Ox noticed how her eyes flashed violet for a second, they seemed to scream for help. They showed vulnerability, her true feelings.

As she looked at the photo, it reminded her of old times.

It was so precious to her, it was the last time they were in the institute. The last time before she surrendered to her demons. She and the others were normal.

( A/N: Special credit to qwertuno for drawing this. The photo shows, from left to right: Absentia, Blaze, Lou, Louis, Ivy and Phoenix, in front of Lou's house. Here's the link to the deviantart if you want to see more stuff: https://www.deviantart.com/darkofstp)

She felt a tear go down her. This photo was precious to her. They were normal.

"So.." Absentia smiled, and Phoenix got out her phone. "We gonna do this or what? You can go first. Blaze, hide.."

She whispered that last bit, and he nodded.

Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia stepped up. Dolls recognized a sing-off, snd they approached them.

They started their song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


"Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like

I can always see 'em coming, from the left or from the rightI don't want to be a priss, I'm just try'na be polite
But it always seems to bite me in the.."


"Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spotYou think that we should hook up, but I think that we should notYou had me at "hello", then you opened up your mouthAnd that is when it started going south



"Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint.."

(Kitty, Tuedsay and Lydia)

"What about "no" don't you get?So go and tell your friendsI'm not really interestedIt's about time that you're leavin'I'm gonna count to three and
Open my eyes andYou'll be gone.."


"OneGet your hands off myTwoOr I'll punch you in theThreeStop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint.."


"I am not your missing link
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
Take a hint, take a hint


"Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
T-take a hint, take a hint.."

The three just sneered.

"No passion.." Ivy mocked, and turned to the crowd. "Watch this.."

She and the others got into postion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


"I'm an angel, tell me what you mean by that
I take it all and I will never give it back.."

The song was sad, and she put a hand to grab something invisible.

"I don't feel sorry every time I see you cry
Every time you start, I'm waiting for your tears to dry.."

She smirked as she saw a tear or two make its way to Tuesday's eyes. She felt nothing.


"I don't really care, and I never will
That's the way I am-.."

"such a bitter pill.." Lydia mustered angrily.

Phoenix smirked.

"I don't really care, how much silence kills
That's the way I am..."

Phoenix closed her eyes, and Ivy put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her from way the spy girls, Ox, and Mandy were staring at her.

They were good singers.

"Heartless.." Kitty muttered.

Ivy's eyes widened, and she turned to her looking angry. She sung in her true voice.

"No! I wasn't born without a heart
I wasn't always like this, no
Watched you break me, no
Now you blame me.."

There was actual sadness in her tone, and Absentia and Phoenix came to her side.

"You know.." Phoenix told them, and emotion called hate on her gaze. "Don't judge a book by its cover.."

Ivy turned her head for this bit.

(Ivy, Phoenix, and Absentia)

"No, I wasn't born with all these scars!
And that's what made me like this, no
Can you blame us, no?.."

The three girls rolled up their sleeves, and it made Mandy nearly sick.

There were scars on their wrists.

We're all a little broken.. A voice whispered. Sometimes we don't heal in the aftermath...

It sounded like it understood them.

Ivy seemed to smiled when it stopped talking, like she had understood every word he had said.

'I'm sorry..' Another voice whispered. 'I'm so sorry..'


"I'm a nightmare, I know what you mean by that
I can't wake up from all these scary dreams I have"

She held her head, and shook it as if to get rid of something.

Phoenix glared at them.


"I don't really care, and I never will
That's the way I am.."

"such a bitter pill!.." Ox shouted.

"I don't really care, how much silence kills
That's the way I am.."

She sung that with a low tone, and the air suddenly got cold.

"Heartless.." Mandy whispered sadly.

Her eyes widened with anger again.


"No, I wasn't born without a heart!
I wasn't always like this, no
Watched you break me, no
Now you blame me?!.."

She folded her arms, and somebody else appeared. She was an exact copy of Ivy.

Her eyes were violet, and had a bit of crimson in it. Not red, crimson. A different colour.

But her smile was mischievous, and yet it held a bit of anger towards the spy girls.

No, I wasn't born with all these flaws!"
And that's what made me like this, no
Can you blame me, no?.."

