Chapter 43: Bloody Pranks

Chapter 43: Bloody Pranks

The nations stood there, still trying to allow the scene we'd just witnessed to process. "Well, that sucked." Jason said nonchalantly.

"Hey, asshole!" Canada glared at his brother's 2P. "Think you could maybe be a little more sensitive?!"

"Ooh, I think I felt a nice, gentle breeze just now."

"I'll show you a gentle breeze." He glared back, but America stepped between the two.

"Guys, break it up." Markus helped America, as each one held back their respective other.

"People say we're bad." I muttered to Luciano, who nodded absently.

When the next scene faded in, I immediately recognized the Loop. Feliciano was trailing behind Matthew and Gilbert, and he looked distinctly uncomfortable.

"Hey, Ita, what do you think? Did America really come here with Germany?" Gilbert asked without looking back.

Feliciano took a moment to react. Oh! He must be talking to me! His thoughts echoed, sounding oddly... younger somehow. "O-oh, um... I think so." What kind of name is America and Germany? Or Prussia and Canada?! These poor saps... their parents must've been hippies or something.

"The fuck does that mean?!" Markus glared. "You got a problem with my name?"

"It wasn't an insult." I corrected. "I had complete amnesia." I chuckled. "This is Loop 212. I'd lost all my memories and thought you all were absolutely batshit crazy, believing yourselves to all be immortal nations. I really thought that perhaps we'd all escaped from a mental institute or something and that this place had snapped me back to sanity."

"That's terrifying." Romano gulped.

"Could you imagine if he'd escaped without his memories?" Luciano raised an eyebrow.

"Please don't." I shivered. "It's somewhat amusing because it was relatively harmless, but if I'd really gotten out in such a state, I'm not sure what anyone could've done to fix my memories. As it was, I only knew what I did because I read everything I'd written down in my Journal."

The scene faded out again, before fading back in. Feliciano was walking with Kiku and Yao, this time.

These people don't seem to fear death. It makes me feel so weak and cowardly in comparison. The blonde with glasses, America—seriously, why are they named after nations?! It makes no sense! What were their parents thinking?!—is freakishly strong, and the blonde with thick eyebrows seems confident in his magic. Since when is magic even real?! But this journal claims that I, too, can use it.

Luciano laughed at Feliciano's thoughts. "Your thoughts can really be amusing, you know."

"I suppose they are." I chuckled.

"Italy?" Yao suddenly asked.

"Yes, China?" He replied, sounding a little too formal. How am I supposed to avoid suspicion with these 9 people, when I don't even remember them?!

"You do have a point. That'd be very hard." China nodded his head.

Apparently, I have a twin brother named Romano. Italy Romano. If Italy is our last name, then why does everyone call me by it? Perhaps they're closer to Romano than they are me? Isn't it some sort of Asian custom or something to call acquaintances and strangers by their last names? Maybe they're all from Asia? And I'm not actually that close to them? Should I call them by their last names? Wait! I don't know their last names! ACK! Feliciano started mentally freaking out, as Luciano just lost his shit and started cracking up.

"Fratello!" Flavio admonished. "That's not nice!"

"You kidding me?! This is hilarious!" He laughed harder, tears streaming from his eyes.

"You're an ass." I rolled my eyes, though even I had to admit it was amusing. At least, now that I knew it was all over with.

The scene changed, and everyone was gathered in the Second Floor Bedroom, in front of the closet that led to the Safe Room. Lovino and Antonio were there, too, and Feliciano kept sneaking glances at his twin when he thought nobody was looking.

"What's wrong, Veneziano?" Lovino could easily tell that something was wrong with his brother, but he hadn't been able to get him away to ask him about it.

He calls me 'Veneziano.' So I have three names now? Joy.

"Ve~ Nothing, Romano!" Feliciano replied cheerfully, and Lovino shot him a look that clearly said he didn't believe him. Feliciano looked rather nervous. Crap! Did I say something wrong? Am I supposed to call him Italy?! SHIT!

Romano choked on his spit. "If you'd called me Italy, I really would've slapped you!"

"For one of us to call the other Italy is just about the biggest insult we could give each other." Flavio explained to the confused nations. "It's either 'Romano', 'Veneziano', our human names, or some nickname thereof."

"Oh! I see. It would be like saying 'you're not my brother anymore', right?" America grinned.

