Prince Charming
The deafening volume of the music thrummed against my eardrums, my heart thumps erratically in my chest as I squeeze through the crowd. I see a familiar blonde pony-tail as I push through the mass of people before reaching Quinn. I grab her hand and pull her closer so she can hear me.
"Have you seen Scar?"
"WHAT?!" she shouts back.
Quinn points to the west exit that leads towards the cafeteria.
"THANKS!" I shout before I wade through the groups of people dancing, if you could even call it that. Just a lot of grinding, making out, and jumping up and down.
Soon enough I reached the door, I took a deep breath before heaving all of my weight against the heavy wood door. I stumbled into the hallway gasping for breath.
Standing up straight I look around for Scarlett, I open my mouth to call out her name before I hear a sniffle to my right. I head in the direction of the sound before reaching a dead end hallway. And there under the stark white fluorescents, hugging her knees, and crying was Scarlett.
"Scar?" I ask softly. She doesn't answer. "Scarlett what's wrong?"
"Well it's obviously not nothing considering you're sitting alone and crying on the biggest night of senior year. So what happened?"
"I-it's Nathaniel, remember when he went to g-go get a drink and I followed h-him a bit after? Well w-when I got there-" A bout of hiccups interrupted her.
I slid down next her and began to rub her back, "What happened?"
"I saw him making out with Becky McFarlan!" She chokes out before dissolving into a fit of sobs.
I look at her aghast, "I'm gonna kill him. How DARE he cheat on my best friend! I'm gonna poison his punch!" She lets out a broken laugh. "Also why the fuck did he choose Becky McFarlan?! She has the personality of a wet noodle!"
This makes her let out a louder laugh.
"I know right?! All she's got going for her is...I just realized she's got nothing!"
I throw my head back and cackle, "Holy shit you're right! Maybe it's because her dad's a cop and he's always been a boot-licking bitch!"
Scarlett is laughing so hard that now there's a snot bubble on her face. I unzip my fanny-pack (don't judge me it's convenient) and hand her a mini-pack of Kleenex.
"Here you've got snot on your face."
"Thanks, god I'm a mess. This has been such a shitty night. Except for this." She smiles at me.
"Yeah, the DJ is only playing club music and it's just turned into soft-core porn in there."
"Pfft- YIKES."
"You want to head back to my place to binge Twilight and eat cookie dough?"
"That sounds great, we have to grab our jackets from the table though. Ugh I don't really want to go in there," She lets out an exasperated sigh "Is my makeup fine?"
"Dude you look fucking gorgeous. Now let's blow this popsicle stand." I get up and hold out my hand towards her.
"I love you Cece, you always make me feel better."
Scarlett takes my hand and I pull her up. Her powder blue gown sways around her as she brushes herself off.
"You look like Cinderella," I breathe and she quirks her eyebrow at me "In a good way! I looks good on you."
She puts a finger to her chin, "Well if I'm Cinderella, I guess that makes you my Prince Charming."
I give her a cheeky smile before offering her my arm, "Well our carriage awaits M'lady."
"Lead the way princey."
We make our way back to the gym, struggling with the door before we begin to weave through the crowd. We eventually make it back to our table and there's Nathaniel with his smarmy little grin.
"There you are babe, I was wondering where you'd went."
I wanted to punch him right then and there but Scarlett began to speak before I could make a move.
"We're leaving," she stated curtly.
Nathan smirked, "Me and you?"
"No me and Cece. You and I are done."
His smile was gone in an instant, "What?"
"I saw you with Becky McFarlan. So I'm leaving, I'm leaving here and I'm leaving you."
He sat in stunned silence, "You can't do that. You cannot break up with me."
"I think I just did."
Nathaniel opened his mouth to argue before there was the loud screech of microphone feedback.
Our principle was up on a temporary stage holding a small envelope.
"Hello students, I hope you all are having a good time-" There was a loud cheer of affirmation "I'll take that as a yes. Now it's that time of the night, we've reached the moment where we will crown prom royalty!"
More cheering, I wasn't really paying attention as I was still glaring daggers at Nathaniel's stupid face. He was still trying to convince Scar to stay.
"Nathan! I don't want to fucking hear it! If you really cared you wouldn't have cheated on me!"
"It was a mistake!"
"The only mistake here was our relationship. Now get out of my face."
There was a thunderous roar that interrupted them again. A tall lanky boy from the baseball team jogged up the steps of the stairs and accepted the prom king crown.
"Scarlett I'm begging you please stay."
"Now for our second royal of the night, drum roll please," the principal pulled out a slip of paper "Please welcome your prom queen-"
" I'm not staying with you now would you please just fuck-"
"-Scarlett Diligence!"
Scar shook her head in confusion. I whipped my head to stare at her and she looked up at me in alarm.
"Scar! Holy Shit, you won! Go! Go!"
She lets out a little squeak of excitement and gives me a quick hug before gliding up to the stage. As soon as the crown was placed on her head gold confetti exploded from the ceiling. The cheers and stomps were loud enough to wake the dead, and I just sat there glowing with admiration.
The principal spoke again, "Now it's time for your dance together-"
Scarlett interrupted, "Um actually, no offense Tony, but I have a different partner I want to dance with."
The Tony guy shrugged his shoulders before hopping offstage. Then Scarlett looks me right in my eyes and asks, "Cecilia Mayfield, will you have this dance with me?"
I look around and point to myself dumbly.
She giggles, "Yes you."
I call up to her, "Anything for you M'lady!"
She smiles and gets off the stage, signaling me to meet her in the middle of the gym. And when I get there I feel my heart explode. Scarlett was beautiful before, but she looks absolutely radiant now. A wide smile on her face, laughter in her eyes, and gold confetti stuck in her hair and dress. I give her a deep bow, she returns it with a curtsy. I took her right hand in my left before placing my right on the small of her back. As we begin to dance I realize something...
I'm in love with her.
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