She chuckled, and disappeared.

"Nobody, but us sees them.." Absentia mouthed, and slung an arm over Ivy's shoulder. "They are us. We are them.."

"I wasn't born like this
But, Hurt people, hurt people.."

Her eyes actually flashed with sadness, and a twisted smile appeared on her face.

"I'd rather be heartless
Than have my heart in pieces.."

She put a hand to her chest, and Mandy swore she could see how it was at that moment.

Broken, shattered.

(Ivy, Absentia, and Phoenix)
"No, I wasn't born without a heart
I wasn't always like this, no
Watched you break me, no
Now you blame me.."

Ivy put her arms around both of their shoulders, and brought them closer to her.

"Slut.." She hissed at Kitty. "Tweedle Dee, and tweedle dumb.."


"No, I wasn't born with all these scars!
And that's what made me like this, no
Can you blame me, no? Oh, oh, oh.."

The song finished, and they bowed as they received cheers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Now.." Ivy turned to the crowd. "Who won?!"

"Spy girls!"

"Spy girls!"

The chanting continued.

Absentia turned. "Well, a deals a deal. Lou and Pipp are-"

Phoenix suddenly clapped twice, and then Ivy did. Absentia joined in.

Clap, clap, clap..

Ivy smirked.

Clap, clap, clap.

Absentia smiled.

Clap, clap, clap.

Phoenix grinned, and whispered. "Blaze, gun 'em."

Ox then realised what was happening, Blaze had disappeared during the sing-off.

Tuesday screamed as she felt something enter her neck. It pricked, and then she felt tired.

"Sleeping darts.." She whispered. "Blaze is an expert"

"I wouldn't try to run~" Absentia sang. "Gun, Kitty."

A dart went into said doll's neck, but it came from a different direction.

He was switching sides.

One dart, two darts, three.

They went into the spy girls, ox, but one missed Mandy.

Lucky fuck...

Ivy clapped again, and another dart fired, it went into Ox. Two did.

Tha air suddenly became chilly. "Hehe, the rabbit had been bitten by the prey."

Ox weakly saw him in his vision, Louis. He appeared behind Ivy, and hugged her. He nuzzed her neck in appreciation.

"Thank you.." She whispered. "Thanks for getting it back.."

"Oh, baby.." He cooed, grinning. "I'd do anything for you. After all, I love you.."

She blushed from head to toe when he said that. She hadn't heard it in years.

Blaze came over. "Hey, Louis. Good to see you."

"You too, and well done for the darts. They're new.."

"Made them myself.."

"Heh, kudos then."

He let go of Ivy, and bent down to Ox's level. He knew that fhey had been talking about him.

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.." He whispered to the weak Ox, and only laughed when his wrist was caught. "Night, night.."

He closed his eyes, and placed a mocking brother kiss on his head.

"Now.." he told Absentia. "Get Mandy, she's running away.."

She turned, and saw he was correct. Mandy was running awzy, shit.

She leapt up onto the tress, and body slammed her from behind. "Whooo!"

Her elbow caught inot her back, and Blaze managed to get a dart into her.

Louis bent down again, and cupped her face. "Thank for the help, Little Mandy. We wouldn't have been able to get the photo without you.."

She couldn't help her eyes shutting.

I'm sorry, Ox. She thought. I shouldn't have given the photo.

After her eyes closed, Ivy turned to the crowd. "Thanks for coming, soldiers. This wouldn't have been done without you. Don't tell~"

They bowed their heads to show their submsssion. "Yes, Ma'am."

She grinned, and the four and Louis headed back to her house.

He disappeared as rhey neared, and they were in shock about the mess.

Especially Phoenix's room, it was a tip. Lou and Pipp were stood there with make up and glitter on them.

"The one time..." She seethed.

There was a lot of cursiing and guilt after that.





1. cover the back of (an article) in order to support, protect, or decorate it.

2. so as to return to an earlier or normal position or condition.

After many years, Ivy and the others came back here, the institute. The place that was once their home, it felt so wrong to be here.

But then again, it fekt so good to return. Ivy looked at the scar on her upper right arm, she had gotten that trying to defend Lou all those years ago, it wasn't a pretty story.

