At school, Bella was roaming around looking down the hallways seeing all the posters up for Homecoming. Sighing a little bit as she stopped, everyone was chatting about it; the jocks were dressed up along with the cheerleaders. There was a big game tonight against the Destiny Island NeoShadows.
Twilight Town was known as the Thorns. Not a very good mascot right?
You couldn't be more right. Bella grumbled in the back of her mind. Bella shakes her head and stops again at one of the glass trophy cases and saw Zack's football jersey in there, along with a picture of him. Bella pauses in her thoughts to let it sink in, tears wanted to escape Bella's eyes, but they couldn't the tears just couldn't leave her ducts. It was really bothering Bella. Bella shakes her head and quickly leaves.
Ki watches her from the distance worried. Ki quickly rushes her way as she stops by her locker and touches her shoulder. Bella touches Ki's hand lightly knowing why he was there. Bella let's out a sigh grabbing her books and she looks at Ki and he puts his finger to his mouth. Bella blinks and nods.
"Did you hear about Seifer?"
"Yeah, yesterday he got arrested and now he's in jail because he attempted murder, but he doesn't know who it was."
"It's like - he forgot who he was shooting."
"Maybe it was blind rage, seeing red and then you forget..." More voices talked about what happened
Ki looks at Bella. "They're talking about the shooting, remember we don't know what happened." Ki reminded her making her nod. "Are you going to the dance?"
"I might, I don't know." Bella shrugs. "Normally I'd be all excited, but with Zack gone I don't feel like I'm that excited to go..." Bella quietly tells him. "Zack made it possible to have fun and now that he's not here..."
"Don't worry, you have plenty of friends to have fun with." Ki stated to her. "Maybe it'll help take your mind off of it. It's been... what...?"
"Almost four months." answers Bella looking at him. "Don't tell me it'll get better, because I swear to god Ki, I will maul you."
Ki laughs loudly, it makes her smile. They heard the bell chime loudly and they begin to head to class. Hoping today will be a good day.
Ven took a drink of his aged whiskey with his best friend next to him, drinking the same thing. Ven let's out a huge sigh.
"Bella texted me an hour ago." Ven broke the silence between the two, "she wanted to know if I'd join her at the dance tonight."
"You gonna go?" asks the red head, staring at Ven who shrugs.
Ven looks at him. "Would it be worth it? I did compel them to say I went to another country and wasn't coming back."
"With your twin out there, along with mine, I'm sure they've seen them and assumed it's been us." Lea reminds him and Ven nods. "I know, it's hard."
"What do you think I should do?" questions Ven to his loyal friend wondering.
"I think you should go in case something happens, Ki can't protect her if multiple threats are getting to her." Lea suggests to him.
Ven nods taking another drink. "Might as well make the most of this, since I put Bella through hell..."
"But it wasn't your fault." Lea tells him touching his shoulder. "You had to do what you had to do to make sure she had a decent life without having bothersome people after her."
"I guess so..." Ven says taking another sip, looking outside seeing the sun shine. "What about Kiki?"
"We'll take her when she comes, you know how vindictive she gets." Ven reminds him and Lea nods rolling his eyes. "Here's to hoping we don't get to deal with her."
After school, Bella and Ki were walking home together, but before they left campus, Bella's friends called her and she turns around seeing Meera, Kalia, Yuki, Adela, Alex, she was a new girl that showed up today, and Raven running up to them. Bella looks at them with a small smile as Ki stops watching them.
"You going to the mall and picking out a dress?" Meera asks timidly towards her. Bella began thinking about it, and shrugs.
"I guess I can, if you all really want me to go too the dance." Bella says to her. Everyone nods and Bella looks at Ki. "I'll be fine, the mall isn't that far from the house and I can call if I need help." Bella told him quietly, making Ki nod.
"Alrighty kids, you have fun!" Ki grins and walks off.
"Let's go." Kalia grins and the girls giggle while nodding and head off to the mall to get dresses.
"Sir, we have confirmation that she's going to the dance tonight." A voice said to Roxas, who looks at him.
"You're sure of this, we don't wanna make the move if she's not." Roxas asks them glaring at them harshly.
The man nods, trying not to stare, he was only human and Roxas could compel him. Roxas smirks and walks past him.
"This is perfect for my plan." Roxas said, looking at him. "I'll get her to turn so it'll enhance her abilities."
"...If I may ask what abilities...?" The man asks, almost afraid.
Roxas looks at him with a giant smirk painted on his face. "Omnipotence, the ability of all abilities." He smirks more. "And I want it all to control the entire vampire race." He begins laughs a little bit.
Later that night, Ven, Lea, Ki and Bella all went to the game, watching the football game just go on. Bella stops and watches everyone just play the game. Bella felt really uncomfortable being here, she started shifting around uncomfortably. Ven turns around and sees her looking very uncomfortable, Ven walks up to her and touches her shoulder making her jump a little bit. Ven smiles her way reassuringly; Bella takes a deep breath lightly smiling back at him finally calming down. He grabs her hand gently and leads her to the stands.