"Exactly." Luciano shot Romano a subtle glare so fast, that I wasn't even sure if he caught it.

The group went into the closet, finding the staircase within. What?! A staircase in a closet?! What kind of logic is this?! Feliciano's thoughts made several nations chuckle, this time.

Then the lights went on, and the Safe Room was revealed.

"Aiyaa! You built this?!" Yao turned to Ludwig in awe.

I smiled. "You kept your promise." I pointed around the room. "A large table for everyone to eat... beds for everyone to sleep in... a big kitchen for everyone to cook." I smiled. "Danke."

Germany just stared. "I still have no idea how I would've done this..."

"Nein." Ludwig answered. "It was already here when I got here."

Feliciano stared around, confused. He winced, his hand traveling up to his head in pain.

"Itary-kun?" Kiku asked in concern.

"Oi! Veneziano, what's wrong?!" Lovino suddenly turned to his brother, drawing the attention of the others. He winced, too, grasping his head in pain. "Damn! Veneziano's got one hell of a migraine!" He hissed through clenched teeth.

"Let me see!" Yao instructed. "Japan! Tend to Romano!"

"Italy! Look at me!" Yao gently tilted Feliciano's head to get a better look, but his eyes were far away. The memory started to crack and fracture, the shards tinged with shadows.

"Eek!" France cried out in surprise. "What's going on?!"

"Relax. He had a terrible migraine. The memory itself is fractured because his mind wasn't able to process everything at the time." Yang explained.

The voices of the other nations were muffled as they shared concerned looks. Ludwig picked up Feliciano and carried him to a bed, while Lovino was on his knees in pain.

"Fuck!" He gasped out. "It's getting worse!" He looked up at the other nations, even as Kiku tried to help him to a bed. "I don't think he's even aware of what's going on, right now."

"Here." Yao handed Lovino some pills and a glass of water, which he downed without question. After a few tense moments, the fractures started to heal, and the memory cleared.

"We appear to be looking at Romano's memory, here." Oliver smiled.

Holy Rome. Feliciano's thoughts echoed, though they sounded far away. Lovino's head whipped up, as he focused on his brother. Who's that? Isn't that the name of an old nation? Grandpa Rome. Why would I have a grandfather named Rome? Lovino's eyes widen.

"Oh, no... Fuck." He shook his head in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me..."

"What is it?" Gilbert asked, concerned.

"Veneziano... he... He doesn't remember." He whispered in shock.

"Doesn't remember what?" Francis turned to look at the others, confused.

"Anything. He must have complete amnesia... No wonder he keeps looking at me strangely." Lovino took a deep, steadying breath. "He must be remembering." He winced again as the pounding returned, though the pain was dulled by the drugs.

"You may want to cover your ears." I warned the others. They did as told just a moment before the ghostly image of the Box of Tomatoes flashed. Asher's ears went flat against his skull in an attempt to block out the sound, but Romano just covered his bonded's ears instead.

"I'm half blinked out. It's okay." He sent Asher a small smile.

Suddenly, Feliciano screamed in agony, thrashing on the bed wildly. Kiku and Yao were the first to react, pinning down his arms as he tried clawing at his face, and Ivan and Alfred held down his legs as he kicked Kiku hard in the side.

The entire room winced as Feliciano screamed again, thrashing wildly. Flashes of the memories we'd already seen flew around us like an old movie reel. Emma, her death, our second childhood, Lulu, Grandpa Rome, Holy Rome, death, war, pain, joy, Germany, Japan, Hitler, Atomic Bombs, peace, rumors, and several different loops of the Mansion that we've already seen. Everything was crisp, like an HD-blu-ray movie. Every single detail of the memory was noted, down to the last grain of sand on the beach.

Then, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and Feliciano went limp in his bed. Kiku quickly checked his pulse, and sighed with relief when he found it. "He's unconscious."

"Ow." Lovino groaned from his place on the ground. "Well, his headache's gone..."

"What... just happened?" Gilbert was paler than normal.

"He remembered... everything. His entire life... all at once." Lovino explained, causing the nations of the past and present to wince.

"Ouch." America stated.

"It's a bitch." Luciano nodded.

"You had that happen, too?" Flavio blinked.

"Yeah. I mean, it only takes somewhere around 200 loops before a Ryuuzu completely reject all their old memories. And then our Nation status kicked in, albeit belatedly, and gave us the capacity for an eidetic memory."