She had gotten it from someone trying to rape Lou.

Yep, she said rape. Someone had tried to do that to him. It was back in the days when he used to be bullied (Louis had told her how he stopped that). It was unfair that all the trauma was on him.

She hated the perfect dolls (except the ones that she lived and those who worked for her). Nothing had changed.

It was still the same shiny floor, the same gauntlet, and Lou's mansion was visible to the naked eye. It was as white as she had remembered.

"Now.." She starts as the other surrounded her. "We are going to split into groups. Me and Absentia, Blaze and Phoenix, and Pipp and Lou. Everyone ok with that?"

They nodded.

"Good." She continued. "We'll see if any memories return for Lou, here. We'll take the east. Phoenix, you take the north. And Blaze, take west. Lou and Pipp will take south. Got it?"

Again, they nodded. She smiled appreciatively.

At least they listen...

When Blaze looked around the west, he saw so many familiar places. Memories rushed back like a hurricane.


A doll walked around the institute, he was just midning his own business since he was in a good mood. He was normal.

"Hey mate.."

He froze. No, not him. Not Taz, not his brother's best friend.

"Your brothers been looking for you, ya know?"


He was suddenly punched in the face, he fell down. Tears nearly escaped his eyes.

What did he do to deserve this?

He was suddenly face to face with Taz's minions: Samir and Liam.

"Look.." Taz mocked, and grabbed Blaze by the neck. "The doll is about to cry.."

Liam kicked him in the stomach. "He can't comprehend this because of his illness."

"It makes him childish.." Liam bashed him with a metal Pipe in the head. "Stupid.."

The beating continued as well as the words.

Why did his brother and the others hate him this much?


A tear made its way to his eye. He wiped it, he coukd comprehend things!

Ivy and the others had shown up shortly after that, they had given him something to live for. They had made him not want to die.

His past had fucked him up so much, he hated his brother. He had never understood him in anyway. He always bullied him, or got his minions to do it. Blaze was the product of family abuse by his twin.

His ADHD had developed due to his injuries that occured when he was younger.

As he looked at the ground, he found a piece of old black clothing. As he looked at the fabric, he realized it was a band t-shirt.

It was one of the shirts that they had all worn when attending a concern one time. It was a good one. He wished that they had more times like that.

In the north, Phoenix was gazing along the walls, mainky near the shadows. She had lived in darkness her whole life. She didn't remember any light.

All she remembered was rhe abuse, the bullying, the thing that was not love making. It had broken her, and Hayden had no remorse for her actions. She hated her, everyone hated her.


She was flung against a wall by the neighbourhood bully named Flynn. He had no mercy for his victims. What had she done to him?

"Emotionless freak.." He muttered, and got on top of her. "You don't deserve to live.."

He slapped her when she tried to speak, he kissed her.

What did she do to deserve this?

"Loner!" Hayden shouted. "You want that, don't you?!"

She cackled alongside her friend named Ally.

They recorded Flynn kissing, and she squirmed to try and get out of their grip.

Let me out...


The tears made its way to Phoenix's eyes. Between the bullying, the abuse, and trying to handle her, she coukdn't help it anymore.

She gave up.

Flynn carried on and took her clothes off while Hayden reocrded it all. He did things that she couldn't speak of to her.

She wondered why she was brought into this life.


Did anybody wonder why people were villains in stories? If they did, it was because they weren't born, they were created by those around them.

She walked around more, bitter memories coming back. She had to surpress the urge to cry.

She hated the past, she loved the present more. They were more feared...

Nobody could hurt them anymore.

Out of all of them though, Ivy had the mist dreadful past. She had all the abuses. Mental, physcial, sexual, emotional, all of them.

She let a sob just thinking about it. It had fucked her up so bad, no wonder she was a sociopath.

The world was cruel to them, why should they be nice to it? It deserved nothing but suffering. Phoenix and the others didn't care if they died, at least they woukd be away from this miserable place.

As she looked at the place where the portal used to be, she scoffed. It was better in ugkyville anyway, anybody could get access now.

Except them.

Phoenix did used to have a kid, her name was Emily. She had loved her, but Ivy and Louis had made her choose them over her.