Lea was watching the game hearing the crowd cheering for their teams. Bella feels something odd, when they stop walking to watch the game, Bella looks back and sees a familiar blond woman staring back at her. Bella quietly gasps backing into Ven who looks at her and then looks up seeing the person gone.
"Bella, what's wrong?" Ven asked worriedly over the noise. Bella looks at him taking a deep breath.
"I saw her," Bella tells him honestly. Ven looks at her gently. "I saw Kiki."
Lea and Ki overheard this and look at her. "Don't worry, Bells." Lea grins at her holding up a thumb. "We got her covered, she won't be hurting you."
'I certainly hope so...' Bella thought quietly as they watch the game.
She saw a familiar brunett take off his helmet and walk to another brunett standing on the sidelines, and Bella barely smiles, seeing them hug and kiss. Bella leans against Ven lightly making him smile whilst he put his arm around her.
Bella went back to the school to change into her dress, it was a light pink strapless dress, she put on her black belt around her waist and then pink high heels, she walks out of the stall and brushes her short hair and quickly curls it with the curling iron she brought.
When she was done, she turns off the curling iron and looks at herself in the mirror. The sky-blue eyes stared back at her with such intensity, her black hair was dark as night, she touches her curls and smiles lightly.
'Are you proud of me, Zack?' Bella asks quietly in her head grabbing her bag and headed to the gym. Bella stops and sees stars surrounding the top of the gym and a giant crescent moon in the middle of it. It was navy blue all around and it glowed like the night sky.
Ven turns hearing the women's bathroom door opened, he wore a black tuxedo with a light pink tie, he saw the familiar face of Bella. Ven smiles seeing how beautiful she is. Ven walks up to her; as she looks ahead of her, she sees Ven in front of her. Bella blushes a little bit as he holds out his hand to lead her the dance floor. Hearing the song that was playing in the background, they began dancing too it.
"You look beautiful, Bella." Ven told her honestly making her smile.
"Thank you..." Bella shyly responds looking away while blushing. Ven chuckles touching her chin to make her look back at him and he continues smiling. Bella keeps her blush and tries to keep looking away.
Ven keeps her chin looking at him, knowing how cute she was being. Then he hears something going on in the hallway, Ven frowns and lets go of Bella and she looks at him.
"Come with me," Ven told her quietly, and Bella quickly nods following him. Holding his hand gently they go out to the hallway seeing a girl just standing there, shaking a little bit while someone drank from their neck. Ven growls and quickly rushes over to them and they jump away from the classmate, and Bella gasps recognizing the person.
"Adela!" Bella calls out worriedly running to her catching her friend before she hit the floor. Adela groans in pain and Bella looks up at Ven who is glaring down her attacker. Ki and Lea quickly run out seeing them. Ki rushes to Bella's side, biting his wrist and feeding his blood to Adela to heal her wound. When Bella saw her wound healing, she looks at Ki as he picks her up and nods, rushing away. Lea stands next to Bella protecting her as well, Ven looks at the man.
"Why are you here at a dance?" Ven asks him and the man looks at him not answering him and looks at Bella next and went to rush at her, but Ven stops him quickly holding him by the neck. Bella bit her lip in anticipation. Lea kept her close by wrapping his hand against her arm lightly. Bella felt safer, but she also felt scared, the pounding in her chest wouldn't recede back to normal. She was really sure they could hear it.
"I'm here for... the girl..." The man responded finally, making Bella crouch behind Lea in fear. Ven growls, but he hears chuckling in the back of Lea and Bella. Lea gasps when he feels himself flying into the lockers, and dents a few of them and he was finally away from Bella. "Under his... orders..."
"Roxas..." Ven growls letting the man go and rushing to Bella quickly holding her against his chest. Bella gripped his tuxedo tightly, looking around.
"Yes, brother, I'm here." Roxas said walking up to him, hands in his jean pocks, he was wearing a black wife beater with a white over-shirt that was unbuttoned. He looked exactly like Ven, but the only difference were the eyes, Ven's eyes were the beautiful Cerulean blue and Roxas had golden colored eyes. Bella pursed her lips while Roxas looks at his brother with a raised brow and the biggest smirk on his face. "And I want the girl."
"Well, you're not gonna get her." Ven said holding Bella closer to him. Bella looks at Ven seeing the veins under his eyes from anger, and his fangs poking out, Bella didn't fear him. Why should she? The one person she was afraid of was the man standing in front of her. "Not while I live and breathe." She heard Ven continue.
She heard Roxas chuckle while he closes his eyes. "See, you think I'm taking her to mark her as mine, that's far from the truth and you know it." Roxas told him. "You see, Kiki is already mine. Didn't she make that clear when she left after she turned and came running to me."