"Wait, you mean you have a photographic memory?!" Markus whistled.

"Ehh... sort of." I jumped in. "It's not just images that we can recall... It's sounds and smells, too." I explained. "So photographic can be misleading. But essentially, yes."

"In this place... I'm sorry, that can't have been easy." Prussia winced.

"It was more useful than either of us can really explain." Luciano crossed his arms. "Yeah, it's a bitch sometimes, but the positives far outweigh the negatives."

The next scene came in suddenly, and Feli was sitting in the Third Floor Library, reading a book.

Hm.... That's interesting. Feli jumped, as did the room. The voice was low, and smooth. He spoke with an odd mixture of an Italian accent, and a southern drawl. He looked around himself, trying to find the source of the voice. Oh, you won't see me anywhere. I'm in here.

"I-in where?! Who are you?"

I'm in your head.

"Wh-what?!" Feli practically screeched, before looking around himself in paranoia. He dropped down to a whisper. "What do you mean in my head?!"

I mean I'm a part of you or something. I don't have a name.

"Oh..." Feli paused a moment. "Why are you in my head?"

"You hear a fucking voice in your goddamned head, and that's your fucking question?" Romano facepalmed.

"Really, Felice..." Asher sighed.

Hell if I know. Maybe I'm... here to help you? I've been floating here, looking through your memories since Loop 189.

"You were looking through my memories without permission?!" Feli accused, his eyes narrowing.

Sorry! But I just wanted to get to know you. I didn't know it was wrong.

"Uh, huh." I gave Yang a flat look, which he vehemently ignored.

The scene flashed again, showing several scenes of Feli and Yang getting to know one another.

"The fuck happened?" Romano looked between the two of us. "You got along, and Yang wasn't a dick."

Yang turned his head and whistled. "You're a terrible liar." I told him.

"I was good enough to fool you." He smirked, and I shot him a sharp glare, resisting the urge to slap him. Luciano whacked him upside the head instead.

"OW!" Yang cried out.

"Fucking ass." Luciano glared.

"Not anymore." Yang defended.

"But you were back then, and I never got to take my anger out on you." Luciano smirked, making Yang shrink back in fear.

"P-please not the curl! Just hit my face, but..." He gulped. "Nothing permanent? Please?!"

"I'm so lost." Flavio muttered to Romano, who nodded.

Feliciano was heading up to the Fifth Floor. He was covered in blood, and the others were dead again. "I... remember the clock being up here this time..." He panted with the effort of climbing the stairs with his injuries. Upon entering a plain, white, square room, he paused. There was a bloody streak on the wall.

"I used that wall a couple of loops ago... but why is the blood still here?" Feli stared. "Could... could time have no meaning in this room?" He tilted his head, before limping over to a blank wall in the room, and deliberately placing a bloody handprint on the wall. "We'll see."

"That's not morbid." Louis took a drag off his cigarette.

He sighed as he once more stood before the clock. "That's Loop 221, over."

I froze, as he moved to turn back time again, and Luciano immediately came to my side. Even as we once more appeared in the Meeting Place, I panicked mentally. I saw the chair, and I could feel the ropes. The glares. The hatred. The k—

"ITALY!" England yelled, startling me out of my flashback with a yelp. I realized that the memory had fuzzed again, like it had before the Nightmare.

"England..." I stared helplessly at the other nation as the memory took the chance to continue. "Can... can we please have a break? I can't handle this right now." I begged, panting from my panic attack.

"S-sure." He nodded, surprised and more than a little scared. The others shared looks. In all this time of watching my memories, I'd never begged for a break, not even before the Nightmare, or the First Loop.

A moment later, we were back in the Break Room, and my shaky knees gave out. Yang and Luciano were both prepared for it, and caught me before I hit the ground.

"Hey, now. Steady." Yang's voice was low and gentle, something I'd rarely heard. "It's okay. It's gone."

"No... it's not..." I shook my head.

"Perhaps you should lie down." Japan suggested, seeing how pale I was.

"What's going on?" Romano looked between Luciano, Yang, and Flavio. Though, admittedly, Flavio looked just as lost as Romano.

"It's Forbidden Loop #1." Luciano supplied.

"The worst Loop I'd gone through." I spoke up. "L-Loop... 222..."