And her choice was clear, she had chosen them.

She missed her kid dearly, she had last scene her around 4 years ago. But she got used to not seeing her.

Then she tripped over a basket.

What the fuck?..

As she got up, she saw that it was a giant ass sewing it. But something inside stuck out. A pin needle.

She picked it up, it fit like a glove in her hand. She was so keeping this. Phoenix put it in her hoodie, creating a few holes just so it woukd stay there.

She loved sharp and shiny things.

In the east, Ivy and Absentia explored the gauntlet. Silence was between them at the moment. It wasn't awkward though, it was becuase of deja vu.

Being here came with so many memories, but it was the bad ones. There wasn't any good ones.


Absentia was currentky trying to separate reality from fantasy. She didn't even know what time it was.

All she knew was that some girls were standing in front of her, and she was on the ground tied up.

What had happened? All she remembered was going to the gauntlet, then she was knocked out.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, look!" Kitty pointed out. "The freak is awake.."

She flinched at that word. She hated it, why did dolls use it on her?

She was surrrounded by three dolls that she knew too well.

Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia. Why did they hate her?

Tuesday smirked. "We all know that your going to fail the gaunlet, failure. Why bother?"

"I want my own kid.."

"So do we.." Lydia mustered back. "But your not going to get it. Freaks like you, don't deserve it."

"As punishment.." Kitty smiled maliciously. "Your going to remain here tied up naked, until morning. We'll let the other dolls judge your body in person. The photos are with us.."

Absentia begged them to let her go, but they just left her. She hated them, no, she loathed them.

As she cried herself to sleep, she saw dolls laughing at her and calling her names in the morning.

What did she ever do to deserve this?


Absentia bit down the sadness and anger that had welled up in her. Why, why had Lou chosen them three to be the new spy girls?!

Because he didn't know what they did...

It was the onky thing that kept her from shooting him at the time.

Ivy is being usually quiet..

She turned, and was shocked. Ivy was holding up an old picture of them, the assholes who abused her.

This is how it went.


She just laid there on the floor, not moving. Master would be mad if she did. Ivy didn't kmiw what dsy it was, or even who she was.

All she knew was that she woke up here years ago, and apparently she was in somebody else's body now.

The voice told her that she had been kidnapped and was beaten, abused, and rapled every singke day. This had been for months, and she coukdn't do anything to stop it. The voice wasn't comforting either, it was either always sad or angry.

She was chained up to the wall, a leash around her neck. Bruises and scars covered everywhere, even on her face.

What did she do to deserve this?

The door opened.

"Hey, pet." A voice cooed mockingly. "Have you learned your lesson about running away? If you do, you might be able to have so food.."

She had been captive by this man for years. She didn't talk, she didn't have the right to. And to think, she actually once loved him.

She should have seen the signs earlier.

The voice had said that she had been herw for a few days, then Ivy was in her place. She didn't have to take the abuse, she did.

She sniffled, and bowed her nead. "Y-yes, master. I was foolish.."

He caressed her face, and she shivered in disgust. She received a slap then.

"You dusgusting little whore!" He snapped. "Who had been touching you?! Those new scars aren't mine! You are mine to please with!"

"A-Adrien said that you wanted him to punish me, master. I'm sorry.."

She was pinned against the wall, lips on hers. She shivered agaun, and tried distancing herself from reality.

She was stabbed this time with a knife. "No, little slut. You are going to be aware."

He wouldn't even grant that, he was going to make her aware that he was raping her.

As he did unspeakable things to her body (playing, torturing, stabbing it), she just silently cried.

She knew that his men were pleasuring the themselves to this, she was nothing but a fucktoy.

She just wanted to die.


Ivy let out one sob. One sob, that was it, she refused to let him have the satisfaction of her being weak. No tears, just a sob.

She punched a hand into the wall, and she threw the picture away. She never eanted to see him again.

But she would later, he was their enemy.

They looked around more, but then realised a dog was there.

It was growling fast at them, and lokked at them as if they were prey.

They looked at each other. "....well, shit."

They ran and the dog chased them.

Blaze, Phoenix, Lou and Pipp got the same message on their phones.


They immediately believed it.