"Then why is she so obsessed with me?" questioned the blue eyed man, glaring at his brother. "Ever since she came back, she's been wanting to get back with me."
"You know how she gets." answered the golden eyed man. "She does get us confused."
Bella looks to the side seeing Lea stand up and shake his head and quickly rushes to Ven and stands beside both of them. Roxas looks at them menacing and rushes at Ven as he pushed Bella away from him and they both hit the ground and Bella was caught by Lea. Bella gasps worriedly.
"Ven..." Bella whispers worriedly. But then she feels Lea gone and she turns around seeing him fighting a familiar blond. Bella stands between them very defenseless wondering what she should do. Bella puts her hands up to her chest and her eyes were showing so much worry.
"Anyone know where Bella went?" Pence asks anyone, they all shrug. "Adela has been missing for a little while as well, wondering if that's where she went was to find her."
"Probably." Alex shrugs, and looks at Hayner who is dancing like a special kind of person on the dance floor making her sigh.
"Should we look for her?" Meera asks Kalia who shrugs.
"I think we should wait, maybe they're talking about something." suggests Kalia whilst everyone nods quickly and a pop song appears on the speakers and they all walk out to dance.
Lea slides against the ground towards Bella, Bella leans down touching Lea's shoulder. But without her knowing, Lea felt better with the touch. Did he just feel stronger? Kiki grins walking towards them slowly and then Ven slides against Bella's leg, Bella looks at Ven who was struggling to get up. Bella then touches him and he then feels stronger as well. Ven blinks a little bit and looks at Bella whom looks very worried about both of them.
"What do we do...?" Lea asks Ven. "We're clearly powerless against them..."
Ven scoffs and they both stand up without a problem and Bella stands up looking at both of them wondering what they were planning.
"I guess we do what we can, can't let them have Bella, can we?" questions Ven looking at Lea who chuckles. "Got it memorized?"
"Don't you start." Lea said rushing off and breaks Kiki's neck without her knowing what he was doing.
Roxas was shocked and Ven quickly breaks his neck as well as they both dropped to the ground. Ven and Lea grin at each other making Bella blink at what just happened. Ki appears and starts to pout.
"What...!" Ki pouts loudly. "Couldn't keep the fun long enough for me?"
"Oh hush, Ki." Lea laughs and picks up Kiki and Roxas and rushes out quickly, Ven looks at Bella as she rushes towards him and hugs him tightly. Ven smiles and hugs her back tightly.
"Don't worry, Bella, they will never touch you." Ven assures her and Bella nods against his tuxedo. Ven touches her head lightly. "Why don't we go back to the dance and finish off the night with a happily ever after?"
"Even though people will keep coming and we have to keep Bells safe." Ki stated towards him making Ven laugh loudly and they all walk to the gym and they heard a slow song come on and Ven turns to Bella as they stop walking.
"Ven... what are you-" She was stopped when he held his hand out and bowed her way making her blush wildly again.
"Ms. Isabella, would you like to dance?"
A pause after Ven's question and Bella smiles lightly and takes his hand answering him. "Of course, Mr. Ventus, I would love to dance with you."
♫ If you ever leave, baby you would take everything good in my life. And tell me now; How do I live without you? I want to know. How do I breathe, without you? If you ever go. How do I ever, ever survive? How do I, how do I, oh, how do I live without you? ♫
Bella and Ven were slow dancing with smiles painted across their faces. Happy to be in each others' arms.
"Told you," Kalia said holding her date close to her, watching Ven and Bella. "They'd be fine."
Everyone nods and start smiling their way, glad to see Bella smiling after the tragic death of her brother. Ven took away the pain for a little while. That's enough for her friends.
"Leader, it looks like we failed in capturing the girl again." The man stated towards Roxas who growls loudly.
"You think, she gave them the power to be temporarily stronger!" Roxas yells tossing a bottle of whiskey against the wall scaring the poor man. "I need a better plan, if they knocked me and Kiki out that means they're getting stronger even without her help."
"What do you plan on doing now?"
Roxas smirks. "Oh, you'll see." He then looks at Bella who is walking home with Ven, Lea and Ki laughing about the dance and other things. "And it will require you to distract her little escorts."
The man looked confused, knowing that it will be near impossible. But if Roxas was behind the wheel of scheming then he had nothing to worry about.
A/N: Oh goodness, I wrote a lot. Lol! Enjoy this long chapter of Memories, I'm sorry if you don't like it but I'm trying to update when I can on my stuff. I can only do so much, especially since I have to get started packing and get ready to move, I hope to have another chapter on this story in a few days probably.
Maybe I'll get the other chapter done for a few others as well, but we'll see. Love my readers and thank you so much for reading and voting. It means a lot. <3
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