"The worst one?!" The nations shared half-terrified glances.

"I... I can't... not today. Maybe next millennia." I shuddered.

"We'll watch it tomorrow." Luciano stated. "Yang, didn't you want to cook dinner?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah! But... will you be okay?" He gave me a concerned look.

"Fuck off, bitch." I told Yang, a small smirk on my face. "Go make me food." I stuck out my tongue, grateful for the familiarity of our arguments.

"I'm not your servant, you assturd!" He blew me a raspberry, making me chuckle. The room relaxed significantly, and Romano shot Yang a grateful look.

"Fetch." I grinned. Yang rolled his eyes, but wandered off to the kitchen anyways.

"Oh, boy... poor Yang." I thought to Luciano. "Do you think he'll survive?"

"No. He's gonna die." Luciano answered without missing a beat. "Unless the others are too caught up in their grief and self-loathing to remember to hate him." He tacked on.

"Hopefully just not permanently. Hate to say it, but the little brat's grown on me." I remarked as Luciano helped me sit on the couch. Asher came up to me and rested his chin on my legs, helping to ground me. I absently scratched behind his ears, and he gave a contented sigh.

"Me, too, honestly. He's matured a lot since he first showed up." Luciano continued.

"No joke. He used to be so... selfish, and he didn't care who he hurt in his boredom." I looked around at the room. Everyone was going about their own business, waiting for dinner.

I smirked, and Luciano followed me as we snuck away. Asher trailed behind us, and I silently told him to stay quiet about what he was going to see. South Korea caught sight of us, but I gave him a shush motion, and he mimed zipping his mouth. He then proceeded to distract Oliver before he had the opportunity to notice us.

Once upstairs, we went to our bedroom, cackling quietly as we planned our prank. We swapped clothing, and sat down on the bed across from one another.

"Glamours?" I suggested.

"Oliver will sense it. I'm sure he's already suspicious of all the ones we're using to hide our scars. It's only a matter of time."

He pulled out his Journal and muttered a few words in the Ryuuzu Tongue, manipulating time so we wouldn't be missed. "So, if not Glamours, then we'll have to swap." I sighed.

"Yup." Luciano agreed. It was something that a 1P and 2P could do, though most didn't realize it. We'd discovered it by complete accident during our Looping. If we concentrated hard enough, we could share physical characteristics, like hair and eye color. Or even swap them entirely, as we were doing now. It was uncomfortable and felt something like pulling a long strand of hair out from behind your eyeball, but all over your body.

"Fine." I took a deep breath, and we clasped hands, my hair and eye color bleeding over to Luciano, while his bled over to me. A few minutes later, I looked exactly like Luciano, and he looked exactly like me. I hummed, my voice lower than I was used to.

Asher looked between the two of us, wide-eyed. "You can do that?!"

"Si." Luciano answered, his voice sounding exactly like mine. "We figured it out in the Mansion, Ve~" He grinned, putting on his act flawlessly.

"And swapping clothing mixes our scents up, so it makes it harder for someone to notice." I added, a scowl on my face, just like Luciano would wear.

We shared identical smirks. "This will be fun." We spoke in sync.

Luciano let down the time barrier, and we both went back downstairs.

"Just in time, you two. Dinner's ready." Yang said. Because of his mental connection to me, he knew we'd swapped, but he loved a good prank just as much as we did, so we knew he wasn't going to rat us out. And Asher, despite how serious he tended to be, also loved a good prank, so he kept quiet.

Dinner was a lively affair, and Luciano and I acted flawlessly. "Luci, Darling, could you pass the potatoes?" Oliver asked, looking at me. I glared at him.

"Get your own damn potatoes. And who the fuck said you could call me Luci?!" My eye twitched in irritation, as I reached for one of my knives.

"Ve~ Don't be so mean!" Luciano gave me a reprimanding look as he happily passed the dish to Oliver. "And please don't stab anyone, Luci~"

"Thank you, Feli~ You're a doll." Oliver smiled. Yang mentally laughed.

"Fuck knows we don't need any blood outside the memories, too." I huffed. "Whatever."

"Oi, fratellino... about earlier." Romano started, looking at Luciano.

"Ve..." Luciano looked down at his lap. "Please don't, fratello. Not now. You'll find out why tomorrow..." He winced. Romano gave him a comforting look.