But in Lou's mansion, he and Pipp stuck around for a few seconds longer.

There were statues, monuments, and paintings that looked like Lou.

"Were you that egotistical before you lost your memory?"

He just cringed. "I don't know.."

No, the factory put them there before we came. Arrogant fucks..

As Lou stared at his reflection at a particular window, something came back to him.


He opened up the door, and started singing.

"I'll crush them all, destroy their dreams.."

He walked down the little stairs, his appearance starting to return to normal.

"To save my perfect empire, nothing's too extreme."

He glared into the distance for a moment,

Our perfect empire.. He thought. The one we worked so HARD to build all these years..

He grinned, and his hair became a darker shade of blonde.

"And I know how to do it without looking too uncouth."

He apporached the window, his expression morphihg into a smirk.

No one woukd ruin them again, he woukd make sure of that.

Light skin became tanner.

"My plan it so foul, gross, hideous, nasty. "

His miuth formed into a wider smirk, and his shook his head to which his eyes held insanity in them.

Blue eyes became red.

"Don't worry, Lou." He put a hand on the glass. "No one is going to humiliate, bully, or even tease us again. Just sleep some more, it's the one thing your good at, anyway.."

The last bit was in a bitter tone, as if he had resentment towards him.

He smirked again.

"They'll never see the ugly...truth~."

He shut the blinds to block out the wolrd from view.


Lou blinked back into reality, and gasped from lack of breath. He realized thst Pipp was haking his shoukders.

"What?" He felt a bit dreary. "...What?"

"Wake up!" She snapped at him, which made him flinch. "We need to help Ivy!"


That sound was so loud. Lou and Pipp turned to the window.

W-What the fuck?...

Ivy and was currentky shouting at it, while Blaze was riding it like a horse.

"C'mon, motherfucker!"

It was making the dog angry, that was for sure.

Absentia and Blaze were running alongisde the dog so that it woukdn't stray away. He was on the oeft, and he was on the right. He ended up being thrown off it.

Lou amd Pipp joined them so they could help.

For some reason, it seemed especially angry at him. He used it to his advantage. "So, come after me!"

He ran alongisde Ivy, what was her plan?!

She grinned at him, and he found himself bkushing a bit. A foreign flushy feeling came up to him, he didn't know why.

"Your adorable when you blush.." She whispered, kissing his cheek. "NOW, PHOENIX!"

She yelled that in his ear, it was so commanding. So...

Sexy.. He heard the voice finished. She's all mine...

Lou was ctually shocked, what did the voice mean?

He didn't have time to ponder as he saw somedoll blur past him.

Phoenix climbed ip the dog like a spider, and Lou swore her eyes were fiery orange and black for a second. She was growling like a feral as she settled on its back, then her boady language and eyes were a normal silver again.

"Giddy up!" She squealed cutely, and the dog bounced up and down like a horse. "Whoo!"

She was great at riding it as she managed to keep it going straight.

"C'mon, assfit!" Pipp shouted. "Come and get us!"

She giigled, and jumoed onto Lou's shoukder to make herself more noticable.

It worked. The dog ran past Ivy, and straight for them.


They did, and dove out of the way as an upcoming wall came into view.


The dog crahed and exploded. For some reason, Lou and Pipp laughed along with the four.

"Asshole got what he deserved!" Blaze shouted.

They all cackled. Pipp fekt satisfaction from its death, was that worrying?

That caught Ivy's attention. "You have nothing to be afraid of. You have a right to feel like that, the thing almost killed you..."

They heard metal move, and saw Phoenix weak walk out. Blaze immediately picked her up bridal style.

Absentia spoke. "You are a psycho.."

"I'm your psycho.." she nuzzled into Blaze, giving him affection.

Ivy checked her phone, it was time to go to her business meeting.

"Hey, Lou.." They looked at her. "You mind going back to Ox's, he'd be glad to see you."

He shrugged. "No.."

She nodded her head at him, that was good.

Ivy had a feeling that one of Ox's little followers would be hurt by the end of the night.





1. an entertainment venue that is open from the evening until early morning, having facilities such as a bar and disco or other entertainment.

2. an entertainment venue and bar that usually operates late into the night.

Ivy was with the others in a nightclub that she owned in town, it belonged to her only. She had saved up so much to open this.

Abrazo del diablo (Devil's Embrace)

She wondered why her enemy was here, in the one place where she owned something completely, she wondered why he was here.

She and the others sat down at a table as the music went on, and the lights flashed around the massive building.

She needed a strong drink for this.


(A/N: Clarice belongs to In13579, not me).

She stood on the stage, and the crowd was surprised by her appearance.

She had dark copper skin that showed off her complexion, her hair made it to mid length down her back until it reached at least half way, her eyes were purple and they seemed like they coukd glow in the dark.

But the creepiest bit were her clothes.

Her half-face mask was completely black except for the eye which showed the purple bit. It seemed to curl up permanently in a grin that made dolls shit themselves. And she wore a white top hat and a black tux.

A staff was attached to her back with a strap that was usually used for swords (imagine that It's maleficent's staff from descendants). It seemed to glow menacingly at the crowd.

Shadows surrounded her, as if protecting her from something.

Ivy somwhow knew someone was going to mess up.

"Hello!" She greeted with a smile, though her eyes were empty. "It's an honour to perform with you, tonight! I have been wanting to show my tricks for a while now. Let's get onto-"

She was interrupted by boos amd insults.

"Get lost, lady!"


"Magic isn't real!"

Insult after insult came, and Ivy and the others saw her smile.

That wasn't good.

"So, you don't fucking believe in magic?" She asked politely, but there a hint of anger in her tone. "Well, how about you let me prove it?"

She got her staff out, and slammed it on the ground. A sinister green colour came from it, and her mask became red.

She was angry.

The three dolls who had shouted the insults were brought on stage by their chairs being lifted by magic.

Their names were Kian, Kevin, and Kyle. The shadows around her surrounded them and hissed, they didn't like anyone that hurt their master.

Triplets... She thought. This is going to be fun...

Their eyes were brought to her, but she wasn't there. Clarice suddenly appeared beside Kian.

"So, magic isn't real?" She hissed, aware the audience was watching. "Then, how am I doing this?"

She waved her hand, and a purple aura came out, it pinned Kevin to his chair.

She disappeared again, and appeared beside Kevin, he looked afraid. "I'm sorry.."

"I'm a phony?.." She questioned, genuine hurt in her tone. "Then, how can I control you?"

She waves her hand, and his shadow suddenly came to her.


It attched itself to the wall and did. Kevin found himself doing the same, he didn't have control over his body.

"Should I get lost?" She asked the quivering Kyle. "Then, how can I come back?"

She suddenly disappeared, and reappeared behind him. There was water around her. She made it surround him. Then, she froze it. He was constricted to ice.

There was hurt in her eyes for a second, then it disappeared. Remorse was not allowed, it got in the way of her performance.

She turned around, and made eye contact with Ivy and the others. She grinned, and threw a kiss.

Ivy didn't take it personally though. Clarice was asexual, she wasn't capable of romantic feelings.

Her voice was soft as she spoke to the crowd. "Do you think magic isn't real now? I just proved that it can be? Do you still not believe?"

Silence, Clarice out her staff behind her back. She sighed.

"Must I prove it really exists?" Silence again. "Carlos, sweetheart, please play the tracks and dim the lights?."

He did, and she smiled. Though, it was a sinister one.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Don't you disrespect me little man
Don't you derogate or deride.."

She smiked as she brought her three victims closer, they were her volunteers tonight.

"You're in my world now, not your world
And I got friends on the other side.."

As if to prove her point, A couple of shadows came to harmonise.

"(She's got friends on the other side).."

She smiled, and waved her hand around. The arena was now completely dark except for the light on the stage.

"That's and echo gentleman
Just a little something we have here in Uglyville
A little parlor trick, don't worry.."

She smiled wider, and summoned a little table. All three dolls were put there. The magic she had constricted them so they coukdn't move.

"Sit down at my table, put your mind at ease
If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please.."

She sat down along side them, and summoned some cards. One was death, another was hell, and another was heaven.

"I can read your future, I can change it 'round some too
I look deep into your heart and soul.."

She flipped a card over to Kevin, and it revealed nothing.