"I see. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"Oi. Are we done with the sappy shit?" I asked, irritated. "Because if we're done eating, then maybe we should, oh, I don't know, maybe leave the damn kitchen?" I got up, dumping my plate carelessly in the sink on my way to the living room, Flavio following behind me.

"You could at least wash your..." Luciano sighed, disappointed. "Well... I suppose I'll do the dishes, then."

"Oh, here, Ita! You've been through enough today. Let me get it!" Prussia grinned.

"Ve? Grazie, Prussia~!" He beamed.

Flavio opened his mouth to say something to me once we'd left the kitchen, and I sent him a wink with a smirk. He gave me a confused look for a moment, before a sudden realization lit up his eyes, and he mentally laughed through the Link.

"You two?!"

"Yup. It's me, Feli."

"Oh, this is great! You've got them all fooled!"

"We know. We're very good at this game." I smirked, twirling one of 'my' knives idly, with the same control and ease as my 2P.

"You're a little too good at this..." Flavio gave me a nervous smile.

The rest of the evening passed in a similar manner, and nobody realized (aside from Flavio and Romano, but we told them) that the two of us had switched places. Even Jason bickered with Luciano as if it was me.

"Ve..." Luciano said, just before everyone went to bed. "H-hey, guys?" He asked, as if unsure.

"Hm? What's up, Ita?" Prussia turned to him.

"Um... there's something you guys should know." He said, and I came to stand next to him, my arms were crossed as I stood in a relaxed posture. I idly tossed up a knife in the air, spinning it and catching it with ease. I didn't even need to look at it.

"Something we both should tell you." I gave the 2Ps a meaningful look. "So shut the fuck up and listen."

"Tch." Jason and Markus didn't look too happy, but they listened. And if I was being entirely honest, I rather liked the power Luciano had over the 2Ps. Mind, it was mostly due to hard-earned respect, but still. I smirked.

"Well? What is it?" England looked mildly irritated, likely because his 2P had been hanging around him like a puppy all evening.

"Well, we haven't exactly been... honest with you tonight." Luciano said, looking apologetically nervous. He 'struggled' to keep eye-contact, as if ashamed of lying.

"Ha." I laughed harshly. "Like we're ever entirely honest?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and Jason?" I sent him a smirk.

"Fuck, what'd I do now?" He sent me an irritated look, though there was a bit of trepidation there.

"You lost." Luciano smirked.

"Huh?" Jason looked to the others to see if they had any clue what we were talking about.

"Earlier, you said there was no way Feliciano could act as me." I said.

"Yeah, and he can't!" He spat, sending Luciano a glare.

"Oh, but I can." I smirked as Luciano and I let our features bleed back to their natural colors. The nations stood there, staring at the two of us in shock.

"Wha?! Bu?! You—and he—!" Prussia rapidly looked back and forth between the two of us.

"I'm Feliciano." I said, laughing madly. "I've been acting as Luciano all night long, and none of you noticed." I continued to idly toss my knife.

"And I'm Luciano." He cackled alongside me. Yang laughed in the background leaning on Flavio and Romano, who were also giving into their inner mirth. Even Asher was laughing.

Jason had a sour look on his face once the information registered, and Markus burst out laughing loudly. He slapped his brother on the back. "Man, they got you good!" He leaned on his 1P, and while Canada was trying his best to stay neutral in this mess and not laugh, he couldn't help the quiet chuckles that snuck out.

"Hn." Kuro sent me a look that could be taken as approval. "Not bad. I'll keep an eye on you."

"Grazie~" I chirped.

"Grah! That's just not right! Luciano should not be so cheery!!" Klaus shuddered.

"This is rather entertaining." Louis noted quietly as he lit another smoke.

"Those will be the death of you." France warned, but Louis responded by exhaling a smoke ring around his 1P's face. France coughed, waving the smoke away with a glare. France kicked Louis' wheelchair in irritation, making the 2P let out an uncharacteristic chuckle. "I care." France stated quietly.

"I know." Louis responded just as quietly. "It's appreciated, frérot."

I smiled lightly at the French word for little brother. Louis may have been a lazy, unmotivated jerk, but he really did care about his family. Markus, Jason, Oliver, and Francis were all part of that family. Extended family was the 1Ps (aside from Francis, obviously).

France once told me that Louis was just down on his luck. Louis was a doctor... a surgeon. He had someone very dear to him get badly hurt, and he lost them on his table in the OR. He'd never forgiven himself, and hung up his doctor's jacket after that. He refused to set foot in a hospital, and only treated other nations. Even then, it was rare. Though his nation was still known throughout the 2P world as the medical capital of the world.

Apparently it was sometime thereafter that he'd had an incident with some of the monsters in their world, and was confined to a wheelchair after that, but France never explained further. I never asked him to, either. Sometimes, despite curiosities, you just shouldn't ask. Such things were personal, after all, and it wasn't my place to know, unless Louis volunteered that information to me.

It's his story to tell, after all. And just because it happened a long time ago, didn't mean he was recovered emotionally or mentally. He would recover on his own time, at his own pace, and that was okay. I didn't need to know how he gained his disability, to know that he was still my friend. Curiosity be damned. He wasn't damaged; he was just gifted in an unusual manner—to see the world from a different angle.

I smiled. Louis was a kind and gentle person, despite his prickly exterior.

"Well, Luci?" I looked over at my 2P, who was still wearing my clothes. "Think it's about time for bed?"

"Hmm... probably. Ve! Yang's lamb chops were delicious~" He grinned.

"You really like fucking with them, don't you?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing at the shuddering 2Ps.

"Of course I do." He smirked, and they relaxed.

I idly started tossing up my knife again and catching it. One flip. Two flips. Three flips. Four flips. Five fli—

"Italien?! What are you doing?!" Germany suddenly cried out, when he processed that it was me throwing the knife.

I nearly missed my catch, and I had to catch it by the blade instead. Luckily, I didn't cut myself, but I still sent him a glare. "Didn't anyone teach you not to interrupt someone who's playing with sharp objects?"

"Didn't anyone ever teach you not to play with sharp objects?!" Hungary admonished.

"No." I deadpanned.

Germany had the sense to look down. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to hurt yourself."

"I understand that, Germany. But maybe you should've called that out once the knife was already in my hand?" I sighed. "At any rate, I know my way around knives. Luciano's made sure of that. Plus, we masqueraded as one another for 300 loops. I think we've got it down by now." I chuckled.

"Three hundred?" Flavio whistled. "That's quite a while."

"About four or five years." Luciano shrugged as I stretched.

"Wait... that means... YOU'VE LOOPED OVER FIVE HUNDRED TIMES?!" America shrieked.

"Ow... Tone it down, would'ya? Si." Luciano rubbed his ears.

"I think it's about time for bed." I looked over at my brothers. "Come on guys, let's get some sleep."

"Or as much as we can manage." Luciano muttered as we headed up, Flavio, Romano, and Yang trailing along.

"Wait... how's this gonna work?" Flavio asked once we got to the room. He was looking at Yang.

"Oh, don't mind me. I'll just retire like normal." He yawned, and vanished.

"Wh-where did he?!" Romano looked around.

"He's in my head, fratello. Or did you forget he's a split?" I shook my head as we all climbed into bed.

Not a fucking split. Yang pouted in my mind.

I tried my best not to think of what tomorrow would bring. That it would bring That Loop with it. That I'd relive it...

I really hope they don't actually kill Yang. I mentally sighed as I snuggled close to Luciano, who wrapped a protective arm around me. The sound of his heartbeat lulled me into the realm of Morpheus.

A/N: Hello everybody! So here's the promised prank. I hope you've enjoyed it, because the next chapter will be That Loop.

The next chapter may not come out for a few more days. I'm still writing it, so please be warned.

Songs that I've recently discovered fits HetaOni. I feel that Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set it Off fits THAT LOOP for Italy, and Duality could suit Yang to an extent. Throne by Bring me The Horizon fits HetaOni Italy very well. ^^ Specifically That Loop.

And don't worry. Yang will not actually die. (Not that I'm planning anyways).

This chapter is dedicated to my friend Fridsssss. You rock~! Also, a shout out to my awesome friends Risa and Grace. This chapter wouldn't have been done nearly so quickly if they hadn't kept me motivated.

For anyone in Southern California, please send me a message on Telegram with your username, and I'll add you to our group. ^^

If you don't live in Southern California,

Words: 4,031/4,714

Pages: 9/10

Posted: 01/29/2019

Edited: 03/15/2019

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