"You do have have a soul, don't you, Kevin?
Make your wildest dreams come true.."

Clarice smirked, and suddenly slammed her cards onto the table.

"I got voodoo, I got voodoo
I got things I didn't even try
And I got friends on the other side
(She's got friends on the other side)"

She summined some voodoo dolls of the three, and they were in pain whether she piked or made them move.

Her shadows appeared to surround the three dolls, and lifted their chairs up for a moment to tip them off it. They threw them off the stage so that the dolls woukd stand.

"The cards, the cards, the cards will tell
The past, the present and the future as well
The cards, the cards, just take three
Take a little trip into your future with me..."

She flipped another one over, and it showed a ship sailing across the sea ti a maiden.

This one was for Kyle. The doll that was a player, the ladies man. She knew what was coming next.

"Now you, young man are from across the sea
You come from two long lines of royalty.."

She chuckled ever so slightly, and got her staff so that she would float above him in a wondering way.

"I'm a royal myself on my mother's side
Your lifestyle's high but your funds are low
You need to marry a little honey who's daddy got dough..."

She looked him directly in the eye while hanging upside down in a cross-legged way. Her staff was floating there so it woukdn't be a bother.

It looked like Kyle needed love in his life, he didn't deserve it.

"Mom and dad cut you off, huh, playboy?
Now y'all better get hitched but hitching ties you down.."

She tutted, and shook her head. As she looked at the card, she used her magic to see into it. Her eyes glowed white as she did.

"You just want to be free, hop from place to place
But freedom takes green.."

She laughed, and booped his nose. Their lips were almost touching, but she pulled away. Kissing was a no-no to her.

"It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need
And when I look into your future it's the green that I see.."

She suddenly lifted him out of her chair with magic, and pulled him close to her.

He screamed as pian filled his body, he felt like something was bsing pulled. She dropped him, and he layed still.

His soul along with Kyle's, now belonged to her.

"On you little man, I don't want wanna waste much time.."

She waved dismissively at Kian, showing how little she cared.

"You've been pushed 'round all your life
You've been pushed 'round by your mother
And your sister and your brother
And if you was married you'd be pushed 'round by your wife.."

Clarice knew that Kian was a broken soul, but he never suffered like she and so many others have. He had the typical depression that a teenager woukd have when falling out with a friend.

He wasn't to be spared.

"But in your future the you I see
Is exactly the man you always wanted to be"

She smiled gentky at him, and put a hand out.

"Shake my hand, come on boys
Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"

He put his hand out, and she suddenly grabbed both of them.

"Yes, are you ready?
(Are you ready?)
Are you ready?..."

The lights and ground started to cut on and off, and something began to tear reality.

Her eyes glowed green to show her magic was its fullest.

It was a portal.

"Transformation central
Transformation central
Transformation central
Transformation central..."

She smiled again, but her eyes shined with evilness. She looked at her shadows.

"Get 'em, boys and girls..."

They shrieked and floated past her.

They surrounded Kian and the unconscious bodies. They encircled them.

"Transformafication central, can you feel it?
You're changing, you're changing, you're changing alright.."

She smirked as his eyes reflected apin, and the bodies were picked up. She started singing agan.

"I hope you're satisfied, but if you ain't don't blame me
You can blame my friends on the other side.."

A shadow approached her, and handed her a littke bright ball. It was a soul.

Another portl opened, and the shadow dragged a screaming Kian across and thr unconscious bodies of the other two with them.

Clarice looked at his eyes as they went out of sight.


The portal forced him to, and she turned to the audience. She saw a mixture of awe and fear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for seeing my show.." she addressed them, and things suddenly returned to normal. "I'll see you next time.."

She smiled at the crowd oncr again, but her eyes landed on Ivy. they held a message.

She nodded. "I need to go.."

The others knew what it was about.

When she got to a certain dressing room, she knocked on three times.

"Come in."

She did.

Ivy shut the door around her. "Long time no see, Clarice-"

"Cut the crap, poison!" She hissed. "Why the hell are you here?!"

She stood chest to chest with her, but backed down when Ivy's eyes shined brighter.

"I need you to do me a favour." Her grin was present. Like hope could fix the problem. "You do have powers, don't you-"

Clarice held up a hand to silence her. She knew that demand that the other would make. Something she would never be able to do.

Not even her magic could do something like this.

"I can't cure your boyfriend's memories.." She started. "I can't help, Ivy."

"I know." She replied. "Fuck, I had though. Can't deny that. I am a little disappointed."

She shrugged her shoulders, no anger was provided. Nothing was felt as her eyes dimmed a little more.

"So?" Her tone became more hostile. "What do you want?"

Distortion could be picked up as Clarice spoke. The colour of her eyes changed to become coal black. Different than the kind violet moment before.


"Ivy." It was his body now. "Why the fuck are you here? I told you never to talk to us again. We had a deal."

"And now its broke." She deadpanned. "Listen, I need a favour. You can do that, right?"

"...What kind of favour?"

That caught his interest. The usually stoic and not needing help doll was now here of all places. It was an amusing see.

"Keep an eye on a few dolls. That's all. Report if you do. Tell Clarice that. Your are her other personality."

What? Why?

Clarice and him could communicate through their mind. She never blacked out, but was trapped to watch just what he would do.

That's my question.

Their arms folded and the doll looked away. Ivy was too much of a powerful doll to piss off. This decision would take a bit.

"Why should we even decide to help you?"

Samael?! Watch your mouth! You KNOW who she is.

Ivy had a smirk on her face and the bitch didn't say anything. Darkness just emanated off her. The pair had a kind of staring contest.

"Because I can assure your work is still open." He could feel a proposal coming. "I have the power to either break you or help you. Have me as your worst enemy, and you know the consequences."

A shiver ran down the doll's spine. The way she said that proved her point of what she was messaging.

She's right. She can break us. Just do it, Sam.

Their hands clenched and went to their sides. They couldn't believe that they'd let the bitch get away with the crime.

He took a breath and let the himself calm down. The personality couldn't let their anger rule their judgment. He had to have control.

"...Fine." He eyed the woman up and down. Smirking was her thing. "...We'll help. But we are not friends. As soon as this is done, you leave us the hell alone forever. Clarice maybe more tolerable with you, but I hate ya, Ivy."

Truth be told, the woman cared less of the words. The only thing she liked was how easily they surrendered.

"...That's all I wanted to hear." That tone was innocent. "Meet me here tomorrow at dawn. I have another task that needs done."

She began to walk away and reached door when she froze. She seemed to be contemplating when she turned with with serious face.

"...If you see a green bunny doll along with these?" A picture landed in their hand. "You tell me immediately. Not even Louis can know."

"Why?" They examined the thing. "I thought you two are together?"

"Partly." She replied, frowning this time. "But only a half likes me. I don't like that. I guess it's the price to pay for loving someone with a secret personality."

Clarice gained control over the body as Samael decided to disappear back into their mind. He did that every time business was finished.


"Don't." She hissed, eyes flashed with a foreign emotion. "I learned a long time ago not to love. I don't deserve it."

Lessons were learned frequently in the past. Times before the present flashed. Bad times, broken times.

"I've learned my place in this." Ivy muttered, walking out the door. "Have you, Clarice?"

The other never said a thing as the doll left. Thought occupied her mind. They came and went, a voice then interrupted them.

Ignore her, we have better things to.

Samael was a comfort in her horrible life. A thing to live for when she didn't want to. Suicide was tempting, but he always made her better.

Clarice certainly felt the word shift. They reminded themselves nothing would happen.

You have magic at your side. Granted, the stage effects help a lot, but it's mostly. Glitz and glamor just make it more memorable.

Her eyes stared at the door where Ivy had once been. It now stood abandoned like all of the dolls who worked for her.

A boss is still a boss.

Now to others, the show might have been fake. Haters were always around to beat her down. But the audience had more dolls who lived her tricks.

Smirking, Clarice turned to figure out what her next show would be about. Maybe there would be a little more soul stealing.

"A little puff here." Smoke dragged a packet. "A little portal there."

Magic always had a price, the true saying was completely not false. She never cared though, the unknown interested her.

Clarice couldn't wait to see where this new deal went.

(Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😊)

(Pipp belongs to @quertuno)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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